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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Sep 1932, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN STAT~MAN, BOWMANVIILE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1932 PAGE SEVEN * When yen are weak and ALL OUR MILK COMES FROM T. RJtTESTED HERDSý We alws sd BUTTER, No. 1 Grade Give us a tria order. Phone M4 or 703 Bowmanville Dairy W. H. BETTLES, Proprietor. Awful Asthma Attacks. Is there a member of your family who is in the power of this distressing troub- le? No service you can render hlm will equal the bringing to bis attent- ion Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Rem- edy. This remarkable remedy rests ils reputation upon wbat it bas done for others. It bas a truly wonderful record, covering years and years of successin almost every part af this continent, and even beyond the seas. /IVE Our. i_ Are you in the same line rightfully say that thei coming winte;n are over ? had better buy your Blu( wybe higher to-morroy BUY NOW BEFORE]1 Egg ........... Stove .......... Chestnut ....... Pea ........... Buckwheat ..... Rice..... . Coke..... . $1.00 off above Shepp ard & Cil PHONE 15 Lffi~I 'Front Street Triumph in Final Gamne Win B.B.M.A. Cup Second Timne Closing gaine of the season Scbool chose ta bat last and Front Street taok tbe plate in the persan featured by magnificent of Jack Cole wbo wallopped two bits rall byStudntsin fnalout in the f irst two times at bat. rall byStudntsin fnalThe game may best be desciibed innings. . Front Street'a play by play: lst imnings. Front Street. Cole bit early Iead carrnes them a single. Bates walked. Hoaper bit to vitorya f ielder's chalce witb Cale losing safely ocoy out at third base. Osborne bit inta anather fieldcr's choice witb Hoaper For the second year in succession getting aut at second and F. Jam- Phil Cancilia's Front Street sa! t- leson fallawed wtb a twa bagger ta bail tearn wins the B.B.M.A. Tropby bring Bates and Osborne. O. Jam- by virtue of winning two games o! lesan flled ta pitcher. tbe tbree game cup series wbicb Higb Scboal. H. Sleman flied ta ended an Friday nigbt. The final Culley in le! t f ield; Ted Bagmell, out game, won by a il ta, 8 score, was at !lrst, Williams walked; Calmer about as spectacular a game as one walked and Dunlop stmuck aut. could wisb ta sec. It was made the 2nd innings. Front Street. Hall more spectacular by a last ining's waiked, Culley fanned, James walk- rally of six muns by the Hlgb Schooi cd; Cale bit a two bagger ta brlng students when it iaoked for some Hall and James in; Bates flied ta time as thougb tbe game belonged iigbt field; Hooper bit a single ta ta, anyone. Getting away ta a bring Hooper in. O. Jamiesan was migbty good start o! six muns in thte fanmed by Williams who toak over f irst two frames it laoked like an the mound f rom Ace Richards in easy victory for Front Street. this innings. Higb Schoal scored but one mun Higb Schoi. Bil Bagneil, bit f ouI in the first five innings. with Gooz- fly ta le! t field; Adams walked; Mc- ey Osborne pitching like a deman Ilveen flied ta iigbt f ield, Richards and permitting only two bits in the got to first on an error wben Culiey f ive innings. We might mention that dropped the fly; H. Siemon bit a a crawd of close ta one thousand single and Bagneli was put out at i witnessed the game which is about first. Adams came home on Culley's the iargest attendance at a softball en-or. Score 6-1 for Front Street. game in Bowmanvilie un years. And 3rd innings. Front Street. Hall did they make a noise? Someone out at first; Culley walked; James living on Ontario Street tald us on flied ta le! t field. Cale flied ta 2T1d Saturday marning that tbey could base. hear the cheering away down there, Higb Scbool. Williams out at s0 you can imagine wbat it was like f irst. Calmer flied ta Bates. Dunlop at the game. Personally we walked flied ta Cole. inta, the office bal! an bour late 4tb innings. Front Street. Bates next morning. due no doubt ta the fanned. Hooper f lied ta H. Siemon. extra i-est necessitated by ail the Osbarne bit ta centre f ield fence excitement o! the previous evening. for a home i-un. Jamieson put out To get back ta the game. Higb at f irst. Higb Scbool. W. Bagneil f lied ta O. Jamieson. Adams put out at f irst. McIlveen fanned. 5tb innings. Front Street. O. Jamn- î ieson flied ta Adams. Hall made f i-st on Dunlop's cri-or; Culley aut BUY at fist. James bit a two bagger over the fence bringing Hall home. Cale got on wben Mcf:lvecn a f ly. Bates struck out. Y O U R High Scbaol. Richards foui flied 19,Bagel hi a wobagger and Williams walked and a ut steai- BLUE ing second. 6tb inings. Front Street. Hooper bit a single. Osborne bit single and Hooper got out at second on Jam- C O A L ieson's hiL..Jarniesan fiied ta Ted Bagnll nd allflid t H.Slernan. i Higb Schoal. Calmer reacbed first TO -D A Yon an errai- o! James. Dunlop foui flied ta Haoper. Bil Bagmell fanned. Adams bit a single and Mcllveen flied taO0. Jamiesan. Calmer came home on Adams single. Score 9-2 with those men Who can ifor Front Street. coalworres or te jFinal innings. Front Street. Cul- ir cal wrrie forthe iey got on on Ted Bagneil's errai-. Ifyou are flot then you James bit a single. Cale fllcd ta Mc- ilveen. Bates waiked and got out e Coal to-day, for prices stealing second. Hoaper f aul flied ta V. High Schooi. Richards bit single ta le! t field. H. Siemon flied ta, Cul- iey. E. Bagneil walkcd, Williams bit PRICES GO HIGHER a twa bagger, Calmer walked. James relieved Osborne at the pitchmng Per Ton maund but cauidn't find the plate ........ $1.75and waiked Dunlop, bringing Bag- S$1 5.75neli home. W. Bagneli fanned. With ..... $15.75 three on Adams bit the bail ta rlght ......... 15.75field where it bounded over. the S$15.75fence for a home mun, bringing Wil- ..... $13.50 liams, Clmer and Dunlop in besides ......$11 Lw himself. Boyd Slernon, punch bit- ..... $10-00 borne returned ta the maund, James ......$12.00 piaYing third. Richards ended the game when be got out at fi-st base. price for ash.Final score il ta 8 for Front Street. prîce for ash.We might mention that ail the gaod stuf f we said about James' pitcbing in the previaus gaine wc Il LU ber Ctake back for waiking men home. Score by innings: Front Str-eet 240 120 2-11. 0l Lo b r C .~ High col000168 TED BOWMANVILLE es ?b; Hall ss; Culley If; Bates cf: 0.Jamiesan i-f. High Scbool-Wiiiiams P; Adams _______________________ C; Richards lb; H. Sieman 2b; Dunlop 3b; E. Bagneil ss; W. Bag- nellIif; McIlveen cf; Calmer i-f. Umpires-Plate, Cameron; First Base, Large; Third Base. Battreli. ORONO RAMBLERS WILL MEET COLBORNE FOR 1 ouUNITED COUNTIES MRTL Big HardbaUl gaine at Newcastle on Saturday atternoon for champ- Inviteionsblp of Northumberland bornvatteateDonhaudy !t Dui-ba. Coiorne e! eal d alle-ý1 it Is bard t u-nldeérst'nd what hap- L . o G G's pencd. The weather was gaod wben the birds wci-e llberated and t was alsa goad bei-e yct anly three bu-ds M arrlved ln the time limit. Resuits: IFO. WI4EN AND ANO £MaftL. Richards, 8 hi-s, 39 min, 39 sec. ORCH WSHM N UNAND 1149 ~L. Richards, 8 hi-s, 36 min, 39 sec. Y LAIEALLI RRTATION L. Richards wlns cup for aid and L ONVIN Iyaung bird average cornbined. FRONT STREET TROUNCE STUDENTS Spr IN SECOND GAMESpr Comment Second Playdown f inds weary High School team unable to withstand Game Warden W. J. *çasey" Fron Stret nslaght Martyn will have to attend strictly FrontStree onslught to business ini the future. We do flot know wbetber bis duties cover tame Finishing tbe game at the short birds as weil as wiid or game birds, end of a 15 to 2 score Higb Scbool but we bear the rumor that some disappointed tbeir hundreds of sup- person wbose identity is hidden in porters in their second cup play- mystery bas been kiiling witb a gun dawn game with Front Street onl the warden's bommng pigeons. An Thursday nigbt. Front Street were important appointment like, that rlgbt up an tbe bit, as they say in cafls for 24 hours duty p)er day, but horse racmng circles, and the game perbaps the warden bas been sa was neyer really in doubt f roni start busy wlth municipal affairs tbat he to finish. Whetber Higb Scbaol bas bas neglected to take the necessary bad too mucb bail in too sbort a precautions wlth bis birds. periad is hard to tell, but they did e flot show up ta good effect in this game. Both the students' runs were Duck sbaating season apened on scared in the third innings when Thursday last and despite the warn- Front Street score stood at 5. These rng issued that shootmng is not per- i-uns came in after twa were out. mitted before dawn or a! ter dusk Bayd Siemon flied ta lst base. Ted several ardent nlmrads were down catcher. H. Sieman bit a single to at the marsbes sbootlng whlle it drive Bagneil ta second. Williams was stili dark an tbe first day of was waiked ta put tbree men on season Local gaine wardens are bases and Bill Bagnel bit a two going ta cbeck Up ofl bunters dis- bagger ta bring Ted and Sleman regarding this section of Migrat- borne. Adams flled ta lef t field. 017 Bird Act. Front Street on tbe otber band, started rigbt in f ram the f irst f rame Last Tbursday afternoon we took Siemon walkmng tbe f îrst man and a walk up ta thia Foundry diamond three i-uns coming in on onc bit, Os- ta watcb the kids play hardball. If borne bringmng in Cole and Hooper wbat we saw on this occasion bas abead of bim on a bome run. In the any portent at ail tben tbere are Bagnel bit a single. Dunlop flied to going to be some smart basebal third tbey added 2, ini tbe fourtb 2, players in tbe near future. To see in tbe fi! th 2, and 6 more in the Itbe diminutive catcher, mask, pads seventh and final frame ta, cincb and everythmng complete, walk up ta a big lead. the pitcher, raise his mask and dis- Goozey Osborne waiked tb.ree cuss tbe situation wben three men students in tbe beginning of tbe were on bases, was a sight that fourth innings and Johnny James wvould bave tickled anyone interest- took bis place on tbe mound. Even ed in sport. if be daes work in our office, we' ve * got ta say that usually, while James bad lots of speed behind bis deliv- Perbaps local bardball fans were ery be bas little contrai, but it wasla little disappainted when Orme different on Tbursday. He hud botb 'Gamsby's Orono Ramblers, compos- speed and control. With tbree men cd of Bowmanville players in the on bases and ane out the situation mn, were ousted f rom further ac- lookcd seriaus, but Hall pulled tbe tioninif the O. B. A. A. champion- sensational catch of tbe eveming at Belleville last week. Hawever dis- when he leapcd into the air ta nab appointcd the fans may be tbey a liner that laoked gaod for a borne cannot but have the greatest ad- mun. He threw the bail ta third and miratian for the whole outflt in caugbt Calmer wba was off the base making sucb fine beadway during and the innings was over. The Higb the season. First winning their awn Scboal scared no runs in the i-e- district, tbey next defeated Ballie- maining thi-ce innlngs. bora and then Peterboro, but lost Osborne bad thi-ce strike-outs ta in the third round. Manager Gams- bis credit, ail in the 2nd innings, by and every man an the Qi-ana wbile James struck out two. Boyd team are ta be beartily cammended Siemon, tbe 14 year aid twirler, who for the splendid showlng tbey bave pitcbed the entire game for Higb made this seasan and tbe excellent Schoal, tlred badly towards the endi brand of basebaîl tbey bave pro- of tbe garne and had anly one strike vided the fans. out ta bhis credit. Home mun kings S for the evcning were Cole and Os- borne, wbile Hoaper bit twa tbree Dsiite the f ast appraacb of bagers bu hi wery imb woldwinter no arrangements have yet baggecsrrbut bishwearlllimbr wased been made for the openlng of the nltog the1 hmtb erf l orbases Badminton Club, Mr. W. R. Strike, The score by innings was: Peentnt bsof the stom Inec Front Street 302 220 6-15. nl.Ihabe teusmi High Schaol 002 000 0-2. Years past ta bald a general meet- Frot Sree--Obone ining, ng fallowed by a dance ta mark James 4 innings, P; Hooper C; F. tbehe fa on. i o hecu o Jamieson lb; Cale 2b; James and the * *n Osborne 3b; Hall ss; Cuiley if; Bat- es cf; O. Jamieson rf. Members af the Front Street teans Higb School-B. Siemon P; Ad- may bave wondered wby it was that ams C; Calmer lb; Williams 2b; during the playdowns the Higb Dunlop 3b; E. Bagneli ss; W. Bag- Schaal recelved much stronger sup- neil f; Mcflveen cf; H. Slemon i-f. part fi-arn the fans than they dld. Umpiies-H. Carneran, plate; lst Tbe reason is very simple and not base, Large; 3rd Bottreil. one ta be..construed as pointing at w Acids iStomach Cause Indigestion Create Soorness, Gas and Pain. How to Treat. Medical authorities state that nearly ninc-tenths of the cases of stomach trouble, indigestion. sourness. burning. gas. bloating, nausea. etc., are due to an excess of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. The delicate stomach lining is jrritated, digestion is delayed and food sours. causing the disagreeable symp- toms which every stoînach sufterer knows Bo weUl Artificial digestants are flot needed in such cases and may do real harm. Try laying aside ail digestive aids and instead get from any druggist some Bisuratcd Magnesia and take a teaspoon- fui in water right after eating. This sweetens the stomach, preveots the f or- mation of excess acid and there is no sournese, gas or pain. Bisurated Magnesia (in powder form-never liquid or milk) ia harmless to the stomacb, inexpeniive to take and la fthc most efficient form ci inagnesia for stornach purpoees. It is used by thousands of people who enjoy their meals with noa more fear ofi- digestion. unpapularity. The High Scbool lads bave always bad tbe support of the, fans. It is the yauthfulness af tbe plaYers that cails foai this suppart and rnany playing an the Front Street tearn will readily. recail that tbey received that same support wben tbey played for their Alma Mater. Members af tihe Higb School tearn wha will later be distributed amang other tearns in the league should rernember this wben tbey bear tbe fans bowling their beads off for the students. "Scotty" Cameran is ta be con- gratulated on the manner in wbicb be bandied tbe second scbeduie and cup playof fs. Scotty is buman and therefore hiable ta mistakes but very few loopholes cauld be f ound ini the decisians be i-endered througbaut the seven games played. He was ably assisted by ather sport officiais in these games. Worms cause fretfulness and rab tbe nfant of sleep, tbe great nour- isher. Matber Graves' Worm Ex- terminator will clear the stomach and intestines and restare bealtb- f ulness. out of sorts, a cup of BOVRIL ,will streffgthen you and build yen up. el Try t once a day for a weelk Nothing like Red Rose when you crave a real good cup of tea "We can thank Long Distance for ffiat cheque» Old -ni Carrlngton was selling bis farm and there were two fine teams for quick sale. Bill Ssnar didn't need them but he thought of a mans hie knew in the cartage business in tolm Biff calIed bis imai by Long Dîstance telephone that night and arranged wo buy both team for hlm ne:rt day Loto eveningg wes on commisson. on Stit ion-to-Sta,- tion catis beglu A few days later he had a noecheque 7.00 pum. SaUin i the amai - and bis telephomnecl lotoar nlgb: rat«s a 8.30 P. cost hiiflofly 3o cents. -oMkICOLL- FRONTENAC 19 I ASTHMA EASAFrAND EFFICIENT RELIEF F tOMO5E F HSW H INAS OTS RMT AURILSTL 1 THE CANADL4N STATIMM, BOWMANVnJilLF4 TUMISDAY, SEPTSIMER 22, 1932 PAGE SEVEN

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