THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6th, 1932 EGGS GAVE HERi INDIGESTION foun.i a ~î\'t Vrin'igt',t ioni. il ', o wone lier 7.0-yar-old Iiiiii a pu,111-C of lhclthi« an c. o:a t ~'kan apt'r- .~~~..~~ ...-,1. V~t sTvrCd. i~~~~~~ 1e; .s.kti .nalI ~ O' VO~sa:'Noî 1 cati \1~.~'rt c:s aperfeet pîcture b-ýz h, andi happy. He never ioret. hs morning dose-neither do 1 . ow zlat I know the value of à:. My brother is 70 years of age. anc I amn 72 vears. WVe have reason :o bless these valuable satts. I re- commend them to ail my f riends.- CMrs., M. E. -M. The six salts in Kruschen stimu- late and tune Up the bodily funct- ions f rom a number of different angles. Your stomach, liver and kid.neys al! feel the 'mmedîste bene- fit. You forg-et indirgestion, head- aches and depression in a new feel- :n., cf physicat and mental exhîl- aration. Perzian BaLrn :s :ne one true fam:r aa fd or sk:r heaith and beau- tY. Aids :he mother in additional love.nesz. Prozects the tender skin of t.he chiid. Delgh:,s the father as a ha:r f'xa:,ir.e or cooling shaving lotion. No matter to what use it is Put. 4' ta always beneficial to the skin. EverY woman should use it. Persian Baini cools and caresses the skin and creates complexions of sur- passîng loveiness. Fr m~s PASTIES andi MILK PUDDINGS A S n UV od com a tell @U doéihu $ho ilI"uY Ut uit W. à u nifome, ich, I.provid Ravoi ta youi coolclng vou ,houId aluay ........................................... ..... W l L S ýO N s One pad kilis file@ A day and every day for 2 or 3 weeks. 3 pads in each packet. No spraying, no stiekiness, no bad odor. Ask your Druggist, Grocery or General Store. 10 CENTS PER PACKET WHIY PAY MORE? THE WILSON FY PAD CO.. Hamilton, O0t Skin Lovefiness Easy to HaLe. Fa mous Vegetable Pis Better than Creams Miss E. T. bas proved it. She says: "Carters LittleLiv er Pis will do more to keep the complexion clear than ail the face creams 1lhave used" PURELY VEGETABLE, a gentie, effective tonic to both iver and bowels, Dr. Carters Lttle Liver Pis are with- out equal for correcting Constipation, Acidity, Biiousness, Headaches and hn- digestion. 25c. & 75c. red pkgs., every- wbere. Ask for Cartur's by NAME. l1 WELFARE BOARD HELI> ]INAUGURAL MEETING COL. MeLAUGHLIN CHAIRMAN îContinued fromn page 1) Of tbis sumi the govertiment wouid pay two thirds and the relief con- miittee one third. O! the $640 re- illaining in the bank f romn last year about $50 liad to be paid out in ad- diition t0 one third of the above ,uni which would leave as a nue- leus for the $5000 fuind for 1932-33 approxiiiiiiteiy $400. Svrlways and nicans of rais- ijjgý mlolneN, erv dlscussed, includingý a bouse t o bouse canvass, a mile of eoppesc.Iilllampîigil. and possibly the stagiiiiz of a big dance to raise fîinds. it wa.s aiso suggested that stores, cerr1yinc etotiflCthat they ill iiilikely bc .able 10 selI be reciuested to tutui saie over to the Relief Board for distribution. The meeting thlen adjourried un- tii Saturday evening. The Board met again on Saturday eveniflg when after somne discussion Col. McLaugliifl agreed to accept the office of Chairman. Capt. C. W. E. Meath. f ormer Relief Officer of the City of Toronto, xas present to advise the Board and in the course of the evening manch vatuable in- formation was gteaned f rom this source. Reeve T. H. Lockhart rend the minutes of the previous mieet- ing and to give the Board a clear understaflding of their powers hie read the recent Order-in-Countcil. Several ways were suggested for raising the $5000 for relief work and among them were the suggest- ions that wage carriers be asked to contribute a percentage of their wages each month through the win- ter, factories wiil be asked to co- operate by providing as much work as possible. and citizens wili be ask- ed to contribute according to their means. The subject of fuel was discussed briefiy and lef t with Mr. Lockhart to continue negotiatiotis. Citizens who contribute to the Fund this year will receive an offic- iai receipt in the form of a con- tributor's card, 9" x 5", bearing the legend "We are contributors to the Bowmanvilie Public Weif are Fund." The subscriber's namne wiil appear on the card which wiil be signed by the Secretary and President. The object o! this card is to protect the contributor f rom repeated appeais for funds. They wiil have in their Possession this identification which can be shown any individual cailing at their home or office for relief. 'Having contributed they may tel the individual that the proper source t0 receive relief is by apply- in- to Reeve Lockhart. This sys- tcrn was adopted at the suggestion of CaPt. Meath who stated that it worked extremely well in Toronto and citizens were able 10 give more wth the assurance that they had donc their share and would not be required to do more that year. The meeting spent nearly three hours discussing the situation and they are confident that the matter is now weil in hand and that with the co-operation of citizens there -wili be no need for anyone in Bow- manvilie to starv.e this coming win- 1er. B. T. S. FAIR FRIDAY WAS BIG SUCCESS (Continued from page 1) pouitry and the pigeons and white rats in the pet stock department. Severai o! the farm students gave demonstrations o! harnessing and ploughing. O! interest also was the work being accomplished by the boys making Horticulture their am- bition. The floral and plant decor- ations in the Assembly Hall on which 50 many favorable comments were made was the work o! these boys, who were also' seen at work in the greenhouse potting plants o! various kinds. The highlight o! the a! lernoon was the display of physical Execss games, tumbling and pyramidboulild- ing, held in the gymnasium under the direction o! Mr. J Eanie Cun- ningham, Physicai Director. A large crowd witnessed Ibis presentation which was exceptionaily good. At the close Mr. A. R. Virgin, Superin- tendent o! the Schooi, called on Hon. W. G. Martin to address the gathering. Mn. Martin, who spoke for not more than three minutes, welcomed the visitons 10 the school. He wished. he stated. that he bad bad motion picture operators take pîctures o! the physical training work just finished. for~ he feît sure citizens all over the province would be interested 10 sec the type o! work being carnied fonward. This, he continued, was a splendid day in the histony o! the school. Everything one saw was representative o! the daily work o! the boys and he was satis!ied in himself that the work going on would have a splendid e!- fect ou these youug ives. It was the endeavour o! the school t0 prac- tise the Golden Rule. and he urged that the public support the schooi on Ibis basis. The schooi is not just a government adventure or cx- peimeut, lie added, It belongs toi the people and they should show an interest in the work being carried !orwa.rd wbich was incuicating into the lives o! these boys the secret o! a nation's greatness. Following Mn. Martins address a splendid dispiay of swimming and diving was put ou lu the Rotary1 IN THE REALM 0F SPORT__ WINTON BAGNELL B. H. S. RUGBY ELINOR SYKES TEAM LOSES IN SENIOR CHAMPIONS GAME IN OSHAWA Boyd Siemon and Sybil Mutton Win Local Gridiron Experts Entered in Junior Events at B. H. S. Senior Ranks in First Game Field Day of Season Athough competitiori was keen, there was a poor crowd t0 witness the annual High School Field Day on the campus of the school on Fni- day aftîcinoon and a bitter cold west wind which swept down over the fiîeld was the primary cause of the sniall turnout. in some of the events the entries were not large but nevertheiess the afternoon's sport proved enjoyable. Wintoî>, Bagneli was winner o! the Senior Champiotiship with 16 points, Boyd Siemon. the Junior Champ- ionship with 18 points, Elinor Sykes the Senior girls' titie îith 12 points, and Sybil Mutton the Junior girls' title wvith 612 points. Principal L. W. Dippeli had charge of the arrangements and ivas assist- cd by Mr. J Scott and Miss H. Bail. John M. James was officiai starter. The complete list of resuits fol1- lows: Boys' EventsL S-enioîr: Shot Pitt-W. Bagnel. E.2 Bagneli, G. Adams. Running Broad0 Jump-W. Bagneli, Ernest Hunt. E.t Bagueli. 100 Yards-H. Coimer. W.1 Bagneil, Frank McIlveen. 220 Yds. -W. Bagneil, E. Hunt, E. Bagneli. High Jump-W. Bagneli, G. Ad- ams, Harry Depew. Pole Vault-H.t Colmer. W. Bagneil. 440 Yards-E. Hunt, H. Hooper, R. Oke. Mile Race -E. Bagneil, H. Hooper, J. Roacli. Junior: Shot Put-B. Slemon, J. Virtue, T. Baker. Runnng Broad Jump-B. Siemon. J. Neai, T. Bak-j er. 100 Yards-B. Siemon, T. Bak- er, J. Neal. 220 Yards-B. Siemon, T. Baker, J. Neal. High Jump-B. Siemon, J. Neal, A. Hoar. Pole Vaut-B. Siemon, A. Hoar, J. Vir- tue. 440 Yards-T. Baker, B. Mur- ray, J. Neal. Haif Mile Race-D. Blunt, A. Hoar, C. Withenidge. j Girls' Events Senior: Running Broad Jump-E. Sykes, G. Gamey. G. King. Basket- bail Throw-E. Sykes, J. Wight, E. Mintis. 75 Yards-E. Sykes. H. Ma- son, H. McEwen. High Jump-E. Sykes, J. Wight, G. King. Catch, and Throw Basketball-R. Bate and F. Clarke. E. Taylor and I. Hately, A. Hendry and A. Wilkins. Junior: Running Broad Jump-S. Mutton, K. Laphen, D. Dudley. Basketbail Throw-D. Dudley. E. Wight, J. Coyne. 75 Yards-M. Jones, S. Mutton, V. Bradley. High Jump-V. Bradley, J. Coyne. D. Dudley. Catch and Throw Basket- hall-S. Mutton and D. Richards, D. Dudley and F. Courtice, J. Coyne and K. Laphen. Inter-Form Events Girls' Form Relay-3rd Form, Sr. Commercial. lat Form. Boys' Form Reiay-3rd Form, Sr Commercial. LOCAL RINK WON IN BOWLING TOURNAMENT WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 28th. Rink Skipped by Capt. C. W. E. Meath Won First Award in Final Tournamnent of Season-D. A. McCullough, J. A. Meath and M. W. Tamblyn on Rink Tihe final bowling tournament o! the 1932 season was carried to a successfui conclusion by the Bow- manville Bowling Club on Wednes- day, Septemnber 28th, when 56 bowl- crs f rom Cobourg, Port Hope, Osh- awa, Toronto, and Bowmanvilie competed. The tournament proved a most enjoyabie event and served to greatiy increase the popuiarity o! the local bowling greens. The first prize was won by a Bow- manville rînk skipped by Capt. C. W. E. Meath and xith M. W. Tam- blyn. J. A. Meath and D. A. McCul- lough completiug the rink. Second prîze was won by a Cobourgru skipped by J. Watson and th- hr prize by an Oshawa rink skipped by O. M. Alger. The prizes were f irst. Bed Sets: second, Motor Rugs; third, Sweaters. Iu addition to these pizes every mati entering the tounnament re- ceived as a gif t f rom the local club a basket o! Niagara grapes suppiied through James Infantine. O Gcd, animate us to cheenfi-ul- ness. May we have a joyfui seuse o! our blessings, learu 10 look on the bright cincumstances o! our lot, and maintain a perpetuai content- edness.-W. E. Channing. tank, briuging the fair program 10 a close. Among other members o! the Ad- visory Board present in addition to Mr. Martin and Mr. Scholfieid. were Mr. C. L. Burton, Magistrate Ed- muud Joues, Mrs. A. E. Gooderham, Miss Annie Holinrake, Mrs. Garnett Lockhart, Col. Frank Moss, Toronto, and Mr. Geo. W. McLaughlln, Osh- awa. 100% Perinsylvania MOTOR QIL Bowmanviile High School Rugby- ites were officîally initiated into senior company on Saturday when Oshawa Collegiate sent them home with their first loss of the season. 19 to 6. The Oshawa aggregation was much heavier than the B. H. S. lads, but asîde f rom that and heav- ier kicking they did not play any better than the local team. The game at Alexandria Park started with Oshawa kicking south. In the f irst interchange of kicks Oshawa gained the hall when Wil- liams fumbled on Bowmanville's 25 yard uine. Conant kicked to dead line for Oshawa's first point. Bow- manville kicked on their first down. the bail going in touch at the thir- ty-five yard line--Oshawa bail. Maundreil tried to go through right wing but fumbled, the bail hopping merrily toward Bowmanviile's line, being pic= up at the five yard une. Bowmnville kicked again to 27 yard line. Oshawa made yards and Conant kicked over the line for the second score of the game when Bagneli almost succeeded in run- ning it out but .iuggled the bail and ivas downed behind the uine. 2-0. Conant kicked over the uine near the end of the first quarter for Oshawa's third point. In the second quarter Bowman- ville 100k possession o! the bail when Oshawa fumbled on their 40 yard uine, but were forced to kick. Maundreli received the bail and made a 25 yard run. B. H. S. was driven back on the next few piays when Cornish broke through the line 10 make yards and immediateiy a! 1er completed a forward pass for ten yards. Kashul broke through to Bowmanville's one yard line be- fore he was downed and Cornish finished the march going through the line for the first touchdown o! the game. which wvas converted. 9-0. The rest o! the haif was a kicking battie with Conant getting more distance than Williams, but neither team scoring. In the second haîf Bowmanville kicked off, Conant receiving and re- turning the kick to Bagneli who wvas not given yards on bis catch. The scrimmage started on Oshawa's 45 yard Une with Bowmanviile in pos- session. Bill Bagneil broke away for a run around the right end and was almnost clear of tacklers when Guit- mati dove for bis ankies and Bill went down, twisting bis knee in the procedure. No gain on the next play and the kick went 10 Conaut who received it on bis own 45 yard uine. Oshawa was forced to kick, Williams catching the bail and making a sensationai 25 yard run. btut nothing came o! il. Then Osh- awa tried severai forward passes, none o! which were compieted. Bowmanviile presented Oshawa with a touchdown a moment later when Conant kicked f rom Bowmanviile's 45 yard line, the bail bouncing over the goal uine. Bowmanville halves were playing up too far and the bail sailed over their heads. Conant rau down on his own kick and feul on the bail for a touchdown which was not converted. 15-0. Oshawa was in scoring position once again near the end o! the quarter and tried for a f ield goal, but the bail was low and Wiseman stopped il at the 15 yard uine. Colmer funibied, giving Oshawa possession. Oshawa lost the bail on Bowmanvile's 5 yard uine. Williams kicked on the first down to Conant who rau the bail 10 the 7 yard uine, Kashul bucking 10 the 2 yard uine and carrying the bail over on the next play for an- other touchdown. Converted. 19-0. Williams cauglit the kickoff and ran to 25 yard uine where he passed 10, Bagnell who ran another 10 yards. Adams missed a forward pass thirown by Williams. On the next play Williams made a 20 yard run around the riglit end. The bail was now quite close 10 Oshawa's goal line and Bill Bagneil went over for the touchdown whlch Williams con- verted. There was no more scoring although Oshawa was in scoring position îvhen the final whistie blew ending the game with Oshawa 19 and Bowmanviile 6. Line up: Bowmanville: Halves, Ingram, Bill Bagneli, Williams; Quarter, Campbell: Flying W'ling, Colmer; Insides. Richards and Hunt; Mid- dies, Bradt and Wiseman; Outsldes, Mclveen and Adams: Snap, Hack- ney; Aitennates, Ted Bagneli, Siem- on, Colweli, Picirard. Jackman, Birks, Wright, Vanstone. Aluin. Oshawa: Halves, Graboskl, Maun- dreli, Conant; Quarter, Shelenkoif; Snap. Gifford; Flying Wing. Guilt- inan; Insides, Price, Cornish: Mid- dies, Allen, Kashul: Outsides. Sal- ter, Seneco; Alternates, Chappeli, Coad, James, Sargeant, Patterson, Perkins, Disney. strong. Piles Go Quickly Itching, bleed.lng or protruding piles go quickly and don't come back. if you reaiiy remove the cause. Bad blood circulation i the lower bowei and hemorrholdal veins causes piles by making the affected parts weak, flabby, aimost dead. Salves and sup- positories f ail because ouly an in- ternai medicine that stimulates the circulation and drives out the im- Pure blood cati actually correct the causes o! piles. Dr. J. S. Leonhardt discovered a real internai Pile rein- edy. Aller prescribing it for 1,000 patients with success in over 900 cases, he named In HEM-ROID. Jury & Loveli and druggists every- where seli HEM-ROID Tabiets wlth guarantee they wlll end your Pile misery or money back. t! i Tme Pliglut 0F Man and $35 Money is scarce these days and ever-y man wants to see bis bard earned salary go a long way. For the man who cannot afford to spend more than $35.00 on bis win- ter' outfit we are offering this week the following outfit. See our window for display. <>1 COMPLETE WINTER OUTFIT FOR $35-00 1 Made to measure our ready made Suit or Overcoat .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Higb Quality Imported Felt Hat ............ i Arrow Sanforized Shirt, With or without coilar attacbed.......................... 1 Better Grade Silk Tie ..................... 2 Pairs Winter Weigbt Socks ................ 1 Pair of Quality Garters ................... 2 Suits of Winter Weigbt Underwear.......... i Beit or Pair of Suspenders ................. 2 Higb Grade Linen Handkercbiefs.......... i Better Quality Silk Scarf .................. Total Value ............................... $ 36.50 THE WHOLE OUTFIT FOR $35.00 You may substitute .any other article in'this liat or you may select a cheaper outflt at a correspondingîy low price. For Badminton - Flannel Pants, Sweaters, Shirts, Socks. ,à CORNELL TAILORS SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE HERE ON SATURDAY. Now for Wlnter Diankets We do not need to tell about the quality of Kenwood Blar1kets. Tbey are admittedly the finest procurable. But we do want to tell you that they are cheaper this year. The regular blankets are now priced at $8.00 each; the two-tone at $8.50; andl the baby KenWoods at $1.95. Flannelette Blanket Special, 90" long........... $1.95 pr. Coudi, Jolinston & Cryderman LIMITED $22.50 3.75 1.95 1.00 1.00 .35 3.00 .75 .25 1.95 9k KNOWN THE WORLD OVER ... Wherever men know motor oil, the brand-mark "VEEDOL1" means quality with economy. It has withstood the test of time. ASK FOR- 'EED OL01C.,LmtdDsriuo Crown-Dornon OlC. intd itiuo S.Catharines Harnilton Toronito Rz@ý ORONO BASEBALL TEAM TO BE BANQUETTED Function WiUl Be Held at Bahnoralý Hotel - Sports Fans Invited to Attend Members of Orono basebaîl team, victors in the first and second rounds of the 0. B. A. A. series and champions of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham, are to be tendered a banquet in the Balmoral Hotel on Friday, October i4th, Manager Orme Gamsby an- nounces. Mr. Minns of the Bal- moral is in charge of the prepara- tions. Knowing that scores of the Club's supporters will want to join in this informal celebration Mr. Gamsby has decided to make the banquet an open event and all sup- porters are cordlally invited. The charge will be 75c and those intend- ing to join the boys at this dinner should notif y Mr. Minns at phone 322 as soon as possible so that he will be able to prepare for the oc- casion. Banquet at 7 p. m. Bladder Weakness Getting-Up-Nights Quickly Relieved! Freedont fronm Worry An Endowment Policy, payable at at-n when your earning powers have run their course, will assure you of freedom from financial worry during your declining years. This in itself must bring a measure of contentment and will con- tribute largely to your physical and mental well- being. A few dollars p)ut aside every year wbile you are able to earn money will provide you wvith a reserve fund for use in later life. Isn't this a comforting thought ? Furtber l)articulars will be furnished on request. The Mutual Life Assurance Coy. 0F CANADA Head Office: Waterloo, Ontario Ce He DUDLEY Bowmanville Representative KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE NORTHCUTT &SMITH Furniture Dealers - funeral Directors Ambulance Service Low Rates Phones 58, Residence 523 or 276 --q ['FLl'Y-ýiP A D S j/ PAGE EIGHT i Pleasant Home Treatment Works Fine; Used by Doctor For Many Years What a wonderful comfort it is to sieep ail night and not get up once fnom Bladder Weakness and Irrita- tion. The daily annoyance. restless nights of misery, backaches and nervous irritability that resuit f rom functional Bladder Troubles are wrecking the lives o! thousands who might otherwise be in the best of health. To be at youn best, you must have peaceful, health-giving sleep and freedom f rom daily irritation-that's why Dr. Southworth's URATABS give such wonderful satisfaction. Made from a speciai formula and used by the doctor for mauy years -URATABS, now obtainable f rom your druggist for inexpensive home use, have brought quick help and comfort to many thousands. No matten what your age may be or how many medicines you have used without success, if you want to forget you have a Bladder and en- joy the rest of peaceful, unbroken sleep, try URATABS today. Your druggist will refund the small cost if you are not weii pleased tf Milier's Worm Powders work s0 eff ectively that no traces of worms cati be fouud. The pests are macer- ated in t'he stomnach and pass away in the stools without being percept- ible. They make an entire and dlean sweep o! the intestines, and nothing in the shape o! a worm can find lodgemnent there when these powd- ers are in operation. Nothing could be more thorough or desirable than thein action. r s f t 1 Phone 104 King Street, Bowmanville