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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Oct 1932, p. 1

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~br With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol. 78 BOWMANVIELE, ONT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27th, 1932 No. 43 Far away EnglaniD r. His Honor ID.Herbert A. Bruce First Broadcast From Local Wîose appomîtment as île Station Picked Up in the Lieutenant-Gov e r n o r o0f South and Middle of Eng- Ontario was announced f rom Ottawa yesierday. land - Thought Legion Dr. Bruce is a Durham Band Gave Fine Perform- ICounty Boy, having been anée bomn ai Blackstock in Cari- ande wright Township. He las Mr. W. A. Shane, Chie! Engineer of C}CGW and Experimenial Sta- tion VE9GW ai Bowmanville, lias received the firsi communication from England of a reception of tle Canadian Legion Band program re- cenily. This communication camei f rom W. H. Harris o! 37 Worrell Si., Gloucester, EnglançI. Ih ouilines île program very f ully, even ment- ioning every time île station was announced, île items on île pro- gram, and île volume and fading. He was in receipi of île program between, 2 and 3 a. m. Greenwich Mean Time on Sunday. Octaber 9, while lit was yet Saturday inCn ada. He adds thai îhl rogram was excellent ibrouglout excepi towards île last when station WBAL com- menced overiapping. From île let- ter one would judge thai it lad been written as Mr. Harris sai ai lis radio for lis impressions every f ew minutes are put down in detail cov- ering in ail six pages. He recognized île familihr an- nouncemeni from Bowmanvilie's own popular announcer, Ken Foster, "You are listening to a special broadcast presented by île Canladian Legion Band, Bawmanville Branch. This is Experimental Station VE9- GW. Bowmanvilie, Ontario, Canada. This station is operated on 6095 kilo cycles or 49.22 metres." Af ter hearing tle rendition of "The 010w Worm" by Paul Linske, Mr. Harris inserts in lis report "Congrats! Bowmanville Bacl you can play."' Bill Tait cameni for mention in reporting île play- ing o! 'Coons Holiday" when Mr. Harris says "Big ds'um busy in Coons Holiday" then îhe stir- ring strains o! Col. Bogey is the next offering by Canadian Legion jBand. Splendid Good aid Cal. Bogey." And s0 le continues tîrouglaut île program coxnmeniing on île niumb -s and apparently lavin g en- joyedL"himself immenseiy. In handing over ihis letter to ~h Statesman, Mr. Shane stated ' t Mr. Harris is a regular corresponc.,- ent ta the station and wriies as many as nine pages ai a tube. His letters are bath timely and o! in- teresi and tley are particuiarly val- nable te île station in checking ni> uts reception in England. When lit * la found that other stations inter- fore VE9GW is then able ta make the necessary aiterations ta prevent ibis intei'fprence. Later Mr. Shane was in receipi o! * a furiher letier from Engiand, f rom O. French, London Road, Leigl-on- Sea. Essex, who also mentions t.he. program and other programs receiv- ed from ibis station. He also men- tions that VE9GW was mentioned in a speciai article in an English mag- azine. H. Fitzmaurice and Ken. Samuels. bath o! San Francisco, lave written ielling o! good recept- ion o! île f irsi band program bod casi !rom the local experimental station. Second Broaleaat The second Canadian Legion Band broadcast was carried oui f ram Sta- tion VE9GW an Sunday afternoon, ihis broadcast belng especially for radio fans in Quebec, Spain and Souh America. For those plcklng up île prograin n these places île announcetuents were made in Eng- lisl by Ken Foster, French by Mr. Bruce Inglam, and Spanlal by Mr. R. M. Cotton. Very few heard île prograun in tewn as île broadcasi was not made te include the iown. but ihose wha did hear li report gaod reception. Chie! Engineer W. A. Shane journeyed ta Straiford, Ontario, wlere tle program was ex- pected -te le heard. and f rom there le picked up île program and made lis observations as ta reception. As usuai île band was under île batan o! Bandn-aster R. J. Lowens. PUBLIC LIBRARY Interestlng books o! travel and biography as weli as ilase o! voca-r tionai interesi lave been recelved ai île Public Llbrary. Amongst these,r Sir Walter Scott by Buclan. Heri- tage a! Years by Walcoit, Straight and Crooked Thinking by Thouioss,c Adventure by Wells; île story o! îlet Goodyear and' Life o! FlorenceE Nghtingale. All e new magazinesc and representative newspapers ares in île reading room and those in- i terested are always weicame io cames and read.r BOWMANVILLE HOSPITAL The Annual Meeting o! île Bow- manville Hospital Board willi be beld in île Councl Room on Thursday elvei ng. Oct. 27th, wlen île an-c ujial reports will be given and the eectlon o! îhe Board takes place.t Citizens are requested ta attend tiil meeting as h .ls ileir duty to eleci île Board to govern hospital a!- k faims during île ensulng year. ~~9 7 hau a UistingisieItU areer. Now thai Durham las an old boy as Lieutenani-Gov- ernor there should be no trouble finding a suitable person ta officiate, ai île contemplated Durham Coumty Re-Union in con- nection with Bowmanviiie's 8Oih anniversary o! incor- poration next year. V &E DEPARTMENT WAS PRESENT AT MORNING SERVICE AT TRINITY Members o! Bowmanvilie Fire Brigade, in charge a! Fire Chie! George Lyle and Depuiy Chie! Luc- ius Hooper, aitended Trinity United Clurdli in a body on Sunday morn- ing wlen tAe pastar, Rev. E. F. Armstrong, gave a very practîcai discourse f rom île wards, "Behaid 10w great a matier a uitile f ire kindîcil," James 3:5. Afier refer- ring ta many of île great conflagra- tions ilat lad visited different cii- les of île world and île immense amauni of wealtl thai lad been destrayed f rom oarly ages dawn ta the present time, le poinied oui île destruction ta happiness, characier and life isel! that lad been destroy- ed by île tangue in scandai. gossip,j etc. Ho extolled the "Heroos o!filhe' Hase" by painting oui ileir unself- ishness and désire ta pomptiy ren- der aid te life and properiy, clos-. ing with a very f iiting illustration O! a Christian hero. Mrs. H. M. Fos- ter sang a solo ln addition to ile1 anthem'by île choir. Mr. Normanî Friedli sang a solo lat île Sunday schooi session, and Mr. Alan Knighi sang that ever weicome solo "My Task" ai île evening service wlen île pastor preached on "The Sin of Science witlout Humanity," based on île words "He workeih signs and, wonders in heaven and in eartli,"1 Dan. 6:27. Are You a Delinquent Subscriber ? Owing to ýacute economic con- ditions it la absolutely necessary thai we colleet ail outsta.nding subscription accounts. We .would theref are kindly request ail those owing for 1%e Statesman to remit at once in order that we may in turn liquidate our obligations. We have, in the past, been very light on delinquent subseribers, but the tume bas corne when we must colleet. Therefore, we would ask those wlo owe us te make a hearty and prompt response. Early next month aU unpaid ae- counts will ho listed for colletion, so take time by the forelock and make a settiement before that date. We do not desire that those who owe us shouid le put to ad- ditional and unnecessary expense and this ean le avoided by mak- mng a Prompt settlement. Your address on the Paper shows how you stand. For Instance, if ",Dec '30" is after your name that means you are paid up te end of 1930, and owing for 1931 and 1932 at $2.00 per year, or $2.50 if in the U. S. Thank you ! We'il be hearing froun mou. Central WelFare Committee to Handie Clotking Organized by Ladies oF Town TOWN IS FEEDING KNIGHTS 0F ROAD Chie! of Police Sidney yen- ton has been authorized to feed transients passlng ihro' the town and it will be no longer necessary for them ta apply ta private homes for "handouts." To many citizens ihis is most annoylng and transients slould now be dir- ected to tle Town Hall where food wlll be provided The Welfare Board has flot the power te forbid île glving o! food by citizens who feel that way lncllned but any person neot wishing to be contlnually bothered with callers ai their doors. ýwill be wise ta urge île men te go ta the Town Hall for their needs. JUNIOR MISSIONARY SOCIETY 0F ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Held Two Meetings Durlng Octobet' -Plan Rummage Sale Two Junior Mlsslonary Society meetings of St. Paul's Church were held durlng October. The f irsi meeting was held ai the home of the Misses Percy, Silver St., wlth Miss Margaret Allen presiding. aur presi- dent, Miss Stephens, being absent through illness. The devotional ex- ercises were ln charge of Miss Hut- chison. Mrs. Oea. Webster read the scripiure lesson and Miss Percy led in prayer. Mrs. Jury gave a synop- sis of the firsi two chapters of aur new study book "His Dominion of Canada" which was very splendid. Mrs. Oea. Hall sang ,An Emblem"l whjch was very muçh enjoyed. Dainty refreshmenis were served and a social hall hour enjoyed. The second meeting was held on Manday evening, ln the primary class room, Miss Allen presiding. l'.rs. Frank Williams read îhe scrlp- ture lesson and Miss Hutchison led in prayer. Afier the business, dis- cussion was held on the Rumnmage Sale ta be held in the schaol roamn, Nov. 5th. The ladies enjoyed a soc- il hall hour sewlng for the welfare cammlttee. Refreshments were ser- ved and île meeting clorged wlth the Mizpali benediction. Mrs. E. R. Bounsail is Presi- dent, and Mrs. J. H. H. Jury, Secretary of Body Representing Ail Organ- izations The women o! Bawmanvllle were organized into a Central Wellare Cammitiee on Monday night ta take care o! île clothing needs a! île unemployed and needy durlng île coming winter. The meeting was leld in île Cauncil Room and was apened by Mms. E. R. Baunsal, wla was appointed dhairman pro tem., and Mrs. B. M. Wamnica, secreiary pro tem. Reeve T. H. Locklart and Rev. John Bunner were preseni re- presentlng île Welfare Board. Af- ter mudli discussion it was decided that a Public Wellare Auxiilary, as suggested by île Board, would not be !ormed but thàt eadli durci or aiber wellare organization be asked te carry on their work as usual and that aCentral Cammlttee le farm- edt adie île work o! these var- ious organizations. This idea faund immediate favor and apparently praved mare satisfaciory ilan île original Idea. The meeting ilen appainted e- Presentatives a! île varlous cdurci- es and arganizations ta !orm tis commitee. The members a! île new Committee eiected'were: Wo- men's Institute, Mrs. E. R. Bounsall; St. Pauls Clurdli, Mrs. J. H. H. Jury; St. John's Clurdli, Mrs. W. E. Ger- rY; St. Josepl's Clurcli. Mrs. Leo Goulah; Legion Auxlliary, Mrs. F. Clarke; Home and School Club. Mrs. F. Jacknian; Trlniiy Churdli, Mrs. W. R. Strike; St. Andrew's Churdli, Mrs. D. F. Henry, Salvation Army. Capi. Dorothy Smih; and île Caun- munity Nurse, Mms. Gien Martyn. Following île organîzation meet- ing île Central Welfare Cammitee met and elected its officers for tle ensulng season. They are: Presi- dent. Mrs. E. R. Bounsali; Secretary, Mrs. J. H. H. Jury. Dr. Colin Young, Assoclate Secre- tary o! île Home Missions o! île United Churdli, and Mrs. Young, Rev. Arthur Barner, Superintendeni a! île United Clurdli Indian 'Mis- sions, and Mrs. Barner, were week-i end guesis a! Reeve and Mrs. T. H. Lockhari.i Some two centuries ago there liv-1 few moments and then, slowly and ed in the city of Dublin, Ireland, a very solemnly. uttered the following, f amous clergyman, Dean Swift. «'Brethren, if you consider the sec- urlty is good, out with your purses." During his perlod of office Ireland That was al l e said, and it prob- was afflicted by a grievous famine, ably ranks as the shoriest sermon and many people died of starvation. on record. It was also one of the As ai the present time, certain or- mosi effective for the su= collected ganizations labored ta raise funds tolias seldom been exceeded in any feed the hungry. and the dean de- place of worshlp. cided to preacli a special sermon in At the present trne in Bowman- their support. On thie Sunday ai>- ville and elsewhere there are many pointed, St. Patrlck's Cathedral was people who know not how or wliere filled with a tliousaonds, wich souldes their surplus funds. They numbering.many huadwi sol ponder the text -of Dean included many wealthy people. Swif t, and if they consider the sec- In due course the dean t00k his urity is good, be at home when the place in the pulpit, turned to the canvassers cal iday. andi "out witli book of Proverbs and announced his your purse." The interest on the text from the l7th verse of the l9th invesment-the of the hun- chapter, "He ibat giveili to the poor, gry and the clothing o! the shiver- lendeili to the Lord." He paused a ing-will be great and permanent. New Lieutenant-Governor oF Ontario Born at Blackstock, Durham County WOMEN'S INSTITUTE VISITED BRANCH OF NEWTONVILLE Visit Was Made at Home of Mrs. J. Chas. Hancock, Newcastle - Local Ladies Supply the Programt Wednesday a! ternoon, Oct. 19t1, was an excepiionally fine day for Bowmanvilie Women's Instituts to visit tle Newtanville Brandli and a joliy crawd assembled by invitation ai the home o! Mrs. J. Chas. Han- cock, Newcastle, where île visit was enjoyed by ail. Mrs. W. Milligan, president, was in tle clair and iook charge o! île apening exercises and business. Mrs. C. Burley. secreiary, read île minutes and presented a report o! île booth ai île sclool fair, show- ing balance o! $7.05 after al ex- penses lad boen met. Mrs. Haig was appoinied delegate to île con- vention in Toronto. A short discus- sion followed an sending nexi con- sigument for blankets. Nexi meet- ing will le hbld in basemeni o! New- tenville Presbyterian Church on Nov. 16t1. ' The president ei*tendid a very cordial welcome ta île visiting members who lad come dawn about foriy strong, and asked île Bow- manvifle President te take île clair. Mrs. Colmer expressed île pleasure o! ail on this happy occasion and a! ter a community song calied on Mrs. D. J. Chambers wlo sang a de- lightful solo, afier whidh Mrs. B. M. Warnica gave a humorous recitation "He worried about if." and conclud- ed with some seleciions un Friend- slip thai were mudli enjoyed. Mrs. A. W. Pickard sud Mrs. R. Thomi>- son sang in duet "Came Sing ta Me." Mrs. E. R. Bounsali gave a paper on "What île Institute can do for île Cammuniiy." A community sang followed. and Mrs. Ruby Daniels !avoured with a fine piano solo. Mrs. G. E. Pritchard sang "The Lit- tle Oid Churcl in île Valley" and responded ta an encore. A paper prepared by Mrs. A. L. Nicholis on "The Cultural Use o! Spare Mo- ments or Old Age Retarded" was read by Mrs. W. B. Pollard, District Secretary. This part o! île meet- ing was followed by a social hli- laur when refreshments were boun- tif uily served by tle Newtenville ladies and a very pleasant tube spent. The thanks a! the visiiors to those vlsited and ta île hostess for se kindly opening 1er lame were vaiced by Miss Haycra!i and sec- onded by Mrs. A. Wrenn, snd heart- ily endorsed by île visitors. ST. JOHN'S A. Y. P. A. ORGANIZED MONDAY Officers Are Elected and Installed and Plans for Season Dlscussedl The annusi meeting a! île Angli- can Young People's Association a! St. John's Clurcl was leld lu île Parisl Hall an Manday nighi wlîl île president, Mr. E. W. Musson. preslding. Presideni Musson pros- lded during île electiln a! off icers for île ensuing year whidli resuited as f ollows: Honorsry Presiden- Rev. C. R. Spencer, President- Mr. B. H. Motiock, Vice-President- Mrs. F. Dillng, Secetary- Miss Mary Jebsan, Treasurer- Mm. Eric Colweil. Committee Canveners: Pro- gram-Mr. E. W. Musson; Mission- amy-Mrs. C. R. Spencer, Social- Miss Margaret Colvillo, Vlsltlng and Slck-Miss Helen Gunn, Transport- ation-Mr. Bob Bates. Follawing île electian île Rectar lnstalled the newly elected officers miat their chairs and called on île new officiaIs for short addresses In whlch île ihanks a! île individuals was expressed and promises a! de- votion to île duty o! office made. The branch decided in the bus- iness session ilat !ollowed ta enter a debatlng ieam in île Deanery a! Northumberland and Durham De- bstlng Cantesi. île personnel o! whlch was lef t for île executive te decido. The Brandli alsa declded ta have an A. Y. P. A. Sunciay wlien île members would be required to attend a corporate communion ai 8 a. m. and a Rally Service ai 7 p.m. The Recter selected Mm. Musson te, give the sermon on that occasion. 1 The matter a! ann;ral fees and ailier items a! business were le! i for1 New Occupant of Chorley Park, Officiai Social Cen- tre of Province, Has Had Distinguished Career - Appointment Well Mer- ited Ontario's new Lieutenant-Gaver- nor, Dr. Herbert A. Bruce, o! Tor- onto, is a Durliam Caunty Boy. Prominent in Canadian medical and surgical circles, Dr. Bruce's appoint- ment, announced an Wednesday, will find general appraval ilirougli- oui the province, for Dr. Bruce lias liad a distinguished career, forming a worthy record o! service 10, grace Lhis office. Dr. Bruce was born in Blacksteck, Cartwright Township, and was île son o! Stewart and Isabella Bruce. He attended Port Perry Higl Scliool, then graduated f rom the University o! Taranto in 1892 with thse Univer- sity gold medal and Starr silver medal. He took post graduate courses of study ai the universities of London, Eng., Paris, Berlin and Vienna. In 1909 le was appoinied chie! of île surgical services o! To- ronto General Hospital. Dr. Bruce was elected president of the Ontario Medical Association in 1911-12. He is a member o! the Britishi Medical Association, a Fel- *oW o! the American Surgîcal As- sociation, and a member o!fithe Can- adian Medical Association. He was aiso Vice Presideni a! the Cangress o! Surgeons o! North Ainerica in 1915. and President o! 'the Academy o! Medicine the following year. H-e served with the Canadian Army Mecical Services until 1917? when lie was appointed consuiting surgeon ta the British armies in France. With this appoinimeni lie was pramoted ta the rank o! Colonel. While over- seas lie married Miss Angela Hall o! Cornwall, England, and tley have one son, Maxwell. In 1918 Coi. Bruce was sent as delegate by îhe British Goviermnent, te attend the meeting o! the Ae- ican Medical Association in Chicago and in company wili Sir Arbuithnot Lane and Sir James McKenzie, fam- ous British surgeons, he gave a ser- ies o! addresses in many Anierican cities. He bas made a number o! contributioni, ta nedical publica- tions and la the author of "Politics and the C. A. M. C." Col. Bruce is a member o! île York, Toronte Hunt, Tarante Golf, and Rosedale Gaif Clubs, and île British Empire Club of London, Eng. He is a Canservative and a member a! the Anglican Clurcli. Miss Mabel E. Bruce, f irsi Sup- erintendeni o!fithe BownanvilUe Hospital, and naw Mrs. C. M. G. Evans of Clarklelgli, Manitoba, lsaa cousin o! île new LlJeutenant-Gov- ernor. ')UTSTANDING SPEAKERS SECURED TO ADDRESS MEN'S CANADIAN CLUB Opening Meeting at Balmoral Hotel Next Monday - Professor McCrlmmon to Speak The Executive a! Bawmanviiie Men's Canadian Club are dolng their utmost ta make ibis year one a!fithe besi in île hlstary a! île club. Sa far, tley have secured as speakers, Prof. A. L. McCrimmon o! McMaster University, Han. N. W. Raweii, K.C., and Col. Drew. an alternative dele- gaie ta île League a! Nations. The lasi and annual meeting o! île 1931- 32 season willi be lield ai île Bal- moral Hotel an Monday, Oct. 31st, ai 7.15 p. m. Speaker, Prof. Mc- Crimman; teplc, "Confidence in Canada." To this meeting new members for île coming season willi be adnihtted free. Seasan ticket Is $5.00. In times like these, where conditions are unsettled, wlld rum- ors are rife, and reports exaggerai- ed, iliere is no place where authen- tic data regardlng aur Dominion can1 be la-d mare conclsely and enjoy- ably than ai a Canadian Club. île Executive ta decide ai a meet-t ing an île fallowing night ai île home a! Mr, and Mrs. Foresti Dllllng. Queen Street, where tle programs f or île ensuing year were drawn up. Rel igious Census May 6e Macle by Ministerial Assn. Ministers in Session Make I Plans for House to House I Canvass for Church In- formation - Will Spon- jsor Back-to-Church Cam- iSubjeci to ithe approval of ithe Boards of the various churches con- cerned a religious census of Bow- manville will be taken in thie near future under the auspices of the Bowmanville Minisierial Association il was decided ai a meeting of that body ai the home of the Presideny, Rev. W. J. Todd, St. Andrew's Mvanse, Queen Street. Mr. Todil pre- Henry J. Knight sided ai the meeting whicli was ai- tended by the ministers of the four Protestant churches. The subi eci of HONOR MR. H. J. KNIGHT the religious census was tlioroughly discussed and the Association went ON RIS 7th BIRTHDAY on record as approvng ithe censu _____and requestlng the public te co-op- Choir Of St. PauI's United Church erate to the fullesi extent in givmng Presented Veteran Choir Leader thie necessary Information to the With Pen and Pencil Set as canvassers. Tokenof RgardThe dates for thie canvass have Token0f Reard fot as yei been made but the secre- Mr. H. J. Knight, choir leader of tai'y, Rev. C. R. Spencer, will notlfy St. Paul's United Churcli, and for the press wlien the decision is made. more than haif a century prominent Presideni R. M. Cotton and Sec- in muýicaI circles in Bowmanville, retary A. J. Lyle appearea before was honored on Tliursday evening the Association wlth reference te following the regular choir practice the Armistice Day Ceremonles ýai at St. Paul's Churcli wlen he was the Cenotapli in whichtile ministers presented wlth a handsome Pen and will take pari. The program for this pencil set as a token of regard on occasion was drawn ni> and ai>- his 'lOil birthday. The address was proved and wlll follaw the idea car- read by Mr. Sam Glanville Who lias lied oui lasi year. Reeve T. H. Lock- served nearly 30 years with Mr. hart PrOmised the co-aperation af Knight in choir work. The address the Town Council in the printing of coniained references te, the splendid the prOgrams. Rev. A. S. Kerr, of St. work accomPlished by Mr. Knight in Paul's United Churcli, wlll preach ihis town and 0f the many musical the Memorial Sermon ai that cere- and dramatic organizations which 1 m9o sscaio ls ae ln have benefitted through his kindly for Assatonhurh CmepansI interest. Mr. Knight briefly thank- fraBc-oCuc apini ed the choir for their gif t, the pre- November and December when two sentation a! whicli was a complete Sundays in each monili will be set surprise. apart for this puri>ose. Furiher de- Mr. Knighi has been connecied tails wili be made public later. wiihman muica orgnistios ~ The Association heartily endorsed the iown in the lasi hall century,amoinepssgtethksf but lis greatesi interesi lias been in t he body te The Statesman for its churdli choir work. His voice, des- c-prton and uts receni articles pt hes many years of service in dawg t the attention of the pub- many capacities, is stilil capable of licthe ________________ea rendering a stirrlng solo. Ai one trne Mr. Knight travelled wltli an A number o! friends of Mr. an.d evangelisi party ihrough Canada Mrs. Jas. Byers, Liberty Street. cail- and the Unit&l States. ed ai iheir home on Monday night to join wlth tliem In a social even- Mr. John T. Hooper lad the mis- ing in recognition of the 55ih anni- fortune te f all from tle veranda of versary of their wedding. The aged his home on Monday morning and couple are enJoYing good healil and fracture a hip. He is now in Bow- were more than pleased ta bhave manville Hospital and is reported zo their frlends drop in on ihern by be coming along very well. surlprise. Boston Puritans Much Perturbed wh~en Modern Batktub was First Invented Tax of $40 Per Year Asseas- ed Against Owners of Private Bath. Says Speak- er at Local Rotary Lunch- eon on Friday The Romance o! île Plumblng Trade Was île subieci a! a lumar- aus but mosi enlightening address on Friday ai île regular meeting o! île Rotary Club in île Balmoral Hotel, by Mr. Geo. Crawford. Vice- President and General Manager o! île Standard Saniiary Company a! Tarante. Preseni wih Mr. Craw- ford was Mr. Bud Morris o! Crane Lid., o! Toronto, wloia lawell known ta members o! île club, and wlio came down wlth île speaker. The pragram for île day was under the direction a! Rotarian Len. Elliott, whase classification talk waa given by île guesi speaker, wlam le in-. iroduced. Opening witl huniarous refer- ences to île irade, Mr. Crawford soon lad lis audience in a happy inood for île serlous part o! bis ad- dress. Plumblng, lie said, cauld ho divided ia i hree major branches. manu.facturlng. distribution and in- stallation. His own cannectian lad been wlth île manufactuming end, and especialiy wtl île manufacture o! bailis. Bathlng is an ancient, ihougli not always popular habit, île speaker pointed oui. The f irai reference made ta bathlng in hisiary is that o! Noah wla mlssed île greatesi bath in île world by building île ark. Bails first became popular wiih île Romans, Persians and Egyptians, but it was île Roman bails whicl were île masi attract- ive. These were buili lilce magnif 1- cent palaces, wltli batIbng pools, halls and even cafes f or use o! île patrons. At one time in Persia, where île great majamity o! île in- habitants are Moslems, a law pro- vlded iliai every citizen must lave a batl ai leasi once ln ten days. Ta brlng île subjeci ni> to modernl.4&ys Mr. Crawford staîed that îlefirat bath on ihis continent was buill In Cincinnai by Adam Thampson. was 7 f eet long and four feet wlde, welghlng 700 lbs.. or about double île welghi o! preseni day batl~ The Possession o! tis bath was ai sldered scandalaus and ht was a lang (Contlnued an page3 CENTRAL WELFARE CObMITTEE NEEDS The Central Welfare Cam- mittee, tlie co-operatlng wa- men's organizatian in the col- lection and distribution of clothing te îhe needy, appeal ta ilie public for any old or partly warn clothes, material for beddlng, aiso k.nttlng woal, ta be danated ta île weifare organization of your awn churci. wbo wlll prepare the articles for turning over te the Central Cammltiee who In turn will take care of the dIs- tribution. There la flot a home in Bowmanvllle whlcl lias flot many add items o! clatbing iliat will be useful te same poor famly. Citizens wauid be. daing a very worthwhile service by acqualntlng the wei- fare organi.zation o! their churdl i wth what tliey have so0-ihat arrangements may be made for uts repairs and deliv- ery ta a needy famlly. LEGION DONATED $10,00 TO PUBLIC WELFARE FUND The regular meeting o! île Can- adian Leglon was lield in île Coun- cil Raom on Frlday nighi wth a large aitendance. Considerable bus- iness was transacted, lncludlng -the recelving a! a let.ter f rom the Min- ister a! Public Wei! are exÈpressing ilie wisli te place a wreatl on île Cenatapli on Armistice Day. The brandli decided te danate te, the Public Welfare Fund, $10.00. It was also decided te purdliase wreaihs for bath Orono and Bowmanville for Armistice Day. Mrs. Gamey a! Orona will be ask- ed ta place tlie Orono wresih and Mrs. V. H. Storey the wreaih in town. A resalution was passed con- gratulatlpg the Legion Band on is firsi broaticasi. The Brandli weni ýôn record as favorlng co-operaion between île Public Wellare Fund and ilie Pappy F'und 30 iliat îhe government grants cauld be receiv- ed ta supplement the maney o! ibis fund. Miss Dlngman and Mrs. Edmond- stene were In Tarante Monday ai île Millllnery Openlngs for Winter. Legion Broadcast Heard by Two in NEW LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR 0F ONTARIO A1 aeIvsmn -Oe orPre CÉOIR LEADER HONORED Ic lan

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