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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Nov 1932, p. 7

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r InZV. CIAAT)rTAJ O'ATESMN.gM OWMA?4UTLLE.THURBDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1932 PAGE SEVEN Il.~~~TU * *fl.fl U.lflt A MBM - . -.--. . -- -- - Christ Show! S tar FRID Nelson's E ery scisool day for a year. ïto res UIeo. Chase expressed thse apprec- iation o! thse Rotarians to tise speak- ers o! the evenlng and te the ladies for the splendid supper Provlded. 1 Reeve N. Green, and Mr. Norman EVENINGS .30 and 9.30 p.m. Continuous Show Saturdays from 7 r. m. 35c and 15c Royal TI'eatre BOWMANVILLE CARTWRIGHT NIGHT1 thinga about that home. OBSERVED AT BLACKSTOCK1 Joke on Hon. Edward BlakeE He then touched on the history 7 (Contintued f rom page 1) of Blackstock. This village was 1 iir-st i:nown as Tooley's Corners. Head Table Guests <ichen Williamsburg, then Cartwright, At the head table sat President J. after the township, and later Black- C. Devit, an old Cartwright boy stLock. The last name was after himself. who was director of cere- George Tait Biackstock, at one time - monies for the evening. Witb him Conservative candidate who ran were Dr. Fred W. Marlow of Tor- against Hon. Edward Blake in West onto, the guest speaker of the even- Durham. The speaker recalled in- - mng, Reeve N. R. Green, Mr. Norman cicents of the Blake campaign, one Taylor and Mayor Geo. W. James. of which was particularly amusing. Alter the dinner Ross Strike led in Mr. Blake followed by a large pro-I the community singing with Dave cession went from Bowmanville to Morrison at the piano. Despite the Blackstock to hold a meeting. The big di.nner. Ueo. Chase managed to key to the Town Hall was in the be his usual self in leading the sing- hands of Alex Taylor. who bappened ing o! 'Alouette." Then came the to be a staunch Liberal. Securing bagpipe solos by A. T. Stewart. C. P. the key under false pretenses a few R. operator at Bowmanville. who de- conservatives opened the hall and ligbted the whole gatbering and filled it with conservatives so that promptly responded to an encore. when Mr. Blake and bis liberal sup- -.Melville Dale followed with two vo- Porters arrivedi there was no room cal solos. "Ah Sweet Mystery o! in the hall for tbem. Liberals then Life"' and "Somewhere a Voice is hadi to hold the meeting outside and Calling." Mel's beautiful and mel- a platform was being erected on a odious voice was in splendid condi- sleigb. Mr. Blake and a lady o! tion and be certainly pleased the large proportions, known as Mrs. guests of the evenlng. Dan Brown, were sitting on the President's Welcome sleigh. when someone started it Presidient Jim Devitt welcomed tecon t heild es t he swap. tw guests which included members o! idecpd ttesap tw the Township council and municipal art Bruce, father o! the present offcias, rutee 0ftheseen cbol'Lieut.-Governor, was the instigator offiiai, tustes f te svenschol f sme of these practical jokes. sections o! the townsh.ip, and dir- Speaking of the new Lieutenant- ectors of Cartwright Agricultural Governor, Dr. Marlow brought a Society, to the festiveý board. To proa esg rmhmt i iit wl aaistananar 0frenw-old f riends in Cartwright, express- pling d cqntancesiad at ver ing the hope that he would later plesing.bonerto praledeonaythishave the pleasure of visiting bis gathrin. Hethe caled n Myorhome village. Dr. Bruce is a most the civlc representative o! unassumiflg fellow, Dr. Marlow stat- Bowmax il. fg ordalshrtingdssed, and among bis medical !rjends1 I n xedncoda reig May- prefers to be called Doctor, and not orJames took occasion to put across HsHnr r rc a ono a mild advertising campaign for the 2nd concession south of Black- IBowmanville public institutions andstcopieth amnwcu- i ts people. He claimed the citizens stock, oposite the am nw cc to be of a high moral character.idbrT.ana1p betd Tbere were excellent achools and ef-o! teakn firteding taking placd ficient teachers for their children, oftbe fold MehdnstakCburcewin good churches o! all denominations haelor ReP. owles hcw ar to attend. comfortable homes, and Caclo .P olswsmr stores well able to f il every demand.j ried to Dr. Devitt's sister. Lastly wben the final summons Too Maiiy Governing Bodies comes there is also a splendidly The speaker dwelt at some length kept cemnetery. He congratulated on education and the various foruis Cartwright on having one o! the of govemnment. He said that before few successful agricultural societies the suggested abolition of township in Ontario, on tbe fact that the or county councils were considered township bad the lowest debt o! any he felt there was a need f or aboli- municipality in the United Counties, tion of the blgger and higher up and on turning out from its little governing bodies that were spending red school bouses such a large pro- so much money. The time is com- portion of prominent men, includ- ing, he said, when we have got to ing the Lieut.-Governor o! Ontario have less governing. Canadians are Ta: Dr. Herbert A. Bruce, Dr. Fred W. a law abiding people and tbey do Sox Marlow, eminent surgeon, Russell not need so much government. hei Nesbitt. K.C., M.P.P., and many oth- Governmnent be classlfled as the on- Cit ers. He hoped in conclusion tbat ly industry not suffermng f rom un- me - this would be but tbe f irst of many employnient. He referred. to the Lai such gatberings., school trustees as tbe backbone of 1 - Dave Morrison in an informative the community. He believed that to Fo: address explained to the guests what save expense townships might be Ca Rotary was, its origin, its aisus and consolidated into larger areas, and gai objects. and the part it is endeavor- counties into larger bodies with just Wi ing to play in tbe world of today. tbe one parliamentary representa- Bo Dr. Fred W. Marlow tive.1 R. Back again to the old times Dr. gu- Tbe bonor of introducing Dr. Marlow told o! bis school days, o!i iltý Marlow f el to the lot o! Fred C. the fights and of tbe games they Iitt. Hoar, who introduced hlm by say- used to play, and of the real happi- Joi ing that Dr. Marlow was so well ness that can be had on the farsu. Wi knowýn tbat bie needed no f ormal in- Dr. Marlow hoped to see a drift Mi troduction. back to the land. He knew that W] Dr. Marlow was in a reminiscent there was now 50 called over pro- J. mood. He just spoke how one would duotiion, whlch was not reaily over H. expect a man to speak when he production but poor distribution for C. came back home among the folk millions were starvmng. He recalled Ta with wbom he went to school and bis days on the farm wben he TE with wbom he was raised. thresbed with Sam McLaughlin in Dr In bis opening remarks he lauded tbe days o! the old horse power Rotary as being one of the greatest thresliers. organizations for good in the world He recailed also bis f irst smaoke at and suggested that if Rotary pre- bis f ather's pipe, when Blackstock vailed tbrougbout the world. and if bad tbree botels. the 12th o! July tbe world was like Cartwrigbt, had celebrations which always ended in t. few debts. there would be far less a grand free for ahl between Cart- trouble than there is. wright and Manvers, the Faîl fair, wi. Dr. Marlow remarked that the thse Salvation Army visits, and the present generation were not so for- camp meetings. G( tunate today as those o! a genera- Once a Newspaper Correspondent F( tion ago. for so many are now born One time he and Herb. Prust were s in bospitals, and bave no way o! correspondents for the West Dur- ho looking back to thse old home where ham News o! Bowmanville, and he tbey were born. The very fact o! toid of clearing up many queer sit- w' being born in a hospital seemed to uations through their stories in the Cc take away most o! the sentiment of paper. He told' o! a f amily o! girls 011 that event. It seemed to give less wbo were very fond o! onions and . opportunity for exhibiting the spirit who sinelled very strongly o! them V1 of "Breathes there a man with soul wheri they went to cburcb. These Pl s0 dead. who neyer to himself hat girls used perfume to subdue thse__ sid, this is mv home, my native odor and the speaker could not re-N E lnd. It is nice to look back on member wbich was worse, the odor tise old home where one was born. o! the onion or the perfume. Fin- -=- and remember the many interesting ally be wrote his one and only poem o! bis lifetime wbich in due course appeared in Tbe News. Shortly a!-, ter the nuisance abated. The poem Ikc ran like this, and xas entitled N, "Spring Onions": f When gentle springtime fills the air, ' With odors sweet f rom !lowers rare, oi What perfume most of all gets there? g( I s Spring Onions. " " s When in the crowded churcis ai You kneel beside mome sister tbere; Wbat makes you wisb for purer air? Spring Onions. When one makes love to some sweet miss, And when at length it comes to blis sN admWbat spoils the f-av-r-o! the-ki-s1 MATI E E MoAn. 1NdEEd. 4 p. m. Saturdays 2.30 P. M. 25C -lOc . 50 NOV. 30 - DEC. 1 AMAZING-I Thrills Galore Awast -4n thse terrlfic drame of cdazullns rit among the gretadt dhe near- grat ...An original screc 1laby Wilam Anthony McGunire11.itZ Maurten O'Sullivan and many others. Produced by Cari Laemmle, Jr. Directed by Tay Gemett. Poe. mented by Carl LaemmIe. A UNIVERSAL PICTURE. 'I/Le LIIIJqI 1 Chlnaware Nights - b.. àp~~ ~ cr!!~ Topaz Night__________I aylor. President of the Agricultural :ciety, moved and seconded a earty vote of thanks to the Rotary lb for their hospltality. The Leting closed with singing Auld ang Syne. The guests present included: J. H. order, L. E. Mountioy, W. A. Van- amp, R. Byers, Wm. Beacock, Ed- ar Gibson, S. Jeff rey, Jabez Wright, ilfreà A. Williams, Rev. Dr. R. P. >wles, Earl Dorreil, James Byers, ýW. Philp, Lewis Swain, Roy Fer- uson, Clarence Marlow, Robt. Ham- ton, N. S. McNaliy, Creighton Dev- Leith Byers, Dr. F. W. Marlow, *hn Wright, Ira Argue, Carl J. Vright, Isaac Whitfield, Wallace larlow. John J. Jobb, Rev. Dr. C. E. hittaker, E. M. Larmer, R. C. Hill,~ J. Bruce, Carnet Wright, Stanley Malcolm, W. D. Ferguson, Nelson Marlow, Rev. F. W. Newell, Fred lylor, Reeve N. R. Green, Norman tylor, W. H. Marlow, L. H. Corner, r.John McArthur. DEVITT'S CORNERS Mr. Edgar McKee recently vlsited ,t Mr. H. Stinson's, Enfield. Miss Helen Fowler spent the ;ekend with Miss Evelyn Devitt. Mr. and Mrs. A. Holmes and llttle ;ordon Hanna visited at Ueo. lwler's recently. Miss Mabel Argue Sundayed at ome. The pupils of S. S. No. 5, Cart- vright, will give their Christmas 2ncert in South Nestieton Church m Dec. 2lst. Keep this date open. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Mountjoy sited f riends in Oshawa and oter aces over the weekend.____- Fow You Can Wear FALSE TEETH With Real Comfort Fasteeth, a new pleasant powder. cceps teeth f irmly set. Deodorizes. go gummy, gooey, pasty taste or eling. To eat and laugh in com- ,rt just sprinkle a iittle Fasteetb Dn your plates. Get it today at any ood d.rug store. tf How to End Rheurnkatism New Medicine Drives Out Poisons, That Cause Torturing Stiffness, Sweiling and Lameness EASES PAIN FIRST DAY You cannot get rid of rbeumatic aches and pains. Neuritis, tapie knotted muscles and stiff swollen joints tili you drive f rom your sys- tem the irrltatlng poisons that cause heumnatlsm. External treatments only give temporary relief. What you need is RU-MA, the newv internal medicine that acts on the liver, kidneys and blood and ex- pels through the natural channels of ellmlnation, these dangerous poisons. No long waling for your suffer- ing to stop-RU-MA eases pain first iay-and so qulckly and safely ends stlffening, crippling lameness and ;ortùring pain that Jury & Loveli urges every rheumatlc suiferer to get a bottle today. Tbey guarantee it. t! Stop that Head Aching Why suifer headache, or any other parn, wlien ZUTOO TABLETS. taken when f"Itmfeeon wl iconowIive relief ini 20 minutes. Harmiess and re- liable. Used by thous- -and&~ c N i t i CARTWIGHT COUNCIL Regular meeting of Cartwright Council was held November 7th, with ail members present and Reeve N. R. Green presiding. Communication was read f rom the C. P. R. re cattle guards, Hos- pital for Sick Children re N. Lans- ing's son, and from W. F. Ward re wreath for memorial. On motion all were received and f iled. C. Venning requested council to pay for printing program for Mem- orial Service. November lits: grant- ed. Clerk will notif y S. Johns to de- liver wood as contracted, for. Some discussion arose relaie t Dr. McArthur's account re Fed Wil- son in hospital. On motion reeve and clerk were lnstructed to com- municate with Dr. McArthur. Clerk was authorized te draw up tenders for renting skating rink. Orders were slgned as follows: Bank o! Commerce, Int. . $ 22.65 Elydro Power Com. service.. 8.55 Hydro Electric, moving poles 28.86 Dr. MeArtisur, services ... 7.00 Clerk and Treas. selecting Jurors - .... 4.00 0. Wright, roads and bridges 129.20 S. R. Hart & Co. 1933 Roîls . 25.99 Council adjourned to meet De- cember 5th. at 2 p. m. Wm. Beacock, Township, CIerk. For treatment o! caked bags in cows, or garget, use Douglas' Egyp- tian Liniment-the quick, sure rem- edy. Saves time and expense. Pre- vents blemished stock. Be Sure Its Blue Coal Don't put off fillllng Up that bin wlth the best coal mlned- Blue Coal. This dependable fuel bas made many warm friends who tell others about the wonderful results they got lat wlnter f romn using %Blue CoaL' Profit by thse expeir.ence of others and order 'Blue Coal' to-day. Our, men use every care ln putting coal ln your celUar. SCOTCH and WELSR A&nthraciste Sheppard & Giii Lumber Co. Limited COAL - COKE - WOOD PHONE 15 BOWMUNVILLE 'w 't * v.. f - '.. m MON. - TUES. - NOV. 28 - 29 NOWV~! The Mod3r;, ""BIRTHi of a NATION!"

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