PAGE PMV THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMA&NvILL. THuRSDAY. DmEMBER lst, 1932 LEGION FAVORS SERVICE 0F COMMEMORATION IN TOWN HALL NEXT YEAR Friday Evenlng Is Veteans' Night, and Social Evening WiII Be .'jeld i S. 0. E. Hal Bowmanville Branch off the Can- adian Legion met in the Council Room on Priday evening. In a re- port f rom the Committee in charge off the Community Remembrance1 Day Service a suggestion was made that consideration should be given next year to holding the service in- door as the service in the Town Hall had belped ta create that attitude off reverence so desired and whlch was almost unobtainable wben held in the open because off tbe passing off traffic on the Front Street. A resolution off appreciation was extended to tbe proprietors off the Evelyn Shop for closing their estab- lishment on Remembrance Day in greatful memory off those who feIl dnring the Great War. Friday evenlng. December 2nd will be "'Veterans Night." AlI ex- service men are invlted to a social evening at the S. O. E. Hall start- ing at 8 p. m. On this occasion a series of slides With Canadian Official War pictures entitled "With the Guns" will be shown. Tis is a very interesting series off pictures and will be well worth seeing. Re- freshrnents will be served. The Ladies' Auxiliary was re- quested to arrange for Christmas Cheer for the families off ex-service men and a grant for that purpose was made. A very hearty vote off thanks was extended to the Chairman W. F. Ward and committee togetber with all who gave their time on behalf off the Poppy Fund by the sale off Vet- craf t Poppies on Poppy Day. An invitation to attend "Literary Nigt" at St. John's A. Y. P. A., Dec. l2th. when Mr. Mclntyre Hood, Oshawa will be the guest speaker, was accepted. Mrs. J. J. TiffIn, Lethbridge, Alta., who bas been visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wight, and other relatives bere. bas returned home. _A BREAD - Fit for Santa's Holiday Board if Santa Clans set ot to make the best bread i the worid the old saint coldn't do better than the loaves we sel! Mothers tell ns their children "'go for it ia big way," and we've a stroiig suspicion grown-ups are just as fond of it by the amount people buy from us each week. It's made of the best flour, whole milk- nothing but the best ! Play Santa Clans to yonrself today treat your famlly to the best in bread. And don't forget your Roman Meal Bread. CORBETT'S BAKERY ISOWM7APNVILEPON Moore 's Pre-Christmas SChoose Jewelry Gifts that Outlast t4~ Years' For years to corne the jewelry gif t you give this Christmas will be a joy - a constant reminder off your thoughtful- ness every Urne it's worn. And a constant reminder off your good Judgment, too, for money invested in fine jewelry at to-day's 10w prices can't help but increase in value! Necklaces, choker length, as- sorted shades, Sterling Silver Neckiaces, Marquisite set with Onyx, Cornellan, Topaz centre stones, priced f rom 1919e to$225 Sterling Silver Rings, engrav- ed shoulders, assorted colored birth stones, each ... . Gents' or Watches, Special BOYS' Pocket Ladies' white and green gold ffilled Watches, wth link 9 e bracelets, on Sale ...$ e9 Men's Straxi Watches, chrom- Ladies' Baguette Watcb, beau- luni case, link tif ul case, bracelet $2.195 Special at $13o'95 Engllsh Wlnton Ware, beauti- fnl chintz patter s 9 Sugars & Creams Covered Cheese Dish Cbvered Butter Dish Color! ni Jardineres, i the modernistic style, worth $1.25, On Sale each .--. ..49et 95 uaranteed Peu &. Pencîl Sets, in black and white, maroon, green, red, old 9e gold, per set .--$ L,1 j. R. MOORE, Jeweller .Jeweul"r - Watches - Diamonda or mellow. i,'g unlother. Thou'rt such a touchy. testy, pleas- flated at Courtice, tis liat day of ant flbow.November. 1932. Hast so much wlt and mlrth, and WILLIAM HUGGINS, spenabout he 54 Brock St. W., Oshawa spleen thee.HOWARD TAYLOR, There Is no livinlg wth thee, nor R. R. No. 2, Courtice wlthont thee. -Addison 47-3 Executors. HUNDRED C. G. 1. T.M GIRLS HOLD RALLY ' Spor omn AT TRINITY CHURCHI r omn Mrs. C. R. Carscallen of Whitby Ladies' College Preslded A BIT 0F EVERYTHING s at Gathering By Adam Fakir leý ____ N One hundred girls f rom Bowman- With the thermometer touching TI ville, Brooklin. Courtice, Enniskillen. Ni Newcastle, and Oshawa, attended a the freezing mark, the pond frozen tl rally off Canadian Girls in Training, over. and tbe skate sharpeners 1e, beld in Trinity United Church, Bow- working overtime, the boys bave 1!r manville. f rom 10 a.m. till 4.15 P.m. started talking and playing hockey. ir on Saturday, Nov. 26th. Sna a h.oeigdyfraW The Rol was called by Miss Vesta Suargehws tbeopteinpdyrorati Wn Spargo, tbe leader off the Bowmnan- lresoigoftepopcietc ville C.G.I.T. and the one to wbomn stick-handlers, witb warm mittens la is due the success off tbe rally. Each and ear muf s, to show their wares til girl brougbt lber own lunch, and the on the good old Vanstone's Pond, in Evening Auxiliary off the W. M. wbose ice-covered surface seemed e Trinity Churcb, served bot cocoa at le noon. and late in the afternoon to to broadcast a cry off welcome to the in those who bad a long drive before impatient exponents off the steel P( them. blades. These athietes took as their - Mrs. C. R. Carscallen, off Whitby mnotto "The better the day the bet- t Ladies College, President off Oshawva er the deed," and gave their C. C., tl Presbyterial off the Woman's Mis- M's the f irst airing off the season. p sionary Society, made a very effic- Prom the reports off the ardent en- ti ient presiding officer throughout the thusiasts and the idie bystanders M day. the pospects were neyer so good as L Miss Margaret Govan off Toronto, tbis year for honest-to-goodness R Dominion Board W. M. S. Secretary hockey man power. The majority off for C.G.I.T. was the cbief speaker the players. wbo have played for the d( and gave the girls a very belpful home town on Norm Taylor's Arena T talk on "Books and Projects." Sbe and wbo bave at one time or an- stressed 'The Missionary Monthly." other brought the most backward W The W. M. S. Blue Book, The New fan to bis feet with mouth widea Leaders' Book, The United Cburcb open and voice shouting the battleu Record" and "The Story off the cry off "The Town That Satisfies,"c Years" as the best f rom which to were demonstrating how they used obtain material for meetings. Other to do it and bow they were going te tl helpfful books mentioned were "The> do it this year, and if their gliding f( Amateur Poster Maker"l by Perkins, and shooting is as good within tbe el "Shadows in New York" by Willa confines off a man built arena, hope L Cather. "Blind Spots" by Leiper, arises high in our sunken chests. ai and "Canadian Mosaic" by Kate On Saturday we were fortunate. Poster. , along with two or three hundred Miss Govan also told some true others, to attend the annual meet- U stories off New Canadians with ing off the O. H. A. at the Royal wbom she bad corne into contact i York Hotel, Toronto. Prank Wil- bier work at tbe Churcb off aIl Nat- liams, Hngh Cameron and Don Wil- ions in Toronto. liams were also present, represent- Miss Bel! ry off Toronto was inI ing the local sportlng aggregations. charge off the Sing song sessions and This year, as before, tbere are two taught the girls some new Worsbip teams.. Juiior and intermediate, en- hymns. new rounds, one French, one tered from Bownianville, with the Russian and some negro spirituals, juniors under the guidance off the On the song sheet were Polisb, Ger- Business Men's Association, and the man, French, Swiss, italian, Engllsh intermediates handling their own and Gaelic songs, sbowing what fine affairs. These is also an intermed- contributions other nations make to îate team entered from Orono which ou~nsic; grups ereheldbe~Orme Gamsby chided nearly entered our msic.a senior grouping, but changed 9 fore lunch, and immediately after trir insbeas.of h ln lunch, miss Betty Sargent taught The, new amendnients to the O.î some new games which were very H. A. rules carne in for mnch dis- much enjoyed. cussion. The f irst, wblch was reade Two off the Bowmanviile girls, by Secretary W. A. Hewitt, made nsr Miss Doris Dudley, and Miss Helen look for cover in case be broughti Mason held the attention off every- names into the picture. It was te body by their Polk Stories wbicb do with the defaulting off games and were well teld., the new rule is that any club who The Courtice group gave a little de! anîts a gamne, whether at home dramnatization called. "Scun off the or away, must pay hall the tra.vell- Earth." wblch showed wbat New ing expenses of, the club offended. Canadians may mean to our Cana- Bowmanville lost considerable pres- dian life. as each country brings tige last year wth their defanît of some git t teus1. the gaxne wth Kingston juniors. A fine ending was given toi the ex- We trust this willi not be repeated. ercises off tbe day by a worship ser- A new ruIe deals with forward vice conducted by Miss Robina passes i the central or neutral Ternpleton off Belleville, Bay Of area. This year a f orward pass is Quinte Branch Secretary off C.G.I.T.. allowed In ail but the attacklng and all present clasped bands In a area. Lou Marsh pulled bis beefy great friendshlp circle as they sang frame to its feet and i a deep the last verse of the closing hymn. voice and convlncing manner, made _____________ clear bis thought that the O. H. A. should either "go the whole hog" DR. W. H. BIRKS WAS with the proffessional rules or ev GUEST SPEAKER AT thm a o pGrdulY theamna- A. Y. P. A. MONDAY players who receive legitinmate mon- Gave Enflghtenlng Address on Value for their strennous efforts on the chllled aqua -and it seemed to Lou of Christian Mission9 te China and bis pick and shovel gang that -Iiustrated Talk Wlth all o! the mIles should be adopted Lantern Slides so that the spectators would have Regular meeting off the A.Y.. actions off the referees. was beld in tbe Parisb Hall on Mo- The general tone off the meeting day nigbt with about forty i was off optimism and good feeling tendance. The president presi wlth certainly no depression in at- and opened tbe meeting with tendance. It was Productive off hymnfolowedby raye by'th more than new ruIes and insplred rector. Scripture lesson was read by speeches. The business period con- Miss Mary Wallace, acting secre- cluded, the delegates were royally tary. feasted in one off the banquet rooms Next meeting on Decembel' l2th and were given f ree tickets to the the congregation off the chnrcb, the Maple Leaff - Maroon hockey gamne local Branch off the Canadian Leg- as well. As we had also cbiseled a ion and the Legioli Band wlll be pass to the Tlger-Varsity rugby guests. M. Mcntyre Hood off Osh- game i the afternoon it sure did awa will be the speaker and twelve seem as if the world was rlghting Ukrainlans f romi that city wil Put itself and things were reaching a on a splendid program .off fol1k new level. Altogether we were al- songs and dances in their national most cured off paying for these prlv- costumes. ileges. so we burried to the rugby [t was declded to) present a plaY game where after wasting f if teen in the near future. Rev. A. J. Jack- minutes arguing with the parking son and Mr. w. S. Corrigan off Co- space manager convinced hlm that bourg. were present, the former after ail we were only occnpying 25c speaking in the lnterest off the ban- worth off land instead off 5Oc worth, quet ait Cobourg on Decemnber 15tb 50 we went to the game, wth a when Rt. Rev. Derwyn T. Owen, quarter more tban we migbt have newly elected BishOP off Toronto, had. will speak. Mr. Corriga.n as Provin- The game was real rugby in hock- cial Council representative for this ey weatber witb the f ield as sof t as section' of the diocese reported an concrete and the players being car- executive meeting held last week. ried off qulte regularly. Varsity The sub.iect off the local brancb se- more than surprised theniselves an c _edin firo -th loa1 l concil tothe 1the fans witb their noteworthy ad GLOVES TOWELS * the speaker o! the evenlng. dtsogkericethe eled byD. eon erice Mrs H. Foster. o. Mr. wen Nic.Hoastera- edo. MissOwenothy luni a- .ded baMisledid oca l solo nlxred qartpette cposdoo W.e qarere cmrs.J.E n- Dr. C. W.emon J.EAn- r ~llard sang a number. ggestion-Send The States- a Çflrlstmas present, to, a away f rom home. [APLE LEAF MISSION BAND play a part ln this very important troduced HEU) THANK-OFFERING MEET work. A short The United Church, he added. ap- C. W. SI Mrs. J. H. H. Jury, waasSpeaker propriated $800,000 last year for the piar At It«etingMeeing Missions but this has been cnt to compani At nteesmg eetng $656,000 this year. Dr. Laird did mer. rien TheMape Laf isson andoffnot think that this sbould be neces- while a i t. Paul's United Cburch under the sary and he hoped that the menMr.T edrhpof Mrs. C. Lunney and wonld put their shoulders to the derson. arsGCh el t atm wheel and despite the depression W. B. Pi rs.n Ofe Chase e i ts aumn maintain the Missions as they 1 - hank. Ofeh ig etin g on nda y. Iof should be m aintained. A sug 0V.rt 28th. . i t an tte d e o f i Mr. A. M. Hardy presided at the man as îxitsees . fe the openam w ingwa opening, and Mr. W. R. Strike in- relative nost interesting. consisted 0f read-- ngs and solos, also Watch Tower, which was given by four of the nembers. Mrs. Jury spoke to the ,ildren presenting the Band with a arge Maple Leaf. Impressing upon ;e minds of the chilâren the mean-( ki t ,g to them as Mission Band work- rs the three main points off the raf. The first -Point-represent- ng kind thougbts, The centre ýoint--kind deds; The third point -Prayer. Thus giving to these small workers new Ideals and added in- s trest ln the emblem f rom whichS l g n C beir name Is derlved. Mrs. Jury also ficates to 'the f ollowing girls; A~ Gibbard Purchase and gaud Woolner, Elva Potter, Mary Lemon, Edith Richards and Jean MyBigt o h Rice. M yBigt o h The treasurer reported seventy ollars to be sent to Presbyterial A beufu pic ofG - rreasurer.A euiu ieofGb At the close off the meeting tea bard Solid Walnut will be was served to the Mission Band by awarded for the best slogan anumber off the W.M.S. members, nder the convenorship of Mrs. Mc- reeîved from one of our Cregor. eso est dets h Much pralse and thanks is due cso est dets h the leaders of this work, who press suitability of Gibbard Solid forward as best they can, looking Walnut as a Chriistmnas Gift. ever to Him who said "Suffer the Little Children to corne unto me, "îbr oi antI nd forbld them not." "ibr oi antI as >ntest Slogan Wise finning Prize Xift Worthwhile." Rernember some one of our customers in or around Bowrnanville is going to win this piece of Gibbard Solid Walnut. You do not have to compete with al Canada, only with people in your owfl cornmunity. ASK ABOUT IT. NORTHCUTI & SMWITH. Furniture Dealers - Funeral Directors Ambulance Service Low Rates Phones 58, Residence 523 or 276 i I Gîve Practical For Men sox TIES CAPS MITTS SCARFS GLOVES HANKIES HOSIERY PYJAMASI HANKIES SHIRTS SWEATERS 1 LINGERIE SUSPENDERS UNDERWEAR NIGHTGOWNS WINDBREAKERS For -Boys SOX BOOKS CAPS HOSE PYJAMAS SHIRTS S'CARFS PULLOVERS NIGHTGOWNS UNDERWEAR SLIPPERS BLANKETS SWEATERS PULLOVERS BEDSPREADS UNDERWEAR EIDERDOWNS TABLE CLOTHS TABLE RUNNERS STAMPED GOODS DRESSING GOWNS 01f ts BOOKS HOSE SOX PULLO VERS SCARFS GLOVES MITTS SWEATERS HANKIES TAMS UNDERWEAR, Etc. For Baby HOSE TOQUES MITTS DOLLS SWEATERS WOOL SUITS SILK & WOOL SCARFS 1 UNDERWEAR 2 Big Week-end Specials INelson's Stores ,k i For Ladies 1 For Girls Boys, Golf Box 50 doz. Boys' Golf Sox, 100% pure wool quality, ail sizes, per pair, 290 Puire WoOl Work Box 100 pair guaranteed 100% pure wool work sox, the buy of the season. Corne early. Per Pair, 1510 rn UNITED CHURCH LAYMEN HEAR REV. DR. LAIRD IN MISSIONARY ADDRESS Mlade Stmong Appeal for Support of Laymen i Mission Fields Laymen off the United Churches in Bowmanville were privileged te hear an address by one off the lead- ing divines off tbe church on Wed- nesday nigbt. Nov. 16th, when Rev. Dr. Laird, Toronto, prominent i mission work, paid a visit bere. The gathering was held in Trinity Chnrch and was weil attended. Dr. Laird spoke off the mission womk be- ing carried on in many parts off the world. He appealed for the strong- est support possible fmom the lay- men in the work off the missionar- les. In the past. he sald, women had been the mainstay off the mis- sion f ields but he had noticed hi bis travels across tbe country a new me- sponsibility awakening in the men, aud a realization that they too, must 1', - -lL il