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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jan 1933, p. 5

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777' nnrv -àyqnTAi rAT#r.KMAN. OWMANVMLLE.TBURSDAY, JANUARY th, 1933 Trip to Englan( at 86 Not Sa vcry long before she mi la tnp from Vancouver ta Lancq IEngland, this woman of 86 was most helpless with rheumatlsm.1 daughter tells how skie was able make such a Journey:- "S8ome years ago my mather 1 a martyr to rheumatism, and c not get about wthout the use oft sticks. Skie was told of Kruscl Sats and decided to try them.à ter taking anc bottie skie found gr relief, and after twa botties wasa te, walk wtkiout tkie aid of stic Skie has neyer been wthout Kr chen since, and takes a sigalld two or three times a week. She stUll able ta travel and go about, though skie was 89 last Februs Indecd, at 86 sllie travelled the dci le Journey between Vancouvers Landau, Euglaud. Skie has reco mended Kruschen to many pec who have also found benefit fr lt."-K. B. L. What a lesson there for younger folk! Why should anyi sufer from unfitness, rheumati Sconstipation, backacke-after re )ing this woman's letter? W Kruschen can do for a woman advanced age, it can surely do you. QUIVERIN( NERVES YIed to, Lydia E. Pïnkhamli Vegetable Compoui When you are just on edge .. when you oen't stand the chi dren's no»... when everythim la a buren ... when you are Irr table and bie ... try this med cie. 98 out of 100 women repol benefit. It Wini gir. you mast the exh en<ryou need. Life wili êwe Wort liingagain.- STOMACH ULCERA-I When you have too much acld the stomnach causing indigestic belchlng, gas, giddiness, and 'dead on your feet" feeling aft meais-watch out-it may iead .tornach ulcers. Slowiy but sureiy stornach uice wiii eat away the delcate Me] bmanes of the stomnach. and eau untoid sufferng and perhaps operation. Bisurated Magnesia whIehy can get at any drug store wil i relief from acld stornach and hi stornach ulcers. If you havea .tomnach, gas, a c 1ild indigesti beiching, or oymptoms of storn' ulcers you owe it to yourseif give Bisurated Magnesia a tr Big package, amail 005t- Na la.xative. 0F INTEREST TO WOM only, the offer of a British-madi of only 30 Oxo Cube Red Wrapl s s NEWS 0F NEWCASTLE d1 ORONO UNITED CHIURCH BY (PomTe esDc.2th) International Sunday School Lesson 1 OUR OWN REPORTER 0. . N. 49 wll oldSunday, Jannary Sth, 1933 Iiiterestlng Services and Meetings Orano L.0.LNo40 Mhl Held By Church lu Past ade thein regular meeting january 9th. 1-FwDy Ion, Miss Agnes Waddell, Ontario Col- FéW l)Syid al- lege of- Art, Toronto, la holldaying JESUS BEGINS RIS WORK I gnoup the spirit of brokeho United Churcki-Rev. W. P. Rog- Her at home. whlcki would spread amoug those ers, B. A., Pastor. Sunday, Jan. 8th: 0 o Mr. John Green waa taken ill the Golden Text: «'The time is fufill-I who were not blood relatives. Oc- 1il a. m.-Morning Worship; 2.30 p. past week and la still confined to cd, and the klngdomn of Gad la at caslonally, however, there was the m.-Sunday Schaol; 7 p. m.-Even- was, hi ro>m. haud: repent ye, and belleve the danger af a clique spirit arislng as ing Service. oud Mr. John Bigelow, a former Prs gospeL.-Mark 1:15. when James and John sought first ebr fteTxsSur n two ideut Clarke Arclua oiti Lesson Passage: Mark 1:12-20. place for tkiemselves, but that spirit Mmso the TuIaT is Squ W.Parnd ,hen lad'IthArcItrlScitl have seen was soon rebuked. It las always athC..I.TwthRvW.Pan Af-li pwt lumbago. A curious child, who dwclt upon tragedy when religion divides a Mrs. Rogers, Mentor and Leader re- Teat Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gibson. Osh- a tract home or estranges menibers of a sPectively of the two groupa, spent able awa, spent Christmas at kila fath- 0f inland ground, applying ta kils family. Chrlat's fellowshlp is en- an enJoyable time together wlth ics er's, Mr. John Gibson. car hanced when membera of a family games, refreakiments. sud program of ru- Mr. Robert Cornforth, Kinmiounlt, The convolutions of a smaotki- are able to ahane their Christian ex- music and elacution in the commun- dose spent the holiday wth Mn. John . lipped shel;* perience one witki the other. lty hall on Wednesday evening, Dec. te la Gibson and other f iends. To whlch, in silence hushed,Qesios orDicusinte meber 0fdue ropaerovad al- Misa Sadie Brown, R. N.., Peeks- very soulQusinfeDscson tem br fthgopervdd ville, N. Y., la vlslting her aunt, Mns. Llstened intensely; for from with- 1. Do our moat dangerous temp- and served the menu which was lary. James Brown and other relatives. in were heard tations come ta, us In youth or in partaken of at table f ollowing a per- ub- Miss Phyllis Carleton, Brantford, Murmuninga, whercby the monitor age? iod of group games. A couple of and is apending holidays with her par- expressedl 2. Why dld Jesus choose hi ds after supper stunts by some of the m-enta, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Carleton. Mysteiaus union wth Its native ciples chie! ly f rom the working Young people, a'vocal duet by Mar- ýople Mr. Frank Peste recelved the gladi sea. clsss? -giierite Harris sud Gladys Pollard, a nom haud fnomn many f rlends on his firat Even such a sheil the univense 3. la It necessary ta confessa u vocal solo by Ralph Gibson, a read- appearauce up town Tuesday, siter itself sins ta our friends? ing by Albert Pearce and a recita-' the hua recent illess. la ta the car of f slth; sud thene 4. What was It in Jeans that at- tion bY Margaret Toms helped ta yone Cadets Stewart, McMillan and T. are tinies, tnacted his disciples and led them round out a very interestlug sud ism, W. Blgelow o! the Blgh School staff, I doubt not, wkieu ta yau it doth ta, become his followers? pleasaut evening. aad- Wingham. are kiolidaylng witk tkieir impart 5. la there any better way of The birtki o! the King of Kings, ihat people lu Orano and district. Authcutic tidinga o! invisible havlng home religion than the old the Christ chld borninl Bethlehem n o! Mr. Thomas Foster, manager of things, I ustom o! family worship? o! Judea, waa Joyaualy celebnated lu >for the Bank o! Commerce at Mount Of ebb and flow, aud eve-endur- the United Chunch on Christmas Hope, has also been appainted man- lug power, DW~ LEIa>. For unto us a child la born, - ager at Blnbrook, a nearby branch. And central peace, subslting at I unt usna sonl given, provlded the Mr W. J. Bellamy, Blrch Bils, the heart hmesdinspiration for the pas- J Sask., formerly o! Onano, wrtes: Of endless agitation."SAT CLU P1D tors thoughtful, seasonable sermons. iWe are gettlug real winter weather -William Wordsworth. SNANCLUS AL !)ITT The stony o! Bis wonderfui blrth flea peet tog ot much L13 ANNUntL VISIT2,TO3sad 511 the supennatural circum- heea peet tog LW >trw 2 ST. GEORGE'S CHUECH stances sud mysticism relating ta it a The Canadien Orchestra o! Orano What contrasta there are lu life, farmed the basis o! the choir's pro- ad have. been engaged ta, play at the plcnty sud poventy, health sud slick- Lackhart's Sinday School jeined gram for the day. It must have opnn fthe new Port Hope Danc- ness. wan sud peace I When Jeas Wt .G.esu>gaduc h eaeM.W .S openig a!Rickard, as it did ail the cougrega- aNwYear's eve f rolic. pie worahip waa being canried on lu Kiddies' Patron Saint tian, ta sec the choir members, as- ni- Chrstmas dance in te TwnBail Jerusalem lu ail its aplendor,bu sisted by speclal singera for the day. Shere, put ou by the Canadiens, drcw Jss eta the widrest be Santa Claus pald thiree public sud out lu such goodiy numbers. The d- a good crowd o! holiday visitons. alone. For forty days he waa tempt- - marulng anthenis wene: Behold I ort pecal umbrs wre eatredIncd. Mark tella us that Jeans was official itso our commuiy dun- bring you good tidings o! great loy, tra the popular prograni wkich wcre re- with the wild beasta, sud the angels ing Pre-Christms.s week. The firat sud, Be saial be great, mns. c. R. an ceived cnthusiastically by the crowd ministened unto hlm. Wild beasta o! these was at St. George's and the Canveth takiug the solo lu the fIrst o! young people. aud angels--such are the contrasta Third Line (Lockhart's) joint Sun- sud Mrs. Oco. A. Bancy lu the sec- Mr. Albert Rose, seventh conces- axid which we live.Leoftn ShlChstaetnaum tod.A pealnm nwste sion, Clarke, was taken se iul nseat eadul xperlencesolo, Sient the Night, by Mn. Alden with appendicitis the latter part o! with opposites liuked tagether ~as n Tuesday evening, Dcc. 20th. As B5w, basa. the week sud rushed ta Peterboro. closely as the concave sud convex there was no sleighlng for the south- In the eveuing the choir sang, Let Later reports arc that kils condition ides of a diaki. It la only when we cru part of hua long trip f nom the us now go even unta Bethlehem, sud Sis somewkiat improved although not arc able to unif y these conflictiug North Pole kie had ta come by auto- Whie Shepherds watched their s yet out o! danger. forces sud sekiaw thcy may be mobile and on kils arrival ie tald of facks by nlght, the sala parts being Prof. and Mrs. Frank Kno,0o made ta wonk tagether in a common taken by Mrs. R. T. Rutherford sudi Kingston, Miss Mary E. Knox of the purpose that wc are able ta, sec 111e the great deal o! trouble he had cx- Ms W. E. Purdy. At this service ton, it whole.pnicccdalog the way with dirty as r udtnr ag h on, h school teachlng staff, Alliston, steadily sud sec t hae.crk dtett aud Mn Prdteon an, h a and Mn. Charles Knox a! Queen's Repentance sud Faith, 14, 15 spkpugs and ires tht oudBirthday o! a King. fter UnierstyKinston enTims o exravaanc ar foow-blaw out anc aftar suother. Fixing er Chrivstas hinatnsphent teT e fexrvgnear la-spark plugsansd mending leaky tires The decorations kisrmouized beau- t.o Chnstms hliay ithther pr-ed by a cail ta, repentance. Wheu had caused hum much deiay but tifully with the spirit of Chinstmas - er> enta, Mr. snd Mrs. A. J. Kinox. Jeans began kils public ministry, wheu at asat he came bonndiug into sud the theme of sermon sud sang. -- ers Orono Schoal meeting held ou Herad waa lu power lu JerusaleniUcprihhlgs iha iktdGariands o! evengreens luterwaveu Lus Wednesday eveuing waa below the sud ruied with great magnificence.; kltme as trhandydechaaited t hslvn tr.udohrbih n averae atenuce. Teannua f the Roman Empire kieid widc SWay, gariaudsansd festoana sud belîs sud decorations draped the altar rail naca taeetprsue by but the heants a! spiritual people stars, everybody, childreu sud ad- sud chair rail wlth here aud there YoUe Trustee R. R. Waddell showed a were not aatisflcd with poiitical us. chccred kils comlug sud gave below the pulit sud choir la!ft star hie cash balance in the bank ta the power, or the dispiay a! great wealth. hui a ronsing welcame. Frnaî crowned evergneen trees, their bran- acd credit o! the Section o! $990730. The moat important happening of Fyorha iasensn e ils stce evl hn lhnmr loTruate John Tamblyn, the retiring the day was not a decision reackied isit s d eyoews ogadt egisteigaificial Icicles ud ler ach trustee, who was unable ta be prea- lu the Senate lu Rome or a spectacle hlv aaluutiatderoe a is lcht ee Chstsa aumns.Mdme to eut au account o! illnesa, waa ne-1 staged by Benad lu Jerusaiem: 'tvaice. Wm. Parnal sud J. M. Cobbledick ýria1. elected for the ensuing termi of three was wheu Jesus, s carpeuter et Suawsprinal rtfn awr h einr u xctn t Iyears. Mn. C. F. Awde presidcd and througki Galilce preackilng the gos- Stae wces a t. Geonlyg'sSunday arethedeinetana.eut Mr. A. J. Knox acted as secretary. pel o! thc klngdom a! God, tBis cesdoa!t.e hr eSchola OnNe Yarrtorlnste as word waa not a counsel ta get rniches fhanndr oop teraton e S o a- Oar udelders sitr the senad- or power: it was a cail ta repentance frterc-Pminadfra-tradEdr fe h emn d sud f altk. rauging ta have the pupils aif the ministrd the sacrament o! the Wc are living amld the samne gen- country school come inta the vil- Lord'& Suppen ta, a large number of tic*cral conditions. We are citizens of lage ta say sud sing their pieces an communicants. some o! whom were an Epir abut hic wchav the sanie eveuing and Inl the sanie visitons f!nom churches lu other cen- an Epireabou whih wehav place as the children of St. George's tres. Iu kils communion sermon, Mn. f t i boasted proudly. Wc live lu ascie suad ta, recelve their gîftg too at the Rogers drew attention ta the slg- ib tiflc age lu whicki miracles have be- saine tme. The arrangement savcd nlficauce a! the Sacrameut sud ta db hrug akerodof ropeityh ,amihiybsypm tthis thevarions eeet htenter :n dulgen havebç sudrf self-lu-adatrip over noue tao good a naad lunkils sud memorial elemeuta, the ele- To Cnadamnck travelled sud troublesome car. ments o! worship sud fdllowahlp Evaugelista proclaiming a revival by ceding Santa's arnival, Rev. Mn. Ma- convenanting. comnn methoda dlffereut lu mauy ways son read rad.ograms giving informa- This day was a! special luterest ta frani the past. They have con! cas-tino sprge ouhadTe cd that tkiey are "f cd up" with s ionoisporassnsad h pastor sud the members o! kils can- a! the fleaki sud empty pîcasures chairman was rathen dublous a! gregation. It was New Ycar's Day sud have f ound peace by confcssing Lheir genuinenesa, but the arrivai o! sud coluciding with it was this first - 1Uhftsn adspnig nhun h e otmd ht hsee ure' armna evc n each day listaning ta the SpitofldSin t somewhat sitar 9 o'clock the pastar'aslxtietki birthday on Sco, God sud seeking divine guidance. 1 ilplled ail donbt af the messages' which kils f iends lu the -pews con- cd È Their working policy la that ulé j antheutlcity. Santa had nilsscd the gratulatad hlm with their compli- ______________________ changing ou a colossal smaie is the program hi' the ckildreu but he had mentsansd beat wishes. Mr. Rog- MEN We re epatig, or ~hope a! the worid. And straugeli' neard sud cnJoyed most o! t aven ers picasautiy nemarked f nom the ýME - W ar reeatngfora iited time cnugh lu oun modern world scienti- ais radio wkilch he carrled wth him. pulpit that if kie lived anothen sixti' o! le, 13 " alumninum cooking spoon for the return ficaliy powcrful, philosophicaiiy Lt had becu a veny pleasing sud de- yearskie wonid be ancekiundred sud Cli pers. OXO Limited, Sc. Peter Street, Montreal pnaud ludividuals are finding a new iightful pragrani sud had conslstad twenty, the age o! Moses wkien he Cha way a! life tkirongki repentance aud o anopening chorus by St. George's died lu the land o! Moab sud o! Girl belle!. A scientific philosopher said .iunday sohool. God Reat Ye Merry wham it is necordeti that his eye was acr( a !cw yeans ago that people wene not ientiemen, recîtations bu' Dlckcy not dini, non his natunal force abat- so ~ worryng about their sins. Now that ,ovekin, Farncomb LeGreslci', who cd. The simile a! oun lufe. aur for &L - READINGq they have begun ta be lu want msny also contrlbuted au encore number, yeans, as a talc that la told pnovlded son people arc worrying about lîttie cisc . ;lare Wakeliu, Elsie Geddes. Ruthi the basis sud Inspiration for Mn. wiseknon a theP adjRChist'a message a! repentance and ±Çenaghan, Enid Boweu sud Dora- Rogers' New Year sermon lu the ev- fait stll old god. ny Gibson; solo. Bol Night, by ening. The number a! youug people, . wis knwnas heP adRfauki til hld god.Audrey Brown; solo, Jeans Loves Me, especiallu' the young men presenThej - 'l'h. £ ,.nuuIneWhy Fishermen? 16-18 )yju'Rby Gibson; solo, Away lun aa eynsenbe u igi rt-,b The !aliowers o! Izaak Waiton Manger. by Dickey Lavekin; Solo, ifylug ta, pastor sud people. bi f reqnently recali the fact that Jeass dweeplug hen Bedrooni, by Dora T O V Ychose fishenmen ta bc hua disciples. Martin, wth chorus bu' girls: sala by'1T They speak o!f fshermen as men wkio jimmie Lovekin. with chorus bu' S. S. IT sud& Semet Solvai' Coke are humble sud patient, who kuow scholars; a play, The FinaL Christ- BOWMANVILLE wkiat kind o! bait ta use sud when mas, by girls o! senior dlams,Plon- TROOP L A 11 1 O Eta caat their liue. The fishermen, ence sud Ethel Spencer, Inene and BOY SCOUTS LA "11 H U O PEhowever, wkior Jeans called ta be Prnces Brereton, Audrey' Brown BOWMANVILLE hsdsilswr not sportsmen but and Donothu' Trenwith; two Christ- men whose very existence depeuded mas souga by two groups ofThr J. C. Bewman - -~.._____upon thein wark. Jeans said that he Lune pupils sluging lu succession; wanld make them flshens o! men. duet, Yon go ta yaur chuncki sud Scoutmaater - .'Wcre they ta became net an huie l'il go to mine, by Audrey Brown rt tme o eplan or mr- onk luthe finat disciple graup the prograni. wtstu g great sufferng andth te thene wcre twa pairs o! brthers- miss Veima Neal playetifa the clout over h.ftrKnar e James sud John, sons a! Zcbedce; Third Uine vocal puinbers and Rev. came an slways cheeny, encaunag- Peter sud Andrcw, another pair o! P. B. Mason voicet the sentiments iug leader o! the hospital tnaop o! brothena. Their discipleship wlth o! alI whcn he compllmeuted kier on hsndIcai'ped boys sud generafl' EU Christ did not cause any famuli' di- the singiug o! the pupil. Mani' o!f lye art that attractati unusuai aSson S o vision but rather cemeuted their the Lockhart's 'chool section resi- commendatian from. doctors sud ýin ail its branches. bonds o! brothenhooti. They coulti dents were preseut at the entantalu- nurses. The Carn'weli Badge was talc f reelu' ta eacki other as they ment including the Superintendent, established ta commemorate the f or- PHONE 5 BOWMANRLE clscusset the Maater'isteaohlng.Mn. Hareld Qibson. Mise Nora Glb- iu courage sud charaoter shown 1Theu' couiti brlug Into the disciple son andi other offleera o! the sohool, by Shlp's Boy Jack Cornwell, a Boy A SavinsAcon and its 4 selliag poant 'lollars'worth, of cnovtvl afety of your depouia& A ~state of buoineus or the. moncey marke, your d",dt are at your "immediate" dispS osa. Uar for dollar. AL U E mremes tb rou0 hei hal-yar7.compouading cd for a table of tyical iueses, V enitld ftHoWoney Grows. E OURAGEMENT to âiii though a service which rcie thrughutthe Dominion, daylu ad day ôut, thousands of saving E deposit&, large and smumU, snd which aima at giLvîng evM~ depouitor courteou4and csreful aumticm. THE CANADIAN BANK 0F COMMERCE Paid.Up Capital- 30 Milion Dollar Reserve Fund 30 Million Dollars CAS 12 BOWMANVILLE BRANCH: A. J. WHALEN, BiAÈAt*ets T. Be Testeda M1LK Made Saf e Fer Yeu Iii Dou't take chances wlth«your milk ...good. milk la the best f ood yen maa get--- poor milk in langerons. We pride ourselves on the hlgh standard find quality of our mlât. Grade 1 Butter - Try Kt once you'la ue K always. BewmanvIilO Datry MaxK - CREAM - BUTTER Phone M eor 703 )ut. alter belng mortally wound- are subject to many aliments aria- during the battue 6f Jutland. ing f rom inflammnation and te an Bata Claus' Worksliops 1 manner of cuts and brulses. Dr. iThomai' Eclectric 011 la an entirelY Én his difficult 1932 Christmas Job reliable remedy for such alments Joy-maklng the Canadian Santa and mishapa ii bath humani beingal ius had the kielp of a Toy Shop adtelwrodr !aias Lin operated by Boy Scouts and 1adtelwrodr faias ri Guides in 145 towns and cities Praises tliis Asthma Remedy. A ros the Dominion. Toys, ganies, grateful user of Dr. J. D. Kellogg'a ry books and donls were provided Asthma Remcdy f1nds it the onl:y rfully 75,000 children, inlu ding remedy that wil give relief. tliough me 4,500 on prairie f arms by mail, f or thirteen years he hal sought t I other help. YTears of needlesa suf- f erlng may be prevented by using For Both House ani Stable.- thia wonderful remnedy at the firet ire la a good deal of siniilarity, warnlng of trouble. Irts use la sim- wicallY speaklng, bctween human pie. its cost las îlght, and t beh igs and the lowcr animais. Bath' purchased almost ayw re/ CONFORT' This PAGE CO) U~UI2Othe" COKE SEME' P. R. coal i HIENRY PHONE 520J or 520W bocoming morei are turning wise< But whether to protection, we right kind ofi takes but a &hot vices. Mi Insuraxice ING STREET Lot the wind howl 'Out- side . . . snd let it snow. When you've w got a nice, warm homo to stay inside you can defy the elements. But jeA a warm home moans Ro at col...good Lehigh - Valley Anthracite. Stock up now and ini- < sur e comfort this Win- BauImLDES' SUPPLES ter. PHONE 133 BOIWMANVI.LR THE CANADIAN

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