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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jan 1933, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5th, 1933 MAPLE GROVE Miss Phyllis Blair, Port Bowman- ville, vsited Miss Jean coyne last week. There are a few cases of the "Flu" li the district. We wish them ail a speedy recovery. Mr. Elgin Munday who spent the Christmas holidays at home bas re- turned to the O.A.C. at Guelph. Miss Helen Metca1X visited with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Meteal!, Base Line, last week. Our young people go to Solina on Friday evenmng, Jan. l3tb, to pres- ent their play, "An Old Fasbioned Mother." Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whte, two daughters, Oshawa, spent the week- end witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stevens. Mrs. John McGregor, Mr. Lloyd McGregor, East Whitby, vlsited their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Freeman on Tuesday. Miss Doris Grooms has returned to ber home in Toronto after spend- ing the past week with Misses Betty and Mildred Snowden. Misses Nellie Snowden, Vera Trimble, Susie Laird, Lillian Dear- born and Ruby M. Bragg, bave re- turned to their schools. Mr. and Mis. W. J. Snowden, Mrs. Ray Snowden, two daughters, vis- Ited at the former's son, Mr. Eber Snowden, Oshawa, on Thursday. Mrs. Samuel Snowden visited witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Macklin, Cobourg on Saturday, ber mother returning borne with ber for a visit. In spite of the inclemency of the weatber last Friday evening ciite a number gathered at No. 3 school house to see the play "An Old Fasb- ioned Mother." i 'CADMUS Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ferguson spe,ýnt Monday at Mr. Russel Mountioy'. Jean and Marion Sanderson spent a few days at Mr. Herbert Gai- braith's last week. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gibson and family spent Monday in Mount Hor- eb visiting relatives. Rev. and Mrs. F. W. Newell and family spent Wednesday evening at Mr. Ceci Ferguson's. Mr. Fred Dayes. Misses Norma and Beth McQuad spent Sunday ev- ening at Mr. Sam McKee's. Sorry to report that Mr. Ross Phllp bas been under the doctor's care. We hope to see Ross out again soon. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney McQuade and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wilson vis- ited at Mr. Oscar McQuade's on Saturday. Mr. W. B. Ferguson, Mi. and Mrs. A. E. McGill, and Mr. and Mrs. Ev- erard Sanderson and family, visited at Mr. Smith Ferguson's on Monday. Mr. C. H-. Fallis, Miss Birdie Fal- *lis, Mr. and Mrs. James McKee, Mr. Edgar McKee, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne + McKee and babe spent Saturday at Mr. Edgar Gibson's. League was beld Tbursday even- ing witb a splendid attendance. Mrs. H. A. Gglbraith, assistant president, took charge in tbe absence of tbe president. Bible reading was taken .by Miss Violet Pacey and Miss Maizie Gayton gave the bible -study. Mr. Leonard Milîs bad charge o! the prograni wich consisted of readings by Marjorie Galbraitb, Betb mcQuade and Miss Dorothy Williamnson, the topic by Mrs. Gal- braith and a duet by the Misses Norma and Leab McQuade. SALEM Mi. and Mrs. E. Doidge were New Year's guests witb Mr; and Mrs. T. H. Knigbt, town. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Stephens spent New Year's witb their daughter, Mis. Roy Langmaid and family., So- l1ia. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Squair and family were guests at a New Year's dinner Sunday evening at their dau- gbter's. Mrs. W. Moffat and family. Orono. Mr. and Mrs. M. Wilkins and son, Mrs. E. Wilkins, Oshawa, visited witb Mrs. A. Wilkins on Thursday. on Friday Mrs. R. Pooley and son. Buffalo, were guests at the Wilkins borne. Rev. A. S. Kerr qccupied the pul- pit here on New Year's Sunday, and bis splendid discourse le! t with bis bearers sorne very fine ideas on wicb to base their New Year's re- tiOlD,' solutions. orv Mr. Ewart Pollard, Toronto, who orv bas spent the holiday season at ini bome, returned to Toronto on New lti" Year's morning, bis mother accom- I Y panying hlm to attend a New Year's ~i family gatbering at her sister's. Miss e*, Sybil Hocken. Y. P. L. on Wednesday evening, 1~ ianuary Clea rance We have numbers of broken fines that we are clearing this week: Black Kid and Brown Kid Ties, reg. $5.45.. 34.49 Regulan $3.98 PumPs, clean- ing aI $2.98 Regular $3.25 and $3.45 Pumnps and Ties . 3 2.89 Motor Boots, black or bnown. selllng aI $3.65 Fui trimmed Jersey Cloth Ovenshoes 1. $3.50 Wornen's 1 stnap Sboes. 31.29 to 31.98 W. c.O Ives THE HOME (0F GOOD SHOES the Topic by Miss S. ButterY; topic '6 discussion read by Mi. R. Cale; Mrs. H-oney read a deligbtful littie Christ- mas story; Mr. Reg. Coombes f av- oured witb two fine mouthorgan sel- ections. A contest of bible refer-c ences was conducted by the leader. i at the social bour. Attendance 13.t HAMPTON Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Langmaid and Miss Evelyn recently visiteci f iendst in Oshawa.r Mr. Wilmot Hewie and Mrs. Cun- ninghamn Sr., Cameron, recently vis- Z ited with Mrs. Jos. Clatwortby. 5 Mrs. Thos. Sykes bas returned to ber home at Warkworth al ter spend- ing several weeks' holidays witb ber son. Mr. L. D. Sykes. Mi. Tom Sykes accornpanied byE bis friends, Messrs. Geoffrey Lamb-5 ton and Bob Allan o! Toronto, andt Wilford Brace of Kingston, spente the bol.idays at bis home here. j The League meeting on Friday ev-1 ening was in charge o! the president,: Miss Ruth Johns; the theme of thei program being "The New Year."s Bible lesson was read by Mr. Har-E old Quarry; Miss Florence Burns gave a splendid paper, bringing New Year Greetings to the young peoplet with a splendid challenge for great- er tbings to be accomplished dur- ing tbis new year; Mrs. K. Caverly and Miss Lilian Jebson favored wlthr vocal solos; New Year leaflets were( read by Misses Helen Virtue. Lottier Horn, Editb Pascoe and Miss Ethel Stepbens; Rev. W. Rackbam brougbtt a very inspiîing and helpful Newa Year's message. Next week will bes the election o! officers. A good at-t tendance is -desired.1 (Too late for last week) 'I Miss Nancy Jobns, Toronto, is bol- f idaying at home.t Mis. Barron, Tillsonburg, is visit-a ing ber son, Mr. G. A. Barron. Misses Edna and Lulu Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. J. Willhiams, Oshawa, visited witb Mi. and Mrs. A. Peters. Misses Sadie and Laura Virtue, 'Toronto, visited friends here Sun- j day. Miss Jessie Knox, Peterboro, jsr witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R.d Knox.t Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Jebson and c daughter Joyce visited with Mrs. J.t Jebson. Mr. and Mrs. F. Rogers and !am- ily visited with Wbitby relatives re- cently. Mr. and Mrs. G. Armour and family spent a few days with Osb- 1 awa friends. Ur. and Mis. L. Cryderman and i family spent the bolidays with Tor- onto friends. Mrs. W. Ranton and daughter Margaret, Trenton, visited witb Mrs. W. J. Virtue. Mr. K. Caverly, Toronto, spent thei holiday with bis wife and family at Mr. C. W. Souch's. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Souch spent Christmas Monday with bis sister. Mrs. Jno. Pye. Enniskillen. Messrs. Harry D-owling, Toronto, and Perey Cowling, Bowmanville, visited aI their home here. Mr. and Mrs. G. Wilkinson and son Douglas, Toronto, visited with ber sister, Mrs. Edgar Horn. Mr. and Mrs. M. Avery and dau- gbter, Buffalo, N. Y., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Avery. Miss Lilian Phillips and Mr. Gor- don Phillips, Toronto, spent the hol- iday witb their sister, Mis. W. Craig. 3 Mr. and Mrs. C. Wood and f arn- ily and Mr. R. Barrabaîl, Orono, spent the holiday witb Mr. L. Johns. Mr. and Mrs. T. Wilcox are spend- ing the remainder o! the winter with their son, Mr. Milton Wilcox, Bowmanville. Mi. and Mrs. Ivan Stephens. Tor- onto, Mr. and Mrs. G. VanCamp, Base Line, visited with Mrs. G. Ste- phens recently. Messrs. Wallace Horn. Kingston, Fred Billett. Dr. A. E. Allun, Toronto, and Mr. Frank Hastings. Guelph, are holidaying at their homes. 5 His many friends will be pleased to leain that Mr. Jno Colwill bas returned to bis home f rom Bowman- ville Hospital and is slowly gainingj in health. Mr. and Mrs. R. Metcal!e arid family, Maple Grove. Messrs. Frank Trenouth, Osbawa, and Ross Tien- outh, Toronto, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mis. A. Trenouth. Mr. and Mrs. A. Trimble and son, Mr. and Mrs. D. Widdicombe and 3son. Bowmanville. Mr. Levi Niddeîy 1and Miss Lena Niddeîy, Toronto, visited with Mrs. S. G. Niddeîy. Mr. and Mrs. Theo Salter. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Salter. Mr. and Mrs. H. Peters and son attended the Silver Wedding anniversary o! Mrs. T. Sal- ter's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Davey. sPort Perry, on WednesdaY. S The Christmas concert held on Thursday evening was a wonderful success. The program was given. pretty littie drills and. verses. Rev. Rackbamn veîy ably acted as chair- man and was able to keep the audi- ence well entertained between num- bers with bis witty sayings. Santa Claus paid bis yeaîly visit and dis-' tributed many lovely gl!ts to the excited childien and grown ups as well. The singing o! God Save the King bnougbt the programn to a close. COURTICE I bolidays aI the home o! ber broth- ens aI Brampton. Rev. and Mis. H. Staintori, Ex- eter, Mn. and Mis. E. C. Ashton, Enniskillen, Miss Ina Cari and Miss ter ho wi i va Virtue îeoently visited the lat- 1 er's motber, Mis. Laura Virtue. SOLINA Mr. and Mis. Wm. MacDonald and latherine bave ietuined to thei orne aI Cobourg a! 1er bolidaying Quarterly Communion service will with ber parents, Mi. and Mis. WII- be held next Sunday at 3 P. m. is Stewart, and ber sister,Mr.RI Master Ian Bell, Bowmanville, bas 13 Scott. 1 been visiting Mi. Wesley Weriy. Mr. and Mis. Will Cha-prnan, 1 At the school meeting on Wednes- [amplon, Mr. and Mis. WUi Gibbs day morning, Mn. S. E. Werry was - -- - - p ... .Pc trustee Miss Maude Squires, Toronto, called on Mi. and Mis. W. R. Court- ce during the bolidays. Mn. and Mis. Geo. Keane and lit-1 tle Frances, Toronto, spent the New Y'ear holiday and weekend with Rev. H. C. and Mis. Wolfiaim. Mi. Hugh Short, who bas been with bis uncle, Mi. Jack Short, bbrough the summer and faîl, bas rturned to bis home in Tony Hill. Mr. Jack Soules bas ieîurned to St. Catharines wbeîe he attends school a!ten spending the bolidays witb bis grandparents, Mr. and Mis., S. S. Brooks. Sunday evening an inteiestlng paît o! the service was the part tak- en by some o! the membeis o! No. 4 school. Afler the devotional part o! the service led by Paston Wolfraim, a chorus was sung by tbe acholars. Miss Velima Peaice bold a Christmas story, Miss June Marshall gave a neading, and Miss Eileen Piekeil a recitation, and another cborus was sung. Oui pastor gave a sermon- elle 10 the young people on "The New Leaf."1 On Wednesday evening, Dec. 28th, the C. G. I. T. put on an excellent concert in the cburcb. The pro- gram was called ouI by Mi. Frank WValter bîoadcasting through the radio and was as !ollows: Chorus, C~. G. I. T. "Good Evening to You"l; reading, Miss Lyla Osborne, "Photo- grapher's Shop"; Pantomime, "Aflen the Bail" witb Rev. H. C. Wol!naim and Miss Velma Pearce taking the solo parts; the old fasbloned quar- tette, Messrs. Frank Haie, Frank Walter, Misses Beulah Walker and [rene Winters, sang "Basso Pro- fundo"; ieading, Miss Louise Cour- tice; vocal duel, Mis. G. F. Annis and Mis. Harold Muir, "Corne 10 the P'air"; chorus, C. G. I. T.; quartette 'Sulent Nigbî"' by the old fashioned quartette; reading, Miss Lyla Os- borne, by iequest "lGraxidmoîbeis Valentine"; C. G. I. T. sang some modern songs. Those taking. part were applauded by the audience and graciously responded. In the S. S. room a large Christmnas tree was decoiated around which a bootb was built where tbe C. G. I. T. bad boxes of eats for sale and a real sociable tirne was spent. Pioceeds nearly $20. Report of No. 8 School, Courtice Names in order o! merit: Si. IW-Margaret Gay, Mike Vet- zal, Gordon Balson, Elaine Picker- ing, Jean Gay, Dearl Waimsley. Jr. IV-Frances Reynolds, Fred Adamns, Alex Muir, Lorraine Antil, Ivan Cochrane, Doroîhy Snudden, Walter Devenish. Eloise Pickering, Catherine Lowe, Doris Wilkins, En- nest Gearing, Margaret Gravelle. Si. IIl-Hilda Devenish, Ethel Walter, Bill Varcoe, Marie SalI, Mary Rizneck, Ethel Wilkins, John Walter, Kathleen Pidduck, Lawrence Courtice, Thomas Barber. Blanche Taylor, Vella Hall, George Pidduck. Raymond Balson, Heiman Allin, Maida Hall. Jr. III-AIlan Tievail, Mary Kon- opacki. Rex Tooley, Douglas Bnock, John Rizneck, Carl Adamns, Maîsheli VeIzal, Wesley Walmsley, Pauline Antil. R. A. Hopkins, teachen. Si. II-Mick Andrionovicb. Jack Varcoe, Pency Walter. Jr. II-Bobby Green. Mary Wil- kins, Bob Muii, Audrey Walmsley, Mike Gravelle, James Snudden (not graded). I-Wesley Oke, Donald Jackson, Chris Tooley, Myrtle Scorgie, Joyce Salt, Orma Walmsley; Ruth Snud- Si. Pr.-Peter Gravelle and Wilma Scorgie, lied; Doneen Phair, Dora Taylor. Jr. Pr.-Greta Wilkins, Joan An- tii. Vida Walmsley, Hilda Scorgie, Helen Snudden (nol graded). Beginners - Raymond Wlggins, Harny Wol!îaim, Sirn Pen!ound and Johnnie Gravelil ied, Yvonne Walrn- sley. Harold Wilkins, Winnie Walter, Allan Cochrane (not graded). D. B. Wiman, teacher. TYRONEI A number have been sick witb the grippe and colds. Mis. Howard Stevens, Enniskillen, is ai Mn. Harold Burgess'. Miss Carnie Moore, Lindsay, is vis- iting aI Mn. C. W. Woodley's. Miss Mary Hatbeily is spending a few days aI Mn. D. B. Farreli's. Mn. Eugene Beecb very ably 100k charge o! the churcb service Sunday rnornlng. Congratulations 10 Mn. and Mis. fHarold Burgess on the arrivai o! a ,ine baby girl. Miss Mae Cameron, Toronto, ne- cently visited ber parents, Mn. and Mis. H. Cameron. Miss Rena Farrell. Bowmanville, recently visited ber parents, Mn. and Mis. D. B. Farrell. Mn. and Mis. George Brooks ne- k J For Your Son or Daughter Are you aware that we have just made available a new plan whereby you can arrange for the payment of definite sums of money beginrnng at the time when your son or daughter becomes eighteen years of age, so that the cost of a college or university education will be easily met? The money is payable in a number of yeariy or m-fonth1y instalments during the educational period. No matter what the agL# of your son or daughter may be now, if you intend him or her to receive the benefits whiCh higher education brings, write for full particulars of this Educational Policy, which makes it surprisingly easy for you to carry out your plans for your children. THEI1amn jnterested lI your New TEE Edwiationa1 Policy. Please Ul uusl*lltàlUtIn send particular. Gibbs, Oshawa, and Mi. and Mis.' Mr. and Mis. Hariy Grooms and B. H. Mortlock, Bowmanville, weîe !arnily. Toronto, spent New Year's recent visitors at Mn. and Mis. T. H-.! at Mi. S. E. Werry'5. Gibbs'. The lasI clinic will be beld this corning Saluîday moining at 10 a. ~TLwï ~ m. in the school bouse. EN IS ILENMi. Mel. and Miss Doroîby Wil- SIliamns, Port Periy, bave been boli- MissWinilrd Oe eteralnd adaying at Mr. Chas. Howsam's. MissWinifrd Oe eteraind a Several !romn here attended the !ew !riends to a !owl dinner on New funeral o! the laIe Mis. Everett Year's eve at the home o! ber par- Mackey in Bîooklin on Saturday. ents, Mr. and Mis. Wes. Oke. Miss Mi. Lewis and Miss Gertrude Elsie Oke, Toronto, spent the week- Dewell, Bowmanville, weîe holiday end at ber home. visitors at their uncle's, Mr. Sarn SDewell. IENFIELD t absft S. E. Weiry entertained lbuc thiîty o! tbe young people to lnhon Thuisday evening a! 1er Mr. Bert Ferguson visited at Mi. skating. Lloyd Ferguson's. Mi. and Mis. Cecil Bush, Colurn- Mi. and Mis. E. W. Pascoe visit- bus,.Mi. and Mis. Bert Hunt, Bow- ed aI Mr. Geo. Ormiston's. manville. spent New Year's at M~r. Mi. and Mis. Mervin Hobbs. Sol- S. Busb's. ina, vlsited at Mis. J. Hobb's. Remember the Division meeting Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ormiston bave ithe S. S. room Thuisday evening, been visiting in Bowmanville. Jan. 121h. This is installation o! Mi. and Mis. J. Smith, Bobcay- officers so ail members please aI- geon, recenlly visited Messrs. Arthur: tend. and Edwin Ormiston. Maple Grove Young People will Miss Evelyn Stinson went 10, To- present their play "The Old Fash- ronto but returned flot belng well ioned Mother" at Eldad Fiiday ev- enough to MIl ber position. ening, Jan. 131h. Admission 25c Mr. Arthur Ormiston was consid- and 15c. eîably worse lasI week, baving two Mi. and Mis. Alan MeKessock en- bemborrages. He is galning slowly. tertained Ibeir S. S. classes to the The attendance was fair last Wed-! number o! sixty aI Ibeir borne on nesday aI the school meeting. Mi. Wednesday evening wben all bad a L. C. Pascoe was re-elected trustee jolly lime. and secretary-Ireasurer. Instilute meeting will be beld in 19 the S. S. room Thursday, Jan. 121h, aI 2 p. m. Program, 'H1-ome Econ- DO YOU REMEMBER WHEN?1 omics"; roll caîl, "Removal of Stains." Everyone welcome. Interestlng Events aind Personages jMi. and Mis. Howard Couch and Connected Wlth Solina Village !amily, Betbesda, Mi. W. J. Bragg, and Eldad Church M.P.P., Mn. and Mis. Irwin Bragg and !amily, Providence, weîe recent Editor's Note-This is the finalin visitois at Mi. Jack Baker's. staliment o! Ibis very interesîingo series o! memories o! days gone by NESTLETON by "Old Timer or Retro," as the con -_____________ Iributor signs their name. We have received many favorable comments Mr. John Samelîs who bas been on these contributions f rom readers quite ilI is no better. far and near. We know scores o! Mis. Wm. Muirhead, wbo bas been others bave enjoyed ieading the ne- quite ill, is slowly recovering. ferences 10 pensons and events men- Mr. and Mis. Joe Forder called tioned. Numerous names have been on friends in Cavenville îecently. suggested 10, the editor as the autbor Mis. Robent Jackson entertained o! these articles but so f ai none a nurnben o!f fiends on Monday. bave been correct. So before solv- Miss Marie Proutt was home for ing the mysteny on divulging the Christmas frorn Port Penny Hospital. name o! this versatile penson we Mis. Richard Pbilp enterlained a will give you just one more week t0 numben of ber !niends on Christmas guess the name o! the wîîten. A I Day. man or woman? You tell me. jG lad 10 hear Mis. Joe Taylor is home !rom the bospilal and is re- covering nicely. Solina was not a strongbold o!f Miss Mabel Jackson, Windsor, militarisai. The laIe S. J. Wil- 1vlsited bier parents, Mn. and Mrs. liams attended military scbool in Robert Jackson. Toronto as a young man, oblaining Mn. Wm. Lamb and Miss Mae bis captain's cetificate. He also Lamb visited Mn. and Mis. Herman served in the Fenian Raid o! '66. Sarnelis on Sunday. Noab Baker I believe was in the We are sorry 10 hear Mn. John Civil War in the U. S. Sarnelîs is quite poonly. We hope Do you remember Wm. Baken's bie will soon feel better. classical libnary, containing many We welcome Mi. and Mis. John well bound volumes o! standard au- Proutt. Miss Ruth and Marie, who thons? bave rnoved into their new residence Do you rememben wben Edwin in Nestleton. Reynolds moved ouI 10 Solina f nom Mn. and Mis. Herman Sarnelîs Maiposa? Aiso the Noden family? held the Christmas gatbering Ibis Charlie Branton's !amily, Mis. Jane year and had quite a number o! (Weiny) Clark and biei family, Mary their friends. Elford, George Cowle, Abert Fred Mis. Doke and Miss Maijonie Nes- Christian, Polly Hooper, Bertha Ho- bitî and Miss Florence Proutî, Toi- gantb. and bosts o! others who help- onto, spent the weekend wltb Mis. ed to make o! the neigbbonbood George Nesbitt. what it was and is. Miss Fallis, teacher o! Caesanea Do you nememben the redoubtable school, gave a splendid concert in Kil Mitchell who was botb loved and Fonestens' Hall on Thunsday evening. feaned, and whose deeds o! daiing Pioceeds over $12. will be bold and ne-told by each Mn. and Mis. VetaI McMullen succeeding generation? and family, Mn. and Mis. Clark Do you remember the spectacular Williams and family were guests o! fine on the VanNest homestead wben Mn. and Mis. Thos. Williams on the barns weîe buined? A lange Monday. bain was nebuilt to replace the one Members o! the league and the bunned. congiegation gave Mr. and Mis. Iv- Do you rernember the first self- an Pnoutt a beautiful parlon table binden in the neighbonhood on J. and vase, and a social trne in Ibe VanNest Ji's faim, I believe. on the basement o! the chuîch. finaltbreshing machine hauled by a We extend oui deepest syrnpatby traction engine? to1 Miss Ethel Thompson, Mr. Henry Do you remember wben Mi. Swit- and Win. Thompson in the sad loss zen owned and operaled the cheese Io! thein mothen who passed away !actoîy (Hampton Cnearnery now), Monday monning. in biei 83rd yean. and handled most o! the milk o! the The pîognam put on in the Pnes-1 neighboibood? bytenian Cburcb by Miss Fowlen and Alfred Hogarth, now deceased, bier pupils was a splendid success. and farnily is the only biancb o! Miss Fowler deserves a great deal o! the Hogarth families 10 bear the credit for the way she had bei pu- name in the îocaîiîy. plis tîained. Do you remember the Elford farn- Miss Lizzie Hooey had a veîy ilies? Wm. El! ord Sr. moved 10 pleasant surprise before leaving for Hampton, bis son Wmn. living on the the west. when the members o! the bomestead and John on the adjoin- Nestleton Presbyterian Cbuîch ga- ing faim. Wm. later movd 1t I hered in the basement o! the Manitoba and John and bis !amily Icuc n aebrapeetto 10 Dakota. Wr's faima was laten jo! a beautiful club bag and Rev. V. bought by David Montgomrney whose Walkei iead the addiess. family took Ibeir places in the ac- -___ - tivities o! the neighboîhood. John LAKE SHORE, CLARKE Elford's faim was bought by Fred___ Kerslake wbo built a lange bain and Christmas examination report o! brick bouse and laten sold it 10 Her- Lake Shore Scbool, S. S. No. 2. bert Tink. When on a visit to Ibein Clarke Township: son Milton, in Texas, John Elford, Jr. IV-Maurice Powell 79*. Jean bis wi!e and grandson. were drown- Holmes 62. ed in tbe Galveston flood o! 1900. Si. I-Audîey Jaynes 79', Edith Do you rernember the popularity Hendîy 71. Floyd Powell absent. o! Chris Cox? Jr. III-Evelyn Biown 79*, Stan- Do you remember wben Wm. ley Brown 70. Doidge and famlly lived on the TIl-azel Powell 77', AutdîeyAdi- caugbter IOVVMANVILL Beware of the Flu The flu is around and weakened constitutions will soon fali prey to the disease. Make sure that you are strong enough to -ward it off. Eat Roman Meal Bread, a tonic and body builder, made solely in BoWmanville by Cor- bett's Bakery. Try Roman Meal Scones and Cookies. Store closes 6.30 p. m. ail next week CORBETT'S BAKERY BOWMANVILLE PHONE 3 IÇNDNESS CURTESY 5ER VICE NORTHCUTT & SMITH Furniture Dealers - Funeral Directors Ambulance Service Low Rates Phiones 58, Residence 523 or 276 Makers' Stocik Of Marquisite Frilled CURTAINS 25 per cent off See These at NELSON'S STORIES WALK A BLOCK AND SAVE A LOT FOR BIGGER AND BETTER BARGAINS 1 .1 e' Assurance Company Name of Canada drs Head Office: Waterloo, Ont. Established 1869 A e o o r d Ce He DUDLEY REPRESENTATIVE Bc 1

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