PAGI~ I!TGwr THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, JANUARY Sth, 1933 I I « APage oF News For Busy Durlam Farmers » bark close ta th~e ground, while rab- Ne s o tebits work on the top of the S10 Tow nshil Newsforthewhere hi activities can be easilY se.Newspapers, white building F N N I Busy Farmer paper and wire are three good ma- FIAN I teil ouse, and of t.hese the gai -__ vanized wire protector, while more Lowered Freîght Rates Helping expensive at the outset, is the most. January i st, 193 Honey Expoit effective and enduring. According to P. W. Hodgetts, Sec- Do Your Hens Lay? EXPENDITURES retary, Ontario Honey Export As- A rtyrlaeodfrmafrJnuy sociaionthe rcent m l er aily finding out whether or flot a flock Treas. of Baw. Court fees $ rates on foodstuffs have 0aeia f lhens s paying for the feed they Bell Phone Co. service... aided honey export. Canlot shlP- est is supplied by F. C. Elford, Do- J. Baker, sheep insp ... plng costs. through the reductiOn in mmnion Poultry Husbandman. It is T. H. Richards, salary, etc. jfreight charges tram 37%~c per' Cwt. as simple as if is practical: Take T. H. Richards, road maint. Z" ta 32c per cwt., are lowered by Up- the cost of feed per hundredweight, Bank of Montreal, cofleet- M wards o $20.00, wIh hin' prt divicle it by the cost of eggs per ing taxes.......... . compensatmng the producers for the dozen and multiply this quotient by Bk. of Montreal, Int. Fextremely dimfcult exchange situa- three. This gives you the number Fbur tioio f eggs per day which a flock of 100 Bell Phone Ca. service. A further concession by the rail-.lhens must lay ta pay f or the cost of Stencil Co., dog tags roads which permits the use of un- their f eed. For example: A~ed is W .Srklglavc strapped iron drums as a honey ex- casting $1.20 per cwt., and eggs seli- . . Strike, segal advlc part container, has lowered packag- ing at 30 cents per dozen. Applying N. . JHoarhleg.shees. ing costs, as compared wth the the formula the quotient is 4; this ~DHgrh e.Fe standard lxty-pound tin case strap- multiplied by three gives the resuît T. H. Gibbs, wood for hall. ped, and banded. Many producers 12-or the number af eggs which a F. . Groat, auditor .. are planning ta use the drumn dur- flock of 100 liens will have to aver- R. K. Ricuaird, adiryec coming season. age per day ta pay for feeda htTHRcadslrec ing the cm esn os ai.a htT: H: Richards, road maint. cornstoersatio.gfor. Bank of Montreal, Int. Coru GYooweOw BLivinggMfor Dominion Market 1ieYo On iig J. D.Hogarth, a. src "In a desire ta put on the marketi Whether willing or flot the ma- BelPoe do evicesalary a stili better seed," said A. H. Mar- jority of farmers are now obliged ta BeH.lRPhaedCa.selricetc tin, Secretary of the Corn Improve- jsupply more af their own needs. The T.H* ihrsslrec ment Comxittee, "corn growers at a fallawing list may provide suggest- T.* H. Richards, road maint. recnt eetng el inChaham iions for further economy: N. J. Woodley, sheep insp. decided ta apply for registration of 1. Milk a few good cows; feed Bak otraIt certain strains and varieties of recommended rations. April known histary. As registration pro- 2. Fatten one pig for every twa Bell Phone Co. service... oresses a standard of quality and adult members of the family; cure Sheppard & Gui, coal ... type will be set for each variety, the meat properly. J. D. Hogarth, balance lst whlch wll insure alsoute uniform- 3. Keep at least 100 good hiens. quarter salary .ý.... ity of type for the variety in ail seeci correctly housed and fed. J. Baker, sheep is ... sol a rgiserd.4. Raise a good garden; water T.H. Rchards, salary, etc. soldas egiterd. romwinmil ifposibl. .T. . Richards, road maint. "Ta stili further improve the mar- f5romlandinlicapssible.s which Bank of Montreal, Int ... ket iluallty of Ontario corn for feed show little or no surplus. May an sed aston cmmtte as 6. Grow your own stock feed. Bell Phone Ca. service .. appainted ta investigate the advis- 7. Butcher fat cows and steers; J. D. Hogarth, exp. Cobourg ability and possibility of installing tracie meat with neighbors. B. G. Stevens, sal. Assessor local drying plants throughout the 8. Raise your awn living; keep N. J. Woodley, sheep insp. corn districts. This will enable your roof tight. G. Adcock, bal. salary 1930 growers to place coin on the market 9. Get down ta earth and do the T. H. Richards, salary. etc. with mosture content of 14 per cent best you can today. T. H. Richards, road maint. or less,, thus insuring the absolute 10. Drive a horse until you can Bank of Montreal, Int. keeping quality of Ontario corn no afford ta buy gasoline.Je matter how long it is kept in str-____ age.Mrs E. V. Scobell, Treas. "Iprt f ed on no >Departmental Changes iBonds tario have been very heavy and John A. Carroll, head Of the Crops Bell Phone Ca. service these Ontario farmers are planning Branch, will be promoted ta the pas- J. D. Hogarth, adv. salary ta capture the large share of this ition af Superintendent of Faîl FaisT.H. Richards, salary, etc. business." af Ontaria, succeeding J. Loc kie l T. H. Richards, raad maint. ______son wha held the office for 28 years T. H. Richards, road canst. and is now being superannuated at Workmnen's Camp. Insur'nce Compuisory Hog Grading the age af 76 years. Mr. Carrlll1Bank af Montreal, Int. Hog grading regulations pravided has been with the Department in jl by the Dominion Government under variaus capacities for the past twen IJu. ooî y he np its Live Stock and Live Stock Pro- ty years and during the last year or J. Baker, sheep insp... ducts Act have been proclaimed by sa, in addition ta administering the Hampton Cemetery Board, the Lieutenant-Governar of Ontario Crops Branch. has been Secretary grave as effective in this province, and wl af the Ontario Marketing Board and 1otct mtbra be put in operation immediately. acting on the Agricultural Develop- j. H. Mutton, Weed Insp. Their effect is to rid gradîng of ment Board. In taking aver direct- Sheppard & Gill, lumber its somewhat optional feature of the,'ion of Ontario's fairs, lie will con- and cemient past and ta make it compulsory: tinue ta handie the crops ends of his Bell Phone Ca. service wth rigîd enforcement, in all sec- present duties. but the marketing J. D. Hogarth, bal. salary, tions of Ontario, in the future. Be- activities will be under direct con- 2nd quarter hind them is the primary purpose Of 'trol of W. B. Somerset, chairman of T. H. Richards, salary, etc. raising the standard ai Ontario bac- the Ontario Marketing Board. T. H. Richards, road maint. 4 S¶.~,. with a view ta earning a great- - T. H. Richards, raad const. 2 er share af markets, bath domestic Bow'villeHoptl rn and overseas, than now prevails. HOW FARM PRICES F G. Hsîa, rat Al hogs sold or offered for sale COULD BE RAISED Bowmanville Fire Brigade, at stockyards or such other points services as may from time ta time be de- The United Fariners af Ontario Bank of Montreal, Int. signated by the f ederal authorities, have requested publication of the, Ags hogs arriving at abattoirs and hogs following article on -Haw Farm ugiS for expart are subject ta grading. Prices Cauld Be Raised": N. J. Waodley, sheep insp. Only pure-bred hogs exported for A tew years ago when we sold B.EPhnedCo. service o the improvement af stock and hags bacon, cheese, butter, or wheat on N.E Nasisuaceo entered for exhibition at foreign, the British market and transferred J. H. Muttan, Weed Insp. state or national expositions are ex- sterling ta Canadian currency £10 G. Adcack, labar .1 Undter h dineultoswauld give the Canadian fariner J. D Hogarth, postage, etc. hogs reivdnt the iolig eglaing 1$48.60. Today. due ta the differ- T.;H. Richards, salary, etc. clgassreldvie bacohbaco. butch-ence in exchange, £10 gives aur far- T. H. Richards, raad maint. 1 classs: Seetaohe avies, .ight mer anly $37.80. It warks the saine Bank af Montreal. Int. ers, heavies,exr evslgt for ail exportera. Because Denmark,I eeme and f eeders, roughs and sows. Ba- Swedc-n. and Narway are maintain- Speme con is the quality on which quota- ing t:her currencies on a par with N. J. Woodley, sheep insp. tions are made. Select bacon is en- sterling £10 gives the fariner in each J.BaH.r, sheep insp. titled ta a bonus of $1 per hag over aof hç,ý cruntries the samne amaunt in. HA Muttan. weed insp. qutatian: butchers and lights are E.. ' A~civ urece s tdd . Virtue, cutting weeds deducted $1 per hag; heavies are de- ýrv-ra1 years ago. That is. each Belrkhoe'sCa. nrice ducted $1.50 per hog; and extra sa...a a »amr" eve h Bl hoeC. evc heavies lose $1.50 per cwt. eq:vert rm$460r r thiesamhe J. D. Hagarth, postage, etc. if$4.6_frhesaneT.H. Richards, salary. etc. arniurA ri"4 produre which would T H. Richards, road maint. 1 The Fertilizer Act Protects brîr.g th,,- Cunadian farmer only Bank of Montreal, Int. The Farmer $37 ,( October Priar ta 1922 the official super- N.wAiuV.ralia and the Argentine Bell Phone Ca. service vision for the contral of commercial a s < jfl;*tiofa ours on the Mrs. E V. Scobell. Collect- fertilizers sold in Canada was con- /'Ž ~ How dades this mat- oi:s Bond fined largely ta the taking of repre- trc x ag~ fette? 1 J. Baker, sheep insp. sentative samples at the factories of if J!01. y it, they profitI T. H. Richards, salary, etc. manufacturers. These sampleis wre *-ýr1rrQjrcu' 1. Bc-cause their cur- T. H. Richards.. road const. analyzed and the resuits of analy.I <<. r krcitdat0lYt J. D. Hogarth, salary 3rd published. a rýr w.'.h sterling but f ar belaw it, quarter Nowadays samples are taken from £10 sterlinzgigves the Australian Mrs. Annie Luke, vault door lots after delivery to the fariner. or tarrfer the equivalent of $61.00 inl Bank of Montreal, Int. tram car lots en route ta destination., hi. currency and the Argentine far- November or tram shipments temporarily in mer receives almost as much. Ho W A. F. Annis, advice warehause prior ta final distribu- canr the Canadian f armner passibly Bl hn o evc tion. By this means contraI is made ýomnPcte- on a warld market under B.EPhnea. Iserviceot more effective. ýýuch a handicap? Mareover, since W. R. Strike. legal advice The Fertilizers Act requires that1 the price of export commodities oni Sheppard & Gi. coal every brand of fertilizer sold in the world market rules the price of J. A.Halgate & Son, cement Canada be registered, and that ev- these commodities selling an the J. Baker, sheep insp. ery ontaner0f fertilizer be tagged home market, this exchangc handi ery cntaier .. 1-Selectors ai Jurors or labelled shawing the naine and cap is responsuble for holding the J . D . Hogarth, postage, etc. address of the manufacturer or imr- price af major iarmn praducts ap-1 G. Adcack, labar porter, the brand name, the registra- proximately 20 per cent lawer than M Hastings, labar tion number and designatian of year they would beif we had parity with T. H. Richards, salary, etc. p of Darlington LL STATEMENT ý2 to December I5thi, 1932 >22.13 2.55 1.00 26.91 20.78 44.75 48.45 2.10 23.30 3.00 3.25 23.25 4.50 10.00 10.00 25.90 92.10 38.37 37.50 2.85 9.42 49.91 1.50 30.48 1.90 8.25 100.00 1.70 16.52 112.42 25.30 2.00 1.50 225.00 2.00 50.00 51.48 495.53 22.93 5.00 2.10 15.00 98.66 236.12 805.71 18.89 12.32 1.40 2.80 3.00 10.00 19.20 4.55 2.00 122.50 125.90 4,036.46 2,320.22 75.00 24.00 10.00 7.89 3.30 1.90 4.00 33.60 11.25 3.00 106.05 1,960.72 30.57 2.20 8.40 20.85 2.00 18.00 2.37 3.50 87.44 1,924.25 30.83 2.30 15.00 5.80 80.73 900-38 137.50 55.00 30.57 2.00 2.22 4.00 10.00 15.75 87.75 4.80 10.00 5.00 18.25 9.40 75.70 385.30 28.60 .50 14.80 58.05 16.00 2.10 45.00 3.00 78.74 321.65 C. M. Carruthers, services as Councillor ..... 65.00 A. W. Annis, services Caun 65.00 F. G. Kerslake, services as S. A. 0. ................ 30.15 F. G. Kerslake, wark, Park 15.40 J. L. Johns, labor ...... 10.00 RELIEF January Mrs. Savage ý...... $ 17.66 Mrs. Savage...... 3.10 Mis. Savage ... ..... 3.12 Norwick tamily, groceries. 8.87 Elizuk f amily, groceries ... 3.46 Norwick taily, flour .... 6.00 February Elizuk f amily, coal ..... 2.00 Mary Bowins, Weston Hosp. 113.25 Mrs. Savage, groceries. .. 2.57 Mrs. Savage, groceries .... 9.46 !orwick family, groceries. 6.42 Mrs. Savage, wood. .. 3.001 Mrs. Savage, milk.. .. 2.48 Mr. Gravelle, groceries. 5.87 March F. Storms, Bow'viIle Hosp. 14.00 Mary Bowins, Hospital for Consuinptives .. .. 23.25 Gravelle famlly, supplies .. 12.18 Norwtck f amlly, supplies. 9.73 Elizuk family, supplies 8.74 Mrs. Savage, supplies. 13.33 April Mary Bawins, Hospital for Consumptives .. 21.75 M. Cowling and babe, Baw- manville Hospital. .. . 19.43 Elizuk and Norwick, suppl's 16.31 W. J. K. Stevens, supplies.. 9.00 Ernest and Gravelle famil- ies, supplies.. .. 23.13 Gravelle f amily, supplies 17.99 Norwick, supplies 15.10 Mrs. Savage, supplies . 11.34 Norwick, buckwheat 3.60 May Mis. Savage, supplies 2.40 Mary Bowins and N. Wal- ters, Hasp. for Con's. 43.77 Ernest, Gravelle and Flint f amilies. supplies 44.'88 Elizuk and Norwick, sup. 15.41 Narwick family, supplies 2.40 June Mary Bawins, Hospital for Cansumptives 22.50 A. Sweet, hor. Gen. Hosp. 32.38 C. Cornish, Bow. Hosp.. 1.75 JuIy Mary Bawins, Hospital for Consumptives 23.25 Mis. Savage, supplies 11.27 August Mary Bowins, Hospital for Consumptives ,.75 Mis. Savage, supplies 11.86 James Nichails, supplies 25.00 Ernest families, supplies 48.00 September J. Nicholîs family, supplies 15.40 Ernest families. supplies 39.00 Norwick iamily, supplies 29.94 October J. Nicholîs, supplies 25.00 Ernest familues, supplies 36.00 Wm. Roberts, supplies 9.00 Mis. Anderson and baby, at Bawmanville Hospital 14.58 Mrs. Bishop and baby, at Bowmanville Hospital 13.25 Miss Konopacki, Osh. Hasp. 38.50 Miss Roberts, Hospital 58.64 November Mis. Ruse. Tor. Gen. Hasp. 77.88 A. Sweet. Tor. Gen. Hosp. 107.63 J. Nicholîs, supplies 37.51 Ernest tamilies. cartage an waad 9.00 Naiwick iamily, supplies 24.49 Ernest and Roberts, suppl's 57.00 December 3rd. A. Sweet, Tar. Gen. Hosp. 19.25 Antil and DeVenish, supplies 8.78 Narwick & Parker, supplies 18.28 Flint iamily. supplies .98 Ernest iamilies, supplies 35.97 Parker iamily. supplies 9.00 Roberts iamrily, supplies 12.00 Brock family, supplies 7.49 Antil family. supplies 6.76 Cochrane iamily. supplies 6.54 Pitka family. supplies 3.60 Adams family. supplies 4.00 Johnson iamily, supplies 5.00 Greer family, supplies 5.00 Woods iamily. supplies 2.40 Narwick iamily. supplies 6.60 December lSth. Parker family, supplies 6.30 Norwick family, supplies 6.04 Nicholîs family. supplies 11.25 Wood iamily, supplies 1.98 Johnson iamily. supplies 2.50 Greer family, supplies 2.50 Devenish family. supplies 2.00 Adams family. supplies 1.99 Kane family, supplies 8.05 Flint family, supplies 5.96 Kane iamily, milk 3.24 PRINTING AND STATIONERY January S. R. Hart & Ca. supplies $ 5.20 Municipal World 2.00 February Hart & Ca. supplies ralîs 45.48 J. D. Hogarth. excise. etc. 3.00 March M. A. James & Sons, print'g 30.25 S. R. Hart & Ca. Assess. Roll 7.79 BOARD 0F HEALTH February Dr. H. Ferguson, services L. B. ai H. . .. $ 25.30 May Dr. C. W. Slemon, Assistant M. 0. H 50.50 August Dr. H. Ferguson, services M. 0. H. . . - ... 69.00 Dr. C. W. Slemon, Assistant M. O. H .... .. 31.83 December C. W. Hastings, San. Insp 43.40 F. R. Kerslake, supplies.. 5.60 G. F. Annis, serv. L. B. ai H 19.20 A. Hogarth Estate, 3 meet- ings L. B. of H. . 12.00 J. D. Hogarth, Sec'y. ai L. B. of H.. ... 16.00 Dr. H. Ferguson, M. 0. H 103.20 Dr. C. W. Slemon, Assistant M. 0. H ..... 42.161 1 SHEEF DAMAGES January C. Howsam ...ý $ 8.00 April Wm. Brown, sheep damages 5.00 Adam Sharp, sheep dam'ges 2.100 May R. H. Collacott, damages. 5.00 July A. W. Clemens, sheep d'm'gs 5.00 Jacks Bros. sheep damages 4.00 August Blake Courtice, shp. dm'ges 6.00 G. F. Annis, sheep damages 12.00 Oeo. Harvey, shp. damages 23.00 Clarence Avery, damages,. 10.00 September W. E. Sanderson, sheep damages . . .. 11.00 W. W. Adams, shp. damages 13.00 L. Collacatt, shp. damages, 10.00 October Jacks Bras. sheep damages 14.001 C. J. Avery, sheep damages 5.00 November ROY Langmald, shp. d'm'ges 18.00 C. J. Kerslake, shp. damages 4.00 R. Griffin, sheep damages 4.00 Decemben A. Ayre, sheep damages, 18.001 DEBENTURES June Elleen M. Simpson, Deb. No. 6. S. S. No. 16 $ 711.27 Bank af Mantreal, Deb. and Coup. No. 8, S. S. No. 1 1,086.94 August Edwin Haggith, Deb. Na. 9, S. S. No. 19 289.451 Bank ai Montreal, Deb. No. 11, and Coup. S. S. No. 8 424.77 Bank af Montreal, Deb. Na. 10 and Coup. S. S. No. 6 407.60 December Treasurer af East Whitby, Deb. Na. 6, S. S. No. 24, 81.88 LOANS RETIRED February Bank af Montreal, boan $3,000.00 March Bank af Mantreal, boan 1,000.00 April Bank ai Montreal, loan 1,'000.00 June Bank af Montreal, boan 2,000.00 Banik af Montreal, boan 2,500.001 ADVANCE TEACHERS' SALARIES May A. W. Annis, S. S. No. 18$ June Noble I. Metcalf, S. S. No. 6 A. W. Aninis, S. S. No. 18 July Goidyn Brent, S. S. No. 10 August Gardyn Brent, S. S. No. 10 September Noble I. Metcalf, S. S. Na. 6 October Noble I. Metcalf, S. S. Na. 6 A. W. Annis, S. S. Na. 18 November Chas. P. Smith, S. S. Na. 19 A. W. Annis, S. S. Na. 18 150.00 150.00 350.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 78.00 100.00 $1,428.00 RECEIPTS January Counties Treas.. arreais of taxes $ 590.16 East Whitby, R. and B. ac. 179.28 Bertram Realty Ca., raad allawance B. F. 25.00 G. Adcack. taxes 1930. 570.80 G. Adcock, taxes 1932 3,157.27 Trans. f ram Debenture ac. 407.60 February G. Adcack, taxes 1930 284.95 'G. Adcock. taxes 1931 828.37 G. March G.Adcack, taxes 1930 38.12 G. Adcock. taxes 1931 757.69 April G. Adcock taxes 1931 1,264.25 G. Adcack, taxes 1930 164.50 May G. Adcock. taxes 1930 617.89 G. Adcock, taxes 1931 2.721.09 M. Jamieson. taxes 280.55 June G. Adcock, taxes 1931 124.64 M. Jamiesan. taxes 1930 177.99 Mrs. H. White, road allow. 25.00 T. H. Richards, fram roati acct. 10.00 Treas'ry Dept. per capa tax 15.00 Provincial Roaci grant 7,966.46 Treasurer ai Clarke, Deb. S. S. Na. 1 347.82 July G. Adcock, taxes 1930 29.00 G. Adcock. taxes 1931 267.69 Bank ai Mantreal, loan 6,000.00 August T. H. Richards, trees and cement 10.00 G. Adcock, taxes 1930 32.50 G. Adcock, taxes 1931 197.25 M. Jamiesan. taxes 1930 227.49 Treasurer, arrears ai taxes 347.67 September G. Adcack, taxes 1930 48.13 G. Adcack. taxes 1931 1,997.36 Treasurer, arrears non- resident taxes - 130.00 October Caunties Treas., Legilative achoal grant, 4,225.29 G. Adcock. taxes 1930 66.50 G. Adcock, taxes 1931 240.84 Treasurer, nan-resident arrears taxes 153.73 November T. H. Richards. transfeired iram -roati acet. 58.94 G. Adcock, taxes 1931 495.03 Counties Treas., County achool grant .- 247.81 December C. M. Cairuthers, sale af Notice to Faraners! Pea and Corn ]ENSILAGE FOR SALE Canadian Canners LtcI. PHONE 82 BOWMALNVILEZ Your Opportunityr Boys and girls, young men and young women in the Newcastle District - you shouki not miss one day of the free Short Courses at Newcastle this January. Agriculture in Community Hall Domestic Science in Community Hall IJan. 3rd to Jan. 27thb 1.933 Sehool Days - - Sehool Hours These Courses are largely practical and demon- strational. Send for outline of Courses if you do not receive one. E. A. SUMMERS, Agriculturai Representative. Port Hope. 20.00 Rent af Roada unpaid 60.00 96.14 Gravel pits 100.00 ... 150.41 Graders, drags, scrapers, ..44,256.61 etc. . 2,500.00 Cemnent Mixer 100.00 RATES Town Hall and furnishings 1,500.00 Park Grounds and)I Statutory Buildings 1,500.00 $ 40U.00 Township Forest Plat 1,500.00 600.00 600.00 ______ $49,721.22 608.00 658.00 LIABILITIES 600.00 Bal. Callector's sal. 1930 $ 62.50 loooo0 Bal. Callector's sal. 1931 112.50 600.00o Bal. Collector's sal. 1932 112.50 600.00 Schaal Section Debentures 1000).00 and Interest Coupons 600.00 due 1933 2,594.31 600.00) D. Loan Bank af Montreal 6,000.00 600.00 600.00 $8,881.81 1200.00 G. F. Annis, J. D. Hogarth, 600.00 Reeve. Clerk. 60-0 Stop that 600.00 Head Aching 216.001 Why suffer headache, or any other pain. 132.00 when ZUTOO TABLETS, taken when 84.00 féel it coming on, wlllguve relief in 20 minutes. Harmiess and re. liable. Used by thoua- 2 i$30,'250.23 ad 1 11,896.50 W 314.49 waad G. Adcock, taxes 1930 G. Adcock, taxes 1931. G. Adcock, taxes 1932. LOCAL SCHOOL Local $340.22 250.58 350.50 400.49 600.52 150.07 1000.85 200.58 325.08 549.78 150.46 100.00 200.64 400.26 200.38 500.29 350.62 300.89 400.85 108.12 30.84 Taxesi Dec. Taxesi Taxes ASSETS uncollected 1932 lSth uncollected 193: uncollected 193C I 4 4 e 4 4?j w -I k w FREE OFFER Jntroducing ouîr new Shirt unit, we xiii, for the next TWO WEEKS DO FREE One Dress Shirt with each dollar's worth of laundry or cieaning. Dress Shirts alone 25c. Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Phone Launderers Bowmanville 152 Dry Cleaners Itiofle oUti' Lve« tu. anc coul mur HE FORGOT to ORDER COAL It may be warm today - and the picture above may be amusing. But winter isn't warm ail the time. If you f ail to provide now, you niay be enacting the scene above. Store up on coal to- day. Prices are lower than in ten years. Scotch and Welsh Anthracite Sheppard & Ciii Lumber Co. Limited. i. 'I THE CANADIAN STATEShL4,N, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5th, 1933 PAGE BIGIET