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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jan 1933, p. 3

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CANAIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIL, THURSDAY, JAMUIARY 12th, 1933 PAGE 'L~ h M Flur at the Etertalumoent Six January Prograins of Outstandiing Menit Not since the doors of the Royal Theatre opened te the public have we been able to effer such a series of outstand ing screen successes. Our policy of the finest in Screen Entertainment for 1933, at ne extra cost te our patrons, starts off with a big bang. The six remaining programa for January have ail played the largest cities at $1.50 and $2.00 prices. We bring them te Bowmanville at regular prices. We are glad at ail times te receive comment on the type of pregramn we are providing, and we will bd~ glad te bave suggestions of the type of program you wish us te show. Admission z: Before 7.30 Pffm. only 25e alter 7,.30 P.m. 35o THURS. - FR. - SAT. JANUARY 19 -20 -21 Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. ROGERS' GREATEST ROLE The open sky his roof... dascd doors bis welcam... husr...nd bisheinhh saved the romnce of two youausotsfium disasu. ROGERS TrOO BUSY TO WORK MARIAN NIXON kFâ DICK POWELL Added Attractions FOUR GREAT STARS IN "3 ON A MATCH" wlth Warren WHilam. Ann Dvorajk, Joan Blondelt Bette Davis Hit After Hit! MON. - TUES. - WED. JANUARY 23 -24 -25 Matince Monday at 4 p. m. MORE WELCOME THAN A NATIONAL HOLIDAY! Added- 'CRANE POISON CASE', FOX NEWS and ROMANTIC MELODIE~ s~ix Nu~w~ ____________________________________________ i ____________________________________ I _____________________________________________ I -- I - - . . 140,000 Eyes Stared With Terrer But None Saw the Killer THURS. - FR1. - SAr. JANUARY 26 - 27 - 28 Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. Added Feature SYLVIA SYDNEY and FREDERIC MARCHi "JERRY and JOAN" A Woman chastened by the lire of suffering,. A Man regener- ated through love won-and lost. Parade ef Hits Continues MON. - TUES. - WED. JAN. 30 - 31 - FEB. Y Matinee Monday at 4 P. m. YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR TRIS PICTURE IGAYNOR FARREIL of the STORM COUNTRY D.,.d.ed by Alfred Sentait Added Features "TOREADOR" 'MOO NLIGHT for TWO' The Royal Theatre - Bownianville, kils infrequent trips without the bu-; last, Colonel White admitted, but' man shield, the doctor died a vic- 'many did, and respectable familles, tini of bullets before bis mission of !decently cared for by their fathers, mercy was completed.i today can tbank the army for their Another tragedy in the same com- 1 well-being. Sots wbo apparently munity (this was 40 years'ago) oc-1 had lost ail sense of responsibility, curred when a mountaineer was, and wbo wallowed in the dens of killed by bis own wife. HIe had been! vice, heard the stili, small voice of troublesome and quarrelsome at i conscience because of Salvation Ar- home, and when he lef t one day, she1 my services, and returned to better barricaded the cabin against bis lives than they bad yet known. return. i And so, for almost a haîf century. It s0 bappened that this man was this man and woman have cared for converted by the Salvation ry the spiritual and physical needs of and in a repentant mood went home the unfortunate. Tkiey have learned to make peace wlth bis wife. Skie, IPatience, knowing that growth that flot knowlng of bis change of beart,i is worthwkiile is always slow, and shot hlm to death when kie tried to 1 have watched their efforts come to enter tkie bouse. But Colonel adf rultion in human rehabilitation. Mrs. White ckershedthe idea tatd Edltor's Note--Col. White is a son kie might bave died unsaved f rom ai of the late Mr. and Mrs. Daniel fuedal bullet, and were glad in the Wht0f Solina. fact that he confessed bis sins be-<g- fore is lUfe was snuffed out.LO A &PRS N I ayadgrls, many of them vic-. tlms of scoundrels, bave found re- 1 fuge in armY homes supervised by! Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Rabni and Colonel and Mrs. White. A large daughter Betty, Weston, Mr. and number of these were converted, and Mrs. S. J. Pedlar and famlly, Miss tkirough beneficient home influences Nom Wilkinson, Mr. George Par- arranged by the army, were happily sons. Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. marrled and made excellent wives, Rahm. Burketon, spent Christmas and tbrough the years the pair bas witb Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cochrane, seen young men and women gradu- Duke Street. ate wlth honors from schools, who The hen is a great philosopher. were given a chance in the world If the grounci is hard she scratches by the army's solicitude for children harder; If it's dry she dlgs deeper; of unimarrled mothers. Ravels in if lt's wet she dlgs where lt's dry; the f abrie of life were knlt again by if she strlkes a rock skie works klndly men and women In blue wbo around ItL Did you ever see a pes- believed In the doctrine of forglving slmistic hen? Borne merchants who seventy times seven, and who taught are everlastingly talking bad times those fallen to regain their balance and doing nothing to overcome them and pursue the path of right living. mlght Ponder for a few moments on Colonel and Mrs. White belleve the philosopkiy of the ben by golng that Prohibition created better con- af ter business. ditions throughout the country. Chlldren sufferlng f rom worms After the çnactment of laws f orbld- soon show the syinPtoms, and arly1 ding the sales of Intoxicants, they motber can detect the presence of, said, the "boozers' corral- ceased to these parasites by the writhings andi exlst. This was a gathering up of fretting of the child. Until expeil-1 drunken persons in large cities, wbo ed and the system cleared of them,1 were taken to army headquarters, the child cannot regain its bealth.1 fed and sobered up. The numbers Mlller's Wormn Powders are prompt1 ran into hundreds before prohibi- and effIcient, not only for the erad-1 tion, but decreased almost to non- Ication of worms, but also as a toner1 existence a! terwards, they aaid. up for children that are run downî Some of the conversions didnt in consequence. - The Honme of Botter Entertalument !SHORT WAVE FAN phone came through the loudspeak- SPEAKS WITH HIS Bun for some particulars of this FRIE DS Y R DIO phenomnena bie launched into a FRIE DS B RADO 1teckinical tirade and we let it go at that. He dld promise however te Bernard Mfitchell Owner of Modlem get in touch wltb Brantford rlght Tranumlttlng and B.oeving E<ip- away and tell the fellow up there ment May ometies teat we called. And so in about five ment- Ma Somtime Be minutes we heard hlm speaking to Heard en Ordinary Long Brantford again and ie told how a Wave Recelvers newspaper man had called hlm up and told him of bis broadcast. We heard hum tel of sitting up the Short wave receiving and broad- nlght before and talking wlth fel- casting is becoming an interesting îOWS clown on the Atlantic coast and hobby for quite a number of radio ail over the States. He explaîned fans in town. Borne of tkiese fans, too for our private benofit that the like Bernard Mitchell and Jasper transmittor or microphone hie was Smith are getting to be experts at uslng was the same as those boing the game and are able te transmit usod on thie N. B. C. networks. messages as well as recelve them. In the very early hours cf New Perkiaps the thlng that struck us Years Day we were swltching f rom most about this new method of com- one station to anotber on Our man- munication was the fact that It tle model. llstenlng to the New Year would be useful for the meek bus- coming in ail over the world wben band speaking te his better balf. we happened to catch a short wave Skie would have te, listen wlthout signal around 1460 kilocycles. We answerlng back and if she dld try stayed on and In a few moments a to get hlm when be got through hoe vory familiar voice came over tbe could switch the set off and f orget air. It was 'Bun' Mitchell broad- about bier. It',% one-way communi- casting te, a friend i Brantford.' cation at a time but it must be a We'U bot 'Bun' just thought no one saving on telepihone cails when a was listenlng to what hie had to say feilow like Bun Mitchell wants te, but the fellow at Brantford, and s0 talk te frlonds aU over the contin- we eavesdropped on the whole pro- ent. gram. 'Bun' was laying the law down about flve or six American short wave stations who were slip- Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rahni and [ping away f rom thelr own banda' famlly had New Yoar dinner with and invadlng bis' terrltory and wkiat bis sister, Mrs. Walter Cochrane, ie wasnt going te tell the radio in- Duke Street. spectors of the United- States of America pretty soon wasn't even There is no more effective vermi- worth mentlonig. Apart from that fuge on the market than Miller'& be had a most lnteresting chat wlth Worm Powders. They wUll not only 'Jim' i Brantford and as most of clear the stomacb and bowols of the talk had to do with modulation, worms, but will prove a vemy service- waves bands, f requencies and other able medicino for cblldren i reg- radio termis wo know nothing at al ulatlng the infantile system and about it might Juat as well have maintaining Iti a healthy condi- beon broadcast i Spanlsh. When be tion. There is nothing in their got througb and asked the other fel- composition that winiInjure the low to do a Uittie talking we took moat delicate stemach when direct- the opportunlty cf phonhng hlm te Ions are followed, and they can be let hlm know we heard ail he had given to oblldren i the full assur- sald. Funny thhng about that phone ance that they wlll utterly destroy caîl was that what ho s»Id over the Jail worms. You want power ... you want mieage ... then use QILS- We can supply you with the following high.grade motor ois: Castrol Shell Veedol Mobiloil Penzoil Quaker State Fineroil, 100% Penn. PHIONE 110 KING ST. EA51~B OBOWMAN VILLE w Ir a 1 - ý . . . -.- 1 PAGE Il 'l

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