PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVII~LE, THURSDAY, JANUARY l2th. 1933 j ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rabbins have gone ta spend the winter in Roch- ester. Congratulations ta Mi-. and Mrs. Frances Werry on the arrival o! a baby boy. Mrs. Wm. Oke attended the f un- eral o! her aunt, Mrs. J. Wickett, Bowmanvllle. Mr'. J. Slemon spent a !ew days wlth his son, Dr. C. W. SlemOn, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick, Cli! - f ord and Verna, Sundayed with Newtonville friends. Miss Mae Martin, Bowmanville. is spendng a few days' with her cous- (lxi, Mi-. W. H. Moore. Mr-. and Mrs. N. Aldread, Toronto, ~spent Sunday with the latter's sis- ter, Mrs. W. R. Lamb. Rev. and Mrs. Harold Stainton and sons, Exeter, recently visited the former's sister, Mrs. E. C. Ash- tan. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore, Miss Muriel Moore and Mr. R. Burns spent the weekend with friends in Toronto. i ENFIELD Mr. and Mrs. A. Prescott vsited Mrs. R. Hambly, Raglan. Mr. and Mrs. Hosken Smith mot- ored to Bobeaygeon recently. Mrs. W. Montgomery, Solna, vis- ited her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Fer- gusan. Mr. and Mrs. James Stark attend- ed the funeral of his unce. the late Mr. J. Stokes. Messrs. G. Cochrane and W. J. OrmIston have been sick. Glad ta say they are lmproving. The Women's Association held its January meeting at the home of Mrs. A. Prescott. Ater the business session a short program followed which conslsted of a paper on the lite of Nmna Moore Jamieson by Mrs. Prescott, and a temperance reading, by Mrs. E. Ormiston. Refreshmxents1 were served at the close. I COURTICE Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stephenson, Solina, visited Mr. and Mrs. Paul Antil recently. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Short enter- tairned saime Oshawa f riends on Thursday evening ta six o'clock cinner. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brent and family, Tyrone, were guests of Reeve G. F. Annis and Mrs. Annis on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Worden and Mr. Harry Worden were Sunday vis- itors of Mr. Fenton Stevens and Miss Melissa Stevens. Bowmanville. The Young people held an inter- esting meeting on Thursclay even- ing when the speaker was Miss Ev- elyn Gay, Oshawa, who delighted those who listened ta her. The first meeting of our W. M. S. for this year will be held ln the S. School room Thursday afternoon at 2.30 when ail the reports in con- nection wth aur W. M. S. work of Spast year wiil be given. A good attendance is requested. The correspondent wishes ta ex-' tend to the Women's Institute, Hampton, the Women's Institute, Solina, and the C. G. 1. T. of Eidad, the thanks of this community for the clothlng, quiits. etc., so gener- ously donated to the relief work here. The finance committee of the W. M. S. met in the home of Mrs. Russell Gay on Monday afternoon when the different groups were ar- ranged for this year. Miss Velma Gay treateci the ladies ta home- made candy and afterwards te re- f reshments and it was a most en- joyable alternoon. HAMPTONI Mrs. Ceph Johns spent severai days in Toronto last week. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Carke on the arrivai of a baby girl. Mr. Will White, Darlingford. Man. has been vislting relatives in this commiinity. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Wood and fam- ly, Orono, recently visited with his sister, Mrs. G. Armour. Mr. Frank Rogers is iii with pleurisy and pneumonia but glacl ta say is doing favorably. Mrs. M. C. Rabbins is spending a short time with her niece, Miss Greta Wickett. Bowmianville. Mr. Percy Cowling, Bowmanville. Mrs. D. Mason, Woodstock. visited wth Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Cowiing. A number of young f olks attend- ed a dance in Oshawa last Friday night and returried in the wee ama' hours. Mr. Laverne Clemens broke his collar bone whiie skating on the pond recently. We wish him a speedy recovery. A miid type of the flu seems pre- valent in aur village; several per- sons have been confined ta their beds by sickness. Sacrament of the Lords Supper was administered at church on Sunday evening. and the quarterly board meeting held an Monday ev- ening. The young people of aur village are busy preparing a play, "The Little Clodhopper" which will be given it is expected some timne in February for the firat time. Our sympathy is extended ta Mrs. M. C. Rabbins and Messrs. Jna. and Will Cowling in the death of their sister. Mrs. Wickett, wha was buried in Bowmanvilie Cemetery on Frlday iast. Ulnversity students and Normal Sehool pupils of aur village have re- turned te their different cities ta resumne their studies for another te=n. We wlsh them every success for this New Year. Our village was shocked to hear on eunday of the sudden passing of Mr. Harry Clayton. He had not suffered any 11lness and his sudden death W"8 a shock ta the whole C=Min ty. Our deepest syrnpathy l1 «Ktendd to IM. layton in her D~4 bres a the Young ~iId on Frlday ~Z. i,#ttendance re- parted. The pastar, Rev. W. Rack- ham. was in charge o! the meeting which opened by a hymn and the Lrds Frayer in unison. Bible les- son was read and the following of- lîcers were elected: President-Miss R~uth Jahns; lst Vice-Mrs. Harold Salter; 2nd Vice-Miss Florence Burns; 3rd Vice-Miss Helen K.nox; 4th Vice-Miss Reta Bllett; Secre- tary-Mr. Merwin Cryderman. Treasurer-Miss Edith Pascoe. Thel next meeting will be in charge o! the Missionary Department on Fni- day evening. Everyone is cordially invited ta attend this young people's meeting. HAYDON Mr. and Mrs. John Wright are sick. Mr-. and Mrs. C. Avei-y visited Mrs. Georgina Niddrie, Hampton. Miss Annie Staintan, Hampton, visited at Mi-. Wm. Trewin's last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trewin Sun- dayed at Mi-. Wm. Moore's, Ennis- killen. Election o! officers for Sunday School will taice place on Thursday night. Miss Rema Bradley spent several days at Mi-. Arthur Reid's, Black- stock. Miss Helen Westbury and Mi-. Stanley Wooling, Toronto, visited at Mr. Henry Ashton's recently. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moore, Ennis- killen, Rev. and Mrs. Harold Stain- ton, Exeter, visited at Mr. Wm. Tre- win's. Mr. Fred Ashton and Miss Rema Bradley attended a New Year's par- ty at Miss Helen Westbury's. Ton- onto, Mr. Thos. McGUll, Enniskillen. will teach the Bible class on Sunday af ternoan. Church service at the usual hour. SALE] V taiian Women's institute was Vic at -the. home o! _Mrs. John.For- ___________ _________der on Wednesday, Jan. 5th, with a large attendance. Meeting apened Mr-. Han-y Hocken, Taranto, is by nepeating the Lord's Frayer and visiting his sister. Mrs. Chas. Pol- the 23rd Psalm in unison. The pro- lard. ndlv gram, in charge a! Mrs. James Pastor Rev. A. M. Woottondiv Strong, consisted of readsngs by Mrs ered a veny fine New Year's sermon R. Mahoi, Mrs. Joseph Forder and on Sunday, the text was taken from Mrs. Clarence Marlow. It was de- Joshua 1:9. cided ta hold a euchre and crok"in- Giad to report Our community aie party in the community hall on sick fol1k on the road to recovery, Tuesday evening, Jan. lth. namely. Mrs. A. Richards, Mr. Cann Sr., Mr-. and Mrs. Percy Cann and . Miss Maiion Honey. i DEVITT'S CORNERS Y. P. L. meeting Wednesday, Jan. -*__ 4th, was opened by the president, with a hymn followed by prayer by Miss Margaret McKee is visiting Mr. F. Cator. Minutes a! last with Mrs. McKee. meeting were read by Mi-. Black-, Mis Fern Thompson visited her burn in the absence o! the secre- sister. Mrs. Marwood McKee. tary. Mrs. S. Buttery, lst vice, tooki Miss Mabel Argue spent the week- charge o! the following program: end at the home o! her parents. Bible reading, also reading on the Mi-. Gordon Strang, Purple Hill, Topic. given by the leader; vilin spent Sunday at Mr-. R. J. Bruce's. selection by Mn. Taylor;, There was a gaad attendance at Miss Lela Welsh; mouthargan solo, the dance in Devitt's Hall, Manday Mr. S. Elcombe: ieading, Mrs. Len nsght. Richards; violin selection by Mr-. Mi-. Cecil Hyde, Blackstock, spent Taylor: mouthorgan solo by Mi-. El- Thursday evening with Miss Mabel combe. Meeting closed with Miz- Argue. pah. Attendance 25. Mrs. Devitt and children have gone ta Blackstack to spend the ~'winter. SOLINA Mrs. McKee entertained a nm Sber o!fi-riends ta dinner ensa evening. Miss Fanny Smales is visiting To- Mi-. and Mrs. Han-y Hoaper, Pan- ronto f riends. yol aldo r.M e Sn Mr. and Mrs. Jim Reynolds, Toi- dtyol aled on Ms cKeSn onto. visited at Mi-. W. J. Reynolds'. day andernoo. atLrm vs Mr-. and Mrs. L. C. Pascae, Misses edMihM and Mrs., Helen and Bessie Pascoe, Mn. and Ballyduif, on Sunday. Mrs. Gadfrey Bowman, Enfleld, vis- Mr. and Mrs. James McKee and ited Miss Mary Hogarth and Mrs. Mn. and Mrs. N. J. Lathangue made R. Pascc.e. a business tnip ta Bowmanville and Mn. and Mrs. Jos. Watson and Oshawa on Friday. Charles, Mn. R. Watson, Mn. Jas. ___ White. Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. Clan- ence Tink and family, Maple Grave, DO YOU REMEMBER WHEN?7 visited at Mr-. Oea. White's. 1ItrMn vnsadProae The C. G. I. T. heid their regular neetn vnsadProae meeting last week and elected the ant Wh Ii VInt ________________________following officers: President-Evelyn and Eldad Church MAPLE GROVE *Tink; Vice Pres.-Gladys YeUlow- *lees: Sec.-Ileen Balson; Treas.- EiosNt-utwetw ee Mr. Bruce Hogarth, Hamptan Jessie Yeilowlees; Pianist-May EitrNt-Jtwefweee spent the weekend with his cousin' Westlake; Group Leaders-Maygetting ahl set ta reveal the identity Mr. Bob Snowden. Westlake and Gladys Yellowlees. of "Retro," the mysteriaus writer Mrs. Creighton, Toronto, has re- League meeting Manday evening and hisorian of Solina and Eldad turned home after spending a cou- was well attended. The president, reminiscences, along cames another pIe of weeks with her brother, Mr. Mr. Alan McKessock. presided. Af- budget of -observations and com- A. Laird. Sr. ter the opening exercises Mr. J. ments from the same source. Sa in The sympathy of this community Milis took the devotional period. the meantime keep guessing wha in Is extended ta Mr. and Mrs M. The topic was ably taken by Mr. M. the warld you think *'Retro" can be. Munday Sr. and other relatives in J. Hobbs, and Mr. Milîs favored A correction-In a previaus in- the sudden passing of Mr. Harry wAith accordian music. Miss Vera staiment, the word 'Cotton' should Clayton, Hampton, who is a haîf Baker took charge of the recreation have been 'Colton', referrlng ta the brother of Mr. Munday. and put on a contest which was farmi on which Wm. lived Sunday School officers and teach- much enjoyed. and later owned by Sulas Williams. ers newly elected are: Hon. Supt.--î Do you remember the monster Mr'. Thos. Snowden; Supt.-H. G. BLACKSTOCK I5l0~pcishl nJs es' Freeman; Asst. Supt.-J. D. Stev- * -"c oos? Tihe asinuchras.ryas' ens: Sec.-Ed. Foley; Asst. Sec.- I 1wos hr a ic iar s Wm. Laird; Treas.-.Clifford Swal- Mrs. James Hall has been visiting ta which school made the best low; Pianist-Miss Eileen Hockin; Miss Florence Proutt, Toronto. showing. Each sehool had its par- Ass't. Pianist-Mrs. C. H. Snowden; Mrs. John McArthur is vî.siting ade. with ribbon bedecked horses Temperance Se'y.-Ross Steve~ns; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey, drawing wagons decorated with ev-1 Mssionary Secy.-Mrs. A. Laird; Stratford. ergreens and filled '0 capacityf Home Dept.-Mrs. Cecil Jeffery; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hamilton with joyous children. The x'arlousf Ast.-Mrs. Bruce Metcalf: Cradie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mirs. N. schaols were usually marshalled by1 Roll-Miss Elsie Samis. Mrs. Bruce S. McNally. one or more of the older stuclents ont Metcalf: Librarian-Jack Brown Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stinson and horseback. A platformn was erected11 Teachers: A. B. C.-C. H. Snowden; family spent Sunday with Mr. and f rom which speaker for the occas- 1 IAssistants-Howard Faley, Charlie Mrs. Carl Wright. lion held forth. Scholars reciteci andci Greenham; Wide Awake-Mr. A. Mr~. and Mrs. Gordlon Stinson, sang, f ollowed by games of bail in1 Laird Sr.; Asst.-Howard Foley; Cacimus, spent Sunday with Mr. and an adjaining field. Then came re- Busy Workers-M.ýss Annie Lairdi; Mrs. Lamne Griffi.n. freshments with table clotha spreadI Asst.-Mrs. W. J. Snowden; Inter Mrs. Adelbert Beacock is visiting on the ground. laden with goodI Boys-Ernest Twist: Asst.-Lioyd her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David things ta eat, tea for the older Snowden; Inter. Girls-Mrs. A. Jamieson, Hilladale. ones. lemonade for the Laird; Asst.-Mrs. F. Swallow; Jr. Mrs. Andrew Devitt, Master carl Swings were here and there, sus-i Inter. Girls and Boys-Miss Marion Devitt and Miss Helen Devitt are pended between two trees. After Snowden; Ast-Iva Foley; Begin- visiting Mrs. S. A. Devitt. the programi the platform ws se ners-Miss Hilda Foley: Asst.-.Cor- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Marlow for ather purposes. (Thisben a sina Samis: Primary-.Miss Ellen vîsted Mrs. Marlow's parents, Mr. Presbyterian word), when numbers Gimblett;, Asst.-Mrs. Samuel Snow- and Mrs. S. Swain on Sunday. of. the young people tripped the den. Offilcers of A. B. C.: Teacher, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright and 'light fantastic." Occasionally ai C. H. Snowden; President, Mr. Sam- 1family visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank veteran would step on the platform uel Snowden; Secretary, Mrs. Ceci Stinson during the holiday week. ta "show themn how it was done," Jeffery; Asst. Secretary, Mrs. Chas. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stinson spent and with step dancing made one ,Gre-enham; Treasurer. Mr. Frank New Year's Monday with Mr. and wonder at the agility displayed. Swallow. Busy Warkers Clasa - Mrs. James Nixon, Clarke Union. Those wonderf ul community Teacher. Miss Annie Laird; Assist- Blacksmith Shop has re-opened gatherings, where young and old ant, Mrs. W. J. Snowden: President, with Mr. Henry Stevens in charge. mingled freely, did much ta cem- Greta Munday; Secretary, Iva Fol- It's pleasant to hear the anvil ring. ent a friendly understanding be- ey: Asst. Secretary, Florence Foley; Mr. and Mrs. H. Galbraith and tween ail ages. Treasurer, Dorothy Stevens; Assist- daughter Marjorie, and Mr. L. Aluin The Leask farm at that time was ant, Enid Twist: Flower Committee. spent Sunday with Miss Violet Dev- one of the show places in Darling- May Freeman. Lavonne Trimble. er. ton, with its splendid f armn build- _____________Glad ta, report that Reeve Nor- lngs and pure bred stock. TYR NE an eilenogh a I cannot let the subject of woods _____i____om__omToono n a Ir andi trees drap without confessing - day. i o a feeling of regret that 50 many Sorry ta report Mr. Thomas Cur- Mrs. J. E. Brooks has returned of aur bushes and graves are gone. tis in Bowmanville Hospital. from spencLing the holidays wth I believe absolutely in refarestration. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. SteVens, her daughter, Mrs. A. Neilson, Tor- Do yau remember when 'Farmer Hampton, visited at Mr. Harold onto. Colwill" and family lived just sauthi Burgess' recently. Miss Kathleen Wright spent part of the corner across f rom the Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Dawn of the Christmas hoiidays with her school. This farm was later oc- were Sunday visitors at Mr. C. D. uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Nor- cupied by Wm. Ashton and f amlly. Hodgson's Bowmanville. man Halmes, Oshawa. Do you remember the -Widow Mr. and Mrs. R. Hatherly, Messrs. Mrs. Fred Bailey, Mrs. S. Dawson1 Thompson" later Mrs. Bradshaw, Jack, Han-y, Dick and Clarence, and Miss Mabel Argue motored taand family; also the family of Mr. spent Sunday at Mr. H. Haoey's, Grand Valley in Christmas week Wa Stephen Hogarth, John, Ida (Mrs. Bowxnanvilie. visit Mr. and Mrs. Deacon. W. L. Law), and Bertha (Mrs. Char- Glad to report Mr. Norman J. Mrs. Sandy Dawson has returned les Stacey). Polly Hooper 'Mr.W Woodley doing as well as can be ta her home in Windsor a! ter spend- Blewtt) was also well and fravor- expected a! ter a very seriaus aper- ing the holiday week with hier par- ably known. ation at Lockwood Clinic, Toronto. ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Bailey. Do you remember a jaliy sleigh Women's Institute and Ladies' Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. load 0f young people who had been Aid will meet at the home o! Mrs. John Carter and ta Mr. and Mrs. spending the evening at David James Dudley on Wednesday, Jan. Grant Jackson on the arrival o! a Mantgomery's, lipsetting in a ditch 18th. at 2.30 p. m. Pragram in baby girl at each of their homes. f ull o! water? Some caps were re- charge of Mrs. Allert Hawkey's Mrs. S. Swain. Mrs. Mitn a-cavered fram* the water next day. graup. Address by Rev. A. M . Woo- derson and son Roy, and Miss Reta No automobile accidents in those tton. Swain. visited Mr. and Mrs. Clar- days. Members of the Helping Hand ence Marlow during the holiday class were entertained at the home week. (Continued next week) of their Sunday school teacher, Mrs. Dr. J. McArthur and Mrs. Mc- Sidney Hoar. on Thursday, Dec. 29. Arthur, Misses F. Parr and FlorenceSCOLNTSB Games and cantests were enjoyed McLaughlin spent Christmas Mon- COLNTSB during the afternoan. A dainty day guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. H. S. REPORTERI ltunch was served by their hostess. Campbell. Young Peoples League met on Mrs. Milton Sanderson and son (Continuacd from page 1)i Thursday night. Program was in Ry have retui-ned ta their home inl challenge the present basketball charge of lst Vice President, Miss Toronto after spending the holiday team to a game and found that the Helen Trimm: Bible reading. Miss week with Mrs. Sanderson's parents, 1933 aggregation are far f ram belng Velma Bradley; vocal solo by Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. S. Swaîn.1 over awed at the foi-mo! the Col- Newman; reading. Mr. Dave Park,' The many Cartwright frlends of lege men, for there arase and ad- 'Mendc a Man"; piano solo. Miss Mr. David Milne, Toronto, wlll be mninistered a teliing defeat on their Mae Brent: tapic, Mr. A. W.' Annis.- soi-ry ta learn of his traglc death, high and mighty persons to the 'What Think Ye of Christ?": read- January 8th. The sympathy o! the tune o! 41 ta 13. in-. Mr. Donald Thompson, "Janu- cammunity is extended ta, his rela- Basketbali schedule follaws: ai-y": mouthorgan selection by Mr. tives. Jan. 13-Bowmanville at Port Hope Lloyd Hoar; reading. Miss Annie Mr. and Mrs. Han-y Philp and Cobourg at Oshawa Gardiner, "Talk." A cantest was son Robei-t, Nestieton, Mrs. R. Ma- Jan. 20-Oshawa at Bowmanvllle then enjoyed by ail. hood. Mi-s. R. Archer. Miss Violet Part Hope at Cobourg W. M. S. met at the home of Mrs. Dever, and Mr. W. Montgomery, Jan. 27-Cabourg at Port Hope R. J. Hodgson on, Jan. 5, spent New Year's with Mr-. and Mrs. Bowmanville at Oshawa wth an attendance of 18. Mrs. Chas Smith. l'eb. 3-Bowmanville at Cobourg Hadgson. the new president, con- Mr-. and Mrs. Isaac Whitfleld. Mr. Oshawa at Part Hope ducted the meeting. Ater the de- and Mrs. Norman Edgerton and Feb. 10-Port Hope at Bowmanvilie votional period, Mrs. S. Hoar gave family, Cadmus. Mi-. and Mrs. Aus- Cobourg at Oshawa the secretary's report, and Mrs. A. tin Beacock and daughter Maiion, Feb. 17--Cobourg at Bowmanville W. Annis gave the treasurer's ie- Nestieton. spent Sunday with Mi-. Port Hope at Oshawa. port. Mrs. H. Hilîs gave a readlng and Mrs. Norman Green. In hockey B. H. S. and Oshawa on Christian Stewardship. and the The dance heid In the Cartwright Collegiate Institute are In the group remainder of the afternoon was Cornmunity Hall on Friday evening. and home and home games must be spent in a discussion on ways and sPon-sored by the Blackstock De- played before Jan. 2lst, In ordert means of improving oui- W. M. S. tachment o! the Durham Regiment arrange playoff S. for the coming year. The hastess proved a marked success. A large and her daughter, Mrs. Raymond and appreciative gathering express- Clapp, then served very dalnty ie- ed itself as weli pieased wlth the Did yau ever see such a ieu freshments and a social hall hour entertalnment. of stellar shows as Royal har was enjoyed by those present. The regular monthiy meeting o! offers this mnonth?iTetre Great Mail and Empire $5050 subscribers to The Statesnian through this unique offer which positively closes on January 3lst. Take advantage now and be sure of this splendid off er before it is too late. Mail or brinà $5.50 to-day. This Special Off er Saves You $1.50 Excellent for Croupy Children- When a child is suff ering with croup it is a go>od plan ta use Dr. Thomas' HREALTH BR1[EADS Eclectric Qil. It reduces the in- The decline of disease in recent years has had its flammation and loasens the phlegm impetus in proper feeding. Bread, the most staple item giving speedy relief ta the littie suf- of fod i the most important. and only the very best terer. It is equally reliable for soretyeofbadsul aen throat and cheat., earache, rheuma- tps0 ra huc eetn ti anctbruises and sprains. Corbett's Bakery bakes three cifferent and distinct tic pains lct i ead types of Health Bread. Ail are splendid health giving ed by many thousands as an indis- foods and they provide a fine change in diet. the one pensable of the family medicmne alternating with the others. These breads are: chest. Roman Meal Bread, the big favorite 8ecloaf îiomn ea -tous mc 10-lAzen Short & Long Distance Trucking TAXI SERVICE Special Rates for Speelal Trips Phone 173 or 98 J. W. KNIGHT ring st. E. Bowmanvllle January Mark Down We have gathered for this sale a great array of seasonable merchandise to be cleared at great reductions. We have a great many items which are not Iisted below. MEN'S HEAVY FLEECE- LINED UNDERWEAR Shirts and Drawers, clearing, per garmet... 59C Combinations, clearing per garment........... .9< SILK LINGERIE Another assortment of silk ling- erie, in bloomers and vests, al sizes, regular to &9c, clearing, per garment.. . 39e BOYS' ALL WOOL PULLO VERS An assortment of Sweater's up to $1.75, clear'ing at ............ 69e SILK HOSE Pure silk. full fashioned Hose, a few discontinued lines of finest quality silk hose, î'egulaî' $1.25 andl $1.50 lines, clearing, per pair .......89 WALI<ER4STORES PHONE 164 ILS k1 ETEI3 BOWMANVILLE t Also Cookies and Scones. Hovis Bread, England's favorite for many years, 2 sizes,. 7c and 12c a loal Whole Wheat Bread, a fine quality loaf, highly recom- mended by doctors, 1 sîze anly 8c baf CORBETT'S BAKERY ISOWMANVILJE PHONIE 8 LADIES' LINGERIE Woods' Lavender Line Bloom- ers, Vests, Combinations, and a number of other garments, ahl in good condition, clearing, per garment... 79e THF. cANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 12th, 1933 PAGE S= Newpaper 021er Closes Soon The Canadian Statesmnan and Regular Rate Toronto Globe $7*OO or Special Ofier