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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jan 1933, p. 8

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PAGE HIaOHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 12th. 1933 «APage oF News For Busy Durkam Farmers» News for the B;usy Far rmer Three Ways to Lower Costs There are three principal meth- ods of reducing the cost of produc- Ing crops. These methods include the economical production of heav- 1er ylelds per acre, the use of larger machlnery and more labor-savlng equlpment, and the operation of a larger area of land under cultiva- tion. In addition ta this, informa- tioft derived f rom cost of production studies makes possible the substitu- tion of more profitable for less pro- fitable crops. Wlnter Came of Live Stock Wlth the comlng of %nter, farm- ers shouid make sure that the barns in whicli their stock are to pass the coid montha are dlean and f ree frorn possible infectiaus diseases or para- sites. Most progressive stockmen whltewash their stables at least once a year,. but f requent dustlngs with an aid broom are needed ta kéep the cobwebs and dust down. Before thie cattie leave the pastures for the season, it Is good practice to lnspect the whole herd for possible skin dis- eases or parasites. Such diseases as ring-wormn, scab or mange, lice or warbles, are dangerous and each need.s speclal treatment. Ring- worm Is doubly dangerous because humans may contracti t through handling or f rom curry-carnbs andE brushes. Tincture of iodine applied daily following washlng with soap and water wlll cure ring-worm. but scables or mange need ta be dipped in or sprayed with special solutions sucri as crude petroleum or equal parts of kerosene and cotton-seed ail, whlch mixture is also rccorn- rnended for lice. No anin'lca give its best riik production or eput on flesh when feedlng such parasites. Clean Up the Hen Hlouse c Every hen house shouid be cleaned before putting in trie pullet drap. A good tborougri leaning constats if removing trie litter and ail poultry bouse fixtures, such as mash hop- pers. drlnking fountains and trie like. trien fiushing trie walls. ceil- lngs, dropplng boards and floot-. sct-aping baose any dirt triai may have tendency ta stick. Afierth re house bas been thro-ughly cleanod it is ready for a coat of whitewash. TMis will improve trie appearance of your rien bouse. make i mucri ligriter for trie birds and at trie samne time help ta kili parasites and dis- ease germs. A camimon practice is ta add a pint 0f disinfectant toaa gallon 0f witewash. Clean. cam- fortable quartors for trie pullets go a long way toward increased produc- tion during trie wintor montris. Mrarket For Barley In Bacon There ia practical.y fia lirnit ta trie production of barley in Canada and recent tests show that it pro- duces bellot- bacon andi beef than other grains. It is proving fully trie equai of cor-n whon f oct with suit- able suppiements in trie fat-m of home-grown legumiinous rougriagea. Barley can be used ini almost any proportion of trie grain ration up ta one hundred pet- cent. As a hog feed ia develops an entirely salis- fadtory class of bacon. which is more than can be said for corn fed in equai proportions and as a f eed for beef cattie bariey is undoubted- tiýed oxtensively as tange or as dut green feed for birds in confinement during trie spting. summer andi fal inontris in moat alfalfa-groýwing at-- cas, but trie value of trie hay as a wintet- fecci is not s0 generally known. Sa mucri of trie year's suc- cess dependa on trie number and quality 0f chicks iiatched eadls spring. trial ibis important ta do all possible ta increase trie fertility and lsatchability 0f trie eggs and trie liv- ability of trie chicks. Experimonts riave srin trial 20 pet- cent btter fortility and 6.4 pet- cent botter hatclsabulity of fertile eggs cati be obtained ft-om birda wiîete alfaifa hay ilîsteati of atraw is used as litter in trie breeding pens. The alfaif a schould be used as litter durlng trie wiîitor niontris preceding trie breed- ing season andth re samne tret-calent givfn ta maies and femnaies. Ontario Farmoers Advised to See Own Stock Soid Iy one ofUthe best of oUI U' CariaUia -i i i t ie mar-ket ing 0f live stock. grown coarse grains. Thie incre.'sed Mi.tetrier by truck or rail. I ans of use of bariey and otrier coarse grains t he' opinion t lt the fat-mer siiould at their present 10w levels willi mako t,, ii owti stock soid. wrierever il for mucri btter quality iii tic beef is pos'sible ta do so.- saiti Garnet being mat-keleti and tiis in-i l u'ill 1Dîliicaii. live st ock specialist., On- help create a dcnîand for, more beef. larna Marketing Board. Refoeat astiLandTise experietice lie wvould gains bv ! ths ,iitaiýt,*. coti ietiMr. Duni- Rouigli lanîd tisai is tua hlll or 1cii -mîittit bri ig hiim <o iralize rocky ta be easily ciltivaied an Isi t1; t )pasnîadic ru-lsles of stock ta aiso saaîdy caîs be uiseti effect ively t1liai ket defiiteiy depress prices. anti only ln trie production of timber. 1oilv by persoîsal sulpet-visiais can lie Early settiers learetiftise wuods e(xptet filîi reit-tiis fritî any trans- regardiess of tise valuie of thie land. actioni. underneatit, aîd mis ui fthiiis sh.oîîtd ýToa m.îtsrtsic st isfied ta Spend be returîsetita fat-est, rathler i lais re munttis ut eft i îisiiiig ais ani- perinitied ta wasii or lu produîce umaluîiv lu pass il over ta sanie otie scaîsby cropsa. Trie very sisal liii- j ie lu selFl luw vandt wlsets ie lîkea. vestîssent tisai la ieeesairy for seed- I c.îtutîot ofi eve u tccesa, for any lings. togetiset- viiistise pleut ifuil biis;iiess caîsduîcted aioîîg tris lie. suppiy of labar ntiasvailable. tîsakes TucFay ccaiuotîic coutdiltous demnst tisis an ideai t ime for Pli tiltsg thlese i ha t a pro dii er irececi e evei cet-Oi abatîdonet i hlîsides uts a prodiit vv possible tfram tise sale of lus stock. basis. To ilsost,'s'.isliinig to buiy tisere at-e .îlso disi uset adv.uan ises ins ili ni Alfalfa For Poultry thle mîarket fr«eqîueiitl.v. Trie fat-ner Alfaifa ln ise gi-cen st ai e ias long Ut; cuia re abile ta cisuose tise type lie been recagiized a.,uan ideal pouF; ns ia !'s::',antci est imtleislie tie t--j feed wiîen tîsed n cois ulîictilois ,*i tl, I: .~to f-itsîis.lis bii biiig stock ta tihe uisual grains,;and imastics. ,it: .it;stiied. e sholi rie kepi .:1il iiliui %s'.uth ire objeci ut avoiciitîse Piles (Go Quick pnitteipiesýo t-d No 'Salve-No Clttilng baýz'd oi Iilie priicipie i liii il is S;I ',îî:: bîoi s 0classify lîve stock Tusousalids w'.viihave ilchitg. tit -e a wy ItisaitIsle consumer bieetingi.t t-pto-tiig tpiles iaV' 1 U1:1 i[Je a 1u t taecogisîze andt pur- usaI yet learrsedtitai îiik .andt isi - Iatse qi Ft protuiet s. uand tisaitise iiig relitef can oiity be accoiplîsliet ,I le peîIIîIIsIIi wscll tise cotý.isuiiiet- wlth ,ais interrsal meticitie "Ne*t lien t 1);1vioias lse btter graties sllîild salvestIot' suplpositoat-es timsI tlle -e t-idio tise producen of ilsein. caulse. Pr-.îctice lias pt-aven trie value of trie Bad circulatIlinutftloo inutsfise illiet-y itîvuset ini tise gtating pt-ii- lowet- bowel caulse~ s pes'Tise liî'mi- cipfle. Gratciisg isctiuvutes luave beeti orrhiaial veisarate Laiby. lise bowel a lremleiiduîîs lucenive 10 quîsiîty walls weak--tlise aiIossi te.ît proctillon iss'usrsulattprice bots- To gelt-rid af Pilv.s Mut: usienil itiseu- edit luproducens. Iine nmust be iuset to st îîuiil.uete - circulatilots . t i e oIlet ick iitli,,- Demiand Is Grom~ing pure bloati.liseal aui li'tOttise:if- A recet. report fro155 lise Emîpire fected Parts. M.\at-ket lis Bo.snditîttea tý1es ths.t tise Dl-. J. S. fte: s tif etuaildtifoi ,siusd egei.'.in iitrie atudy, fouîsd i ', i Fit 11e: us.sPile Bi: tisimar-ket 1'. cxi.iiidutsc tapdy reMedY. Hoe a etlUs .tcs' tvDuringts-ihie svasai'. îst loset us HEMX- <JID. and i s~ttei ttfoi' nuîîîîiet offi: icat-goes ot eailied 1000 patients Witli sî 111 i OVet r adicIs otf lcltd .îd rcistît-ti hve go> case., and tw t ,î~:cided ùern I muvi uelyfu ans C.sts.dis lake pile sufferer. no how ,t~ 15'.. iitb- pto: ltse Brisî ish uke.Tihe b=rut.holr CMa, mLýi. u t-s' lus pt-c- pi tîcipal icieuisaisl for baketi beana. scrlptiofl wth a me1" F ak tîi- s 'santi tuta u'liîleasparagîls antee. . i> beî'tîîîtng k:w:Othi(e- vegetari- -Pd= tamts ~ s icis a les usas%- aplpearîie utsinBritisli stores 'wpddu J 'esst liai at-e sweet caris, grooms aîsdibutter Lot ruuggsts beansa. spînaci. carrais. celery. tut-- * ~ , -OîID and uipa. boots. ousiomîs. pat-anips, potal- ddif il does oea. cabbage. brussois aprauls. cauli- mam.t.f flower and arlichokes. Piolect tise child frons trié ravages of %voris by usiîsg Motrier Graves' Wut-ns Exterissinatot-. It is a stand- ard temedy. and years 0f use riave enhaîsceti mis reputatiots. STOMACH UL CERS Four out of liv, e i,., have acld ,.imî,h ' heitI li-y kn ~vIt or .îcld ,toii,ih lias re li e th. i g, "f îlc,.rs. u hai i , Ion îîîh îîld in ithe.siirn. i .uing tut>- g,..i'n l '7 i, t gas. giddines.i .îî,l a -rwv dead ou y sout fûot' f, ,Iiiiîg .îfi.r nisî, ii- look out -- tiîiilI I Icers iay t-esiit. ' . ny drîuigIsi t i tllyous,.it l"ii ir:iil t .î', es i'slit cort-eet aclul iti..hansd heal tinia, h %uleri la u t Ilt, s t ovna oh. i id ige tien.. Il lîg, and disies-ill Ig sl oý Iv corrco'le d ly listirtald tt.M.aeî, If tea isffît-front a,'id .îî'îi.îî' .ild indIzo".ion or- li \o sviiTi,, of ^ tomli huie,'t--. try tiisur.t, mat.gne. ,a todtuy. Yig package. situai cost. Not a laLxative. r ulck Relie for Wom en Woon need not endure peniodkc pains and headachses. They can s pars themsei.ves fuis suffering by lakîng ZUTOO TABLETS. Mrs. Allen Wright. of Fuiford, who was relieved in 30 minutes of severe pain and headacie, wrote saying: "Evi'ry woi.rsin t.he land shouid know abaut ZUTOO TABLETS and what they milI do." Jus> try the tablts an-d know for yoursel how quîckiy t.ystop l'e pairs : Futo FOR SAE, ,WHR COUNTIES' COUNCIL FOR 1933 Comprlsed of Forty Members This Year, wlth Reeve of Cobourg Entiled to Two Votes Ainwick Townshp- Reeve-Wesley Pacey. Brighton Township-~ Reeve-Sid K. Denyes. Dep.-Reeve-J. S. George. Cartwright Township- Reeve--Norman Green. Cavan Township- Reeve--Geo. H. Hooton. Dep.-Reeve--J. 0. Bail. Cla-koTownship- Reeve-F. B. Lovekin. Dep.-Reeve-Fred Coucri. Crarnahe Townshp- Reeve---C. Quinn. Dep.-Reeve--Lesie Campbell. Darlinglon Township- Reeve-Geo. F. Annis. Dep.-Reeve-Arthur L. Pascoe. Haldlmand Township- Reeve-W. A. Hoskin. Dep.-Reeve-Archle McKenzle. Hamilton Townshp- Reeve-Wilbert Davey. Dep.-Reeve--A. E. Burd. Hope Township- Reeve-C. G. Mercer. Dep.-Reeve---S. J. Gray. Manvers Township- Reeve-F. S. Gray. Dep.-Reeve---C. Camisky. Murray Townsriip.- Reeve-H. Morrow. Dep.-Reeve-S. Milligan. Percy Township- Reeve-C. H. Curtis. Dep.-Reeve-C. J. Boyce, Seymour Township- Reeve-W. J. Duncan. Dep.-Reeve.-W. S. Milne. Soutri Monagrian Townshp- Reeve-Freo Waterrnan. Bownanviile.- Reeve-T. H. Lockhart. Dep.-Reeve-Reg. O. Jones. Brigh.ton Village- Reeve-Harry Qulck. Campbeiford- Reeve-C. H. Davidson. D:ep.-Reeve-N. A. MacCoil.. Cobourg- Reeve-W. E. Cooper. Dop.-Roeve-Maurice Boothi. Coiborne- Reeve-Ira Edwards. Hastings- Reeve--Geo. B. Stevenson. Reeve-P. Stinson. N~ewcastle- Reevte-W. F. Rickard. Port Hope- Reeve-J. A. R. Elliott. Dep.-Reeve-R. J. Edwards. ANOTHER PAPER TAKES A RAP AT COUNTIES COUNCII (Frorn Cobourg World) The new Counties' Counicil ti year contains many new faces, an> we hope that when the Counci meets that a whole evening will no be wasted in electing a Warden There is no reason why that shoulc not be dane in a few minutes, anc the regular business commenced There are matters which require thi attention of members whlch are oi far greater Importance and requin much mnore consideration than thi mere election of the Warden. Taxes have grown in recent year. until they are aimost unbearab> and the people generaliy wlll havt littie sympathy tris year with E Council which wastes much tlrnc with greed-for-glory candidate* batting for the coveted position ai Warden. Unless thie Counties Council fIndi a way ta reduce taxation qulckly and ta sorne cansiderabie extent, there wiil be a strong agitation tc do away with Counties Cauncils ai- together. During the last few years aur Counties Council has spent money on a most lavish scale, or as some put lt-"like drunken sailors."~ Cobourg alone is taxed over $30.000 a year for County purpases, and un- less this is quickiy and conslderably reduced, Cobourg will have na op- tion but ta simpiy refuse ta pay il. Many townships are na doubt in the same position. We do flot dIaim, howeyer. triat Cobourg is flot ,iust as much to blarne for the high taxation in the Counties as other municipalities. Cobourg is as mucri ta blame as thie rest of the municipalities. because her representatives were Just as keen on the wild spending prograrn as ather representatives. We do not rernember ever hearing a Cobourg member in the past raising his voice in protest ta the huge expenditures, unless it was Reeve Delanty iast year. For that reason we were nat in favour of Cobourg trying ta dodge the taxation by thie cowardly trick of trying ta separate f rom the Caunties. Cobourg is just as t-e- spansible for trie huge Caunty debt as any other municipality if flot more so. an account of the rnany officiaIs who reside in Cobourg, and upon whar trie Caunties ta a cer- tain extent rely for advice. But trie Past is the past. Thie future is ahead of us. And flot anly Cobourg representatives, but ail the mnembers, should get down ta brass tacks andi cut the expenditure and reduce trie taxation. Drasticinîeas- ut-es are necessary; as well as men with trie back-bone ta put themi inta effect. If the men who are runnlng ail over the Counties trying ta get thie promises of votes for the Wailden- ship are giving an equal arnount of bime in trying to wark out a poiicy by which the but-den of taxation upon trie People rnay be lightened, we have no criticism ta offer; but if the lionour of being Warden is the only thought in their minds-a Purely selfIsh ambition-then the election of some one wha really has rie interests of aur Counties at heat-t and is less clarnorous for trie sa-cailed hanour of being Warden. is greatly ta be desired. Members of he Counties Counicil shouid be able o .iudge trie motives of the variaus candidates and vote rogardless of politics. county or anylhing else. ',ureiy thie seriousness of the situa- tion today is apparent toalal County Councillors. It ought ta be. espec- illy in view of trie fact that rnost f tim are f romn rural districts which are suffering terribly f rom al- inast gîve-away prices for farmi pro- uilcts and enarmous taxes. Must it et still warse before their eyes tally becomne opened? ORONO îFt-om Tise News, Jan. 5îbi Mr. W. C. Lynchi is hoiidaying 5'..fl 1 hua parens at Giotîdale, Sauli Ste Marie. Miss Freeda Wilsonî apont tise weekenti an lier sister's, Mra. Arthsur Falls. Bowmniville. Mr. R.slpls Ellis. of Queen's Uni- ver-sity, Kingston.,isas a weekeîîd guesi ai Mn. J. F. Lonninian'S. Mi'. W. Leainci has rot uriset froîin Totonto hospîtai, niuch impnoved. Mr. andtiMt-s. Rosa Srietler. Belle- vilevere holiday vîsitors with Mn. adMrs. Fred Blackbun. Pt-ovi- dence. Dr. aiid M-s. McEinoy. son aîsd daugusten. Pelerboro, were holiday visitors wii.ri lier parents. Mr. and Mrs. Davidi Noble. Mr. Allan Hall. Valentua. spetît trie holiday witls lus faiher. Mn. J. W. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. W. Linehati. Ottawa, spemîl New Year's witls F. WV. Bowen, M. P. Mr. andî Mrs. C. F. Awde vîsîted tiseir sois, Mr. Harold Awde, Tot-onto. Mis. T. H. Powers aînd dasugister. Mis s Heloîs. Toronto. vîsitod Mns. Jouhs Millet- andi othor f nientis here trie pasi week. Mn. Bort Norliscate, Hamrilton, visîtet lia ais.e-. Mrs. Vomner Cocri- Srafle. 1Cadets Sîos'..'rt McMillai and T. :W. Btgelow of R. Mi. C. Kingston. inst Phlsîip Bîgelaw of trie higri scusool teacrintg staff. Winglsam. liav.e neluitnod ta thoîr respective positions afler spending a ploasant holiday riere çwith parents and friotîds. Mr. Jamses and Miss Viola Gil- tillais. acconîpaîsied by Misses Lottie andt Agnos Rao. Toronto. were hanse ai. thoir father's. Mr. J. J. Gîlfilian. for New Year's. Orono Rink, under the manage- Jment of George Mass. nationally knawn marathon runner and airi- lete. commeîscing Saturday, and fol- TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From The Statesmian, Jans. 8, 19081 Mr. Wm. Arksey, D.D.G.M. of the I. O. O. F. paid bis officiai visit ta Florence Nightingale Lodge on Wed- nesday and installed trie following officors: Noble Grand-F. C. Petri- ick; Vice Grand-F. R. Foley; Past Grand-T. Wesley Cawker; Rec. Sec. --J. J. Mason; Fin. Sec.-Harry AI- lin; Treas.-M. Mayer; Warden-W., J. Jeff rey; Conductor-F. Burden; I. G-N. S. B. James; O. G.-Jas. Jorinston; R.S.N.G.-Ed. Osborne; L.S.N.G.-F. BattIe; R.S.V.G.-C. H. Anderson; L.S.V.G.-S. Cale; R.S.S. -Dr. J. C. Devibt; L.S.S.--J. Dilling; Chap.-Richard Allen; Organist- Cecil Osborne; Marahall-Wilrier J. Hoar. A aigrit neyer ta be witneased here again was 25 members of Enniskil- ion Presbyterian Church with 25 teams, brougrit a freewill affering ofI wood for their pastor. Rev. John Smith. Prof. John Squair 0f Toronto Un- iversity lias sent a prize ta trie Prin- cipal of the Higri School ta trie stu- dents iaving trie best standing at trie sehool. Municipal election resuits: Bow- inanville: Mayor, T. H. Spry; Reeve, L. A. W. Tale: Councillors, L. Cor- niari. J. Deyman. John Elliott, Capt. W. C. King_ W. W. Tamblyn and R. Worth. Vote for Reeve: Tale 218, M. A. James 166, Trebilcock 94. Darlinglan: Reeve, John W. Me- Laugrilin: Dep. Reeve. Alex Wight; Councillors. W. E. Courtice, Eber Milîsan. Ricri. Woadley. Haydon: Telephone connection between here and'Enniskillen was completed last week We welcorne ta aur miidst Miss Rundie af Betri- esda wrio takes charge 0f trie schoal thus year Mr. R. A. Ashton is irn- proving bis stables by riaving water basins put in for ris stock. A vory pretty wedding was solem- nized ai Western Cangregationai Chut-ch. Toronto. on December 301h, by Rev. J. W. Pedley. when Miss Maud Blanche Elizabeth Coiwiii was united in mat-nage with Mr. Williami R. Cale. Botri are formerly of Bow- mianville. A very prettv wedding took place on Chiristmas day at trie residence of Mr. and Mrs. Wrn Jenninga. Sriannonviile. wrien their triird dau- griter. Edytrie Mae. was united in trie rioly bonds of matrimaony %vitli Mr. Fred S. Blackburn. Darling-ton, by Rev.. J. N. Clarry. lawing. wilrie open during trie sea- son. Mondas. Wedneadays and Sat- urdays. Mr. Hesper Dean, 0f trio Orano Bakery, and famil3-, at-e noving nex week ta trie formner Beet -reaidene. corner Park antiCriurch Sts.. wriich has roceistlv been redocoraîod and wtt-et for oiectric lighting. Mr. Hotrbert Webb osf trie Bank of Commierce staff. left trie fit-at of thie week on a tht-oc weeks' holiday, wlilcr lie wivll spetit with hns people aCraîgvale Mrs. Fred Duncan. whio was taken i' wliile sPent:ng a few tays witri frtieisds is Colliiigwood. hati sufflc- .cuilly recoverec ta rie able to relut-n hîoetrie firtio! tise week. Ini a let :er of syuipatliy receîvod i by 'Mt-. C. G. Armsstrong. frons Rev. J. A. McKeeîi. Victoria. B. C., a for- mie' mucri estceonie pastor of Cens- ire Street Cîstît-cr. Orono. rie atits- -Mrs. IMcKeeîs :s lyig iiiospital hsere wailiisg for lise slow mnîding of a fnactsited rip jount. Her accidet isappetiet omsNoveusîbet'201h. Wr were walkiiig home from criurch triai Sunday afiernoon when she ite a inisslep and feul upon trio sidewaik. Trie faîl causedth re frac- l une. She rias been lying for five wveeks nosv in a rieasy plaster cast. and it may bo anot.her five before she gels oui of hor siraicrit jacket." Her înany frlends here wili wisls Mrs. McKeen a speedy recovery. TIREDANM IRRITAIBLE? Tae Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Comxpound It steaies the nerves and helpe to buUld you up. You wlU eat bet- ter... sleep better ... look bet- ter. Life will seemn worth living again. Remnember that 98 out of 100 wornen say, "It helps me.'$ Let It help you too. Llquid or tab- let form, as you %~refer. Foir 30 cents you can telephaae about 100 miles by making an *any- ofle" cail (station- ta-statian) after 8.30 p.m. SeIEst of rates in front of directory. "TeeThat's great, Bill -we'h1 sure be there" 'I'tl give an eye-tooth tu go inta the city and sce that hockey game to- morrow niglit," Fred said, "but we'd neyer get seats." "Why flot get Bill on Long Dis- tance?" Hilda suggested. "Perhap& he could get you a seat today." "By George, l'Il try it," Fred agreed. Two minutes later he had Bill on the line. Bill not only could but would and, what's mare, he had a seat for Hilda tou. "I did c'njoy that ganse," Hilda said aftcrwards. 'rn certainiy obiiged ta Bill -and glad we have a iSttr»rieillly iumexpenimave HE FORGOT to ORDER à It may be warm today - and the picture above may be amusing. But winter isn't warni ail the time. If you fail to provide now, you may be enacting the scene above. Store up on coal ta- day. Prices are Iower than in ten years. Scotch and Welsh Anthracite Sheppard & Giii Lumber Co. Lirr nitedI I à Notice to Farmers!1 Pea and Corn ]ENSILAGE FOR SALE Canadian Canners Ltci. PHONE 82 BOVWMANVILLE il. p I c., -- 1 ý-À THE MUNICIPAL CLERK IL (With apologies ta Rudyard Kipling) If you can be a general factotum, Is And fi the office of a public drudge: Ld And answer f ully every half-wit's question. ffl And statutes know as well as any judge;, If you can f iii out ail the registrations And governrnental f orms that corne each week. Id Correct mistakes of other public servants. id And give your time for this without a cheep: Ci. If you can f rame up ail the resolutions le For counicillors, who don't know what they want, )f And don't know what to say, or how ta say it. .,e (And you must write because you feel they can't); le And when the Mayor or Reeve cornes in (important!)> With extra work <sorne thirteen times a week) And you state ail the facts and have the papers; As if you knew bis mind before lie speaks: le And you give up you work that brings in rnoney re To do the work you're flot required ta do, a But do il with a sense of much injustice ýe To your own self and aUl your family too; If you know aIl the by-laws and their contents. * And answer every question on the phone, Which you pay rent for monthly, though a nuisance 4 ~That takes your time nor pays your bis at home; y And when the Councillors talk of cutting salaries, t, 1Your brain and nerves rnay now be but a wreck, 0 If you can carry on and do your duty, - On haîf pay, and retain your self-respect, ýs If you can do ail this without complaining, t And bravely face the worry and the work, a Lose holidays and ail that your heart longs for, Il You'l mrake an ideai "Municipal Clerk.' IN THE DIM and DISTANT PAST t FIFTY YEARS AGO F)rom The Statesman, Jan. 12, 1883 Newcastle:' Most W. M. W. T. ILockhart instalied the folowing of- ficers of Durham Lodge A.F. &A.M. son December 27th: W. M.-D. Allen; LSr. Warden--j. Parker; Jr. Warden e -John Bellwood: Chap.-Rd. HIi; Treas.-Coin Wails; Sec'y.-E. Sim- monds; S. D.-Jas. Adams; J. D.- LThos. Millet-; I. G.-Tbaa. Roife; Tyler-Jas. Bowie. Mr. Drurn- rnond. son of Rev. A. A. Drumrnond of 1h15 place, wbo has been beach- ing near here for the past year bas accepted a situation in Car-twright Lmuch ta trie dissatisfaction of thie bi section in which he taugrit. Orono: Last Friday ovening a re- ception Party was organized ta wel- came home Rev. L. C. Eunes and bride. It is anything but campli- mentary ta the fait- ones of Orono, that a young nîinister should be pernmitted ta go from among tiseir number ta choase a partner of his joya and sorrows; rie i s not the fit-st minister wha has donc trie sarne thing: but, hawever, as a matter of caurtesy. we hope triat many years of riappy days miay befaillaur young minister. Officors of Jerusalem Lodge A. F. &A. M. for trie ensuing year are: W. M-John Lyle; S. W.-R. R. Lscombe; J. W.-Tios. H. Spry: Teas.-R. S. Manning, Sec.-W. Wrigt: S. D-os.Pattinson; J. D-John Percyt; Chap.-Jas. Jeif- ery I.G.-. T. Scott; O. G.-W. Wrighit Sr.: Stewards-R. J. Shaw, N.S. Young: D. 0f C.-T. Bingliam. Enniskillen: Mr. A. Dean is the new achool trustee in Ibis section Twa of aur niost promising young men. Mr. Wilber Hutchinson and Mr. Wm. Milîs bave lef t amidst trie regrets of ail for Manitoba. Triey bath bave accepted lucrative posi- tions with Mr. Maxwell, Mr. Huidis- inson as baok-keeper and Mr. Milla in trie wareroom. Thie lasi meeting of the Clar-ke Cauncil for 1882 was heid this çweek witri Robt. Coiville Esq.. Reeve, pt-e- siding. Trie council in a generous maod and on tnotion granted $30 ta Mr. Trios. Shepperd in recognition of his faitriful services as toli gaie keeper for trie past 25 years. A vote of appreciation ta Reeve Caiville was Passed in recognition of bis services. Trie reeve was retiring f rom active municipal life. ab.-.1 f-tý 1 1 v

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