PAGE SBEVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY l9th, 1933 7t $11 295 up Corne and look thern over. New Spring Dresses Our' first shipment will be at the store on Sat- urday. Drop in and see them. . . See the styles a.nd materials, even if you are n.ot ready to buy. UÛnheard oF Prices on Men 's Overcoats Men's OVercoats selling at unheard of prices and a fine lot to choose from. Many other After-Chriatmas Bargains throughout the store. Couch, Johnston &Crydermàan hL LU M B ER ~SHINGLE Ga-~mIls> sc9 'lý CID HC >' LIME < CEMENT No Mord Piles How toEnid Terrible Atony Thausalids o! Pile sufferers do not know that the cause o! Piles is li- ternal-bad circulation o! biood li the lower bowel. Thai is the scientlfic truth about Piles-ibe real reason why salvesI and suppositorles do not give per-j manent relie!, why cuttilng does not~ remove the cause. Your Itcbing, bleedlng or protrud- ing Piles wll only go when you ac- tually rernove the cause-anid nat ane minute before. External treat- menis can't do iis-an internal medicine sbould be used. HEM- ROID, the prescription o! Dr. J. S. Leonhardt, succeeds because it stimulates the circulation, drives oui congested bload, beals and re- stores the abnost dead parts. HEM-ROID bas sucb a Wonder- f ui record o! success li even the most stubborn cases that jury & Laveil and aIl goad drugglsts advise Severy sufferer to get a boutle o! HEM-ROID Tablets teday. Tbey. must end your Pile agony or money back. if Nearly ail chidren are subjecita Worms, and rnany are born witb them. Spare ihern suffering by us- ing Moiber Graves' Worm Exter-, inater, an excellent remedy. flarley Smothers Mustard Experizrgntal work carrled out at tbe Central Experimenial Farmn, Ottawa, shows canclusively ibat barley can be used most effectively in smnothering out mustard. It bas been !ound that barley sown at the rate of 3 bushels per acre is most effective for tbis purpose. Incld- enially, it is aiso sbown that beavier seeding produces a higber yeld o! grain per acre. How to Cet Relief From Catarrh. If you have catarrb, catarrhal deafness or bead noises caused by catarrh, you should know ibis sim- ple home treament whlch f requently overcomes these distressing condi- tions. Secure f rom your drugglst one ounce o! Parmint (Double Strengib). Take this borne and add to it 1/4 pint bot waier and a litile sugar. Take one tablespoonful four trnes a day, breatblng should become eas- er, wbile the dlstresslng catarrhal bhead noises, dropplng mucous and defective bearing abould graduallY disappear under Parmint's tonicaca- tion. Catarrb aufferers f md Par- mint Just what they need. ti Great. COAT Reduclions Ladies' Coats are cheaper this season than ever be- fore and at our reduced prices they do look like a gift. Beautiful fur- trimmed coats frorn by takingsaats. oit, 2mraieiwster, laxative cand: or cbewing gum, or roughsge. When tbcy'v moved your bowels they're through--and yoi peed a bver stimulant. Carters Little Liver Pilla will soon brins baà thre uombine iota your 11f e. Tbey're purelu ega * table. Sale. Sure. Ask for them y na». tfu. mabstitutes. 25o at a11 drgit". . t q. IN THE DIM andi1 TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From The Statesman, Jan. 15, 1908 Thos. White' Orono, bas bougbt the well kxiowxi grocery and provis- ion business f rom Chas. L. Brown. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Whlte te Bowmanville. Mrs. White is a lau- ghter o! Mrs. John Hoskin, Odel Street. Thos. Tapson, who bas been in the General Hospital, Toronto, for orne urne, ls home, the operation performed belng higbly successful. o! the 89 interments in Bowman- ville Cemetery in 1907, 33 were over 70 years old, 43 or nearly 50% over 60 years old. Only three were be- tween the ages o! 12 and 20 years. Eight died in in!ancy. Consumption carried off ten. Fl!ty-one were mnales and 38 females. Regret is generally expressed ai the voluntary retirement of E. R. Bounsall rom the High School Board -where he bas been a mosi useful member. M. A. James bas been appointed by Council te the seat. Mrs. M. A. James entertained the members o! The Siatesman staff and a few f riends very pleasantly Saturday evening ai Lorne Villa in honor o! the Editor's 59th birtbday. After partaking of a xiicely served dinner the evening was spent most enjoyably in music, gamnes, etc. The editor was presexited witb a gold fleur de lys stick pin set witb pearls accompanied by the besi wisbes o! the staff. Officers o! Bowmanville Conserva- tive Association elected are: Presi- dent-J. S. MeConnachie; Vice Pres- ident-John Ellioti; 2nd Vice Presi- dent-W. H. Pearn; Sec.-Treas- W. J. Martyn. Sons o! Scotland Clyde Camp bas been resuscitated. The !ollowing officers were elected: Pasi Chie!- H. Greexilees; Cblef-Dr. B. J. Haz- lewood; Chie tain-J. Gilchrist; Sec.-Treas.-A. Tait; Rec. Sec.- Thos. Tod; Chaplain--Capi. James Wight; Marshall-M. Mathieson; S. G.-A. Christie; Grand Camp Dele- gate-J. W. Alexander. Officers o! Lodge Wellington, . . E.B.S., instailed by D.D.S.P. J. RoI- son were: P. Pres.-L. Hamley; W. Pres.-W. J. Berry; Vice Pres.-R. W. Hulines; Chap.-Thos. Heighton; Se'y.-F. R. Dunbam; Treas.--Jas. Ellioti; Auditors-Richard Jarvis, Wm. Trewin. DO YOU REMEMBEB WHEN? Iiiteresting Events and Personage Connected With Solina Village and Eldad Church Do you remnember wben J. J. Fer- guson (later Rev.) taught at Brad- ley's scbool, and was a faltbful worker li the Sons of Temperance? The Argue famlly were ploneers, whose borne was norih of Solina. George Argui, bis wlfe (Ma.ry Brad- ley), and farnily o! clever daugb- ters, lived on the farm adJoining al the north, wbile Henry and bis wlfe and f amlly llved on the homestead, Mrs. Argue senior. evidently favor- ed the name o! Axin, ber daugbters being named Mary Axin, Sarah Ami and Julia Axin. Ezra and Ira Argue settled elsewbere. Across the road ta the west wae the home o! the Lammimans; some members o! ibis !amily bave already been mentioned. Mrs. Lammimani (later Mrs. Thompson Hiflis), wbose maiden name was McDougall, was a sister o! the wif e o! Daniel Ar- not, wbo llved on the concession south o! Solina and wbose familb of 8 stalwari sons and one daugbtez !requently shared i the activities of the Young people o! Solina. What would be unteld bardsblpec to the Young people of today. were justiIncidents in the day's work te tbose pioneers. There were splen- did maple bushes or woods inx those days, and maple sugar and syrur was made in great quantities. Can- die rnaking was a necessity. Homne spun clothing was worn. Bread wai baked in "bake ketiles" in the lire- place. The advenu o! the coal oLU larnp was balled wltb Wonder. and perbaps a litile tlrnidity at firai, bul nothing could surpass the cheerfu. f rlendliness of the large open lire. place wltbbIts blazing logs, the fam. lly grouped around, sorne, no doubi seelng in the dancing sbadows anc flickering flamnes visions of wbai ibi future n,.gbt hold inx store for theni Ail bonor te aur forefatbers wbî bewed the f oresi, tllled the soit, an< laid the fouxidation o! aur presen civilization. Do you rernember Mrs. Jan' DISTANT PAST1 Fir-ri YEARtS AGO From Thec Statema, Jan. 19, 1883 Annual meeting of Loyal Orange Lodge of the District of Cart.wright was held in the Orange Hall at Wfl- liamsburg, Jan. 9th. Pollowlng of- ficers were elected: District Master --John McKee; D.DM.-J. H. Free- born; D. Cbap--Geo. Bradburn; D. Sec'r.-J. H. Devitt; D. Treas.- J. H. Mahood; Dist. D. of C.-Jas. Parr. Salem: Christopher Plununer, late of Chatham, bas become a perman- ent resident of this neighborbood. John Pipe, Esq., bas removed to Norwich. Richard Stephens bas returned from Manitoba and speaks loud in its praise, and thinks there are plenty o! good chances for men with brains and muscle who are not afraid to use them. .Hampton: The Methodlst Church narrowly escaped burning on Sat- urday, when one o! the wooden box- es enclosing the stove caught fire and was only discovered ini time to prevent the burning o! the building. ...Miss M. Motley of Hamptbn is now assistant teacher at our school. Enniskillen: Sidney Smith, sad- dler, together witb bis family bas moved to Trenton. . Thos. Lam- bert o! Haydon met witb a serlous accident on Friday. Hle was assist- ilng in getting out square timber for T. T. Jardine in Manvers when the axe li the band o! tbe hewer next to hlm glanced off a knot and struck the unfortunate man just be- 10w the knee severing the attach- ment to the kxiee cap and opening the knee joint. Officers o! the West Durham Ag- ricultural Society for 1883 are: Pres.-Levl VanCamp, Bowmanville; lst Vice-A. Tamblyn, Orono; 2nd Vice-J. M. Joness, Bowmanviile; Auditors--W. R. Climie and John McMurtry. Directors: Darlington- W. Wlndatt, Hf. Elliott Jr. and S. Allin; Clarke-Geo. Gray, S. Will- 5mott, John Davey, W. C. Black- burn; Bowmanvile-S. B. Brad- shaw; Cartwright-Janes Parr. Officers o! Cartwright Agricuit- ural Society for 1883 are: Pres.- James Coates; Vice Pres.-Anson Taylor; Sec'y.--.James Parr; Treas. -Peter Hoît; Dlrector&-Nelson Marlow. Teas. Wbitfleld, John H. Devitt, Thos. A. Wright, R. B. Spinks, Chas. Larmer, Peter HaIt, H11 Chapman, John Mc Kee. ORONO CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL Inaugural meeting «f.Cartwright Council was beld on January th, 1933; members ail present aid sub- scribed te the necessary declaration. Communications from Pediar Pea,- pie, adv. a new culveri; Ontario Gaod Raads Association and Muni- cipal Association. soliciting member- sbip; axid Weed Inspecter Dept. witb instructions. On motion ail recelved and fyled. Communication f rom Ingot fron Ca. re repaira for grader. On mo- tion re!erred te Road Supi. wbo stated he bad gai the repairs f rom W. W. VanCamp, paid for sanie, aid Mr. VanCamp stated be had sent the Co. cheque for same. A social evening bavmng been put on by Blackstock Regiment in Town Hall, some difference lxad arose re rent for bail. OMcer S. F. Fergusan and C. Venning came before the council for decision wblch was glv- Dn r. McArtbur presented bill re Mrs. Fred More. No action taken. Tenders for bridge tlxnber and wood apened. On motion F. Falls' tender for timber accepied ai $19.00 per M., and cammiitee appointed to seutle re tender on wood between Mr. Jackson anid A. Woodward ai $10.00 per cord. On motion Coulis. Taylor, Deviti and Forder were ap- pointed conmlittee te procure Uight wood for Hall. O. Wright complained re bushes on side of some roads. On motion laid over for nexi meeting. Thos. Smth requesied culveri for entrance ta Anglican Churcb. On motion referred te Road Supt. By-laws duly passed appointlng D. Galbraith member of L. B. o! Health; H. Tbom.pson anid Roy Fer- guson, auditers, John Wright, Weed Inspector. There were two personal applica- tions for Assessor, Mr. F. A. Hyland and R. W. Philp. Alter some Uitile discussion and bidding îhe bylaw was amended fixing the salary for R. W. Pbllp as Asessor ai $70.00. Orders slgned as foilows: H. Emerson,. insurance Town- ship Buildings . . .... $ 28.5 Can. Bank Commerce, ex- change on County money. 7.00 Can. Bank Commerce, inter- est on boan .-- ... 18.15 J. Stroxig. 1 sheep killed, 3 injured . .. . . . . . . 11.00 Hydre Power Commission.. 11.38 H. Parsons, printing ..... 112.00 Toronto Stiep Ca. dog tags. 10.75 R. J. Bruce, Sec.-Treas. S. S. Na. 3. M. Grant .... . 200.00 W. A. VanCamp. Sec.-Treas. S. S. No. 1, M. Grant ... 600.00 Dr. J. McArthur, M.H.O.--. 100.00 D. Galbraith, L. B. o! Health 8.00 N. Green, L. B. of Health.. 8.00 W. Beacock, Sec. L. B. o! H. 8.00 W. D. Ferguson, coilector. 90.00 Adjourned te meet February 6th, 193: i 2p.m.W. Beacock, Clerk. Remove ail callouses and enlarge- ments f rom your stock wlth Doug- las' Egyptian Liniment, a wonderful remedy. When a mother detects from the writblngs and fretting of a child that worms are troubling It, she cmxi procure no better remedy than Mil- era Worm Powders, wliich are guar- anteed te totaily expel worms from tbe system. They may cause vom- iting, but this need cause no anx- lety, because it is but a manifesta- tion of their iborough work. No worms can long exist wbere these Powders are used. Watch for Bladder Weakness After Colda, Grippe aud "Flu" --Have you lxad a bard cold, grippe or "ifu" this winter? Tben by ail means watch and guard your kld- neys and bladder for tbey are api te be le! t weakened, clogged and slugglsh f rom your illness," says Dr. Southwortb, prominent practicing physician. Many chronlc anxd ser- bous kidney and bladder aflinents start tbis way, and it is best te ".nlp" theni at the start. before tbey get dangerous and bard to over- corne. Watcb for weakness or stiff- ness and pain in your side, back or loins', scanty or highly colored urine wltb sedinieni like brick dust, f re- quent desire, night rlsing, Pain or pressure, inflammation or prlckllng, scalding sensation. If you bave any of these symptems. your Bladder needs belp at once, and you should ask your druggist for Dr. Soutb- wortb's special Uratabs prescription wbich for many years bas been giv- ing quick, sure relief In Just sucb conditions to tbousands of people living ini ibis section. One package -lastlng ten days--can generaily be depended on te get you functionlng naturally again , and even the first day's use brlngs blessed relief In nearly every case. This bas been 80 often and thoroughly proved that Dr. Southworth tells every drugglst to refund the price of the first package to any purchaser who la not completely satisfied wlth resulta. Mid- Winter Travel Bar gains Friday, Jan. 27th to Montre ai and Quebec Cty Backache Not Duel to Age1 Many people thlnk that backache is a trouble that cornes naturaily witb advanclng years, but ibis wo- man o! 71 proves that it is not. "I sufiered for a long time f rom backacbe.'" she writes. "ýbut put it down to my age (71). Reading your announcement, I thougbt I would trY Kruschen Salts. I bave been taking it for some time and have found great relief. I tbougbt you would like te know Ih bas done me a warld o! good.'ý-QMrs.) E. R. Pains li tbe back are the penalty paid for inactive kidneys. Krusch- en Salis can be sa!ely trusted to set the matter rigbt. Because Kruscb- en contains just what Nature needs te persuade your kidneys back into a bealthy normal condition. After that. your blood tbraws off ani xx- Ipuniies; there's no more trouble; no more Pains; backacbe becomes merely a bad memory. -!- TOWNSHIP COUNCIL der 12, hait tare. Tic- kets good in coaches onty. No baggage check- ed. TRAIN SERVICE Convenlent connect- ing service between Montreai and Quebec. Tickets honored r.. turning trom Quebec up to 11.45 p.m. train Jan. 29th. SEE POSTERS ReqestInormtin FORu DTiceu rmTon8 DptOfie 7ýReturn R ETU R NING: Lv. Montreai (Bona. venture Station) Sat. and Sunday, Jan. 28th and 29th -9.30 p. m., Reduc d hotel rates at Mantreal and Quebec City. CANADIAN NATIONAL(T4 M LSAIGH LIN -BIJI( [IGHTSÇe!gMORE AND BITTER /11111 The new McLaughlin-Buick Eight'is an ~r'-~1~Jexceptional dollar value. For many reamons: It's longer, lower, bigger. .. with distinctive Wind-Streamed Styling. ht ha. Fisher No-Draft Venti- lation... Safety Glass ... Engine cushioned in rubber ... AutomatieC lutch ... Automatic Shock Absorbera .and many other features that Canadian motorista ' helped decide. It cos very litile more per month than inmaller cars, on the G MAC plan. And what's more, McLaughlin-Buick'8 proved ability to give more and better miles makes it a truly economical, as well as satisfying, motor car investment. ....... - m*- - - ----- ** «M***........- WHAT 30,000 MOTORISTS TOLD US j This "Automobile Buyer's Guide" tells about our recent I survey among Canadian imotorists and provides informa- tion which you will find valuable in choosing your next car. Send coupon for f ree copy: GesuralMets,,Predasts of Canai.mnttu,Oshmwa, Ont. Moffait Moto r Sales 88 SIMCÔE ST. NORZIH OSHAWA GOING: Lv. Bowmanvilîe 10.38 P. m., Prîday, Jan 27. Ar. Montreal 6.45 a. m. , Sat. Jan. 28th. ATTRACTION: Montreai . Internat- lonai Snow S hoe Rac- es -Parade ln Club Costumes. (Prom The News, Jan. l2tb) Mr. J. Lyail Lowery was appointed Assessor !dr current year. Mrs. Randaîl, Port Hope, is visit- ing ai Mr. W. S. Moffat's. Misses Rosaline and Rida Glams- by bave returned home f rom Tor- onto. Mrs. W. J. Oliver, Bobcaygeon, is visiting ber daughter, DM. Neil F. Porter. Mr. and Mrs. Perce mlger, Mill.- broak, visited ai the home a! Mrs. R. Fowler, on Sunday. A new electric service is being ln-. stalled in the Mrs. Carl Bilings re- sidence on south Cburch Street. tenanted by Mr. Lyail Lowery. Officers and members of Orano Lodge I. O. O. F. wlll be guests o! Florence Nightingale Lodge, Bow- manville, an Wednesday, Jan; 25th, the occasion beng the fl2nd anni- versary o! the organization of the lodge li that tewn. Visiters ai Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Awde's Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Hooper and daugbter, Miss M. Hlooper, Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Awde and family, o! Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. F. Werry axid f amily, o! Bethesda, aid Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Hooper. Mr. H. Junker, Lakelield, spent Sunday wiih friends here. Miss Al- ma Cutteil, wbo bas been spendlng a few weeks with ber cousin, Mrs. Juniker, returxied wlth hlm. Mr. Junker, proprietor Lakefield Crearn- erreports impoved conditions in tedairy business. Word bas been received by friends here the pasi week o! the death o! Mrs. Jervis Jackson, Tarante, for- rnerly Norma Gliddon, Port Hope, daugbter-ln-law o! Mr. T. W. Jack- son. Deceased was a hlgb scbool teacher, a one-time Orono resident. She is survived by two grown-uii sons. The News was !avored with a caUl f rom Mr. Gregory Clark, feature writer for the Toronto Star Weekly, Mr. Kelly, reporter for the Daly Star. and Mr. Wilson, staff photo- grapher, who were spending the day lni tewn wlth Mr. John ArMstrong. They teok several pictures o! citi zens and buildings a! the towxi and will feature thexn in the Toronto Star Weekly in the near future. A former Orono lady. Mrs. Eller Sleep, passed away an Monday, Jan. 2nd, ai ber homne in Carsonville. Micb., in ber 'ltb year. Deceased, who before ber marriage was Ellen Watson, eldesi a! a family af seven, one son and six daughters, born to the laie Johnt and Barbara Watson, Orono, two daughters, Bella an< Mrs. James <Lizzie) Patton, only survive. Rer busband predeceased ber live years. A famlly af tbree daugbters and one son rnourn her loss. Interment took place at Car- sonville cernetery. le> Let the wind howl out- aide . . . and let it snow. When you've ' got a nice, warm home to stay inside you can defy the. elements. But j e a warm home means H l coal . . . good Lehigh B I gt Valley Anthracite. Stock up now an.d ini-- sure comf art this Win- BUUCIsLES PUR tel, PHONE 153 BOWMrANVILLU isulaa PAlif. bisn ue T hot m fr4oaet - mm bas ndh psii f MW f~iCL5AL g* tW a au. A.m s ttUILpmbO i (T I B r