PAGEEIGT TH CAADIA STTEE~ANBOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY l9th, 1933 4 paid wrin tribute ta the faithfui- I its several organizatiOns. She was a iesD r _________conscientious and generoUS support- i I ~~~~~~~~~~M .H.B o eBITUARY essof ercae a h r uchhnd a nd____________________________ The Newcastle Independent HB utr 4fInviUc i.'e ~ t- EA A ter aln illness coveriflg a tendance at divine services, took an lngetrrss h a atfli t If e THufurSAY, JANUARY 19th, 1933 the citizens. Last year's nme-pro ofsil ieyastr civitrs nbth eW.MS.--=---- shiip was 78, but this annual meet- passed quietlY to rest on ThursdaY, ad'hi'W.A. of the United Church1%.GV.oLDB, ing was rather a disappointment as Jan. l2th. Mrs. Ida McLeafl, beloved and wýas1fnd of attending Sunday Britr oii0,' C. ak bs eenvlitngregards attenacOtie the of - feo!H B Fser, aged 63dyea*rs.Shool. ýshe was kindlY and agree- ndanc . O ut idw wnv of H . B .Po e 51 one BaCrLkris en istngfies ntertrsy Solicitor,.Fote e g- erasoiainswNotaret. oylBai aerldothers, preseHtron Sthnnerngers of ter of the- late David McLean and people and it can truly be said of Notices of Birth, Marriages, Death, Live Stock For Sale prprt. Rya iL uli Tyrone l thumblpes bnd.on Marf A. H-oney McLean ard was her tbat ber religion was a seven and Memoriam, 5oc; lOc per Iiie extra Bwavle hn Mr hmSn avr tton th SocetY aiains xtotb abry narHaPtn mthe town day a week practice under ail cir- for Memoram verses. CLFR AEoewe l.H Mr. hmsnMnrsBtaton, aierptoShelicitorHamPoNotarl-t asbeen visltlng'bis daughter, Mrs. TreS oen t y ur ain'r bds, onle at the ship o! arlington. After ber f ath- cumstances and under ail candi- R. P a__û,_R R____Ne casleonea. 91 W. wet.t or- ail ark, mstly planted to per- er's deatb whicb occurred when she tions. As a school girl she attended BIRTHS arseolct, Mms. W. VanDusen eal s. onýeat Bond Head cemetery, was six ot od h n e cbooiat odHa nteiam ____ onto on Saturday to undergO an op- one at th e V at the junictioli o! mother went to live çit e gand builixgnow incorporatee AtEinto Dr.wOnaro,-1 at t e Areto'r sv. b d w is t h fo be De emand2fthe93 to M r. and M rs. îng S o l sl . N eW scienti tiC co n o an i l . O a i . att eSaivatio n Arnybospital e. long b d planted wt tuliPs fo until e m arriage about iorty-tW O Lodge. - e M r i r., f.rm ,,ry otfl3owm efl- pound apl dli lke puttY, soles B oS a Up. in iront o! thercame ta th Fstr. Fr.Bwai eitifora tibte 1a- ileartCater' iLillian May). home for a few cents. Wears lîke lea- .H. and Mrs. Mason motored ber the sprlng and ganms un thie years ago NibMr oter. They aybutfifoltruest-v ,lahW.FWRD1 summeroutese uesmataftedno Lc HART - At Toronlto Genera libher. Write Dept o. D. EconomY Pro- .F AD A for th b re ve f roryan Foi T unda , .Off rics: Bieak ly cioc, i g Sr e NNewctas HrtluetrsiSocetycS omm nit HalvileeherythY rsidd u tilaboHfollh.beeaedlaei, ad teir ltoîiial, on hurdaY JauaY lth, dues (on'IltlY.20 aYtr S., lornt holding a Bridge, Five Hundred and This is the only attempt made 50 f ourteeli years ago whefl they pur ceoef hy nce-dwrats irom t r.adNrs ogasB o Money ta Loafi. Bonl. o ae Eucbre in thie Commulfity Hall on far, save the tbree peonies presen- chased their present residence on chigri rTegard for ted meo ro d- hart (ie emr.a specrs ),ougla 13. bock- gr_______offces:________ Tusday, Jan. 24th.a8p.m At ted by H.R.H., the Prince o! Wales, Hre tet f or u n t B owfThllner t eflviy , M r . a n e.ilO nn dtarON E o .N tractive prises and luncb, ail fo alandscape or beautifY tepe-g unritook place Sunday the Famiiy, tM rad MP A ain Wafl-i fic.<pl t h Poes -.-ie l2 25c..CCame and have a gaod ti n eoccetytsio! eraiotereiroP Arbeiroggondsis-dDbyhaereandnfamiofttheCBroadiFamHall.anhe cEATuStMONEy FOUNOodgepA. Fa &rhe M.'.esteOffice110L. H.use 409. St George's Church-Rev. F. IH. Horticuittirai oitlil rbbypastor. Rev. E. F Amtrng Ssis rm r n Ms .B Maat, . ..Reta.Sunday. Jan. apply itseif ta this wark in thie near ted by Rev. J. W. Bunner aiTinity Jackson, The McçtChe Fml, OOEItarîy nOn ens- To Let oayPbi- 2 2 d T i d s n a f e p p a y u u e te dwa s a m e m a n w h a seM Fse n T o r n o r s . H r r s1ao , wn;eo f th e la te J o h n W o rd e n , N t r u l c - E c Chan-oycmuno;1 .M erwsamrbran hs ev is. Jas0andiamiY. irn . n eraî dý,a OIUSE TO RENT -6roomeli brick Law in ail its brafc ~Mr1n ryei2p. m.--Sutday SHORT COURSE NEWS ices she aiways enjoyed until iiiness Ms .Spencer. HolloWaY, MIS.n xi her S2nd year.e -E e snga drr-C a. Jovadentedstra, a.2 sa 113 ).n.t E tn Street. Phone 389. 3t fie i m T ete Scol,7p .The names o! at least two young Te paî-beaers ere four cous- Staff ai Newcastle Public and High eSatur Cemian. 2151,ase230 .mt foweh-rs.haI ovnece nWlig Scoa; p ~~EenOn ad en MeSî.FrdScoiWma Association of the e TC-At courtice, on TO RENT - On corner Kîng Phonles: Thieate688; Ofc oe53 1-IEwad . .Ward motored mnweeomitted f rom the ist ap- m adtwo f riends. Mess rdaScbool, Mrand Ms.Merie hr TIC E.adîr. DENTALcri ig ndvt Mr E w r . -is a dite h rh o avle Lyltav Jnavltl13.Fa sP w ooîl mors, Ail moî lern oflenieca les. Torot last week-end and pearing in iast week's issue af thasean George HorieY. W. G. Werry Uie brb oavle ~ ~ 1t,13.FacsPWY er. Aplly toA..Coi1,NWat. brugitbckMr.Waîd who bad enrolled as members af the Agri- n avYBrrie and Messrs Kyle Oag Lde1nie bU u -r 81'owOi, laI L.M.< ourtîce. inhar Miss ht baugtOl wo arbelsiihedinNecntedomuita e oral±eîg.bseFed Bararamge ineaîfon îîlreîieîc t jr -US FRRET;1oma b e 1 c u t u r :a l h o r t C o r s e n o w b el aga d L a w r e c e r Yua r .td.ya th o2 . 31r "1an d M r s . xrk l e yo l F u n e r lofsosit h enr eti eo n c e.f l i e rs t a f l t D r . M oE .n W .nS i s s o fis been in tbe city nursing her sister.ClcukuralanShort Courseraam,0sobeingawan.\I.awlenCe Squalr. since the Cbristmas holida3'5. The 1They are Walter Blackbuirniand wetSand sprays ai beatiif Mr-Loy DvessisantaitH*xridn 3omDr.ll' eE.eY R.Pare ARDiiTOfl, rs throfenvn,.CShrîIWOo<i oos, newlY ,Trariteo. ffie:Jya bieeBDi MissWard, Coilingwood, have Ciare Aluin, bth sons o! prominent fîowers expressed verY great res- Aniong O S TO R d ors n,%i been eepen hous1for heir rothS Dur nd stcornerderBofor defeviilan sYOafhyceUSbours 9ffia. Jmr in r . W r 's a s n e n e teo g h re d nd rym at yl.aea ceiH ReTO E lii hth Y ýl , n ai a rol ENT. -C o i mooron'l t a o a en a o e e lu MrS.Ward'S bsence.the young misses and for the bereaved oaes. Aoi g thafd i en s nd rel Catvs.niulY laury lt ,1. r s M ri O c ad... îrsti I. O lVl iC. r f orpossl eion FtOn Set; crnr Aplil9'e Ofie Shirley Couch entertained nearly mrredgladies taking thie Home Ec- She leaves ta mourn itbe passilg frmaditneweret MsMCha. ioît. llGog n lligoksr .dYe ailtrie littie gins ai MissO ads onomies Course are: Tucker Couch, af a ioving and patient wiie and Jase and Dr. G. Jse, Kiîktofl M s.. Fuior;it l ; lt r l W NlQ, pot 9.3- ta 6 P. m. dal ecet un a motheoelM.,nd s.EresiPhne 90. Hause phfe 23 rofa the public schaol an Tues- Els Harris, Iene Rincri, husband. and aged HarIae r n r.Ens LINGARDAt Port ilopiŽ ilospital, on _______________ day venrg, Jn. ltri, whenbe Rincri, VeraBrown, Athea Henning, mother. lie is quite iii, two sans. Jose, Ms Harry Walbridge, Mr. iFr.ILv .aiary 1.«i3 9a33 i.iliian MaudeFo xh ge_________________y grjr ae n isHti rane. R-ýA CFREXHNE' AU CTIONEE MteMrs. HarrY Coucb, gave a Violet Henning, Doreen Pollard, Fred J. and Hubent M. Foster andt and Mrs. Asa Broad and Maroome bit d yp ryin ber honar. There Helen Lycett, Ruby Shaw , Alecialone daughter. Miss Kate M. FosteBMryJmes.nd Mis H tt e con; Ia d, n lihr Ai iiieB oth,,ar. X-RaY Ecinauipmeflt in Office.S fo was a ovelY cake with a candie on Wiliams, Marjonie Cowan. Mrs. 1One son Roy passed away about two Belleville; Mrs. G.BaMeiCssco' .Inur3ifehf 1977 Alred ard i ot, eO-bos n oshava. aI o H.Panees--for u fo evr yer a Shr ysage. 1Howard Cooke, Mrs. C. R. Carvetri, M s Wyeriars ago. ,9 icnod t E shw - iTbfeets ileartofa ve3' hPYNecsl; r.J T rw, hw; amso. h eatvsadf riends Spencer, HollowY; Mrs. Walter BROWN - in Llndsa, on NMonda3y, ni,29itxhlndt.EOwa Thegustsal reor a er hppyNecasle. Ms.J.TERronlhastwman th rlatll an I onIr 1Thu192,s-izaAfie tioneerEme W tm.1Mary Smith, Edna Hogg, Myrtie fo itne r:Rv e.HaeTrno r hs oewife utf1ev. lli.. urown. Acin Chc-Rev. W. P. R0g- Tamblyn, Orona; Helen Stone, New- Hny. Mr. J. A. McF eeters, Mr. and Port Perly; Mr. Fred Treleavefi and FOER11BwavieonTus RalsteFrSlePmslsa p United ibCa ditan e er:nR v. Oe Ha ey.T raitosM . has H ne , ,l6h.193, lîa a n oicen, 12 l e 'l ers, B. A., Pastor.SnaJn22tovieMs.ecyBWI M..M.O. J. Hendelsn Mrs. Lloyd son William. Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. 1h13'. aîuuirv l2th, -î933, NM. IurMcleati il . m~Moflig WrshP .30 P. E .Pup rs. W. P. Rogers and'pecoc, issvian PhlP, rs. Fred Tamlyn, Orono: Mr. and Ms. %v.uîif, f ,iï~ l. iH E Foster. aged HOUSE FOR SALE - -l untr ma.-Suuida3' School; 7 P. m.-Eveli- other ladies drop> in occasiorially for Beatrice Underwood and Miss Ia awd ace.Ms Ca.Smts- eri ov;niI nFil m ,brySre.Pic 2() pl em oe Mr. and Mrs. lbert J. Balsan o I. MSI.LneP l n g S e v i e . T l ie c h o i r w i l l m e e t s p e c i a l l e c t u r e s a n d d e m o n s t r a t i a n s . F s e . R . N , a l i fT o r o nt o ; M r . y de5 - W 0 r 10 l, B 1m 9 3 :1 l e , a m i l y , îi il i h r t y S te . P i3$ 2-3 w.p YT e m o d r t . 2 t 1V u 1.Service. sI ai.I teni iit t F R\ldrn oomR.b-N.,iD oO for practice and a social ou l at evera i fam ilies in the village an d nd M r . G eorge D reW and M r. lin a;- m r. and M rs. F rank Cryder- .laî i nrv î:îîh, 19:17 . Wi im tam sT . , m r 7 w a V Ie Mnds. R. T. Ruthelford. on Frsdayohn Leed Oatb FfRromLE-- ,,l. M s Frankoand HowardUNEMaL D Crest House, trie home of Dr. and round about have been feasting the . p. J. Ciemnets, Oshawa, Mr. and lan BwmflulloMs.Jon LrdSutot, hI SLE. O fe-Prnl onFidy ast wekon lS"Pet rl Ith cr- M Ms."rak ad M.iowadCyCrmur apl St.-ll (,lsthrs 1 3or mpinvil.leasn Ja n . M ~~rs. F e O k e . M ri .O w a n F o, n T h i s-~ r ful pa rtic ii i r lp Y . J a o niait. T.5utheroSe.rhiced oany boulInsanyce day Ja,20th, at8 p. m. The Golden cass ai the fatted, eigbt months aid priî,Pr Hope. and Manly f romn Grave; adtes.crTIS Rule M ssonB n îll ree amb, klied in the commuliity hall Clark~e and DanliiEtofi tow nibi5 i Th alBea erter. Jo n o- 1a Cemet1e,1ry .o 1s its. Su tal E tt at nurxc, B W-F N R L I E T R MissioJ n.2st t2.p.m n lsBanddy ftroo orwii meet.C.Lae W . . hpln y GRo Cemeti. _F.__F.______ the undy Shoolhal. sratin prpoes. he amb wasJ. H. Gibsn, Frank Gibsofi and liîl Toronto, 'lusi3 January 2h. L u d y W n e Fre Gaha, ios o wAilav kiwis or aunilry work done prompt- Ambulance andIvaiCr Some three undred peope at- bought roili Mr. John Aln, Lake William J. Woods, Bowmaflle" orin ae 8 as.MdnMtr M EMret i.,ýaOtrio.PsI Ofie lIAil r ull M s .sitnt tended the Orangemens party and Sho ,Darlington, and witb a crcie outri. - i liN > i bI p ie BowmanVIlld :!el ot.ORA \avle Phone 478. OMN and M Is. e. Stephenson Friday 0on watcbiigevery move and listen- irsetd citizen o o m n ai,ým tetE s. o -A ssa t evening. Trie Cawan-SimTpsofl Or- irgtvry word, t was shorn o! passed away at the iamily resid chestra, Cowanviile, pnovided trie its wool. slaugbteîed in the most Queen Street, on Friday, Januany CARD 0F THANKS music and Mr. RyBonwscifapoe asindaddesd1t.On October 5th, 1931. trie m .,rE-pIE acSiilloie iveplor.v rN' ea calrOifor trie square dancing. for mrket.M.F Robinson, as- late Mr. Woods suffeîed a stroke, ,e.s h wy.aur o aeb edrR A Mr.andMI. SepbnsIl' buseis ised y r. S. D. Irvine. bath af and on trie samedylater a Mr. ar.d Ms. J. H. Jase wish ta lî.12.SO N AN an ideal place for such large scale tetivhSoc B an r adtie Fe - im la ttck ov rc me hu a d ri tia k riur ma yRE:n s or aiWellinrgton olo )ii. E: Weosgtfl Fotr stteBO T EPtR N adrintreilleseatditl il e %Issl hy ifo ; nall% ,l%,orknTiirîavoFerr 13aI4Rashaleit e rural functiolls and al attending' eral Department o! Agriculture, de- bas been in bed ever since and bas their kindnesshduf htlg tri a \ndltruist., lîo iIoi.ii st aul îissi. tnesNiilercie i o G these are deeply grateitil to them monstrated trie pracesses and ex- gradually weakefled until trie end aiter the deatri0 i ahr.MS îi S t y iissetoi 10 rifeîtian Sealîl îex i r day iof ebrrcve193.Pt 10 Goodsonîabhle nimae t h e i re nJo s ._an dfo rt e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __lP . m . f o r t e 1 u r c iî. s , o f - t h a t p a r t o f S ,I v e f S t r e e t . Eo m tl i I for thie welcome they aiways flnd in plained the reasans for everythitig camne peacefuliy ta hui. Stephen Jase. j _n__and______inBl__ terbig, comiortablead hospit-~ as they went along. Hie was borti in Clarke Township flra offerings and other expres-1IRC-ESi l th,-Sou eth sidCouKn tfDr-t able home at Brown's. fe iihn ihtefnfainJn,16,adwiesil4 sofsmah.-),-oCuvofDr The sympathy aifîiends in this lamb they slaughtered a very pon young child bis paents moved ta _________ Rv W .TdMnSe.Sn hm, koetasche brick erlhnousOa- com m un ty is xtende to M r . ký'ln spe gina ow n sh i , Suot nbrick onarage.opTh ibo e la b eated N o ic comnuflty s exendd t Mrs lokin spcimen. made a post mor- GeornatnbiutnWet01 Pbulp LeGresley in trie deatri ai ber Item examinatian oaits internai or- a f armn knawn as Duclas Paint. COMING EVENTS St. Andne's Presbyteriall Churcri chaios. On it is bulît a three storey mother, Mrs. Balfour, at Westan1 gans and sbowed trie class how tape weereemined until about ten RvW.JTodMiztrSu-,m-cea eThbusI etd last M onday week. M rs. Balfur 1worITs and other parasites, which years aga wrien rie t o u eid n eN o ticr caq oi ur ae h a d bW a t cbv if orw td a ter da igU k r ait hl h a s a nC o n-rS b b t b S c b o a i 2 .3 0 p . M . T r s C s , i r e r t l s p t e I n t h e E a t e o f Rt h eF o t r c ben ivngwihbe dugitrtey found present un numbers. was un Bawmaliviile. Hebsanme cert undel auspices af trie Music .,oi' nlcnCuc-e.E stte. castie,. in' the court fOrlm M rs. CTermub e f esCashr t e ause oforderm'sta ge10d closeiesan ahou f r td ieSudICub in Fe ru ryS . oh 'stnliancfr the.DA ED ths iitentage r anofivl NeW-r.oe ~~ ~~ passed away at trie advanced measly looking appearance. It was trie commuIiity wbo are gieved to eetig.a W. .STpenicebr- DAEP his Iîhreeutb dy ofJafu- cvIl ngîeef,1e9e3e. age of 86 yars. - expained fullyday aidetel EMeptinn f C.m.W.ilA.bF.aCAMPteELLipmands Waga F.sCAtheEEstatel ofsothehaaid eai8yer.The fumerai ser- xlie lyhwto treat sbeep leam o! is a %demisengo' o nad gan h vice was rield ai Weston, Jan. litri. to prevent tbem becamiflg infested Besides trie berea-ved widaw ie held atdiS. W. C. m; orin Payr 1 olciorfogtOns RoerOfitr ci alter wbich trie remains were taken 1ith parasites. leaves three sans ta mourn trie loss Tuesday, Jan. 24tb at 3 p. m. .m;Sna coladBbePr oe nai. 33aotte2t a tMontreal for burial. MIS. Le- On F'dsy aiternoon before bath aifriusband and isiber, Howard, ai Reserve Satunday, Jan. 28th, ion Ciass 2.'30 p. m.; Eveig Frayer Ct fHnoi G ely attended tie u ea ser- the A niultural and tie Home Ec- Suttn West, Elmer and Fred o! a sale o ! home cooking and te s at 7 p. m. oied t sni th S.. Jehr'sM.aA.. Minll ar Mn30 . H. t rcttr c h 1,h 0figledtheUt vices at suto ad then accomp- onamics Classes and others inter- Bowmsnville.3- St alsUieChr-RvA.oteunri aidtrie remains ta Montreal as ested, Mr. Irvine gave a talk an Rev. E. F. Armistrong, af TriIiityS.ï rdtn cft-swilothE did also deceased's daughters, Mrs. quality in lmb carcasses, and Mr. United Churcr, condcted tri em- Cmpanins ai te Forest Echre Dudley. Organist; H. J. Knigt, eiedonrbfi rueWeston, and Mrs. Bennett, Robinson demonstrated cutting mia ansia service un the presence ofaPry un S. O. E. Hall on Tbursday, Choir Leader. il a. m.-'Wb5t is era,193afl Chicago, I Fy oic s eeb ivnthtal eros aer the 393,feu r w îh is a e sucaoad her son. Rev. Acr- trie usuai maket cuts trie carcsss ag cuse ai iîiends and îels- 1 Jan. l9tb, at 8 >. m. eh e t htre Gospel?"; 2.30 P. M.-Sun a oie( eeY ie htalprot rib the assetS f Ie Deae deacon Balfour ofpro-cathedral. o! the lsmb killed trie day before. ltges at - decessed's resideilce an God prizes. Scboal; 7 p. m.-The Greatest John Orchariover, aie f the '0W - raroniy 0theencis fwhhte Sault Ste M arie. Trie cuts then iound nesdy purchas- M ondsy. Fallowing trie obsequies T ie a nual M emorial Service Things in trie W îd No. 1,W is - 0f i amfngltrthosn thtitîed thereDur-hregard ens mon thse ha ad eenher tre crtee po.eded ta Sut- Th~emar th re depositing of ddam." A cordial welcame tal. ham, wio led on or about the 211h ahaîl theri have hadntce SOIT ers akng thsenice rail hoe fn erm e otade unBran em- eeE co wi e e idatS. 5l rmtOXg Psor n.Fani St tuyo!October 192. are equhred 0 Dated January 3rd,193 lIES. PERCY HARE HEADS %atching sud istening, M. Sum- ton West by mataI cars. where in- trie Calotins o! trie Second BataioX Trinity United Cburcb.x-Roev. E. F. fowarui theîr daims duîY proven to the The Trnto GenriTrtScrpr HIORTICULTURAL SO IE Y ersrain a ic rll om f r erm ri w s [de in Borr et- .eE r wlSie eliat StlPulsrA matîanPato;aM.dra ciBSu -trirsine SteebtrsortflS olcMcr tintadSeari MIs Sumes sd bs undy dn-teîy. Numrerous floral tokens wene Curr, oWfatville, on Sunday, ton, Mus. Bac., Orgsnist. Sunda o o efr h 2t day of February. Executors o!teI f th eal At th annal metin of ew- er i Por Hop. inevidnce.Trie xall beaners wene Jan. 29tb, 1933, at il a. nm. Jani. 22nd: il a. m.-S'eries on Iii And tke notice thI fte te-De 23 a castie Hoticutunal Society held in Alofa pcalitî was the six nepbews, Messs. Lew.a. The Woan's Auxiiiary ai S. perial Impenatives. Na.1,-Bae the 1xcu, s il rceed t0 dis- B ae MBIC trie council chamber Thursday ev-. poultry klling and plucking demon- Lyle Wood,' Fred Stevenis, LreAde' hnr are baving a est" or Conscience, a Lii e Li ter"; trilute the Estate havig regard only 1306 Canadianpaiî Ili, mou ly leced reidelt ! te sc- On îid y ater oa , . - -M un ay.p.n . iii huchstich clalis o r xvicii tliy sha lthen * oot,2 enlng MIS. Pery Hane was unani- stratiali an trie Tuesday previaus. Stevens, Rass Stevenis and Ivi1onBusCocronJn 25th, at 8 2.30 p. .-Sunday Scbool. classes îiItalntc.o ecoIslyelected are: lnt oicetPe s.c- hiid y fineret ai MidesManLd- , trie Sunday schoi raam. for everybody; 6.45 p. m.-Song Ser- RICHARD or FREDERICK GLOVER, iety for 1933. Other officers and dr- Hancack, B. S. A., Port Credit. ex- -orne and enjoy a good pnagrsm ai vice; 7 p.' m-Familial Fsilul'es, No. R. R. 3, Newcastle, Executors. ect rs elct d re i t ice Pr s. h bied a in se o sid s n an -om l le A Wisomn 25c.nst ,tuTheYau are coi of Fal l tite d il i . . AR , oltr , M n . J . E . M a t c e t t ; 2 n d V ic e P r e s . s c a p i fg a n d h o m e b e a u tif ic a ti a ti M r s . S te p h e n J o s e , N e w c a .s tle l o c a lata l e n t. A u tI s s I o li 2 5îZ. . T ri efFa i.ur e a F a u it F i n d i n g ., -Mrs. J. A. Butler; Treas.-Mrs. J.Tie classes are organized witb omnil onnsIittt hsesrie.Pr oe n.Ipra R. Fishe; Directors for two years- Jas. T. Brown president oi the joint The fumerai o! trie late Mns. wili hold next meeting at trie hometessrvc. nptal.IOlC Miss Tenwitri, Mrs. J. Cunningham, organisation nd Miss Marjarie'iStepheil Jase, wriose deatri was re- oi Mr-. A. W. Pickand, King Street, __________________ ______ jcorded last week, took place Wed- on Frlday, January 27th. Meeting LECTURE (iIVN ON BWANTEDmvd ro. h Mrs. JCrin Law. iS. C. T. Btty Cwnscrtnl-resre.nesday afiernoonfro tiehiewibencagoiMI.WL.B- DETECTIVE STORIES Medilranean ta Scotland. Strnfg- Used tbreshing mcieble ifrw.reJ.e Hendfory;oDateectndls pcontinu-BY ROF- <eD NLDBritisb fleetng hewss Cmoved inifarmctriei lng in office for one more year-Mrs I YOUNG PEOPLE'S LEAGUE wbere she had spelit pnacticaily aIl teny's groux>. Every membeI mk T. F r nt n i beey B o no er li e,-tbe home whne he an we r a t en a bepeparodlY PR F. MciNA D ely e ougrisdurin tie Waî Chelder- ip f i c on iin; m s b 0 Mis. C. A. CaaI. Mrs. H. E. Han- The Y. P. L. ai trie United Chuch waup inthre home wre she grew ta snsweî trie railacalI. as satass paiing rst the Gr-s cock, Mn. Fred Fligg. met on Manday evening, Jan. 16tri, u nogirlhood and womnaiihod, (CItllid!nif ag 1 massp lin of1m16ta tbe hA Trie office ai secretary ws bit. in trie S. S. Hall sudwil the jtrie homewbresh cned taORAG OGS LC ead detective stanies. She consid- during the rof.lial a 116.KINSWY NRSEIE unfilled until trie next meeting oi members weeas bigmiss Heta-say hatadetectveastorie led ORCHAD FOR SAL trie off icens and directars. MIs. Wm. en Lycett led un a sing-song. The mariage ta Mn. Stephen Jase o!fE FFCR ORYA ofrdrinhe sn ske hathey e-to thtat lee i a lt o twadled RH B. Purdy, trie present capable and past president. Chas. Glenney, pre- Foxbnorotrie home where she reared 1-l ditdta e o a edbi otecnray'h 0 pl r painstakiIig scetr expressing a sddfrteopnn xrie. Afi- er two sosansd saw tbem grow uP Roo isrit Luite htren oy b"Ta ned boys ,to re T g o r e ntary ri 10 ppeTee 3t3o6iti wtsb ta, be relieved o! trie duties ai- tel trie several comutittees bad giv- ta sturdy manbood. It was f nomou aclepi intri MS. urv wliMiss Hida owlndtiltiea~~jm Walbnidge Jase, g ot ta0meting heinluOnnaon Januany 1Ibis storycntiedsve] uresthat youth wss ookimg for, and was trfni ii eî acetre-electiani. M s ud il Él a ol n ,to h ha a o evc n ti'G etW r lti re flo lg ofcr ee ne- a d descibed in all their grue- not an incentive ta crime. cary n eatie.Mis artt Lw oa carea ieniist smenserviith inephelson'eanaine Practicslly ail detective stonies KINGSWAY USRE H. . eare s ppintd ele tie d aeta a w erad sn W itr evh argreTt r vi as hele she and eiected bit acclamation: rspecte an it aS , u l o etcîesw nit wth ti Edwad HtelTorntoon cb. th ! th prgnam Ro. W.P. oger ontriebatie fontamd ompsed ep.Dist MaterFredW. owen taned mlytriesam kim aitlthell polce md tie nonfndie tre BidWof5,Sthee Sark PIO I pniene wib dtectve salle wbn Dnald for bis wplendid Adressu Bal n had - $ 66.12 V A N ISH J dist Churcri, trie chuc a e a . vi1 î. o D'. .E. W it r c u" Bal. on hand ~~~~~~~~~~te edients Who had taken su cri s Criap .- e rC . E. hlt taTekp a er& cbu.o he i a - r ni s .o a d tal x r Itwas ordoned that thie affiliation Bronchitis, flund lThrot Itrriiet atiniagrtn h i.Se.H hm snnfcn soisb rkn hler, hrefrsrn elaeetsUf ýlpr fee of $1.50 be paid. I o r- pt UPfrotmethopa r i csiau .in tri Ro c.c-P n y H m itnT ie s e k ralo tald"T ae ride m go f rog a utnt 3 y r U . Sn xr ReveW.F.RlkadPre.sident tine. â etific- Nt ulcklY mwet- fistMthrstsrvcs niiscin-in EeCH. TopoC.ifcti tois yEsknrCudes cagefrWphogr IneiltO5 atf- ul1at9ua08ro n R e vt;W P .m aka dNe . On 'tuTS Yo r D . ai C -H . Sw sin e 10 Ye rstrie Sands" a book w rilcri revea ed D O N T M ISS T H IS. ln~ ad les e pb sized trie value o!f de.. bole. - uS .... for Ur a g whoWnh190cwrotu"The Riddi o! hg and butto work ed trierefumerai servicegrine trie0pnes-W.2Pd Rogtrsr. J. A. McArthur i Ion ai Erigland f rom across trie J. A. F RY' HatclltinlSociety in trie meney. At Yu rZnd iO e.W P oeswacndc- ltLect.-D . VaflC5inPc dditimres co mnilty and exp reSd ti o 8~e 1 8hidceof vry lange gathering o! co mI.-R. Hamilt oni, S. Jeffery,B. N tb ea Sa ucidd t pr sI Scg lSreBomn lO vito ta touh o emr jpýVrelatives. neigribors aud friends, Hyland, FP. Hyland, Wm. HooeY. trie British Admiraity that trie main I_______________ wldey entriuslastlcallY suxpoted by0