WIARTON FARMER PUTS FIVE SONS THROUGH VARSITY Dr. RL. E. DlnnIweil of Bowmianville One of FIve Who Ras Taken Dental and Medical Courses at Toronto University Saturday's Toronto Star contain-1 ed a very interestiflg story of thej *DinniWell family of Wiarton, of! which Dr. R. E. Dlnniwell, wellj .j known local dentist, is a member. Mr. and Mrs. William Dinniwell of Amabel Township have eVery reason to be proud of their f ive sons, and also of their own achievement in putting ail f ive sons through the * University of Toronto. Four sons are centists and one is a physician. The family consist.s of Wilbur A. Dinnlwell, a graduate of 1930 and now a dentist at Harriston; R. A. Dinniwell, graduate of 1923, also a dentist, at St. George; Dr. 0. C. Dinniwell, a physician of Cainville; Dr. R. E. Dtnniwell, dentist of Bow- manville and gradu4te of 1921; and the youngest o! the f ive, Ray Dinni- wefl, wlio is in his f irst year dental course. With success attending the efforts of the brothers, we can as- sume that the Mame success will attend Ray Dinniwell's efforts. The latter was recently awarded the Wiliott Scliolarship in the faculty of dentistry at Toronto. or rather lie tied witli two others for the lionor. The scholarship was cqually divided btween the thrce, ecd re- ceiving $83.00. Dr. Dlnniwell's f ather owns a large ranch near Wiarton where ail the boys were born. It is quite a unique feat and a credit ta the par- ents to have f ive sons go through University and it is a great credit ta the sons to attain the success tliat lias been theirs. Dr. Dinniwell lives i the former D. Burk Simapsoni residence on Silver Street. Pictures of tliree of thie brothers including r the one resident lier appearcdi Saturday'5 Star. 4Music lovera will be glad ta learr that Mr. George Lambert, Dramatih Baritone, Toronto, who lias sung twicc wti sucli acceptance ithe last two years i Trinity Churcli will appear Ini recital i this church on Tucsday, Feb. 28ti, under the auspices o! the Women's Association, with Miss Owen Williams as accom- paniat. Admission 25c. Rev. K. Hunter Palmer of ir Fort Hope Gave Fine Ad- t dress - Rev. Canon H. J. vý Cody and General Sir Ar- ir thur Currie to, Speak Here d Soon t. Ircland, its sccnic beauty, its iap- . pinesa and hospitality, and its war1 and strif e, were brilliantiy pictumedy in an illustrated address before tice Men's Canadian Club in tic Bal- moral Hotel on Monday nigit, bys Rev. K. Hunter Palmner, Minister o! 1 Port Hope Presbyterian Churci. c President L. T. McLaughli pre-c sided and axnong tic important an- i: nouncements made was that thc speaker for February would be 11ev.f Canon Cody, D.D., D.C.L., Presidentç o! tic University o! Toronto, andN tic speaker for Mardi would ber General Sir Artliur Currie, Presi- dent o! McGill University, Montre- al, and Commander in Chue! o! tic Canadian Forces during tic Great War. It was declded tiat tic next meeting be made an open meeting 1followlng tic dinner, thc executive .ta decide wicre tic meeting wlll be 1held. This will present an oppor- tunlty for any, not members o! tic club, who wisi ta hear tis dis- Stiguished, speaker. PedntMcLaughin taok thc pprutyo! expressing congrat- iulations ta Mr. David Marrison who rwas celebratig is 84th blrthday on Monday and wio wsagetat rtic club. Mr. Momnison briefly re- plied. Thc subjcct o! affiliation with tic Association o! Canadian Clubs was ýopcned up for discussion on tic mo- tion o! Dcv. W. P. Rogers o! New- castle, and on tic recommendation and motion a! Dr. 0. C. Bonnycastlc t the club decided not ta affiliate thus ,s coming ycar. Thc basis o! tuis move [j was tiat the club could not provide higi aciool prizes and affiliate also, and ratier tian drop tic prises tiey gdroppcd tic affiliation. The club nhas practlcally ail, Its speakers ar- rangcd for and affiliation would not do tieni vcry muci good this ycam. Rev. K. Hunter Palmner, tic nspeaker, was lntroduccd by Rev. [c Geo. Mason. For 8 years Mr. Pal- jmer was Private Secretary ta 5Sir lSam Hughes. HIelias addrcssed ev- àery Canadian Club i Canada and ih tic United States. HIe iad prepar- le cd six addresses on Ireland and tic ai nc given on Monday was tic first af tus series o! six. (CCntlnucd on page 4) With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News VUJIU±YIra al Co unties Council Siasiies Salaries and 0 Cuts Road Expenditures 6y Half Cobourg Council Chamber Crowded for Inaugural Session Last Week-Pro- gram of Econoniy Initiat- cd Slashing oad estimates i half and i! licting deep cuts i salaries a! Counties officiais tic 1933 Counties Council set about bring-, ing down tic tax rate in a masterly manner at ticir inaugural session wiici opencd at Cobourg on Tues- day, niglit, January 24ti. Road cx- penditures wcre eut f rom $90,000 to $45,000 and tic salary o! Road En- gineer George Greer cut f rom $2400 ta $1500, a slasi of more than 30 per cent. Major E. L. McNachton, Counties Clerlc, was nat omitted when the salary questions wcre dis- cussed by tic Finance Committee and despite his arduous duties hua salary was eut f rom $2700 ta $2000. Miss M. McMahon, stenograpier, was reduccd f rom $900 ta $800. J. F. McMillan, supintendatit o! tic Hause of Refuge, cut f rom $900 ta $700 and a report that Mrs. B. Tliompson, tic Matron, reccivcd a dut f rom $900 ta $700 was deciared incorrect by Reeve T. H. Lockliart. Because o! tic promise a! dram- atlc happenings tic Coundil cham- ber and adjoining halls wcrc packedl ta capacity witi cager taxpayera and 1 it was witli difficulty tiat council- lors were able ta farce their way in- 1 ta tic coundil room. As reportedl laat week Reeve W. F. Rickard o! Newcastle was elected on tic f irat ballot as Warden o! tic United Counties. Warden's Ad&hess In his addrcss lic stressed tic grave problema tic Couneil had ta face and askcd for tiecoc-opera- tion o! ail tic members. lIc de- clared that economy was not enougi tiat retrenchinent must be tic watchword. He cailed attentioni ta tic large suma that liad been expendcd on road construction In recent ycars and said tiat ail suci expenditure must be eut down toaia minimum. lIc referrcd ta tic recent talk o! doig away wti tic Counties Coundil and said tiat whlle he ad- mitted tic country was over govèrn- cd. It would be a bad move ta abolisi tbe Counties Council. HIe suggested that a far better move taward cconomy would be Uic dras- tic eduction itic huge salaries Paid ta hgi Govcnment officiais. (Continucd on page 6) HERLE ON SUNDAY Right Dcv. J. R. Lucas, D. D. Former Bisiop of Mackenzie River and Wardcn of thc Canadian Cliurci Army, wia will preaci in St. John's Churci Sunday, opening a ten day Mission by tic Churci Arxny in tuis pariai. TEN DAY MISSION FOR ANGLICANS TO OPEN ON SUNDAY Rlght Dcv. 3. . Luc&% Wardeii of Churcli Ay t, Conduet Open- ing - Wiil Preach Mornlng andi Evening at St. John's 1 Church With the Rigit Dcv. J. R. Lucas, Warden o! tic Cliurcli Army and former Bishop o! MacRenzie River pmaching at both services tic Can- adian Churcli Army will open a ten day mission at St. John's Anglican Ciurch on Sunday. Tic Churci Army Is a militant mission argani-1 zation woklng witiin tic churcli, visting panisues, visitlng parlis- lonera and conducting speciai mis- aian services. Capt. H. Gibson wl have charge o! thc Mission here, laating f rom Pcb. 5th to »,ti wth services every day but Saturday. Councillor and Mra. Sld Little were in Port Hope on Manday at- tending tic funeral o! ticir brtier- in-law, the late John Hyne. ITMP7 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd, 1933 NUMBER5 D)FELLOWS MARK 6lst ANNIVERSARY IN BOWMANVILLE mmwi session a"d Banquet in Honor of Event - Lodge Re- ceives Travelling Gavel from District Deputy Grand Master Florence Nighitingale Lodgc 1. O. F. celebrated the 6lst anniversary its institution by a special ses- Dn of the Lodge i the lodge roams iWednesday, January 25ti, when er one hundred were present ta, ,n i cclebrating this important int. Guests werc present f romn Donta, Orono and Pontypool. bic Grand J. L. Roenigk presidcd Sthe gencral business session in ai letters of grecting were regd uni F. R. Folcy, St. Catharines, eo. H. Awde, Drayton, John Hol- es, Newcastle, and Rcv. H. B. .nny of Consecon. An interesting feature of the Leting was the presentation by lstrict Deputy Grand Master Og- n of Orona, of a travelling gavel 3the iodge. This gavel whici was iade by a member of Earlscourt odge, Ottawa, is made of solid rass and workcd by hand. It is a Lndsomc article and it is used ta Dster the spirit of good fellowship id to stimulate intervisitation be- wccn lodges. It lias been travelling! om lodge ta lodgc since, May. l2th, 931, and has travellcd several hun- [ed miles. The local lodge will take ta Toronto and pass it on to Soc- al Lodge 1. O. O. F. on Mardi 8tli. Following the busiess session a plendid banquet was semved i the *dge rooms by the Rebekali Lodge. Sfine cntertaînment was also giv- M, the music being providcd by the 7lorence Nighitingale Lodge arches- ra composed of Messrs. F. eMoore. %.Metcalf, J. Miller, H. Hailman, j Power and Algie Harndcn. Others ,otributing to the programn were 4r. and Mrs. Francis Sutton. violin cd piano, and Messrs. C. S. Hall-: Lan, Ajian Knight, vocal numbers. Noble Grand Roenigk presided as roastmnaster. and the toast ta the King was proposed by Ex-Mayor M. YElliott. Mr. W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., )roposcd the toast ta the visiting iretren, and Br. Youngman o! ontypool rcsponded. District De- ity Grand Master Ogden of -Orono- ýroposed the toast ta Grand Lodge ind Past Grand W. J. Rlddell of Drono lesponded. Several others îave brief speeches off erlng con- ratulations ta thc lodge on its an- lversary and wiole prograra, mak- [g a very enjoyable evenig's en- ýrtainment. AWARD PRIZES TO CHILDREN FOR BEST ESSAYS rwenty Dollars Offered for Essaii on "Why 1 Should Buy In Bowmanville" Announcement is made this week in thc Buy-at-Homc Campaign ad- vt. on page 9, of $20.00 i prises for lie best essay written by Bowman- ville and District chidren on the subject. "Wliy I should buy in Bow- nanville." Sa as ta make tiec om- petition more interesting we have [ivided the prises equally betwcee lie town chidren and country children. There are four groups, making separate contests for chidren under 14. and childrcn 14 and under 18 years. Prizes ini each group are $2.50, 1.50 and $1.00. The purpose of the contest it to stimulate intercst ithe Buy-At- Hlome Campaign, ta make chlldren conccntate on the subject and tihi out reasons wiy tiey should buy in Bawmanvillc. While parents ar not pcrmitted ta write the essayE for the children, _Qc latter maý question their parents for reasorç why buylng at home shauid be car- ried out. Essaya must not excecd 200 wordî and must be iTic Sta.tesnian Ofl f ice by Saturday, February 18th flot Feb. 2lst as stated hi tic advt slgn your name, age and address Judges for tic contest are Prin. cipal L. W. Dippdil o! the Higl Scioci. Principal J. H. Jobnstan o the Public Schoal and Mr. T.A Dustan. President o! tic Busie Men's Association. Tic prises will be made edeen, able i goods purch.ased at thq stores o! any merchants Usted ci Uie Buy at Home Page. Every boy and girl i Bowman ville and district siauld get righ ta womk on this c.otest. Everyon stands an equal chance. Just thin out the reasons wby you shoul( SPEAKS HERE SUNDAY MRS. A. L. NICHOLLS WAS SPEAKER AT WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Gave Enlightening Address on «Laws Pertabning te Women"' - Meet- ing Held at Home of Mms A. W. Plckard Tic Women's Institute met at thc home o! Mrs. A. W. Pickard on January 27th, wti an attendande a! 41 and wti Uic preaident, Mrs. F. C. Colmer, preaidig. Tic meeting opencd witi singing "O0 Canada" and tic Institute Ode. Tic mem-~ bers sent greetings ta, Mrs. E. Bell- man, wio on account o! illness was unable ta be present, on bier 86th birtliday, in thc formn o! a nice auto- graphed birtliday card. Tice presi- dent congratulated Mrs. J. G. Rick- ard, anotier of tic aider members, C. H. Carlile wio rccently celebrated lier 80tli birthday and wio was present at President a! Uic Goodyear Tire & tic meeting. Rubber Ca., Toronto, and Vice- This brandi decided against hiav j Pesiento! he omiionBanik. ing a summer speaker here this year,- wlio is ta address the Men's Forum but will co-operate witi Hampton in Trinity Auditorium on Sunday and attend special session ta be held a! ternoon. HIe will speak on "Ie- tîcre in June. lainipbtenEmployer an The prograni was in charge of Employe." .Group 2, Mrs W. L. Buttery, con- - vener, and tic rail cail was respond- ed ta by tic members naming a iSHORT COURSE AT Traffic Law. NEWCASTLE HALL Twa vocal numbers were nicely sung by Mrs. Roberts, accompanled ENDS WITH BANQUET by Mra. D. R. Aldread, and tic Misses Pickard played a piano duet. IFour Weeks' Agicultural Course Tic speaker for tic a! ternoan Came to Happy Cliax w4s Mrs. A. L. Nichlals and lier subject "Liegisiation" and mare par- on Fidayticularly "Law pertaiing ta Wo- men." Mrs. Nichoils is wdll quali- The * four wccks' *Wintcr Short fied ta spcak on this subject, bavig Course in Agriculture and Home been a member a! tic Motiers' Al- Economica rcached a happy clinax lowancc Commission for a number at the concluding banquet last Fri- o! years. Tic speaker outlined thc day cvening. Tic basement o! tic Marriage Act whcreby ail marriages community hall, thc sccnc o! tic must be made undcr somc religlous event, prcsented a transformed ap- denomination and tirce days must pearance. Thc menibers o! tic Ag- clapse after purciasig tic lîcense ricultural Casas and tic Home Ec- bef arc tic parties can be marcd. onomics Clasa bad utlzcd their Sic discusscd tic propcrty riglits o! artistic talents, considerably devel- mamried women and tliey may iald opcd during tic course, i adorning or disposc o! their own poPrtY as and beautifying tic hall until it had f reely as thougli tiey wemc not mar- become a place o! erÉticing lovelincas. rled, and demonstrated most forci- Tic tables with their lighted tapera bly by cases she had knawn, tic ne- and decarative plants, bowl5 0ofIrcd ccssity and wisdom o! making a wiII. apples and pretty moulds o! JedUY. Tic Dcscrtcd Wivcs and Childrcn's tich latter two Part o! the banquet Act provides for support f rom tic »menu, gave thera a very attractive iusband and father and if tic or- )appearance. dem la disobeyed, lic may be punisi- D The sale o! tickets and seating cd by imprisonment. Tic Parents' Eiad been itie banda o! a special Maintenance Act dates back Icf- 5committe. John Aa1htoÇ and Missfcct ta tic l6th century, and was Edna Hogg, and t,.>' 'V evenig of primajily designed ta sif!t thc bpr tebatiquet It Wa& .rmnfd that 174 den o! ýresponsibiliti' !rom tic "M4r tickets had been sold and tiemefome rates." Tic Act tien. read "A ta- cavera set out for that number. £1l ther and a grandfathcr and tic mo- walted itic upper hall until their ther and grandmnotier and the names were callcd in order by John ciildren o! everY POOr, old, blind, Ashton. six young ladies o! tic H. lame and impotent persan or otier E. Class iad been selected as hast- persan not able toL. womk, being ai cases for tic six tables. Miss Edna suffiient abillty, shall at ticir own H-ogg was hostess o! tic bead table charges relieve and maintain everY and when John called tic raolO! suci poar persan." This law lias 4tiose ta sit at tuis table tiey folow- neyer been revokcd but had 50 com- cd their hostess ta tic banquet bal a (Contiued on page 10) (Contiued from page 10) n >r ý8 0, Lk ty 's h, t. s. L- 1- ne nk Id ut of s- t- as ne 31- Y. ,h, ia ELECTED TO FILL TOWN COUNCIL VACANCIIES Willim P. Wa",e. A Former Police Magtrate o! BOW- manviilc, and Returning Officer fan thc County o! Durham, who came jsecond in Monday's clectioxi. CoL Lý T. M"Lughlin Member o! 1932 Town Coundil, wio hcaded thc po i n Monday'a dcc- tion ta fill vacanclea on tic Coundil Board. L.T. McLaughlin - W.F. Ward Elected WiIl FUI Vacant Seats on Town Council Witi substantil majorities Co1ý LLame T. McLaughi and former Police Magistrate W. F. Ward wcre clected to fill the two vacancies i the Town Council in the second election cf 1933 on Monday. The vote was quite liglit, especially i the North Ward No. 1 poil. W. C. Fergu- son, for the first time a candidate for clection, made a very creditable showing, was in third place some 70 votes behind Mr. Ward. The cora- tpicte voting wias as follows: Candidates West N. Ward N. Ward Southi Total Ward No. 1 No. 2 Ward Col. L. T. McLaughlin 145 65 125 55 390 W. F. Ward 95 71l 98 105 369 W. C. Fergusofi 70 45 115 66 296 W. J. Martyn 53 43 45 84 225 C. S. Hailman 71 32 63 49 215 W. J. Bagneil 57 30 44 83 214 Thc vacancies thus fllled were made tbrough only four qualifying for six positions on the council at thc nomination meeting hcld in De- cember. Thc complete coundil for 1933 Is now composed of: Mayor, Geo. W. James; Reeve, T. H. Lock.iart; Deputy Reeve, R. O. Jones; Councillors, W. R. Strike, W . G. Nelles, Neil Mutton, Sid. Littie, Col. L. T. McLaughlin and W. F. Ward. Tlie first meeting o! the complete acouncil will be lield Monday, Feb. 6th, at 8 p. ma. This will be an im- portant meeting as tic civic appointments for the year will be made. It la understood that i some wards qulte a number o! spoiled S1ballots were noted but f ar too few ta affect the results. Deputy Rcturn- ,ding Officers for the election were Wes. PercY In West Ward, Fred Pat- "tinsan and A. J. Adamisi the North Ward, and H. Wcstaway ini the "South Ward. Poli Clerks were T. Hamilton, Almon letcher, 0. A Corden and A. C. Fewster. Commemorate Depositing oF Battalion Colors at Impressive'Service Sunclay' AGED CITIZEN DEAN) David Keith Bowmanviile's oldeat citizen, a vet- cran o! the Axnrican Civil War and tic Fenian Raids, wia passed away af ter a short illness at hua home i Bowmanville on Monday nigit, two weeks bef are is 99ti birthday. GRAND OLD MAN 0F BOWMANVILLE DIED ON MONDAY David Keith, Veteran o! American Civil War and Fenian Dad, PassedAway Two Weeks Bei ome Ris 99th Blrthday Bowmanvilllc's Grand Old Man, and probably tic oldeat man i Dur- liam County, David Keti, passed away at hua home on Concession Street, Bowmanville, on Monday, Januamy 3ti, in is 99th year. Had Mr. Keiti lived until Fcbruary l2ti he would have reacied is 99th bitiday. Mr. Keth was bomn i Scotland at tic town o! Brechin in Forfar- shire. on February 12ti, 1834. He came ta Canada wti ils mother and f aniiy ta o onhi is father i 1850 whcn lic was 16 and landcd at Qucbec City a! ter spending f ive weeks and tirce days, on a sailng vessci named "Tic Helen.'i Freen Qucice lictaok, anotier bogt ta montr«U wiere ie again eiânged slips and prooeeded an bis way to Bowmanvillc. This boat dld not stopi at Port Darllnghon so Mr. Keith iad ta disembark at Part Hope f rom wlince lie Journcyed by wag- on to Bowmanvillc, bringing wltl, i a large number a! houscliold (Continucd on page 6) St. Paul's United Churcli Filled to Capacity for Military Ceremony - De- tachinents Present From Oshawa, Peterboro and Other Centres With scores o! former members o! tic 2nd Battalion C. E. F. and de- taclimenta of district militia regi- mcnts in attcndancc, tic 12ti an- nual service of Commemoration o! tic placing o! tic 2nd Battalion C. E. F. Colora held Sunday morning, January 29th, i St. Paul's United Churci, Bawznanvillc, was an lm- pressive oeremony. Not for some years lias as large a military dis- play ben stagcdIn Bowmanvllle and the great success o! tic cere- manies was due i large part to tic work o! thc Memoriai Cammittee witi Capt. C.' W. E. Meati, as Sec- retary wo had charge o! tic ar- rangements. At 10.30 a. m. tic parade aasemb- led at tic Town Hall wicrc Cal. L. T. McLaugblln, CM.G., D.S.O., for- mer Commander o! the 2nd Battal- ion, placed a wreath on tic Ceno- tapihi memory o! thc Falen, when Buglers Elligctt and Barraclough soundd thc Last Post. and Reveife. Tic Canadian Legion Band closed tuis portion a! tic ceremonica witi tic hyran, Nearer my God ta Thce. Tic parade tien movcd off hcad- cd by tic Bugle Band o! Uic Peter- bora Ranger, which. regiment la perpctuating tic 2nd Battalion C. E. F. This band was !oilowcd by aur own Canadian Leglon Band, tie members' o! thc Canadian Legion, tic Mayor and members of the Tawn Council, veterans o! tic 2nd Battalion; a wiole company under Lieut. Col. R. B. Smith,. O. C., o! tic Ontario Regiment o! Oshawa, a detachment o! Peterboro, Rangers commanded by Lt. Col. 0. G. Win- tembottom, Lt. Coi. W. J. Hoar, of- ficers and members o! thc Durham Regiment, and representatives o! thc Governor-General's Foot Gtiards a! Ottawa, also a peptuatig unit o! tic 2nd Bn. At St. Paul's Church cvery avail- able seat was taken for tiche prn service whlch was conductedb:g the Lminister, 1ev. A. . Kerr. Mns. C. H. Du~dley prcsided at tic organ aùd 1 M r. VI. J. Knigit led the ch aIr. 71m> - u > usual! form o! service was foflawcd >with amroprlate hynins and music. iFollowig tic seripture lesu=nthe echoir rcndercd KLipling's "Recesalon- -ai" very beautlfufly. and anotier imusical f esture was tic solo 'TMc 1 Trumpeter" by Mr. H. J. Xnlght. (Contlnued on uage 4) Rotary Fathers andi Sons Gather at Annual Inspirational Dinner Meeting Rev. Dr. Harold Young, To- LIQUIDATION SAME ronto, Delivered Impres- AT MOOIRE'5 JEWERY sive Address to Lads and W. S. ipercy, Former Bg>wmaavm. Their Dada.-Fathers and Boy, Willconduct mg Sale of Sons Have Volybaîll jewelry ai Ha lcee Battie Mr. J. R. Moore, BowmanvMfl jeweller, lias !ound himacif consid- Proud fatiera o! .tic Rotary Club erably overstocked witi gooda whlch entertaied as their guests on Fmi- day afternoon and niglit, ticir sons. must be liquidated for cash qulckly. Rotarians unfortunate enougi net To do this le announces on page 3 ta came under tic category o!f fati- a big sale o! everytblng ithc store. cm, borrowed someone clse's son and You wili be surpriacd ah wbat you pmetcnded ticy wcme fathers lust for can, buy for bl! Pre. T Icad toniglit.ha eTe0 Prom tic athletic session itice price ticket& arc left on tic gooda aftemnoon until the closi g o! tice ta tell their own story. Mr. Moore more serious session around ticelias always been notcd for the hWh banquet table itic evening a very standard o! stock inis store andi fine spirit prevailed, and whule ticeiiothuiig 5Pclailias been purchased addrcss o! tic cvening containcd for thus occasion. EPverytbing on sa" muci advlce as ta tic relationsii regular stock, $8000 Worth andi that siould exist betwccn fatier this wi] be soid -ah unlicard o! and son, tic spirit exhibltcd showed prices ta clear. Mr. WIII Perey, a tat Bowmanvillc fathers have a Bowmanvilc boy and well known in ver far eucaio alng hislin. tic Jcwlry trade for ver 30 years vem fam eucaionaiog tis e. .~sbeen engage by Mr. Moore bD Voileybail Battle conduct this sale. Watcae, dia- To start at the beginning we'il monda, rings, sllvcrware, dlocks. have ta journey out ta the Ontario everythlng la tic atome la being sae- Training Scicol where, at five rificed and an opportunihy O! titIs o'clock, thc dada and lads met in a nature wlll probably net present it- hcctlc battle o! volîcyba inhieUiRo1- self again in ten years. T'akc tis tary gymnasiwii. Thc challenge or- opportunity o! gettig anY necciss lglnated wien anc Rotarlaii's lad Jewelry, china, glasswarce, etc., now. accuscd hus dad o! piaying a slssy'a You will neyer buy 1h cheaper. gamne, and sissy's gaine or not, was Tirow out tic aid dock or watch sure tic Rotary lads could lick tic thB.t bas been givlng You Poor aer- Rotary dada at any time. Tic ne- vice andiVest i a neW one athg«ai suit plcascd cveryonc. Thc dada regular pnices. won one gaine and vlndicated theni -__________ selves, and thc lads won tic other s gamne and did the saine. Ticy Farewell services for Capt. Dore- wouldn't play thc third gamne be- tbY Smith and Lieut. Tlfley WUl be cause tiings were quite satisfactory îcld at tic S. A. Hall on sunday at and tiey didn't want ta spoil tic 7 Pin. Ticy have been appited 1<> happy relationsbips thus accomP- tase charge o! tic Mount jDennia lshcd. Corps, Toronto. Tic new officers It 5 not an uncommoti sigit ta for Bawmnanvlil are &djt MY2,tl sec tic boys out in gym shorts and Tucker and Lieut. Minnie Topolie trunks, but It la ratier unusual to f rom. Mount D)ennia, for wiom wel- sec thse more dignifted dada dolled came services wili be oonciuctd on up taehhik Uey're atiietie stars. ThursdaY ah 8 p.m. Franil Williams was ticre trylng ta ___________ capture bis bast youth and sportig pnowess a! thc good aid days. Ap- out at thc gyran it was diifcrent. parently lic wasn'h doig enougi ta We wn't go0ito detail, but anc keep wam for wc noted ie woe a ting sure Tommy wasnt taking tie goad ieavy sweater. exercise. as a means of loaing any Tommy Ross gave us a big sur- avoirdupola. Naw if wc hs4 referr. prise. Tommy loos like tic ideai cd ta Perey Corbett w. oldb man wien you sec hlm on the street. able ta say tiat. Pc W oisa j ss You know, tic sort tiat Uic faim sweil ini gym shorts, remnla YOU o! sèx rave about, tiat makes ticir o icarts flutter lise lttle birds. But (ContIfluesi on DSgc 4) 'à(. Ire land in Sunsliine and Storm was Depicted in Canadian Club Lecture 1