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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Feb 1933, p. 7

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i ..-----.-----u.77 THE CANAIAN STATMUN, BOW;MANVIllE, THURZSDAY, FMRUARY 2nd, 1933 Miss Mae Bottreil spent Sunday witb her sister, Miss Edna H. Bot- treli, Toronto. Winiter Coods Must be Cleared CLOTH OVERBHOES AT WHOLESALE PRICES We bate te do this but wlnter is so delayed we are forced ta unload at no profIt. Your Opportunlty 19 My Loss See bur windows for values i: Boys' Shoes $1.98 Men's Bgoots $2.98 Women's 1-strap, xamps and oxfords .... $1.98 Women's Street Shoes, $2.98 W. C. Ives THE HOME 0F GOOD SHOES New Glass and China. FOR GIFIS AND PRIZES Toae, Rase, Crystal, Black and Gold Glassware at greatly reduced prices. VALENTINES and Valentine Party Decorations WALLPAPER New Sunworthy Roorn Lots and Remnants J. W.JEWELL BOOKS & STATIONERV PAINTS & WALLPAPER CHINA & RADIOS Omit 20" Bowmanville LOCAL & PERSONAL Mrs. W. J. Bunner reoentlY visit- ed ber son, Mr. W. E. Bunner ln New ornto. Z rs. Edtward Beliman wbo cele- Ibrated ber 86th blrthday today, (Thursday), F'ebruary 2nd, wlll be At Home to ber friends this aiter- MaOster Wesley Werry, Solina, spent the weekend witb bis cousin, Master William James, and attend- ed the Rotary Father and Aon Ban- quet and Boys' Conclave. Mrs. F. Oke and Mr. Gordon Wight were in Montreal over the weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs. WIl- bur Oke. The latter bas been ser- lously ill for some weeks. Mrs. M. H. Wight, Mrs. I. R. Bragg, Mrs. F. S. Blackburn and Mrs. H. S. Barrie composed a bappy Party wbo were guests of Mrs. C. J. Smale on Tuesday and Wednesday, when tbey pald their annuel visit and enloyed their usual good tirne together. Mr. Geo. E. Chase, local manager of the Hydro Commission, et the annuel meeting of the Association of Municipal Electrical Utilities held in Toronto lest week had the bonor of being elected district representa- tive for the Central District and a member of the Board of Directors. Mr. George Lambert, Dramatlc Baritone, Toronto, wbo took the leading part in the C. I. L. product- ion of Shakespeare's "Midsummer Night's Dream" over a central Can- ada broadcast Sunday night, willl give a recital in Trinity Church, Tuesday. Feb. 28th. Watch for particulars. Citizens will join with us in con- gratulating our veteran citizen, Mr. David Morrison, who celebrated bis 84th birtbday on Monday. Mr. Mor- rison attended the Canadian Club that night wbere an appropriate tribute was paid bim. Despite bis years lie is far from an oid man, and the fact that lie is now training a bugle band is indicative of his youthful spirit. The annuel congregationel meet- ing of Trinity United Churcli will be held in the auditorium of the cburcb on Thursday, Feb. 2nd, et 7.30 p. m. Rev. E. F. Armstrong, pastor, will preside. Brie! reports covering tbe activities of the varlous organisa- tions of the churcb for tbe year will be given. The musical part o! the prograrn will be under tbe direction o! Mr. Francis Sutton, Mus. Bac. Followlng the program a social bour will be beld i the Sunday School where refresbrnents will be served by the ladies. AlI members and ad- herents or any others who consider Trinity as their church borne are cordially invited to tbis meeting. The Ladies' Bible Class of Trinlty Sunday School held a most enJoy- able social evening on Tuesday when about 60 members assembled, most o! them dressed i gowns of the long ago, witb bonnets and bats that completed the costumes and over whicb, all bad bearty lauglis and beaps of f un. The program of stunts, contests, etc., favored the old times parties and made amuse- ment for ail. The social committee witb tbe teecliers, Mrs. C. A. Wight and Mrs. Cecil Belirnan and Presi- dent Mrs. M. H. Wight and others lef t notbing undone to give ail a good tirne. Ref resbments were k' I The Finest ,Service Costs No More In the year just / passed we have re- j ceived by letter and ~ 1 in person many ex- pressions of thanka s I for the completeness of the se ice rend- ered and s ur pr is e that the costs are so low, in every case lower than city prices quoted for the same goods and services. Our policy is and always has been to give that service to others that we ourselves would desire if placed in a similai' position. The opening of the New Year brings a greater sense of responsibility to us, and we wish to assure our custom- ers and friends that our policy will be continued of a stili greater and higher ideal in service at the lowest cost. F. F. Morris Co. Funeral Directors Bowmanville ý P noigbbom an inonda aâï tiended ithé funeral showing respect for one wba had llved a long tumei iheir nildst. Among thoso who mourn her passlng and who aiiended the fun- eral are her niece and nepbew. Mr. and Mns. J. H. Cavanagh and son William ai Toronto. served et the close whlch everyane en.Joyed. Miss Mary Crewe and Miss Hari- ett Hart, Barrie, in company wlth jMiss Margaret Armstrong, ail o! Normal School, Peterboro, spent Sunday wltb Rev. -anid Mm. Am- strong et Trinlty Personage. We are gled te report that Dr. J. C. Devltt returned home an Sun- day from a montb's enforced stey in Toronto owing teilflness. He bas sufficlently recovered te enable hlm to retumn ta bis office duties next Mondey. ST. ANDREW'S Y. P. HOSTS TOA Y. P.AX ON TUESDAY NIGHT Play and Programn Presented by Vlsltfng Young People-Memory of David Kelth Revered In Minute of Silence St. Andrew's Young People's Soci- ety lied as their guesta on Monday evening the A.Y.P.A. o! St. John's Churcli. President Donald Hard- stene preslded and opened tbe meeting witb a hymn nand prayer. Af ter a short business perlod the meeting was turned over te Presi- dent B. H. Mortlock who presided for the following prograni pres#nted by the visiting Young People. A play "Too mucb o! e Good Thing" witb Mari orie Smkth Helen Gunn, Rose Bates, Mary W~lace, Margaret Col- ville, George Spencer, Hilda Sim- nick, Bob Bates and Harold King in tbe cast. Other numbers included a cornic sang by Merjorie Smitb, bumarous reedings by Reg. Harding and B. H. Mortlock, recitation by Mary Wallace, and a double vocal duet by Mrs. F. Diling, Mary Wal- lace Mrs. Bartbolemew and Marg- aret Colville. Miss Rase Bate won the box af candy in the treasure hunt. Refresbments were served by St. Andrew's Young People. Rev. C. R. Spencer spoke briefly and tbe President o! the A.Y.P.A. expressed sympatby to St. Andrew's in the death a! their senior eldor Mr.i David Kelth. One minute a! silence was observed in bis memory. Mrs. F. Dilling expressed the appreciation o! the visitors to tbe bost Young1 people. Q5 BURNS ANNIVERSARY MI57ARKED BY PROGRAM AT ST. ANDREW'S Fine Scotch Program Featured Cele- bration of 175th Anniversary of Birth of Famous Scottish Bard The 175th anniversary o! tbe birtb o! the farnous Scottisb bard, Robert Burns, was duly celebreted in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Cburcb on Wednesday, January 25tb. wben a Burns Concert was staged before a large and epprecietive audience. Rev. W. J. Todd, the genial minis- ter, acted as cbairmen and opened the meeting by the reading a! the 86tb Psalrn and prayer. A Scottish song, "Bonnie Doon" sung by ell openetl the program i plendid style. The chairrnan's remarks proved to bc a humorous and yet educationel number. Tbe following program was tben given end mucb enJoyed: Ode ta Babby Burns, Mrs. Hugb Canieron; Male quartette, Messrs. F. O. Mcllveen, C. S. Hall- man, R. E. Logan and F. Brown, "I Love a Lassie" and "I Pessed by Your Window"; vocal solo, Mrs. T. W. Cawker, "Smlles" and "A LuIll- by":, reading on "Histary a! Robert Burns", Miss Flore Gelbraith; mix- ed quartette, Mms. J. E. Anderson, Mrs. T. W. Cawker, Dr. C. W. Sle- mon and Mr. W. B. Pollard, "Annie Laurie" and "Where is My Highland Laddie Gone"'; vocal solos, Mr. R. E. Logan, "Scots Wbla Hee" and "Af ton Waters"; humorous Scotchi, Mms. Cerneron; vocal solos, Mr. Allen Knlght, "My Ain Folk" and "Bonnie Mary Argyle"; violin solo, Mr. Francis Suttan, Acotcb Airs wltb "Cock o! the North" play- ed to imitate the bagplpes; vocal solos. Mr. Haw. "On the Bannie Banks o! Loch Lomond" end "Dan- ny Boy." The singing o! Auld Langi Syne brouglit an exceptlonelly in- teresting prograni toa eclose. OBITUARY Mns. W. H. William%, Bowmnanvifl One by one the old residents o! Bowmanville are pessing away. On Saturday niglit, Jan. 28tb, tbere passed to rest after two years' il- ness, Mary Paterson, widow o! the late Wm. H. Williams, in ber 87tb year. Mrs. Williams bas resided i Bowmanvllle for 56 years. Deceased was borninh Kendall, being a daugbter o! the late William and Elizabeth Reeves Paterson and is the lest member o! quite a large CHURCHE-St St. Peul's United Cburch-Rev. A.r S. Kerr, M. A., Minister; Mrs. C. H. Dudley, Organist; H. J. Knlgbt, Cboir Leader, il a. m.-"The Test of Our Religion"; 2.30 p. M.-Sun- day School; 7 P. m.-The Greatest Things itbe World, (3) "Self Con- fidence." A cordiai welcoxne te ail.t St. Andrew's Presbyterlan Church1 -Rev. W. J. Todd, Minister. Ser-E vices on Sunday: il a. r.-Mem- orial Service te thbe late, David1 Keitb; preacher, Rev. J. W. Mec- Namara, D. D., Clerk of tbe General Assembly; Sabbetb Scbool at 2.30 P. m.; Evening Worsblp, 7 p. m. Rev. W. J. Todd, preacher.1 Tinlty United Cburcb-Rev. E. F. Armstrong, Pastor; Mr. Francis Sut- ton, Mus. Bec., Organist. Sunday, Feb. 5tb: il a. m.-Irnperlal Imper- atives, No. 3, "Be Unselfisb-Yout can't live your own life." 2.30 p. m.1 --Sunday School; classes for every-i body. 6.45 p. m.-Song Service;E corne te enjoy tbe old songs. 7 p.m.i -"Kingly Manbood-Abraham Lin-t coln." A male cborus will furnish1 the music. Ail tbe rnen are espec-t ially qinvited. Bring enother witb you. You are cordiaily welcomed te ail of tbese services. iCOMING EVENTS Reserve Marcb l7th for a Sham- rock Tea at St. Andrew's Cburcb. Reserve Marcb lTtb, for entertein- ment by St. Paul's Evenlng Auxil- lary. The regular monthly meeting of1 the Women's Hospital Auxillary wlll be beld at the Nurses' Residence, on Friday, Februery 3rd, et 3.30 p. mi. Reserve Wednesday evenlng, Feb- ruary lStb, for niagnificent concert by Oshawa Ukrainiens wlth M. Mc- Intyre Hood, i St. PeuPs United Cburcb Sunday School et 8.15 p. m. A Home Made Cooking Sale underj auspices of Rebekeb Lodge wl beg beld Saturday, Feb. 4th,i I.O.O.F. Hall froni 3.30 P. m. Hot supper will1 eiso be servedfor 25c. Tbis will be followed by a Progressive Eucbre eti 8.30 p. m. 25e per ticket. Regular meeting of tbe Home and School Club will be beld i Central Public School on Wednesday, Feb- ruery 8th, at 8 p. m. Speaker: Rev. Fatber McGulre. An lllustrated lec- ture from tbe Blind Institute spon- sored by the Federation o! Home and Scbool Associations.' Mr. Gou- leb, convener. A cordial Invitation is extended to ell f riends 0f the school to attend. On Thursday lest B. H. S. hockey team visited Oshawa C. V. I. and were defeated by a 10-1 score. The Bowrnanviile team lackmng practice and experience kept tbelr powerful city opponents on an even basis i tbe first perlod, wben botb teams rnissed fine opportunities to bulge the twlne. Near tbe end of tbe per- iod Shelenkoff scored for Oshawa. The second perlod saw Osbawa putting on the pressure and com- pletely outclasslng B. H. S. sextette, scorlng 6 goals whlle the visitors galned a meagre one, Ted Bagnel gaining that counter. In tbe last twenty minutes Osh- awa scored tbree additlonal goals wltb B. H. S. unable ta slip tbe mis- sile pat the wily Peterson.. Willianms was the only casualty o! tbe game, receivlng a scalp wound wben a stick gently massaged bis cranlurn. Hunt i the Bowmanvllle net played a fine geme despite tbe ten goals, wltb Williams, Mutton and Bagneli playing weil also. Oshawa - Goal, Peterson; de- fence, Jackson and Kearney: cen- tre, Greboski; wlngs, Shelenkof and Maundrell; 'altemnates, Kashel, Chappeil, Gamble end ]Pierce. Bowmanvlile - Goal, Hunt; de- fence, Williamis and Gunn; centre, W. Bagnel; wigs, T. Bagnell and Mutton: altemnates, Osborne, Ad- anms, Kent, Oke. On Saturday B.*H. S. Senior girls' basketbal! team vlslted Peterboro and were de!eeted I a close game 28-21 elter leadig at bal! time 17- 16. The firat hall was very even wlth neither teani havlng a lead or more than 4 points et any tume. In the second bel! Peterboro gredually forged abead ta win 28-21. Evelyn Minns was the higli scorer for Baw- manvîlle. B. H. S. Girls - Forwerds, E. Mmnns, H. Brown; centre, E. Sykes; sîde-contre, M. Slemon; guerds, M. Wigbtman, D. Dudley; elternates, M. Thompson, A. Allun and L. Cale. This Friday both girls' teenis end tbe boys' teani lourney te Cobourg where the boys oxpect tho hardest game o! the season. BOWMANVI[LLE JUNI[ORS WIN [IN OVERTI[ME TILT WZTH PORT HOPE FRJDAY Bowmanviile Leads Most oi Way - Port Hope Equallzed in Third Period Bowrnenville Juniors won a twen- ty minute overtime battle i Port Hope on Friday nigbt, 4 te 3. Bow- manville led througbout and et the end o! the second period tbe score was 3 te 1 i their feavor. In tbe third stanza tbe IHilltowners slipped two f ast goals past Mutton to tie the score. The teenis went into ov- ertime with their skates penetnating deeper into the s0f t icoe t every stride. 'Pork' Osborne was the man wbo broke the count Intbe second ten minutes o! overtime and put bis teem ni ithe leed. Jack Mutton in the Bowmevll net was melnly responsibie for Mhe win. In tbe second perlod ho must have stapped bundrods o! shots that were alulelbelled for couniters. One o! the goals ibat dld get by was a queer one. The puck came rolling up the ice toward the net. Jack lifted bis stick oui o! the slush, swung It over bis sboulder ai4d wbam I made a golf shot that ail but drowned tbe spectators, but was fax enougb distant froni tbe puck et whlch lie was aiming not te doter its progress. As that old adage states "A rolllng puck gathers no slush" and the rubber missile oncled its career resting on a bed o! twlne celled the net. Bawmenville - Goal, Jack Mut- ton; defence, Wllilams and Veale; centre, C. Osborne; wings, D. Os- borne and T. Bagneil; alternates, W. Bagneîl, Dunlop, Gunn, Mutton. Port Hope - Goal, cancilla; de- fence, McTavlsh and Record; cen- tre, O. Pillsworth; wlngs, Jack Phil- llpps and Jini Pblllipps; alternates, B. Plllswortb, Rowland, Paeben and Douglas. Referee - Army Armstrong, Osh- PETERBORO TWO GOALS UP ]IN FIRST PLAYOFF Defeat Local 1[nterniediates 2-O in Town on Monday Night Peterboro Intermedietes Put theni- selves two goals up on tbe round wben tbey de!eeted Bowmanvllle 2-0 on Mondey niglit et Teylor's Arena. Bath teanis pleyed wide op- on hockey, usig the forWerd pass successfully and skilfully pleasig the three hundred fans wltb excit- Gas in the Stomach Ih Diangerous DIlay Use of Bisurated Magnesia Overconies Troubles Caused by Acid Indigestion Gaa in the etomach accompanied by a full, bloated feeling after eating 1. aimont certain evidence of too much hydrochloric acid in the stom- ach. causing so-called "acid Indiges- tion." Acid stomachs are dan gerous. Too rnuch acid irritates the delicate lin- inig of the stomach orten leads ta gastritis uaccomnpanied by sericus stomach ulcers. Food ferments and saurs, creating the distressing Kas which distende the eto mach and hampers the normai functions af the vital internai organs, aften affecting tihe heart. It in the worst Oif olly ta negiect such a seriaus condition or ta try to treat with ordinary digestive aida whlch have na neutraiizing effect an the stomach acide. Instead get a littie Bisuated magnesia f ram eny druggist and take a teaspoonful in water right after eatlng[. This wiil drive out the gaz, wind and bioat, sweeten the stomnach, neutralise the excess acid and prevent is forma- tion and stop saurness, Kas or pain. Bisuated Mlagnesla (in powder form -never in Ilquid or mi 1k) in harm- legs, inexpensive, and a fine remedy for acid stomach. ilte used by thon- mandi cf peapie wbo enlay their meais witb no fear ofIindigestion. Greater 1933 VALUES Books on Present Day Problems A number of men who beard Dr. D. M. Solendt, Manager o! tbe Ryerson Press, Toronto, speak at the Men's Forum in the Trinlty Audi- torium two weeks ago Sunday. expressed a desire that tbey would like te have a list of the books be ref erred ta during bis very lnterestlng address. Dr. Solandt very klndly supplled us wlth tbe fqllowlng list, &long with the price of eacb book, which we gladly publlsb. Those marked (0) are in the Bowmanvllle Public Library. The Folk Higb Schools of Denmark, by Begtrup Lund and Manniche (now out o! print) ....... $ 2.00 Tbe Marks of an Educated Man - Albert E. Wlggen .... 3.00 Commuini - Harold J. Laskl.ý............. 1.00 Natlonallsm and the Future of Civilisation - Harold J. Laski .60 Facing the Crisis: A Study of tbe Present Day Social and Religlous Problems - S. Eddy ............. .75 A New Challenge to Faith -Sberwood Eddy.............. .50 The Clasb of World Forces- Basil Matbews.............. .60 God In tbe Slunxs - Hugb Redwood .... Paper 35c; Cloth .75 A Liberal Education itbe Modern World - R. C. Wallace 1.25 Tbe Way Out: A Study of Aduit Education flted by Hon. Oliver Stanley ....................... 1.50 *Straight and Crooked Tbinking - Robt. Tbouless .......... 1.00 Dollars and Tbe World Peace - Klrby Page............... 1.75 The New Social Order - Ward............... 1.75 *Courage - J. M. Barrie ......... .... .25 Seeing Ourselves Througb Russie - H. T. Hodgkn.... 1.50 The New Education and The German Republlc - Alexander & Parker ........ ....... 4.50 Securlty by Disarmament - Dr. Robblns................... .75 The Dark Places of Educetion - Dr. W. Scbobans, Trans. Dr. Ballard ........................3.50 *The Unseen Assassins - Normen Angeil.. .............-2.50 Tbe Spokesman - H. T. Wbipple ............. 3.00 The World of the New Testament - T. R. Glover...... 1.80 Much Loved Books - Jas. O'D. Bennett 3.50 *Tbe Art of Tbinking- Diminet.......... 1.25 Fear - Oliver 1.25 *If I Were Kin.,,0f Canadg Stowell ... 1.50 The Story of the World's Literature - John Macey .. 1.25 The Art of Reading - Quiller-Couch ...... . 1.50 lInfluencing Human Bebavior - H. A. Overstreet . 3.50 Ch.ild Psycbology - Dorothy Wilson .. . ... 1.20 Freedom i the Modern World - John A. McMurray . 1.75 *Cbristian Ethics and Modern Problems - Dean Inge .... 1.50 Re Thinking Missions - By a Committee of Appraisal- . 2.50 S pring Dresses A thfilling collection of new Frocks has just arrived . . . youth.ful, debonair styles which express the very spirit of Springtime. Sizes 14 to 46. Choose one at this new low price. $8m95 The Evlyn Ladies'1 Specialty Skop Mise T. Murphy Mrs. Frank Obe Ra-to-Wear PHONE 594 Drensmaklng Phoma 18$Phm M3 NEILSON'S OLDE FASHIONED Bittersweet Chocolates Special at 39c IL Marahmallow Squares.......... 15& eacli Bowmanville Bakery" C. W. JACORS, Proprietor Phone 97 BoWMàANVILLE SAVE MONEY BY SAVINO 1YOUR MANGERS We will accept 10 pexz cent of the payment o! any dry cleaning done by us in th e form of hangers, àt the rate of one cent per hanger. Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Phone For Pull Particulars Launderera ,WmanviUe 152 Dry Clmen lng close-hi abats that soemed lab- ta do with sbats raining from &a elled for certain goals.1 angles and caming at ail speeda but Wler on tbe visitars' defence, bandled ail weil. The tvo goals startlng the game wlth a bad gaah that sneaked by were froni acramb- over the eye that be received i the lesI front af the net givlng hlm lest hockey game, wus forced ta re- no chance to savo. Gillespie In tAis tire f rom the loe foilowlng a bard Petes' net turned aside the asbos collision wlth ýRedI Hooper. His that were hurled at hlm wth ou- nose wes braken and bis face wua cumber like coalness, unrufflsdat cut under the eye. There were no the hardeat abats. other casualties i the game, wth Creighton scared the fit oud few penalties given for raugh work. I îlîowing a acrambloi fron t0fthse In the lest perlod a near fLstlc on- net. The second perlod wu Mnore- counter developed between Alan lesu, and Ellis, the trlcky centre Dýenseni and Hatton but they re- player for Potes, netted the second geied their composure and avolded I goal in the third periad. penalties. Peterboro - Goal, GIfleaple; - Potorboro ehé4àd a 'fuat team !enae, Lebarr apid Welr; centre, M.- wltb a forward Une that ail but lis; wigs, Daflbn and Dundu;al m- baffled the locals. Their centre man ternates, Jarvis, Hatton, Crolghton, bad a sweep check that gatbered ail Howe. Ducks wlthln yards, maklng Ih bard Bownianville - Goal, Mart'ni ta break clear for a rush. The la- defence, Cameron and Denaem; ceu- cals held weil but were weak on tre, G. Piper*. wlngs, Jainmleeondn abois, missig the net almost four 1. Piper; alternates, Candier, zoo.. out af five trnes. Martyn hIthe ert Rundle and Chartran. Bowmanvlle net wau ouistandig hI Rferee - AMY Armstrong, <eh- his playlng.Res had plenty of work awa. PAGE SEVM Weekend Special in New Gold Medal Peanut Butter, 12 oz. tin ....... 10e Good Morning Coffee, special .......... 25ecIL Libby's Pork and Beans, large tin...... 2 for 25c Lily Brand Lard, 20-lb. pail............ $1.75 Aylmer Brand Choice Quality Blueberries, No. 2 tin .......................... Iki Picnic Brand Sliced Pineapple, No. 2-tin, 2 for 23e Aylmer Tomato Juice ........... 3 tins for 25c 2 in 1 Shoe Polish ..................10ec tin Florida Seedless Grapefruit .......... 4 for 25e Choice Quality Tomatoes, larige tin ........10ec Breakfast Bacon, by the piece, 2 Iba. for 25c ALLBRAN Grape Nut Flakes ......... 12c pkg. jKe llogg's Corn Flakes...... 3for 25e * -Kellogg's Al Bran ........ 20e pkg. Oysters.................. 30e jar -Beacon Brand Fresh Fillets of Cod- Salmon - Smoked Fillets. HARR Y ALLUN The Old Reliable Grocer Phone 186 King St. East Bownianville

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