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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Mar 1933, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 2nd, 1933 PAGE THREE Window Glass cf ifferent Types [1 lemeon, 2 cupà diced apples, 3 cups Wlndow glass of different kidssugr ix ngredients and cook lias varyig cfects on tic sur's uni hc over a genrie lire, stir- rays. Thislias beeri brougit te my ring f requently.. notice by tic change in a plant. We have a plant cf t.he Wanderirig JewPRSHuu.ACE type. Thc underneath surface o! FOR IILEGIONSOCIA its leaves are a dark red and tic FRLGINSC4 tep e! tic leaves a dark dulI greeri EVENING ON FEIDAY witi occasional idefinite strips o! a darker green. This plant was in Fine Musical Program presented a hall wlndow, whichlias an opaque With 150 Official Pletures of white glass lnstead o! tic usual SensothGrtWa clear glass. Tic leaves gradually S ___ofthGrat__ changedi in colour uritil they lest ali tic red underneath surface and tice Twe iundred members o the green became very mnuci ligitcr.I Legion anid ticir wlves packed tic Tic plant tirived and grew wcll as Parisi Hall on Friday rugit for tic it was in a souti wmndew. A plant1 annual Ladies' Nigit, and wcrc pre- cf the samne kind i a window with: senteci with an unusually fine enter- clear glass rctained all its original1 taiment. President R m. Cotton colours.; presided and opencd tic meeting Sunny windows are a blcssing te with community singing. Mr. R. E. us even thougi tic glass does net! Logan gave tic first vocal sole, ac- transmit alI tic rays and we lose companîed by Mrs. J. A. Gunri at thc vitamiri D that vie get f romvtic piano, singing "On tic Road te direct surishine. Considerable cx- Mandalay" and "BelIs o! tic Sea." pcrîmenting has been donc te mari- Tic Legion Band vocal quartette, ufacture a glass tlat would aîîow ail Wilfred Carrutiers, Harold Allin, tic raya to penetrate. Se far tîey Sam Glanville and A. W. Plckard, have net been entirely successful. gave twe nunibers, "Cornfield Mcl- The glass has dene aîî they requir- odies" and "April November." Fol- cd of it wiile new but it has net lowing tiese numbcrs, whiih wcrc stoed up as in varyirig lengtis e! well rcceived, Mrs. C. W. Lynch, Or- time it has lost its efectlvcness. ene, who made suci a splendid Undoubtedly, we will get it event-' siowing at tic Music Festival here ually, and it siould give a markcd ast year, sang two numbers ac- improvement in general icaîti. companed byMrs. M. H. Staples, An Arthnitls fliet "Ah Sweet Mystery e! Life," and Mr. A. Haw. Newcastle, alse gave An lnquiry lias corne in as te the twe numbers, accompanicd by Mrs. use o! a special diet for Artiritis. Tues. Cowan, "Tic Carnival" and This disease is onie o! tic ones that "Give a mari a herse lic cari ride." is lilped frequently by tic use of President Cotton extended a cor- a diet whic ish hgih i vitamin B. dial welceme te tic gucats and eut- This vitamin is widely dlstributed in lied tic purpose o! tic Leglon or- aur foods and tiere h ne difficulty ganization. His brie! remarks were ini addirig more e! it te tic ordinary fellowed by tic showlng e! 150o!- diet. ESZ yohk, ycast and liver are ficiai war pictures, wti Bill Tait all particularly richinli vitamin B. operatig thc lanterri. Tic pictures In cooking tiere arc many recipes were exceptionafly good anid pictur- whlch' require tic use o! egg whites cd tic war f rom tic time tic Cari- only. Use tiese reelpes f requently adian soldier lcft on tic liner for fer tic family cooking anid poaci England uritil lie was back agair inh tic cgg yolks until liard cooked and Canada. Wonder!ul pictures o! tic use tiese fer salads and sandwiches shattered villages o! France, and o! for tic person reqnlrlng extra vita- tic real liorrors of- warfare were min B. Liver may be uscd as a din.. scen in tic collectien and It was ner meat, for breakfast, anid minced interesting for onie who had riot and crcamed and served on toast, or seen tic war te licar tic exIaina- made into sandwiches. Kldncy aIse tLiens e! tic soldiers itic gather- contains vitamin B but tic muscle lng as they recognlzed tic spots meats do net contain any. that lied once been familiar te them. Many o! tic vegetables contain Tic musical program continued vitamin B. Peas and beans -arc rici with twe clarienet solos by Max in it and it is alseo in the tubers sucli Tuerk o! tic Leglon Band wlio was as potatees, carrots, turnips. beets. accempanied by Miss Olive Joncs. Leafy vegetables sucli as spinacli Max is an accernpllslied player and and lettuce contain it. Se dees lis numbers wcre well recelved. cabbage but in lesser quantities. Tliey were "Barcole" and "Scenes WVhole grains products sucli as eat- Tiat Are Brigitest."1 Mr. A. E. meal, crnsicd wheat and wiole Henning, Oshiawa, proved perhaps ENLIGHITENIING ADDRESS DY DR. J. B. REYNOLDS GIVEN AT MEN'S FORUM (Continucd from page 1) Anether reason for the depression! is the fact that the price of capital, the interest on moncy loaned for industrial purposes, was still up and, ne attempt had been made te lower thecimterest rate, to the same basis as comniodity figures. Russia may be the realm of communism, the, speaker added, but Canada is tice realm of unbrldled capitalism. High tarif s contributed te the decline in expert trade, thus addlng a further hardshlp, but this was! somethig tiat was being recogniz-; ed and could be rectifled. Then there was the subjeet of un- empîcymnent. the cessation of thc dcmand for humari labor, due te the; lack of demarid fer manufactured products and also te the replace-j ment ef laber by machinery. Man's laber is today reckened at! ene-tenth o! one herse power, and' te illustrate what this means' the speaker poited eut that four large turbines operatig 24 heurs e! the' day lias energy equal te alI the adult werkers of tic United States, and one turbine, working 24 heurs,' would supply encrgy equal te that' e! ail adult werkers in Canada. 1 As an illustration Dr. Reynolds' gave ctatistics te show that thc fleur milîs o! the United EStates i the past 20 years had* beeri reduced by hall in number, were empleYing considerably less emploes, and yet wcre turning out a huge increase i marn!f actured goods. If a qulck returri te prosperity were made, he addcd, we would find the machinery replacement would leave 500,000 men in Canada per-, mancntly unempleyed. To four things he laid the cause e! the depression, namely, tie de- cine in prices, the iigh interest rates, the displacement of men by j machinery and hlgi tariffs. What is the cure? Prof. Reynolds asked. Some say connnunism, while etiers say socialisni. We have to a large degree actual socialism in op- eration teday in eur Canadian Nat-! tenal Railway, Hydro, Old Age Pen- sions, Mothers' Aflowance. -Werk- mer's Compensation, and other soc- ialistic measures. Thc speaker be- lleved that a new social anid econ- omic erder was vitally rieccssary te the welfare o! tie counitry. By soc-! ialism he did net meari the social- istic extreme known as commun-1 ism, and we siould dread any prosw- peet of a violent overturri iriu mode o! democratic goverriment. There is some truth i techno-I cracy, he addcd. The machine isJ doing away with manual labor and in time mari wil net endure uncm- ploymcnt. Somethirig has got te beI derie about employment or there is1 geing te be trouble. It is axnazing, he said, that Canadians have con- duct.ed tliemselves as well as tlicy have and with as little trouble. Personafly, the speaker believed a' Chistiani seeialism nccessary, with increasing public control o! indus- try, with a smaller earnig power for capitalism, am.4 equltable distri- bution o! profits a aong- the w".e1 earning classes. He also bellevcd in the imit o! inlieritance. the aboli- tion e! tariffs, steeply graded icome taxes and the formation o! a Na- tional Ceuridil e! six men rýepresent- lng idustry, agriculture, capital, labor, and other phases o! Canadian 111e. This conneil weuld act i an advlsory capaeity te tie governinent. Self seeklng and greed must be done away wlth, he addcd. and lie further cxpressed his entire agree- ment with Mr. Woodsworth o! Win- nipeg, who believcd that the child of the laborer should have the same chance i 11e as the child o! the rici. AIl men are berri free and equal and there sliould be no spec- lai privileges for the few. There was a nced tee, lie added. for a change o! heart ameng a great mariy people, a need for a religion placing tic well beig and welfare o! humanity before profit earning. When people turn te, this type o! living they will be carrying eut tie precepts o! the Mani o! Galllee who said, "Inasnuch as ye have done It urite one o! the least o! tiese my bretiren, yc have donc it unte Me." There was an iterestig discus- sion followig Prof. Reyniolds' ad- dress, after whlch Presiderit Morri- son expressed the appreciation o! the Forum te the speaker for lits splendid talk and kindriesa icern- ing te Bowmanvllle. Next week's meeting o! the Forum wlll be held ini St. Paul's Churci at 2.30 P. m. and tic succeeding four Sundays at Trinity Auditorium. the meet versatile e! the evening's artists, being an critertaier o! a very higli ciaracter. He hs a dra- relief, always keep at hand a supply o! Dr. Thomas' Ecleetric Oul, be- cause expericrice lias taught them that tis h an excellent preparation for the treatment o! thUs alIment. And they arc wtse. fer its varlous uses rendier It a valuable medicie. r 3 BIG DAYS SPECIALS Tkurs,.Fri.-Sat., Mardi 2-3m4 JUST UNPACKED "'WILL WONDERS NEVER CEASE!" These Newest PULLOVERS $1.45 Each The latest i women's fine pure wool Sweaters-puff sleeves especlally featur- ed; fancy and plain stitches i combina- tien color effects; tan, grey, green, blue, red, etc.; sizes 34, 36, 38, 40. You will be erithusiastic when you cee these $ A DURING 3 BIG DAYS, each...L. 4 DRAPERY CRETONNE Exceptionally attractive Drapery Cre- tonne, f ull 35 iriches wide, i an array of smnart, attractive colorings; riew, large and medium floral patterns. Note our price DURING THIREE BIG DAYS, per yard .. . . 9 CRIB BLANKETS Heavy Fleeey Cotton Eiderdown Crib Blankets, 30 x 40 inches, whipped edges; "Bowknot" or "Block" patternis; pink or blue; usual 75e value. DURING 49 THREE BIG DAYS, ecdiý.... 9 BOYS' NEW PULLOVER SWEATERS Regular Feilows Want These! A lot o! wear for 98o New Pullover Sweaters for boys 6 te 16 years. Attractive Jacquard, faricy col- or effects e! browri, blue, heather, grey, etc.; sizes 24 te' 34. Wonderful $ 1.25 val- ue. We have divided these sweaters ite three lots for Thursday, Frlday, and Saturday, DURINO THREE 8 BIG DAYS, each98 BOYS' SHIRT WAISTS "Gordon" Quality Broadcloth Extra Value 49e Each School Boys' Shirt Waists, made o! the wefl-knewn "Gordon Broadclotb"; funl sizeci and well tailored. mna splendid as- sortment o!friew patterns, mnostly blue and tan; sizes 101/2 to 131/2 for boys from 4 te 12 years. The boys wifl like these new Walsts and mothers will be pleased wlth the wear they give. Sec fl these DURING 3 BIG DAYS, eah49 Pure Linen LUNCHEON SETS Specially Priced Two Useful Sizes Pure rtsh Linen Crash Luncheon Sets witli combination colored borders; colora of blue and gold, green and gold,, etc. See these at our store. DUPLING THREE BIG DAYS. 52 x 52 inches, 4 Napktns, $1.29 regular $1.95, per set...... 52 x 70 iches, 6 Napklns, $1.59 regular $2.25, per set ... HEMSTITCHED PILLOW CASES 25c Each It wil pay you to stock up at this opportunlty 42-inch PilUow Cases wlth 2-inch hem- stltehed borders. Fine, flrm., even thread cotten (these slips are terri,riot eut). You will recognize the extra value i these when you cee them at our store. DURING THREE BIG25 DAYS, each. ......25 LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS We shared in quantlty buying erid pass the entire savlig on to you. Women's wite, pure Irish linen Haridkerehlefs wlth 1/ inch heiestitchect edges. Good quallty cloth. DUYRING 7 : 5 3 BIG DAYS, each....7 fo 25 BOYS' TWEED CAPS Boys wUi b. keen about, the.. .nartly- BMde caps - Mud just note Our pries Boys' Tweed Caps i grey and brown colora, herrigbone and check patterns-, 8-plece top, wlth Indestructible peak, leather sweat-band. Ini sizes 61/ to 67/a. Good value if ofered at 59c. Note aur speclal price. DURING THELPE39 BIG DAYS, each ... ..... .....39 HOSE SUPPORTERS Women's Sew-on Hose Supporters, plnk bright rayon wlde webblng, wlth nickel aide and large rubber-covered post. Measures 9 inches over alI. A usual 20c value. DURING, THREE13 BIG DAYS, per pair... 13 WALI<ER% PHONE 164 ALWAYS GLU) TO SERVE 'TOU Li kMITEI) TURKISH BATH TOWELS Hfemmed Turksh Bath Towel, measur- lng full 20 x 40 inches; white with color- ed stripes of bMue. pink. gold, lavender or green. This quaiity usually 39c. DURINO 3 BIG DAYS, each .... 9 Jumbo Size RAYON BLOOMERS Rayon Bloomers speclly made for women who wear dres sises 46 to 50 Run-reslstant-knlt Bloomers, Jumbo sizes, made with large set-i double gus- set. strong flat-lock seanis, elastie at waist and knees. Colon of white, flesh, peach and nile DURING49 THREE BIG DAYS, per r ......49 TEA TOWELLING Pure Irish Linen Tea Towelling, fuly 22 Inches i wdth, wlth wide and narrow stripe borders; plnk, blue, rose, green. A superior quallty. Regular 29e value. DURIIXG THRE 23 BIG DAYS, per yard.......23 RAYON BLOOMERS 3 Pairs for $1.00 Women's good quality Rayon Bloomers, run-reslst.ant knlt, made with double gus- set, ffat-lock seams, elastic at walst and knees; medallion at knee; several attrac- tive medallien designis from which to choose. Colors of white, flesh, Peach, nifle, orchld and maize, I small, medium and large sizes. Corne early for these. DURING THREE BIG ]DAYS, $1.oo 3 PAURS FOR ......... SMART PULLON SKIN GLOVES, $1.10 Pair Excelent value in these Cnadls-mai. Skln Gloves Women's pullon style domestlc 8kim Gloves, 4-button length (about 11%~ lu. long). Black anid brown, corne plain, ot.hers with -white stltchlng on back, and sorne wlth fancy applique on cuif. Sisa 6 te 7V2. Regular $1.50 value. 11lin DURING 3 BIG DAYS, per pair NEW SWISS NET CURTAINS $1.59 Pair Speciafly aecured months ago for ti saie event New Swlss Curtains wth sealoped ed- ges, very fine mesh, Ecru color; aise 32 tiches wide x 21/ yards long. Several attractive designs froin whlch to choose, Excellent value if offered at $2.00. Note - orsavlng. DURING THEE '$139 BIG DAYS, per pair ...... Here are the Newest ini BROADCLOTH SMOCKS See these Smocks and you wMf note that their quality is unusually hlgh for so low a price. Styles so smart they corne rlght out of the k.tchen te recelve morn- ing callers i the living room. An exceptlonally attractive showig of new Smocks made of heavy quallty, firn Breadcloth. Most of these are i Pin- cess style cut te fit), corne i double- breasted milltary style, othiers contrast,- lng-colored plain and printed trimminge on collars and pockets; smart button e!- feets. Predominatlng colors of tan, green, copen blue; In.~ small, medium and large Sizes. D:UIiNG THRE 98 BIG IDAYS, each ...... 8 ELASTIC Puritan Knicker and Lingerie Elastlc, heavy cord rubber f ull of snap, wltb brlght-finish white rayon covering. WIU wash and boil. 6 yards to plece. UsualIy 15C. DURING THEIE BIG 9 DATrS, per plece of six yards TABLE CLOTHS, 50x50 Inch Pure Linen Crash Breakfast Clotbs, 50 x 50 inelhes, colored combination bordera, gold with rose and blue wlth green. &6e these-Yoti'll say they are ouxâdng value. DURING THEE 63 BIG DAYS, each ... 3 BABY PANTS Mothers should see these Baby Pants! Made of run-resistant rayon coverlng over good quallty seamless rubber (thor- oughly sterllzed), rubber-bound at knees and waist. Ventllated top. White, pink; medium, large. DURINO THREE BIG DAYS, per pair 19C STORES BOWMANVILLE i THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWIJANVUJ£, IIIURSDAY, bURCH 2nd, 1933 PAGE THPM

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