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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Mar 1933, p. 4

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THE~ CANADIAN STATESM, EOWMANV.:LLE, THURSDAY, MARCH- 2nd, 1933 of tbanks tendered to the ladies foi ENNISKILLEN their play. Meeting closed wth thi -. a Mizpah benediction. Attendance 28 Mrs. Porter is vlsltlng her sister, Wihy do so many o! our good Mrs. C. B d. peuple stay atay fromn the Sundaý Mr. and Mis. W. J. Stainton a! ternoon services and deprivE spent the weekend wth frlends in tbemselves o! hearlng sermnons cf Oshawa. real menit. like we bear frorn our Mis. A. Ormniston, Enfield, vlslted Paston, Rev. A. M. Wootton and her aunt, Mrs. P. Mountjoy, on Rev. A. S. Kerr? Is It to listen ta Monday. radio sermorxt.? If so, we venture to Miss Eva Soucb spent a few days say they will not hean anytblng to with ber brother, Mn: C. W. Souch, surpass Rev. A. S. Kerr's sermon of Hampton. last Sunday, wben be delivered Dr. nd is. . Prgusn ~ such a fine discourse frorn tbe text friends at Tavistock and Toronto "When times of nef nesbing shall last we. corne f rom the presence o! the Miss Reva McGill, Toronto, spent Lord. the weekend wltb her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McGIli. Mr. and Mis. F. Werry and !am- HAYDON lly spent Sunday with the former's6 parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Werry. Glad ta hear Mis. Milton Blemon Miss Frances Taylor, Toronto, is impnoving. Mr. Harvey Davis, Miss Luella Miss Ursul McNell spent the Stevens, Mn. Reg. Walton, Oshawa, weekend with Miss Laura Phillips. vislted at Mr. H. Stevens' on Sun- MnWmTbwLoulstda dayptyi etn Mr. C. Avery's and Mr. Milton Sle. Symptbyis xtededto the mon's. family o! the late Mn. Win. Hall Who died in Bunketon on Friday at Miss Ruth McNeil spent the mldnight and was bnried in Hamp- weekend at Mr. H. Stainton's, ton Cemetery on Monday. Hampton. Our' sympathy is extended to Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Larmer and Levi Brunt in the death o! ber bro- family, Burketon, recently visited at ther, Mn. Mark Hancock, Rochester. Mn. A. Beech's. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Brunt, Mn. A. Mr. Trewln Scott, Orono, Mi. Brunt, Mns. Etta Page and Mn. John Charlie Gray, Bowmanville, Sunday- Slemon attended the funeral, the ed at Mr. Wmn. Trewin's. latter taking tbem by motor. re- MrSane Wolgsnd is turinghom onMonay.Heleen Westbury, Toronto, spent the «.-eekend at Mr. H. Asbton's. SALEM J Mr. and r rrs. Elmer Bradley, Mrs. Emily Braley, Mrs.J. Genod Several of our citizens are en- necently visited relatives li Ponty- gaged li getting in next summer'sPol supply of ice. 1Mn. Aian Stainton and Miss An- Mi. and Mms. A. Welsb visited at Newtonvllle on Saturday last and report thein little grancison, Elgin Savery, slowly lmproving li bealth since bis recent neturn from the Sick Chldren's Hospital, Toronto. Y. P. L. meeting Wednesday ev- ening, Feb. 22nd was opened by the President wth hymn and prayer in unison after which Mn. R. Coombes, Social Vice, presided over the foi1- lowng pnogram: Bible readlng, Miss Frances; reading, Mr. F. L Sqnalr; piano solo, Miss B. Knox: readixiz, Mi. E. Doldge; piano selec- tion, Miss B. Knox; mouthongan music, by the leader; reading, Mis. S. Buttery; a short Playette byl1 some o! the ladies o! Hampton Wo- men's Institute; after which candy and apples wene served, and a vote n e Trwin rcntyvli eda Mn. C. Avery's, Annie nernalning for a few days. Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Grahamn and family, Mn. and Mrs. Henry Ashton, Messrs. Fred and Bert Ashton, Miss- es Rema and Freda Bradley vislted at Mn. A. Beech's, Blackstock, last Fnlday. League pnognarn Tnesday even- ing was in charge o! 3rd Vice, Mrs. Henry Ashton. Bible reading by Mn. Roland Thompson; topic was ably taken by Mrs. Ashton; neading by Miss Audrey Thornpson; vocal duet, "The Glory Song" was sweet-, ly sung by Misses Grace Tnewin and Ada Beech. Contests were the^ en- joyed by aIl. Meeting closed wtb Mizpah benediction. Greatest Reductions in Radicio Prices ever staged in Bowman ville As 1 must have the room for new cars, 1 amn clearing out my entire stock of radios on r THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY MARCH 2- 3- 4 1 off er vou. the following BRAND NLW ELECTRIC SETS j2 - il tubes, reg. $225 - To Clear for $135 ea. 1 - 10 tubes, reg. $199 - To Clear for $75.00 1l- 8 tubes, reg. $185 - To Clear for $45.00 1 - regular $75.00 - To Clear tor $45.00 These radios are made by two of the strongest and best known radio companies. Also USED RADIOS, thoroughly re-conditioned: 2 - 5 tube battery sets, with speakers at $4.00 ea. 1 - Console battery set, nearly new, at $15.00 W. J. Challis Dodge Show Rooms - Phone 290J King Street East, Bowmanville Saanple Neckwear Clearance of manufacturers' samples in Collar and Cuif Sets; purchased at a dis- count of 50% to 75%; values to $3.00; grouped in two price lots for quick clear- ance 39C aud 79C 511k Scarqves Another manufacturers clearance of Pure Silk Frinted Scarves; also a limited quant- ity of Kerchief Blouse styles, worth $2.98 each; ciearing price, your choice, 79e eaelh See Our Window Display Nelson's Store 1 01 hý M od aý VE of Ur id ta to to of ýd. xt Lu le te d ;t SOLINA Remember the play at Eldad tbls Friday evening. Mrs. Isaac Hardy spent the weekend with Lindsay f riends. Mr. and Mrs. George White, and Mr. Alan White visited Peterboro friends last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Pascoe, Brook- lin, visited with Miss Mary Hogarth and Mrs. R. Pascoe. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Pearce, Clare- mont, were recent guests at Mr. Walter Cryderman's. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid and famlly and Mrs. Chas. Langmaid visited at Mr. J. W. McMaster's, Mion. The members o! the Women's In- stitute are entertaining their bus- bands and gentleman friends on Thursday evening, Marcb l6tb, li the S. S. room. No meeting on Thursday, March 9th. Messrs. A. L. Pascoe and S. E. Werry were appoînted as delegates f rom the ' Division and Sunday School to, attend the Ontario Pro- hibition Union Convention belng held in the King Edward Hotel, To- ronto. this Thursday and Friday. Remember the regular Division meeting in the S. S. roorn Thursday evening, March 9th. Rev. Dr. A. Philip Brace, Most Worthy Patriarch of National Division, North America, will present the Grand Division Trophy which wa.s won by our Di- vision. Ail members please attend. The regular League meeting was held on Monday evening and was in charge o! the 4th Vice President,' Mr. Wesley Yellowlees. After sing- ing a hymn, Mr. Norman Downs read the Bible lesson. The worship Period was In charge o! Mrs. R. J. McKessock. and the tapic was taken bY Mrs. M. J. Hobbs; Miss Norma Yellowlees gave a reading; a short contest was put on and a geography match was enjoyed. Meeting clo-sed with the League benediction. ]BLACKSTOCK CIRCUIT United Church of Canada Rev. F. W. NewelI, B.A., B.D., Pastor Nestleton Y. P. League on Tues- lay. Feb. 2lst, was in charge 0f Miss Lambert and Mr. Harry Spencer. M4r. Richard Suggitt gave a very in- teresting address on Mexico. Good attendance. For some months the members of the Cadmus League have been hold- ng a very interesting contest. The w'inning side were treated to a most enjoyable social on Feb. 23rd. Rev. F. W. Newell's subject next Sunday is "The Tranfiguration o! Christ."~ Plan to be present. Weekly Sermonette :" Religion 1 does not consist in admiring good-1 ness so much as in practising it."1 The World's Day o! Prayer will be bserved by the ladies of the An- lican and United Churches of Blackstock by a union service in the United Church on Friday, Marcb 3rd, at 3 p. m. Blackstock choir were royally en- c Lrtained by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dor- ell on Feb. 17th, and by Mr. and Irs. Cecil Hill on Feb. 24th. t W. M. S. will be held at Mrs. Jos. order's Jr., on Wtinesday after- 1 ioon, March 8tb. CADMUS Mr. Sydney Ferguson Is home om Toronto. Mr. Arthur Southern is cutting vood for Mr. Barnstaple. Mr. Tom Phillips is helping Mr. iorman Edgerton cnt wood. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McKee are oving Into their new home. We weicome Mr. and Mrs. Mel- Mle Griffin ta our community. Mr. and Mrs. N. McGill. Janet- lle. visited at Mr. A. E. McGill's, 'iday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Spinks vis- ed at Mr. Norman Edgerton's on londay. Congratulat ions to Miss Chrystal 'Lîlis who has been accepted as 1rýe in training in Lindsay hos- ital. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Holmes,ý orcon Hanna and Leonard Milîs îted at Mr. George Fowler's on nd ay. M~r. and Mrs. Norman Lathangueý d Miss Della wcre entertaineci toý ýner at Mr. Marwood McKec's on uesday evening. Mfr. W. B. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. .D. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. mith Ferguson and Mr. and Mrs.1 erarci Sanderson attended Mr.1 d Mrs. Albert Beacoek's silVer ecifing ori Saturday evenlng. Mfr. andi Mrs. Waiton Larmer, Mr. jioIe Edgerton, Misses Evelyn a1nd ana Devitt, Mr'. Laverne D Iltt rand Mrs. Smith Ferguson, Ms ladys Cobbledick, Miss Lanra ilp, Mr. Lloyd Thornpson, Mr. Dr ie j HAMPTON >d ty The slck in tbe village are noN iedoing favorably glad to report. )f The Women's Institute are plan ir ning an entertalnrnent and socia îd evening for March 17th. etran 50 playing members of tbe recen ;drama on Tuesday evenlng. )f Trustee Board met at the cburci ýon Tbursday evening last and dlc croutine business. Report later. il The men's choir Sunday evenini sang very acceptably, and in tb( second number did very well indeec Miss Edna Reynolds spent a littl( tirne in Toronto recently wlth bei father who is now better In health Horn's Store bas Jnst received an- other shlpment of fine frozen sal- ilmon ta sell wblle they last at lOcts; also, continues the speclal Sun- eDryd Coffee, 40e lb., 1 Jelly Powdei f ree. t W. M. S. met at tbe home of Mrs, Jas. Jebson on Tuesday, Februan 2 ist. President Miss L. ReynoldL opened the meeting and conducted the business. Mrs. Barron tool charge of the program. Mrs. C. W, Soucb read the devotional leaflet, 1"The woman of the bouse-the ideal twife of Proverbs." Mrs. E. H. Cole gave a piano solo. A number led in short prayers, after which Mrs. Rackham took np the fi! tb cbapter of the study book, A Half a Century of Missions 1881-1925. Meeting c losed witb the Lord's prayer. *and Mrs. Everard Sanderson and family recently vislted at Mr. Mene- Many f rom. here attended the )W party at Mi. Lorne McKee's Fniday nevenmng. With abnndance o! good âlmusic supplled by Messrs. Henry Mabaffy, Larm Hyland, James Kerr and Stewart Thompson with violins, dMn. Glenn Gibson, gultair, and Mi. Lt Arthur Southein, banjo, and a num- ,h ber of "callers", everyone enjoyed ,themselves. Id League was beld Tbursday even- ing wxth a good attendance. Pro- ig gramn in charge o! Miss Dorothy ae Wifliamson and Mr. Leonard Mills d.consisted of tbe topic by Mr. Edgar le Gibson; a duet by Misses Leab and r Beth McQuade; readings by Miss h. H1elen Fowler and Merlin Phllp; two -selections; by orchestra; solos by -Miss Cobbledlck, Messrs. Lloyd s;Thornpson, Thomas Ridlen and Tom 1- Phillips; musical selection by Mr. er and Mrs. Lanm Hyland and Lucille; and an Instrumental by Mrs. E. Sanderson. Two contests were put ryon whlle lunch was belng pnepared. îs Mr. Lanxn Hyland and Miss Leah ýd McQuade were tbe winners and re- àceived a large box o! candy. NESTLETON Mrs. A. Hulbert, wbo bas been 111, is stlll bedfast. -Y Miss Lena Bnllock was guest o! 9Mr. and Mrs. John Dickie. Sorry to bear Miss Edith Lambert is under the doctor's care. Miss Capstick, Janetville, was guest o! Miss Greta Hulbert. We congratulate Mr. and Mis. Frank Black on their necent mar- niage. Mr. Cecil Wilson and Miss Gwen,1 eand Mrs. Herman Samelîs vislted Mrs. John Hooey, Burketon. Mn. and Mrs. J. Watson and Miss Irene and Mrs. Vincent were guests o! Mn. and Mrs. Herman Sameilsc recently. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Samelîs and t Mr. and Mis. Kenneth Samells were a guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Merwln d Mountjoy on Saturday.V Mn. and Mrs. John Hooey, Mn. g Roy Hooey and Mr. Burney Hooey were entertained at Mr. R. Bell's to ( six o'clock dinner recently. BLACKSTOCK Mn. George Crawford, Jr., spent h the weekend in Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. Lewis Swain vislted H Mr. and Mm. David Hall. Rurketon. N Mr. W. Montgomery, Lindsay. H, spent the weekend at Mn. A.« Dever's. a Miss Eva Parr, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert t Parr. le Mr. and Mrs. M. Griffln spent d Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank ai Stinson. a Mr. and Mrs. Melville Griffin bave rnoved to the farm o! the late Mr. P James McKee. a: Mrs. J. G. Marlow bas returned t f rom Toronto and is staying with c Mn. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow. i On Wednesday evening Janetvillem hockey team played Blackstock. W Score 7-6 in favor o! Janetville. gi Mrs. A. Monçtte, Toronto, Mrs. R. m Mahood, Mrs. R. Archer, spent Sun- ci day with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith. in Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bradbun ý spent Snnday with Mns. H. Webber, ot Bnrketon, whose husband died on Li Sunday. W Miss Manjorie Marlow, Toronto, er and Mr. Archie McDonald, Bow- wi manville, spent Sunday with Mrs. de John Marlow. Miss Florence McLaughlin, Tor- be onto. and Miss Kate McLaughlin, Peterboro, visited thein parents, Mr. m and Mrs. J. R. McLangbîxn. i Mr. and Mrs. Fred Willan enter-S tained a number o!fnfiencis to an ' oyster suppen on Wednesday even- ba ing in honon o! Mrs. Robert GEiks Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hill and dan- w ght er Marlon, Mr. and Mrs. Roy lea Ferguson and family, visited Mr. e andi Mrs. W. C. Ferguson, Bowman- be. A number from, bere attended the u funeral o! the late Mr Wrn. Hall, an, Burketon, on Monday, and o! the aný late Mr. Henry Webben, Bunketongrî on Tuesday. aiý On Saturday evening, Feb. 25th, a fi number of relatives and friends ga- thered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. sel< Aibet Bacok t celbrae teiran< silver wedding. After pnesenting the Ha brnde and groom with a cheque, the esa evening was spent in games and est: music. n Mr. and Mrs. Levi Brunt and mo laughter, Mms. Floyd Page and son, fra. M4r. Arthur Brunt, Ennisklllen, and On M r. Leslie Hancock, Oshawa, at- ma' tended the funenal o! the former's w3..' brother. the late Mark Hancock, o! cla., Rochester, N. Y., last week. r NOTICE! West End Garage UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT West End Garage and Machine Shop will be open for business Monday, March Gth, where we are equipped to do repairs for ail makes of cars, also any line of machine repair work. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Gi,ýc us a cali and let us prove we can sat- isfy, you at moderate prices. Ne W. Deanerligg Phone 81 Proprietor Bowmanville of Oshawa were present. At the opening o! the service the band played several selections o! music, and a short song service followed. Dnnng the evening a coronet soo "The Holy City" was ncely played by Mr. Prce wo is leader o! the band. Solos were sung by Mms. Langfeld, m. Holmes and Mr. Hen- nings; also a quartette by Mr. and Mrs. Hennngs and M. and Ms. Langfeld. A coronet duet was rend- ered by Messrs. Bunk and Reid, and I ENFIELD Miss Ida McCulloch vislted at Toronto last week. Miss Verna Ormiston and Mrs. A. Ormiston are visiting ln Toronto. Quite a number fromn here at- tended the funeral of Mr. Henry Webber of Burketon on TUesday. Mr. Norman Stinson bad a suc- cessful wood bee Wednesday after- noon and a lively dance in the ev- ening. Good prices were realized for nearly everything sold at the auc- tion sale of stock and implements of the late Mr. Arthur Ormiston. Tis winter bas been a record breaker for travelling with cars ln this locality. Tbere bas flot been a day yet but what the cars bave got out. Mrs. A. Niddery, Toronto, and Mrs. H-. James, Columnbus, bave been wltb Mrs. J. Hepburn during the last week wbo does flot seern to lm- prove mucb. MAPLE GROVE Miss Susie Laird, Port Perry, spent the weekend at borne. Mr. Ernest Twist is visiting bis brotber Fred in Toronto. Miss Dora Eames, Toronto, spent I the weekend with Miss Edna Swal-' l0w. Misses Mona Kemp and Beatrice Pindar bave returned ta Toronto after vislting Miss Enld Twist. Mrs. Charlie White and two dau- ghters, Oshawa, spent the weekend vith Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stevens. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. F. Swallow in the loss of ber brother, Mr. George Pbipps, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Swallow are remalning at Clinton for a few days. Little Miss Doris Stevens enter- tained a number of friencis Friday afternoon in bonor of her 5th birtb- .ay. Tbe mothers enjoyed a visit with Mrs. Stevens who was a very genial hostess. COURTICE Miss Wirnan visited relatives in lickering on Sunday. Mr. Ronald Courtice, Toronto, is orne for a week's bolidays. Recent visitors at Mr. and Mrs. .oward Flintoff's were Mr. and Mrs. lormnan McIvor and Miss Joan ïamilton, Messrs. Herbert, Jobn ad Al!. Flintoif of Oshawa. A bappy afternoon was spent by he C. G. I. T. in the borne o! their eader, Mrs. Cecil Found, on Satur- lay. They gatbered early in the Lternoon and cooled and PrePared .nner for al, eacb girl taking some )rt in tbe cooking with Mrs. Found ts instructress. Cakes and tarts 2d other good thlngs were made by ie %irls and wben dinner time ume the girls bad to set the table n proper maniner and certain table nanners bad to be remembered. It vas an educative afternoon for the rîs. After dinner their regular eetmng was held when it was de- ided ta bold discussions on 'mnusic,, nthe coming year. Miss Elsie Oke ;s appointed press reporter and ber business matters discussed. ttle Miss May Found then favored ith a reading and a sing song was njoyed by ail and twelve C.G.I.T. rnt horne feeling it had been a elightful afternoon and evening. On Friday afternoon tbe "Sun.- eamns Mission Band beld its inthly meeting in No. 8 school. ie meeting opened witb call to >rship by Miss Marion Trevail, as- stant leader. and response by the nd. A Mission Band hymn was ing and the bible was read by eorge Pidduck. The memnory verse as taught by Miss Sadie Muir,1 .der, andl the Lord's Prayer re- sted in unison. A story was told iMiss Muir, and an offering taken :by two members. A.fter tbe vmn "Hear the Pennies dropplng,," id the business, the following pro- uni was given: Reading on Japan, ridy Muir; Stewardship, Mary ieck;* China. Ivan Cochrane; rica, Marie Salt. a Mouth organ lction was played by Fred Adams id Allan Trevail; the story of ans Egede was given by Margaret iy and Miss Muir gave an inter- ing talk to the band and meet- gclosed. Sunday services were fine. In the Drning our pastor, Rev. H. C. Wol- lim. preached a searching sermon the subject "The Prodigal Wo- in." In the evening the service 3s ln charge of Mr. A. J. Gay's ns of young men, and Mr. Johnny ,ves and bis band Of young9 men Graves gave a heart ta l4eart talk ta the yonng people and at the clous o! the service the band played again. The chnrch was nlcely filled wlth people and about forty young mien were present, ail sltting together. The young men of this community are attending the evenlng services regnlarly in a bodY and Mr. Roy' NichoIs very kindly boans bis cars for the accommodation of any yonng men who bave no means o! riding to chuicb. We hope their I NTRODUCING CADILLAC Goodyear WeIt Shoes Sold Exclusively by COUCH,' JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN LTD. There is a Cadillac last to meet every individual requirement . .. Corne in and see these quality shoes . . . Have them made to your individu 1 measurements. You'l be surprised at the very low prices. $4e95 $6.75 $7.5O BOYS' SUITS - $3.95 Up. SÇpecial Dress Display SATURDAy, MARCH lIth A traveller from one of Canada's larg- est and best dress houses will be at our store with special line of dr-esses to sel] or take your ordeî' - a wvonderful show- ing with no twodresses alike, Keep this event in mind. Every Lady's Winter Coat in the Store at Exactly Hlf Price iNew Spring Dresses, Coats and Hats Now on Display Couch, Johoston & Cryderman Phone 104 LIMITED Bowmanmille .4.5 i i., qýI PAGE poun Save witlî SaFety It is easy to save rnoney by buying inferior food products, but it is far easier to save rnoney by dealing regularly at Harry Allin's where you are assured of the very best. Aylrner Pork and Beans, 16 oz. tins.... .4 for 23c Picnic Brand Sliced Pineapple, No. 2 tins, 2 for 23c Aunt Jernima Pancake Flour..........15Sc pkg. Forest Brand Maple Syrup, 16 oz. bottie...25c Beehive Corn Syrup .....5 lbs. 35c; 2-lb. tin 16c Readicut Macaroni ................... 5c lb. Granulated Sugar, 100-1b. bag........... $4.oo Japan Green Tea .................... 45c lb. Hyla Tea .......................... 45c lb. Chase and Sanborn's Coffee. . .50c lb. Quaker Flour, 4lb a ...... C CASE~ New Method Easy Bread Making ;A Ii* Recipe Book Free. Fresh and Cured Fish for Lent Sea Hcrring .................... Oc- lb. Sait Herring .................. 3 lbs. 25c Fresh Green Vegetables HARR Y ALUIN The Old Reliable Grocer Phone 186 King St. East Bowmanville Now Custom Buit SHOES' Phone 104 LIMITED

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