'r - - ~<. r '1H1 CANADIAN STAT&%MAN, BOWIMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAROH 2nd, 1933 PAGE FIVE I. j I I Haif Size Dresses For the Stylish Stouts Sizes 161/2 to 261/z In plain and rough crepes and printed crepes . . . styled in slenderizing. lines. . . in brown, navy, green and black. A wide selettion at prices you can af- ford to pay. The Evlyn Ladies' Specialty Shop Mss T. Murphy Mrs. Frank Oke Ready-to-Wear PHONE 594 Dressmaking Phone 1» Phone 352 See the New V-S Ford A&uto Show at Genosha Hotel Oshawa on Saturday, March.4 ONLy Everybody Welcone Cox Motor Sales 139 KING ST. W. - OSHAWA ]Royal Theatre BOWMANVILLE ~fTJRS - Fa!, - SAT. MON. - TUES. - WED. MA H 2 - 3- 4 1 MARCH 6- 7 -8 TROBBEU PARAD 1Ir HERBERT MARSHAIJ Omi. ugu-hur wIN and Zane Qrey's They found l that the human heart Sst::y and breakins ... REWELL IONWI w'TM 4, 'RAMaI IOAZAGI PAOOUCTIOM ~1UU~ 0V £asusyuuu~ * a ~ qvawe. Comedy - News "The Mysterious Rider"- - cartoon - *Lent Is lHere SQ ARE HOT CROSS BUNS Try a dozen of our deliejous buns this weekend, 20c dozen. New Sbipment Neilson's Bittersweet Chocolates with brazil, walnut, pineapple and cream centres Special low price - 39c lb. werry gave a reading. Wlth Mr. Francis Sutton at the piano Mrs. A.1 W. Pickamd and Miss Marlon Pick-1 ard sang a duet. The topic, "Thec Task, the Country and the People"1 was very ably taken by Mrs. B. E. Ingham. Miss Martha Serrels fav-( ored wlth a piano selection, then ai recreational perlod was held. 4 Bowmanville Bakery C. . JCOS, rorieor Phone 97 BOWMBANVILLE C. W. JACOBS, Proprietor LOCAL & PERSONAL 4- Miss E. E. Haycraft spent Sunday wth her sister-in-law, Mrs. W. J. Haycraf t, Oshawa. Mrs. N. S. B. James spent the~ weekend i Toronto wltli her sister, Mrs. Chas. Haddy. Mr. Ruben R. Cox, Toronto, speni the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cox. Miss Dorothy Belinian, Consecon, recently vislted her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Belnan. Col. and Mrs. R. J. Gill, Brock- ville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McClellan on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John V. Marks, To- ronto, spent Sunday with lier par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Chas. Alun. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fox and Betty, Picton, spent the weekend witli her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Janess, and other relatives. Congratulations to Mr. Alex Mc- Gregor on passing his Toronto Con- servatory exam. in Junior Singing with honors. He is a pupil of Mrs. C. H. Dudley. Miss Helen McGregor, B. A., of Wingham Higli School, lias been home owing ta the schgol bei closed on account of illness i the neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hill and Mar- ion, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ferguson and f agiily, Blackstack, were recent guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Fergusan. The Wamen's World Day of Pray- er will be observed on Friday, Marcl, 3rd, at 3 p. m. in St. Paul's United IChurch. Ail women of the town are cardially lnvlted ta participate i 1his gathering. The supper given by the Salvation IArmy i their hall on Thursday ev- ening was a very successful event. A splendid hot meal was served by the offcers and members of the Corps ta which ail did ample Jus- tice. A short prograra of music, etc., was enjoyed at the close. Mr. N. W. Demerling of Fordwlch lias leased the West End Garage next te Bowman House, and i con- Junctian with the garage will con- duct a machine shop, the latter be- ing a real need in this town. He has installed the most modern equipment and wiil be ready for business March 6th. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Poolton, Elgin Street, celebrated their 35tli wedd- ing anniversary on Monday nigit. About thirty fiends surprised theni at their home and presented theni with a handsome set of table linen and a bouquet of fiowems. The ev- ening wab spent in games and dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Poolton are natives of Northumberland County, England, and since coming ta Can- ada, 20 years ago, have reslded in Bowmanvile. Mr. Poolton is a bricklayer by trade. B. H. S. Litemary Society met Feb. 24th. in charge of the Flrst Fommns. The first number was a solo, "The Second Minuet" sung by Aileen Wight who was dressed in a costume in keepig with the period of the music. Next was a piano duel by Joyce Luxton and Flomence Hooper. Arthur Culley, accompanied on the piano by Joyce Luxtan, sang twô popular numbers. Russell Candier, accompanied by Walter Gives on his harmonica, sang a cowboy sang. The main Item on tlie program was a tunibling act by lst Form girls which praved vemy successful. Joyce Luxton was agai heard at the piano. The last chorus was the Form song endered by the mem- bers of Flrst Form.. Regular meeting of the Evenig Auxlliary of St. Paul's United Church was held at the home of Mrs. C. F. Rice on Monday evenlng, Miss M. Hutchisan presldJng and conductlng the devotional exercises. scrlpture reading and summary found in Isaiah. During tlie busi- ness period il was declded te, serve a chicken pattie supper March 181h. Watch Tower proved most Interest- ing: Japan. Mrs. F. Williamns; Af- ica, Miss Allen; Korea, Mms. Kerr; China, Miss H. Yellowlees; Central Ontario, Miss Hutchison. A heamty vote of thanks was extended ta these ladies for sucli splendid read- ings. Meeting closed with a hymn and Mizpah benediction. Dainty refreshmenls weme served and tie usual social hour enjoyed. It's back ta business as usual with J. R. Moore whose "Haîf Price Jew- elry Sale" ended Satumday nigit, and in lis own words said It was the most successful and gralifying sales effort In his business cameer. He was very emphalic in is praise of the straiglitfarward and hanest way in which Mr. W. S. Percy con- ducled the sale for when he said il was a haîf-price sale he meaxnt il and ht was. His long experience and tiorougli knowledge of the Jewelry trade creates a confidence of mutual Miss Borea Murdoif, Lindsay, re- cently spent a few days with hler aunt, Mrs. Robt. Nicholson, and other f riends. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mutton and Mrs. W. W. Dickinson attended the f uneral of his aunt, Elizabeth Mut- ton, at Dundonald on Tuesday. Owing to lack of space the "Swap and Barter" special offer, as an- nounced on page 2, Wlll flot be ef - fective tili Mardi l6th. Wat.ch next week's issue f or details. Ladies, make a note of the visit ta Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's store of a representative fmrm one of Canada's largest dress ho uses o Saturday, March llth, wlth avr wonderful showlng of new spring dresses. Save your Mail and Empire coU- pons for Miss Helen Morris. They may be left at any of the local sta-1 tionery stores. Anyone wishlng ta send in a subscrlption to be dellv- 1 ered through a dealer, by mail or carrier, please telephone 626. 9-1. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cowan, New- castle, announce the engagem1ent 0f their youngest daughter. Rosaline, to Mr. Hubert Richard 0sbore youngest son of Mr. J. F'rankmOs- bôrne and the late Mrs. Osborne, Bowmanvllle, marriage ta take place early in April. Bef are a very fair slzed audience in the Parish Hall on Manday night,. the A. Y. P. A. of St. Georgels Church, Oshawa, presented their 3-1I act comedy "A Poor Married Man" The play was exceptionally well e ceived and was extremely cleverly acted. There were eight in the cast1 headed by Harold Armstrong i the' title rale, who made a splendid im- pression. Perhaps the outstadn actor was Bud Rowden, brothro 'Doc' Rowden, the well known hock- ey player, who took the part of Jup- iter, the negro servant. Bud also provided a comic number between the acts. as did also Miss Marjorle Smith of Bowmanville. Great credit for the excellent way in which the play was presented was due te the time and earnest effort put forward by Angus Bell, who directed the pro- duction. Followlng the presentation Miss Ruth Hayman and her social committee of the A. Y. P.A. served refreshments to the guest artists. DOMINION CENSUS SHOWS RELIGIONS 0F THIS DISTRICT Rubber Overshoes Wome ald Misses-Tou neel these for ramn or snow, au much as pou <iII lu ulutar weathcr. Every pair lu wooi lined adthe Ilght welght mnakes thei easy to wear. Thcy are lu stock lunblack or brown, with caban or low heel si 3tos.- .$1.60 Misses' si"e il to 2 ... 15 sie o 0 ..$1.40 IVES" SHOE STORE. PHONE 200 A blrtliday Party is lncludcd con- sisting of country folk i extrava- gant old fashloned costumes whose music and entertalnment cause lots 0f fun. Fat Lucindy iter, the kis-, singest gal i Spllnterville, is Geor- gie's constant terror, who says k.lss- ing isn't ladylike. The traiers, Mrs. L. Allun and Mr. F. J. Groat, deserve great credit for their splendid leademship and for the excellent results as shown i the presentation of thus fine drama. The music between acts was furnished by members of the Gleaners Class under whose auspices the play was given, and consisted of a piano duet by Misses Nora Kerslake and Mary Niddery, and vocal solos by Misses Lilian Jebson and Grace Cawker. Proceeds $4.50. The mothers and friends of the caste surprised the entertainers at the close of the pro- gram by serving a sumptuous lunch- con whicli was more than apprec- iated by ail. FollOWing are the characlers: Septimus Green-Mr. Jackson Wray; OccY Gump-Mr. Merwln Cryder- man; George Chlggerson-Mrj. Doug- las Rackham; Mrs. Chlggerson- Boggs-Miss Ethel Stephens; Miss Julielta Bean-Mlss Grace Cawker; Chammain Carter-Miss Grace Hast- igs; Judy Elllot-Mss Ruth Johns. BOWMA4NvnL FREE NEMO >FIREE (CANADA] LIMITED Smith's Falls, Ont. We are offering to the public of Bowmanville this opportunity of receiving entirely FREE a regular 15c package of 'Think' 'Neano Laundry Soap Powder'9 A scientifically blendeci powder specially for dishes and the. laundry. It contains an entirely new type water softener. It pre- vents curds forming-suds up enormously -makes the dishes shine-clothes whiter --does flot hurt your banda. ~~V m "Makes Black Hands White." A new pow- dered hand "Cleanser" made froin a scien- 'N e m o l tific blend of wood products that CLEANS mechanic's hands f aster, more thoroughly and cheaper. as for women and chidren or oficemen. 'S e a ird 'It is a powder made from Flour of Pine that gives one a dry clean feeling. Children do not leave finger marks on the. towel whexi tbey use-"SEA BIRD." Redeem Coupons at the Following Stores in Bowmanville: United Uhurch Leads in Membership lu Bowmanville, Darlington and Clarke - Anglicans (Jome Second on List Of general interest are the figures contained in the bulletin. "Popula- tion by Religlous Denominations" issued by tic Dominion Bureau 0f Statistics and based an the con- fessions of f ailli" in the Dmno Census of 1931. Durhama County Durham County witi a population of 25,782 has tlie following eligiaus adherents placcd i aphabetical or- der: Adventisls 77; Anglicans 5282; Baptists 556; United Brethren 29; Confuclans or Buddhists 5; Christ- ians 16; Church 'of Christ Disciples 15; Chiristian Science 23; Greek Or- thodox 90; International Bible Stu- dents 15; Jews 48; Lutherans 38; Mormons 2; Pexntecostal 2; Presby- terians 3512; Just Protestants 15; Roman Catholics 910; Salvalion Army 74; United Churcli 15,010; Other Sects 53; Not stated 10. Bowmanville Population 4080; Anglicans 1047; Baptists 58; United Brethren 10; Christiamis 2; Churdli of Christ 12; Christian Science 7; Greck Ortbo- dox 4; Jews 6; Lutherans 8; Mor- mons 1; Pentecostal 2; Presbyter- lans 453; Roman Catholics 164; Salvation Army 44; United Churci 2248; Other sects 13; Not slated 1. .Cartwright Townshilp Population 1395; Anglicans 225; Baptists 4; Greek Orthodox 6; Pres- bylerians 112; Protestants 1; Ro- man Catholics 7; United Church 1040. Clarke Township Population 2974; Anglicans 373; Baptisîs 21; United Brethren 4; Christians 2; Churdli of Christ 3; Greek Orîhodox 16; Bible Students 3; Jews 3; Lutherans 7: Presbyter- lans 350; Roman Cathollcs 31; Sal- vation Army 6; United Churdli 2144; Other secîs 7, Not stated 4. Darllugton Township Population 3915; Adventists 74; Anglicans 285; Baptists 36; Greek Omîhodox 28; Bible Students 7; Lu- therans 8; Presbytemîans 134; Rom- an Cathalics 107; Salvation Army 9; United Churci 3220; Other sccts 7. Newcastle Population 660; Anglicans 188; Baptists 9; Christians 5, Lutherans 2; Presbytemians 28; Roman Cati- olics 85; Salvation Army 1, United Churcli 402. HAMPTON 'YOUNG PEOPLE PRESENT FINE PLAY "THE LITTLE CLODROPPER"I This comedy-drama presented in the Sunday sehool oom of Hamp- ton Churdli drew a vcry large and appreciative audience Tuesday ev- enlng, Febmuary l4th. Hampton Young people are te be hlghly comn- mended. It was a 3-act drama, ful of pep and 111 e f rom start ta finish and the players each weme adaptcd te their part I perfect fashian. A marked dlsplay of good acting was prominent throughout the enlime Play. A good range of charactems are icluded ini tus play consistlng of Miss Jullella Bean, lie spinster and boarding house keeper of *he country, and her hlmed man, tie slow country gawk, Mr. OcreyGu!np, who furnlshed unlimited con 2dy tirougiaut lie play. George Chig- gerson, an innocent 11111e lamb frmm lhe city, and Mms. Ciggerson-Boggs, is dotlng mamna, wlth -a smooth scieme; Septimus Green, a young book agent. f ull of pep, whose en- deavour il was neyer ta lose an op- portunily ta seli his wondemful book of knowlçdge; Charmain Carter wha thlnks sie's a vampire and who follows her Georgie to tie country during uis stay tieme wilh lis mo- ther and flnally succeeds in elaig wti hlm; and JudY Elliott, a 11111e clodhopper f rom lie Poorbaouse. a misdhlevous ltle romp adwho doea not <et along wth "Ceorgie."# FREE F. W. NELLES COUPON S. F. COULTER, FR££ This coupon entities you to one of the. above packages. Four coupons entie you to ail four products FREE! r - -. Would You Like to be Skown ? That you can get as good values and better service iu footwear at Ives' Shoe Store than f roin i ty stores or mail os-der bouses? Youi mmediately smyfit cau't be drone. We acceit the challenge Dring your catalogues or boots you have already bought, tomy store ad compare prices or tootwear. Here are a few Items, flot speclal bargains, but at regular pries, we asàr you to Inspect this week: Rubbers Womeu's cuban heel Rubberu, orne case le! t, 30 pairs, sud a real snap, pair .....59C Mens Pai85ce Rubbers, pair......85 Work Boots W. C.CAVERLY Tie Shoos Women's snappy Tie Shoe with cuban ad walkiug heel[s, bLack kil, black baby cal!, and brown leathers, stylishly modeiled, moder-$2 9 ately pricel. . 2 9 Young girls' Oxfords ad Tic Shows, wth 10w heels, bulit of sturdy cal! leather, ml wear in every pair...-.. $1.98 Hot Cross Buns Throughout the Lenten Season we wtil have a generous supply o! tasty Hot Cross Buns in stock. Try Corbelt'à now - YouM1 cal them riglit lîrougli lie scason. A COMBINATION BAUGAIN 1 lb. package o! Chocolate Guild Fèine Quality Chocolates, regular price per lb 50e One 200-piece Interlocklng Jigsaw Puzzle, regular price ......... ..20 Regular Total ........................ 70 WHEILE THEY LAST - DOT!! FOR 49e Wc have a wagon on your sîreet every day. CORBETT'S BAKERY BOWMANVILLE PHONE 8 is an entirely new type Cleanser for wood- work, isilver, painted surfaces cf ail kinds, enamel, and porcelain. It is made basically from flour of pine-it can flot scratch. PHONE 3 1 qmý PAGE PM Every farier ad laborer needs servlceable shoes at prices withlu meach these lays. Hure they are: Meu's grain leather, solIdwa Shoes, Goodyear soles &% 3 full sizes 6 to il ...OI9 1 . 1 Ltovv?4ANVUIZ