THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, .-F z A %.fl INEWCASTLE UNITED CHUCRCH GEORGE LAMBERT SCE I I BRILUANT SUCCES j Th Ne caste Idepe denUnitefld ChurchRev. W. P. Rog- RECITAL AT 5th: il a.r.-Morniflg WorshP; i îontinued !rùm pal 2.0p. m.-Suriday School; 7 p. m -Eelng Service, beginning with haps that number was mo Eveni tive o! the evening's p THURSDAY, MARCH 2nd. 19331 In mentioning ail the severali fjten minutes' song service. istasainit nl happenings in Newcastle on Friday1 Members Of the W. M. S. will Join itusutanlaio itEngi evening. Feb. 17th, omission Was with the members o! the W. A. o! Huuulyaprpit,' Miss Hilda Rowland visiteti with made of the enjoyable week night St. George's Church at 3 p. m. on Htr f rlends in Toronto. event in the commtlnity hall by Friday. March 3rd. in observance o! Anti thon on through th Miss Ivy Foley, Maple Grove, vis- Mrs. J. R. Fishers Sunday school the Worlt's Day o! Prayer. sixth groups. Light, airY iteti Mr. and Mrs. Mark Blackburn. class o! girls o! the sweet sixteon or Rev. W. P. Rogers' sermon on andi ballads climaxeda MissMare Hnnig i hoe aterthereabout age. Mrs. Fisher anti Sunday evening was rather unique performance with the l hess MrentHoerann is oe a!ter the girls held a social evening anti in that it toolt the !orm o! a one "Tally Ho." berreentopraionan i getilginvited a number o! Young mon o! man debate. The subioct, coming The fourth group was aJ.oDS nlcely. about the girls' ages to onjoy the in logical sequence in a series o! the Bowmaflile Instrum Mms. Emerson Fisher is in Moun- passing hours with them. Sunday evoning sermons' the pastor Mrs. D. R. Morrison. pian tain Grove visitiflg her parents. Mr. Golden Rule Mission Band met in has been deliveriflg. was Ambition. A. Neal, cllo. anti Mr. M andi Mrs. W. H. Kellar. the S. S. Hall on Feb. l8th, wth The pastor first took the affirmative ton. violin. These accor Miss Gladys McAthur o! Whitby the presitiont, Patricia PearcO, in side, "Resolvoti that ambition is a cal artists presented1 Ladies' College. visited lier aunt. the chair, anti the now superintenti- virtue rather than a vice." Ho cit- "Instrumental Trio in C Mrs. Etimurit Thackray. ent anti assistant. Mrs. E. M. Hl. ed scriptural writers. anti later poots, difficult composition admi Mr. anti Mr. EdmnXd ThacltraY Ward and Miss Winnifred Rickard. acholars anti philosophera in ati- tleti and greatly appreti and son Charles visiteti Mr. anti both presont. Margaret Pearce led vancing his argument that Ambi- second and third mover Mms. James Henderson at Cobou.rg. in the scripture roadilng. anti Reta tion is a virtue. Thon taking the playeti. Mr. J. Anderson Smith, Sr. who Powell reati the lesson. Emma Jean negative side hie quoteti equaily goti- On behal! o! the W( lias been in Bowmanviile Hospital Harris, Shirley Couch anti Jane ly, learneti anti Observant mon in I sociation Rov. E. F. Anr sixico Christmnas week, rturneti Tkatch offoreti sentence prayems. support o! the contention that Amn-I presseti approciation o! hoe rda.Program consisteti o! recitatiolis by bition is a vice. Summing up as eration o! the autiieni home Fiday.Stanley Powell, Tolly 'I'katch anti chairmaÙ lho convinceti his hearers splendid services o! the: Dr. W. H. Walton-Ball anti Mr. Joan Bonathan; vocal duet by Dolly ttthre was much truth on both organ, hie saiti, coulti po anti Mm. Eric Watlon-Ball spent udYatPuin Deneatiasd, that Amiinitishesnt aei tsaiiyt cte-wend the arrsLoieNw chorus by Grace Powell, Emma Jean necossarily a virtue or a vice but heart, like the human vi casieonthLao.Hars, Norma VanDusen anti Mar- that it is the motive behinti it that Mr. Lambert, in replyi Mr. anti Mm. W. E. Purdy catered garet Pearce. Considerable business gives it its moral anti spiritual1 quaI- Oti Mr. Armstrong for for the Masonic banquet on Tues- was transacteti anti Emma Jean ity. words anti spoke of Bow day evening when Durham Lotige. Harris was appointeti press corres- The second meeting o! the girls' his home town in Canai A. F. & A. M. entortaineti the ladies. pondent. Unity Class o! the Uniteti Church laudeti the work o! Miss Mr.Alx rot astakn a leaseI Sunday School w-as helti Feb. 15th liams, as relateti above. Mrf .lex Pn rut has Mr.RC.I in the f orm o! a Valentine party at At Mr. Lambert's su@ o kilcolan Farbm o n r. T. GEORGE'S MEN'S CLUB Mrs. J. E. Rinch's. The meeting the close o! the program ist. Mr. Hubert Osborne is taking ENTERTANED BY THE LADIES openeti with devotiQns with the once rose anti sang "No possession o! the farmi on the presidoe1t, Miss Dunxeath Dudley, in is Over" led by himsel Tliird Lino whlch Mr. Prout is va- The Parochial Committee Of the chair. A hymn was sung and Sutton at the organ. cating. which Mrs. R. W. Gibson is the new Mrs. N. L. Rickarti, teacher, lot iIn The platrorm was bi A numbor o! citizens went to Or- convener, entertaineti the Mon's prayer. The secretary reati the colorful flowers ant i ono Friday evonlng anti attentiot Club o! St. George's Church in the minutes o! tho previotis meeting anti were kintily loaneti for« the No. 9 Homo anti School Club's Parlsh hall on Thursday evenl.fg, Miss Helen Lycett presenteti the by S. J. Jackman & Son b.lghly successful carti party antid Feb. 2b. It was a most enjoyable treasuror's report. Miss Violet ___________ diance. Whlle on the sanie evoning time and memories o! the treat wil Henning was electeti press secretary. many o! the younger set attentietilong linger in the mîntis o! the The remaintier o! the evenmng was TYRONE the rnonthly dance at Mr. Geo. Ste- guosts. The earlier part o! the ev- spent vory onjoyably In singing. phenison's. Brown's. ening was spent in progressive contesta anti games anti Mrs. RinchI Messrs. Harry anti Fra St. George's Church-Rev. F. IH. euchre under the direction o! Mrs. anti Irone serveti a lovely lunch. A ly have returneti to Dix Mason. M. A.. Roctor. Sunday. ID. J. Galbraith -anti Miss Cora But- vote o! thanka moved by Mms. Rick- Sevoral f rom here at March 5th, ist Suntiay in Lent: i1l er. Misas Irene Brereton won the arti anti secontiet by Violet Honn- wooti sale o! the late B a. r.-Mornlflg Prayer anti HjolyI lady's prise anti Mr. Alredi Garroti ing. was tendereti Mrs. Rinch anti cott on Monday. Communion; 2.00 p. m.--Suntiay the gent's; while Commander A. B. Irene for their hospitality. A Concert will be givei School; 7 p. m.-Evoning Prayer Mainwariflg. Prosident o! the Men's___________ arhltyth anti Sermon. Special week night Club, felt himiself happy in being MairCrne ant enjy twoe Lenten services wil bogin this week presenteti with the consolation tro- BASE UNE C aose adilI. dmissonp i the parish hall. phy. Mrs. Walter Crowther anti son, »-- a nuberil wereisono Mr. C. T. Batty literaily brought Mr. Geo. Crowther. won the prize Base Lino Three Home anti School evenmng to hear the pl home the bacon when hoe won the for lono hantis with Mms. Herbert Club met Tuestiay evening, Fobru- SaUly" whch was proser first prize, a dresseti Young porker. Brereton anti son Charles, runnors ary 2lst. Meeting openeti by sing- second time in the corn li five hundreti at the No. 9 Homo uP ing O Canada. Rev. H. C. Wol- by Tyrone Young peopiE anti School Club's carti party. Fni- The second phase o! the event, f raimi led in prayer. Roll caîl anti auspices o! the L. O. L. day evenlng. Wo untiemtanti Mr. the banquet. took place in the base- secretary's report was given. Pro- The Women's Institut Batty la now Invlting in some o! ment which hati been transformeti gram consisteti o! solo by Clarencle ies' Aid met at the hi bis frientis to !east on bolleti ham, into the scene o! beau.ty by Mrs. B. Peacock, accompanieti by Mr. Siti Willis Stewart on Weci roast pork. livor anti onions. heati- Moise convener o! the tiecorating Pike; reading by Mr. J. L. Meteal!;, 22nti. Theof!ollowing a cheese, bacon anti eggs, spare riba. committee. Roast beef. masheti po- duet by Misses Florabelle anti Jun, e1 gram was givon: Paper anti chops. It's Just so much vl- tatoes, carrots anti peas, gravy anti Marshal, recitation by Miss Phyllis1 olti Sknner; reading, vet li those kinti o! Olti Mother relishos. apple pie anti cheose matie Hoît; anti an atidreas by Mr. Wol- Thompson; community Hubbard cupboarti-bare tumes. lup an appealing anti satis!ying fraim. Lunch was serveti. Misses ter which a geography 'Young People's League met on supper menu. Community singing Phyllis Hoît anti Marjorie Forsythle enjoyeti by ail. Lunch Feb. 27th. Meeting oponed i wth alwas loti by Mr. H. Broreton. Rev. were conveners for the evening. It was tiocideti to buy 8ing-song loti by Miss H. Lycett, F. H. Mason, Hon. Preaidont, movod anti hooks for the vost anti the president. Miss H. Rowland: a vote o! thanks anti alpreciation' community hall. conducteti the opening exorcises. to the ladies which everyone on- WORLD CHAMPION On Friday ovening Scrlpture was reati in unison. Sec- tiorseti. Mr. Lawrence Gaines pro- HOCKEY PLAYERS Class holti an At Home ondi vice presidont. Miss Helen Ly- poseti the toast to The King. Aniong REFEREE BENEFIT GAME munity hall. The prog: ctt, took charge o! the program. thoso presont was Rev. Lorne eti o! recitations by Misses Nova Switzer anti Gertrutie Thoma.5 o! Grand Valley. Every- (Contini1uod !rom page I Hotigson anti Miss Mu - Bonathan e?'g a duet. Topic was onp regretteti the absence o! Rov. J. up, fiasheti the llght, anti toolc their solos, miss Wootton. ~ &~ jMrS.- -. L. Rlckard,ývoca1 icott anti Mrs. Howardi who werO pictures. Wootton anti Mm. J.1 duot by Gladys Peard rti a Mar- both indisposeti. The Junior game was quite inter- ano solo, Miss Laura1 guierite Harris; Miss LYcet gave a On Monday evening some teams esting anti a real tusalo with the duet. Misses Heleni Short suinmary o! Japan's progress f rom St. Peter's Churcli. Cobourg, score 5 to 3 for Bowmanville. The -Worry; talk by Mr. A lI the last 80 yeam;, mouth organ visitoti St. George's Club anti on- goalios were tho stars o! the even- Gamos anti contests fol solo by Gertrude Bonathan; Mrs. 1 gageti in the schedulod inter- ing, Mutton anti Stevens atopping was serveti by the ladi. W. E. Beman gave an account o!f hrhc~tbi ae hard anti easy shots with coolness Young People's LOal "Th Emrea' ardn art"; r.anti an adepinoss that ploaseti the Thumsday evening; Ralh Gibson rendereti a number of spectators. charge o! 2nd vice pri aongs; several rednswr ie osrns attacheti to coupon on The visiting Maple Leaf players Velma Bradley. Bible by Mrs. P. Haro. Meeting closetij page 5. Absolutoly freeolis true for expressoti themselvos as believing taken by Miss Ruby1 wth the benediction. i once. that both teams were playing mighty ing, Mr. Stanley Payr( fine hockey. Following the game by Miss Verna McC,3 the hockey teams were banquotteti Great Artist anti His? at the Balmoral Hotel where short splendidly givon by .speeches by the Maplo Leaf playors. Woot ton; vocal duet, i W INDSORPresident Tom Dustan, anti Don anti Miss Lola Richard $ f ,0 OADOsborneofo Lindsay. Miss Etina Cameron; Lindsay - Goal, Stevens; de- Dudley conducteti av fonce. Campbell, Thomas; centre,1 ing contest. DIETROITTrlpp; wings. Cain, Murphy; alter- (Canadian Funds> RETURN nates. Walker, Mn. Foe, Dart. Wake-oBTA GOING: ~~~~lin. Lamb.14--È IUF GON:Bowmanvillo - Goal, Mutton; de- c Friday, blarch iLoth ~~fnce, Williams, Thickson; contreWlimHto er, W. Bagneil; wings, C. Osborne, Dn ila itnPac Lv. Bowmanvilo 3.57 p. mo. (Fnl. Mar. 10) lop; alternates, W. Mutton. D. s The summons o! doa Ar. Windsor 11.35 P. nM. (Fr1. Mar. 10)i borne, L. Gunn, E. Bagnoîl. Ar. Detroit 12.15 a. mi. (Sat. Mar. 11) iOwing to the f act that tickets iYoung man in the pri RETRNIG:were available at the Royal Theatre IWodnestiay, Fobruary RETRNIG:until Wednesday night. Mol. Dalei William Hilton Pearce Tickets valiti to return !rom Border Cities Up to Midnight troasurer, was unable to state what in Bowmanvillo Hosp Sunday. March 121h - last train on which honoreti - the proceoda o! the big benefit ev- short ilîness. ageti 30y 11.59 P. m. ex Detroit Sunday, March 121h - ex Windsor ont would be. la son o! Geo. H. Pi 1.00 a. m. Monday, March 13th.I The Business Men wlsh to express late Fretiorica Vansto Chiltiren 5 years anti under 12-Hal! Pare. Tickes their grateful appreciation to the born in Mariposa towr gooti in coacnes only. No baggage checked. Maple Leaf playors. who not only tomber l9th, 1902. H Obtain Information - Buy Tickets f rom Bowmanville, Ont. came here ai thoir own expense, but tiustrious young manE TownandDept Tcke Agnts also contributeti $5,00 to the f unti in hockey anti other sî TownantiDopo Tiket gent. Iho was very popular. ANA bIA IA TIO ALîL jCul out tne coupon on page 5 Ho is survivoti byh CANA IAN ATI NAL8-1)and take it to grocers mentioneti. two sisters. Mrs. N. Dont hv obya tinanti Miss Ivy Pearce have10 by thng'the f uneral servie -True Economy In times like these, when people in every walk of life are forced to spend money carefully, there is a tendency to offer inferior merchandise or service on the basis of price alone. Even in the profession of f uneral directing there are some who foî'get the sacred nature of their work, and try to profit by the power of the "bargain" appeal. This organization does not offer a "cheap" funeral at any 1)ice, and neyer did. Every service is made a reverent memorial to the departed. 50 years ago this firm ORIGIN'ATED the graded price range in funerals, off ering this community modemn funeral ser- vice at the lowest pîrices obtainable in Ontario. The constant adherence to this policy makes our service available to all re- gardless of their financial resources. F.F.Morris Co. Funeral Directors Bowinanville THURSDAY, MARCH- 2nti. 1933 O~RES SS AT I Business Directoryl r , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ostdesilrip- I I .ge~~~ ým damU[ J ~~ EA )rogram for j ,ish seemei I he Perfect t ahe fi!th and - rilsFrSl -j folkk songa ________F orS al a beautiful DEATHS lasi encore ___ FOR SALE-Quantity off Feed oats for sale. Apply ho R. H. Coîiacott, R. R. 5. s taken by TRENBETH-At Port ltIop', Tebru IowO1anviIle. Phone 146r3. 9-2 mental Trio, ary 26th, Ivy Trenibeh.a ged 82 years. Mm. HAL - Bnrehor, o Satrda HAY FOR SALE-Two stacks mlxed ino; MsM. HAL I luItoonStudy hay and quantity straw. W. L. Bar- 'rncsSu-February 25h, 1933, William Hl, i toi, Ilowmniviiîe. 9-1 Frni bSt is l7hh year. Intorrehl in Flampton. ______________________ mpliaheti 10- AUSTIlN-mn Toronto, February 26tli. GEESE FOR SALE-Nine young geese Beethoven's William Austin, dearîy beloved busband l oth sexes. Campbe-ll Farme, Orono. CMinor," a Off Annie L. Austin, in bis 7.rd Mar 9-1w- îinaly an- WEBBER-ln ('artivrighh, on Sunday. ,nral 'hn-obruary 26thi. 193, William ilenry Wan~ ted ciatod. The Welber, aged 46 years. Interred at ments were liampton.IH MUTTON-At I)undonald, on Febru- HELP WANTED - Experienceel farm 'omnsAs ,rs '1tb, Elizabeth Mutthon, in her S7th hbelli, withouh ch.idren; wife ho help wIth ~.-r.Aun of ounllOrNiliousework; house provided; non amoker. Vome's A- Aut o C ilor eilMutton, Aîbin Clemens, R. R. 6, Bowmanville. -nstrong ex- I3owmanv-ille. Phlone 237r3. 9-1' ,the co-op- HANCOCK-At 17 oreAeu.___ Le ani 1h Rochiester, N. Y., on February 23rd, an 1M.rk Itancock, son off the late J1. T. H. W'anted to Rent artsista. Om-ianoi oe ~s htyWANTED TO RENT - Modern six- 3ssily om- ' ~roomed bouse with conveniences. central reach one's[ IN E ORA location, garage; occupation Marcb lth. '0oice 1 I M MORAMDrawer J, l3owiaflville. 91 ,ing, hank-WANTED TO RENT-House, 6 ho 8 Dr hia kinti GIBSON - In lo'.îng reme.mbranceO of rooma, aIll conveniences, good neighbor- ,manville as!lRobert William Gibsoni who died sud- bood; would lease witb v iew ho buy- ta. Ho also denl Mardi fitIî, 19310, dearly beloveel ing; no young children; wouîd gîve ; Gwen Wil- busband îoff Olga Ahkinson, and younger bueadpoet etofcm.Shate son off Mrs. Gibson and1 the lahe T. M. full îîartictilars and lowest rent in first Gibsoli. Newcastle. instance ho Drawer "B" Shahesman. .ggestion, at 91 n. the audi- EVANS-In loving memnory off my de..t- 0ow the Day husband and father, H-arold Evans, wbo «fo Let tIfant Mrp1,hîed away M.%arcli Sh, 1932. ;fadM.offten do our ffoohateîîs wander ho that HUETORN -Oncrrin grave, HUET ET-O onrKn >anked with Thi-re's not a day dear father, tn and Ontario Sts., elechrir. liglît and wat- T(a ed ltta: f- yu s r Apply to A. A. ColivilI, Newcastle. ferns which aînd true. OS ORN -6romdbik the evening -sadly miaseýI by Viffe, Sons and HOS TORN -6romdbik filst. 9-'Daughters. n ew ly decomated; Liberty Street; lowv 15 ,forss rent. possession at once. Phone 389. 9- ti NOTICEHOUSE FOR RENT-Six roomn house, NOIC ardwood floors, newl%ýy decoratod. cor* 0.Ii nmfVl - R. JarviaýTeof Goe rzloand Well..g..o.__.......... rank Hathen- was le! t oui o! new directony by TO RENT - 3roomed apartment in iie. o. 9-1 Cowan Block, steam heated. 3-piece atiendeti thoerrr batbroom, eiectric atove, modern con- H. M. olla-veninces, may be occupied April lot. ,e. Collra- NOTICE Phiono 270. 6-tf C. G. I. T. NOTICE TO FARMERS AND OTHERS Ra saeFrSl playettes anti-W. Miîidleton, harnoas maker, bas ho- FOR SALE-Modernffive-roomed bun- 1 5c anti loc. cated bebind Alldread's Blacksmith galolv. Clurcb St. West, Bowmanvilîe. )Wednesday Shop %vwere ho is pepared o do ail For full particulars apply R. M. Mitchell. kdaoff harness makîng and repaira. MhhîSDugSoe omanvle play "Cyclone kns .9-1W . _tcels __ g tore B__rivl-e ,etdfrthe edC an g nrnunity hall CARD 0F TRANKSSedC an g o, under the The Boys' Training Schooî are again preîîared ho do Seed Cleaniflg for the lie anti Lad- Mrs. R. W. Holmes desires to ex- farmersdof the conimu[nity. Bring ln ome o! Mrs. pessneetak ohn!in5~ per busiiel; Choyer and Grass Seeda. lnesday, Peb. anti neiglibors. also to the Superin- ý15c par bushel. 8-6w splenditi pro- tendent anti nurses o! Bowmanvill. - rMrss. Aienn- s urngth iln anti Notice to Creditors y sigig, af-cioath o! hon husbanti, andti 10aIl -ymtc a who sont floral tributes. IN THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE Il was sorvoti. 0F JONAS SAMIS, DECEASED. ya door mat No tice ls hereby given pursuant to stibule te the provisions of the Trustee Act Iný o! hoah bohaif that aIl creditors and oth-1 i A CTION SALE i es baving daims o ead gis ýgthe Bible the Estate off the said Jonas Samis are in te cm- onda, MrchGth.Thefan requlred on or before the 6th dav off ýe in the com- MondayMarch.t.-h a iI 1933, to send by post, prepald >ram ooss -r dehiver ho W. R Strike, solicitor. consiaot- stock, real estate, etc.. o! the la B owmanville, their names and addresses, Mm. obi.HarrY M. Collacoti will be solti on full particulars off their dlaims and the [iel Morton; Lot 6, Con. 6, Darlington, lncluding nature off the security. If an>'. held by Rev. A. M. mltbem. Newman; pi- horses, cattle, swine. poultry, ipo And take notice that after the said - ments, !eed. etc.. anti Pontiac sedian; date the administrator wlI proceed ho Davoy; piano as h r !10arso hc distribute the assois off the said de- anti Marlon f 5 are n h hceased among the parties entitled andMaronare new barn. brick house, 2 wells. tbereto having regard onl>' to the A. W. Annis. Also wooti landi; farm woll fenc- dlaims()Off which he shaîl thon have llowd. Lnch tice and that the said administrator Dlloed. uncheti. 5e buis for ternis. etc. sale iIl not lie hiable for the said assois or ies. ai 1 p. m. J. D. Hogarth,. Clerk; ainypar tberpof ho an>' person off whose e t m Oi n Elmer Wilbun, Auctioneer. i110h'iai o b- bv oie programr in i I)ATED 1ah l301NmanlvIilo this 21st day reidot. Mia ~1ioff February, 1913. ire e -Upholstering 18-2 Solicitor for the Adnlnai.,StOI'. ne; piano soloi UPHOLSTERING-Onatkdsot oy; opic ý'Afurituro. Ail work guaranteed. Sam- N tc o Cr d o s Message" was pIes. Es.tima,,tes free. J. A. Fry. Sou- Rev. A. M. gog Str.eet. Bowmativille. Phono 536 . Mrs. T. Down I-f-'N THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE rds reittio,F MARY WILLIAMS, Deceased.- i ; M rs . F lo y d i N OT__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iI l h e e b y g iv e n th a t a il p e r- Isnslaving dlaims againt teEtt veyinterest- of the above nanied doceased, who (lied 'T' on thýe lSt day off January 1933, are Incorre iax reciuesteil ho aend b>' post prepaid or - ~ei ver to the undersigned Executors, fuillIjarticulars off their dlaims andth RY i¶eturlls1 nîature off hle ecurity iff îiny, belîl b> i I e ur s hem, on or beffore thîe 25tb day off Bowanlil Fnan ia larch 19:U AND) NOTICE is also giv- ath came 10 a enhitled thereto. baving regardl oni>' ho rieo ieo t tenlents îave liaditlnticeanîl the said Executors y22nd, when will flot be hiable ho any person off whose passet away:AuditsI chrn otice shal nfot haveI Î1eh{e spitl a! 1er a A disi .IIATI-',Ii ah Toronto tilis *2Iah day off years. He was i0Felruar>' 1931. 2arc ant th Busnes LetersEDNA WINNIFRED CAVANAGH and leare ad teý,Busi essLet ers THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS tone, anti was CORPORATION. 253 Bay Street, Tor- vn s h ip o n S ep - ' - -O flt . G . M G A B I T , 1 0 u e He was an in-- I am prepareti to assiat you dnBuild.g, M. G lito. 1 83-1fls anti interesteti with any o! the abovo. dnBidn, hi iio.5- sporta in which Confldentially Youm., his iather anti BRUCE L. BERRY Wilcox, Town, Telephone 304 I o! Sprucedale. jBowmanville 9 ce on Pnliay1 i-4 z_______________ 'Il E. P. Armstrong o! Trinity. anti Rev.; A. S. Kerr o! St. Pauls Unitedi Churches. The paîl bearers were ,Messrs. Harolti Poster, Allan Don- seni, Haroldi Burns, William Clarke,! Baden Pingle, AI!fredi McDonald. The lovely array o! flowers in- 1 cludeti: Wneath from the famlly;1 wreath f rom the olti hockey team mates; also one f rom the Inter- mediate hockey teani; basket o! [ffowors, Aunt Min andi Uncle Eti. Peance; wreath. Mr. anti Mm. Geo. Porsey; spray. Aunt Min anti Char- lie Vanstono; wreath f nom the Nei- ghbors; sprays, Mn. Eddie Hughes, John E. Gniffin, Mn. anti Mrs. Sulas1 Poster, Konneth anti Haroldi, Mr. anti Mrs. Glen Martyn, Mn. anti Mr. Eveneti L. Osborne anti !amily, Mr. anti Mrs. Harolti Moses anti family, IMrs. Frances Clarke anti Bill, Mn. IThos. Pingle anti family, Mns. Jofn jClayton anti family. Thse attendng f rom. a distance were: Mr. anti Mns. George Haines anti Miss Margaret Haines. Mn. Ralph Haines, Mn. Rosa Rumbo, Mn. Leo Noble, Oshawa; Mn. Eti. Pearce o! Sprucodalo; Mrs. W. T. Maîkin. Port Erie; Mr. A. Noble, Mra. T. Roazin. Mrs. C. Dunn, Cnesswell: Mr. H. Reazin. Blackwater; Mn. Jos. Kelly, Mn. S. Wllcox. Mrs. W. Swalesi o! Toronto. CARD 0F THANKS *Mn. George Peance anti family wlsh to thank their neighbons anti fniends also Mrs. Smyth anti nurses of the Hospital for their kintinoss tuinng the Ilîness anti death of their son anti brother. anti for the beau- tfu orlofferings. Nineteen!e 19 cent Sale ONE WEEK ONLY MARC!! 2nd to MARC!! 9th. Crystal Shorbets 19c ea. Topaz Sherbet andi Plate. 2 for l9c China Salaci Bowls 19c ea. Jugs l9c ea. Salis andi Peppers 19c pr. Bon Bon Dishes 19c ea. ChUldren's Mugs 2 for 19c Cups and Saucers. 19c ea. Salts anti Peppers 2 pr. f or 19c Pink Andalusian Wool, 19c skein Breadi anti Butter Plates, 4 for 19e J. W.JEWELL BOOKS5 & STATIONERY PAINTS & WALLPAPER CHINA & RADIOS "BIg 20" Bowmianvile Ontario Breeding ilIStation Barred Rock Chicks and Hatching Eggs From our Original O. A, C. Bred-to- L.ay Stock whielî have beeni culled, i)anilei and blood-tested by O. A. C. officiaIs, ani aelecte.I for production, vigor and egg sizc.. No eggs set un- (.1er 21 oz. tehoon. Il is a proven fiet that egg ani bird size are de- ffinite-ly r,lahed. Early chicks bring quiicker andl greater profits. Marolh ani Alril (lîicks. $15.00 per to1; SMay, $14.00; lune. $1250. 20% booka order. 100% live arrivai. Sel- eched 1-atching Eggs 75c lper 15; $400 per 100. We Need Grain anI will barter for Cliicks or Eggs on the basis of 60e lier bushel for whêat. or ilc lier bu shel for buck- wheat delvered. DONALD E. GIBSON. B. Se. A. Bowmanville, Ontario Phones: 300r3, or Clarke 3811. M.G.V.GULBAL.D Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to boan on Farm anti Town property. Royal Bank Building, Bowmanvlle. Phono 351. W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreai Money to Loan. Phono 91 BowmanviUO. Ontario. W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrister. Soliciton, Not.ary Money to Loan. Bonds for Sale. Offices: Bleakloy Block, King Street. Bowmanville, Ontario. Phones: Office 102; House 409. L. C. MASON, B. A. Barristel' - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in all its bran.ches. Office immediately east o! Royal Theatre. Phonos: Office 688; Homo 553. DENTAL T 'B tc hutes off ntario. 1927. and Amending Acta. and in the Matter off lsrael Rov- ansky trading as Rovans Sloe Store at ltowmanville, Ontario. Notice ls hereby given that the said lamai-I Rovansky bas madle a sale of hie as8et.4 lnbuîk pursu ant to the said Act aînd that the undersigned han been ap- iîointed a trustee under the saîd Act t îjilstribute the proceeda off the sald sait amjong thie creditors off the sald lsraoh Rovansky. Creditors are requimed ho file their c'lairon with the trustee with the prooffi anidîîartic,îlars required by the said Act on or beffore the 15th day off Maroh, 1933. And notice ls further given that after thce lot day off Aprul, 1933. thRe truste wili proceed to drstribute the proceeds off the said sale among the parties on- titîed thereto. having regard oni>' te thé claimsof f which notice shall then have hîcen gîven, and that he wilihInet b. iahlo for the iroceeda or any part thereof se dîstributed to any pernon or î.osons off whose dlaim ho shail net thon have had notice. Dated February 20th, 1933. E. J. CLUSKEY, 144 Front Street West, Toront. 9.1 Trustee ti 9 PAMP d T.n "'I Phone 10 à Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. office: Jury Jubilee Bidg. Bowmnanville. Office hours 9 a. mi. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90. Hlouse Phone 283. X-Ray Ecauipmeflt in Office. AUCTIONEER Eliner Wilbur Auctiofleer Farni Sales a Specialty, also Furnittire Phone Oishawa .1648r24 Ternis moderate. 42-t! FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any daY F. F. MORRIS CO. Modern Motor Equi.pmeflt Ambulance and Invalid Car Cail Phone 10 or 34. Assistant. 573 BOWMANVILLE Repaira R. PAWSON BOOT, SHOE AND HARNESS REPAIRING Good workmaflshiP and materiai. Reasonable prices. Silver Street, Bowmanville Launadry Wanted Ai kincis orf îaundry work done prompt- ly. satisfactorily, at reasonable price.k Write Poat Office Box 12, or eatilitre. W. Marjoram, King Street Fast. Bov- manville, Phone 479. Township of DARLINGTON BV*LAW NUMBER - of the Corpor- ation of the Township of Darlînaton In the County of Durham to close certain Streets in the sald Township. WHEREAS part off the East hait of lot number Twnety-three In the Broken Front Concession off the said Township off Darlingtofl was sub-divided into lots and a plan thereof was duly made and registered In tOie Registry Office for the West Rlding off the County off DurhamE as Plan number 97. AND WHEREAS on said Plan or euh- division the following Street%. anong others, were laid out namely Flfth. ÏSixth, Seventh , Eighth, Ninth and Tenth aAvenues. said Avenues running Eaaterly racross the said portion off lot number Twventy-three an d e xtending over the e rad lloance between Township lots YTwenty-two and Twenty-three, acrosel fa portion of said lot numnber TwentY- two. 8 AND WIIEREAS no lots as marked on 'fsaid Plan have been sold on those parts 1of said Streets or Avenues which are 0laidl out on lot number Twenty-threo i' ani ail the lots fromn 1197 to 1533 are eowTned In tee simple by one person and the Owner of said lots desires to have 1those portions off said Streets aboya mfpeîîtioiiel exten(llng from the Ea.sterly limnit of lot number Twenty-three to the dWesýterlytlimîit of the East haIt off said Lait mentioned lot closed and conveyed to her. AND WHEREAS none off the said 1Streets have ever been opened or used 3by the public and fi 15 (eemed exped- 1 ent and a.lvisaIble ani for the best In- terest of thp Corporation that the same .shoul(l boeclosed NOW THEREFORE THE CORPORA- TION 0F THE TOWNSHIP 0F DAR- INGTON. in tha County off Durham, b>' its Council en acta as follows- 1. TIIAT those parts off Fiffth, Slxth. Seventh. Eighth, Ninth and Tenth Av- enues running or extending from the leasterly limit off Towvnship lot number Twenty-tlireo 1In the Broken Front Con- cession off the Township off Darlington Westerly be and the same are hereby closed and, stopped up. 2. TIIAT the said parts off said Streets no closed shall be conveyed b>' the Corporation to HANNAH WVEITB the Owner off the lanuds on whIch thé said portions off Streets are situate. 3. TIS By-law shahl take effeat from and after the final passing thereof. By-law read a first time, Feb. 7th, A. D. 1933. By-law read a second tîme, Feb. 7th. A. D. 1933. By-law read a third tîme and fina&ly passed A. D. 1988. J. 0. HOGARTH, Cdorc. ..Notice to Creditors Iner or ueorge'..Inu Almlv F. W. Nies Bowma . - . .- -- - -- 1 11A- 1 1