PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIT.LE, THURSDAY, MARCH l6th. 1933 t 4> ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. R. Ormiston en- tertamned a number ai iriends last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ashton spent the week end with iriend.s in Ta- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. S. Pethick and Clif- fard Sundayed with Newtonville friezlds. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burgess and babe. Mrs. R. Burgess, Tyrone, were Sunday visitars at Mr. H. Stevens'. It was omltted last week that Mrs. Roy McGill is lst vice ai Ladies' Aid and Mrs. Etta Page, Ass't sec- retary. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. W. Moorey on the arrivai ai a baby girl. Mrs. Wm. Griffin la at Mr. W. Maarey's. Mr. W. J. Stainton. Mr. W. H. Moore, attended the f uneral ai the late Mrs. Thomas Staintan, Oshawa, on Saturday. Messrs Edgar and Fred Wright. Floyd Peth:ck and Gardon Stevens attended the hockey game in Toron- ta on Saturday. Our Pastor. Rev. J. M. Whyte, gave a very fine sermon last Sun- day evening on Spiritual Lii e. The choir rendered an anthem, Miss An- nie Oke taking the solo part. and W. B. Rundle of Oshawa and Rev. W. Rackham and J. Baker, D.G.W.P., interspersed with music. Mr. A. L. Pascoe. P. W. P.. presided. This Division was organized Feb. 21st. 1879, and Èa still warking un- der the same charter. althaugh on two occasions it has been closed for some time. Several hundreds have enralled under its banner and taken the pledge and are now scattered over the whole ai the North Ameri- can continent. At one time there were twa hundred and thirty-one paid Up members in aur Division. Two members ai this Division have been awarded honor badges for over fifty years continuous membership. This Division was organized by Bro. Henry O'Hara, County D.G.W.P., assisted by Thos. Yellowlees, Rich- ard Windatt and other members of Bowmanville Division, S ai T. The officers elected and installed wereý W. P.-S. J. Williams: W. A.-Mrs. J. C. Groat: R. S.-A. J. Reynolds; A. R. S.-Eliza Jane Pascae; F. S.-I J. C. Groat: Treas.-Maggie La ni- miman: Chap.-Isaiah Barclay; Con-EUi G. Paacoe: A. Con-Jane Joli: I. S.-Geo. JolI; O. S.-Wm. Colwill: P. W. P.-Thas. Baker. Thel other names on the charter were: John Reynolds, Gea. Vice, J. J. Fer- guson. John Orchard, Absalam. Ab- raham, Jas. Wm. Werry, Jas. Elsan. John VanNest. I SALEM HAMPTON Glad ta repont Mrs. F. Honey im- Mrs. Wesley Allin is under the proving in health. dcctor's cane. Mna. J. Colwill, Hampton, sister aif Mrs. Ed. Haggith is aomewhat Mn. W. Can.n, is quite il!. improved in heaith. Miss Ella Collacott, Toronto, Mra. John Calwill. Sr., is confined spent the weekend aI home. ta hier bed through ilîneas. Mn. Dowson has been busy cutting 1i Mns. Bruce Ferguson was a visitan woad in aur neighborhaad this week. with Blackstock fienda recently. Mrs. F. L. Squain and Mn. K. Mn. R. Perrett and Mr. James Squair viited the farmer's brother, Staintan, Toronto. visited thein Mn. R. T. Stephens, at Bowmanville homes aven the weekend. Hospital on Sunday. Mn. Stephenai A gaad congregation was in at- continues much the samne. tendance at church on Sunday night Rev. A. S. Kerr conducted the ta hear Rev. A. P. Brace, Toronto. service Sunday ailernoon and gave Misa Eva Sauch has returned ta a wonderful description ai the the- Enniskillen ai tex' visiting at the oies ai the Oxford Gnaup. ai which home afilher brother, C. W. Sauch. we have heard sa much af late. His Mn. Will Wilbu's Sunday achool discaurse was a masterpiece in ne- clasa spent an enjoyable social ev- gards giving us a cleaner vision ai ening aI his home on Tuesday nighl. the aim and wank ai this movement. Specials at Hornas Store this week Y. P. L. meeting on Wedneaday include: 3 tins Campbell's beans l9c; evening, March 8th. was conducted large Peanut Butter (Hornes) 30c; by the president in the absence af. mens heavy Shirts 95c. the misslonary vice, Mrs. L. Rich- Rev. Mr. Hanringlon, Toronto, ards. Aiter the usual apening ex- spoke in the intereal ai the British ercises, the following pragramn en- and Foreign Bible Society On Fni- sued: Bible neading. Mr. R. Coomb- day night ahowing a numben af in- es; tapic was deall with by the pres- teresting lantern aides on China. ident, after which we were pleased iMns. Hanington was also present. ta hear aeveral ai aur juniors tlk- John Vitue and Bloyd Vfilcox ing part. namely: A recitation by. made the jonrney ta Bowmanville Mangarel Foster; a neading by Mar-i High School on skates. Wednesday garet Irwin; vocal trio. Misses H. mor-ning. the pavement having be- Richards, B. Caton and M. Irwin. corne difficult for mator Iraffie as a with Mrs. Irwin as accompaniat. ne. uIt ai the previaus night's storm. Mrs. E. Doidge gave a reading, and Sunday services at church next Messns. S. Elcambe and R. Coombes Sunday shauld prove veny attractive. favored with a mauthorgan duel. 1 The Church Anniversary and Thank Meeting closed with Mizpah bene- Offexing services are being canduct- diction. Attendance 24. ed by Rev. Dr. McTavish af Oshawa. King St. Church. at 2.30 p. m. and SOLINA at7.30 p. mn. Rev. Ernest Haraton off speaker. A male choir will sing at 1 Mn. and Mrs. Fred Robins, Zion, one service and the mixed choir at visited at Mn. Harvey Hardy'a. the othen. Mrs. Arthur Milîsan spent a few Dr. B. C. Bimacombe and Dr. J. days lasI week with Toronto iniends. W. Bî'imacombe. Marion. Indiana; Mn. and Mna. Jim Reynolds, To- Mn. and Mra. H. A. Bird. Miss Mar- ronto, viied aI Mn. W. J. Reynolds'. garet Bird and Miss Ruth Brima- Mn. and Mns. Clarence Tink and combe. Mn. Cattrell and Mn. Mur- family. Maphe Grave, visited at Mn. phy, Mount Hamilton; Mn. and Mrs. H. E. Tink'a. Theron Mountjoy. Haydon; visited Rev. Dr. A. P. Brace. Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Mountjoy spenl a few days with Mn. and Mrs. while here attending their mathers A. L. Pascoe. funeral. Mns. Mountjoy through ili- Mn. Maurice Baker is attending a nesa was not able ta attend. seed jud.ging competition in Belle- I_______ ville Ihis week. We wish him every success.CADMUS Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Wenry, Osh- awa, Miss Nana Werry and Missa Misa Susan Ginn iell and broke Marion Mountjoy. Kedron, visited l ier hip. aI Mn. S. E. Werry's. Mn. Tam Philhipa spent Sunday at On account ai Hampton Annb Mn'. Harry Philpa'. vesary services this caming Sunday, *No league hast week on accaunt ai aur Sunday Schaol service will be in the inclemnent weathen. the marning at 10 o'clock and Mr'. and Mrs. James McKee spent1 chunch at Il a. m. Wednesday at Mn. Lamne McKee',.1 League meeting next week wiîî be M. Lloyd Thompson apent the on Tuesday evening as aur Young weekend undex' the parental roof in1 People are pesentng their play, laydon. the Red Headed iStepchild" at' M11. Edgar' Gibson and iamily Maphe Gnove on Manday evening. made a businiess ýtrip ta Bowmanviile Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Shaw and 0o1 Saturday. Geardie, Miss Aima Moore, Misses Miss Birdie Fahlis has returned Iniez and Vera Cann, Bowmanville. home aiter spending a weck withC Mn. Archie Vitue. Tyrone, spent r iniend,ý in Ozhawa.F Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard, Miý:s Gladys Cobbledick and Mis.s Wannacott. Helen Fowier visited the iarmer'sv There was a goad attendance at parents aven Sunday. the eague meeting Monday evening 1Mr. and Mrs. Everard Sanderson which was in charge ai the 2nd m id iamily sisited with Mn. and Mrs. Vice Pres., Miss Fanny Smales. B;bie; Wm- Mitchell, Ballyduif, an Sunday. Lesson was read by Mn. Maunice Mn. and Mrs. Smith Feî'gusan and Baker and the Devotional wasgie Collette, Bowmanville. spent the by Misa Evelyn Tink. The new sud weekencl with Mn. and Mrs. A. E. 0 book. "Ris Dominion af Canada"- McGill. was introduced and the first chap- A numbeî' from this vicinity at- well laken by Mn. Mils. Mn. Samn tended the funeral af the late Mrs. Dewell gave a neading. A peanut Hermlan Lethangue aI Ballyduif on d relay game was enjoyed and a social Tueaday. lime spent. 1- l The church was well iilied for the MAPLE GROVE 1 church service on Sunday ai ternoon.______________ The singing was led by a choir of 25 ladies unden the leadership aif Miss Susie Laird, Port Penny. Mra. Isaac Hardy and Miss Lena spent the weekend at home. Taylor favoured with a vocal solo Mrs. Samuel Snowden visited wlth which was much enjoyed. Dr. A. P. Mis. McCutcheon, Toronto, on Tues- Brace was the speaker ai the after- day. noon and gave a very stirring tem- Miss Jean Stevens apent the week- perance address. He challenged the end with her sisten, Mrs. Chanhie Young people ta iollow in the ight White, Oshawa. way. the way of tempenance, and Mn. Samuel Snowden attended the thy would aurely gel their neward. Underwriîern' convention held in the Thunsday night wa.s a real red Carlsrite Hotel. Toronto, on Tues- lete night with Salins Divý-ion, day. Sons ai Temperance. There was a Mr. Howard Foley and daughter gaodly numben presenit despite the ILadre visited lUe formera asister. inclement weathen. Rev. Dr. A. P. Mrc. Mark Blackburn. Orono. on Brace ai Toronto, Most Worthy Pat- Sunday. rianch ai tUe National Divison ai Miss Vema Shankeiton. who has North Amnenica was present and been with Mrs. Rasa Stevens ion tUe presented Solina Division with tUe past six months, has returned ta, hem beautiful sil ver trop)hy af the Grand homne at Enniskillen. Division ai Ontaîxo. ta Uc Ueld anc Mrs. Roy VanCamp has retunned yean by the Division having the home aiten a pleasant visit wilh hem langeaI gain ai mnembenship n ntle - oîsin, Miss Lillie Penfound. and province. Mns. John Baker, W.P. e- friend, Mrs. Emma Wilson, Toronto. celved the traphy and acknowledged Sauina young people will present it wlth thenks. It is thiity three thli.:' play -The Red Headed Step- years slnoe this was in the possess- ehilct" in tUe hall here on Monday, Ion o! Durham Di-stnxct Division and March 20th. aI 8 p. m. Evenyane is saina Division was then tUe rus- invitcd- ta came and have a good todian. Misses Helen Baker andI lime. Evelyn Tlnk were reeii)ients, of -solid 1 On Wednesday forenoon, March gold emablemn pins as awîrdis n pro-; 8t. about 30 ladies met in the hall curing new memabens. 1%r. Brace gave and spent a veny pleasant lime ta- a fine address entreating the mem- gether when they quîlted 4 quilts, bers ta stilI Increase thein memben- had (150 clectire aewing machines, shlp so as ta retain the tr'oIhy fr î:stchted up two sets af baby lay- anothen Year. Shart addrcsse.s, were I ft ((' They had theilr dinnen in the als.o given by F, . O. Krby. G.c, '1ap., ll1 BLACKSTOCKI Miss Pearl Bell spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Argue. Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Byers visi- ted Mr. and Mns. Osmond Wright. Mrs. John Farder has returned home aiter viaiting frienda in Man- vers. Mrs. Fred Tarvis is ill at the home ai her parents, Mn. and Mrs. W. Beacock. Mn. and Mns. Melville Gniffin, Cad- mus. spent Sunday with Mn. and Mra. Lamne Griffin. Mn. and Mns. Frank Stinson were guests ai Mn. and Mrs. Carl Wright on Saturday evening. Mn. and Mns. Clarence Manlow were guests ai Mn. and Mns. H. A. Galbraith an Teusday. Mns. N. Henry and iamily, Janet- ville, are visiting her parents, Mn. and Mns. Fred Bailey. Mn. and Mns. Russell Spinks spent Sunday with hen moîher, Mrs. R. Edgerton, Neatieton. Miss S. Ginn fell while cleaning a window and broke her hip. She was taken ta Pont Penny Hospital. Mn. and Mrs. D. Heaslip, Janet- ville, and little gnanddaughten, Miss Doris Heaslip, Toronto, were necent visitons ai Mn. and Mrs. H. Van- Camp. Mra. Milton Sandersoxi and son Roy-. have neturned ta their home in Toronto, aiten visiting hen par- ents. Mn. and Mns S. Swain, and other relatives. Mn. and Mns. Wilbenl Wenry and son Neil, and Mn. and Mns. Carl Wright and f amily visited Mn. and Mna. John Wright necently. Mn. and Mrs. Fred WilIan and Mrs. E. DancY attended a hockey match in Toronto recently. L. O. L. ai Blackstack held a euchne Party in the Cammunity Hall an Tuesday evening. Ail repart an enjoyable lime. Prize winners were Mrs. Howard Bailey and Mr. Os- mond Wright. Regulan monthly meeting af the Victonian Wamen'a Institute was held at the home ai Mns. John Wright on Wednesday afternoon. Mar. 1, with an attendance ai 45. In the absence a! the President. the meeting was conducted by the Vice- President, Mrs. Clarence Marlow. The Institute Ode was sung and the twenty third Psalm and Lord's Prayer nepeated in unison. Alter the business session the fol- Iowing pragram, with Mrs. Leith Byens as convenor of the graup, was given: Reading, "Ma and the Auto." by Mna. R. Mahaad; Vocal duel, Misses Pearl and Kathleen Wright, 'Jesus Loves Me." sung in the Af- nican language; Readinga, Mns. Leith Byens and Mrs. A. Bailey; A contest was put on and lunch served. Monthly meeting ai the W. M. S. was held at the home ai Mrs. J. J. Jobb. on Wedneaday aiternoon, Mar. 8th. with the President, Mra. F. W. Newell, preaiding. In the busi- ness session il was decided that two groupa wouid hold a Surprise Lun- cheon at the Parsanage on Thura- day evening, March l6th. Miss Annie Wright's group was in charge ai the following program. An ad- diess on "The Oxford Graup" by Rev. F. W. Newell; a splendid remperance Reading, by Mrs. Roy Taylor: Mrs. Newel and Miss Effa Wright nendered a vocal duet, which was greally enjayed; Mna. C. E. Whittaker gave a short address on 'Courage" which was based on a letter which Mns. Whittaken had juat received inom an Indian woman in the fan North. On account of the ateness ai the haur, Mrs. Whittaker spoke briefly but veny intereatingly. Study Book chapter was given by Mrîs. Frank Stinsan. Lunch was served and a social haîf hour spent. * COURTICE ' Miss Sadie Allun, Toronto, was home on Sunday. Mrs. W. R. Courtice visited Mrs. Frank Smith, Whitby, necently. Miss Velma Gay, Bowmanville Hospital, was a Sunday visitor at home. Mrs. Fred Flintoif and Mrs. Fred Silis, Oshawa, visited Mrs. Howard Flintoif recently. Mrs. Alf. Flintoif and Miss Joyce, Oshawa, took tea with Mrs. Howard Flintofi on Monday. Mrs. Florence Masan, Bowman- ville, was a recent guest af Mr. and Mfrs. W. R. Courtice. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brooks and Mfaster Orlie. Oshawa, were Sunday .'iaitors ai Mr. Dean Pickell. .Mr. and Mrs. Melville Staplea and family and Mrs. Acy Penfound, Or- >no. spent Sunday with Mrs. S. C. RundIe. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Brooks enter- tained their relatives ta their wed- ding anniversary party one evening last week. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Short are ;pending a week with relatives in Brampton, guesta ai Mr. and Mra. F'rank Short. ME. Alan Law, Ontario Agricult- ural College, Guelph, was guest ai M&r. and Mrs. K. E. Courtice aven the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Saules, MIasters Billy and Donald, Toronta, were guests af Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Brooks on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Clint Callins, Miss Eivelyn, Mrs. Fred Brown and babe, Oshawa, were visitons af Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Courtice on Tuesday. We aller congratulations ta Miss Telma Pearce in passlng her Prim- Lry Theory with firat class honors. Velma is a pupil af Miss Arnot, Osh- awa. Death vislted aur cammunity again in t.aking a highly respected casident in that ai the late Mr. Ar- hur J. Oke. He waa born in the )ke homestead and has always re- idedints neighborhood. Our incere sympathy Is extended ta his vile and family and brathers and iste ns. Services on Sunday were except- ionally gaod. Our pastar, Rev. H. C W7olfraim. preached two excellent ermons. In the marnlng his aub- ject was "The wansl thlng that ould happen ta Jesus" and in the evernng, "Some Ihings some people never learn." The attendance In the aftex-noan at Sunday School ses- sin was large. A very intenesting part of the session was the lelling a story ta the llltle boys and girls SI B p ti m v ai V, si w ai by Mrs. Jack Brooks ai Oshnawa. Mrs. Brooks la in charge of the Young Peaple every Sunday morning at King St. Church, Oshawa, and she certainly has a gif I in telling a story and holding the attention ai alI the little folk. We shahl be de- lighted ta have hier visit aur achool in the future at any lime. Our aup- erintendent, Mr. Cecil Found. has a short Sang service at the opening ai the session led by Mra. G. F. Annia which the Young people seeiUi ta en- joy. On Thursd.ay evening, although the weather was very cold and nough about forty Young people f rom Brookln visited aur Young people when the debate "Resolved that the Canadian Farmer is ai greater im- portance ta the country than the Canadian Manufacturer" was put on by Miss Lockyear and Mr. Ormis- tan af Brooklin, and Miss Louise Courlice and Mr. Art Faund ai Eb- enezer, the visiting debaters taking the negative and aur Young people the affirmative. Bath ides braught out same splendid arguments and stayed with the subject well, s0 much so that it was a close lie. The judges were Miss Arksey irom Brooklin, Miss VanCamp, Bîack- stock, and Mr. Hopkins, Caurtice, and the decision was given in favor af the affirmative. Piano music was given by Mn. Christiansen af Brooklin, and piano and vialin music was also played by some ai the Braoklin Young people. A gaod crowd was in attendance and aur Young people served refreshments ta ahl and a social time waa enjoyed. Our debaters won out in debating with Pickering and with Broklin., and have ta debate with Claremont Young people next at Braoklin. Wei wish them succeas. ENFIELD Mr. Charlie Henry is conflned ta his bed with inflammatory rheuma- txsm. Mr. Thos. West, Waodstock, at- tended the funeral ai the late Mrs. J. Hepburn and visited other rela- tives here. Mr. Edwin Ormiston had a hen which hatched 12 chickens f rom one setting af eggs about two weeks ago, which has the incubators beat ar- aund here. The play entltled 'The Family Affair" was very weîl given last Thursday night. The recitations given between acta by Miss Grace Warne and Frank Hoig. N. Oshawa, were very much appreciated and encored heartily. Mr. Oliver Heat- lie, Wick, was chairman. SCHOOL REPORTS EBENEZER February repart af S. S. Na. 4, Darlington : Sr. IV-Velma Pearce*, Doris Wade. Allan Vinsan. Jr. IV-Ralph Found*, June Mar- shall, Eleanor Vinson. Sr. III-Flora Marshall. Jr. III-Eileen Pickell*, Muriel Found, Myrtle Goslin. II-Louise Pearce, Robert Rundie. Steve Kichko, Peter Kichka. Lucy Wade. Sr. I-Eddie Rlvett*, Annie Kich- ko*. Pr. ta I--Jack Pearce. Pr.-Thelma Gaslln. * -Honours. Gordon E. Osborne, teacher., HAàEPTON Repart af Hampton Siool for February; names in order af menit: IV-Walter Holwell (H), Thelma Rabbins (H), Muriel ScottCH), Ber- nice Rogers (H), Gladys Chapman (H), Jack Niddery (H), Jack Cowl- ing, Ruth Calwill, Norma Cawling. Jerald Black, Dora Cowling, Reg. Rackham, Eddie Grice, Wiiiie Gil- bert, Doreen Perrett, Ruby Colwill. Sr. III--Gertrude Pettit (H), Wancta Clarke, Isabelle Rogers, Gladys Trull. NeIlle Armour. Jr. III-Edith Rackham CH). Bertha Armaur CH), Donald Ad- cock, Evelyn Langrnald. Sr. Il-Doris Onice CH), Acy Harn (H), Pearl Gilbert (H), Verna Cow-, iing CH), Eileen Wray CH). Jr. II-Teddy Kersey (H) , Freddie Payne, Neil Johnson, Elgin Cowling, Albert Martyn. Betty Stainton. First-Dorothy Holwell (H). Dor- othy Adamson (H), Reggie Kersey (), Percy Allun CH). Madlyn Wil- cox (H), Lewis TruillCH), Everett Aillin, Betty Rogers, Robent Arvay, Aleck Norwick, Paul Chant, Freddle SNorwick. Sr. Pr.-Raymond Pettit (H), MfarJory Allun, Cecile Pettit. Jr. Pr.-Jean Cowling CH), Irvine Pettit (H), Annie Norwick, Stella Norwick. Harry Martyn. Babby Stainton. H stands for honors. F. J. Groat, Graee Cawker, teachers. BLACKSTOCK CIRCUIT United Church of Canada Rev. F. W. NewelI, B.A., B.D., Paator Nesîleton League on Tuesday, March 7th. was in charge af a soc- ial committee. The flrst part af the meeting taok the farm af a miscel- laneous communlty shawer for the recent bride and groom. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Black. The papular Young couple were the recipients af many beautiful and useful gits. Aiter the shawer a very successful crokinole party was held. Miss Madeline Malow and Mr. Stanley Malcolm secured the highesl scores. Blackstock Y. P. League held the' regular meeting on Wednesday. March 8th, with the presîdent, Mr. Hectibr Shortridge, in the chair.. Misa Susie VanCamp led a very In- teresting discussion an 'Missions.' Miss Ferga Jahnston sang an ap- propriate solo. The Young people tre planning ta hald a skating Party this week. Weekly Sermonelte: "Thiere are no unkind words In heaven; w4y ýhould there be an earth?" Rev. F. W. Newell delivered the -eventh and clasing sermon in the series "Deciýive Moments in the Life ai ChriFt" on Sunc'iay. HPý mubJect was "Christ In the Garden ai Gethsemnane." OBITUARY Mrs. John Hepburn, Enfield AnaUser af the older residents of Darlington passed away on Tuesday. March 7th, in the persan af Mrs. John Hepburn whose maiden name was Isabella Virtue. She was born on lot 32. con. 8. Darlington, an August lst, 1847, being a daughter of the late Robert Virtue and Isa- bella West. She had a slight stroke about three weeks aga and gradually sank until she peacefully slept away. She was a gaod neighbor and was ever ready ta, extend hospitality, and her cheerful manner macle many laving friends. She was a member of the Ladies' Aid of Enfleld Church and was an ever willing worker. In 1878 she marrled Robert Niddery who died in 1888. Two children af this union survive. In 1896 she married John Hepburn and most af her 11f e has been spent in Enfield community. The funeral taak place on March 9th f rom. Enfleld United Church to, Hampton Cemetery and was largely attended. Rev. J. M. Whyte con- ducted the services. Many beauti- fui floral tributes expressed esteem for cleceaseci. Paîl bearers were six nephews, Messrs. Oliver Mcçulloch, John Alexander. George Abrahams. Oliver Heatlie, Edwini Ormiston and Levi Niddery. The immediate relatives ta mourn her loss are her husband, two chul- dren. (olive) Mrs. Harry James. Columbus, and Mr. Albert Niddery. Toronto: eight grand children, and one great grandchild. Two sisters also survive, Mrs. John McCulloch and Mrs. George Heatlie. Two sis- ters and one brother predeceased her, Mrs. Jas. Abrahams and Mrs. A. Alexander, and Mr. John Virtue. Among thase who attended the funeral were a number af friends from Toronto. Oshawa, Waadstock. and the surrounding district, who were present ta pay their last trib- ute of respect ta the departed. PARENTS AND PUPILS HONOR SCHOOL TEACHER WHO RECENTLY WED Mr. a.nd Mrs. Douglas Ba.rton Pre- senf.ed With Handsome Mante Cioek at Burketon School On Wednesday evening, March lst, 150 parents, pupils and ex- students of Union Schaol, S. S. 1, Darlington, assembled at the home af Mr'. and Mrs. Richard Griffin ta do honour to, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D. Barton, wha were recently mar- ried. Mr. and Mrs. Griffin as hast and hostess apened their spaciaus homel for the freedom ai the guests in a whole hearted manner. Dancing was engaged in by aIl ta the iavely music ai the Orchestra until Il P. m., when Mr. Wm. Mc- Laughlin, Secretary ai Union Sec- tion, called the campany ta. arder and an behalf ai the parents, stu- dents and ex-students, congratulat- ed Mr. and Mrs. Barton on their recent marriage. Just at this time the young folks engaged in some hilarity by ringing bells and shower- ing the yaung couple with confetti. Mfterý Mr. McLaughlin4 had finished his remarks, Mr. Bert Bentham, on behaîf af the parents and pupils ai Union Section, presented Mr. and Mrs. Barton with a handsame Mantel Clock. Mr. Richard Griffin and Mr. Wesley Adams presented themn with lovely gifts f rom Mr. Barton's ex-students. After the presentations Mr. and Mrs. Barton each thanked the giver for the lovely gifts and expressed a'hole hearted appreciation for the most enjoyable evening ai entertain- ment pravided by Mr. and Mrs. Griffin in their home and the par- ents and stuclents for the surprise. Dancing was resumed, after which all partook ai a sumptuaus lunch- con. This was followed by dancing and games until the wee sma' hours shen ail departed for home hiving enjoyed an evening long ta bc re- membered by parents and students of Union section. ESSAY CONTEST WINNERS (Continued i rcm page Il Prize. Mary MacAllister, Church St., aged 11, pupil ai Public Schaol. Boys and Girls under 14, resident in Cauntry-lst prize, Velma Pearce, .ged 12, attends S. S., No. 4,' Bow-. nanville 2nd prize, Eileen Pickell aged 9, Jr. 3rd Glass, S. S. No. 4, Darlington. 3rd Prize, Bob Snowden, .ged 13, R. R. 3, Bowmanville. ael ad they wll be found palat- Lle by all children, wlll end t.he' arm trouble by maklng the stom- th and bowels untenable ta the )arasites. And flot anly this, but he powders will be certain ta exert aost beneficial InfTuences in the di- ,stive organs. 1 Saturday Mardi 18 1 p.m. to 1,45 STATION C.K.C.L. NELSON'S PROGRAMME BY Russ Creighton and his Haybalers N elson's Store THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 16th, 1933 Mr, R. J. Luke. Kedron, was in twfl Monday calling on riends. 1 TYRONE Mrs. W. J. Cary, Centre Street. Oshawa, entertained a numirber af Mrs. E. A. Butler and Mr. Earl frienda on Wednesday evening, Goodmlan, Toronto, spent Sunday March 8th. on the occasion af her wth Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Goodman. birthday. The evening was pleas- - - --.--- antly spent in playing cards, aiter which refreshments were served by ARl radia licenses expire on March the hostess. assisted by Mrs. D. 31st. and the new licenses are now Moffatt. available at $2.00. Boys&8Girls Nemo [Canada] Liiited wish to give you ONE CENT on any empty package of NEMO products that you return to W. C. Caverly's and F. W. Nelles' Stores. THIS 15 ABSOLUTELY FREE You do not have to buy anything; ail you do is retuî'n tie Empty Package and you get the cash. Ask aill ur frienids to save their NEMO packages for you. SOMETHING NEW SHRERDICLE A New Chocolate Covered Ice Cream on a Stick Try oné to-day - OnIy 5e. Easter Eggs, cî'eam filleci......... 5 for 1lOc Flot Cross Buiis, foi- Lenten meals. .20c doz. Cream Roils .................. 30c doz. Cream Puifs.................. 60c doz. CORBETT'S BAKERY BOWMANVIJ.EPHONE 3 PAGE POUR