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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 May 1933, p. 4

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P EFORTHE CANADIAN 5TATE8MAZN, BOWMANVII, THURSDAy, MAY llth, 1933 ...... whOwit hs fthr ad boter hylst year, emblematlc of the best the day. esoeonaub-t 1PR EAUE mer h amspcOr o BOOandf or- publihhes athe im nde Reormer. weeky in Canada, we expected to with a terribly dry titie, "My CNOOFL-A EDITOR'S ASSISTANT Hughes, DSbnlOl o andfor-pbihste-SrceRfre.ýe nsie n evtoso eta UOe"bt ET REAEmeRESO S Tr Chto, an Mr. orma o mme- 3Bruce is ,alp-()parativelY young man see Us f ace wreathed in send tse r rvto dyen st uoe,"t. i UI T D L villeS.MP RK.IO SCTron o n e of.Nor man t o m m ate ry and c lege gradue.te. lie spoke flot qulte so s eriously m l nkE . it ans lf ar rom d ry in gtshe lt. ls MOf T D Y C U 0Fle KRE. ON EN IOo boin egafl muid s ttr two or three times, chieflY on edi- We should mention t A g-E.hi ads l i hly tng r ul the aeso!n O F P ESS O N V E TIO N of biAnt n earY able ms- E itortonal topiCs, anid always seemed to D. McDowell. Cienera.l Publliy dU ja ke r s oche r odl y tiir aootWoeflulreets Spe di Ceciledfri Pge1 scobeil, Manager of the Lea- We learned plenty f rom him ihat ways, who was also preseni ai ihe impressive ator. At one tîme we Plorm-Ms.A mt AtnoCheeec adm n i herdale Studiosi Ontriondut liarold M. will be f use in our work here in gatheriflg. Frank is a Bownianville togt htlon. W. G. Matin was, EntetaýiluVisitOs nephew as hUs guests at theRotarlT Gully. Ivta2ger o! Silverwoods B1 li e strboy m ntiwho wret as e bdio andO t h se the non oao iQ a r. Sbu -t .rnwere h Cuwhlch. meets lin the main ban- Darih.Iere were several other Righheaiothesfittewe menioiied streetasttheeEditoOfanthwho has ave sincethe qutet hall of the hotel. Somne 329 prominelit business lmen we met but o efi,5cnWegdf b n lme eld th op flte adadrilse, Cann dyni d M reglr otl Ectanlanis were present besides fftY we could not f ully digest alltheir o! irtanino' foremosttiweeklypneew- in his chosenifed o ieay ad vll. W i ltg e rp r he rglr m nhY m eig o h s. S ttig atthe cen nam s a d re pecW e et a scoe of oth r w ll w re j rd. e l o n t HopWl e Musi Stuî tre o! the head table, which 1s the social register. Us genia . mariner and e We metsore oin othe wae rtd en Poer us a htweMscSud lb t Pa ui ci-o o e u s w ithrew e ret hi gho - wp r o uditaa tnw e- -er e- presient o tarygath ring as soconge ial hat frtunae in Fora few mClubs avisitheban-he locall heclca b aub da pro-o sightly rased frnmthe main fooThe whole atmosPrihe e R- oul i iagileia dtoMryofis wrk n dmogus li thwsaoe ewe th adCndif hn egtue omo WdedY ih.M W"hel lub, oin s dnife stew j ae h meigt oesterling ch8aracter in its midst. knew that we shouîd have been in Frafwmnts a!ttebn-videui the progran. HITW S th lbloPo! nterbry on his to an end, but like ail good things, Isi't is a fuiiny iiiing. You know the newspaper game yeans before we quet we watched the ladies, tend- A r h sh p of C n e b n o t i ri a f r m S . p a ig u pt an d n do w e ro th e m e z - in th e c h a ir a n d c o n c lu c te d h e b u si- 9 l s . f r 5 throne in Westminister Abbey. Mel's ji u i tei grgiu een nssm. Bowaivile oyf0. ad eyr W sentIh grat prton o Maofthell.a lllnwo npias.Ei They'na e re dlbha nd whmen înneflonlx tei grgouteen tshmetig isietene cril vr9 b. b were we quite so proud o! the old ihe a!ierniooli ai the conventioni uton!athe ollingwood piS-they sy threglan tehe yetyug gowns. accompaiiied by well welcome Thisithe visitons. wor hoe ew a wenwegzed uPoti an endeavour te leain somethhig ! Bof ehiandMayr o ColxnWoO. tereihepmehllg i ih wa tley lresedgenlemn. eprssin! ou'Tueproraii ws udonthedie tat stately and lnspiig gentleman value to improve The Statesman. has like un oWli Che! Magistrte, say i that give yduHthe ipression this bundle !lnished for otrollilig and dinectiiig he destin- We leanned this much frnmthe let the uiso! municipal life grey that they mean every word îhey wouldii'itheistrofseethembi. oect intofMssheanDiPeonrtdnad fr S. hi es o! the langest Rotary Club in he newspaperme n with whom we came his disihguished brow. Dave ils boss In itnoducilig his nephew and . he th g ltt.r ! hebgo tendprstride n o ihe P o grn ope Cub-oc ec in contact. that The Statesni is o! Cllign id.except for the Pub- me te one o! his f riends the editer nr fappiited ts it s uice o nd Fsit or tion o! the p r G Dr co eact Aton ndo iehalwas a five held in veny high regard amoiig the lic Libnary ;where his wife ils he remarked that we were his Rghî dioneAr faded a w a wedre sed o!twndrA us y Mn G. anI B 1L inanual organ ai which a skilful newspapermlen o! the two provinces. heado! the Bor.lei xriil n L!tBwn uiesadtoppe in ai the High School 'At Waich" and he Moon lias aise gentleman kept himself busy pour- Speaking o! contacts we met a itrse nh5ei~ dt n hta n ieh sdl hn Home' and even the lorful pageant lier LaPliP Ms Face RU H R mg out melodious music duringtenmbro dioswos dt nalmatter petaiing to the pioneen he was the Ace arouuid The Staes- o htJucioisemddniair ohnsonour'.C1M., povifed fou enieluncheoli. Mien a litile while we have been reading !rom week to days. lie was the moiflg spiit ne- man office, but now he sometimes what we had seen that day. A nid SO' piano numbens. Nocturne. 12Ii.6 ib president Mel rose 10 sPeak and to week, but had neyer had the piv- sponsible frteetbihn !tefi ewsjs bu sue la ended our firt newspaper convent- second Value Billiant and Meldi. Starched whene needed and speak n oln w od t e D u ein a d c f ad .rnd rd t o fneil died outside. gtthe ears o! Us audience he had ilege o! meeting them. We've ai- Huron Isetuesn ofiWod- ih Deuc t e a de o! c ar. dion and visit te the Royal York. Mn. . Darlinig rndndiwfn to sekthrough a microphone ways wanted to meet E. Roy Sayles, 1which disPlays many relirao if- htngt emd en rudWheiithe editor offers to take us vocal solos, "Song oOf nSwhc crid smesgeirug heeereicaddoiannangderdys hetbe nanCenoatealigagi a'nnodefs. Te iiRerin"______________ fiv bg mplfinsabve o! he Canadian Weekly New- We could handly pass up Ihese Royal York's egal ballrooms. We ____________ he second portion o! the pro- of meeting some distiiiguished gen- gentleman with digniy in his every ing J. A. "Alex" MatLaren. Edilor .iust because the waiters called you ORAORCALCO Tgrm onisfd !the ppr Rs reenialiOn M aScra- tiemen. We had juit sat doWfl manner. lie is held lu high esteem o! the Barrie Examiner. and son o!"Sir." Down here ai the office you bri hc h ooPrswrlL um & whnwe were intnoduced to Roy D. by his confreres and they called ona former Enniskillen Presbylenian gel your finst name ail the lime. cul Ion Moteel anagtd lecllu er fDmi-hm eeterifur oa os the eito o! inified !th espprme eweek evenyofe uses their firsinamne. Other childreii taking part in the Miss Sydney Benlieti. Pianists weie Phone 478 ioKe rb Le n iedHMan ag ie Domi s- him reterthurfors ,op in o Th n inistrfie f t e wa s pnali e ms n al ithtwa d aiR trMech( DlUe rM'ag )ta e bsis ane Ca can by or fnitnam, bt w coldnt th Anhertblng cho an Prsi-met. and he bore a stikig resem- so it was quite re!reshing 10 have coniesi. and al o! whom did ex- Mrs. . . oerville and Ms enE just get round to the Rotary idea o! dent o! ihe Canadiari Weekly News- blance in some respects to thal smalY aitired wailers hand out the cepiioia.lly well despite the faci that Dickenson.Mns. H. Re egaeaL.smu..u..u.i!~ callig hlm "ROY." Theli we met palier Association. Mn. Marsh is i greai Liberal siatesmxan. Sir Wil!ned "Si" on ail sides. ihey did not secure pizes were: snpis o! he opea previoliS t its Frank Stolley, Toonto'15 leadiflg slowly recoveninig from a seious! Laurier. We were given 10 under- Then. too. we listened to one o! Dooihy lianden, Kathleen Sisson, presetistation. Hbendashers. He's one o! the Ro- motor accident and bld us that his stand that he is knowfl as ihe 'Smi he mosi eloujuelit aduiresses that we Rachel Wight, o! he Junior 4th At the conclusion o! the programT ta ians who gives thle glad hand te memory had not been so good since Wilfned" of the Newslialer Associa- have heard for many monihs and in girls; bere M rrS d ar itors rd epesdthe Pot peneia1 s e of asmte lb.membrS oith the visitoýs and he walks anound then. lie has nothimig on us. for l ion, lie is very imposifla. has a, our job we hean a dozen good ad- son and Lionel Paker o! Junior 4th ti on o! the club 10 thepoan.oe culihehof ihe lub. Afpthe lcatl wth a smlle a yard wide streiched we also have difficulty lin makmg wealth o! silver fiowing locs, but dresses every month. and probably boys;, Eic Swindells o! Senior 4th visitons for their spleni rgaf.c l- oplhi !telclcu coss bis face. AMien the meeting te od m m r ucim a i e. a rs ihhe o ensi bb iedzn lts od. m pae o Sottand oeoy Caerl, ro n o S iith e eetindt gMrs. u b- a t e.o rt.S ih w sepeed we saw Taylor Statien who runs he One o! he newspapen men who Being he editor o! he newsper was Noman" Somerville. K.C.. wo ct n ooh rai fSno e iiheneiie h ru te PrtuHoe gOppeVoBt purhae urn tis eatsale.d n h e St r o n Shoos will i>e oId at pices rgardi ~ ~ ~0~t~i~s "M urrayiof aou cl et < i l ta t b eaMos-t -SufOwel- no fl1n' G ragthiClea lfie tarS onIlrW a hep ad ma.tath lt "* -o m en il EwepspaitrafpsoTienstaedsto- R.ay afacintm colecio EV RYSHO M SfoE S LO TOR C EAoD T B RE L S "odClaude hgiIraes.No LOT NO. ile so LOT rNO. r8gfdlrdS fr hchti eSua rc Woel' 5a< .ete Wtqnans "uryofcs.'Ilae h u T $8.O0PeR i.Seci MaGramned11 catherHuppers, leatherland tu rd, ', s W o k B ots BOUandIOE Trnks ClbNBga rei an offierhigli rade bCadAilinemade by Lanwgxfandwra B pnco solsanad oBrrown$.Ing sies lt S peral .3 toi$7.0 pr pirbut$1o0 88th LOT NO. 112 LOT TNfCOorSTh fi rglr rc LOT NO AoLTN.7 oe' l S CILeahe LOT NO$80 pr1ai.0pcil j ForMisss anY Chdren i i IEATURE - - n.-.PPilTSuit

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