PAGE SIXTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 111h, 1933 HAMPTON Mrs. Harold Salter la 1M. Horn's Store offers a gooci special ln men's work boots at $2.59. Mr. Arthur Westlake, Oshawa, re- cently vislted the Misses Pascoe. Miss G. Cawker spent the week- end with her parents at Port Perry. Mis. Grace Clatworthy is on the slck list. Her many f riencis wish her a speedy recovery. Dr. and Mrs. Russel Davies andi babe, Oshawa, vLsited Mi. and Mrs. H. Wllcox on Sunday. Mr. and Mis. F. Mason, Frlend- ship, N. Y., vsited Mr. and Mis. Charles Hastings last week. Misses E. Tink, H. Balcer and R. McKessock, Solina, were Sunday guests of Miss Margaret Pascoe. Hampton Young People's popular play, -The Little Clocihopper," will be presenteci at Blackstock on May 24th. Mis. James Curtis was a visitor wth Bowmanville friends on Sunday also attendjng special services at Trinity United Church. Several members f rom here at- tended the Horticultural meeting1 held li the SundaY School 1 oom of! Eldaci Church on Wednesday nlght, May 3rd. Rev. W. Rackham assist- ed i n the literary part of the pro- grain. The Musical Festival under the direction of Miss Marion Orchard, Enniskillen, held li the church basement on Friday night, was well attended by parents, and otheis li- terested li the childiren of Mitch- ell's, Baker's, Bradley's, and Hamp- ton school. 'The programn was not one of competition as heretof oie had been given, but merely to show the progress the seholars are mak- ing li having the opportunity to study as they do today. The nuin- bers tbroughout the evenlng were literspersed with readlngs, dialog- ues, monologues, etc.. ail of which dlsplayed splendid musical and it- erary abillty. î~SLINA çp Mi. Norval Wotten is sporting a new car. Mi. A. Cation, la vlslting his sis- ter, Mrs. N. C. Yellowlees. Mi. and Mms. Lew Luke, Oshawa, vislted at Mi. Thos. Baker's. SRemember our Motheî's Day ser- vice next Sunda>' aI 2 p. m. Mus. Athur Milison, Misses Jean andi Mary are visiting Toronto friencis. Mu. and Mis. Edwards, and Miss Ada Pascoe, Toronto, vislted aI Mu. Luther Pascoe's. Mr. and Mms.- A. J. Balsen and famil>', vlsited at Mu. Ernest Lai- mer's, Blacksteck. Mi. Wil Noden, Toronto, who f ormeri>' had a store bere, called on eld friencis lest week. Misses Helen Baker, Evelyn Tink andi Ruth McKessock spent tbe weekend wth Miss Margaret Pescoe, Hampton. Mis. Everett Hoar and son,, Chau- les, Miss Doiothy Hloar, Bowman- Ville, visited the f orme's mother, Mus. J. J. Smith. Mr. M. J. Hobbs, having tendered bis resignation as teacher o! oui school, has accepled the position o! teacher et Haydon. Mr. and Mis. W. H. Westleke, Mr. Bil Wesllake and Mis. James Smales visited Mr. and Mis. Edger Phillips, Toronto, on Sunda>'. Remember the an.niversary pract- ice on Frida>' evenlng wiIh a shortj business meeting a! 1er te completej some arrangements fou Our anniver-q sary on Ma>' 281h andi 291h. Tu>' b be present.1 Mr. W. T. Taylor, Mu. E. R. Ta>'-1 loi and Miss lens, Taylor in com-j pan>' wiIb Mu. and Mms. ErnesI Larmer, Blackstock, motered te Smnithfield on Sunda>' and attended the funeral o! the formeu's aunt. Mis. W. Hardy was in charge o! the mlsslonary puogram on Sunda>' and gave an inteuesting stery. At the churcb service foîlowlng. Rev. Rack-< ham preached an excellent sermon and Misses Jessie and Norma Yel- lowlees sang a duet. Mr. George Weriy acted as pianilst li the ab- ence of Miss Helen Baker. Hampton Horticultural Society helci its May meeting li the school room o! Eldaci Church on Wednes- day, May 3rd. Mr. G. A. Barron, president, presided. Mi. W. E. Groves, Bowmanville, gave a very practical and instructive address on "Gardenlng." Messrs. T. A. Dustan and Chas. Bagneil, Bowmanville, al- so spoke briefly. Miss Lena Taylor favored with a solo, and Rev. W. Rackham with a ieading. There was a good attexidance at the Young People's meeting on Mon- day evening for the last regular meeting of the season. We were pleaseci to have our former pastor. Rev. J. R. Bick and Mis. Bick o! Whitevale, also some of the Zion Leaguers with us. Mi. A. P. Mc- Kessock, Piesident, opened the meet- ing andi Rev. W. Rackhamn led in prayer. Af 1er a short song service, Miss Fanny Smales, 2nd vice presi- dent, piesided over the program. Miss Lena Taylor took charge of the worshlp period in a veiy fine way, ffld Mi. Bick gave us a fine talk. basing his remaiks on "My Brother." Mrs. John Baker favoîed wlth a vo- cal solo, and Mis. Roy Langmaid with a reading. Meeting closed with Mizpah Benediction. Miss Margaret Scott took charge of the recreation perloci and a short contest was en- joyeci. after which the young ladies served candy, and Mr. and Mis. Bick were greeted by their many friends. HAYDON Mr. James Crossman remains qulte ill. Mr. A. McDonald, Bownianvllle, spent a few days recently at Mr. Wesley Thompson's. Mr. John Wright has retumned to Haydon a! 1er several months visit- ing frlends and relatives. Mr. andi Mis. Charles Soper, Mr. and Mis. Alvin Hicks and Bobbie, Harmony, visiteci at Mi. R. McNeil's. Speial Mother's Day services next Sunday afteinoon at 3 o'clock. Mi. Harold Macklin, Tyrone, will be the speaker. Speclal music by girls' Sunday school classes. t TYRONE Miss Doiothy Walker, Toronto, Mi. and Mms. Dave Hooper, Orono, vislted Mis. James Storle. The Sunda>' School Annlvemsary Services will be beld on Sunda>', May 21s1, at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. m. Rev. E. Haisten o! Oshawa will be the speaker at both services. Special music b>' the school. A musical festival will be belci on Frlday aI 8 P. m. li the communit>' Lhall under the direction o! Miss Marion Orchard. Readings and musical numxbers wiil be given by five different sehools. Everybody come. The deatb occuried lasI Thursday of Mi. John Pooley. Mi. Poole>' was a lUfe-long resident In Ibis commun- il>'. Quite a number attendeci the funeral whicb was held !rom bis late residence te Bethesda Cemetery. Mi. Poole>' la survived by one sister, Mus. Wm. Close, Toronto, and one brother, Mi. Thomas Pooley, o! Ibis village. Young People's League met Thurs- day evening. The progiam was in charge e! Miss Helen Trlmm: Bible reading b>' Miss Alice Thompson; reading, "Patience", Mu. Alex Pui- fltI; piano solo, Miss Annie Gardin- er; a splendid tepic was given by Mis. Sid. Hioar; ieading, Mi. Don.1 Thompson, "Look Up"; vocal duel, Misses Ruth and Grace Fariell; reading, Mi. Dave Park; recitalion, Miss Edna Cameran: chorus, C. G. I. T.; reading, Mi. Clarence HaIb- eîly. A contest was enjoyeci aI the close. OBITUARY ' Leu.ic Martin. Tornto Resident o! Toronte for 34 yeaus, Louis Mertin, 63 Callendeî Street, Toronte, carpenter-buulder, succumb- ed te a sudden beart attack at bis home, April 12th. He was born aI Enxilskillen, and bis eau>' 111e was spent in Orangevilie. He attendeci Paukdaîe Baplist Cburch. His wi!e, Margaret E. Montgomery Martin, a daughteu, Mus. Chaules A. Smith, Toronto, one son, Russell Mertin. Listowel, andi a brother, John Mai- tin o! Alton, Ont., survive. J. H. Perrin, Los Angeles Cal. John Henry' Perrin, 76 years old, ietired tbeaîre end botel operater, fomeul>' o! Whltb>', Ont., died Mon- day, Apuil 171h, at bis home, 3576 Arlington Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Intermenl was in Inglewood Ceme- ter>', Los Angeles. He leaves bis wi- dow, Anna B. Perrin, Ibiee daugh- ters, Vida Perrin, Mus. Claie Boom- er and Mrs. T. Taskei; a son, Baine Perrin, in London Ont.; three bro- thers, Charles o! Los Angeles, Wil o! Newcastle, Joe o! Ulteuson, Ont.; and a sisteu o! Mis. Furank Evens o! Covinglon, Ohio. jBrookîin Spning Flair will be helci on Wednesday, Ma>' 241h. The Gift of Gladness fOlR MOTHER'S DAY Ganong Bros. Gi! I of Gladness Boxed Chocolates make the Ideal Mothers Day Gi! t. Special generous box, speclalîy wrapped for the occasion, eacb $1.00 NOW TRY VITONE Vitone was the standby o! the big men in the 36 day bicycle race. Ti>' Vitene in tbe new Vitone Nul Lea! at j3c each. or the new Vitone Cake selling at 15e eacb. CORBETT'S BAKERY PHfONE 18 BhOWMVLLE W. J. "BiUy" MiUs o! St. Marys, Ontario, and formei Enniskillen boy, of wbom the St Marys Journal-Argus says, "If E *secret ballot were taken by thb people o! St. Marys te discovei who la their best loveci citizen th( name o! Billy Mills would be !oun< around the top o! tbe 115." ReaÉ slory on page 3. t6 I ENNISKILLEN Mr. Alvin Boyd la in Toronto un- deigoing an operation. Miss Annie Oke spent Sunday with Miss Audrey Doiland. Mus. Jabez Moore and Olga San- derson visited Mus. Wm. Oke. Mi. and Mus. J. Ferguson, Ux. bridge, vîsited thei son, Dr. H. Feiguson on Tuesday. Miss Vera Shackeleten spent tbe week end wth Mi. and Mms. R. Stevens, Maple Grove. Mi. and Mus. N. Aldreal, Mi. Stanley' Hadiey and !îiend, Tarante, spenî Sunda>' wiIb their sister, Mms W. R. Lamb. Miss Noua Weiry bas ieturned 1< Kectron a! 1er spending a week wiIli ber brother, Mr. Jas. A. Werry and~ atber relatives bere. Mi. and Mis. Elwood Rabm and family. Mis. W. Rabm and June, Oshawa, visited Mus. G. Presten and Mi. J. Shackeleton's on Sunda>'. Mi. and Mis. C. A. Stainten and Ray, Oshawa, Mi. and Mis. Milton Stainton, Mi. and Mms. W. J. Stain- ton and Bernîce, spenît Sunda>' with Mu. and Mms. Lorne Lamb. Mi. and Mms. Frank Page, Toron- to, Mi. and Mms. C. Braxiten, Osh- awa, vislted their parents, Mi. andi Mus. Stephen Page. Congratula- lions te Mis. Page on celebraîing ber 83ud birtbday on Sunday. League meeting was beld on Wed- nesday, Ma>' 3rd. Meeting was in charge o! lst Vice Pies., Miss Aud- rey Doiland. Meeting opened wltb hymn and 23rd Psalm. Minutes ef last week's meeting were iead and adopted. Devotional was taken by Miss Elsie Moore; a bymn was sung; Reading, Gladys Page; Solo, Alice Ashton. The Topie was well given b>' Rev. J. M. Wbyte. Meeting closed witb bymn and Mizpab benediclion, 1ENFIELDi IMr. w. Gray,. Toronto, visited et Mi. E. Orilston's. Mi. and Mus. Oliver McCullocb andi famil>' visiteci at Orono recenlly. Mi. and Mus. Luther Brade>', Ou- ilua, bave been visillng aI Mr. S. Bra>"s. Mi. and Mus. J. Alexander, Mu. Will and Miss Frances Alexander. and Miss E. Dennis, Oshawa, vlsited aI Mi. L. C. Pascoe's. Mu. A. Niddeiy, Toronto, Mu. andi Mis. H. James, Mus. L. L. Gu>', Mus. J. James, Mus. J. Deive and Bobb>', Columbus, vîslted at Mu. J. Hep- burn's. The Ladies' Association beld the Ma>' meeting at Mis. T. Bowmen's home. Afteu singlng a bymn and îepealing the Lord's prayer, Eliza- beth Pescoe iead the bible readlng. The roIl caîl was answered wlth the name o! a spiing flower. Tbe pro- gram consisted o! a selection !îom Nina Moore Jamleson's wouk, cap- abI>' given b>' Mis. W. Ashton; and a piano solo b>' Mus. R. Ormîston was enJOYed. The meeting closed wltb a bymn andi the benediction. Mus. Bowman serveci a lovel>' lunch te the ladies.I 1 beýr-success Among Ihose f romn Oshawa who There Is an endless varlety o! attended the "At Home" ln Bew- shows aI the theatres to suit ail manville Hlgh School on Frida>' ev- tastes, but you can't always bell by enlng were Misses Brenda Waîd, the name o! bhe play' wbat lt'salal Mildred Clemence, Marlon Calla- about. Of!ten you pick on a certain ghan, Dorothy James, Dorothy play and wben you tr>' b geltiUckets Thompson, Helen Read and Phyllis the bouse fs soid eut for weeks Clements. Congratulations to Josephi M. ludat'$100 and als the Univer- Wihyte, son of Rev. and Mrs. J. M. s $90sho atP li n yea.r science WhYte o! Enniskillen who was raudat$0atQens Univerity, awarded the P. D. Ross ScholarshiP KiflgstOfl ENNISKILLEN S. S. ANNIVERSARI Enniskillen United Cburch Suri day Sebool Anniversary will be beli as !ollows: On Sunda>'. Ma>' 21st Rev. Andrew Robb o! St. Andiew, Chuîcb, Oshawa, wilî pîeach aI and 7 p. m. Singing b>' the scboc under leadership o! Miss Mai10 Ouchard, A.T.C.M. Duel b>' Meuse Alex McGregor and Eric Coombee Bowmanville. at the evening uer vice. Collections in aid o! scboc funcis. On Victoria Day, Wednesdaý Ma>' 241h, aI 4.30 p. m. supper wil be served b>' the ladies. At 8 p. m Enniskillen young people wlll pie sent a pla>' enttled "Love a I Carte." Aise the Aiteli Famil>' c Eldorado will appeau in costume giving a varied pioguam o! Hawallai music witb guitars and banjos.1 league football game scheduled fo; 6 P. m. Selina vs Enniskillen. Ai a sofîbaîl game wlll be pîayed. AI services on standard lime. Admis. sion: Adulte. tea and concert 50c tea oui>' 35c, concert oui>' 25c; chid- ren under 12, tee and concert 30c tee ou concert 20c. MOST POPULAR CITIZEN PERSONALITIES AND ahead. However, Irve been to N. Y. PLACES IN NEW YORK anything that appears on thestage, Id but I must say for the T. B. M. t, (Continued from page 1) (Tireci Business Man) the "Gay "s bds nd ildanimlsfro a an-Divorce" was aIl its title meant. 0f 2 ary toad wid aamais, frma can-o course the plot running thîough the ary 1 ad ipYou atmus aoratkb.hplay didn't rmise any wrinkles on )n odA nd yfougof ort u,.hc your foîehead, but the dancing was AS e onw form 0tsrt to u wsawhoco clever andi the singmng was good. As ýs, amek veryasthersponto a milo-for the maleless chorus, without go- 01aires, held li the 96th Street Arm lng mbt details, I would say it was YOrles. The way the polo ponies per- very rest!ul to the eyves and ears. 111 form you, would think they îead the Just as I suspected, I haven't tld ilmincis of their riders or else icnow half my story and, the space allotted Sthe rules Of tegm hmevs me in this week's issue Is taken up. My nephew, Wterg heselv s. If you can put up wlth it guess I'11 a aSerean iWAlber Plllip, who sturn this into a serial so we'll turn ) avalry, is an expert li this game, out the light and go to bed, with the e, havlng Played at varlous times on paîting phrase "To be continued z' the team captalned by that outn next week."1 )r standing American Polo player, Win- Geo. W. James ston Guest. Walter refereeci the game that night and it belng the 4 final game O! the season he was I B S N presented with a hancisome trophy BA ELN ,'for bis services as refeiee durlng---- -, the wlnber. Base Line Three Home and School Af ter cllmabing the 77 storeys <via Club met Tuesday evenlng, April 25. two elevators) of the Chrysler Build- Meeting opened wlth slnglng O ing One mornlng to get an aerial Canada, and the Lord's prayer was view O! New York we called at the repeated by ail. Minutes of lest magnifIcent Public Llbiary Building, meeting were read, and the roll cail corner Of Fifth Ave. and 42nd Street, by the secretary. Followlig pro- lo sec RalPh Cariuthers, son of Ex- gram was given: Piano solo, Master Reeve and Mis. W. H. Carruthers of Phillp Ayling; violin solo, Miss Joan tbis town. Ralph who finls a very Ayling, accompanied by Mrs. Ayling; responsible position in the Refer- Mr. W. E. Graves of Bowmanville ence DePt. bas become so American- gave a very interesting talk on the lzed wth a natty moustache and care of the garden; music was given glasses that he had bo be pointed out by the Clover Kickers' Orchestra, 10 me. However, the embarrassment town; piano trio by the Ayling f am- was mubual as he didn't recognize lly; the Clover Klckers favored wlth me either. Ralph very klndly show- more music. Lunch was served and ed us tbrough the most interesbing the meeting closed with singing God branches of the llbiary, lncluding Save the King. Mis. Roy Trull and the holy of holles where first and Miss Iva Foley had charge o! the ver>' old editions are kept under prograin. speclal guard and in a vault wbere___________ the ie curious are not permitted 10 enter. This library, which was es- MAPLE GROVE tabllshed and operated by endow- ments, is only second bo the govein- Miss Vera Shackelton, Ennisklllen, ment lsira> I Wshingon. o tespent the weekend with Miss May lxipasingI mghtinlim ou heFreeman and other f riencis. reason we dicin't go up tbe Empire Mother's Day wlll be observed next State Building, the bighest build- ing in the world, with it 100 or~ Sunda>' a!ternoon in the cburch. more storeys, not that we were afrald HQueto ea mbr oom atrounc br but that it cost twice as much as utanmbrfo aondhe the Chrysier Building charged. We attended the play' put on by Trilnty remembered the depression was still ladies on Tuesday evening andi en- on and that we had been gye joyed It very much. 20% discount on oui good Canadian Mi. and Mrs. Stuart Morton, and mioney when crossing the border. Miss Vera Power motored bo Toronto What I would like to klis l who last Friday with the former's little actually got the 20% o! my bard claughtei Norma, whom tbey 100k to earned dollars? a specialist. Mms. Morton and Miss One o! the most instructive and Vera Power remained for a week educational aflernoons was spent in with the UitIle girl. the Museunm o! Natural Histor W. M. S. beld the monthly meet- where Indians and Eskimos, also ing in the hall on Wednesday, May birds andi animais from many parts 3rd, wben they were joineci by the o! the world were cleverly displayed Mission Band, who furnished a very in Ihei native baunts. There were interesting piogram consistmng o! mammoth dinosaurus and skeletons choruses, recitations, duets, piano o! men, beasts and reptiles. We solo, and a very interesting story by rweîe particulaîly fortunate in hav- Mrs. Wol!raim. Af teiwaids the lad- ,ing as our chaperone on Ibis occas- les served re!reshments. tion my niece, Dr. Charlotte Pbillips, * a who was as well infoimed on the COURTICE ýe subjects as any professional guide ~ rin the xnuseuxn. Coming out o! the museum one o! Miss Lyla Osborne, Toronto, spent ,those lin can photographers you see the weekend at home. i aI faims induceci me te have the Mr. Ronald Courtîce, Toronto, was d boys' picture taken wbile you wait home over the weekend. aI 10c each. I got stung for when Mis. Florence Mason, Bowman- I paid for them he soaked me loc ville, iecently visited Mi. and Mis. for eacb subject in the photo. I W. R. Courtice. paid the shot and charged il up te Mr. and Mis. Chale Doubt andi experience. Those f resh city guys Mis. Albert Wilson, Oshawa, called >are always taking advantage o! us on Mis. L. J. Short. rubes f rom the country'! Mi. and Mis. Frank Rundle and I attended the New York Rotary Miss Hazel spent the weekend wlth Club luncheon at the Commodore relatives in Toronto. yHotel. The speaker was Charles Mis. Howard Flintoif and Miss Champlin (not Chaîlie Chaplin) an Florence Flintefi vislted Mi. and -acter-manager o! 30 years' exper- Mis. Olen Flintofi in Orono on Sun- lence who gave a real lnspirlng ad- day. -dress on "Sel! Control" whlch equal- Mi. Edwards, Keene, was a recent led any sermon I've llstened te Ibis visitor o! Miss Mabelle Walter and year. An amuslng incident happen- ber brothers, Messis. Frank and Bil eed aI the luncheon when Rotarlan Walter. Hariy Armstrong, author o! that Mis. C. W. Curran, Toronto, who popular barber shop melody> "Sweet was witb ber aunt, Mifs. L. J. Short, Adeline," was inbroduced te the for a couple o! weeks in ber lllness, meeting wearlng a black crepe On bas ieturned home. bis arm, as it had been repoited Mi1ýss Aura Brooks, Miss Hall, Mi. li the newspapeis he was deaci. In Ray Brooks and Mi. Wallace, Toi- the words o! Mark Twain he said onte. were weekend visiters o! Mr. the report was greatly exaggerated. and Mis, S. S. Brooks. 1 Another boyhood ambition was Sunday oui pastor, Rev. H. C. satisfled for both o! us (father and Wolfralm, delivered two excellent ison) when .we attended the opening addresses. Next Sunday will be Mo- *ball game o! the season at the Polo thei's Day service in the mornlng jGroundis wlth ail the ceremon>', sol- and in the evening there wili be a emnity and cheeiing appropriate to mother and daughter service. In ithe occasion. Banda played, Mayor the a! lernoon a special program is iO'Brien, John Curry, Tammany Hall being piepoeied and a speaker !rom -Leader, J. J. McGîaw, that Napol- Oshiawa wlll be present. i eonic basebaîl manager, and other celebieties paraded across the field On Tuesday evenlng o! last week !oilowed by players o! thbe N. y. ou young people's meeting was one Qiants and Boston Graves who ail o! speclal interest. lthe bible lesson 1stood aI attention as Old Glory was was reaci by Mi. Glen Plckell; Miss .sent alof t up the flag pole overlook- Anne Hoît book up the devotional eing the grounds. Then Mayor 0'- toplc; a vocal solo by Miss Elsle Brien had bis piclure taken tossmng Oke; a reading by Miss Louise the first baIl and the game started. Courtice; and piano solo 'by Miss Little did the Mayor o! N. Y. realile Hazel Runcile: witb a splendid ad- that the Mayor o! Bowmanville was dreas by the Rev. E.F. Aimstrong o! seated only a !ew seats behind hlm Bowmianvllle on "Passlng the SaIt" baving the lime o! bis lire Munch- made an interesting piogiaxn for tbe ing peanuts, eatlng hot-dogs and evenlng. drinkingcoo-ol wth bis.son and On Mondlay evenlng, May lst oir Silk Crepe and Celanese Blouses, in white and Pastel shades, regulai 'l1.29 $1.75 for New Chamoisette and 511k Mesh Gloves, in spring sbades, 59C , *1.OO priced New Silk Cuepe Sklrbs li senci, grey, navy, and black, 14 te 20, '2.95 for. The Evlyn Ladies' Specialty Shop (OPERATED BY LADIES FOR LADIES) Mins T. Murphy Mm'. Fr*nk 0ke Beady-to-Wear PHONE 594 Dressmaklnt Phone 1l0 Phono 852 Stop! Look! Listen! You can flot afford to overlook our new ECONOMY ALL FINISHED FAMILY s EIRIVI1c E 20 PIECES FINISHED FOR $1.00 Conditions: Bundie must consist o! aI least bal! bousehold miens; one spread onîy accepted wiIb each Iwenty pleces. Blankets, quilts, rugs, awnlngs and cutais not accepted li this service. Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning W. J. Bagneli, Agent. - - Phone 152 FRIEE!t I May 10 to 20, inclusive Paints Eniels If you bave received a circulai with coupon attached, bring it with you te this store. If flot, ask for one. We will give you your ENA E choice of either 1,ý pint of Flo-glaze Paint or 'ý4 pit o! Flo-glaze 4 hour Enamel FREE with the Purchase of meichandise at our store to the value of 50e or more. OnIy one free tin can be given e te each person. FLO-GLAZE DEMONSTRATOR Will be at oui store on Fida>', may 9th Let hlm show you whaî effective wouk and color combinations can be accomplisbed with Plo-glaze. J. W. JEWIELL Books and Stationer>' - - Paints and Wailpapers China and Radios BIG 20 BOWMANVILLE PHONE 30 HKow Do You Bguy INSURANCE On Facts or Frlendship? If you buy your insurance an facta we have something that will flot only appeal to you but will mean a saving investmnent. We have saved others dollars in their in- surance and we can save You dollars too. We give YOU adequate and saf e insurance protection at economy prices. It will pay you to bring your ifl8urance problems to us. C. H. Dudley, Agent Vire - Auto - Life Insurance Kingt St. WestBom vle Mother's Day Sunday, May 14 - Take Home Flowers - Send Flowers - Wear Flowers Flowers are abundant and reas- onable in puice. Kingsway high qualit>' and Kingsway service wlll be malntained. We can deliver te, an>' address in Canada, United States, GreatlBiltain, and otbeî countiies. Please aider early for Ibis service. Kingsway Nurseries BOWMIANVMRL Funerai Designs Nlght or Day Pbone 144 or 72 Nigbî 726_ Special Fsor Friday & Saturday Special purchase of service welght Hose, in shades of ocrebelge, chukker, dawn- giey, greylite, sungleam, andi hula, to clear 5g per pair . . . 9 2 PAIRS FOR $1.15 A few Spring Suits, clear- ing foir89 each ...... ..8 9 1 dozen Dresses to go Fr1- day and Saturday, $39 each ...........ý.39 PAGE MX