--Mfw~ THE CANADIAN STATESIUAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY l8th, 1933 PG ----- TWO HUN1DRED CHIILUREN Geen, organist and director. also or-1 ýRAILWAY TIME TABLE' NEWCASTLE STAGE SONG FEST TO ganist Simcoe Street Church. Osh- ______________________ PPRCIATVE UDINCEawa, in song service and choral sel- ections was a pleasing featu.rs cf Corrected to dat.e Mr. and Mrs. Fred McCargar, tis inspirîng service. V l ~ I 'I Canadian National Railways Moose Jaw. Sask.. arrived here last Twenty Schools Take Part in Child- Thee passed away on April 24th. EastbouI Saturday for a few days* visit wthi ren's Musical Festival at Orono - Mrs. William McLean. in her '74thi N NF 9.58 a. m. astbounlher aunt, Mrs. Chas. Coulter; lierI Mrs. D. Robb Directs Huge Group year. She was born in the township ntuies lke the presefit-Per- 3.43 p. m.Daily except Sunday uce r yCusoadohr o uiclUisMd F o ungestlargk fte l awsthe dsof financial strrngency and 10-24 P. m. Da'ly ex. Sunday. Flag. relatives, This week they went o on Mscl nt Md Y rm oungCl arke in 1860. e anwsthel constrained commer c i a 1li sm - il.02 P.m. Sunday only. Flag. to, Bellevile to visit Mrs. McCargar's Rural SchooIs liam Bradley, beirig the only sur- OV mayiescndcv ohalhWsbudseveral relativesin that city and 1msclfsia n vivmng member of a family of eight. and comfort are of a necsiy 45 . .Diàfrm hr hywî go on to O~-T eanulmsclftvln- She was united in mamrage about FLOWER ARRANGEMENT______ neglected. This neglect is flot 4.02 p. m. Daily. Flag. tawa to see their relatives and dier the direction of that energetic forty years ago to the late William wilful and fortunately, we hope. 7.37 p. m. Dally except SuLnday. fiedathecpalan cpbeprs.Ms.D al McLean (who predeceased lier about By W. E. Groves, Bowna.nville for veronewil be ecesary CandlanPacflc ailays Mr. Jacob Cobblectlck, Orono, vis- Robb, was held at Orono, Friday. two years) and a! ter their mrig ited his brother-ln-law and sister, May 5th. Schools were there rmspent the greater part of their life There are two or three general but itempmorearil. utifthere at 9.7 . .astbun Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Couch, on Mo- Enterprise, Solina, Lockhart's, Sal- i Weston. moving to Pontypooil prInciples that should be kept in oneitm mretha aothr hat 9.7 a m Dalyther's Day. em, Bethesda, Antiocli. Sixth Lie, about fourteen years ago. She is mind in the arrangement of flowers should flot be allowed to sufer 1.7a .Diy lg r n r.Nra athr Clarke Union, Starkville, Leskard, survived by one son and daughter, in the home. A number of such nelect it se sght of our noecoin 11 .40 a. m. Mixed. Tues. Thurs. Sat. Brighiton, spent the weekend with Lake Shore, Cowanville, Netnile Wallie and Jean. at home; and Mrs. considerations as tone, balance, har- Defeie sgtamt ocm Westbound Mr. Isaac andI Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kendal. Kirby and Oroiio. T. C. Bradley, sister-in-law, at Or mony and measure may enter into, promise. ~5.50 a. m. Dally. Flag. Selby and family, Mr. G. A. Stephens of Salem S0ocino.Fnrlsrie eecnut h atrbtte r neesr If you have not had a recent 3.00 p. m.Dally Miss Helen Lycett andI her S. S. had the program under vay aaf-e. by e M srviAdason 0f onuty- lthecmal forbut ordar urpses. exiato oenwd hsuggest 4.20 p. m.Mixed. Mon. Wed. Fr1. class of eight girls, accompanied by ter the singing of "0 Canada" by pol Unied hr.h, asn ofre larg- Btsm hnst eebrae thea o oei n aeyu nadTme is ajol Lcttad is uyail the classes, those schools com- 1Y attended. Interment tok place Long stemined flowers should not be eys xaifec.Shaw, enjoyed a spring hike ta peting in the singing of "The Meet- a McCrea's Cemetery. placed in very 10w receptacles. In keeping wth the times the Thompson's woods last Saturclay af- ing of the Waters" sang in turn; __________ Flowers with naturally long stems cost o! glasses is considerably ternoon, gathered flowers for Moth- the schools of Cowanville, Leskard, should not be cut short if thillus.. less-with the samne high stand- U I I F~ er's Day and partook o! a plcnic Clarke Union and Starkville show- TI ' Club effect a calla lily 100k well iths ard of examinatioli andI service. 7.iâ1J't lunch under the shade of sm ing their skill by being selected t ne I*vj trate. ais W be securk e ll .t ~f1 ~thickly growmng evergreens. go to Port Hope to compete ait the elghteen inches of stem, but that G. M. BOSNELL . The Golden Rule Mission BandI Durhamn Festival.- saine lily wOulci not be decoratively TOOTOOTOERITwill meet in the S. S. hall on Satur-, Af ter this. followed the singing o! <Continued from Page 1) effective with three or four inches TORONTO OPTOMETRIST ~~~~day o! this week, May 2th. at 2.30 Now is the Month o! Maying."o!sm.Tetîcnairssul In Port Hope Every P. m. Fi! teen schools took part and thepnu nagog t adlrm be used for long stenunediwes- - HEALTH SERVICE 0F Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard Presided at wmnners in this group were Bethes- andI yet they do wth mental i11ies and the d onanesfor tu Wednesday A ý1 ý the monthly meeting o! the W. A. o! da, Clarke Union, Leskard and Cow- RotarY Clubs can do much, the shorter'stemmedblooims. o h WednsdayTHECIATNADAND M EA. the United Church in the ~ .hl anville. For this number, Mr. Neil speaker said, toi rid the country of~ The two pictures are meant te ASSicCIATrON ANO L FEtorehursday.Mayllh Seat t~veyefceta-tlLisconcept. In theold days an ao aehn !wa apsil h eoain.Hrl n w OfeovrFOdSSee INSURANCE LOMPANIES onfl rdyatron MyIt.Seatw tevr fiin c cormpanîsN CNAD.tasylum meant a place o! refuge, but shwh th homefcontaine. p uchi areeath e SO that it ispossible ta se Port HopeHNWC.AHAFol on te'sbruin ess sein . Mrs o p rs ns o! w de experience m latterly it fas not had the sa mne wvas e s ar hoe nc areain es - h oare loersO i ee p osileowt con Office Rouis: 9 a. m. Wo 9 p. m. nGaeRsOrWTH aei heps o foesinde rshlo o interesting Program conslsting o! a school music were adjuclicators. Miss 10 anin adslum as m e thopita.sessanothmaefieIihgren he ragmnswsdncb a "Gratoak fompiano solo by miss Reita Cooke. and E. Tedd and Mr. BrethoUr o! Tor- Thea asluag s a mroup lcomitudealowers. Thecilye ee! onst b roierssioa flrtd photagraoh- _________________ "ra asfrmlittle acorns readings by Mesdames W. P'. Reg- onto. Miss Teddt. in giving the re- Telretgopcmn ne ayo hm r ildwt adntearneet a oeb grow." The huinan body develops ers, W. J. S.Rickard and H. R. sults, sidthe balance, blend. inter- mental Wdses are th.ome nîlssfld lsere are ooses oirrngemt, b essiatone. oitheyare notomeatt fro oe intecel.Itseensal Pare.~ hemeein ~enuiiaio atI ton hae ntscc pwth one side frequently higher than be copied in detail but rather t mos icrdilethat our complex he days in advance o! Mother's pretatin.thThey have god. ndtst pto the the other and the flowers f alling suggest some o! the possibilities x bodies with their highly specialized Day the thought o! this inspired the complimented those in charge on seransivetye. thosa tehose wres tissues andI organs ail have their be- selection o!f h edngMte the excellence o! the work done. sens iti gyp.the to se-d resc.i-eo teveinsieof h seo oe fw ginning in the samne single ceU. the andI Home Life being the central In the absence o! Mr. W. J. Bragg. ion simplest form o! life. theme o! each. Mrs. Cooke's group M.P.P.. Mr. T. S. Holgate o! Bow- hnteewsaohrtp The one cell, which is the begin- also served re!reshments. manville presented the prizes. Class Ten tre as nohr yp ning o! life, grows and multiplies Mrs. Percy Hare is under engage- pins wlere presented Wo the follow- which had te be overcome;, the type until it has produced the millions o! ment as leading elcutionist at New- ig rvdne Douglas Wight;:iagnhicfondmore to the r anyin - o .1 els which make up the human tonville on May 241h. and at Zion, Shaws. Brenton Rickard: Salem'f. TeyfInt happiness in their body. We do flot know what causes Hope Tp.. on June th. Margaret Irwin; Bethesda. Marie iaiain ti airadhp L~the cell te, multiply. this factor is1 The cast of! the Y. P .pa Wight; Solna Wesley Wery; Lake pmgaieorn.hemto b eapeondor he S the spark o! 111e itself. "Nancy Anna Brown's Folks," under Shore. Audrey Jaynes; Port Granby, Queen o! Sheba than it is toi get ouit Pure. As ail parts o! the body have ther the direction o! Mrs. Percy Hare, Lena Kimball; Newtonville. Jno.anI oran fc lieselte. ..rresh. P re. common origin in one ceil. 50 do played at Clarke Church on Tues- Scott; Orono. Ethel Stark; Kirby. These people had ta be taught that they remain interdependent through day evening o! this week under the Geo. Forbes; Enterprise. Pauline there was just as much enjoymnent *~ Iie elh oy i elh 1 lr in real life as there was in the im- i urlif. A ealhy bdy s helth of aspies o!ankeforiohesole beneit rsrLsad lena BaU;CLarke ail its parts. Disease in any oneoth are appointment's Wo- Uin i ovle it i.aiain E 81 ma's Assoiation part affects the whole structure. a' oito. Adele Morton; Kendal, Edith Brown;RedutntWr First on the lîst o! essential FoodI andI oxygen are required by M.at r.A .Fse nISakil.Ge imr okats The work o! readjusting these health -building foods for all body celîs. Without foodI and ex uhe-aln.Bieil.wreEns oe;AnicPtîi varied types Wo natural conditions growing youngsters should be ygen. the celîs soion perish while a weekend guesîs o! Mrs. Geo> p. Yeo; Cowanville. Dorothy Simopson; remained with the people. That was MIL K Let them have lack o! these subtances results in Rickard. Crooked Creek, Henry Burman. wYteeciishdbe tre plenty o! it wîth iheir cer- faulty growth. Miss Phyllis Clemence o! Belle- Prises for Musical Appreciation wiîh a view to preventing the in- ville public school staff. spent the essay (T7he Swan. by Saint Saens): craeo etliies t clinics eals I brkfastlime AntI The f ood we take int our mouths weekend with her parents, Mr. andIiIpmeRySot lreUin natmi1 tdytelvso h ar l tasmchasdtewnt must lie altered before it can lie Mrs. T. H. Clemence. 2nd prize-Ruby Parker. Solina. patients is made, so thaithe school atmel tie nt btwen used. This change begins in thej Mr. andI Mrs. J. H. Ragen andI Special prizes were won by Hasel and community contacts may be meals! mouth where the food is mixed with daughters. Toronto. spent Mother's Martin, . eskard: Eileen Morgan, understood. It is these clinios that Make sure though, that saliva. and the process o! digestion Day with Mrs. John Douglas. Kirby; and Gladys Ogden. Crooked are o! ten misuniderstood. People do it is Bowmanville Dairy starts with certain changes in the Warden W. F. Rickard. Reeve o! Creek. not realize that they are ta prevent Milk from a herd fuliy starchy f oods. The presence o! foo the village. will officially open the mental_____________Ifa__________ accredited. We'Il deliver in the mouth ORONO h fo f aebl eao i ewatl n othache they went tai a dentisi t that kind to your door -saliva. Because o! past associations. WednesdaY afternoon. May 3lst. _____or________f_______dsese B RG IN EX UR IO daüiy. the sight or smeil o!f food has the when the Newcastle baîl team wiîî * onrlme.i they ttoa had ise-ans sieeffect andI il is a fact that our play ils opening gamne in the Lake (From The News, May 11) wh tonsl they nt ot a hysncan.l ACROSS THE LAKE - VICTORIA DAY mosa whyy atshoulte stheySoreotaggowh10 camrmentalh BRow m an'ville or smell o!f00.wtraftoogtd hr egu hc omssOh. Mr. James andeMiss Viola ciiml- health clinic if theY are mentailyW eesy, M y 2 t awa Bomanill, ewcstl, Prtlan. Toronto, wrehome over Sun- as physical health sanimeporejun- D iyThe saliva flot only sots as a di- Hope andI Cobourg. Dr. S. E. St.acey W deday, a r2 t gestive luid butildalsoaissolvesthe whllagain maagetthe ewcasll D ai r getiv flid ut t aso isslvesthewil agin anae te Nwcatle Miss Dorothy Wannan. Toronto, ice againat People mentally sick MELK - CREAM - BUTTER food and s0 makes it easier 10 swal- team, the personnel o! which, unlike is visiiing relatives and f riends here. must lie broken down. Phone 46 or70310w. In addition, the saliva keeps some o! the high paid professionial Mr. H. N. Joy. Toronto. was a re- A greai deal o! mfental sickness is only $ 1L,2 5 returti(CHILDREN) Phn 4 r73the mouth dlean andI lubricates the te8.X1i5 will be pretty much the same cent *weekend visitor with his bro- due Wo the fact that people are able 6eOL parts. A dry mouth la uncOmfOrt- as last year. o«cpthisuesbtntter able and interferes wth speech. MrFedTeaenhsivtd ther-in-law. Mr. Oc,..5ott. tocetthisuesbtnoter Mr. red relavenhasinveted Mr.andI Mrs. Hunier o! Lakefleld failures. Failures unhinge the mind Passing downi the gulet. the foodI in a new horse andI had it delivered were weekend visitors with hier par- andI they turn to the subcosious C obourg to.R oche ster N. Y. reaches the stomach. The stamach !rom Toronto to his summer estateensMranI r.W.J o n as a way oui o! iheir trouble. If- als wtes a te igt atI.snel hreanI ow r.Chs.Rogerson. Mr. andI Mrs. Stan. Seymour o! those troubles are brought t th STEAMER SCHEDULE - STANDARD TIME o! food, andI as a resuli o! the taste in addition 10, his duties as headTrotweewkndvsoswihporplctey ilbeepd.frRtrng o! hefoo in the moutheGstrich teuice arenerr forM.teeave. eom his parents. Mr. andI Mrs. George troubles shared are always lessened. Going: Rtrig els cis nueeforerey in the stiohn.he!euryo teett.Seymour. We eperaieta etlLeave Cobourg .8.00 a. m. Leave Rochester- 5.45 p. m. cotiueth pocsso!diesio. Announcing the opening o! "The~ Mrs. McElroy, Keîth andI Margar- clinics are as necessary as physical Arrive Rochester. 1.45 p. m. Arrive Cobourg - 11.30 p. m. fluid w ss h atic i aci the oeIls lining aste Madye2nec on doo ew-ieo! Peterboro. spent Sunday a i er ciis hn n hnolwl h Low prices for meals on steamer - Breakfast 50c, Lunch the stomauidwhch isare cap l parents'.stlMr.ayantI Mrsnd D. Nobleofterrible increase in mental cases be aC Ot \anhesoahaecpbeo! resist- main corner, operaled by Lois M. MainSrentM. adM .Nbe steiTilTed. and Dinner 75c each. Also Lunch Counter Service. 'o . cing the effeots o! this acid fluitI. Wilson. haMainda or RoSiatFr.ecevenexres Ample f ree motor parking space at steamer dock at Cobourg. 0% ~~~T nor mal stomnach is acid or sour. The Go-îo-Sunday-School Day Mrs.nof h neyw earo eîdne the thanks o! the club ta the Purchase Tickets from Local Canadian National Agent or at Steamer 5 ae 1Tere flow o! gastric juice is inter- program arranged by the O). R. E. C.lon Po!k teeFat. eronrsec speaker for his very informativeO TA O C R FE Y C M A Y all%0O1qt%1- here wilh by emotional upsets. This for use on Mother's Day was loey TeMssres lln Church Sireetý address.ON A I C R FE Y C MP Y et pff ïsone reason why unpleasant or ir- !ollowed by the United Churcli Sun- have erected a neally designed gr Previous toi the address Secretary riatngsbjct soldno b en dy coo lt t rguarsssonlatL. W. Dippeil introduced the visîbors COBOU RG- ROCHESTER STEAMSHIP ROUTE < 5 tioned ai meal-time. There is some Sunday afternooin. Superintendeni grpaigteodbr t h h eePeietW .Mmhn(-5 truth in the saying-"Laugh andI Thos. A. Rodger conducted the ser- rear o! their residence.an Ke ogts fPrtHp grow fat."' Pleasant conditions aI vice and Miss Mary Clemence pre Mr. John Tamblyn has been chos- anub;GoKen Hogeto!r t Hopd e meal-time do promote good digest- sided at the piano. Miss Evelyn AI- e as udeMo 241h btt e t g -andI Dr. Wes. Langmaid o! the Osh- ion Tli gvea eadng Hw he bl~bridge Spring Fir, May 4hben rom hestmlinte ooIgasest e omeanfor unor teboys, his !ourth consecutive year ta of_ awa Club; andI Principal J. H. John- Fro te toac te oo ips Alhen.meCa four nortIbosrRoss ficlate stan andI Robi. McLeotI of the Pub- -__________ to the intestines where digestion isAln.Cr isher,.aodHa andI compleled. andI the foodI absorbed Donald Jose, o! Mrs. Irwin Colwill's Mr. George Morton, who has been lic School staff. C. J. Scott o! the conflned 10 his rooiTiai his !ather's High School staff; andI Capi. M. Is- and carried In the blood stream aIl class, collected the offering. Mr. W. here, Mr. Ed. Morion, since his sec bester. over the body la nourish every cell Ross Strike. Bowmanvifle, gave the cdn !a!wwesaowe i Rotarian Tom Holgate led in the main address andI after payîng a îeg was badly torii by a circular sawcmulysnigadrnee Quesion_______________ad-____________ othrs f te lln ashsreturedne , is1ome hish vcome.l, SixtReghGvocalth TeOlo! the People.-Many oils dressed toi the Canadian Medical andI poinling oui how children can Uine. piano. Mr. Conani asked for the Te ilAssociation, 184 College Street, Tor- besi serve andI honor their mothers r.M yBalg wosetheuprtfteBwanieCubt have come andI gone, but Dr. Thom- onto. wil be answcred personally jby andI flîl their years with peace andtinMmtry al l agh hoe n t ritheiupport o! t ryoaonCu a as' Ecleciric 011 continues 10 main- letter. happiness. hie continued toiholtI the wierwnth h ler rdauho ari.71h andI 8ih. andIPresident Mc- tain ils position andI increase ils rapt attention o! aîî present as l ermno e eunhme tlMhno10r oease upr sphere o! use!ulness each year. Its unfolded the stery. with its fin Guelphi l spending a couple OorMao p or eigto as he sPport sterling qualities have broughi it 10 Why sufer needlessly? Douglas' moral, o! the greai stone face in the weeks wlth her brothers, Messis. forpalubenu on by 2th 3th Por the front andI keptitI there, andtit Egyptian Liniment brings quickmuan. John andI Alex Henry o! ihis tow op CubonM3 91. 0t at can truly be calletI the oil o! the sure relief 10 scald feet, sofi crns mu is andI sisier. Mrs. Cooper. Sixth Line:s. people. Thousands have beneftted andI warts. Relieves inflammation. Miss Florence Haw. R. N.. o! the by it andI would use no other pie-1 Removes proud flesh. HARD TIMES PARTY staff o! the Provincial Hospital, OBITUARY- paratioii. HL TELHR Whiîby. is spending the weekend i j _ _- .G U U D HC McMaster University. Hamilton, the A score o! cilszens aitended the occasion being the annual re-union Mrs. Henry Ellilot. Ellzabethville seod nua ar imspat gv nAI ininer o!if healumni o! ihat rmÀ uc drvn esn with more confidence un ters. ue i.. iie uof.r7Ma- Bwanlle57yar goanIhe VU 5fl- &sinSe drvi~ eaoAsthma is Torture. No uone Nwho parades *in the hito 0!ofthe iMas- goci ou t. 457b-iu (28 x 4a7d) - -o7.60 I u wtait oref. hsnigapdào beihlate o-9nc0rer.«tistwowsutgt.usan rTeehishrlaiSe- onei sd19(9 5telle55~ otll y hsnt gspd or rethin hepo- oicOrer n histon as owedhusSn pedetaedherlat Sp- mein nd(2 x .7)w - 61 L WE e o! sthm knos wht suh su- Sunday a!ternoon we h rt-tme.Sh a ntt hrh Jointhe Sllver. 5.8aétSi INUEEEYHNfering s Thoasands do know. how- ren o! Orono Lodge, A. F. & A. M. member. Mrs. Ogden la survived by Lon aet vr _____________ever, !romn experlence how immeas- No. 325, attended divine service ai four datighters, Mrs. S. G. Hooper. GLdfeS&Pi rable is the relief provided by that Park Street Chrch. Rev. W. J. H. Beverley HUs, Cali., Mrs. C. A.Gud.P. marvellous preparation, Dr. J. D. Smyth. pastor. delivered an elo- Dates, Bridgeport, Conn., Mrs. C. H. J. J. M ASON & SON Kelogg's Asthma encdy. For quent and inspirlng atdiresas ap Courier,. Detroit. andI Mrs.fNorman . . K sevre ctas es.Ifyo re a sffeer te "ot PleGometsoNay htur e ntI th ersM, PartHe;. and G. .sonstI EP ON71 Insurce n lncesbrachs.aIvre ass.sf obrreanches. "Te leUPERToENtur Td teERVICEacter STATIONH.an KING STREET PHONE 50 BOWMANVILLE do flot delay a day ln securing this Symmetry o! LUfe." Masonle choir Thomas o! Detroit, andI C. M. of! UETS EVC TTO HN 3 remedy f rom your drugglBt. o! Temple Lodge, Oshawa, R. T. Port Hope. 'a lh A,