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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 May 1933, p. 1

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f t T e~4rn~b1Lr VOLUME 79 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY l8th, 1933 NUMBER 2 r. - i - * 9r Smart Cadet Corps Make Fine Showing at Annual Inspection - Charles Spencer and Ray Gives Win Principals' Prizes "A wonderful improvement is not- ed this year over previous years," wàs the verdict o! Capt. M. Isbeste'r, Military District No. 3, Cadet In- spection Officer, after lie had in- specteci the Bowmanville Public and Higli School cadet corps on Friday. Citizens who witnessed the two in- spections appeared to agree witli Capt. Isbester and one heard many remarlis on the splendid showing of both corps. The public achool inspection was lield on Friday morning and des- tPite cold winds and tlireaterdng rain quite a number turned out to wit- ness the event. The Public School corps had been under the supervis- ion of Mr. Robt. McLeod and lie had made splendid use of the time at his disposal in developing a dlean cut and smart group of boys. Russell Halîman made a fine Corps Commander and lie was ably as- sisted by the followling officers, Pla- todn Lieutenants, Charlie Spencer, Jimmy Martyn, Alton Richards and John Westnutt, and Platoon Serg- eants, Jack Rice, Don Waddington, Gordon Martyn and Bob Wilson. Ross Hennings was Drummer. The boys. made a splendid show- lng in the various drills and forma- tions and following the inspection Capt. Isbester highly commended the offilcers and boys on their work. He saw considerable improvement over last year and above aIl saw the riglit spirit exhibited in the exer- cises. It was interesting to note that flot one member of the School Board was present at this inspection. with the eqteption of Mr. C. H. Dudley, sec- retary-treasurer. Mr. Fred Cryder- man, cliairman of the Board, ab- sented himself on doctor's orders due te a bad cold. Capt. Isbester selected No. 3 Pla- toon.. commanded by John Westnutt. as the best platoon on parade. and Charlie Spencer was awarded Prin- cipal J. H. Jolinston's special prize f or the smartest boy on parade. B. H. S. Inspection There was another large turnout -f citizens in the a! ternoon when the cadet officer inspected the Higli School1 corps. This corps showed even more' marked improvement than those of the Public scliool and (Continued on page 6) BOWMANVILLE IWINS FIRST SOCCER GAME The Soccer Football League got under way on Saiurday night when Bowmanville journeyed te Enniskil- len for thse opening game. The two "ýeams were remarkably well match- éd, but lie superior combination playing o! the Bowmanville aggre- galion broughl them a well earned 3-0 victory. Arthur Hockel, the lo- cal star centre forward. scored al iliree goals. As la usual ihroughoul the season the wkiole neigiborhood iurned oui to thse game and were amply repaid by a splendid display o! Great Brltain's national winter game. Oas Tuesday night Courtice jour- neyed to Soliaasnd defeated the home team by a 2 te 1 score. Bowmanville plays its fiast home game wilh Courtice at the B. H. S. Campus on Saturday, May 201h, ai 6.30 p. m. standard trne. From above results botli have good fast teas. GENERAL MOTORS DEALER Roy Nichois o! Courtice, well known automobile dealer, wio lias been appointed by General Moters Corporation as agent for Chevrolet. Pontiac, Olds- mobile, McLaughlin-Buick. and G. M. C. Trucks in Bowmanville District. Mr. Nichols' territory will extend f rom the ciiy limita o! Oshawa te Newcastle, and will in- lude Bowmanville. Clarke, Dar- lingion and Cartwright. His Bow- manville headquarters for sales and service will be ai Harold Clemens' Garage. Bowmanville Music Study Club was well represented as guests o! the Oshawa Club las_île Moter City on Thursday night when tliey en- joyed a splendid musical and social evening. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Bennett cele- brateci their tenili weddlng anniver- sary on Tuesday evenlng. May 9th, when a few relatives, f riends and neiglibors were present. The tables were pretily decorated wiih flowers and three-storey wedding cake ad- orned the centre o! île table. Mr. ansd Mms. Bennett recelved several bouquets o!f fowers and other use! ul presents. Af ter all lad partaken o! a deliclous ýupper the evening was spent las music and a sociable clii- chat. R.alpli Ames, 14 year old son o! Mr. and Ma-s. Jesse Ames, Carlisle Ave., met with an unfortunate ac- cident on Saiurday a! ternoon wheni lie rifle le was carrying was aci- dently discliarged and lie recelved lie builel in his foot. Ralpi liad been liunling out near Happy Val- ley wlien tic accident occurred. He waa taken to Dr. C. W. Slemon'a of!- f ice f rom where he was taken te the hospital wliere an X-ray was taken. which showed the bullet lmbedded in tie bone o! lis foot. It la likely tiat lis doctor will let the alot re- main in lis foot. RalpIs, or as lie la better known by lis buddies las lie Boy Scout, Trail Rangera and ai the Higli Sehool, "Zike" or «"Sally" liad spent the morning selling ap- ples in the Boy Scout Campalgas. As soon as tic accident became kasown lie received many visitera and is room at the Isospital on Sunday was tie centre off attraction for scouts, irail rangers and friands. Town Public Schools Honor Rol Below are publislied thse honor Wilson, Velma Woodward. Rachl rolis o! the Central and South Ward Wright, Helen Virlue. Public Sehools o! Bowmaasville. The Senior 3rd names are las alphabetical order and Canice AIder. Dorolhy Bickell, not las order o! mca-t. This wll be Madeline Calver, Florence Calver, île final report before tie midauni- Chiarles Cartwrighit, Irene Casbourn, mer examinations report at thse end Harold Casbourn. Mary Childs, Aud- o! June. rey Comalock, Byron Crawford, Har- old Crook. Leslie Darcli, Lois Em- Senior 4th mtl. Blain Ellioti, Harvey Gibson. Dorothy Bradt, Donald Cameron, Evelyn Harnden. Chas. Hoar. Mabel Earl Clark, Louis Dewell. Jack Dunas, Harris, Beatrice Kembring, Lenke ]Betty Edger, Owen Fagan. Helen Koren, Marion Kasox, Georgen.a Foater. Tommy Gatchal. Helen Lambros. Jean Logan. Shirley Mars- Glanville. Ieleen Haliman. Marlon den, Carol Martyn. Marlon McDon- Hammi, Frances Hearl, Pansy HOOP aid, Milford McDonald, Donald Mc- er, Ruths Ives, Dorothy Jones. Dor- ilveen, Marjorie Morris, Doris Moses, othy Kasox, Fred Lapien, Ruths Lo- Irene Murray, Kay O'Neill, Elva gan, Mary McAlilter. Jean McMui- Potter. Tom Relider, Dorolhy Smale, han. Betty Pingle, Ina Roberts, Mar-1 Norma Searle, Kitty Storey, Kenneil ion Scott, Eric Swlndells. Ila Sutton, Sumeraford. Roy Swindells, Celia Chas. Spencer, Getrude Wagar' Tait. Alan Tamblyn, Elleen TiomP- Donald Waddingtorn Margaret Wood. son.' Doarothy Varcoe Ruths Virtue. Junior 4th Ernest Ward. Diana Whecler, Eva Marie Allison, Kathleen Blunt. Welsli, Louis Wiseman. Helen Brooking. RalpIs Cole, Leon Junior 3rd Connors. Jack Colville. Jim Crombie, Hazel Aider. Dorothy Buttonshaw, Ruth Cryderman. Marlon Davies, James Clark, Gerald Coulter. Donnie June Drew, Ries Drcw, Terry Dus- Ca-aser, Marion Dudley, Patricia tan, John Grahanm, Dorothy Haiti- Dustan. Ethel Donogiue. Patricia den, Marorie Henderson. LjoulSe Emmett. Frank-Foley, Rachel Hilder- Hobbs. Elale Flint, Hazel Flint. Thco- îy, Douglas Ja.ckman. Ruthi James. dore Lambros. Arthiur Lewis, Lucy Oscar Jassen, James Kennedy, Lyle Marlon Martin. Edward Mill- James Knsox, Violai Lark1n. Bob son, George Morris. Bruce Multon, Lambourne. Mark Lambourne, Jack Dorotiy Nickerson. Lionel Parker, Lenhardt. Marlon Mahood, Tomimy Leslie Phillilps, Veda Purdy. Edith Martin, Gilbert Mdllveen, Dlbert Richards. Ronald Richards. Helen McQuarrie, Grîgg Morden, Peggy Rundle, Edua Sheelian, Kathleen Moses, Jean Pattinson, Bobby Pur- Sisson, Leonard Somercales. Chas. dy. Ruth Purdy, Barbara Relider. Somerscales. Paul SYnion, LeRoy Sidney Rundle, Mary Spencer. Ar- Shorti. Russel Bliortt, Bil Tait, Ol- ive Ward, Helen Williams, Patricia (Coatlnued ons page 6) Helci on Tuesciay Local Branches. of Wom- en's Institute Enjoyed Fellowship Meeting at Hampton - Mrs. W. G. Towriss of Athens Was, Speaker It was a very happy idea o! the Women's Institute Branches in Dar- lingtoas and Cartwright to unite for the summer meeting whlcl was lield on Tuesday a! ternoon at Hampton. Members f rom Bowmanville, Tyrone, Blacksiock, Nesileten, Solina and Hampton were present and enjoyed a very pleasant a! ternoon tegether. Mrs. W. W. Horn, President o! île Hampton brandi, presided. The meeting opeased witl tlie In- stitute Rally Song, composed by Mrs. Towriss, (the speaker of the aftemnoon). This was followed by "0 Canada," Miss Horn presidmng at the piano. Ali joir.ed in repeating thse Lord's prayer, a! ter whicli Mrs. John Baker, Solina, sang a spring- tixne song tliat greatly pleased lier listeners. The speaker o!filie a! ternoon, Mrs. Wm. G. Towriss o! Athens, Ont.. wio lias a very pleasing voice and manner, la eniliusiastic ansd bubbling over with information o! a practical nature witli plenty o! humor and common sense te, make lier address intensely interesting. The subject chosen was "The Ideal Member of the 'Member's Ideal.- Deallng witki the first part.,ase named and emphasized. the f ollow- ing attributes o! a Women's In- stitute member, wb.idh miglit apply equally well to, members o! all Women's societies - Individuality, Deliberation, Entliusiasm, Apprecla- tion and Loyalty, the f irst letters o! each word give tlie word Ideal whicli should be ecd member's mottoi Dealing with tIse latter part o! lier subjeci, skie based it on the four-fold life as suggested by Jesus Christ, the mental, plysical, moral and social 111e o! womankind. A pleasing piano duet was ren- dered bY Mrs. G. Campbell and Miss Newell o! Blacloetock. Mrs. Towriss then gave a short talk on "Eat it Up, Wear it out, and Make It Do," recently given lin the Homemaker's Page o! tIse Globe. (Contlnued on page 5) Distinguished Clerics WilI Address Gatherings -1 Laymen Will Meet in St. Paul's Church and Main Conference at Trinity Monday, May 29th 2.00 p. m.--Settlement Committee meets. Tuesday, May 30th 10.30 a. m.-Clrisiau Education Commlttee meets. 4.00 P. m.-Openasg Service, Ser- mon, Rev. Ueo. A. Mdlntosh, M.A., D.D. Holy Communion, coasducted by Rev. T. E. Holllng, B.A., D.D. 8.00 p. m.-Public Session, Address Rev. Richard Roberts, D.D., Toronto. Wednesday, May 31st 9.30 a. m.-Devotional Service, Rev. J. R. P. Scîster, M.A.. D.D., Toronto. 10.30-Organizaion o! Conference. Transfer Commitiee Report. Minutes o!filie Executîve. Receptlon o! Deputaions froni Town Council, Miniaierlal Association. etc. 2.30 p. m.-Reference o! malter te Committees. Meeting o! aIl Session- al Committees. 8.00 p. m.-Public Session, World Service Night. Addresses, Rev. Pet- er Bryce. D.D.; Rev. D. N. McLach- Ian, D.D. Thursday. June lat 9.30 a. m.-Devoional Service. Rev. Trevor Davies, B.A., D.D., Tor- onto. 10.30-Special discussion on Evangeliani, introduced by Rcv. Jas. Semple. B.A., D.Tli.; Leader, Dr. Me- Lachian. 2.30 p. m.-Missionary and Main- tenance Oommlttee Report. Dr. Bryce. 3.40-Greetinga f rom île Bay o! Quinte Brandi, W.M.S., Mrs. Caracallen. Whitby. 4.00-Confer-i ence Memorial Service. 6.30-Lay- men's Banquet. Rev. Hl. W. Avison, D.D.. Toronto. Friday, lune 2nd 9.30 a. m.-Devoional Service. Rev. Henry Mick, B.D.. S.T.D. 10.30 -Christisas Education Report. 11.30 -Home Missions Report. 2.30 p. m.-Foreigns Missions Re- port. Rev. A. E. Armstrong, M.A., D.D. 4.00-Presentation o! Stud- enta recommeasded for ordination. 8.00 p. m.-Public Session. Christ- ian Education, Addresas. Rev. Frank Langford, B.A., D.D.; Principal Wal- ter T. Brown,.MMA., Pi.D., Victoria Coliege. Saturday. lune 3rd 9.30 a. m.-Devotlonal Service. Rev. R. Lorne McTavlsli, D.D. Sunday, lune 4th 11.00 a. m.-Ordinsation Service. Sermon. Rcv. T. E. HoflIng, B.A., (Contlnued on page 6> COWMUNITY PICNIC ABANDONEÜ FOR 1933 The Picnic lsoff. At ameet lng of the Business Men's As- sociation in the Balmoral Ho- tel on Tuesday nit the ga- thering unanniously declded that in vlew of the many ac- tivities now belng sponsored by the Association lt was flot wlse to go on with the.plcnic whlch was set for July l9th. The Association is spending several hundred dollars ins laylng out the new bail dlamond on the higli school campus, is spon- soring the Lakeshore League Bowmanvllle team, and wilU likely sponsor both Soccer Football and a towns Hardball league. These activlties willl require the services of the Business Men throughout the summer and tliey ,would not have the time to eadequately prepare and ruas the picnic. ALONG MAIN STREET Kingsway Nurseries aasd Bagnell's Flower Sliop report excepiionally good business on Saturday due te Mother's Day. Kerslake's Drug Store la featurlng a 2 f or 1 Nyal Sale this week. You buy one article aud get anoiler o! the sanie klnd free. * * * 0 Naborhood Shoe Store reports very gratifying business lasi week as a result o! their openlxsg announce- ment in The Siateaman. * 0 0 a Charlie Coyle, tle genlal and ar- istocratic Main Street Slioe Shine proprietor, has moved his skioe beau- ty parlor te J. W. Knlglit's block. * s* *s k.ortlicutt & Smith, have a real bedtime story in their store news this week wlien they offer a seveas- piece bedrooni suite for lesikian $60. We notice tIsai Bob Corbeti, son o! our worthy baker and President o! the B.B.M.A., la home for the suni- mer holidays f rom Emmanuel Col- lege, Toronsto. * * * M His many frIends n e.usýomers are pleased tosee Hai¶' Rice' keep- ing falrly regular hours mornlng and a! terasoon ai lis hardware store a! ter monilis o! serlous iliness. The Evlyas Slop la featuring tkie new Swagger FrYocks for May 24tli wear. Polo Coats, whicki are among thie seasons' smartest innovations, are also included las their advt. this week. Harry Allias put las a large stock o! field and garden seeds this year and lias liad a remarkably large sale for tkiem. Harry knows good seed and guarantees thse quality of ahl seeds lie seils. Herb Jamieson, Dominion Tire and Willard Battery dealer in the Siaiesman Block, la extending kils service to moteriata by installlng this week las front o! kils shop twin Culies Service gas pumpa. Ueo. E. Chase, manager o!fikie Public Utilities Skiop. says as a re- suit o! the f ree installation o! Hydro heaters a lot o! folks ln tewas are going te be constantly kept las hot water and at very little cosi. Anotier well known finm opens ibis week for business las Bowman- ville. Breslin's who have conducied a dry goods. clotlilng and footwear store las Orono lave leased Miss Harasden'a shop, wesl o! Martyn's Bowling Alley. "Cavalcade" thie great Britishi pic- turc, la coming to the Royal Thieatre a week f rom Monday. Tuesday and Weduesday. This Is yet another o! a really great series o! talking pic- tua-es that have and wUll be plsylng lie Royal Theatre. Tommy Rosa, manager o! tie Royal Theatre, says liaI lie neyer feit beiter la si life tisas since ha has been liandling a ahovel daily las drecting tic lay out o! the new basebaîl f ield at the B. H. S. camp- us. Better keep ai it Tommy for lie good o! your ieallh. Goodycar employeca are working longer hours tisas lhey have for moatls. wlich 5 yct another slgn Ihat better tumes arc comlng slowly but surely. Speaking o! Goodyear remînds us tiat this company starts a big tire advertising campalgn las The Statesman liais week. Ins tie Congoleum Rug Conteat at Nelsons Store, tiree ladies. Miss Borea Murdoif, Mra. Dean Hodgaon and Mrs. H-. J. HaUlowell, guessed tie neareat te the correct number. Thcy guessed 3333 and île correct number was 3335. To dedîde s wln- ner asoilier draw will be ield by the ladies. If you fail to se Allan Kaight, the Beau Brummnell and silver ioased Baritone, las Couci. Johnsaton & Crydermas's store tuis weekcasd it la because lic las been keeplng teo late houa-s. He was slnglasg ait the Music Festival at 11.15 dayllght savlasg lime on Wednesciay. We haven't any Idea wiait the tume was when he reached home, Durh'amn Musicians 1 Durh'amn County Apple Ulossom T our Vie for Honors at Port Hope Festival Second Annual County Fes- tival Gets Under Way at Port Hope With Recordi List of Entries - Bow- manville Contestants Suc- cessful Durhiam County's second annual Music Festival got under way at Port Hope on Wednesday morning with practically every municipality represented. Froni the flrat day's results there is no doubt thai the festival will be an even greater suc- cesa than it was lasi year when it was in Bowmanville. The festival this year la composed of contesta in classes composed o! piano solos, vocal solos, achool choruses, duets, quartettes. recitations. violin solos. folk dancing. In these classes 187 entries were received, an increase o! nearly 50%' over lasi year. The fes- tival la continued today and will close on Friday nighi witki a grand concert ai whicli ail finit prize win- ners will take part. This concert will be Iseld in the United Churcli ai Port Hope and will be well wortki journeying te hear. Mr. P. Kennedy, Toronto Conservatory o! Music is adJudicator. and Mrs. Jessie B. White o! Toronto is festival secre- tary. Both Mr. Kennedy and Mrs. Whie will be remembered as hold- ing the sanie positions ai the f es- tival in Bowmnanville last year. Mr. Kennedy's helpful and constructive criticlani is again proving one o! the higlilights o! the festival. Wednes- day's resulta were: Býoys Unchanged Voices-1. Gor- don Leameas, Orono; 2, Francis Col- lins, Port Hope; 3, Douglas Thomp- son Port Hope. Piano solo. 11 years and under- 1, G. Tamblyn. Orono; 2. Reita Cooke. Newcastle; 3, Olive Ward, Bowmaasville. Girls' solo. under 16 years-Fin- allats- Beatrice Hammn, Orono; Jes- aie Archibald, Port Hope. Lillian Naylor, Bowmanville, Helen Foster, Bowxnanville. Jean Shields, Ida. Rural Sckiool part song-1, Stark- ville S. S. 2; 2, Clarke Union. Rural ScIsool chorus, unison - 1, Étarkville, Miss M. Green. teacler, Clarke Union, Misa M. Archer, tes- cher. Will 6e Sponsored 6y Business Men TO CONFIRM C CLASS Rt. Rev. Derwyn T. Owen, D. D. Lord Bisliop of Toronto, who will? conflrm à class of 18 candidates at St. Johin's Anglican Churcli on Sunday morniasg next. This will be Bishop Owea's first official visita to Bowmanville since kils consecra-r tion as Bishop of the largest dio-a cese in Canada and lie will be ac-t corded a reception and address by the churcli wardens prevlous to1 the service.1 Considerable interest was evinced in the recent contest conducted by the Hydro electric division of the Public Utilities Commission, in whichj customers registered guesses on the total number of lampa inside a huge wire cage displayed in the Hydro Shop wmndow and the total voltage o! these lamps. The correct figures were 336 lamps and 14,400 volts. Prize winners were: lst. Mrs. Tho. Hayes, who guessed 337 lamps and 13.480 volts, and won an electrlc ~sandwich toaster; 2nd, Mrs. W. R. Strike, who guessed 333 lamps and 13,480 volts, and won a toaster stove; 3rd, R. J. Tkiompson, who guessed 307? lumpsanaad 13,815 vqts, awonbaeradiho gess4 34 an 4tando aasd rwoa ro lamp;andM4tumpsLan 12,980 volts, and won a smail table lamp. -~~~o 1 0 à m ~ I Rotary Club Mlears rmlea to break L)OWfl Conception of Shamne in Mental lllness Dr. Stanley Montgomery of' Mrs. A. Newson, Waukeegan, Il- Ontario Hospital, Whitby, linosg and son JimmY, have been Spoke on Friday on "The Wellilngtons Street. Needof M nta Hygene The Newcastle Players. under the Needof Mnta Hygenedirection o! Commander A. B. Main- Progams"waring, presented their well acted Programsand well directed play "Bardell vs -- Pickwick" f rom Dickens'* Plckwick Urging Rotarians te take an aci- Papers, on Monday and Tuesday ive part las breaking clown the Pre- nigîts ln St. John's Parlsh Hall. The judice against mental hospitals, and plsay was produced under tle aus- in discarding the supposed shame pices o! the Menss Club o!fikie chur- o! mental disease. Dr. Stanley Mont- ehi and the proceeds are te be used gomery. o! thse Ontario Hospital ai te provide thse Suasday sckiool acliol- Wkitby, addressed the Rotary.Club ars wltli a plcnic ibis summer. The liere on the subJect o! tIse "Need Statesman's Newcastle correspond- for a Mental Hyglene Program." ent very ably reporied this presen- Dr. Montgomery, wlo was iro-itation wlien it was given in New-. duced by Dr. C. W. Slemon, stated casile and noiliing could be added thai île Departmeast o! HealtIs lad that could improve on the opinions been trying te interest citizens lin expressed by the capable Newcastle thse matter o! mental hyglene for the scribe. pasi f ew years. A recent survey of our mental hospitala revealed that at thse present rate o! increase in B o s o r * mental patienta there would soon 171 JYLTouOM a be needed expenditures o! $3.500.000______ in buildings and $350.000 las annual maintenance. The survey aise re- vealed that one-tenili o! 114o! tie -.NE people o! the country were mentally ---------- sick. Ias the 11 mental liospitals in' Ontario there were 20N0 admissions B ENTý annually, and 400 in Whitby alone. COP.NE R The work accomplished in tie lios- BErmESDA 5C.HOOI. pialis l worthwhile for a great 1ILE many go home after brie! stays etl- er fully or partially cured. As an CMY instance Dr. Montgomery told o! one OF case o! a man mentally ill for 10 ONEL years who had recovered and re- turning te work had accumulated by kils own effort a fortune o! $10,- 000..t The great expeasse o! runningz these hospitals bringa te our minds h& the need of prevention more thant cure. That is why the mental lealili c. clinica have been established, but the barrier o! public alame must beTrwç t broken dowas before iliey become cto successf ul. Dr. Montgomery divlded mentalCSHO troubles Into two classes, mental 111- TOWN 0r nesa and mental defedi. There were OMNII 20 kinds o! mental illness, but these could be divlded ite 3 groupa or M conditions, lst, organic brain dis- I'.~ $BAE ease, 2nd, polsonlng, and 3rd, re- *, , CAMP action to environnient. AIl these are preventable. The greatesi trouble la not how- ig ever the mental slckness as the CEM'ETER/ ahame that lias gone wltk i . It la hlgh time tuis feeling o!faliame was muh20Acec dlscarded. People must be made tebow 20 ce realize that mental and physical ill- The above tour, arranged by Th. ness are mudli the same. They muai wlll be adopted by Business Men o realize that the delirium o! a per- son mentalli lla sJusi thc saie s tour this year. The route covers thse delirium o! a person ilU wth try lu Ontario. Indications poin tpaeumonla. No one would thlnk o! Week being held f!rom May 28tht anyilngshaefu lasa prsos ~ the district are asked to Invite 1he cOantinued on pfge B) district during blossom. wcek. Malce Decision at Monthly Meeting - Basebail Com- mittee Reports Generous Donations Towards New Diamond 1< s o c ix E E t] s] 'I t: r a q f. c t c r c i a r a t I Bowmanvlle Business Men grac- >usly declined the offer o! thie 051- iwa Chaanber of Commerce to co- cperate in an Ontario-Durham 'ouasty Apple Blossom Tour start- Lg next week. On the contrary, the Business Men will coasduct their own Blossoni Tour on the sanie basis as tat which The Statesman lias sponsored in the past two years. 'lie sanie route will be adopted and te Business Men wiil lay out thie route witli the direction cards. This decision was reackied a! ter an exhaustive discussion o! the question and it was the generai feeling that to co-operate witli the Oshiawa body would apoil the local tour in view o! thie fact tliat the Oshawa and Whitby Districts can- nt boast tlie-ares of orchards that the Bowmanville District can. Bing- om, Week will likely be the week o! MIay 28t1 te June 4th. Sixty Five Members Wlen President Corbett asked for areport f rom tlie membership com- nittee it was stated that thie Associ- ation now kiad 65. paid up and ac- tive members. A delegation f rom the ville Football Club, composed o! Roland Bates, "Scotty" Allen, and Jack Nicliols appeared before the asocation requestmng that the foot- ball club be sponsored by thie Associ- ation. It was poînted ouitikiat it was hardly fair te subsclize one sport in preference to another, especially in view o! the faci thai the f oot- bail games draw large crowds o! country people to ithe town. Presi- lent Corbeti appoinied a comnittee composed of Mayor Geo. W. Jamnes, cliairman, Dr. J. C. Devltt and M. I-l. Minore te meet the club officiais wiih a view te sponsoring the sport. The President reported brie! ly on the road te the West Side Beach and stated tIsai it was apparently up to, tlie cottagers to make their own ar- rangements for access. The Pediler Nuisance The subjeci o! peddlers was dis- cussed at some lengtli but llttle waa 40ne u the way .0! improving-,the situation. Secretary LU C. Mason re- Poried that the tewn bylaw seemed to cover ail points permissable by thie Municipal Act and the matter of enforcement only remaased. it was poin-ted out ihat if a very de!- inite stand was taken on tis aub- ject the surroundisg townships miglit objecitet Bowmianville mer- chiants peddling in iheir terrltory. A committee composed o! M. S. Dale, Glbert Jones, W. H. Bettles, Harry Allun and T. W. Cawker was appointed te look into the matter. In the meantime it is up te citizens te lmmediately report peddlers without licenses to thie police who will chieck up on thie matter. The secretary wlll investigate thse posd- biliuies of taxlng oui o! town bread and other concerns wkio peddle kiere. As is reported elsewhere, the Community Plenle was abandoned for ibis year. G. Jones, W. J. Mar- tyn, W. J. Bagnell and Oco. W. James spoke briefly on the subject and the association was uinanimous in turning the plcnlc down for this year. Basebai'Situation Tommy Ross la gettlng to be qulte a speaker and lie gave anoiher o! lis crisp addresses on the basebaill 1 (Cmtlnued on page 4) zy 28th to June 4th 7-. of Apple Biossomn Land lie Statesman lastlie pasi iwo ycas.r, of Bowmanvllle wlen tliey sponssor the rs 22 miles o! thse fiasest orciard coun- [ni te Durhiam CouniY Apple Blossoni te June 3rd. Citizens sud fanmera of air ciy friends, te visnt thc orchard Ca pt. M. ls6ester Cornrends Cadets oF Local Scl'ools on Appearance District Meeting lWone n's Institute Progra m oF Bay of Quinte ConFerence Meetings in Bowmanville Completedý With Which Is Incorporated The J3owmanviiie News

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