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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jun 1933, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR i SALEM Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cain, Penty spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr Richards. Mr. Edgar Cator visited Mr. Mrs. Prescott and family atS on Sunday. The usual Wednesday eve meeting of the Y.P.L. was ý drawn last week owing to ann: sary practice. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Wilkins, Mary and Master Harold, Coui Mr. and Mrs. New, Toronto, Sunday guests of Mrs. A. Wilkir Mr. and Mrs. W. Cann, Mr. Mrs. E. Doldge attended Annni sary Services at Orono on Sui and were guests of Mr. and Mr. H-ooper. Last Sunday's service was coni ted by the Pastor, Rev. A. M. W ton, Mis. Simmonds, Corbyville, companied him f rom Tyrone attended the service. Salem Anniversary Services be heid next Sunday, June when Rev. F. M. Wootton, Pic father of oui Pastor, wiUl deliver dresses at 2.30 and 7.30 P. m. Si ial music by the Sunday Sci St. Paul's Quartette, Bowmanv will sing at a! ternoon service. offerings wilI be for the support the Sunday School. Reserve thed and plan to attend. ENNISKILLEN Master Roy Virtue. who has1 pneumonia, is some better. Miss Graham, Blackstock, sper f ew days with Miss Marlon Grnfi A number f rom here attended niversary services at Eldad on Si day. Mr. and Mrs. Windrim. Lind& called on Mr. and Mrs. Thos. 1% Guli. Our pastor, Rev. J. M. Whyte, attending Conference beld in Bc manville. Miss Amelia Nichols, Port Ho spent a week witb her cousin, IV. E. A. Werry. Mi. and Mrs. Roy Webber, Bc manville. were Sunday callers Mrs. Wm. Herring's. Mrs. Mnnie Ryley, Mi. and IV Bruce Ryley and Harry. Betha visited at Mr. Thos. McGill's. Miss Ellen Gorley, Mr. David R Toronto, spent Sunday wlth the fi mer's aunt, Mrs. Wesley Oke. Mrs. Frank McGill returned hc to Toronto on Sunday after sper ing a week with lier parents,1 and Mrs. Levi Brunt. Mrs. Win. Oke spent a few dý with her daughter, Mrs. W. E. Sa derson. Little Ray Sanderson is covering f romn pneumon.ia. Mr. Cecil Branton, Oshawa, spf Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. Pa Mrs. Branton returned home to O. awa after spending two weeks w' lier mother, Mrs. Page, who is soi better. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wer William, Robert and Muriel, Mis Nora and Bernice Werry, Kedr( Miss Oda Cole and Messrs. Bla and Douglas Cole, Bethesdia, M Knltting wooIà for Sweaters - Berets - Cushions Afghans and Infants' Wear. Chiffon - Fless - Ariel Vlyella - Visylka - Crepe and Thistlebloom Wool. Knitting Pins - Crochet Hooks Daisy Knitters and Instruction Books J. W. JEWELL BOOKS &STATIONERV PAINTS &WAL.LPAPER CHINA & RADIOS .,Big 20" BowmanilIe Phonograph Records Some of the best classical and popular numbers Regular Prices 50c - $1.50 CLEARANCE PRICE Ilq9 Chea.p entertalnment for your summes cottage. AlaxMcGregor Phone 92 - Dnigs - We Deliver THE I.D.A. STORE Consuit oui expert about youî eyes Friday a!ternoon or Monday moring. -<'Marjorie Pascoe, Hampton, Mr. Ar- S>- - Q Bowmanvllle, -Mr; Hariy Keri, thur Blanchard, Solina, and Miss SOLINA1 awa, Mr. and Mis. Hariy Jose -. Winnifred Cole and Mr. Ward Gil- ----- faxnily, Newcastle, at Mr.i srolbert, Toronto, were anniversary vis- Cogautin M.Gre Smith's. :itors of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry. Cnrtltost r ere M.adMs .Smril r. A. Mi. and Mrs. Silversides, Mt. Al MiIson on passing his 2nd ye9'i fam. andChrs.R.woodMr and adbert, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Silversides Faculty of Forestry exammnations. Y. n RerYnod, nd.fand, adand Beth, Miss M. Dike, Zepher, Rernember the W. E. District An- NeloMReyo and r. amler K ;olina visited Dr. and Mrs. Ferguson. nual at Tyrone on Thursday, June o Mr. and M is. lrBK Victoria Day at Enniskillen was 8th, at 10.30 a. m. Note change o!fOaanJoc, Ms. Cenu rssa.B ening marked by a yerZ. suceful Sunday date of our Institute meeting to Jeawayr.CeociMl ad ros. with- schooî anniverÈarY' In- connection Tuesday, June l3th. Heyand acko, Cor.mbusMr iver- with the United Churcli. The or- Eldad S. S. anniversary services on MisaFd Jacblumband M.D MLschards, gardens and fields were in Sunday, May 28th, were very well Zo Mrs. e ob and Mrs. Di Misthe pink with their new spring out- attended. Services were held in the MissNrma and M esrs Ros rtice, fit and summer weather filled ail large enclosed sheds which were Mesrm DokndonePor Hoe, were hearts with joy and gladness so the beautifully decorated wih tigCwn Necistoe, Pat Mr.e, an occasion was one calculated to stixn- fags, eut floweîs and cedars. The Thompson's. adulate the pleasure of re-unions as singing by the school under the M.adMs e.W ae iver- old fîiends made the holiday a time leadership of Miss Lena Taylor, with fMi.yndMi Gce WerrJamrs nday of greeting. Thze supper was satis- Miss Helen Baker as pianist, wa iy isGaeWry r s. D. fying, the sports interesting, themuheoy.Mr.Wl Leask fav- ~ Wl uc n oad Hawaiian music by the Arkell fam- ored with a vocal solo at the after- Courtice, Mrs. S.nThmson, M r iduc- ily sweet and inspiring, wbile the noon service. and in the evening CMr Ha, ry GroToms andfa. root- play by the Enniskillen Young peo- Miss Lena TyoMagadteTronto, rs. Gosarbut, fMi ac- pie did tbem credit, several of whom double quartette of Mrs. John Bak- MrsdLagmaidu, Mr. A and taking part for the fiîst time. Fn- er, Miss Lena Taylor, Mrs. Jack Yel- r.e Langmaid,an Mrs. J.iB ancially. also, it was a success, the lowlees, Miss Jessie Yellowlees, Mes- LnmiM.adMs .E will receipts being above $260. srs. S. E. Werry, George Werry, E. R. and Orley, Mi. and Mrs. Chas.1 4th, Taylor and AlanBlonfod ry, Oshawa, Mr. and Mis. J. A.1 cton wih a eletion WewerePlesedry, Miss Eva Souch, Enniski ton ad---------4> Wit aero. ewî pes Miss Nora Werry and Miss ad- HAMPON j to ave Mayo Geo . ameso!Mountjoy, Kedron, at Mr. S pec-. - Bo aviewihutoctas chair- Werry's. vol. Anme rmt ilg ted man for the afternoon service. Rev. rill edA numerfrm hi ill age attend-ry J. E. Glover of Claremont was the A. l EnnMiskMryle anversary. le, speaker for the day and delighted ENFIELD t 0f Mss May Jebon.Bwmanv l al with bis excellent discourses. On date visited ber mother on Sunday. Monday afternoon an excellent tea Mrs. E. Bennett, Bowmanville, t hihal i justice was served Miss Irene Bray, Toronto, vi staew ays withretis. Bw by the ladies. At six O'clock a lea- at Mr. S. Bray's. -4> astr Gath erret ~ in ow-gue game o! football was Played be- MisveySinnTrt, jmanville Hospital with appendicitis. tween Bowmianville and Solina with ists. H.l Stinson'sTroto MissG . Hoin acco omonoanidaMr. a score of 1-1. In the evening a Miss Ruth Prescott iý able t. W. GM. RDyoidtoToonoani r idahawy very enjoyable concert was put on out again after recovering f had tin Mr. Raymond Blar, C C Oshw, .bY alPh Gordon, entertainer, Tor- Pneumonia. . viaMsiting.i siser, anrsonC.C.WCllceonto; the Bernard Tierney Orches- Ms ae omn ulh Mis.ToonW. vsJef i er la iso sWalacetra, Oshawa; Miss Lena Taylor, solo- Ms ae omn ulh Torocntoviitd it rlaivs e- and Misses Margaret McKessock J. Blackburn, Uxbridge, visited an- cently.wans >un- r.adMsIaaumOh- and Helen Baker, piano duets. Rev.MrThsBwans Mr.andMrs Isac ulmr, sh-W. Rackham, in his usual pleasing Mr. and Mis. Ray Smith and.1 aaivere na.vstr wt e manner, made a very efficient chair- Ruby Smith, Whitby, were rei Mae- acties. roranulSna man. Proceecis nearly $210.00. guests o! Mr. Fred Smith. cho Paie fr or annlSunayAiniversary Visitors Mr. and Mrs. E. Ormiston i5 Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. R. Somerville and Ms Mary Julia, Bwavle o>W- Mrs. G. Wilkinson and son Doug- famiy, Cherrywood, at Mr. Jas. ited at Mr. W. J. Ormlstons. las, Toronto, are visiting ber sister, Smales'. I r., and Mis. J. McCully, Bli ope, rs. . E. orn.wat Mrs. F. Leask and Miss I ers. M.adMs onCalsadL Mr. and Mrs. W. R. BaileY and Miss Mabel, Bowmanville, at Mr. ak ik iie tM.L daughter Corrine, Kitchener, visited 1 okdys aces cw- Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn recently. Ms ila eronadM Mr. and Mrs. A. Niddery and fi at Mr. and Mrs. John R. Crispin and Bert Terwillegar, Columbus, at Mr. ilY, Toronto, Mi, and Mrs. G. Jar i.SoEdiWindsor, were weekend Walter Cryierman's. Oshawa, Mr. and Mis. H. James iy rs. st so oddf Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer and famnily, Columbus, visited at Mr .nCaveîly. Hepburn's. Mr. and Mis. F. Wilson, Mrs. family, Mr. Russel Balson, Black- leBond and Miss Pearl Wilbuî, Toi- stock, at Mr. A. J. Balson's. 4 for- onto, visited Mr. and Mrs. S. Kersey Rev and Mis. J. E. Giover andJ BLACKSTOCK on Sunday. Miss Helen, Claremont, Miss Bush, mne Mrs. J. B. Horn and son Clifford, Toronto, at Mr. A. L. Pascoe's. rd- Misses Aloha and Naomi Horn, Mr. Mr. and Mrs.'A. Whitnell, June Wedding belis are ringing. Mfr. W. G. Ham, Peterboro, Mrs. Ed. and Loraine, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rey- i. Grge Forier sent u Moyer, Waterloo, visited relatives nolds, Toronto, at Mr. Jack Rey- wt red nCvn [aand attended the funeal of Mr. Er- nolds.dyM irM. and M is. ra AruenS an- nest Horn. Miss Ida Reynolds, Mis. N. Bey- M r. Hto r Sdho rtriAgsenE re- The Young people's play, "The flods and Miss Grace. Toronto, Miss wMrHetr.Ilan drs Can o tLittle Clodhopper," presented at Alice Tbompson, Tyoe, t' Mr y ihM. n r. an ýent Blackstock anniversary, May 24th, Jack Yellowlees'. yo M. pool. iget was well received. Several f rom here Mr. and Mrs. Ghent, Beamsville, eM issh Mi.Brand s.Clarhe ih accompanied the dramatists and at- Miss Nora Kersiake, Hampton, Miss Mardow.t r n Ms l âhtended the supper. Gertrude Dewell, Bowmanville, at Mr. n Ms A . le n )me Mi. Sam Dewell's. r n r.A.L alyad S Mr. Geo. Stephens and Mr. Frank Ross spent the weekend with1 Iry TYRONEj Squair. Salem, Mr. andMi.RI and Mis. Norton VanCamp, Elmn se ~ ~McGill and Keitb, Enniskillen, at Mi. and Mis. L. McGuire, M. E -on,, ~ - . Mr.Ry an ais.Ms. R. Whitfield and little daul lkesan Frs.Te e ow svtng i. Mi. Dennis Pickard, Miss May ter June, spent Sunday with friei ~issandMis Tbodoe Dwn.Freeman, Maple Grove, Mi. and Mis in Little Britain. - Messrs. Haîry and Frank Hather- Les. Thompson and Donald, Tyrone Mi. M. Parry, Detroit, Mis. - ly, Dixie, spent tbe weekend at home. at Mi. N. C. Yeilowlees'.ne Rudcl and son Donald, Farmingt Mis. J. Hendricks and Joyce, Mi. and Mis. Spencer Wood, Bow- Mich., spent the weekend with1 Trenton, are with lier parents, Mi. manvilie, Mi. and Mis. Norman and Mis. Frank Stinson. and Mis. B. F. Gardiner. Leach and family, Mis. Carl Wilbur, Regulai monthly meeting o! Congratulations to Mi. and Mis. Taunton, at Mi. Jack Kivell's. Victorian Women's Institute will Fred Goodnman, nee Miss G. Wil- Dr. and Mrs. Pelton and family, hèld on Wednesday. June 7th, liams, on theiî recent marriage. Mi. and Mis. Hill, Mi. and Mis. Jos. the home o! Mis. Chas. Smith. Mis. H. Findly, Dean and Bruce Awde and faxnily, Miss Ada Pascoe, A baptismal service was held p Unionville. are spending a week witý Toronto, at Mr. Luther Pascoe's. St. John's Chuîch on Sunday moi ber parents, Mi. and Mis . T. Rich- Mi. and Mis. Geo. McCullough. ing, May 28th, when Rev. Dr. Wli ards. Mi. Jas. Reeson, Columbus, Mr. andi taker baptized Agnes Isobel, ini! Mi. and Mis. W. Smith, Billy, Mis. Har-y Hughes, Mi. ROY Con- daughtei o! Mi. and Mis. John C Rena and Beatrice, Mr. George Su- nors, Rowmanville, at Mi. Harvey ter, Buiketon. therland and Miss Jessie Pui-fit, To- Hardy's. Monthly meeting o! the W. A. ronto, viSited the lattei's brother, Mi. Ben Powell, Miss Mabel and St. John's Chuich was heid at1 Mi. Aiex Purfit, at Mi. Donald Day- Mr. Harold Powell, Oshawa, Mi. home o! Mi. and Mrs. E. Darcy w ey's. Leonard Barton and Miss Doiothy an attendance o! 50. It was deciÉ Young People's League met on Vinson, Taunton, at Mi. Norval to hoid the annual celebiation Thursday evening in the f orm o! Wotten's. Juiy lst, with speciai chuîch si Parents' Night. Piogram was in Mr. and Mis. Lewis, Lindsay, Mi. vices on Sunday, June 25th. 7J charge o! Miss Ruby Virtue. Devo- and Mis. Chambers, Toronto, Mis. chapter ln the Stucb' Book was t2 tional was taken by Rev. A. M. Woo- Harvey Crossmian and Irene, Taun- en by Mis. H. Baiiey. Miss V tton; piano solo, Mis. T. Barr, read- ton. Miss Violet Arney, Oshawa, at Forder and Miss Florence Fair,.w 1 ing, Mis. Luther Hooper; vocal duet, Mi. C. D. Pascoe's. weie delegates to the annual W. Mi. and Mis. A. H. Brent; a very Mi. and Mis. Gordon Law and convention held in Toronto, ea inteiesting topic was given by Mi. Misses Law, Pickering, Mi. and Mis. gave splendid reports. Lunch m A. W. Annis on -The Two Genera- Charleton MeBride and Burton, Pet- served. tions'": piano and violin selections, erboro, Mi. and Mis. Clarence Tink 4. Mis. R. McCuiiough and Mis. D. and f amily, Maple Grove, at Mi. MAL GR V Davey; ieading, Mis. Floyd Dudley; Geo. White's. _____________________ vocal solo. Mi. A. W. Clemens. A Mi. and Mis. R. E. Osborne, Bow-0 contest was then enjoyed and lunch manvilie, Miss Margaret Pascoe, No services on Sunday on accou was served by the Young people. Hampton, Miss Beryl Giaspel, Zion. o! conference i Town. Mr. Arthur Moore, Enniskilien, Mr. Congratulations to Mi. and M eEverett Eiliott, Oshawa, at Mrs. R.RyVnap ntearvaio COURTICE J. McKessock's. Young daughter. > Mi. and Mis. Chas. Mackey, A number from this communi Mis.J. shmreLinisa, ~ Brooklin, Mi. and Mis. Les. Pascoe. attended anniveisary services M.aMrs. . A. oE. Rndai ist Misses Helen and Elizabeth Pascoe, Solina on Sunday. Ms. and renceA MaE. nand i. Enfild, Mr .and Mis. A. J. Reynolds, Mi. Fred Twist. Toronto, spe Mrs.FlornceMaso andMr.Toronto, with Miss Mary Hogarth the weekend with bis mother. M: Lawience Mason. Bowmanviiie, weîe and Mis. R. Pascoe. L. Twist, and littie daughter, Eilei Sunday cailers o! Mi. and Mis. W. Mr. and Mis. Theo Salter, Hamp- Twist. .J R. Courtice. ton, Mi. and Mis. Ralph Gordon, Mi. and Mis. E. W. Poley, Mi. ai - Rev. J. H. and Mis. Stainton, Ex- Toronto, Mi. and Mis. Frank Gilbert Mis. John Munday and Mi. Waila eter, Mis. Johnson and Mis. Jones, and Miss Betty, En! leld. Mi. and Munday spent Sunday wlth relaîiv Wbitby, were recent visitors o! Mi. Mis- - -. - dJaZon nOh. pat ini the openîng or the service Miss AdaPascoe>, Toronto, -at-M. . Richards 4 -0 19 10 58.6 jw ith oui pastor, and Mr. Merrili .E Tn .L. Richards 4 O 47 05. Ferguson pieached a veîy interest- Mi. and Mis. Herb Rundle, MissesM.Litte 4 0 59 1054.24 ing andI heipful sermon. We con- Florence and Aima, Miss Doris C y .Lttle 4 5 26 1035.1, gratulale tbem uin that tbey are both derman, Hampton. Mi. andIMi.I.Ho bbs 4 12 6 1007.42 being oîdained on Sunday and wish Will Mountjoy and family. Kedron, I. Hobbs 4 23 3 965.5C themn a successfui and bîight fut- Mi. andI Mis. Everett Hoar and H. Burgess 5 54 16 705.U1 ure. Master Charlie, Miss Doîothy Hoar, Geo. Bathgate & Son no dlock report Osh- ;and Chas. .and LMrs. roron- :iburn Waton, rand .Fred r. and :ow-ns, dnson, sand 1miss Frank ýand r. and Bow- orcoks, r. and .mxly, and Lrthur 3rooks Wer- Wer- illen, Willa S. E. isited ý'vis- tobe f rom ,Mr. id at Miss ecent and vis- lack- Irene *. C. tmes. and I.J. nday Sun - Sun- rek- 'nce i son Mr. nira. and c gh- t nds 1 E. i ,on, Mr.- the 1be ,at iin rn- 'it- fant Dar- of the with lded on ser- T'he lera vlho .A. Lch was t!. ALONG MAIN STREET Jack Cole, the barber, is sporting a new car and so, are several others aîound town. From, this fact and f rom the number o! new cars pass- ing thîough in transit il sureiy does look as thought the Illusive corner bas been tuined at last. 0* * 0 Winton Bagneil, athletic young son o! Mr. and Mis. W. J. Bagnell, was the only Bowmanvuiie boy to figure in the ruxming at the District Higb School Athietic Meet in Osh- awa on May 24th. Winton came second in the îunning bîoad jump. About the busiest public speaker i Bowmanviile tbis spring bas been Mr. W. E. Groves, Kingsway Nurser- ies Manager, who bas addressed meetings at Newcastle, Lindisay andI several places in Darlington Town- ship. Of course he speaks on Horti- culture. Charlie Mason, o! J. J. Mason & Son, gets one o! bis biggest kicks in li! e from attending country cbuîch suppers. He misses very few each year and we happened to see hum speeding through Hampton with a nice carload enroute for Enniskillen on May 24th. George Chasemanager o! the Public Utilities, is taking his new duties in respect to the waterwoiks system. seriously. He toltI us the other day during the week he bas made three new installations o! wateî service. Eveiy bouse in the town should be using town wateî. It was a rather*nice gesture on the part o! Holgate & Son, Sheppard & Gill Lumnber Co. and T. A.* Gar- ton to Iban boises and a truck gratis for the work on the new bail dia- mond. By their kindly actions the Business Men's Association was sav- ed a considerable sum o! money in can-ying out Ibis work. Lawry Cryderman seems to fintI plenty to do besides bis daytime tasks in Coucb, Johnston & Cryder- man's store. He bas at bis home on Queen Street one o! the flnest gar- tIens in Bowmanville and it is well woîth a special trip to see ut. In addition we notice him busily en- gaged planting flowers and small plants in the big rock garden aI St. John's Cburcb, which incidentally he bas taken a very active inteîest in improving. I HAYDON League is closed for the summer months. Chuîch service witbdiawn on Sun- lay on account o! Salem anniver- sary. Mi. andI Mis. Wm. Lumbers, Toi- onto, spent Sunday at Mu. H. Ash- ton's. Mu. Milton Graham, Oshawa. is holidaying witb bis giandfather, Mu. D. Graham. Practice for anniveusary on Sun- H o s day at il a. m. under leadershP o! E. Bradley and Viola, and Miss Ada Miss Maron Orchard. Beech visited at Miss Jean McLns, Mr. John Graham, Mi. NoiMan Pontypool. Hall, Oshawa, Mr. Wanen Pinc, Messrs. Earl Thompson, red and Cleveland, Ohio, visited at Mi. D. Bert Ashton, Misses Rerna and Gaham's. reda Bradley, visited Mrs. J. Ken- Mis. J. Greenwood, Mi. and Mis. nedy, St. Christopher, on Sunday. Mamnmoth Laberal Rally A niaammoth Liberal Rally is being held i the CITY HALL, BELLEVILLE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7th. 1.15 p. m. Standard Time A BANQUET WILL BE HELD AT 6.30 P. M. (S.T.) in the Arena, when Right Honorable W. L. McKenzie King, M. P. Leader of the Liberal Party in Canada Mitchell F. Hepburn, M. P. Leader of the Liberal Party i Ontari o wiil be the speaker~s. LADIE.S SPECIALLY INVITED. Tickets S1.00 may bc obtained f rom L. C. Mason, Bowmanville Better Buy Now Before Prices Adviance Men and Young Mern have been flocking to this store for their Suits. The reason why, is 1 keep the largest and best stock in town and mY prices are lower than City prices. 25 only, 20 oz. Blue and Grey Ser'ge Suits, reg. $35, 2 pair's pants....... $24.50 25 only, 18 oz. Blue and Grey Ser-ge Suits, reg. $30, 2 pairs pants....... $19.50 j 50 only, Sti-ipe Worsted Suits, î'egular $25.00, two pair pants........ $16.50 50 only Stripe Tweed and Worsted Suits, reg. $22.50, 2 pairs pants....... $1 5.00 Follow the Crowd to Se.Go Chartranm One door west Bell Telephone Office - Phone 26 s p E E L s 25 doz. SiIk Hose- 15 doz. Silk Hose- 10 doz. SiIk Hose 15 doz. $1.00 Orient Hose Full Fashion, First Quality 25 doz. Misses SiIk and Lisie-Hose regl 3g9',ýl Pr- 240 pr. 37e pr. 490 -Pr. 77o Pr. 29e TECANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWML&IVMLE, .THTWRMAV . imaw a st. ¶ oq g NELON'S Nelson's Stores .Vý£LZ, vvarà isz, ivid - - - 1

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