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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jun 1933, p. 8

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THIURSDAY. JUNE lst, 1933 PAGE EMORT THURSDAY, JUNE lst, 1933 Miss Marion Rickard is home f rom Victoria University. Mr. Alex McLeod, Toronto, was here on business on Victoria Day and visited his mother, Mrs. Mary McLeod. The cast o! Nancy Anna Brown's Folks presented their popular play at Elizabethville on Friday evenîng. May 26th. Rev. W. P. Rogers and Mr. J. W. Glenney o! the United Church are attending Bay o! Quinte Conference in Bowmanville. The comedy-dramxa "Nancy Anna Brown's Folks" was presented by Newcastle young people in the Unit- ed Church Sunday School hall, Port Hope. on Tuesday evening. st. George's Church-Rev. F. H. Mason, M. A.. Rector. Sunday, June 4th. Whit Sunday: 9.45 a. m-Sun- day Sehool; 1l a. m.-Mornirig Pray- er and Holy Communion; 7 p. m.- Evensong and Sermon. United Church-Rev. W. P. Rog- ers, B. A.. Pastor. Sunday. June 4, Con! erence Sunday: Morning Ser- vice withdrawn; 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School; 7 p. m.-Eveniflg Service: preacher, Rev. R. A. Delve. Lyn. Ont. Miss Lillian Clemence. accompan- ied by Miss Marion Rickard, took her Sunday school ciass o! girls last Saturday afternoon ta, Orono where they spent an enjoyable time pic- nicking and playîng bail in the com- rnunity park. Among those !rom Newcastle and vicinity who attended Eldad anni- versary last Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Mark Blackburn. Mr. Gordon Ashton, Misses Lillian Clemence. Marion and Helen Rickard. Marjorie Cowan and Patricia Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jose and sons, Donald and Francis. and H. R. Pearce. Mr. W. E. Groves, Manager o! Kingsway Nurseries, Bowmanville. was here on Wednesday assisting the Horticultural Society in laying out the rockery at the forks o! the road in front o! Geo. C. Wright's and John Cuningham's properties. The rockery will be partly on the Provin- cial Hlghway and party on Mr.. Wright's land which he has kindly permitted the Horticultural Society ta make use o! for this beautifica- tion scherne. Bowmanvile Branch o! the Can- adian Legion attended divine service at St. George's Anglican Church on Sunday night when a parade.,ed ed by the Bowmanville Legion Band marched f rom the Community Hall to the church. President R. M. Cot- tan was in charge o! the parade. which was augmented by the New- castle members. Rev. F. H. Mason, amember o! the Legion. preachd the sermon and was assisted b Rv. Lamne Thomas. A number o! Scouts from St. Saviour's Church, Orono. also joined in the parade. Regular meeting of Y. P. S. was held on Monday night with the president in the chair. Meeting op- ened with a hymn and repeating the Lord's prayer. The secretary read the minutes and called the roll. De- votional topic was taken by Miss Maretta Law. Vice President Mr. Wilbur Baskervile took charge of the program: Vocal solo and encore. Mrs. R. T. Rutherford, accompanied by Miss Vera Rutherford: Mr. Nor- man Friedli. Bownîanville, favored with a violin solo and encore, ac- companied by Mr. F. Sutton o! Bow- manville; Rev. W. J. H. Smyrth o!, Orono gave a very interesting talk: reading and encore, Mrs. Percy Brownm; vocal duet and encore. Miss W. Rickard and Mr. A. Haw, accom- panied by Mrs. E. C. Fisher; Rev. W. P. Rogers spoke a few words at the close. Miss W. Rickard. social vice president. served a very appetlziflg lunch assisted by a number of the boys. This is the last meetinuti September. Communion Opens Quinte 1Conference' (Continued !rom page 1) ternoon service, Mr. Francis Sut- ton, Mus. Bac.. preslded at the or- gain and the combined choirs o! Trinity and St. Paul's rendered an- themns apprepriate ta the services. Dr. Robert.s brought "A Message for the Times," a brîlluant exposition of why hie is a Christian and what is expected o! al o! us as Christians. I arn a high churchinan, Dr. Rob- ert.s said, I like the hlgh view, the high reverence , and the high regard for the church. My church is the church based on the New Testa- ment, the church St. Paul and St. Peter have written 50 wonderfuily about. I do not think that the last generation bas been acquainted with the church o! the New Testament. hie said. They have forgotten the two central doctrines o! the Christ- ian faith. free grace and divine Society. Protestantism has placed too much emphasis on the f ree grace and not enough on divine society, with the result that it has become sectarian and individualistic. On the other hand the Roman Church has stressed the other side and has too much institutionalisrn. It is more interested in the manner of its services and usages than in the condition af the saul. Baàth relig- ions have got to recover the central position of divine society, and have got to be both catholic and evangel- ical. We know, Dr. Roberts said. that the church has been mean, has been contemptible, has been quarrelsome. and rowdy. but that is because its members are such. and flot the church. We can point with the greatest pride to the Christian church and we can say that in spite o! the faithlessness of its friends and aUl the assaults o! its enemies It is stili here a!ter 1900 years. If the critics want to show that the church is going backwards, in- stead o! ahead, we may point out to I them that the church has been be-I set with its greatest difficulties in' the past 150 years and yet during this time it has made its greatesti ativancement, it has seen its grea t- est period of expansion since the i time of the Apostles. We have called a church an aud- itorium. the speaker said, a place to hear forgetting that it is also a place to speak to God. It is most wonder-, fuI when you realize that the churchi is the meeting place of heaven and earth, the trysting place of God andi man. Describing the true church, Dr. Roberts saiti that it was where two or three are gathered together in His name. there He is and there is His church. The church is noth- ing but the Christ's continuing pî'esence on this earth, reminding us that He is not but a memory or a veiled influence in our lives but is as much alive and among us as the days He preached in the temple at Jerusaiem. CONFERENCE CONTACTS (Continued f rom page 1) A great deal o! credit is due Mr. Walter Woolley, caretaker o!fI'rinity United Church, for the manner in which hie has prepared the confer- ence church for the delegates. The church both inside and aut er looketi nicer. We were glad to notice in the choir at the Communion Service on Tuesday. F. Merriui Ferguson and Cl arence H. Werzo. the two-et Ret1 NOTICE manville boys who wWl be ordaineti PortDarîngto Haror C. m the Ministry by the Conifer- Annual Meeting o udymrig 1Notice s lereby gîv.-uî ilat tîte tnnual Some members o! Trinity Church Genierai 'M.. tung of t' -.stockh.olders o f are billeting as many as six dele- the bol1' 1utîrhîngtoîî i1arilon Compatny gates to the Conference. Billeting willi bi heid at th e office of te- comhtan9' Port Darliuigtanu. Townu of iloîtmnant uhlý means providing for beti and break- on Montlay, the 51h day' of iune, 191.. f ast. at tîte boum of four o'clock un th,- aft.-r- . . . noon. for the election of TIrpmetor.s for isanIathe otdifct the sall Company for th.ensuinlg v-ir I ssi httems ifci andI for transaction of suich ulu-iuî-s-- ý, task of the conference is that under- may corne be-fore- the m-ting. taken by the Seuîlement Committs: J. A. MeCLELLAN. :7cerage o hngn !ps Secrets ry.wiharnefo hnnofp_ DatuA t a omaîville, Jue 1, 1933V- toral charges. Ministers or congre- 22-1 gations wtuo want changes apply ta thus committee. anti the difficuil Part is to make these changes anti Il - leave everybody happy. To keep your eyes Up toaa standard o! full use! ulness and to Insure them against premature breakdown. they must be cared for at the proper lime. 'Me pro- per lime is before, and not a!ter, somethlng goes wrong. Eyes that need glasses, needt t be examineti at least every two years. It will cost less ta keep your eyes in good condition by Ibis plan o! adequale care at regular Intervals. than is spent yearly up- on tri!ling luxuries that yieid no lasting benefit. Il frequently happens that a' change o! lenses is not needeti every time your eyes are examin- eIn falrness 10 your eyes give this matter a! savîng your eye-ý slght seriaus thoughl. G. M. BOSNELLI TORONTO OPTOMETRIST In Port Hope Every Wednesday omee ove Floodl's Store Port Hopp phone Number 248 OMMceHm"r: 9s.m.te 9 P. M. Flash-Car lost by Rev. Dr. Ed- win Smith o! Warkworth was recov- ered by police in Toronto on Wed- nesday. While Geo. K. Brown was report- ing ai the Conference Wednesday morning the fire siren blew, anti a messenger announceti that a chim- ney at bis house was on fire. Fort- unately the damage was negligible. Settlement Committee report will not be available until Saturday. Rev. A. K. Edmisan. secretary, stateti, There will be no flrst draft. An- nouncement w&s madie however that Port Perry United Church hati invit- ed Rev. W. J. H. Smyth of Orono 10 take that pastorale, while Rev. R. T. Richards o! Port Perry had been in- vitedti t Grace Church, Napanee. Orono is thereby vacant for the present - Dr. Bryce's* brilLant address of Wednesday night bas been helti o'.er for full publicaton next week. The President of the Conference express- eti the hope that thm,.addre&s would be published in ils entirety. Those desiî'ing tickets for the Laymen's Banquet tonighl should procure them immediately as seats are already at a premlum. Rev. Dr. H. W. Avison o! Hlgh Park Church, Toronto, is guest speaker. ab Great art is neither olti for new- Il is agelesa. Rev. McKinnon Elected President (Contlnued fromn page 1) Rev. T. W. Jollîffe, up to the pres- ent pastor. stating that as Canada was off the gold standard it would not be appropriate ta present the usual golden key emblematic o! the free- dom of the tow-n, Mayor James pre- sented Dr. Holling with a huge rub- ber key made at the Goodyear fac- tory, which he said would unlock the doors and hearts o! citizens, and even extend to include the door o! Rev. W. J. H. Smyth o! Orcino, who had a large number o! minis- ters staying with him. The president replied ta the ad- dress o! welcorne and congratulated the town on the part it had always played in giving impetus to the work o! the church. Rev. R. H. Whiteside was wel- comed to the conference. Rev. Dr. J. D. Ellis o! Kingston, who has completed 50 years in the ministry, addressed the conference. Rev. C. D. Daniels, Peterboro, pre- sented the report o! the Tellers showing the following vote in the election o! president: Rev. M. c. MeKinnon, Perth, 136; Rev. T. H. P. Anderson, Newburgh. 51; Rev. W. R. Tanton Cobourg, 18; Prof. J. O. Watts, Kingston, il; Rev. Wm. McDonald, Peterboro, 9. Several others shared in the 48 remaining votes. Total votes Polled were 273. The retiring Pî'esident welcomned the new president to the Platform and presented him with the gavel o! office and his robes. The President replied expressing appreciation o! his election and assuring mnembers the interests of the conference. Rev. S. F. Dixon was re-elected Press Secretary o! the Conference. Rev. GO. C. R. McQuade o! Centre Street Church, Oshawa, was re-elected secretary o! the Confer- ence. Rev. Dr. C. W. Bishop, Principal o! Albert College, Belleville, gave a splendid report on the affairs o! the college, stating that the college was in beetter financial condition than a year ago, altho not out o! the woods, and that the Oxford Group Move- ment was having a Profound im- pression on the students. The college will extend scholarhip to clever en- trance examination scholars, he stated. 1BY a standing vote appreciation was expressed o! the loyal and ef- ficient services o! Dr. Holling as President, The meeting wa adjourn- ed with the benediction by Dr. Houl- ing. CHURCHES Trinity United Church F . jRev. E. F rsrn Mr. Francis Sutton Notices of Births, Marriages, Death s, Mus. Bac. an d Memnoriam, 50c; 10c per mie extra for Memoriam verses- Organhat 1BIRTHS C onFerence Sunciay June 4th 11 a. m.-Ordination Service Sermon: Rev. T. E. HoUling, B.A., D.D., Lindsay, the President of the Conference, will ordain ta the office and work of the min- istry persons recommended by the Conference. 2.30 P. m.-A Sunday School Ral>' will be held in the Conference Church. Rev. Roy Rickard will give the address. Special pro- gram. 7 p. m.-Sermon: Rev. H. B. Clarke, Kingston. The choir ivill render special music for these services. Corne early and bring your friends. You are cordially invited. St. Paul's United Church - Con- ference Sunday: il a. m.-Rev. Dun- can MacTavish, Port Hope, will preach; 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School Rally in Trinity Church. Men's Rai- ly in St. Pauls Church; 7 p. m.- Rev. A. L. Richards of Whitby will preach. A cordial welcome to ail. St. John's Anglican Church-Rev. Rural Dean C. R. Spencer. Rector. Whit Sunday: Holy Communion il a. m., special service for Church Boys' League and Junior W. A.; Sunday School 12.15 p. m.; Evening Prayer 7 P. m., Preacher. Rev. G. H. Johnson, B. A.. of St. Clements Church. Toronto. COMING EVENTS TIae regular monthly meeting of the Women's Hospital Auxiliary will be held in the Nurses' Residence on Friday. June 2nd. at 3.30 P. m. Reserve Saturday, June 3rd. for St. John's Jr. Auxiliary sale of use- fui articles and afternoon tea f rom 3.15 ta 5.30 in the Parish Hall. 21-2 Charity Dance under the auspices of Enterprise Home and School Club will be held at the Willows Pavilion, Orono, June 2nd. Corne and get the lucky number ticket. Charley Or- chestra. Admission 25c. 21-2 Bowmanville Music Study Club MRS.F. . CO MERwîiI nota its regular montnîY Meet- MRS. . C. OLMI ing on Wednesday. June 7th. at 8.15 RE-ELECTED HEAD 0F p. m. in St. Paul's S. S. room. A choice program selecteti by the pro- WOMEN'S INSTITUTE gramrcom. fg m thn b ofthe e ar Interesting Meeting Held at Home of the electian o! officers for the com- Mrs. J. H. Morris, Beech Ave. îng year. -Hav Fie Shwin ofMonday evening. June Sth. 8 p. m. -HaveFineShowig 0f in Trinity Sunday School undel' aus- Antiques pices o! the Young Peoples Society, The nnul metin o! owran-a demonstration o! piano class work vile Banch WoMens Istiutewa will be given by Mrs. E. Smith Fer- hileda thhomen'Ms. J. H. Mor- sguson, A.T.C.M.. and her pupils. fol1- hel atthehom ofMrs J.H. or-lowed by a short piano recital by ris. Beech Ave., on Friday afternoon private pupils, assisted by Mrs. S. R. when a very pleasant and success!ul Alger o! Oshawa. Silver collection. gathering was helti. Mrs. F. C. Coi- Entire proceeds to go to M. & M. mer, President, presideti, and the Fund. meeting openeti with the Institute Ode and Lord's Prayer in unison. Mrs. J. Thickson read minutes o! SCHOOL STUDENTS last meeting and correspondence. Arrangements were made to attend PLANT SEEDS AND annual meeting at Tyrone on Thurs- day, June th. Bus leaves GarIons PLANTS IN GARDENS Bus station at Il a. m. The roll cal. "What I first re- Principal J. H. Johnston In Charge member." brought forth a number of Big Distribution - Flower o! !unny experiences and was well Show a.nd Child-ren's Fair responded to. Secretary reported MyRsi that the President. Mrs. Colmer, had MyRsl been present at every meeting dur- ing the year, and Mrs. E. R. Bouns- Bowrnanville will be an lnfinitely ail and Mrs. W. B. Pollard had only brighter place in which ta Uive this misseti one meeting. Twelve meet- year as a resuit o! a grant received ings were held during the year, with by Principal J. H. Johnston f rom total attendance o! 487; 16 papers the Department o! Agriculture for and addresses had been given; num- home gardens arnong Public School ber o! members 56; one death: total pupils. Over 160 children have re- receipts for year. $111.78; expendi- ceived during the past week seeds tures $95,21; balance on hand $16.57. and plants to plant in their gard- Mrs. A. L. Nicholis took the chair ens and it is hoped later in the year during election of officers which re- to hold a flower show among the sulteti as follows: President-Mrs. F. children. C. Colmer; lst Vice President-Miss Much o! the credit for the work E. Weekes; 2nd Vice President-Mrs. belng accomplished is due Mr. F. Baker; Sec'y.-Treas.-Mrs. j. Johnston who bas taken several Thickson; District Director-Miss courses to fit himnself for the teach- Weekes; Pianist-Mrs. E. J. Woods; ing o! this subject. Having quallfied Asst. Pianist-Mrs. A. W. Pickard: the school now received the grant Directrs-Mrs. L. Roach, Mrs. W. j. and Mr. Johnston secured $15.00 Culley, Mrs. H. H. Dilling, Mrs. J. H. warth o! seeds for distribution Hewston: Flower Com.-Mrs. s. among the pupils. These were aug- Morris, Mrs. G. H. Bickell, Mrs. F. rnented by splendid contributions Jackman, Mrs. S. Wood; Auditrs- o! 1000 plants f rom W. E. Groves Miss E. E. Haycraf t. Mrs. E. R. and J. Larmer, and a large number Bounsaîl; Roll Call-Mrs. W. Hall; f rom both S. J. Jackman and E. J. Song Leader-Mrs. W. Roberts: Del- Wood, local nurserymren. egates to Annual rneeting-Mrs. F. The f lower seeds distributed were C. Colmer. Miss E. M. Weekes, Mrs. Larkspur, Clarkia, Calendula, Cali- J. Thickson. Mrs. A. L. Nichoils, Mrs. opsis. Zinnia and Nasturtiums. The B. M. Warnica. plants were assorted annuals andi Mrs. D. F. Henry, who was in should provide a great improvement charge of program. took the chair' in home gardens. andtia er a sang by the gathering, The whole project, while directly she presented a paper on Antiques under the direction o! Mr. JohnStan, anti exhibited a number of articles hstesmah n epo h that were 100 years olti or over. Horticultural Society. O! lnterest Mi~s B.M. arnca isoshoed , also is the recent planting o! 25 di!- number of articles and told their ferent types o! trees at the South hLstor>', Other members had various Ward school for study purposes. The article.s that had interesting histor- work shoulti prove an impetus ta ies. Mrs. Morris' 200 year old clock garden work and the town cannot createti muîch interest. Mrs. W. Hall but benefit both in beauty and also recited *Give a Smile" andi Mrs. W. in the character o! ils citizens for Roberts sang "The Rosary" both bc- i is said that cime neyer sees a ing much enioyed. flower lover anything but a good A hearty vote of thanks, moveti by citizen. Murs. E. R. Boun.saîl and seconded by Oepoietlclhriutr Mrs. Henry. was extended to Mrs. -Oepoietlclhriutr Morri.s for ouening heî' home. Meet- is expresseti the hope that tbis ing closet with the National An- planting program wlll eventually them. lead to an annual fair for the child- 1 Next meeting will be at the home "en. The idea will, no doubt. be of Mrs. W. Hall, Brown Street,- off- carefully considered by those inter- King. esteti in the children's work. A gov- ernment inspector was recently at the school ta see haw the work o! the agricultural department was NOTICE progressing and he was well pleaseti with everythlng he saw. NOTICE TO FARMERS AND OTHERS The trouble wlth walting for some- thlng 10 turn Up is that in the meantime you rnay be turned down. PH iLLI PS-lit lrownît:nviil,, 0Oit 2t1;ty 2tItt. , to SMr. tntu Slrt.. llerbert I'lil- h its. a sou-Il rbert Leottarti. VANCAMP-ln îtowniaîivilie IHosipital, Onit y Ma 3i,193?, tb Mr. anti'%Irs. lRoy %'aiiCa ntîî, i arit ton. a dan glîler Mr jonc Joyce> DEATHS FLIGG - 111 Newcastle, on Tuesday, May >iîtii, 1933, Charles Fligg, in lis Sotît year. Fuiî,-ral lînivate from the rîsideuice Of lis sister, %Ii.sJita Fligg, N ew casti'-, oit Ttursîlay, Junie lst, lit 2.301) 1. itt. lsaiodIard tinte), to St. George's Ce'n- et er . COCHRANE-lIn Darligloit. on Weii- iiestlay, MaY 31 ' 19331, George, S. loch- rarie, lîeloved hutsbandt of Matry S. îîaîî ag,îi 71) yea rs. Fun,îrail froni tire fa tilv reshîlence, îî,a . itfi clýi.oit Sa tuîriay . Juit e rîl, ai 2.3o1 pî. ti. itsttndardti tinte i to hliatîipton ceot t-ry. McEW EN-Iîi Darlingtoît, on Tîîesîay, Mtî v 3 otht.1933. Manrtret Mec Ewaen. ib~- iîîvi-iiî tof JMr. .1(15 iuHI. McRct aigi-i :' ,yî-trs. Vu it r:î Ift îî utMorris Co. Fît ierai Par- lote oit Thus i:ty,' .iîî- 1-311t1). ta. ANNISON-ii4 uattai I,-onn W\eil-j R, liains r,-sti n g it N art îtcîttt & ; ot l Ftitertil Pinlots tîtti l VriîtY, .1 tut.21t1d. tit 1 1). i]. F1iti rai frotin St. l Aîi t- zlie.itî ittîtchat 2 :1 i. lItterntet it i owrntitvilii- htii-.-1.Olicrs antd lîtttiibent Of .1k ritszi lettii .oilg,- A. F. & A. q.No. 11. GRt.kinihiy umcd un the Masottie Hall at 2 1..111. HENRY-In t irk,-. oit SttdtiY, MaY 28tlî, 193, llianî l-lenry. ageil 72 years. TOURJEE-At Oronno.notiIntday'. MaY 291h, 14:33, Lydia A. Tourice. iidugliter of lthe late Lewis andl Della Tounice. in lt-r S6th year. BRUNKER-In MWooiistock, .%May 29th, 19331. Agites Floy Chaniton, wife nf J. J. lirtitker. ageil 66 years. Native of Dar- litîctoît township. WlNDATT-At ileavertoit. -%ay 241h, 1133, ..Ruskin Wiittatt, ageil 22 years. 1Itilo%-cil son of Mrs. Wiitiatt and the lai t, Chla ries Wltîua tt. SM ITH-In Ilowitaiviile, on Tus7 y of lthe lit,- Eiiwari Sotiitt. un lier 781h year. Iîterotent rit Lion's Head. ORMISTON - At t'olttntis, Welnes- ti:y, Mttv 3î :, 1933, Nei,- race Ormis- toit, teloveti iau gîtter of tii la te \Vii- hiaut antdlJanet Orîttîstoît. Iarliitgton, in lier 68tl t vi-ir. BEOFORD-lit Torontto, on Satttrday, Mlay9 27th, i9:13,uîlarthla Aillic Davidl, a oaof tith u e la îtt es lBedfordl, for- tît,-rlv of i niWt. tvlc-iî lier 7:lrd ear. lttrn-tl ati'.î tutîil- CH RISTIAN - Euh t-il iîtto nest in (stiwa-ou 1ciryla, M. '26t h. 193?, Wil - iatiiM.tCtristia,it.soit of the lati NIin titi Irs. 1),WV. hristian of Sinitlîs Fl-Xl-. aier. i Si Faulls,. IN MEMORIAM STINSON-lît loviîtg ntemrorv of T. H. Stinsoit who dlilartei titis life MUay 29, 1 13 1. Tlîree years have liasseti since titat sad Wlîen Goîl calle-idlthe- one ive boveul away. Forget iii , îrio, %w,,- itever wil l A-. tirle -ars torott ciîî- ~love lui m sî ll -Sadt iv isseil hy Wifi' andtiF.iîily. DENSEM-Iîî iovîng nîenory of otîr (lear itrotiior. Frederlck G. Vtensem, who Itasseil att u May 30tit, 1929. (,onte frorn us, a smiling face, Titose itappiy cheerful ways, Th,- liteart lthaivoit so many frlends Iii itygoite haptpy lava. His naîtir,- von cotildn't helît loving. Ilis lt-art tias purer Ihaît golul. To l rit hokneî.tthim nd t llovedl i m fils nternory a-iIl neyer grov olul. I-is i).tatilifitl lîfe Caine to an er.d, Il,- tued as t ln- i, tveryonle'sfrienul. -Sisters anti Brothters. Upholstering UPHOLSTERING - On aillkIcnds of furniture. Ail work guaranteed. Sam- pies. Estimates free. J. A. Fry BScia gog Street, Bowmianvlle. Phone hS6. OLD LUMBER FOR SALE About 2000 sq f t., average length 6 ft. to 612 ft. Also a young orchard. Write P. 0. Box Q, Bowmanviffe RYA L THEATRE THURS. - FR. - SAT. JUNE 1 - 2 - 3 Lee Tracey, Benita Hume Una Merkel and James Gleason in "CLEAR ALL WIRES" and "'GIRL MISSING" Wlth Glenda Farrell, Ben Lyon Peggy Shannon, Mary Bian, Lee Talbot a.nd Guy Klbbee. Cartoon MON. - TUESv. - WED position Wanted EXPERIENCEO GIRL - In CitY a toi cou nt ry wttts situtii.tton lit gtneral Wanted EGGS WANTEO-Iligliest prices paîd. accordiiig to Governrnt grades. A. A- Emmrett. Phiole 739. 21-tf WANTEO-A capable girl or woman for general housework, for two adults; every evenitg free; may sleep) at htome if desired. ApplY tb Post Office Box 2-7q, ttowntant;ville. _221 ,- WANTED-Man anti wife to take fui, charge of nice horne andl prov ie board for owner, it reîurn for use of honte antd coîeisfre, of rent. AîîlANtut Mrs. E. V. Scoheil. it sula ncecaindiReal Estate, llowtnianiille.22-3 For Sale FOR SALE--flooti Tiinotlty lay. ('itrîs 'mux, R. 1.. 4, foinavlePhoite 2)rl2. 22-1 FOR SALE-l'tre lîr.d Jersey bull. 16 ilon thls ob i. E'. Foal er, B.owtiiVi lIe. l 'hotte 4 rl.22-1' FOR SALE-1 Jersey cow s, 3 renewetl a 1it to relie i. Apîîy T. W'. akr Bowmanville. 2 FOR SALE-E-*s.siNtCoacht. 192--, g00(1 ciîition. %w il sýýli cîteali. Apli9E. 01- Inistoît , .lt.2, BIurhîcto 22- FOR SALE-Tornato Plants. well sea- sniready to go in f ield, early or ntî-dIiui t.. jacoh Pt-ran tcl, R. il. 5. 10w - ntaill11e. Phone i39r32. 2- FOR SALE - ('Itesterfielil suite, glass cu lîloard, 'A w-t er-i7pi it t radio, tiliing- moont suite. kîlciten cainiet, one Iteater aitîl one range. Aitlly to Johin Goodatll, over the Ontario Sitore Gas Co. oice, Kintg St., ilowrnnilie. 22-1' SWEET CLOVER SEED - A numbier of farniers sow sweet clover seed after te grain is tilt. I have a lirnited fluitt- îîy of fresli honte grown goverîtrnent graîleilsteil. Seeti deiivered. Wm. Leask. Taunton. Phone. Oshtawa 163r13. 22 -1 FOR SALE-Dining table, quarter eut oak. 6ui'hairs, leather seats: Dresser, rnaioganyý finisî.bevel îplate itirror: Hit Rack, quarter cut oa.k, Jievel plate mtirror: MeItal Beil, Comllete, crearn en amel finjsh. George C. Wright Nw castle, Ont. 2- - FARM FOR SALE-5O acres, bIîeng Lot 22, Con 5. itarlington, on whiich are brick 8-noomeil hotuse witlt modecrn t'on- vettenct.s. itarul anîl soft '.aten: out- ituildinirs nin ou) reulair: 3 acres orcîtard.j Fcor paurticuuars apthly oun uremises to r.. HaLgith, Hamptton. Phuone 198r'-11 22-tf ro Let FOR RENT - 6 rcoam Iîuuîîgzahoîv. witlu zartîce attdl col ciarîl-ut Appty ta 'Mis, (Carrutthcrs, Quiee-u St. 2'2-t f PASTURE TO RENT-Forty-fjve acres of piasture 10 menit, good %vater andI shaîle. '%. T. Perrett, Hampiton. Plione 376r34. 22-1 MORTGAGE SALE, 0F LANDS IN THE VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE AND THE TOWN« SHIP 0F CLARKE. ttlrattdl ly tirtît.of lte powers it:ti iný.îl it a certain 'nortgage, whicb Nvil liwîîr,ýuceîi ai 'le lime of sale, t,tt- ililie ,offir-tI for sale on Frlday. lte 2îîîl îay of lutte, 1933, ai 2 o'clock (Standîardl Tinte) un lte aflernoon on thît -orestead Premisesity .Joseph ('otlson. Auctioneer. the following ltrop- erty :- PACL1: 188 acres more or les8 iteing ail of original toi-nslîip Lot 27 it tfit Tow-nshiliiof (Clarke, pariiy it the Village of Newcastle. save and except about 16 acres. On the land la sald 10 stantd a iîank btarn wîith stone slabling, a sollîl brick anti brick veneer farm Itous- andl al necessary oulbuilîlings. PARCEL 2:- Souîth quarler of Lot 24 it th bcThirîl Concession of the Town- ship) of Clarke, 50 acres cutllvated, not tuilit on. Terms 101, of purchase itrice ai the dlate of sale. balance ta be itaid wlthin 30t rays. Tite lrolterti' whbl bc offered for sale subieclta a reserve lîlî. For fîîrtlîer itartîculars aîîply to JOSEPH COULSON. Newcastle. CONANT & ANNIS. Oshawa, Ont. 20-3 TENDERS FOR GOAL Sealeil Tendlers atidressedti thte un- tlcrsigned antî endiosd -Tendîers for Coal,' ivililie, received uîttîl 12 o'ciock noon (daylght saving). Wednesday, June 14, 1933. for tîte suppily of coal for thte Dointîtiloti Bu ildi itg., throtgito ut tIie Pro - vinice of Ontario, includlîtg lte City of Fomnîs of tender ivitlî spitlficatlauîs and contditionts atttiched dam be oiîtaiuiei from H. F. Datwson, Actinîg tjiief Pur- Clitihg Agenît, Deîît. of Public Works. Ot tawa: antt R. lW1nter, Suitervis-ing Arcltitect. 16 Adlelaide St., Eiast, Tar- Tendiers tytlutot lie considered uniess nmade oui the forms supittled by the' it. - ltartmeuît and lut accortiance whtht de- partmettl speci ficat toits und coudtitons. Tite rigliti to iiemanud front the success- ful tenderer a deLxsit, not exceedhutg 11) lier ceitt of the amount of the tenduer, to secure tce proîter fulfilment of the contrait, is reserveil. By order, N. DESJARDINS, Secretary. fiepartment of Pulic Works-, Ottatwa, May 16. 1933. 21-2 DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental CoU1egeý Toronto. office: jury Jubllee Bldg. Bowmanville. office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. n. daily excePt Sunday. Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equipmeflt in office. AUCTIONEER Elmner Wilbur Auctioneer H ampt on Farm Sales a SPecialty, alSO Furniture Ternis moderate. Phone 129r24. FUNERAL DIRECTOR_ FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day F. F. MORRIS CO. Modern Motor EquWpment Ambulance and InvaUid Car Cail Phone 10 or 34, Assistant, 573 BOWMANVILLE Repairs R. PAWSON BOOT, SHOE AND 1-ARNESS R EPA IRIN G Good workmanship and materlal. Reasonable prices. Slver Street, Bowmanville Celebrate The King's Birthday ON ONE 0F THESE TRIPS TICKETS GOOD BETWEEN ANY TWO POINTS IN CANADA ONE DAY TRIPS SINGLE FARE FOR ROUND TRIP Tickets good going. any train a! ter 1.00 A. M. June 3. Good returning to reach original starting point Up to midnight same day (Standard Time> Usual Onue Day (Sunday) Fare aise in effect June 4. TWO AND THREE DAY TRIPS FARE AND ONE QUARTER FOR ROUND TRIP Going Dates: from Noon June 2 until Noon June 4. Return Limnit: To leave destination not later than midnight June 5, 1933 Information and lares from your local agent Canadian Pacific CENT A MILE! ROUND TRIP COACH EXCURSIONS TO AIL STATIONS IN WESTERN CANADA Going Dates: Daily May 31 to June 15 Return Limit: 30 Days TOURIST SLEEPING CAR PRIVILEGES On Payment of a slight addltlonal passage fare charge for each per- son tourlst sleeping car accommno- dation may be secured at regular Stopovers granted at aIl stations West of Port Arthur. Full particulars from any agent Canadian Pacific cated behinti Alidread a BlacksmrIth 9Shop îw bere ha le prepared to do a kld fharnepmakni and repaira. ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES t. WINDSOR and DETROIT s 5.,40 SATURDAY $ 5045 GOING (STANDARD TIME) RETURNING Lv: B owmanv ilie 4.61 "Smý. 4.02 p. m. Sat. Sun. Mon,.- June 10-11-12 Ar: Windsor 2.30p.m. 1 1.50 p. m. Ail Trains) <except No. 6 east Ar: etrit 310 .m.1 2.0 a m. of Torontol ast train on which Ar: etrit 310 .rn 12.0 ati. honored ex Detroit 11.59 p. M. -. ,-June 10 June 11 Mon. June 12; ex Windso r 1.00 a. m . June 13 . tJsual HallFsre for Children. Tickets good ln coaches only. No baggsge checked. Tickets to Detroit soid sublect to passenger meeting Immigration recîuirements of United States if (and before) entering that country. Tickets and Information from BOWMANVILLE - Town and Depot Ticket Office CANADIAN NATIONAL 1 ýClassified. Adsli IBusiness Directory LEGAL , 0 M.G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Moneytlo an on Flarm anld Town property. Royal Bank Building, tomnvle Phone 351. W. R. STRJIEE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Banlk o! Montreal Money to Loan. Phone 91 Bowmanville, Ontario. W. F. WARD, BA. Barrister. Solicitor, Notar7 Money ta Loan. Bonds for Sale. Offices: Bleakley Block, King Street Bowmanvilie, Ontario. Phones: Office 102; House 409. L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail Its branches. office immedlately east of Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688; Home 553. -1 . V L.Lm

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