PAGE 'lEN THIE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILL, THUR.SDAY, JUNE 8th. 1933 EeEZewcstle THURSDAY, JUNE th. 1933 Mrs. Williams is visiting her niece, Mrs. Chas. Rogersan, at Newcastle- on-the-Lalie. Mrs. Hitchmafl, Ottawa, is visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Rager- son, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Richard. Woods, Or- ono, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Glenney. Mr. Wm. Toms, Toronto, spent the weekend with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Toms. Mr. W. H. Gibsan and son Wal- lace returned on Monday i rom Ot- tawa where they had been visitiflg a sick relative. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wood. Toronto, are now staying at their lovelY sum- mer cottage, Woodholme, Newcastle- on-the-Lake. The Golden Rule Mission Band will hold ils June meeting on Salur- day, June 101h, in the S. S. hall af the United Church. Mr. H. H. Ardagh, whose trip 10 England ta spend the summer we reported last week. reached port safely on Saturday. June 3rd. People in large numbers have been taking advantage af the new bridge at the lake ta drive or walk aven ta the west side park, stag picnics and otherwise enjoy themselves. Mrs. Michael Elford and daughter, Mrs. C. J. Staples, Welcame, and son. Mr. Ennie Naît, Calgary. Alla.. visited Mrs. Oea. P. Rickard and othen relatives hene on Tuesday. The W. A. af the United Church meets 1his Thursday. June 8th. ai 3 p. m. in the S. S. hall. Grand- mothers' program in charge of the gnandmothers a! the association. The tulips in front af the com- munity hall having withered the Hoticultural Societ.y has had the beds planted wilh geraniums and sweet alyssum, a pretty combination, St. George's Church-Re V.F. H. Mason, M. A., Rector. Sunday, June 111h, Trinity Sunday: 8 a. m.-Holy Communion; 9.45 a. m.-Sunday Schaol; il a. m.-Manning Prayer; 7 p. m.-Even.sang and Sermon. Mrs. Perey Hare recited at Zion, Hope Tp., on Monday evening ini company with a splendid array af Toronto talent. She Was also at Kendal on Tuesday evening direct- ing the League play, Nancy Anna Bnowçýn's Folks. Durham Bnanch af the Ontario Prohibition Union will hald uts an- nual meeting and election af of- ficens in the Newcastle Community Hall on Wednesday. June 2lst, ai 2 p. m. Mr. W. C. Fengusan, Bow- manville. is president. Rev. F. H. Mason and Messrs. W. H. Anderson and Walten Crowther lef t early Monday morning toatai tend the meetings af the Anglican Synod in Toronto. Mn. W. H. Gib- son. St. George's other lay delegate, could not very çwell attend this year. The stonk paid twa visit.s to our village last week, bringing a son to Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Mellow, their third. at Cresi House, on Friday. June 2nd, and a son ta Mr. and Mrs. Larue Martin, Mill St.. on SundaY monning, June 4th. Congratulations. Mary Chaplin's new boat arrived last week and the new boathouse built by her father. Mn. W. H. B. Chaplin, has been towead dowr± 1 the flats and placed in a conven- lent position beside the creek. W. bespeak for Miss Mary miany en- joyable hours upon the water. United Church-Rev. W. P. Rog- ers, B. A.. Pastor. Sunday, June il: Sunday School Anniversary services ai il a. m. and 7 p. m. Speaker- Miss Ne Tannis Semmins, Chldren's Secretany for United Church of Canada. Special music by the choir. assisted by Mn. Allan Knight, Bowmanville. Mrs. iRev) A. N. McEvoy and Miss Helen. who lef t last f alI to spenci the winter in England and France. are now an the ocean home- wand bound. They are expected home about the end af this week. Miss Helen McEvoy. wha wona schoarship in music, has been talc ing a course in the art in Paris. M. W. E. Graves and men of Kingsway Nurseries were here on Tuesday, June 6th. building and planting the rockeny at the f onks cf the road west of the village. Mr, HOW IMPORTANT IS SEEING IN DRTI'ING In Port Hope Every Wednesday port Hope Phone Number 2M Offie Houri: 9 1. m. te 9 P. m. ________ ______- Verdict NEWCASTLE MEETS I lnquest ntDEFEAT IN GAME r I (Cantiflued from page 1) HERE SATURDAY mnon laild the jury that bath deaths Last innings RiaIy Saves Newicastle Graves undertook the work ai a con- were due ta severe fractures at the Tearn Whjtewashing - score tract price for the Newcastle HRni- base ai the skull. . 2- cultunal Society which had, through Ernes~t Pearce, Newcastle. au eye Ws2- vluntary labar on the part af far- witness, saw the bus appraach f rom In a gamne we are not going ta mers and others, prepared the the east. It was filled with children, os bu, reeLe etuisi gaund and gotten the rocks-stonleihe said, and as they were singi ng a about, oranvlened the New-i on hand. ihe f ollowed its progress lowards castle entry in the Lakeshare Base- forn Mrs. Ed. Powell and Mrs. W. J. BowmanvilUe. When it neaned the bafegeao0lr efa nSt Hackin visiled relatives in Toronto intersection the car suddenly shot urd anght.a 20to 7as naot nil he on Tuesday. out in front of the bus. Then he final f ramne ai the game tUaI New- Miss Ruby Henderson. Toronto, saw the crash. The car was appar- casîle sconed. but when they did ~ was a weekend guesi ai Uier cousins. ently going about 20 miles per haur they batted anound. 'Redi' Bowin Misses Ruby and Muriel Shaw. and did flot slack up as 'il came out made a new record fon himself with Ne Mr. Jas. Robinson has iartiffed on the highway. The bus was go- 16 strike-outs in the game. He ta himsehf against lUe damps ai spring. ing the samne speed. Alfred Graham slruck out 8 ai the firsi 9 Newcastle the heat o! summer, the winds ai who was with Pearce corroboraled men who came up la bat. In fact f aIl and the cald ai winter, by hav- tUis evidence and added that "it there #tvas only one innings, the ing his wide veranda enclosed with looked as though the driver o! tUe sixth. when he did nai gel a stnike glass. Mr. Cecil Walkey, Newton- car did nal knaw the highway was oui, but he gai an assist in tUaI inn- V ville, was the carpenlen. TUe wood- lUcre on did nol cane." He lhought ings when he threw la Hall at third chux wonk ta now being painled. a punctured tire was the cause o! forcing Dickinson out. N Among the atisîs iromn Toronto the bus veering itU e south ditch. Newcastle started wilh George àa wha conlribuied 10 lUe program .aI Traffic Officer Purves told ai his Wallon an the pîlcher's rmaund, lat- -Ne Zian last Monday evening was Miss investigation and gave measure- er changed ta 'Shinny' Moise, and F Bertha Louisa Tamblyn., daughter of ment.s. A skid mark running north then again ta Clint Cavenly, the Jun the laie W. W. Tamblyn and coin- and soulh, apparently tUai o! tUe Bawmanville member af Iheir out-Re poser ai music fan chiidren's sangs. Horn car, slarted about 9 inches Eit. Neither were very spectacular, 1,1t Miss Tamblyn sang a number ai hier fram the edge ai lUe No. 2 highway but ail pitched reasonably good bah., you own compositions. the wonds ai and continued fan il feet, 9 inches, that the lacals Uandled as lUey FOI which were written by Mrs. Edith acnoss lUe ighway. Shswudpesd Graves ai Toronto. suggest that lUe driver prabably re- Having lost the game by quite a O The membens ai the Library alized the ighway was there aniy wide margin. and just avaîding aNe Board.i. ncluding Rev. J. Scott Hcw- when she was right on top ai it or whitewash by a last innings ard in Uta shirt sleeves, assisted by saw the bus. Newcastle have the proud distinct- Erx MissCan BulerLibania. sent Offcen Purves stated that thene ion. thraugh Hennings. their smart 3 some busy hours in tUe libnary on was a 2-foi square stop sign ai the 2nd baseman, ai hînting the flrst c- Monday evening packing up ail the intersection and tUai on his exam- home rn on antle new grounds. In 1 1930 and 1931 magazines donated ta matien he found thai the brake rad the 91h innings. Hennings cleared 4_ on subscribed for by tUe Libnary af the bus Uad been bnaken in the the cast fence with a beautiful drive. Board. The magazines were being collision. Unlike tUe game with Coboung a sen tatUeMisionfanSaiarsOfi Abert Rundle. passenger irn the week ago. hits were quite nmru inland waters lhraugh the Uppen ill-f ated car, stated that the car with tUe visitons getting five and E Canada Tract Society which oper- ligUis did nai show the highway. the local teamn waiking away with ates the missian. They wene expecling ta came ta the 13 hits. The teams: 1,x miss Annie Shaw, who has spenl highway. but did not see it or the Newcastle - Moise. 3b, P. c: Hen- many years of!lUer lie in the nursing bus until 10 or 15 feet from il. nings. 2b; G. Walton. p. c; E. Wal- profession in Detrait, Mich.. in Piqui. Florence Bours. anoîhen passen- tan. 3b; Spencer. 3b; T. Brown. c: NI O., and fan the pasl two years in gen.' staled that the party was talc- A. Gnaham, lb: G. Graham. ci: ter Masselon. O.. has relined and came ing a drive ai 1er aliending League Brunt. ss; Cavenly. ni. p; Dickin- 1 1bacc la Newcastle ta live. LasI som- ai Hampton. In answer ta questions son. If. Ad mer she punchased the laIe Mrs. sUe stated tUaI sUe did ual see the Bowmnanville - Bawman, P; P- Elizabeth Jones' house an King St. stop sign, but that the speed ai the en, c; Corden, lb; Coiweil. 2b: Hall, West, and is now having il remad- car was slackened as they enlered 3b; Osborne. ss: Moore. f; Camner- ,o,, elied and renovated. At ciîy hospi- the village, an. cf: J. James. ni. 11 itais in Piqui and Masselon Miiss William Brown. passenigen ri the Umpires-Plate. 'Duîch' Osbonne; WZ Shaw was an the staffs as Instruct- bus, gave a bni account ai what Bases. Keneflck. or ai nurses. She is staying aI pres- lihe knew, and T. A. Garton, driver e .1,,, *ent with hier relatives. Mn. and Mrs. of the bus. was granled the usualDi *Alonz rern af evidence when lhe was T e Roay Club !F The emais ofthe ate hos.called upan.Th Ro ayE' tPowell. wha died quite soddenly aI Thene were 36 children in the bus. l"I Uta home on tUe Base Line, East. on Mn. Gatan explained. aI the lime ai (Contlnued irom page 1) ,e Thursday, June ist. were laid la the collision. In describing tUe ac- the Club if ils members were losing c resi at Elizabethville, his former cident hie tld the jury that he saw 311 home, on Saturday ai ternioan. June tUe lights ai tUe car caming fnrom their enthosiasm. hie said. 3rd. He had been oui wiih his guni tUe Orana road and immediately Many were looking ta Rotary IClubs ta heal divisions, and thein aiten graundhogs in the forenoon t he car sUai ouI in front ai him. Henidwsvilyaprt.I o and aflen coming back la the house was only 15 or 20 feet away when hie'ne a iil aprn.I tcomplained ai not feeling very well. saw the iights ai the car. In hiftng tary Uad accomplished any ane He again went outside where il was the car a tire was punctured and1 thing il has been that oc developing cooler and Uta family 'vere surpnis- he went ia othe citch and turned' character i lizts embe rts n il ed when a short lime amten he pass- aven. Ris hydraulic brakes were in cT. epcvlztii ypat~n ed away. having evidenlly soffered goori condition hie added. TUe bus lUnenitionar of lihagtothe wrd a stroke. MucU sympathy ta felI had a seafing capacity ai 34 adults i ethe sart 0fevitogetheor. I nfor is bereaved wife and family ai was 29 feet long and weighed 15,600, hr aa c oa fi y-i sons nd daghtes. ponda mpty.Re was travelling pathy, for understandii1r ande- The Municipal Cooncil met on 2 mlenprdoo. our aen amog au lomae the rMonday evening oati h15 eek inslead WUy didn'l you see lUe car? asked ifReartaofians should cuae he aiMnaerwhnWre ik Crowri Attorney Boggs. I lookedfieat isai elungg rard will be ai Counties' council. Ibath sides ai tUe raad and didn'lting atoeaotIe.Ma rh qusino algtsvn Im eantigMrGro eped radical changes have taken place TUequetio aidayigh svin lie Iseeanyhig. n. artn rplid.du ring tUe p ast, 25 years. Wc see i was braached but soon dropped ag j Could you do nothing la avoid tUe il in the reiaiionship between emn-c ain. There wvas no petition beiore accident? Nothing ai ail. Wereplyrade loe.teyeofC ytUe counicil lUis year as in tUe past you tUe only aduit in the bus? Yes.' loer tatadempinofie ontUe type ai Stwo years. TUe noads commilîce Dîd yau apply your brakes when you meahtaelkngofc nsho Seggdtecutetcrrad saw tUe car? Yes, immedialely. boards, in municipal councils and engaed he cuntes ractor oadpublic office. Cammunismn is much ;grader one day lasi week when il The jury was absent 36 mninutes. concerned about unemployment. and. was passing thnough the village ta returning ai 11.28 p. m. wifh thei sciape and grade up a number aif verdict.soucnt eammbsaiae- tUeman îret taiar nt avd. - _____________- vice club be jusl as much concerned w e th mai strets hat re nt paed-if we realize tUaItUe young people. t -Il speni eighî hours here altogether tUe students gnaduaîing iram aur hc and made a splendid job ai tUe Ts.. chools and universities. will go 10 t roads ta tUe lake and lUe C. N. R. T w o n i pieces unleFs occupation is gained in staton ad lter sîreets around lUe -central part ai tUe village. ft hm h voeftr i5r :Continued !rom page 1) vice clubs depends upon tUe appli-- TUe W. M. S. of Newcastle United cation they give ta tUe sfudy ai the sChurch met in lUe S. S. room on tUaI no setlement has been made1 solution of present day prablems >f Thursday. June lst. with tUe lat but that negolialions are unden way su U ucs atie o h e Vice President. Mrs. N. Riekard' in to pravide a scow for transpartiflg building up af the greatesi civiliza- tthe chair. Aiter the opening Uymn cottagers ta their propcniy. lion ai all time. and reading ai Psalm 121. Mrs. J. R. Miller and Libby, Osha.wa. ow-ncrs Vice President Oea. W. James cx- d Fisher offered prayer. Minutes wene ai tUe Bowman House, wnote counicil Iended lUe Ihanks ai tUe Club bo ýo read by tUe secretary, Mrs. F. But- %vith regard fa penalty on taxes orn Dr. Semple fan his inspirationai and d ler. and reports given by tUle treas- tUai property. Nat only did lUe iet- timeiy address. which was passcd an tiurer and strangers' secreIary. Dally fer complaîn about tUe sa càlled bv tUe Presîdent. id Purdy sang very sweeîly. accomp- unfirncss of tUe penalty but alsaý -anied by Mrs. Ward, and Mns. J. C. exprcssed the opinion tUai the Pc:- a Hancock gave an excellent report oi alfy was ultra vires. The letter ne- -tUe Sectional RalIy held in St. Pauls qoesled extension ai lime w;thaut Bu H S. Nw sm ChurcU. Bowmaniville. Miss Black- penalty. Cooncil considered it im- 1 if burn ably presented chapter thre. possible la make any special prix il (By Y.Dzzy Wrigt) ,n Making ai Western Prairies" i nom eges ion one laxpayer and recc-ived-1 ýd tUe sfudy book, and a reading "TUe and fyled lUe lelier. Wlth one set ai exams in tUe )f raiie"was given by Mrs. J. C. Finance Commitîce presenled a background and another set cam:ing r.Hncc. Meeting closcd iIU a repart ai sund.ry expendilures in tUe near future, 111e ta jost a bawl - familiar Uymn 'Breathe on me amnounting ta $1188.52, witU addi- ai stodies. .BrealU ai God" and prayen by Mns. tional expenses ion relief amounting TUe Screech Owl lUis year has N. Rîckard. to $97541, making a total ai praven a biggcr and beller soccess ________________________$216393. than ever, with plenty ai news, pic- GOL EN WE DIG Publie Propenly Commniîtee was lunes and stories for aIl. GOLDENWEDDIN 1 aChs. edta adjusî tUe fmontage on At a basebail meeting on Tuesday Ca.Heals pnapenty, adjolning i was decided 10 enter a Ieam lu (Continuad !iram page 1) tUe Town Hall. Five or six icet are tUe Town Baseball7 League witU chargcd la Mn. Heal which Uec daimis Boyd Slemnon as manager. and if F. & A. M., No. 31, and ,?,rote ils should be charged ta tUe Iawn. possible ta, have Jim Bowman as isfory which ta highly prized. Af- 1Cal. McLaughlin eported Rotary coach. Dan Williams is la repre- ter ma)ving fariToronto Uc xvas elccf- Park cleaned up and a man working sent B. H. S. aI lUe league meeting. Mn. M. A. James was Mayor ai Bow%- Commit tee. -1 ws fPr rhr jmanvilie Mn. Keachie made up a Members ai Council werc inviteciws.a Pr nhn Iparty ai vocalisîs, insîrumenfalists. ta a special round table conference Ireaders and speakers, ahl natives ai on Relief being held by J. A. Euis, Full partîculars from any agent jDurham County, who opcned tUe Secretary ai unemployment Relief C n d Town Hall on ils dedication by a in Ontario, aI WUtby lUis (Thuns- Ca a ian ia iic I series ai two concerts. day) morning and afernaan. ClassfieWands id Memoriam, 50c; 10c per line extra rMemoriam verses. BIRTHS MlARTIN-At \ViIIowlxxl'ý Rest Rom,, xvcastIe. oit Suixdav, lune 401x, 153:J, Mr. and t I rs. Lrue Mlartin, a soi MARRIAGES WRIGH-N EWELL~--%t the United .urch Parsoxage,' ttackstock, on Wed- esday, Juie luth, i933, lxyRE-%. F. W. ewel .BA., B.D.. brotlr of tîxe bride, ibez Henry Wrighit, and (',ad>-s Aîe xeeiI. Iotix of Biackstock. FOUNO - RUNOLE - Oit Saturday. une :irl, 113, at Ebcixezei' Chxtrcx, 1)3 ev. H. C. -Woifrainx, L.aura 'Maxie, Sec- d daugîxter of mis. ItundIs alixx the ,e S. C. RundIe. ah Arthutr Hatrold, oungest son of SMr. and Mrs. Jointx tond, botx of Daringiox. STRONG-BRUCEý-.tthexcrr.sidlnce f tc le ride's parents, Ctruuxts, oit Wxx- esxla3', Julîc i th, 1f43,lxRe . . xeiB.A. . B-1., GorxIlîxGra nt Stxxoxi . ,) I o f 'M r . i x t lii x . S i , t t t 1x rnia Gertrt'le,. duxtîxuiter of Mr. andi Irs. R.ot,rt lt'x 1x,1 1,Otl f t'tr riix. DEATHS VARCOE -x1.1 vxxtt ii .xx Siiit 4ih 3,.ar. ECKA RDT-Suxlxltnly. Lxi Toronxto, on -xii lx xx1ba n of Atile,îtLiIIliai Cutîx- rx"on. VEALE- 111( 0t11 lx, xi JxIxc 6lx. nub, l:ilvtrace, lttxliter -of 3Mr. andl xx.Cstl V:lex inxler 2tri year. Ili- rnxsnt Nestleton Cenittr3'. o REW - At Wlxiilxy. lavlxxii, h33 .xGrace TaYlor. x '1Wof thxe late li L)Ir,W, Ea li i ix . lxt, nu six t ICassar Cnxetery. Blackso2k. WALKER-At l93 Soulaiu .\ve, Tor- nto. Jlixt,40t1, 13.Lola, youligesi nixzxtx ftltlt, 3r.and tirs. Hugli zixlk,-r. ixrel at Port Ilairs. STICKLE-At 3lsxroixolitixliHospxital, Vi n dsar. Ouxt., on Stii xiy, Jiine 4. E1.3.1, n lix x W,.l lz txIi Stick l,, azesti69 y',ars. POWELL-lIt Cjlxks. oitJuie 1, 193S>. tixttti s Imx ,l. I elo c lii slaxtd of hz lsii lcGtlxy.ili Ilits t6tlx xsir.It- ru.xx Atg x:î Ci xc.srN, Elizat- GLENNY -lx In xxx 'ox i î.'xty. lits il ii v.txr Itir. txusxi Iii lu oity3 xxý i xx t1i.xx IN MEMORIAM P A S C O E - l it i x Il'n ' ,x -111 0 1 T f L x . i'.x'Coî, xx i l i, I ' lit, a t. [un,. lxi îxcS 1.itCi, i ix 'x (f a lox l xi x x.t1 l w .11 lxx ix', - rItII, it r I l:x xl.",.. xxx. i, 1lii"l . -Si Iv xxii'.I.l, i auglitrs. CARDS 0F THANKS I wish ta thank aIl who helped me ýn any way in the Mail and Empire contest. Whethen I win or lose, I fel that I have the goad wishes ai ahast aif fiends and supporters. Yaurs sincenely. Helen Marris Miss Florence Burns. Hampton, wishes ta thank the nurses and doc- tors ai Bowmanviile Hospital. also er many fiends and neighbors, for the kind attention shawn hen dur- ing her recent illness. Durham County Holstein Breeders ANNUAL Field Day and SATURDAY, JUNE 1Oth 10 o'clock-Judging Competition, R. R. Stevens' Farmn. 12.30-Hampton Park- Lunch Program and Sports- Guest Speaker: Dr. . G. CJhristie, Fresident O. A. C. - Everyone welcome - Bring yaur basket. WALTER REYNOLDS, Pres. H. C. MUIR, Sec. ROYAL CAFE 2 doors east Royal Theatre Serves Home Made Cooking WEEK-END SPECIAL If yau wanl something good try aur HOME-MADE STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE with Whipped Cream or Ice Cream 15e a portion. Rernember our Llght Lunches, 30e FRED BATEMAN, Proprietor. EGGS WANTED-Hglxst prices îad, accorîiig to Go\ exii si ti grades. A. A. E-- n t î x i, t . P l o e 7 3 9 . 2 1 t f WANTED-,X caîaIdr ifor gnertl Ixouxoxxxork. oit a firni. Aîxîxivto M\rs. NoîxI tîtetîfP.. R 2 iowmanViie P h on e 4 n: l.23-1 WANTEO - Capable girl for general ltusw ork. muýt be able ta do plain cookînq. fond oS cîiltreit. AplI' P. 0. Býox 1914, Bownxanviiie. 23-1' CARPENTRY WORK WANTED - Screcîx doars and xx'ndoxvs made ta measure; doors re-screeitd aIil re-Iuilt. p îc es raso îxtb î. Phone 1-19J for es- t i n î x t a e s . 1 3 - 1 l x x HORSE WANTED-Suiîii.t for mar-1 ket t ardeirxx , thIat %xiii xxork sixngle or 'i oîtîxe, lînice iniîst hi neasoil le. AI)- pII-l 1x3'iti- i' lv. suating aire anti lrice. Il3f -"iraxxcr P., Boxvnta'liie. 23-3' WANTED-3Ittt andxîl ie 1ta ke Sfu charge of nice home and rox ils board for oxx-ixer. !il rtuîri for tise of liont, aMIx conitts5 fns of reni . .Apli' ati rs. E. v. Scoîxeli. It surah ce anxdl Rex1Estat, For Sale PIGS FOR SALE-AliS to Taluîxxiaze Tayiýlot'. liirkx'ioxi. FOR 5ALE-Larzs size lent(îarli. Appxî xii.' alu z Wiiams, ioxxtlaiiilit. FOR SALE-T-iiiilEr tahîtý. quarter eut o z k xl 6. C h'l a ir s , le x t l e r s a is ; 1 It, ý5 c ,.r Iiauoixl'fiish,. tevel 1plate 1ixiri'an Ila Il acli. ijixritr c'Ilx tla, J 'eilxiii is xxx irror;: 1el licîl cni hid', era nxixn- xmlfinishx. George C rci x' cxstl, Ont. - F A R M O A L pac e , l in z L o t 2.Cox. . Darlingioxi, on wxiicîx are lxic -rooiaed l lu'exxiilx noîîrn con- xcienc,'s. bardl antd soft xxa er: outI- ltiitiinus in rootlrepiar: 'tacre's orcîxanî. For pxricilars aîxîly on lrnises t0 E. HairLitix, Ilamîxion. Plxoîxe 1llitrt 22-tf For Exchange FOR EXCHANGE-AxIx,-'tisrfixas val- iile Toronito city revenue bearing pro- 1). rti.' int c halu it e for SIitx ll ac s' rs 1 0- 2.3 acreýsx"!th goox ise anxd near ioxxn xvi t stxx t, vat tr andxiltilro convcn - i iiiccx.. Inxrepîxi'iîx ix e taci locationait l i e ,s x a itr . xl a i I f uxll i a u C tti s o landi. flox 44, 1P.oxxnxitviiii. 23-1 Baby Chicks for Sale IBABY CHICKS FOR SALE - Fro nt pexi g ai'." i l raisi .rsî lins x11th rs - Cars o e r 2~i. tx t . iiiCes 1t th xioiiirs Sv,;xOf ouri. ittl.- hlai plx iT e5 ax r 3" ý-g * - , E lîi t ot en xv, k'oliielixr. l ocks. Buiy' yor l.r."xlxtixtl.lls x andtx aitl5v" xr pxi-. o' xi strinzi P.l- W-. v It'ýiî Str-t Tonianvll'. plio -13» HORSE ROUTE BROWN STAR. the pure bred Clydesdale Stallion. the property af Arthur Nichais, Lot 25, Con. 3, Danlington. will make the season of 1933 commencing immediately. He will remnain at his own stables each day and evening except Mondays. Terms are Ten Dollars, payable March 1934. 23-1w1 1 Upholstering UPH-OLSTERING - On ail kinds of furniture. Ail work goaranteed. Sam- pies. Estimnates free. J. A. FrY, SMm- gog Street, BowmnanvllO. Phone 538. An appie a day keepa tUe doctor away,-unless you geltUe seeds in your appendix. Royal Theatre BOWMANVILLE JUNE 8 - 9- 10 THE WOMAN ACCUSED With Nancy Carrai, Cary Grant, John Halliday. The drama Ihal thniIled a nation irom tUe Liberty magazine ail star stary. also Jn Wayne and Duke the Miracle Horse TELEGRAPH TRAIL JUNE 12 - 13 - 14 Norma Shearer and Clark Gable in Strange Interlude Eugene O'Neill's Mîght Pulitzer paced wiltnills. Fox News - Comedy I Si ___ Two hours 1 BusinessssDirectoryl LEGAL m. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.D.> Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money ta joan on Farm and Town property. Royal Bank Building, BowmanVille. Phone 351. W .R. STRIKE Barrister, Soicitor, NotarY Solicitor for. BankL of Montreal Money ta Loan. Phone 91 Bowmaflville, Ontarlo. W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money ta Loan. Bonds for Sale. offices: Bleakley Block, King Street BowmanvlUe, Ontario. Phones: Office 102; House,409. L. C. M4ASON, B. A. Barrister - Solicitor NotarY Public - Etc. LaW in ail its branches. office immediately east af Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688; Home 553. DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate o! Royal Dental College Toronto. office: Jury Jubllee Bldg. Bowmnfville. Office hours 9 a. m. ta 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90. House Phone 283. X-Ray Eciuipmelt im Office. * AUCTIONEER Elmer Wilbur Auctioneer H ampt on Farm Sales a Specialty. aise F'urnlture Terms moderate. Phone 129r24. FUNERAL DIRECTOR_ FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day F. F. MORRIS GO. Modern Mator Ecauipment Ambulance and Invalld Car Cail Phone 10 or 34, Assistant, 573 BOWMANVILLE Repairs R. PAWSON BooTr, SHOE AND HARNESS R EPAlR IN G Goad workmanshil) and matertl. Rerasonahie prices. Slver Street, Bowmatlville 45-46