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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jun 1933, p. 1

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With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News a NUMBER 24 "Tftf TT:) ( 0I T'%si i-mIlK A Y l N X'W1 Ii lÎ. q- NUMB R 2 1 'oi-ý%IXTI%/rAXTITTT.T.P. OMTARTO- THURSDAY. JUNE Ibtng iiiýý VOLUME 79 Bu vv £IN v ILa,, UIN.I i.niv±., *. ~ ~ ..---- _____________ Music Study Club ROTRY FAIR St. Paul's ChurcliHShTPCI Rotary Club ta NURSES TO GRADUATE Bowmanville was El sRtar Cluuxisaglteuigr" _AtoFo An invitation is extended to Elect ruFcers r~Bwaville cvenin g O Fir AutaFor the publiec oattend the an- Kepresented at the incoming directors, as a~-C lGaduatan i opiEalerin- o decided to change the date of mng Sehool for Nurses, Friday. the Fair f rom July 19ch ta June l6th ini Trinity United M rs E. P Bradt e-electe Wednesay. July 26th. M m- MClubcott, 2riday's Mmeeting atChurch' atm8.30g C.rcm.at8v30 Dr.. Chairr.nanaL.anT..MTcLaugh- Mr E P Bat e-lete ednbttesdy Osy6hwaMCu Mssbot2 yasa i-C. R. Carscallen, Principal o! President for a second anrd the Whitby Club have sionary in Japan, tells of unanimous for Chev. car the Ontario Ladies,' olege, lin and Secretary T. H. promlsed to assist local Rot-Wh muia rga f oc ar ter .-Wr o atya arians on the igiit of the inestg work being Wreford Souch of Hali- On the msclporm iiLchr joined in dai- reviewed in reports Fair. President-elect Tommy done in Far East fxRoary Club acted as appear Miss H-elen Argue,MSSusin o may rle ROSS, with President Jim.M rgaetxAlin and M ;s M.o m ny rei P l an.sE. Pf o r a a s b i g g ere a ndt t ab etie .e r s i e n tM i s s e A e Bll B u t e s r s nM .m a v l e W a e r s e t d b r s.E. P. Beradtas Pre-eleteofC - DStitt and ice. Presiden i* i r in-pinch-hitter speaker S. Dale and Owen Nicholas. problenis at Whitby for ~ ~ ~ ~ _O.W James were in Osh- vited the mernbers af Trinity egautignrsae e od term asePressent.of havaon WedCoac awh e h wl e e t uingin t e a mot nr estiongtary Carnival on Wednesday. july Miss Bessie Mildred Clark. Reeve T. H. Lockhart and Col. L. T the ~Th BmmnineuicC u tth seedteshnso 193 meeng eenng hreth geson h ae owuneway and the McLaughlin, Chairman of the Wel nvl a Mis S ot Too tgrand prie for this year wil be a RiefB o r testheld uner ern - ofeth last Wednea y. m e min utesd the Grand Prize at the Car- speaker wa is S ot, T r no sn-p-----Ce--e-coch T i o!port last annualemeting and aonival.Who has spent 20 years in Mission a! y13 herltcah Ti eifth ritecialdGovermer- reprtcoerngth atiiteotewrk inJpan.Mi utcisnwas decided when the club unani-comssiouggtedthatickeots the mental auspices at Whitby on mur- Club for the past year was reand anddce of t e t ge her. wlth the reigh t _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ r s d nt r s d d an n r d c dm ously voted o this effect at itsf ulsur b e s ld by n emptott e me n s on e sday.eDr. D .aB .eHarkness, ù%ecret approved tgte htethe speaker. A number o! the Mis- ham een'ton Friday. Other detailshai o! the treasurer. Mrs C. A Wight have b ~eJ.t to President-elect cmisonnanig u ehtit n !Cmlte- ce scare a c e s p id e n t a n d M is s H e le n D E C O R A T I O N D A Y P R O G R A M T nsi o ns B a n de g irlsy eb d s in . br w e r ee m c lh ildepr e s e n tn o f t h p o v n c alvi n ge n r Argue Tommyrls Rossprsand athegincoming tuheb h lpng boh he u em- ad ole Irn ty iscussion o! ace s rsd*e ar nth pF samea oado Drc r h wl ak ftime. The subject o! holding a fCclals Ageas SecretarY for the electian AT THE CEMETERY NOW an pathrnissheott enn poamt adnW.F i f ice on the !irst FrdaY inl Ju1Y. parade in the early evCning was dis- A list o! 22 questins Were Stb o ocrs ry res td as -Mr s. H. - anese girter l h t as te n gir ali the West R ve o! Newcastle who will be host President Jlm Devitt presided at cussed but nothing definite was mite for discussion coverng a Dudiey Presidient-Mrs. . P . atannstra soitinwl d e United undy thooilsin toronto on June 2lst at Prsqu'fle Point, Friday's meeting, which owng f0 declded. Fuxther defails wl probab- wide range o! subJects and gvin iVice.-Pres.-M. H. D. Cle;men; service, mayor wll dellver the which was quite inferesing ta the near Brghtn, o the annual the excessive heat, was cut quite y be available next week.Do new ligh to those admlniterin Vie-rs - W H . Cen n;o ter chang isscond tions in Japan ardally i ne pulic isthe oar W lonotte Wh.y lb Rotarians lncluded D n relie! as ta the terms; used in rele Rec. secy. and Treas.-Mrs. AubreY aressanUfd Letion Ban der mmbers. Mngcodis inot re!ered Wrdeal n's icnlc e pu ic isthe ont. nO h htYCu iloJc olnadCaec wr n hti n hti Smih; orrspodhi SeyýMss in uppy msicrelative ta soldiers, f armers and Coutites Couneillors at tis an- extended an invitation for the BoW- irin of Whltby, W. F. Souch o! permissable under govermnent reg tee-is sbonEtheMari, mi reatais to the fine points Of nual gaflierlng at which Hon. Oea. manville Club to aid the baby club Halifax, and Hubert C. Hlgginbof- ulation.1 te-Ms Ehe oris is Gea e. . .Tod n Rv.C R mdisnto the gaod qualifies of S. Henry, Premier o! Ontario, wlll o! the district in their !lrst street ham o! Cobourg. Dr. Harkness pointed out thatth Wicket, Miss Margaret Alin, Mrs. Spencer, program conuittee o! the the Japanese people and gave Manly speak. fair on August 2nd, when the Leg- .6 residence rule provides that a fa- Oea. Weeks, m. D. J. Chambers. Ministerial Association, have com- instances where the preaching and _____________ion will combine wlth the Rotary U RESITY RESULTS ily must reside in a municipalit IZnr. Geo. Hall, Mrs. E. S. Ferguson pleted the prograni for SundS.y, teachlng o! the gospel had been the Club for the big event. UIEthme monhs!rom the 1sf o! Jin and Miss E. Painfan; Planist-Miss June 25th. Decoratian Day and affer means o! changlng m.anY luves. Missta lm n There was no scheduled speaker Ms agr ikoThird before becoming enfltled ta reli. Helen Marris.the appraval o! the CemeterY Com.- SafI avr neretn peaker 4FirstI sa et for the day but Rotai-ian Wre!ord Ms agrtDcsn Another subjeet, known as the - Folawing the business session a mit tee the prograrn is now being and has had a wonder!ul experlenceT x De Souch o! Halifax, NS., and a nativeyermd lnags 2nd caus 40 ule. was taken up and en shot usca pagamwasrede- rite. heservice wll be much whc htIobef present in a 1933 T xsD eo! Bowmanvllle filled in. He con- hOnors. a! te gatheming were lnformed tes athortveryieffective and enllghtening veyed thehereetlngs a! thebHall!ax Miss Marlon Rickard wn Hanlil- tis meant that aU zielef lssue einudgapinsloby Miss the same as in previaus years. The vr fetv n niheigvydtegetnso h a edicuigapaosl omnsriecmecsa .0P .manner. Bt uiire were Club fa the local club and comment- ton, Mik-BEiggar ScholarshiP in must be given in this ratio o!f6 Helen Kerr; violin solo, FNenmanoserviceopcommences er2.30 forfBath aux40llaries Friedli; vaCal solo, Allin Knight; daylight savng fime, and the music greatly delighted with her earnest Tax Collector reports $32,- ed an the !act thaf very f ew Rotai-- LatinFrnchor Geekoptrsion asbpuercont og!oand 40 ercxen o piano duet, Mrs. H. D. Clemens and wllld obel Tsupplieors-dwar VbPl-theaspoCanaotdasotan Miss Helen Argue.Legion Band under the direction o! The thanks o! Trlnify were ex- 0ow ad...Tdyis tpians.eem avisi e ariieoeosh eet' coaslskulelthn n te xess Mis H l n A g e r n rprn x ro o te pressed b r .C .W ght a dyau. he said, that Monfreal is flot lard has completed the requirements was no objection in men n rele Mms. E. P. Ilradt iinaoidabe abence ! Badmasfeirs.W .Saead !S.Pu' ay of grace for payment the end o! Canada. Camne down for degree o! BachelOr O o!afo nviibeasneo a Ms .A hn n fS.Pu' Arts. having casual earnlngs and tes theclu fo thir ontibuio to * Lwen. b Mis M ~and see Haifax. Mr. Sauch fold o! Callege o! Education results in these should in no way e!!ectte socaio ot e ritso iatio ns Th e rie J To d, e. O heMis M Aefn g. u bes weeithout penalty Rota y conditions In the M aritimes pedagogy: W . j. M orrison, B.A., at- payment a! relief, unlesa the a the cu pr orm ar nd thei mtin g o ducted by the Ministerial As- rsi g n m es w r chl o ih t N a th etio nm. th r nt ____________theNationalA.hF. Arms wtragRev. . . d err, teeDevotional Leaflet by Miss Edna where the clubs are qulte f arapart, tained standing in Science o! unt O! these casual eamnlnge aio REC. r.mspeoncer and A S at. eel adteKpaerbyteis p until the fime Tax Collector the nearesf club to, Hali!fax being Eua o.H .Mryn . f n aapart finie employmenf. l jeei n hePayrb teMi- UltEaetangi n HH.L. Itoyno!A..Ed-u-teet o!teanngto ig REEETOFIEMrev TuCk .Sper and orf ion sion Band followed by an acrostic, Pred Paf tinson's office closed on 42 miles away. Hall!fax Club has 140 andsniginHtoyfEu-hevn fteemnsttl te ervce A short adrissw fî beThe King o! Glory" by 14 memn- Wednesday nlght a total o! apProx- members which he consldered f00ain.araoabeaontadde AT WLET DUCRAM tdellvere.y Aysort Oe W Jame.bers and a recitation "The Master's ina.tely $32000 had been paid on unwleldjy, and thought tatte cala isse md ri hergri AT W ST URH M lArranementsMafor teo.paraesareGarden" by Misses Elva Patter, the flrsf instalment o! taxes due sinaller clubs lUke Bowmanvifle, APCRoECIOssuea. e a usio ya WOMEN'S INSTIUTE now under way and this wll llkely Doris Vutue, flleene Stephens, Dan- odue Wfohe toa amount a! dced etteroffteoship. y isOshawa relief administratar,D. fo-mupatth ubicScoo adelda Creaser. Mms. C. A. Cawker also taxes duetfor thefythe aBountlng speaking o!the work tone by hi Tyroe Intitue hot ataniial roceed heedbithe Band and esang a solo a.!tei- the address. Re- fa $113,39995, hal! o! that amount club, Mi-. Souch sfatcd that last In aur reportltwekoteBa rkssttdtsteearig! Trn meti - Mis F. Ferguson TownCounci, Civic OthecBad and reshnnswr evdadasca r$56,699.96 is due taday, June 15te. wlnter tee club served 1100 break- a! Quinte CaifeiOnce w. failed ta the whole !ainily should be take meeting - Mrs. FAnFequalenamowntCwlllibecomeidueffon fla nd peredaystonpoord.cAnldren inothe giveecpropduecredifstapthosey ladiesr ctilcons detat goneinrgrantcngdrelie!. again Pesidentfraternal socleties ta tee Cenotaph trewsejyd October 6th. When te books are clty and tey raised mney by seil- responsible for tee tremendaus task A famlly was one unit and ait wl- Disric CnvPetinoe mn 's m wea.the parbad onUthen r ik !teBwavleclased fonight It la hoped that af in bonds, much in the saine man- a! serving meals at tee Conference. in teat unit should caîtributeftee memria. Te Prad wil ten wo ink oftheBowanvlleleast $50,000 will have been paid in- nei' as tee Boys' Work s cariled on We mentloned only the naine of support o! au mi so far as If is pas istictesonWestiouan ofwams lprceed ta the CemeferY where tee tawn Bowling Club lurneyed ta to the m c!a.tresury- If tels iln Ontaro. Mrs. w. R. Strike as ojiairman when ible. If 13 onlY when no member! at TYrone On Thursday, June te, service wlll takre place. Caiemoiit ta attend the tourna- anioun-Il reaiiwa iI W 'l~ -Speaking o! the countryside, Mr. we should have includdM.TW.te!niy1abeasuprIfet wlhanatedno ! 2.If should be nofed that f111 yoSi- ment last Wednesday. The ink, that collectins over tee whole year, Souch mentloned Annapolis Valley, Cawker and Mm. J. E. Elllott and temnclpalty should be askedgt wthean reside ofM0.Foere- private citîzens. fratemnal or other sklpped by J. D. Carruteers, includ- provlding f al collections are as Durham Caunfy's rival in fhe apple 12 group leaders fi-rn' TrlnltY stp lu ta help. gusan Blasetoc, rsldoed.Fer organizations wl look afer the ingJ J. Masan. I. G. He!key, C. W. good, wll exceed by a considerable gowing business. Apparenfly M. Chui-ch, and tee fallowing ladies Medical services was another sub ~nonig esionopne wthcom-seingaditrbioo!fwr. E. Meafh, won alI gamnes played. amouint collections lastyer The Souch often reminds his frlends Who comprised the conittee frOm ject which was thoi-oughly discuse muniting sin and petin he nStra.Jn lh h As f ai as we can f ind ouf, Mm. and prmpt payment o! 1933 taxes and dawn eust that he cames from. a St. paul's Church. Mr. D. A. Mc- and If was pointed ouf that no dc Lord's Prayer. Theresiet ing her Onu auaJngeplo!te Bay ! Quite M.W e lithv h aa-also allarrears a! taxes wiU relieve getapedsrcbt telfeGregor, M. L. Bingham, M. Oea. toi- was entifled f0 more tean $0 spoebie! W o! he Cneec !teUie Cuc !o en h h-tcfzn a o-the <>w <of thousnds o! dollars hlm. thafOtaro cannot produce E. Chase and 8 g t edes er ough fcorwaseaienfing pst- p ek r e l y o h o n g P o l f h fo b ei th ehdi!!rer e n t g ro upf rle a d e rs . i n - on t o i- re lie ! o rk . E v e n bra nhesa dres tate n that e d had nt C a n naa. ofl te i e ad en r tainfm anville fa attend the Century o! paid annually fa the bank.s for lu the fine qualify apples thaf are pro- c t ie s in wo ep r e mu cpa vokcrido anda thous eeadyunele o!the i-orsWrdsFair at Chcago. ferest an bans. This saving shuld duced in Nova Scot la. The Trentonl Courir Advcaelnsutwsprae uncaîts vsfdlhebranches during t tat he edoertound o!Curcheope fi- Rcthey rreps or lerd njybl oto ean reduced taxation in tee fut- Af fer Mr. souch's talk the sub- has passed into tee hands o! HarrY his monthly account could nate- viea ll th b a ch s urnste teer atn io C u nt y r o Rch-th rep ord tha e yeibits par tic l ry re.Evei-y citizen is urged fa pay ect o! the Roary Faim was dealf M. Mooe for the past year publsh- ceed this amaunt. Problema o! clo - yer se n urehis or her taxes on time s0 as to with bric!ly. presidenf-eledf Tommy ci- o! tee Amrniii-ronce n n otemsplemn Mrii. Nor-man Woodley, Piesident -oming on an excursion ta Cobourg. intei-esting. ensure a better finandial condition cplgren shnsani a! Tyrane W.I., gave the address of __________________________________af the close o! tee year. than has invstaion a s camhepup ifor i- welcomne, stressing the !act that the existed during the pasf fwO Years. uso n uhhlflIfra institutes stand for -Home and inwsgv. cunty."o! minutes !Durhmam and Ontario County Holstein TRINITeWNMw 'T- . Frs oJ inS afou Th genralbele! that theçaCn last year's meeting, the financiai * m u .I1 i Jl 7RL ~ L al jr ~ ifi o-edakesa wa disld n report o! the District was gn. en M en Held Jointriela L/ay at rHampton A-."". '-" ..R igh S4cIUool orFal T rm O p ni Mi-. rns adta esrpr showing Receipts for year $145.20:.$00ON ME L Qniudo ae8 Expenditures $10774: lcaving a bal- _________________$50 MAL-Cnine n ae8 o! District and Branches -showed Dr. G. 1. Christie of Ontario' AT MAPLE GROVE Serving o!meistaCofeenA RAUAIN PEKE Mss Maio WgaUwl Receipts $1627.20; Expendittires'dlgtsblerW-A ustac hioy $114239: leaving balance O! $484.81. Agricultural College wasdeeaebosrs.A.ud tch htoy - M sB SE LL EGU secetaieso! he iffren brnchs seakr. ~,ono boyThe Wamen's Association a! Trin- Dorothy Bonnycastto GT UN E WA whlch showed that the branches had.l wins stock judging con- or nTedy ue1twt helped in relie! work. provîdiediMsW.B room on Tu sday, un lharghtaenlshadE. .O ON A IH gave edalsMm.esW.heB.vPollaird'seupandcharge Devitt will be new Physi- Ffrst week's sehedule drawn uni book forlibrries f o!m.The eoina Serceand o testreto caln Orloles willi start at 6.45 muosclforstibvaries. gaved nlme e h undernouiiished chidren, prises fa Befwcen 150 Mand. 20rmsrog0. peoopleScoe sho chlie.poied flowers turned ouf for the aninual Field Day mans Mm. E. F. Armstrang read theoo and p hls fr emporial pltd e a d picnic o! the Durham County , S n fre lssn f-an Ro as 12eW ens forwmanvill e ri.ig n S ep-P . On Hg Sh al g Chapter, followed by prayer by Mrs. fruitaet.or SamPJ., Hlsteday Bvened soaioCny John Darch. Miss Greta Pollard 1re-apeils freIfs f a erm il jin Seps ausul membei-ed the sick withfocs osenBedr'Ascain o sang two numbers, "The Rasai-yItobethi-fe newtahe swln'As affrsuof a!th for dinner which was amply pi-a- ~~~~~~~~soation for ethe syOantMyaak"veyoffCoveyuc-the stafft f11tevcnesfors !W.J fth e tc. ig seso dlu-e Association oined fhe district as- vid d oan ied b k vey m. O en icolyas.caused by the resignaf Ions o!fM ssBag nl, t e T n The a!oternoan session opened with orning at flic finenf arm ! R. R.c. I. Ogden. Miss I. K. mtand f'BasebaU League et by tnnr he Tyone ads.ap The day's prograni opened in the '~. .Ms aaCa-ecntribued a M. C. j. Scott. Applications have Stevens, been recelved by fhe High School ' under way, sponar Theaftrnon sssin pend wth tetnsBoIanprl, senfa ed a splendid paper on "Ser-Boran henwtacrsav the singing o!f'Institute Rally Sang.' be nae.I ih emn reueiMm . .Warnica fook judgîng demonstration was hed imvice." Badadf-e new ecercs veedbthe Busnes By bee~~rsien, in engtaged.ifn ili o-teheAscito .............................................e. of............ M. T.W.uarke-,Pi-sidnt, tinT.thaW.nthenewcontaccaatmheHsg Shoa thec chair for fhe election o! off icers ando2claseso! cate, mau rieos theprsided durlng the business session decreases in salaries provide a sav- Campunex Mon-x whe eutd sf01W hgetageat fpit wr .j hiko idtee senc !ing O! $3000 for flic year. have entered fe S.,P F r u o . l c s oc ; l t. . . f.and o M r e -yam iss M arlon W agai-, daugliter o! a VcM.L.Hoe-Tyoe2nawai-ded: 1sf, Leroy Brown, Orono; tinofscj .'i« .easec f egu r Se.TOs m . .PladBw rd .Bakun rona;4h,;Mm . .Wer. defe wsrad Mm. and Mrs. G. L. Wagam. the au aidilwl Vice MmS. . Holes. cwanvll 2n& Lloyd Metcalf, Bowmanville; Mr. .*. .er*.*.*tr asr mn i.e Feoae ______________________ teeoelgibaroodAssociation former, flic Mafheniatics feaclici at be seen in action ncxt week. Gie Represeitative Br-uce Muffon, B.wofanvionto5th, _____________miss_______se-Taronfo ashig membeandto open i m. J. W. McMdatei- Slna ud-Asfon Hurst. Onaio County. ferhomes for underprivileec - ficHl c l o iol. wsdliatene i tisbgundflbepayeio .tom M. Craia; ud- skcy xrde giufrlJudge H. S. Mott tdlironfraweko aweeks Rev. Dr. C. R. Carseallen fcier o! H.sA. eMissaat h r e Monay Teday andFrdy iis M . B.M.Wa-ncaM. . Rcroesnfative fo rtiul Cantlrnfo we rtooe frLksoeL toackm& n, B .a Mni a rn ie . M s . p e e t t v o n a i O n y Judge o! the Juvenle Court, T ran- olsîy . evedl curcds saniB. pdlgrcc afb LafesicllU nîver-o Tor neavingspe ialntesdayadsT uandysSartuotdal P JackanBowmnvile.and Bob Holtby, former Holstein two. O eseia pakra hoi ldy. emal meein rincho il o! WhietypLakesrColege sify o!Toron nglth aspecistor- oThensfor aksheearegane s J . g o kdrpo i nt s a n d u tdi u s s ion .a , r h j d . s r . M p e r v z n v r a y n w r a s .T r a i n i n g S h o o l f o r N u r s e s ' G i -a d - M i s s W a g a i - a l s a h o l d s e l c m e n t a r y T h e s i x f a . m ns e n t oe r s a t qusin dr w r wfl ruht ot Sitlh.e'Po t esf for luding. undyon xt Complete defaîls o! Mm. J. E. Elllott eported that uaton exercises in Trinlty Churdli and specialist cerficates in Ai-t. Stu es outhckm a5 G iIe, Frn Mors J R. od oper, Federfdis Rep-on thelies'conlusi oro îudging aSnld-a- evcsa al aal number o! mnls sei-vcd aft. Two nurses will She camnes ta Bowmanville Hli Strend.Gouyeard.heelgliSdoo Af anivrsr srvcs Fi-lday otlnube f easnigliy ecmene Mr.J .C oeF drtd R p te theecongladoun od lof ti-veap ea on Pae .'10 Conferotice ta deleates was gaut.Sdhob vory hlgliy ieo nedd ad G oya. T e L au ei meetfvdiscussed and piesented GoeaPa nPg .tegaut.hsbe iie seel masny affverso nwine t emorlal Park at Hampeto l lier _________________1,391, valued af $586.65. Mm. W. R. by Professor Anger, and D. Pellam iabe aongdivied six eenyspo- scia trs of$25 ws gîen by flicA Mbox ln hP a s ieldHamptnf erencSf rike in er report O! tee con!for- Edgar a! Victoria Unverty , and Il m n e i em h brances5ta flic gi akng f1he0 f l uetnchwas calld. t -emr y a taunacfrmrhnhtso-once expressod flic tlanks and ap- The Legion Band is planning its b ro.Jnc n Po. alteo heau e r ee mo n o! vl n

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