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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jun 1933, p. 3

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PAGE THREE nrv,AmTA1iffl STA'rFq?1AN. BOWMANVI=L, THURSDAY, JUNE l5th, 1933 Summer %Needs Picnic Supplies Paper Plates, Cups, Tablenapkins and tablecloths. Water Balls Play BaUls Tennis Raccauets Notions Needies for sewing, crocheting, and knitting. Hair Nets Bobby Combs Safety Pins Hair Pins Thimbles Pot Holders Dressing Combs Spool Cotton Embroidery Threads J. W. JEWIELL BOOKS & STATIONERV PAINTS & WALLPAPER "BIg 20" Bowmanvllle EVERYTHING FOR YOUR PICNIC The picmc season is ushered in with the Goodyear Picnic on Saturday. Get your supplies for this picnic and every picnic this sumnier at Harry Allin's where your selection is wide and the price right. Here are a f ew examples. Aylmer Tomato Juice ................tAin 5c Sweet Mixed Pickles,.......... picnic jar 10c Fine Old Cheese. lb 20c. . New 15c Kraft Tasty Relish for Sandwiches.......... 23c Educator Cheese Thins ........... package 14c Waxed Paper............ package 10c and 25c Christie's Cakes...................l10c to 25c McCormick's Fig Bars................. lb 15c Canada Dry and O'Keefe's Sweet Ginger Aie 2 large bottle- 25c Choice Dairy Butter ................. lb. 21c Lake Nipigon Whitefish.............. lb 15c Berry Boxes ........... bundle of 250 for $1.50 Turnip Seed HARR Y ALUIN The Old Reliable Grocer Phone 186 King St. East Bowmnanville Clothing Prices are advancing 1< Here is your Golden Opportunity 25 Men's Suits, 2 pairs pants. Regular $35.00. Sale Price- r $24*50 20 Men's Suits, 2 pair-s pants. Regular $30.00. Sale Price- ....... $19050 10 Men's Suits, '2 pair's Iants. Regula4r $22.50. Sale Price- '/ $15*00 Get Your Suit at This GREAT SALE Se.Ge Chba rt r ea One door west Bell Telephone Office - Phone 26 Si deligkts on Sport~ On saturday afternoon nexi Bow- manville's entry will make an ai- tempi bo stage a comeback into the limelight when Port Hope visits Bowmanville for an atternoon game. Port Hope beat the locals in the f irst round of the two teams and the locals will go ail oui 10 revenge their defeat on Saturday. Bowman bas not sbown up at his besi ihis season so far and the fans are look- ing to see him back in his 1932 style on Saturday, Incidently, big Stan Crosseit, of intermediate f ame, is manager of the Port Hope team. The Business Men's Association is ibis year sponsoring basebaîl and football. Judging f rom the interest wbicb is being taken in Toronto and Western Ontaaio in Cricket we wou- Id not be a bit surprised 10 see som- eone approacb ibem to sponser a cricket team nexi year. Cricket is a good game, and is supposed 10 dis- play the very essence of true sports- manship. Ih bas one drawback, it takes about a day 10 play a game, and sometimes longer. One of the busiesi spots in town these days is the bowling green. Every atternoon and evening, wea- tUer permitting, a number o! fans are oui enjoying the game. It is in- teresting 10 note that a lot o! young- er men are taking an interesi in the game tbis year. Some o! the young fellows seem to tbink the ga- me is only for retired gentlemen who have passed the stage in l! e wbere exertion is not advisable or desired. There is however plenty of action in the game and good train- ing for the eyes and arms. Capt. Meath, Presideni of the Bowling Club. will welcome any wbo care 10 j oin. How many guessed the winner of the Schelling - Baer fîght last week? Not many in Bowmanville we would judge trom the comment we heard before the f ight. Everyone seemed 10 think tUai the big Ger- man bad a cincb but be was forced to take a whole lot o! punisbmeni. It seems tUai the decision was cor- rect with every critic agreeing. which is something quite unusual for a New York tight. Wbat bas happened to ail our High Scbool athietes? We noticed tUai ai the recent inierscholastic meet in Toronto conducted by the A. A. U. not one B. H. S. student was ihere. Statesman Tropby3 Eight West Durhams Boys' Sofibal ieam will vie wiih each other in the next six weeks 10, win for tUe next year tUe rigbt tb bolci The Statesman Tropby., emblematic o! the Championship o! West Durham. The League is sponsored by the West Durham Boys' Work Board and the trophy is presented by the1 publishers o! The Canadian States- man. third game. if necessarY, to be played on neutral grounds. Any player who bas not parlici- pated in two scbeduled games is not eligible to play in the playof fs. Games are to start ai 6.30 p. m. standard lime. Home team is to supply two balls for each game. Umpires are to be neutral where possible and are urgeci to enforce their authoriiy in qu.elling any dis- turbances and 10 expel f rom the game any player or players who is or are responsible for uprisings or disturbances or who in any way dis- turb the peace o! tUe game. Umpires for playof t gamies will be chosen by the coxnmittee. The Ontario Sofiball Rules will govern ail other cases tUan those ciied above. Schedule Tuesday, June 13tU: Providence at St. Paul's Salem ai Hampton. Wednesday, June 141h: Maple Orove aI Courtice Base Uine at Tyrone. Tbursday, June 151h: St. Paul's at Salem Hampton at Providence Pnlday, June 161U: Courtice aI Base Line Tyrone ai Maple Grove Monday. June 19tU: Hampton ai Maple Grove Tuesday, June 2th: Tyrone at Salem Courtice ai St. Paul's Providence ai Base Line. Friday, June 23rd: St. Paul's ai Tyrone Base Line at Hampton Salem ai Courtice Maple Grove at Providence Monday. June 26th: Base Line ai St. Paul's Salem at Maple Grove Tyrone ai Providence Courtice ai Hampton Thursday. June 29th: Maple Orove at Base Line Friday. June 3th: Hampton at Tyrone Providence aI Salem St. Paul's at Courtice Saturday, July ist: Maple Grove at Salem (Played ai Hampton) Monday, July 3rd: Tyrone at Courtice Providence at Maple Grove Salem ai Hampton Tuesday. July 4tb: St. Paul's at Base Line Wednesday. July 6th: Base Line at Providence Courtice ai, Salem Hampton ai St. Paul's Maple Grove ai Tyrone Monday. July 101h: Courtice aI Providence Hampton aI Salem Maple Grove ai St. Paul's Tyrone ai Base Line Thursday, July 131h: Salem ai Tyrone Base LUne ai Countice St. Paul's ai Maple Grove Providence ai Hampton Monday, July 17th: Courtice aI Maple Grove Hampton aI Base Line Salem ai St. Paul's Providence ai Tyrone Thursday, July 201h: Tyrone at Hampton 1 aematBae in Bowmanville Hall, 3b Cameron, cf Osborne, ss, P Colwell, 2b Cordep, lb Moore, If Piper, c James, ss, rf Bowman. P Murphy, rf 39 11 15 27 9 4 AIB R H PO A E 5 22 32 0 5 23 11 0 4 32 02 1 4 11 05 0 3 0 1 10 O O 5 02 20 0 5 00 52 0 5 01 20 1 2 00 00 0 2 00 00 0 40 8 12 24 12 2 Stik um aey:9 omn 3,ik Osoe. Bae on Blîs-f Wakeseor2,.BBasaslo2, OsborneOff Laefe , onbsBowmanVi2,e 9,bort1 Heto e-ope8.Sariic its-C, ort Waroe. S asrfe bits-. Phlips Brw. w baeht-.Pips Brown. sofl ndHndr son. Time of game-2.07. URGES FRAYER AS AID TO FOREIGN MISSIONARIES' Trinity W. M. S. Holds Reverent Devotional Meeting on Tuesday, Regular meeting of the W. M. S. of Trinity United Church was beld on Tuesday atternoon, June 61b, in the Sunday scbool room with a good attendance, tUe president, Mrs. G. L. Wagar. presiding. The meeting op- ened with quiet music played by Mrs. E. M. Strike, followed by opening bymn, "Ail Hail tbe Power of Jesus Name." Mrs. Wagar emphasized the great need for prayer and beseeched all Cbristians 10 pray more and not forget our missionaries wbo are en- deavouring 10 spread tUe gospel in foreign fields. SUe led in a season of prayer. The secretary, Mrs. Frank Cryder- man. read, tUe minutes bf last meet- 1ing, also letters requestlng donations of fruit, quilts, and clothlng. The ireasurer, Mrs. A. E. McCrealY, pre- sented tUe l'lnancial report, which was quite gratifylng. Mrs. J. Min- ers of Ki-ngsviile, (f ormerly Mrs. Coombe), a former president of tUe Society, expressed ber greai pleas- ure in being able te viriltUte meet- ing once more. Mrs. R. H. Warder gave a short paper on Temperance. Mrs. F. H. Morris. whose group bad charge of tUe program, took tUe chair. A bymn 11Jesus Tbou Joy of Loving Hearts." was sung, followed by pray- er by Mrs. E. M. Stike. and the soripture lesson was read by Miss jPeters; Mrs. Warder read tUe devo- tional leaflet, "Society Woman"; Mrs. B. M. Warnica gave an inter- esting talk on Japan, dealing with the starting o! tbe missionary work eighty years ago, the growth of Cbristianity in the island nation, and tUe devouinerssof the women wbo on tUe world's day o! prayer spend many hours in supplication to Qod. Their prayer ibis year was centred on world peace. Miss Mar- ion Warder presented a pleasing solo, "Grateful O Lord am V.' ac- companied by Mrs. E. Smith Fergu- son. An instrumental duel was played by Mrs. M. F. Hooper and Mrs. D. R. Alldread. The meeting closed with tUe singlng of the hymn "Jesus Shaîl Reign Where'er the Sun." and the repeating of the Miz- pab Benediciion. 'RAILWAY TIME TABLE! Correeted te date Canadian National Rallways Eastbound 9.58 a. m. Dally 3.43 p. m. Daily excepi Sunday 10.24 p. m. Dally ex. Sunday. Flag. 11.02 P. m. Sunday only. Flag. Wesibound 4.52 a. m. Dally 4.02 p. m. Dally. Flag. 7.37 P. m. Dally excepi Sunday. Canadian Pacifie Rallways Eastbounfd 9.57 a. m. Dally 12.07 a. m. Daily. Flag. 11.40 a. m. Mlxed. Tues. Thurs. Sat. Weslbound 5.50 a. m. Daily. Flag. 3.00 p. m. Dally 4.20 p. m. Mlxed. Mon. Wed. Fr1. Standard Time TTHEITY YUNG PEOPL 1 1 GENERALO*ELECTRIC HIoSPEED RANGE absence. And you will be delighted with the convenience of the Illunnn- ated Cooking Top--the time-saving advantages of Hotpoint Hi-Speed Elements-and the surprising thrift of the magic Economy Cooker. These are features which Mrs. Bar- reut will explain to you as she uses them in the preparacion of delicious pies, cakes, and other appetizing foods. Corne with your friends to this instructive cooking school-which is bemng held at the cime and place stated below. EIGHT SOFTB ALL TEAMS TO COMPETE IN DISTRICT LEAGUE West Durham Sof tbail League Schedule now under way Boys' Work Board is sponsorinlg League At a meeting on Wednesday, June 7th, a commitiee consistiifg of one representative f rom Maple Grove, Providence, St. Paul's, Tyrone, Salemn, Base Line, Courtice and Hampton passed the followiflg reso- lutions to cover the playing season of 1933 for the West Durham Sot t- bail League. Each team before playing their f irst game must pay an entry fee of $1.00 to the West Durham Boys' Work Board, which is sponsoring the league. The League wiil consist of eight teams, ail of whom will play in one group and will play a single sched- ule, beginning June 13th, with the playof f games to begin on August ist. The winner of the League champ- ionship will be awarded The Can- adiari Statesman Silver Trophy to be held for one year. The Playoffs at the end o! the schedule w-ili. takt~ place between the teams which place firt and second in the group and wil consist i0f a home and home gane with a Joi*n the Crowds at the Hotpoint Range Cooking Sehool H UNDREDS of women have already attended the demonstra- tions of elecuric cookery which are being held locally this week by Mrs. Barrett, one of the best known culin- ary experts in Canada. Mrs. Barrett is demonstrating on the General Electric Hotpoin-the mod- ern range "designed by wornen for '-omen". Îou will be particularly interested in the Hotpoint Super-Autornatic Oven which cooks an encire meal in your Week 02 Juste I2th to L6th(ICUM each afternoon at St. Paul's School Koom, Dowmatillle The Hydro Shop St. Paul's ai Providence Monday. July 241h: Base Line at Maple Grove Tyrone at S. Paul's Hampton at Courtice Thursday, July 27 lb: Base Line ai Salem St. Paul's ai Hampton Courtice at Tyrone Friday. July 28th: Maple Grove ai Tyrone Providence at Courtice BOWMANVILLE BEATEN IN GAME PORT HOPE, 11-8 Nmnth innlng Rally was flot Enough to Win the Game-Port Hope Leads ail the Way Bowmnanville basebalieam, play- ing ai Port Hope Saturday after- noon, were defeated 11 to 8 in a scheduled game in the Lake Shore League. Port Hope took the lead in the firsi inning and stayed ai the top ahl the way througb. securing fifieen hits, (10 off Bowman and 5 off Osborne) andi three f ree trips 1, f irsi. Bowmanville, staging a ninih-inning rally, batted out four singles 10 seoure three runs, but lacked hits to tie Up the game. Bow- man was replaced on the mound by Osborne in the 4th trame, J. James playing ai short and Murphy going to right f ield. Box Score: Port Hope AB R HPO AE Ware. c .30 0 09 1 McElroy. rt 4 3 2 2 0 1 Hudson. ss 4 2 3 2 4 1 W Philips. cf 5 2 2 3 0 0 L. Wakeley, p 5 1 3 0 2 1 F. Ough, lb 4 1 1 7 0 O Brown. 3b 5 0 2 2 1 0 Berry, f 5 1 1 0 0 O J. Philips. 3b 1 0 0 0 0 0 Hosack, 2b. 3 1 2 2 1 0 HELD CLOSING MEETING WITH SPLENDID PROGRAM Mrs. E. S. Ferguson's Pupils Give Fine Demonstration of Musical Talents At the closmng meeting of the season of Trinity Y. P. S. on Mon- day evening the program was pre- sented- by pupils of Mrs. E. Smith Ferguson, A.T.C.M., assisted by Mrs. S R. Alger, Oshawa. Program open- ed with O Canada, led by an or- chestra of ltile folks with various musical instruments and accompan- ied by Miss Pauline Wagar at the piano. Then foilowed a demonstra- lion of class work by cifferent grades of the liltle folks as directed andi taught by Mrs. Ferguson. The latter part of the program conslsted o! piano duets by Mrs. Ferguson and Miss Pauline Wagar; Francis Rowe and Audrey Com- stock; Jean Logan and Ruth Cry- derman; Piano solos, Tommy Reh- der, Elba Caverly, Frances Rowe, Donald Cox, Audrey Comstock, Jean Spry, Jean Logan, Ruth Cryderman, Gertrude Wagar. Mrs. S. R. Alger, Oshawa, added greatly 10 the pleasure of the pro- gram by rendering a couple of solos. Mrs. Alger has a very sweet voice and is always beard with very great acceptance whenever she f avors a ïBowmanville audience. She was ac-1 companieci by Mrs. Vernon Rowe of Whitby. Miss Marion Pickard. President, announced thaI a picnic would be held for members on Saturday, June 24th. KINDNESS COU RTESY SERVICE Northcutt & Smith. Furniture Dealers - Funeral Directors Ambulance Service Low Rates Phones 58Residence 523 or 276

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