PAGE FOURTHE CANADIAN STATE8MAN. BOWMANVILL. THURSDAYý, JUNE 15 lb, 1933 SALEM Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cann on the arrivai of a fine baby girl. Mr. and Mrs. W. Fitze, Janetville. Mrs. Atkinson and Mr. Veal. Nes- tlet.on, visited with Mr. and Mrs. G. Cornish on Sunday. Mr. andi Mrs. Leslie Collacott and children, Maple Grove, Mr. and Mrs. J. Freear, Bethesda, were Sun- day visitors of Mrs. G. R. Collacott. Pastor, Rev. A. M. Wootton oc- cupied the pulpit on Sunday and delivered a fine discourse on the subject of our discouragements wth suggested remedies. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Wreford Cornisb, Burketon, who lost ail their household effects, clothing etc, in a f ire which des- troyed their bouse as reported lastj week. Glad to learn that our worthy teacher, Mr. F. Blackburn, has been engaged for another year and also that Mr. Kenneth Werry has beenf engaged as teacher for Providence Scbool.1 Congratulations to Mr. Ewart Pol-1 lard on receiving bis degree of B.A. at Convocation Hall, Toronto, on Friday. Mr. Pollard is a sonl of Mr.r and Mrs. Chas. Pollard and well andt favourably known in our community where he spent his boyhood days( and we wish for hlm a very success-v fuI future.r I ENFIELD sisted by Miss Tamblyn. Miss D. I& Nesbitt, Columbus, favox-ed witb a1 TYRONE solo ai each service whicb was much gt appreciated. On Monday evening a firsi cîass entertainmeni was pro- Miss Mae Cameron. Toronto, xided by the Wick Young People spent the week-end at home. wbo presented their play, "Jim in A number f rom here attended the a Jsm" which wss extra well given. funeral of the laie Mr-. J. Glenny. The Holden Qua.teite of Oshawa Women's Institute and Ladies' deligbteti the audience witb differ- Aid have postponed their meeting~ ent selection given with splendid fromn June 21si te June 28tb. hax-mony anti ail would weîcome Sunday School will be helti ai 10 them Again. Misses Muriel and s.m. Cburch service at i il m. next Fern Gilroy gave several selectons Sunday. Please note change of time. wbich were much enjoyed. Rev. J. Mr. and Mis. N. J. Colacutt M. Whyte was an entertaining Breta and Velma, Mx-. Fred Tabb chairman. spent a few days with friends ai Godericb. <e Mis. James Dudley is doing as ENNISKILLEN well as can be expecteti af tex- under- ---e going an operation in Bowmanviile Hospital. Mr-. anti Mrs. Jas. Bradley visiteti A large number of ladies attendeti frientis in Kential. the District meeting of the Women's Miss Eva Souch is wiih bier sister- Institute helti in the church on in-law, Mis. C. W. Souch, Hampton. Thursday. No chuich service bere next Sun'- Mr-.and Mrs. B. H. Morilock anti day owing to Burketon Anniversary. Joan,* Mr. Arthur Perfect, Cobourg, Mx-. anti Mrs. H. Stevens .spent wvere Sunday visitors witb Mx-. anti Sunday ai Mx-. H. Gmmisons, En- Mrs. T. H. Gibbs. fieldi. Mr. anti Mrs. A. H. Brent. Miss Mr-. anti Mrs. Jas. Oke anti Miss Mae and Mr. Gox-dyn Brent, Mx-. anti Marjorie Oke. Clarke Union, visited Mrs. A. W. Annis attendeti the Mrs. Wmn. Oke's. Aninstrong - Courtice wedding at Mrs. W. Woocliey anti Miss May Leamington. Wood.ley. Saskatoon, is visiiing ber Missionary study ai the Sunday mothex-. Mrs. J. Sanders. anti sis- School ibis montb xvas on foreigin tex-, Mrs. Theo Slemon. missions. Miss Ferguson gave a very Mi. anti Mxs. J. A. Siainton anti inîeresting talk on ibis work. Pro- Clifford. Toronto, spent Sunday gram was prepareti by Mrs. R. with their mothex-, Mrs. J. Pye, who Hatberly anti consisted of: Reading returneti wiih tbem for s visit. "h ur GadoerbyMs Mrs J.Feruso an Mis EsieHelen Trimin; Chorus "Hear thef Eerguson, Uxbridge, Mx-. anti Mrs. Pennies iiopping" by Misses Mil- Clarence Ferguson anti babe. Toron-de BrlyEaYk, ui o, visiteti their brother, Dr. H. Fer- drti Brnady, EvabYoreASsier Mr. Myna Robbins, Oshawa, vis- guson. ited Mr. Fred Smith. Mr. D. Burgmaster is improving Mr. and Mrs. H. Stephens, Ennis- after bis recent illness. Mrs. Burg- killen, visiteci Mr. Harold Ormiston 1master returned home on Tuesda: Mr. and Mrs. B. Montgomery anid after spencing six weeks with hei Jean, Solina, visited at Mr. L. Fer-I sister, Miss J. Cookman, who is nodv guson's. able to be around again. Miss Evelyn Stinson and Miss L. Congratulations so Mr. Jas. Stain- McCoy, Toronto. visited at Mrs. H. ton, Sr.. on celebrating bis 87t1 Stinson's. birthday on Friday, June 9th. His Mrs. N. Hudson and R. Hudson, daughters. Mrs. F. W. Smith anc Hartney, Man.. visited at Mr. j. Mrs. H. Stevens spent the day with McCullocb's. him at the home of bis daugbter, Miss Vera DemiIle died last Sat- Mrs. W. H. Moore. urday after quite a ingering sick- League meeting on Wednesday, ness. The funeral on Tuesday was June 7th was in charge of lst Vice well attended. President, Miss Audrey Dorland. Mr. Mrs. J. Nesbitt and Miss Doris J. A. Werry led in prayer. Devotion- Nesbitt. Columbus, Mr. B. Powell, ai was taken by Rev. J. M. Whyte: Miss M. Powell and Mr. J. Powell, Reading by Ruth Stevenson; Solo, Oshawa, visited at Mr. L. C. Pas- Verna Pethick; Topie was well giveri coe's. by Mr. J. A. Werry; Meeting closed Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith and Miss- with Mizpah. es Ruby and Wilma, Whitby, Mr. W. Monibly meeting of the Women's Glibe. Sunderland, Messrs Joe and Association was beld at Mrs. E. A. Norman Hambly, Raglan, Mr. R. Werry's on Wednesday. June 7th. Stevens and Mr. M. Moore, Oshawa, Mfter opening exercises a good pro- visited at Mr. A. Prescott's. gram given. Mrs. D. Fraser of Montbly meeting of the Ladies Betbesda gave two fine recitations Association was held at Mrs. L. which were much enjoyed; Mrs. H. Pascoe's. Mr.s. E. Ormiston read the Ferguson gave a paper on Vita- bible reading and the roll caîl was mines; Mrs. A Sharpe and Mrs. J. answered by the name and song of A. Werry gave readings; Mrs. R. a bird. The program which f ollowed Ormiston favored wiih a solo ac- the ousiness consisted of an excel- companied on the auto barp. A lent reading -on the songs of birds garden contest was enjoyeci and by Mrs. A. Prescott. Mrs. L. Simp- lunch was served. Vote of ibanks son favored us with a pretty piano was extended to Mrs. Werrv for solo and Miss Ella Tamblyn gave a opening ber home. Attendance 29. very interesting paper on birds. The Nexi meeting at Mrs. Roy McGill's. meeting closed with a bymn and the __________ benediction. Lunch was served by B A K T C the bostesses. B A K T C Anniversary Visitors:-Mrs. J. J. e Smith and Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith Mrs. S. A. Devitt bas returned and family, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Gil- f rom visiting Mrs. A. Devitt. bert and Velma. Enniskillen: Mr. Miss Kate McLaughlin is in Pet- and Mrs. L. Tordiff and Miss L. erboro Hospital witb infection in ber Tordiff, Myrtle; Mrs. H. Graham band. and MiÈs Graham, Toronto; Mr. Miss Mabel Whittaker is visiting and Mrs. Gordon Leask and Ewart ber parents, Rev. and Mrs. C. E. and Eunice, Taunton; Mr. and Mrs. Wbittaker. H. Annis, Solina: Mrs. John Robert- Miss Hambly, Winnipeg, is visit- son; Mr. and MrS. Robert Holden ing Mr. and Mrs. F. Bailey and and Messrs Bob and Jim and Don- other relatives. ald Holden, Oshawa. at Mr. Frank Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham and Gilbert's; Mr. and Mrs W. Avery Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Graham spent and Miss Allie, Raglan; Mr. and Mrs. the week end in Sarnia. John Ormiston. Oshawa, Mr. and A number of the Institute Ladies Mrs. Everett Ormiston and Julia, attended District meeting at Tyrone Bowmanville at Mr. W. J. Ormis- June 8th and report an enjoyable ton's; Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Pascoe, day. Brooklin; Mr. and Mrs. W. Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. A. Newton. Toronto. Enniskillen, at Mr. Geo. Ormiston's; spent the week end witb Mrs. New- Mr. and Mrs. John Tamblyn, Orono. ton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Oli- Miss Verna Ormiston. Bowmanville; ver. Misses W. and H. Ashton, Ennis- On Friday evening Blackstock and killen, ai Mr. E. Ormiston's. Port Perry Softball Teams, 'Boys), Anniversary service on Sunday played here. Score 15-14 in f avor of afiernoon was well aitended. In the Blackstock.I evening the showers bindered some The besi wishes of our communityI that would bave been present. Rev. are extended to Mr. Gordon Strong E. F. Armstrong, Bowmanville. gave and bride (nee Erma Bruce) and two splendid sermons to very at- to Mr. Jabez Wright and bride anee tentive congregations. Tbe child- Gladys Newell). ren sang splendidly with Miss M. Mr.JmsSok, r.adMs Orchard as organist and leader, as- obrt.Ja Stocks, Mr. an..Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stocks, Oshawa. Miss Stocks and Mr. Samuel Herron, Brooklin, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Newton Taylor. Rev. and Mrs. R. G. Carruthers, Oxbow, Sask., spent Friday evening and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. N.* S. McNally and Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Nally and daughter Verna spent Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs. Carrutb- er at %ieir farm near Pickering. c On Sunday evening, June l8tb. the service of the United Churcb will take the fo-m of a special W. M. S. meeting to celebrate the Fiftieth Anniversary of work in Eyre S raant Japan. Mrs. 'Revj A. S. Kerr, Bow- manville. will be the guest speaker. is a common, everyday dlue W. A. of the United Church met to the fact that we heed- at Mrs. Arthur Leigbton's on May J lessly force Our eyes to do 30th, witb an attendance of 30. t more than nature intended After the devotional exercises and tbat we should. )usiness session, readings were given ii Very often glasses are re- bY Mrs. Herman Hooey. Miss Viola i quired or a change in tbe Bradburn, and Mrs Clarence Mar- h pair we are wearing is 10w. necessary. Then ht is im- A Mission Band has been organ- a perative that You consult ized in the United Church with Mrs. t< an expert optician. P. Sinon Superintendent; Secre- E Our Optometrist tary, Miss Kathleen Taylor; Treas- MR. J. W. WORRELL urer, Master Roger Dorrell. Next ~ is a speciaîîst in testing meeting Saturday, June 24th at 2 ' eyes and fitting glasses. P. m. in the Sunday School room.- Come and see him ai our All boys and girls between the ages store of 5 and 12 years welcome. friday, 2 P. m. to 4 p. m. Victorian Women's Institute met or on Wednesday, June 7th. at Mrs. ordy 0 ..t Chas. Smith's with a good attend- Mona.y 1 a.. t iP.m. ance. Mrs. Poster jFrusoj, Presi- Our prices on glasses are dent,' presided. Afe tmialing the the lowest possible to carry arrangements to, attend the District our guarantee of quality. meeting the following program was gîven: Readings by Mrs. Mahood, U k  P~ ~ Mrs. L. E. Graham. Mrs. F. Fer- A lex avcGrgor gVanCarpadMW. Cpaters.Pa. Phon 92Drug WeDelve guso ndrs. . Carmaters. P. P Hono 92 STOWE o Cmesain nLife." was TIRE .DA TOREgiven by Mrs. F. Stinson. Mrs. Chas. Quilty Developlng & Printing Smitb's group was in charge and Mrs. Read Presided for the program. Lunch was served. "Jack antiathe Japs"aws w-ell'toId ig by Miss L'y Tabb. r i HAYDON 1- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Soper, Osh ,h awa, visited at Mr. R. McNeil's. is Mr. Harry Milîs, Montreal is vis Éiting at Mr. Theron Mountjoy's. h r.Emily Bradley is visiting a rMissJean McLean's, Pontypool. Mr. John Wright bas returnec home after a week wilh friends il ýOshawa. Mrs. Stowe, Mrs. A. Grant anc sons, Bill and Jim, Toronto, vis- ited ai Mr-. A. McNeil's. Mrs. J. Greenwoocl, Bowmanville nand Mrs. A. Morgan, Osh.awa, vis- dited at Mr. E. Bradley's. Mr-. and Mrs. Gordon Chamber- sland and family, Long Brancb, vis- ited at Mr. H. Asbton's. Mr. Arthur Beech. Misses Mabel and Ada Beecb. Sundayed ai Mr fEvereti Beecb's. Port Hope. s Mr. and Mrs. M. Slemon and sons Lloyd and Gordon, visited at ber mother's. Mrs. C. Johns, Hampton, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake, Solina, Mrs. Richard Widdicombe and Billy, Bowmanville, visited at 1Mr. C. Avery's. s A.nniversary services of Haydon rSunday School will be held as fol1- lows: On Sunday. June 25th, at 2.30 and 7.30 p. m. (S.T.), Rex'. F. W. Newell. B.A., Blackstock will preach. Special music by the Sun- day Scbool assisted in the evening by Mr. Norman Friedli, tenor soloist of Bowmanville, accompanied by Mr. Francis Sutton. On Saturday, July lst, at 4.30 p.m. a basebaîl game between Newcastle and En.niskillen. Tea served fromn 5 p.m. A good con- cert will be given ai 8 p.m. by the Georgian Singers. consisting of John Edmnonson. baritone, Phyllis Henne, contralto. the girl with the double voice. Bob Grace and Harry Dunlop, comedians. Admission: Adults, Tea and concert 25c; Tea 35c, Concert 25c. Children. Tea and concert 30c, tes or concert 15c. 24-1w HAMMPTON Miss Allie Wood, Orono. visited relatives here. Mr-. Albert Allin. Toronto, spent a few days ai home. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. R. Perreti. on the birtb of a son. Mrs. C. W. Souch is under doc- tor's care and confined to her bed. Mr. Wilfred Smale, Coîborne, vis- ited bis mother, Mrs. I. Smale on Sunday. Mrs. Priske, Schreiber. recently visited ber daughter, Mrs. Carlyle Stevens. A number of our Women's In- stitute attended District Meeting on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Wilkinson, and son, Douglas, Toronto, visited Mr. E. Horn. Mrs. W. W. Horn and son Wal- lace and Mrs. R. Avery. were in To- ronto on Monday. Rev. Walter Rackbam will have charge of the Anniversary Services ai Pontypool on Sunday. Mrs. M. Goodman and daughter, Louise, are visiting ber daugbier, Mrs. A. Parker. Montreal. Miss Edna Cryderman and Mr. Champayne, Belleville. recently vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cryderman. Congratulations t0 Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cann. inee Mary Rundle). Hlampton, on the arrival of a daugh- ter. Mr-. and Mrs. Burt have moved nto Mrs. Jas. Jebson's apartrments i having vacaied Mr. Wm. Cowling's house. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Livingstone Lfld sons, Frank and Dave. Toron- o. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 2 Harry Holwell.% Mr. and Mrs. J. Barlow, Mr. and ' M'rs. Harold Chambers and fam- i y, Mrs. Ellenor Chambers, Toron- t Wheat 75c a Bushel We can use a quantity of wheat ai the present time anti are will- llng to psy the above price in nursery stock of any kinti ncluti- ing Roses, Iris and Peonies, whicb will alI be in f ull bloom within the nexi week or ten days. Over 5000 blooms - Cail anti see them. Kingsway Nurseries IBOWMDANVILLE1 s 'A b( ai 4( M4 Iit Mrs. David Heaslip is visiting at Mr. Robert Bruce's. Miss Eileen Hyland visited at Mr. Norman Edgertor.'s on Sunday. Mr. W. B. Ferguson took dinner at Mr. Everard Sanderson's Sunday. Miss Edna Larmer visiteci ber brother, Mr. Walton Larmer recent- ly. Rev. W. J. H. Smyth and Miss Cobbledick spent Sunctay at Mr. Edgar Gibson's. Mr. and Mrs. Burk McGill, Mrs. Ferguson's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Gibson and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Samelîs. Mr. Lawrence Allun and Miss Cole spent Sunday at Mr. Herbert Gal- oraith's. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson and babe, Mrs. Norman Philp, Miss Inez F'ralick and King St. Churcb maie quartette spent Sunday at Mr. C. Hl. Fallis'. The Thankoffering services were a very good successaIathougb _thej storm in the evening sonewhat les- sened the congregation. Rev. W. J.1 I-1. Smyth, Orono. gave two excell-1 ent addresses and the music wasl certainly splendid at both services. SOLINA Mrs. John Penfound, Oshawa, is visiting at Mr. Will Bakers. Deputy Reeve A. L. Pascoe is in Cobourg attending County Council. Mr. Jim Reynoldis, Toronto, bas been bolidaying at his brother's, Mr. Jack Reynolds'. Mr. Russell Balson underwent an operation for sinus n Bowmanville hospital lasi week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Howsamn and Miss Mary, visited Port Perry friends on Sunday. Miss Vers Baker spent the week- end with ber sister, Mrs. L. C. Snowden. Maple Grove. Mr. Thos. Baker. Messrs Jack and Will Baker attendeti the Liberal Convention in Belleville. Mr-. and Mrs. Donald Yellowlees. Misses Jean and Helen, Columbus. visited ai Mr. N. C. Yellowlees. Little Miss Muriel Smith enter- taineti a number of ber playmates ai a birthday party on Friday after- noon and sl l ad a jolly time. Mrs. Allin. Miss Myrtle Allun, Miss Pearl Samis. Newtonville, Mrs. Terwillegar. Oshawa, Mr. Merton Walters. Taunton, visited Mrs. John Pascoe at Mr. H E. Tink's. Mr. andi Mrs. Will Baker and Miss Vers Baker attendeti the reception for Mr. and Mx-s. Arthur Poundi ai the home of the bride's mother. Mis. Sam Rundie, Ebenezer. on Friday evening. Mr. andi Mrs. Jas. Smales. Misses Fanny and Betty and Mr. Bob Smales, Mr. anti Mrs. A. L. Pascoe. Mr. W. R. Westlake, Miss Doris and Mr. George Milîson attendeti the memorial and decoration service ai Ersklne cburch. near Dunbax-ton. on Sunday afiternoon and visited friends there. Regular meeting of the Division was held in the Sons' Hall on Thursday evening with a goodly number present. Four new members were initiated. Regular business was transacieti and plans discusseti for our picnic. Music was given by Mr. George Milîson on the Hawaiian Guitar. Nexi meeting, June 22nd. i MAPLE GROVE 1 w- (D oDont'dl^forget anniversa-y practise on Frdy vning in the shed. Qui te a number from here ai- tended Ebenezer Anniversary on Sunday. Mrs. Ray Snowden and two daughters, Toronto, are visiting ber parents, Mr-. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens. Mr. Thos. Snowden and Mrs. H. G. Freeman spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Coates, Brant- ford. A number fx-om arounti here ai- tendeti the Holstein picnic lasi Sat- urday at Hampton Park and report a very enjoyable lime. MAPLE GROVE ANNIVERSARY Maple Grove Sunday School An- niversary will be held as follows: Sunday, June 18tb, ai 2 and 7 p. m. addresses will be given by Judge H. S. Moît. Toronto Juvenile Court. SPecial music by the Sunday School, assisted by Mr. andi Mrs. A. Hale- W'ood, Oshawa. Offering in aid of S. S. funds. Mondsy, June l9ih, a program of sports will be run off for the children. At 5- p. m. a girls' of tball game, Courtice vs Maple Grove. At 6 p. m. a boys' sofibail eague game. Hampton vs Maple Grove. Tes sex-vet f rom 4 p. m. At 8 P. M. Newcastle United Church Women's Association will present theix- popular play, "Mammy's Lii' Wild Rose." Interestlng features between sets. Ail services on stand- ard time. Admission: Aduits, tea tOc, concert 25e, tea anti concert 5c; Children, tea 20c, concert 15e, xa and concert 30c. Barber's Itch anti Ringworm are relieveti by the use of Douglas' Egyptian Liniment; quick, certain resuits. Relieves the mosi obstinate /FjW 53 -pouJ8I UI! GLACIER BRAND-DOMESTIC SARDINES - 4Tm25o i. OVEN FRESH-FLAVOR PERFECT Keilogg' s ILCRN 3 Pkgm. 22. FRESH GRASS BUTTrER-OUR OWN SILVERBROOK-PASTEURIZED CREAMBRY BUTTER2z b. 3901 OUR VERY ~Y~ov PASTEURIZED FIES SNNFILD CREANMERY ZM. SOAP CHIPS DULK 0 25-LB. BOX ...... $1.30 0 4. 25,e GOLDEN ARROW BRAM PEANUT BUTTER 32-os. -jar 23o BOY SCOUTS! SAVE THE LABELS DILL PICKLES LIBBY-IS No. 2 8 ORAN ES ffl) 1ZE 35 CARROTS Imw 3 4 ONIONS rl o &C.- -Z2lb.90 FINEST QUALITY SELECTED BEEF OAS TSPrimie RIb lb. 1 7o OÀ&STSShoulder -lu. 9o SWUET BEIR-SMOKED 8SUGAR-CURM1 HAMS - eor enl BACON Sue"d de m.20o Bw *- ips. .. 18a. Mlie"d Breakfam ½4b. Pkg. go 4&O 70COLD MEATS DpDCIj1! AN A8UORTrmm T V JELLIED VEAL ou00l JELLIED PORK TONGUE l.W LMacaroni and Chee Loaf 25 5HiES RESTIGOUCHE Salmon cm% .32 0 B lb290 j 1~ REA-r ATLANIC P[AC 1WII c 1 1 i I q I F VI Free to every cuatomer malpag a puTcIeaae of meata to the value of 59c or over a 1/2 lb. package of Reliance Brasnd sliced aide bacon wdll be gwven away free. Walce this your headquiarters for ",DaIIy Egg" Mash and Scratch Peeils, also Oyster Sheil. AU PIlices are rlghî. -MUR 10. spent Sunday with Mr. anti1 K. Winterburn. Hampton Sunday Scbool will1 Annivex-sary Services on Sun June 25tb and July lst. Rev. Mi Santiexson, B.A., Toronto, will the preacher ai 10.30 a. m. a: P. m. Detaileti announcementi week. The thunder stormn that pi. over on Sunday evening was companieti with high winds. bini mng many from attending the ei ing churcb service. The lighiing to be supplieti with lamps du: part of the service. the Hydro p being off. Revý. S. C. Moore, Oshe very acceptably occupieti the pu' Rev. W. Raekham preacheti at bert St.. Oshawa, it being Sun Scbool Anniversary. I CADMUS MUMO c S. Mis. boiti nday. ilion Il be ,nd 7 next 24-1 rsseti Sac- ider- yven- ,hati uring )ower iawa, upu. bAI- nday -i ,Ï) ý Ca M. use., LONG SAULT Anniverssry Services of the Sauli Unitedi Cburch will be helci on Sun- day, June 18th. At 2.30 anti 7.30 P. m. (S. T.) Rev. W. J. H. Smytb. Orono, will preach. Special music by the choir. assisteti by Si. Paul's Maie Quartet. Bowmanville. Mrs. A. M. Wootton, Mrs. Tbeo Down. anti Mx-. Wm. Staples, Tyrone. On Wed- nesdsy. June 2lst, a horseshoe con- test will be belti ai 4 p. m. Tes serveti ai 5 P. m. 'At 8 P. m. a grand concert will be given by the Legion Bandi of Bowmanvilie, consisting of quartets. solos, etc., anti Mrs. W. H. Rowe, Orono. Admission: Aduits. tes anti concert 40c. tes or concert 25c; Chiltiren, tes anti concert 25c, tea or concert 15c. 23-2 A Correcior Puimonary Troubles. -Many testimonials couiti be pre- senteti showing the greai efflcacy of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oul in cor- reciing disortiers 0f the respiraiory processes, but the best testimonial is experience anti the Oil is recom- mendeti to ail wbo suifer from these disorders wiih the cex-iainty that tbey wiil finti relief. It will sflay in- flammation in the bronchial tubes. Wardefl's PIcnic Will be held at PRESQU 'LLIE POINT (neal' Brighton), on Wednesday Alternoon, June 21 PROMINENT SPEAKERS HON. GEO. S. HENRY, PREMIER 0F ONTARIO MR. W. E. N. SINCLAIR. K. C.. M. P. P. LOCAL MEMBERS 0F PARLIAMENT LEAGUE HARDBALL GAME PICTON VS BRIGHTON SOFTBALL GAIME DURHAM VS NORTHUMBERLAND DANCING From 2 P. M. w~ith good orchestra in attendance An invitation bas been extended to nmembers of Hastings anti Prince Edw ard Counties Councils. Come anti bing your baskets and have s jolly gooti time Meals obtainable on grounds for those not bringing baskets EVERYBODY 15 INVITED 1 , P I PAGE POUR