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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jun 1933, p. 5

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TH AAIA TTSMN OMAVLE TUSA,1 UE11h 93PAE1V TLOCAL & PERSONAL7 Miss Gibson, Lorne Park, was ~ cent guest of Miss S. A. Neads. Mr. Herbert Hooper, Detroit, Mich., bas been holidaying witb bis parents, Mr. and Mis. J. T. Hooper. United Churcb. Anglicans. Bap- tlsts and Presbyterians of Whitby are uniting for a joint comniunity service each Sunday evening during tbe summer months. The Presby- terians and United Churches of that town are uniting for July and Aug- ust for morning services. OSBORNE BROTHERS Save you money on repalrlng BICYCLES AND LAWN MOWERS We Sel: ATLAS TIRIES COAL QIL GASOLENE LUBRICATING 011 G. and B. OIL BURNER Work Called For and Delivered Pbone 297; Residence 649 Service Station - King St. West BOWMANVILLE 23-6 (Youa, Laundry Donc in Bowmanvifle by lo- cal labon, wherc sof t water, gond soap (no chemicals), and dried out of doors, as- sures a satisfactony job. Our business s gnowing. Thene's s neason. Send your nert laundry to us and learu why. Mfarjoran' s Laundry Phone 478 King St. E. Mr. Clare W. Ingraham, New York City, is guest of bis aunt, Miss Williams, Churcb St. Mr. and Mrs. B. Y. Haddy. Toron- to, were guests o! Mr. and Mrs. F. A. H-addy over the weekend. Mrs. B. E. Ingban,, and,ýons,. Mac and George, are vlsitn* bet parents, Rev. and Mrs. H. McConnell, Sen- lac, Sask. J. B. Martyn reports baving bad a short but busy turne supplying seeds to bis many patrons and bopes ail may have satisfactory retLlrns. Mrs. J. Rear. Mr. and Murs. J. B. Saunders, Misses Laura Saundei's and Dorotby Nicholson, Lindsay, were Sunday guests o! the former's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Webster. Mr. and Mrs. T. W Cawker, Mr. and Mis. Gordon Morris, Miss Car- ie Martyn Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Caldwell, Miss Aura Caldwell, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bigelow, Tyrone, were among those attending 75th anniveusary o! Zion Church, Hope. Prices GO Lower Quality Remains High This is a regulan occurrence at KERSLAKE'S Sec for yourself Jergen's Lotion, reg. 50c for 39c Prophlyactic Tooth Brush 50e for 39e Eno's Saîts 49c-79c Wampole's Grape Salts 50e an, 10 Ovaltine 45e - 67c - .1.09 Vip <a new food drink) 59c-98c Bisurated Magnesia 69e CasIons 27e Agarol 73c-Sl.39 Seidiitz Powders 2 boxes 25e Nyagar, (MineraI oil and Agar) 16 oz. Si.00 Milk o! Magnesia 50C for 39c Films developed loc a roll of 8 KIERSLkKE'S The Dependable Nyal Store Phone 49 S ma rt Summer Wear for Men and Women SCORES 0F SUMMER DRESSES One of the widest selections in the district. Dresses for the sehool girl the young matron and for the larger woman. At varied prices, but every one -a sterling value. - A RARE VALUE Ladies' SiIk Panties A quality garment - On Sale 29c pair FOR THE LARGER FIGURE Cool summer voiles in sizes up to 51 Wide choice and priced economically at $3.25 Snîartest Clothes ilu Town Our Men's Wear de- - partment has gained the enviable record of stocking just the right .... style and the right prie- ed goods. If you have not tried this depart- ment we invite you to give it a trial. Once a customer you will al- ways be a customer. Here are a few specials for this weekend. MEN'S RIVETTED PANTS Red Back, heavy quality, ail sizes ...... at $1.25 WORK SHIRTS STRAW HATS In light and dark blue Ail sizes, ail styles. Regular 75c each Men gre wearing them On Sale again this year. Priced 58c each 85c up MEN'S ALL WOOL SWEATERS Sleeveless, Albion Knit, in white and colors $18 t"'" Sleeveless, white and txiimmed $1.50 ea. in black, ail Wool Couch, Johuston & Cryderman Phone 104 ,Bowrnan'ile Mr. and Mis. Thos. Percy are - bolidaying at Lake Simcoe. j CHURCHES Mrs. S. J. Henry, St. Catbarines, bas been visîting f iends here. Mr. H. D. Eby, Toronto. visited Capt. and Mis. C. W. E. Meatb this week. Mrs. W. A. Bunner is visiting ber sister. Mis. (Rev.) E. Farnsworth, Belleville. Mrs. W. L. Paterson and Jimmie have been visiting relatives at Strathroy. Mis. Thompson, Toronto, was Sunday guest o! ber sister, Mis. W. B. Tapson. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Broad and daughter, Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mis. John Grigg. Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Miller and family, Beleville, spent Sunday with Mi. and Mis. Chas. F. Rice. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Hanson, Winnipeg, are visiting ber sister, Mis. Geo. Humpage, Duke Street. Mr. Kenneîh E. Pearce o! the Bank o! Commerce, Belleville, is on supply work at the local bnanch. Mrs. Jennie Graham attended the funeral o! ber aunt, Mrs. Eliza J. Hallowell at Newtonville on Tues- day. Miss Ethel Osborne, Toronto, spent the weekend with ber brother. Mr. Everett L. Osborne, Wellington Street. Members o! Trinity Mission Circle enjoyed a pleasant time at a picnic beld near Newcastle barbon one ev- ening lasI week. Mrs. B. E. Ingham, Mac and George and Mis. B. M. Warnica visiteci. Mis. Geo. Ingbam, Peter- boro, on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Wreford Souch, Halifax, N.S., are holidaying with bis mother. Mis. F. M. Souch, and other relatives here. Clarke Union-Bovnmanville foot- ball game scheduled here Saturday bas been postponed on account of. the Goodyear Picnic. Mis. E. Wood, Prescott, who ne- cently undeîwent a serious opera- tion is convalescing with ber daugh- ter, Mis. S. G. Chartran. Dr. Norman Allin and son Glenn, Edmonton, Alla., are visiîing bis sister. Miss Annie Alin, and num- erous other relatives here. Mr. H. Laîbrope attended a meeting of the Canadian Retail Coal Dealers Associatin at the King Edward in Toronto last week. Rex'. and Mrs. H. C. Wolfraim, Helen and Harry, Courtice, and Miss Alice Arnold, Brooklin, were recent visitons at Mis. Truman Power's. Mis. M. W. Tamblyn is represent- ing Rebekab Lodge, No 125 at the Rebekah Assembly o! Ontario wbich is being held in Toronto tbis week. Mis. W. C. Washington and Mis. B. M. Waunica are visiting Rev. and Mis. C. C. Washington, Mrs. Annie Clarke and other relatives in To- ronto. Mn. J. T. Hooper îepuesented Bownianville Council, No 17, Can- adian Order Chosen Fniends, at thelu Grand Council Meeting in Hamilton last week. Mn. and Mis. Johnston and daughter, Toronto, and Mis. Ger- trude McDonald of Walsh, Alla., were weekend guests o! Reeve and Mis. T. H. Lockhart. Mn. and Mis. B. S. Vanstone and daughters, Dorotby and Marion and Miss May Vanstene, Toronto, were weekend guests o! Mn. and Mrs. F. C. Vanstone, Cedar Cliff. Mn. Howard Rundie, son o! Dr. and Mis. H. C. Rundle, Brighton, successfully bas passed bis third year Faculty o! Medicine 19xamina- lions at the University o! Toronto. Mrs. R. E. Logan, W. M. and Mis. J. E. Anderson, A.M., o! Durham Chapter 181, O. E. S. attended the 18th annual Grand Cbapter Session, 0. E. S. beld at Niagara FaUs last week. J. B. Martyn baving taken oven the store recently occupied by R. W. Holmes, deceascd, will stock il again with bigb class Groceriesý Grain. Feed, Sced, Poultry Supplies and Remedies. 24-1w* Wallace Armstrong wili accept pupils upon Steel Guitar, Spanish Guitar, Tenon Guilar, or Mandolin, on Thursday of each week. For ap- pointment write to Drawen B., Bow- manvile, enclosing name and ad- dress. 23-2 Mn. and Mis. C. H. Dudley wene in Kitchener FYiday, guests o! Mr. and Mis. Wm. Hessenaur. Mis. Dudley ueceived with Mrs. Hessen- aur and ber daughter Elaine at a Trousseau Tes given in Miss Hess- enaur's bonor, a bride to be. Over one hundred and fi! ty guests were seîved tes. Rev. Robt. J. Sbires, B.A., B.D., former rector of St. John's Churcb, has been appointed by Bisbop D. T. Owen o! Toronto, as rector o! St. Jude's Church, Roncesvalles Avenue, THE SALVATION ARMY The Salvation Army--Saturday and Sunday, Jure 17th, leth. the Danforth Silven Band, f rom Toron- to wlll visit Bowmanville. Saturday, they wlll bold an open air concert in Bowmanvllle and Orono. Sunday, services as follows: 2.3O--Sunday Scbool; 2.30 to 3.30 (D.S.T.) Band Festival aI Cream of Banlcy Camp; 3 p.xn. te 4 o'clock (standard lime) Band Festival at Newcastle at the Lake if warn. the Park if cool. At 7 p. mi. Salvation Meeting led by Major and Mis. Galway; 8.30 p. m,- Service at Trnnty United Church, Rev. E. F. Armstrong, Chafrman. Be sure and corne. jSt. John's Anglican Church-Rev. C. R. Spencer, Rural Dean, Rector. lst Sunday after Trinity. Holy Communion 8 a. m. Morning Prayer il a. m.. B.T.S. Cadets parade to Churcb. Sunday School - 12.15 noon. Evening Prayer, 7 p. m. Preacher, Rev. A. R. Holden, Betbany. St. Paul's United Churcb-Rev. A. S. Kerr, M. A., Minister; Mrs. C. Hl. Dudley, Organist; Mr. H. J. Knight, Choir Leader. il a. m.- Like Hidden Treasure"; 10.10 a. m.- Sunday School; 7 P. m.-"Wben tbou Buildest a House". Mid week Service Thursday 8 P. m. Cordial welcome to all. Trinity United Cburch-Rev. E. F. Armstrong, Pastor; Mr. Francis Sut- ton, Mus. Bac., Organist. Sunday, June l8th: il a. m--Our Unpayable Creditor; 2.30 p.m.-Sunday Sehool; 7 p.m.-Tbe Peril of the Unproved. You are cordially invited te these services. Sunday morning, June 25th will be *'Flower Service" under the auspices of the Sunday Scbool. ICOMING EVENTS The Ontario Training Scbool for Boys will bold its Annual Cadet Inspection and Gym.nastic Display, Monday afternoon, June l9tb, at 2 p. m. Public cordially invited. 23-2 Reserve Wednesday, June 2lst, 2 p. m. (standart time) for the Dur- ham County Prohibition Union meeting te be held in the United Churcb, Newcastle. Rev. John Co- boumn will be the speaker o! the day. Trinity Y. W. Auxiliary of the W.M.S. wlll meet in the Ladies' Class Room on Tuesday, June 2Oth at 8 p. m. Meeting in charge of Mrs. C. A. Wigbt's group. The program will bave special reference to the entry of missions into Japan. j. WEDDING Countice - Armnstrong On Wednesday afternoon at the United Church, Leamington, and afterwards at the home of tbe bride's parents at 5 Baird Avenue, a very pretty wedding was celebrated, the contracting parties being Iys L. Courtice, M.A., daugbter o! Mr. and Mis. S. J. Courtice, Leamington, and Rev. C. E. Armstrong, B. A.. B.D., of Dawn Mills, son o! Rev. E. F. and Mrs. Armstrong, Bowman- ville. The bride looked particularly at- tractive. attired in a white satin dress with veil trimmed with orange blossoms, caîrying a pîetty bouquet 10f talisman roses. The bridcsmaid was Miss Kathleen Bennett, Toron- to, with dress of pink silk organdie, carrying a bouquet of columbine and delphinium. The groom was sup- ported by Mr. Bruce W. Smith, To- tronto, the ushers being Mr. L., C. Magon and Mi. D. Armstrong. Miss Muriel Gidley presided at the organ, and an aunt of the bride. Mrs. G. F. Annis sang "Because." The ceremony was performed by the groom's f ather, assisted by Roev. T. W. Hazlewood, Leamington. Guests not already mentioned in- cluded Rev. and Mis. E. F. Arm- strong, Mi. and Mrs. A. W. Annis, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Brent, Mn. Gor- don Brent and Miss Mae Brent, Mi. and Mis. G. F. Annis, Mis. T. G. Magon, Mn. Lawrence Mason, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Courtice. Mrs. Levi Annis, l of Bowmianville; Miss Annie L. Laird, Miss Edna W. Park, Miss Helen R: Coatswortb, Mr. Douglas Armstrong, Mr. Archie An- derson, of Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. W. eC. McArtbur, London; Mr. S. S. IWhite and Miss Birdie White, Chat- tbam; Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Cather- wood, Detroit, Mn. and Mis. D. M. Eagle, Mis. Alfred Wigle, Mr. and Mrs. Will Sansburn, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Moore, Essex; Rev. and Mrs. C. L. Lewis, Pelee Island; Miss Mari nue Annis. Dunbarton. Miss Olive Banwell, Windsor: Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Bruner, Mis. T. tHazlewood, Miss Muriel Hazlewood, Leamington. A buffet luncheon was served by girl f riends of the bride. After July lst Rev. and Mrs. Arm- strong wlll be at home at Court- îight. Congratulations te, Miss Elsie, Allin. daughter o! Dr. Norman Allin, Edmionton, Alta., who bas been at- itending Ontario Ladies College, -Whitby, and who graduated on rTuesday wlnnlng the Qold Medal in epiano for the A.T.C.M. ROYAL CAFE 2 doors est Royal Theatre A REAL TREAT Oui Regular Full Course DINNER 350 Youil b. Satlsfled Liglit Lunches - Speclal Weekend SUPPERS 250 FRED ]BATEMAN, Propietor. OBITUARY Robert Jackson, London Robt. Jockson died in London, Ont., on June th, aged 67 years. He was son of the late John and Elizabeth Jackson of Kendal and is survived. by his wife, Alice Mary Hanna Jackson and tbree daughters, Mrs. L. E. Tbornton of Toronto, Mrs. S. D. Hackell and Miss Elva at home. The f uneral took place on Saturday to the family burying pflot at Orono. Thos. Powell, Clarke The death occurred on Thursday, June lst of Thomas Powell, Base Line, Clarke, wbere he, with his wife andi two sons William and Baydon, have lived the past four years. Mr. Powell was born in the township of Hope in 1857 where he spent most of his 111e. Mr. Powell gaineci many f riends during bis life because of bis friendlly nature and he was always ready to lend a helping hand in any way he could assist. Mr. Powell married Elizabeth McGahey on Noveniber 8th, 1886, wio survives him witb tbree sons, William and Baydon Samuel of Lake Shore, Eddie of Newcastle and three daugbters, Mrs. Holdaway, Port Hope, Mrs. Tonkins, Oshawa, Mrs. Laverty of Oshawa. The funeral was held f rom bis home, Rev. W. J. Todd officiating. Interment was made in Elizabeth- ville Cemetery. H. P. Eckardt, Toronto Mr. Herbert Percival Eckardt, To- ronto, with whom Mr. E. J. Wood of Brookdale Nurseries, Bo.wmanviile, has been associated for 30 years. died suddeniy at bis home on Sun- day, June 4th, inibis 70tb year. He was born in Unionville, son of the late William Eckardt, a pioneer set- tler in Markham Township. He had spent the greater part of bis 111e in Toronto ancd for more than four de- cades was a prominent figure in the wholesale grocery trade. He was an active member of the Toronto Board of Trade and during the mayoralty of the late Oliver A. Howland, with the late Hugh Blain and others, did much to promote the movement that led to the construction of the Tem- iskaming and Northern Ontario Railway. He attended the United Churcb. He was a member of the Ontario Jockey, Royal Canadian Yacht and Canadian Clubs. Twice married, he is survived by bis wife, Aileen Lillian Cuthbertson Eckardt; a niece of bis flrst wife, a daughter- in-law, Mrs. Douglas Eckardt; two sisters, Mrs. E. Y. Eaton and Mrs. H. B. Johnston; and a brother, Al- bert J. Eckardt, al of Toronto; and tw;ýo brothers in California. Mr. Eckardt was a brother-in-law of the late Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Tilley, Bowmanville. George Vancoe, Bowinanviile A native of Bowmanvile and a lifelong resident of this town, George Varcoe passed away after a short illness i Bowmanville Hospi- tal on Sunday, June 4th, in bis 74th year. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel F. Varcoe. Mr. Varcoe was educated in Bow- manville schools and in 1886 was married to Charlotte Palmer of Bowmanvile, who survives bis pass- ing. Mr. Varcoe was employed witb the Upper Canada Furniture Co. and later with tbe Dominion Organ & Piano Co, whicb company be con- tinued witb for over 40 years and until bis retirement 6 years ago. Since bis retirement Mr. Varcoe bas lived quietly at bis home on O'Dell Street enjoying the evening of bis life with members of bis family. Wbile not very active in sports him- self, he was nevertheless a keen sporting fan and only a week before bis death he witnessed the opening basebaîl game between Bowman- ville and Cobourg at the High School Campus. Two days latè bhe took a stroke f rom which be neyer f ully rallied. Mr. Varcoe was a member of Trînity United Church and bis oxly fraternal affiliation was with tbe Ancient Order of Foresters. Besides bis wif e, who bas been ill and is at present a patient in Bow- manville Hospital, Mr. Varcoe is survived by f ive children, tbree sons. Morley of Detroit; Elgin of Bow- manville, and Lloyd of the Royal Bank at Brantford, and two daugh- ters, Mrs. Fred Reed of Toronto and Miss Wlnnifrecl Varcoe of the local Post Office staff. Two other sons, Norman and Howard predeceased their father. The funeral whlchi was largely at- tended, was held f rom bis late resi- I The -Women's Institute meeting Iwas held at the Home of Mrs. Harry jPhilp. In spite of a heavy rainstorin Ithere was a good attendance and everyone enjoyed the meeting very j *lMS*. Everybody Corne To The Junior Farmers' Field Day At Bethany Athletic Field Saturday, June 17 Girls' Sot t Bail Touruament - Boys' Sof t Bail Tournameut Gaines start at 1.00 P. in., Standard Time Standard Fleld Events for both Girls and Boys Hard Bail Gaine 5.30 - North Durham vs South Durhamn GRAND DANCE - 8.00 p. mn. until 12.00. Fee for Dance 25c eacli. Wilsons' Merryinakers, Oshawa.. Snappy Six Piece Orchestra. Modern and O1d Time Dancing Supper wiil be served ln the United Church Baseinent for 25o froin 6.00 to, 8.00 p. mn. BRUCE BEER. BETHANY E. A. SUMIMERS PRESIDENT AGRICULTURAL REPRESENTATIVE PORT HOPE Geo. McKnight, Millbrook, Sccretary Treasurer Durhamn Junior Farmers' Association Thrifty Values in Smart Ladies' Wear Linen Washable Swagger Suit s Purses Three quarter length coats ln In kid leather white iust white and pastel shades .. the thing to finish off your Dresses in contrasting sumamer ensemble. colors. Two Piecé Suit .....Priced very che.p at ........ $7.95 1 $1.29 Swim Suit s RUBBER BATHING CAPS AND SHOES M[ade by Kicinents, the sinant- est goods lu the trade. The Evlyn Ladies' Specialty Skop (OPERATED BY LADIES FOR LADIES) Miss T. Murphy Ready-to-Wean Phone 180 PHONE 594 Mns. Frank 0ke Dressusakinig Phonoi-52 Correct Answer To «B» Puzzle No. 1 The correct answer to "B" Puzzle Number 1isl *'Boost, Back and Bom Bowmanvllle Baking and Bakeshope" "Betten Bread is Baked lu Boiwianville" The Winner - Mns. Geo. K. Brown, Churcli Street who sent in the nearest to correct answer « B » Puzzle No. 2 Conslsts of one sentence only and eveny word begins wlth the Letter B. There 15 wonds in tic sentence. This lsaua inter- esting sentence and the Prize wil be $1.00 lu bread tickets te th entny correct or nearest te, correct. Get your dlctlonary and try for this one. $1.00 wonth of bnead tickets is a hancly prize to wln these days. Many of Isat week's entries has splendid answens and one of them in ilkely wln tlus week. AIl replies must be addressed to Contest Editor, The Statesman Office, and must be in that office before 10 a. m. Wednesday, June 21st, in sealed envelopes. See next week's Statesnian for pnize winner o! No. 2 contest and fou Puzzle No 3. Employees o! local bakeries and o! The Statesmian are not eligible for tbis contest. .--.à 1 mucn. PAGE PM THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVICLLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 15th, 1933 4 m 4

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