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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jun 1933, p. 6

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PAGE Mx Excess Fat Meits udySho Under Treatment That ILessonl Creates Energy Some f olks are naturally fat, but there's a lot of people who put on REVIEW: pounds of unhealthy fat because JESUS OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR they haven't got enough energy to, move about to keep it off. 1nternational IJniform Sunday It's flot laziness n most cases- School Lesson, June 25th but a condition brought about byr sluggishness of the internai organs Golden Text: "Ahl power is given1 -the liver, bowels, and kidneys. As unto me in heaven and earth. Go r-a resuit, poisons and harmfui acids ye therefore, and teach ail nations, that kili vigor, ambition, and ener- baptizing them min the namne of thev gy get into the blood-the whole Father, and the Son, and of thef general tone of the bodly is lowered Holy Spirit: Teachmng themr to ob- 1 and fat accumulates. serve ail things whatsoever I haves Thousands of overstout men and commantieo you: and, I,1 ,Iamni women find in Kruschen Saîts, a with you alway, even unto the endc0 perfectly safe, sure, and beneficial of the world." - Matthew 28: 18-20. means of reducing.' Devotional Reading: I Peter: 3-9. The "ittle daily dose" of Kruschen Speak, History: who are life's vic- Saîts keeps the organs functioning tors? Unroîl thy long annais andh properly every day, and fills you with say. v such a feeling of radiant vitality Are t.hey those whom the world P and vigor that before you know it called the victors? who won theil you are fairly "jumping out of your success of a day? ti skin" with energy, instead of mop- The martyrs of Nero? The Spar- s ing around-and reduction follows tans, who feil at Thermopylae's M as a matter of course-Nature at- tryst, tends to that. Or the Persians or Xerxes? His judges or Socrates? Pilate or Christ? ýRA1LWAY TIME TABLE! The ThFact of Christ i h shortest 0f the four. It is civided Standard Time into sixteen chapters. The total Canadian National Railways length is about twenty thousand Eastoundwords. Yet for six months we have 958 a.amtboand been studying this Gospel without 3.43 p. m. Daily except Sunday beginning to exhaust it. Further, 10.24 p. m. Daily ex. Sunday. Flag. this Gospel only tells of the earthly 11.02 p. m. Sunday onîy. F'Iag. ministr3- of Jesus. Could Mark and Peter return to earth, how amazed Westbound they would be at what has happen- 4.52 a. m. Daily ed since! They would find that the 4.02 p. m. Daily. Flag. calendars date time fromn the birth 7.37 P. m. Daily except Sunday. cf Christ. His coming was the great watershed of history. Art has gone Canadian Pacific Railways to the gospels for themes: some of the greatest artists have devote%. Eastbound their skill to interpreting the mean- 9.57 a. m. Daily ing anti beauty of his life. Architec- 12.07 a. m. Daly. Flag. ture atits its witness with great 11.40 a. m. Mixed. Tues. Thurs. Sat. cathedrals andi little church built Westoundin the f orm 0of a cross in his honor. 5.5ea m tDaly Fag Books by the thousands are coming 3.500p. m. Dally. lf rom the presses seeking to tell of tel 4.20 p. m. Maixely o. e.F1 his teaching and if e. In every cen- du 4.20_p._m.________Mon.__________ tury poets have sought t0 share with 1 It has Many Quaiie.Th a others their experience of Christ. sol who possesses a bottle of Dr. Thom-Hynrer hae rugt herl as'EcecticQilisarmd gaisttributes of devotion. Music has Bo any clîs. tri ii rheed a coughfound inspiration in the Christian tin break a cold, prevent sore throat; it story: many of the greatest oratori- th wih reuc th sellngfro aos are in praise o! Christ. No other re spin relicevethe st pen rsistnta religion has a Hallelujah Chorus. fIo soreand weivhlseedily hescutendThere has been such a missionary Mi contsins. it sea my edicnecestndpassion to spread the knowledge O! En contussel. I samdcn Christ that now at least one third th in itself.0f the population of the whole worid hi may in some sense be calleti Christ- th ian. There is only one real conten- Mi Gas in the der for the leadership 0f mnid r It is Jesus Christ, w Stomach Is Jesus set mre te teachingco FNthan doing anything else during ifr D'angerous public ministry. He has come to be eni Daily Use of Biaurated Magnesia known as the Great Teacher. He th( Overcomes Troubles Caused teaches other teachers how to teach. 1 by Acid Indigestion He useti obect lessons, pointing tosp the birds and the flowers. He taught e tas In the stomnacli accompanied much in casual conversation; hNs fui by a fuil, bioated feeling after eating talk was neyer small talk. 0f ten e lsainîmost certain evidence of too m uch hydrochtoric acid in the stozn- he put his truths in brief memor- o acii.causing so-calied 'acid indiges- able f ormn as in the Beatitudes andap S1..Acid stomachs are dangerous. Too sayings 0f the Sermon on the Y much acid irritates the delicate lin- Mount. His parables have becorneRe In g of the stomach, often leads to îasting literary legacles, their for gastritis, accompanied b>' more seri- lus trouble. Food ferments and phrases *and imagery entering into t bours, creafing the distressing gas daily speech in many different ý Dhich distends the stomach and lands. Much great literature would-h ramper thie normai fonctions of the ~ta, internai organs, often affecting be unintelligible without a know- tte ieart. h It 1 s the worst of foi!>' to negtect ledge of the teaching of Jesus; ath such a serous condition or to try to novelist states that one of his char- t tret wth ordinary digestive aide acters knew aIl about the raw things er which have no neutraiizing effeet on Cfhi-"e' a h sogfl0 the stonîach acids. instead get a ofle-H'dh tesngu f ltle Bisuated Niagnesla from any hyssop against his lips." Christ Ouc drugglst and tak-e a teaspoonful in tagtb i ials ay O I water riglit after eating. This wilii agtb hsmrce: yo a drive out thie gas, wind and Monat, them may be interpreted as actedi h sweeten the s tomach, neutralize the parables. He useti pageants too, as Pen excess acid and prevent its forma- i stimhletyit eua- ablE tion and stop sourne4s, gas or pain. inhstimhletyit u AIl Bisuated %lagne-sla (in powvder form lem. And the sacraments which he hir -neyer in liquid or miik> Is barma- ordained are teaching sacraments, i tees, Inexpensive, and a fine remedy la fo ci toah.I eÊ' d > to- using sign and symbol to body forthha sands of People who enjo>' their his truths. Witt nieais with no fear of Indigestion. The Saviour kno Christ was a great healer. Many n came to him to be saved from their la TU IDPESDFEIG aches ant insSlainmase THATDEPRSSE FEEING health, wholesomeness. Jesus res- Spi.: toreti health to the sick and has i IS LARGEY LIVERawakened a passion for service to Cr ~ Wkc p yurLivr Blethe sick. It has been pithily said the Wakeup our ive Bie tht toseof non-Christian faitb -Without Calomel cannot even save a tootb until they 1 TOn ane"feeinç punk" impiy becaume you have contacted with those who have hip t.4'le istP Ou owegItDigetion<,,jui lim l earned 0f Christ. People also came ambil ith ohaowisI gIsnsa eiiat bath poamfere ad Your eniresyteM'n j to Jesus te be savet f rom their sins. deat WhtYuneed in a liver etimuiant. Some. Here, too, he showed his saving ththatgofffartierthannalu. mineralwsa.e power. He gave release f rom evil 3ho ciL, laatiecandly or hewng gum or roughag habit and brought power to achieve to vhich oiytrolr ong h el moral victory. He vindicated his Take Carters 'tie Liver PUs. Purci>' vege.. ecigbygigt tecos ion 4 ~~~~~table. No harsh calomel gin t hecrssi (Mef::r:). safe. sure. utter selfishness and love for others. Js 25At fo ruigiat a. Rbecause be has 2&. atheuven. Men& hadeiani who i.ýnumbr S theairs o! tqiphe had unt mon thly - odod f o and in %*rlting, as a mark o! rever- TALETS wiII role ve ILin lf rom the word. Vet, thi.s was the (n 20mnutes anmd Ica. YOU very name which Jewish ChristiansOe ljng oocd. Remmendsd FOR SALIE useti to express their relationshlp day fc 6u.d by dwndsu WEERE 0Crs. hnw s tewr tpacke dard remsdy for 25. means that we shoulti give ourselves Do l unreservedly to Christ. He is flot 10oe one others: he is supreme. A 1 S ship must have a captain. The W W cyinder of a car must have a timer. Mankinti must have a leader uponTH' M'E CANADIAN STATESMAN. flOW MANMLr. FORMER RECTOR 0F BOWMANVJLLE GOES TO TORONTO CHURCH Rev. R. J. Shires, M.A., B.D., Goes to St. Jude's, Toronto, on Aug-ust lst (Prom, West Toronto Weekly) Announcement o! the appoint- ment o! the Rev. R. J. Sbires, M.A., B.D., former Rector of St. John's Church, Bowmanville, as Rector o! St. Jude's Anglican Churcb, Ronces- vahles Avenue, Toronto( was con- firmeti by the Lord Bisbop o! the Diocese hast wveek anti it is untier- Sstoodi that the new Rector wilh as- sume Ns new duties about the first of! August. A graduate o! Lennoxville College, Rev. Mr. Sbires was ordaineti to the Diaconate in 1913 andti 1 the Priest- ciooti in 1914 anti bas bati a wide anti varieti Church career durîng the past two tiecades. During the war hie serveti overseas as Chaplain in the Army anti he tells an absorbing story o! the deepening o! bis spirit- ual life as a result o! some of the Rev. R. J. Shires, M.A., B.D. errible experiences encountered lring those years o! woriti strife. Returning in 1918, he serveti for ;me time in the Diocese o! Quebec ater going to St. John's Church, 3owAmanvilie. where he matie a dis- ,nct contribution 10 the work o! he Chuxch. He hati succeedeti in building the congregation into a lourishing parisb anti when the lission Board o! the Cburch o! -ngianti appealed for leadership in te Haliburton District. he offereti is services in this fielti For the hree years that he has been in the lission work there, the work has )ogressed by leapa anti bountis anti vas climaxeti recently when sums cceeding the allotteti amount were ollecteti for the Restoration Funti1 rom a Parish wbere there is little nployment anti wbere the stress o! he limes has been ke-enly frît. Rev. R. J. Shires is a man o! deep, pirituai character anti is an excel- nt organizer, leader anti a force- .1 preacher. St. Jude's are to be .artily congratulateti upon their oti fortune ini having Mr. Shires' Ppointment, confirmeti. Rev. Mr. Archbold, the present ýctor, who has been at St. Jude's )r a number o! years now, is going )Haliburton to carry on Mr. ire's work there. hose shoulders the government o! ie worlti may rest. The onhy leati- Switb sufficient vision anti love is hriat. Jesus is the eternal Christ, hose kingdom shahl know no enti. ur personalities tievelop wben we nti over our lives for another ýrson to run; the only person cap- e o! tioing this for us is Christ. Iauthority is to be given tinte n. The aim, o! modern missions tbeen stateti thus: "To seek th people o! other lands a truc Lwletige anti love o! Goti, express- g in life anti word what we bave irneti through Jesus Christ anti Ieavoring te give effect to bis rit in the hi! e o! the world." As sfollowers truly own him Lord, rist will become the Savieur o! eworlti. Questions for Discussion 1.Wbat is the difference between service ant if!e service? 2.What tioes il mean to be saveti? it a~n experience before or after ith? ýWbat tille best expresses your )ught o! Christ? 1Do we ever risk money or posi- nto fohlow the teachings o! iAre you one o! those who wouhti equally sbocked ta have Christ- ty either doubteti or practiseti? ;What is our answer te Cbrist's iltion: "Wbom say ye that 1 am,., Jilher's Worma Powtiers are a npt relief !rom the attacks of~ ns in chiltiren. They are pow- hi in their action anti, while ving nothing bo be tiesireti as a nm expellant, have an invigorat- effect upon the youthful system, iying fever, biliousness, loss o! etite, sleeplessness, anti other ail- (s that follow disortiers causeti .'orms in the stomach anti bow- VILSONS "LY/) PAO EALLY K.ILL pad killa flues ail day and every for 2 or 3 weeks. 3 pads a ch &et. No epraying, no stiekiness, bad odor. Ask your Druggist, ,ery or Geeieral Store. DCENTS PER PACKET WHY PAY MORE? WISN L AD CO., Hmile ont~ GIDEON SUNDAY WAS OBSERVED 1 IN TOWN CHURCHEý5 iGideon Society presents 14 Bibile to Bowmanville Hospital in Trinity Church (Crowtied ýout last week) Members o! the Gideons Society an organization o! commercial trav. ellers anti business men in Canada anti the Unitedi States, bent on tbf placing o! bibles in hotels anti hos- pitals through the country were speakers in Bowmanville churches on Sunday morning. Mr. J. J. Bur- ton, Toronto, atitresseti the con- gregation in St. Paul's Unitedi Church, whihe Mr. Russell MacKen- zie o! Belleville gave-the address in St. John's Anglican Church. Both the above speakers gave an outhine o! thse history o! the Gideon organi- zation anti o! ils ideals anti plans, asking for the support o! local people in the fine work tbey were accomphishing. The mornîng service in Trinity Unitedi Cburch was atidresseti by Mr. MulI.ball o! Toronto, who read the 7th Chapter o! Jutiges for the lesson anti baseti bis atidress on the words, "Anti they stooti every man in bis place round about the camp." Jutiges 7:21. He saiti the Gideons were interdenomina tion al. He briefly outhineti wben ant ilow they were organizeti, what they believe, first bbat Qed wrote the sacreti word, they believe in prayer, the preem- inence o! Jesus Christ, anti in going ouit anti seeking to change lives. The Gideons were composeti o! comn- nercial travellers anti business men. F'ormerly tbey placeti bibles in the rooms o! hotels, but now in hospi- tais. They want men 10 feel the burden o! sin, to reahize the cost o! salvation, to realize the forgiveneas of sin, to know the love of Christ and the joy o! service. He related everal instances o! direct resuits from the phacing o! the bibles. The thole address was very interestiing. At the close, Mr. Mulisall presented o Mr. F. F. Morris, Presitient o! Bowmnanville Hospital, 14 well bounti bibles anti Rev. E. F. Armstrong, the pastor, offereti the tiedicatory >rayer. Mr. Morris on behaîf of the Boardi anti Auxiliaxy acknowledged the gif t in a few weil chosen wortis. Mlr. Owen Nicholas sang a very pretty solo anti the choir sang a uitable anthem. The evening service in Trinity Church was taken by Rev. J. M. Wbyte o! Enniskillen wîho, was or- daineti in tbis church 36 years ago. He baseti bis sermon on the words, To him that ordereth bis conver- ation aright I wihl show the sal- 'ation o! Goti." Psa. 50:23. Mr. Wbyte gave a splendid practical sermon. Ahi who histeneti could not Lelp but appreciate his earnest miessage. The anthem. by the choir anti the solo by Miss Clie Andierson were lse enjoyeti. Mr. Wbyte on commenting on the letter of thanks te this congrega- ion from the Chairman o! the Lay- men's Association, atideti bis own personal testimony saylng he hati ever attendeti a better conference )r one better provitiet for than the ne just closeti. NEWCASTLE Mission Band Hoids June Tea E Oxeye Daisies (Marguerites) f rom the vicinity o! Kurv Inn anti Iris from the gardens o! Dr. J. A. But- ler. arrangeti in small anti large bouquets, provideti a hovehy setting for the annual June tea o! the Golden Rule Mission Band heiti in the U.C.S.S. rooms on Saturday a!- ternoon. Tea was serveti by the Band girls neatly costumeti in crepe paper aprons anti with their foreheatis encircheti with bands o! the same material. Mrs. E. M. H. Ward, Supt. anti Miss Winnifred Rickard, Ass't., receiveti the guests. The numbers on the program which was spread over the tea hours from three ta six were announceti by Mrs. Ward anti con- sisteti of: a due t, We Thank Thee Our Father, by Pauline Deline anti Dolly Purdy; song by Jane, Annie anti Tolly Tkatch anti Wihma Far- row; recitation, My Dolly, by Doro- thy Gibson; song, A Litthe Seeti was Pianteti, by Emma Jean Harris; pi- ano solo, Reita Cooke; Butterfuy Song, words anti music by Mrs. E. M. H. Warti, Paul Deline; tiuet, Annie anti Tolly Tkatch; recitation, Reita Cooke. Medames J. A. Butler anti C. T. Batty, past Sup't. anti Ass't., ren- dereti valuable and bighly appreci- ateti service in the kitchen. 1louise Hancock, Patricia Pearce anti Reta Powell conducteti the f ish pond anti Carl Fisher, Harolti Hoar, Pauline Deline anti Dolly Purdy presitiet over the bomemade candy bootb. Tickets were receiveti at the doorV by Edwin Hancock anti Miss Lorine Batty. Proceeds over $22.00. Beautification Continues In spite o! drastîc cuts in Goy- ernment grants, Horticultural Soc- ieties are tioing excellent work this year. accordlng te J. A. Carroll. Sup- erintendent o! Agricultural anti Horticultural Societies. Secieties are turning more to pub- lic service anti less emphasis is be- ing placeti on premiums anti cash prizes for members. Tree planting forms an important part o! the pro- gram Ibis year anti many socleties ire increasing activities ta dlean up and beautify ragged areas anti ughy spots, wbich tietract f rom the ap- pearance o! town anti countryside. It bas been amazlng ta note the number o! cars and other vebicles from which branches o! sbrubs have >een protrudlng. In almost every own anti village amateur enthus- lasts may be observeti burrylng home vitb plants anti seeds for lmmeti- jate phanting. There are nearhy 300 socletles ln Ontario, to wblch much credit is due for steatihy increasing tbe beauty of the province. The firs1 soclety was organizeti at York ln 1849, anti p f( t: fr to ai -- .. -.-. -, , j ayjuit; 2&SCU, ÂUOJ Swimming For the Whole Family Featuring prices aw'ay beiow' regu- lar. Ail wool suits in plain colors, 2 black and mai-Qon, and in stripes of2 ail colors. These are first quality, PECN made to wear goods that xviii give VALUES more than one season 's weaî'. See orspeciai window display. 79c to $I.9S Knlttedt Wool Tains For Misses' beach and street wear. c give the desired combination of style L 9 and wear. Each ................ Wash Suitsî For Boys Twço piece button-up Suits in heavy cot- ton materials; f ast colors in blue, green, white anti santi, witb contrasting trim. Speciahly priceti at eacb, 390 $1. HOSE 77c< A first quaiity full fashion- eci hose, $1.00 Orient quai-* ity; ail sizes;' and ail the new 1933 shades. A hose with appearance, wear, and priced very luxv - 77c pr. jMen's Sox 2 Super Values 30 tiozen pairs o! Sox - A special purchase in whicb we pass tbe saving on 10 you. Smart designs anti in sizes 10 t10111/, per pair. .,.. .15 30 tiozen Mercerizeti Lisle Sox, a fine quality hose. manufacturet iin Canada; in dot and&check patterns; sizes 10 10 'I 19 per pair19 Nelson's Stores Phone 57 OBITUARY I __ John HalIowell, Starkville, Dies tAge of 100 Years, 1 Month, I4 Days Possibly the oldest resitient o! Durham County, Eliza Jane Mc- Chesney, widow o! the late John Hallowell, born in 1833, passeti the century mark, died Suriday, June llth, at the residence of ber son, Mr. William A. Hahlowell, lot 8, conces- sion 4, Clarke, where she hati matiej ber home, wbicb was witbin a fewj yards o! the farm residence in which she was born. Her husband, the soe 15 yearao. She is survved h late 15no. Haohhrdeeasetiber by two, sons, Messrs. Jake anti Wil- liam A. Halhowell, o! the section, anti one daugbter. Mrs. Robert Best o! Thornbury, all o! whom were present at the funeral. Interment took place Tuesday afternoon at Newtonville Cemetery. The paîl- bearers were Thomas anti Welling- ton Cowan, Sulas anti Richard Hal- lowell, A. Gilroy anti C. Glass. Emma May Rolson, Oshawa The death occurreti in Woodstock on Sunday. June llth, o! Miss Emma May Rolson, daughter o! Mrs. Har- niet Rolson, 136 Alma Street, Osh- awa, anti the late J. Roison, form- erly o! Bow-manville. Miss Rolson, who was born in Cartwright, forty- f our years ago, bas been a resident o! Oshawa for the past fi! teen years. She is surviveti by ber mother; anti four sisters, Mrs. Elsie Hoskin, Oshawa, Mrs. George o! Bow- manville, Miss Ethel Rolson anti M~'iss Myrtie Rolson o! Oshawa; as well as two brothers,. William o! Kingston, anti Frank o! Oshawa. Captain Rev. Ernest Harston, o! Simcoe Street Unitedi Church clle- ateti at- the funeral. whicb took place f rom the residence o! ber sis- ter, Mrs. Hoskin, 136 AIma Street, to the cemetery. Mrs. J. W. Morris, Oshawa A former resident o! Bowmanvllle, Mrs. John W. Morris, dieti at ber home, 499 Ritson roati nortb, on Wednesday. June 14th. Mrs. Morris wbo was !ormerhy Martha Henning, was seventy-one years o! age. The greater part o! ber life she bas re- sidefi in Newcastle, moving te Osh- awa two months ago. She is surviveti by tbree sons, Charles, Ritson roati north, Frank o! Buffaho, anti R. J. Morris o! Lindi- say; anti one daughter, Mrs. Clem- ence, Rltson roati forth. Funeral was belti !rom ber hate residence, Thursday, June lStb. Rev. R. B. Patterson offlefatlng. Inter- ment was matie In Bowmanvllle Cemetery. ,Recognizeti as a leadlng specifle fr the destruction o! worms, Motb- is StUR active as the Toronto Society. îvr ..raves' worm Extermlinator bas Ten were formeti in 1932, anti four prove a boon te sufferlng chiltiren bave been born In 1933. everywhere. Togs Su mmer Hats SOFTr, COOL. HEAD- WEAR IN WHITE STIT- CHED CREPE FOR HOT WEATHER DR.ESS. A SCORE 0F DIFFERENT STYLES, TRIMMED WITH WHITE SILK RIBBON. ALL ONE PRICE Si 98 King Street West 1 --l 1 P. tE ti THTJRSDAV. TTIWV. 9.9nd 10QQ 1

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