tanma With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News VOLUME 79 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 29th, 1933 NUMBER 26 Men's Brotlierhood Newcastle Councillor Wed Saturday 0f Trinity Ckurch Make Presentationt Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Fergu- 1 son Are Honored Prior tot Departure for Son's New Home at Nortbport Priar ta their departure forf Northport. where Mrs. Fergusan will keep house for her newly ordained son. Rev. C. H. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ferguson were honoredi by the Mens Brotherhaod af Trin- ity Churcli on Friday evening at a gathering at their home. Rev. E. F. Armstrong acted as chairmnan andf W. J. Berry, secretary o! the Bro- therhood. was called upon to read the following address, and Coun-1 cillar Neil Mutton, an behaîf af the class, presented Mr. Ferguson with a band.somne pen and pencil set while W. Claude Ives and H. M. Bell pre- senteci bouquets ai flowers ta, Mrs. Councillor A. O. Parker Marries Miss Seldon Ferguson. The address follaws: o Address Above are pictured Counocillor A. O. Parker .o! Newcastle and lis bride. Dear Mr. Ferguson: the former Miss Adele Seldan. anly daugliter o! Mr. and Mrs. Walter The Brotherliaod bavig heard o! Seldon o! Toronto, who were married un Westminster Central United your leaving tawn and of necesslty Church, Toronto, on Saturday. The bride's father is well known in New- leaving aur class we thouglit we castle, having had charge of the rebuild.ing of the interior ai the Metb- would like as a class ta look at y o dist Churcli, and the erectian af the new Parsonage, as the representa- once more befare you take your de- tive ai the late Chester D. Massey. Newcastle's illustriaus son and bene-t parture. factor. We regret your going, for our re -___________________________________ Iationship witb you as a clas n teacher lias been sucli that nwe1can- dNew Car Ferry at Lake not soon farget botih i spiritual'Ne csandaon soilsevc.Is Working Successfully Ne c sle M s n Yaur going leaves a vacancy i aur midst whicb will be liard to f111 an sd to Sna not onily as a teacher but as ai v..I sdI RSna A t Unitedi Churck churcli officiai, chuncli worker and? citizen. The scow or ferry recently builtt Few parents have the honour a! by the Port Darlington Harbor Com- Rev. W. P. Rogers Preaches1 baving two sans entering the minLs- pany ta take cars and passengersE tery, and especially at the same across the piers at Bowmaflville Imiiressive Sermon onj time. For this we ask you and Mrs. Beach was kept busy over the week- Ferguson ta accept aur lieartiest end. When The Statesmnan visited Principles of Freemasonry congratulations. As yau are leaving the beach on Sunday. Joe Dilling.1 us ta continue youn parental came the westside merchant. was busy There was an impressive gather-r over one o! your sons. we hope that bringing cars and passengers back ing o! members o! Durham Lodgec lie will soan get a helpmate when and forth between the east and west: A. F. & A. M., Na. 66, and bretliren1 lie will be leaving father and mo- piers. This new mode af transpor- i neighbaring ladges at the Unitedf ther, and you will see fit ta eturn tation is working splendidlY. It will Churcli on Sunday evening, June 18.r ta us again. accommodate one car and seveal' Local and visitmng il7thren paraded We cannot campensate you for passengers on each trip. We were fmomn the Masonic ladge room in the your interest in us nom can we go given ta understand that at present cammunity hall, with Fred Graham witli yau, but yau wiii have the no charge is made for the service. actig as marshal and T. F. Brantan, prayers and good wishes o! ail. As It is, bowever, apparent that a man p.W.M., as director af ceremanies.t a sliglit taken o! aur esteem we ask will bave ta, be kept an the job prac- Wearing their regalla and display-1 you ta accept this pen and pencil, tically day and night ta, be a! ser- ing Masonic emblems o! office andi thougli small in maney value, but vice to the cattagers, s0 that a small membeship, they accupied ail the in it Is wrapped up aur very best charge will have ta be made ta pay front circles ai pews. wislies for your future welfane and -or bis services, as well as ta caver Rev. W. P. Rogers, also a Mason, happiness. the cost ai constructing the "Peace welcomed the brethren ta the churcli Signed in bebali af the class, Ferry" which was over $400. and read as the scripture lesson,r Neil Muttan, Pres., W. J. Berry, Without the knowledge af the op- I Kings, Chap. 5, the keynote ofN sec't'y. erator a young man timed the scow which is building. whemein is e-I Mm. Fergusan made a bief but f ran the tinie the car boarded the carded certain plans and prepara-r suitable reply expressing regret at ferry until it was unloaded an the tions by Solomon for the building1 severing lis connections with the other side and it was exactly three of the temple, a mast appropriateE class and thanking thern for their; minutes. That is considered except- passage for a service attended by a kind emembrance. Several mem- ionally good time. a'nd !om the body af Masans. bers ai the class. including Reeve ccmmccnts heard matorists prefer ta As a basis for bis sermon lie chose 1I T. H. Lackhart. R. E. Osborne. Win. travel this way in preference ta go- two texts. I Kings 6:7. -And thet Trewin and Oea. McTaggart. paidj ing aver ' lie dapgerous railway cross- bouse whien it 'sas in building was1 further tibute in short addressesi ing at the C. N. R. station over the buiît af stonie made ready befare tI and musical numbers were rendered oid Honey Bridge and along the 'sas brouglit thither; sa that there by Miss Marion Piekard. Rev. C. H. ,%*inding pivate road thraugh the was neither hammer nom axe non Jterguson and a quartette composed1 praperties of Bnookdale Nurseries any toal of! mon heard in the houset of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pickand. Mrs'and Fox Estate. The sight o! the while it was in building; and I Kings Pinkard and Rev. C. H. Ferguson scowv crassing back and forth ap- 7:21. And lie set up the: pillars in Refreshmnfts were served and a ;iears ta add a littie life ta the the porcli of the temple; and he t social boum bought the gathering ta beach which is well patronized this set up the riglit pillar and cailed1 a close. srummer. the naine thereof Jackin; and lie sett __________________________________________________________up the le! t pillan, and called the1 naine thereof Boaz. These textst have ta do with building and the emblems ai Masonry, the plumb and T housands Pay Tribute to Departed inl the square and the campass, ail in- dicate that Masons are buildes- buildens af lives adcaatr r Impressive Decoration Day Ceem n Rogers bifyrfre otecn turies aid traditions af Masanny. ancient but not aut o! date, aIder than the Golden Fleece or the Gem- Cemetery is Carpet of Floral Garton Coach Lines Start mnan Eagle: aithaugli in the realm Tokens as Bowmanville Weekend Bus Service to aif histary it dates back just about two centuries. Masonmy is a splen- Honors its Dead - Three Bobcaygeon on Saturday did blending of the moral and ira- Bands in Big Parade tennal, the religiaus and the social. ____Annauncement is made by Mn. T. The strict obligations of Masonry1 Nearly 3000 citizens and former A. Gantan, Propnieton o! the Gatan place no limitations an true f ree- residents af Bowmanviile attended Coachi Lines. that, commencing an dam but permnits no unfettered lic- the Decoration Day ceremonies at Saturday, July lst, a weekend service crise by which the actions o! a mem- the cemetery an Sunday a! ternoon will be inaugurated between Osh- ber might injuriously affect the wel- wlien at an impressive cenemony the awa. Bowmanville, Lindsay and lare and happiness of another. The haonored dead were memanialized. Bobcaygeon. Buses will leave Baw- lettens A. P. & A. M., standing for A panade af organizatiolis wiih manville for Babcaygean at 9 a.m.* Ancient Free and Accepted Masans, three bands !ormed up at Central on Saturdays anly, and at 2.30 p.m. indicate that every member a! a public School campus with Major A. and 9.20 p.m. an Saturdays, Sun- lodge must have been accepted inta la. Bounsaîl, Camnianding Officer a! days and Holid.ays. the saciety by members befare hlmn.I thle local Company a! the Durham Buses xill leave Robcaygeoni at (Coninued on page 8) Regiment, in com.mand. Shartly a!- 7.40 a.m. on Saturdays only, and ai ter twa o'clock the parade moved 1.15 pim. and 6.30 p.m. on Satur- off headed by the Canadian Legian <ays, Sundays and Holidays. Pas-. Legion Band Presents Band under Bandxflaster A. J. Knox sengers leaving Bowmariville ai 9 o! Orono and with thie following a.m. on Saturday will reacli Bob- First Open Air Concert contingents makng up the personnel caygeon before noan and wll be a! the parade: the Town Council. able ta spend the entire a! lernoon Bowmanville Canadian Leglon beaded by the Mayor, Reeve and ibere. returning at 6.30 p.m. admd t nta pernea Deputy Reeve; the Canadiani Legion The service will run entirely an BnîaeIsIita pernea wit Sg. ajo A Kipanic, C. standard time andi ail buses will run an open air concert in Memorial M., as colon bearer, and Conades this year ta GreenhurstatnexrPrko Wdesyniltwea Thos.Hamil.nad Har.d Mses cargeo! 15cent. Tli.s week end large crawd listened ta aa splendid A L ONG Crip pied Boy Ret M A IdN STREET had 's hat 'se 'ould have dane 1 hdteRotary Club not slepped in1 and belped us otlt. I don't kno's. 1I Pro has t runig saesus hesuppose aur boy would have liad ta Fromhat to unnng hoesis henemain a cnipple for ie." In thosej trite way Nelson's Stores describes words the mother ai 'one ai thec their holiday supplies. Rotary Club's cnippled proteges un-N YouIl eepcoo ad hppyif oubundened hem grateful soul when I 1: Yaullkee colandhapy f ouinterviewed hem yesterday. I camec boy yaur holiday outfi t at Sid Char- away fmaom that «heartened and liap-'1 tran's-iot bargains ai cool pnices. pirhoewhafelntatB - manvuile was infinitely a betier Fred Bateman's Royal Caf e seils place becausýe ut lad a Rotary Club.1 a lot o! things besides good meals. ItasapohmeIvied Te Shrap ai lscnvnen af ndsemother, a bight cheerful woman. for ourslf.answemed the doar and soon we Tbe Statesman ailways conlains were engrossed in the subject aiflier lots o! local news but of equal inter- crippled boy. now daily gaining new est and importance is the merch- strength, wbose lufe bad been anis' store news. * changeci tlrougl the help that Ro- Tlere's always samething needed "What do the doctars say about for the holiday attire and Caucli, bis condition now, after twa years Jolinston & Cryderman offer a iew ai treatinent," I asked. welcome suggestions un their store Wt nginn iteee news. * * *this mother iald me Iliat wiihin 12 The Bowmanville Bakers' Puzzle manths ber boy, she expected, would Conestisgroin eah wekin n-be a normal healtby lad mndulging Canes.i s oigc week e in hiwa in the sparts lie loves so weil. and te0esi. Tes owbekteygveaa taking bis place in the young l! e o! 10 bve o bea.Pretty so! t community.f picking for somebody! s * * * might bave been years, tbis One a! the attractions along Main mother can!ided. before they cauld Sîreet 15 the beautiful rock garden bave saved enougli money ta, have and florai beds ai tbe Kingsway île medical attention the boy needed Flower Sliop. This is a unique spot but now leie s well an bis way ta and one that very few Ontprio normalcy and we have tle Baw- towns may boasi about. manville Rotary Club ta thank. As m was leaving ibis home 1 met1 If tbere's any tuorne* in the year the father. "One o! ibese days," le1 wlien a good matiress is welcome told me, wlien times for us farmersi ii's on one o! these liai niglits. get beiter, I arn gaing ta help oui Namilicuti & Smith came ta the mes- some crippleci boy or girl. What cue wutb specual values in île !am- ans Marshall mattresses. * * # 0 Roy Nichais, tle new Genemal Matars dealer, bas stepped right oui Cou ncillor Parker the first month and sald weli over bis alloimeni o! cars. Guess limes aren't su, baci when a lve sales or- N ewcastie NXed ganizatian gets on the job. On accaunit o! île Dominion Day Bride of Newcastle Man Is holiday coming on Saturday, Bow- manvulle merdhants are tumning Fmi- Daughter of Family with day iat one big shoppung day a! holiday needs. Reaci the advts be- Long Newcastle Associa- fore shopping. hi sa.'es tirne and tions - Miss E. Adele 0m0n*y . Seldon is Bride Fred Nelles o! île 'Red & White Grocery phaned us Manday sayig, The chapel o! Westminster Cen- "Business is uxnproving and I want irai Unitedi Churcli. Toronto, was ta advertise ibis week ta let the Pea- île scene a! quiet but preity wed- pie know île real savii'és I'm offer- ding on Saturday, afiemnoon, June ing in groceries." He tells lis awn 24tb. when Miss E. Adele, oniy siory an page 4. daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Walter # Seldan a! Toronto, became île bride Get dawn your mail bouse cata- of Councillar A. Ormnuson Parker, logues folks! and turn ta the lawn Newcastle, son o! Mrs. Parker andi mower section and compare pricés tle laIe Mm. J. Parker o! Newcastle. with Dustan's advt. on page 5. Tom The ceremnony was performeci by Dustan says he's determineci ta Rev. Dr. W. H. Hincks, assisteci by prove ibat hardware prices are nol Rev. Dr. James Litile. higli ai bis store. Watci bis advt. The marriage is ai particular in- eaci week. * teresi in view o! the long associa-j * lias ai tle Seldon iamily wiih île Wien we calleci for thew Walker village a! Newcastle. Mn. Seldoni Stores acivi on Monday Mm. Crabb, well know.-J there for bis connection the genial manager, said. -I gai big ai many years with the Massey' nesuits f rom my advi last week andi iamily. Mm. Seldon was commission- I bave another attractive 1151 Of ed bv the laie Chester D. Massey, specials I want you ta put an the whase biniliplace was i Newcastle, Women's Page this week." They're ta remodel the inlenior o! the thene on page 3. Meihodisi clurch and ta enlarge Th i i*y hes the Sunday School room during tle Thebigcit ihates boast about1 pastorate ai the Re4% A. Manseli their refrigerated almosphere in thee îrwin wiia recently retirec f rom bot sommer mor.tbs. Tbey have fia- active work ai île church and wia thing on Bowmanville for Tommy is residing in Whiby. Sa success-1 Rosa bas the Royal Theatre all fit- fl was ibis work and so mudli ap- ted oui witi a modemn caoling plant preciated ibat a new and modemn and on the hoitesi evening il us de- parsanage was the next Massey ligbufully comfomtabie aitbte Rayai. iamily donation. Following ibese * * gifts, lie laIe C. D. Massey offereci Howard A. Pickard. son o! Mr. ta donate ta the village a modern andi Mrs. A. W. Pickard, is the new community ball as a personal tri- manager o! the Superiesi Service bute ta bis home lown. The muni- Station ai île camner a! King andi cipality provideci the site and the Lambert Streets. Howard is well magnificeni building. probabiy île knawn and very populan with the mosi complete afitis kind in the young f olks and Ibis should be a de- Dominion today was erecteci andi ciding factor in making lis new un- embodied a counicul dhamben, lib- dertaking a success. mary. hall with seating capacity o! * S t t600. post office andi Ma-sonic beaci- When one o! The Stateàinan office quarters. At tle saine urne the aid presses brake down on Tuesday we Massey home was nesiored ta ils were pleaseci ta !lnd in aur dilemma foi-mer glory and many happy sum- ibai Mr. Demerling operales more, mers 'sere spent there by Mr, Mas- than an ardinary garage an King ,sey priar la lis dealli. Si. West. It's also a modernly Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Parker will equippeci machine sbap wiil acety- neside in Newcastle. whici bas had lune welder, lathes. electric drills, sucli close and intimaie associations etc.-and Mm. Demerling us certainly witb the families ai île bride and a finisheci machinisi and besi af ail groom. bis prices are reasonable. MI1SS AGNES VANSTONE JOINS Mm.andMrs Jaepl Slugher STAFF 0F HIGH SCHOOL aunonc ta n gagem Joent Saher AS SCIENCE - P. T. TEACHER daugliter, Lamna Ainyra, ta Mm. Another graduate o! Bowmanville Ewamt Victor Pollard, B.A., o! Tom- Higi Scbcol will have île lianor o! onta, son ai Mr. and Mrs. Charles teaciing ai lier Alna Mater. wlen Pollard ai Bowmanvlle. île wedding Miss Agnes Vanstone, daugliter o! ta take place early in July. Mm. and Mrs. F. C. Vanstone, joins ______________________ thle staff o! Bowrnanvilie Higli Scbool for the f ail term. Miss Van- TAKE UT THT AD. stane was selected on accounit a! the "TAE UTTHT1D. higli necommendatian a! the Inspec- New Deal in Finance Described by Dr. J. Clark Bell at Rotary Luncheon Brookdale Nurseries Hoats Informative Add r e a s o n To Ontario Representatives Subject of Vital World At Gathering on Saturday Interest Enjoyed by Ro- Brokdae ursrie wre oston tarians at Friday Meeting Saturday ta more than forty of their Ontario representatives, who A most timely and deeply stud.led gathered at the nurseries here tai- address an the modern trend o! spect the stock and ta join iin the world flnancing featured the meet- general discussions touching on ing .0f the Rotary Club on Friday present day nursery problems. Re- when President J. C. Devltt presld- presentatives were present f rom as ed. The program was i charge of far west as London and as f ar east a committee composed o! F. O. Mc- as Cornwall and Smiths Falls. Ths Ilveen, I. G. Hefkey and W. A. who arrived in the mornlng lnspect- Shane and the speaker, Dr. J. Clark ed the variaus planting beds becom- Bell a! Bowmanville, was lntroduced ing acquainted wlth the many var- by Mr. Hefkey. leties o! sbrubs and plants they sell. Dr. Bell spuke on "The New Deals This Party had lunch at the Bal- of Finance," wbich subject is oc- moral Hatel. In the a! ternoon the cupymng the attention o! t1 w wrld whole body af representatives were at the present time. He stated that present and made a tour of inspect- bis talk miglit be termed the New ion o! the nursery properties. At an Deal and the Old Gang, for it 15 infarmal meeting discussions were found that the United States dele- held i which Mr. E. J. Wood, Man- gates at the World Economlc Con- ager ai the Nurseries, related the ference were slttlng an the f ence nursery end of the business and re- loaking ta their own interests whi.le presentatives discussed their prob- the rest a! the nations were almlng lems and metliods of seing. In the at stabilization, but not knowing late afternoon 54 representatives where ta start. England was strlv- and employees of the Nurseries sat ing ta amlcably settle the war debts, down ta supper over whlcli Mms. Canada was praposlng measures for Wood and Mrs. Jessen preslded. The the restriction o! wbeat production; supper was held in the shipping other delegates had divers opinions room of the nursery and the discus- and suggestions, mostly wlth sel- sions. were coiîtinuedliere. The ga- f lsh attitudes, and the New Deal, as tliering praved beneficlal ta the Te- lie saw lt, was nat baving a general presentatives, many a! whom had acceptance. The Unilted States was neyer vlslted the nurseries, and alsa trylng tai sell a reflation idea, and ta the nursery officiais who Met some of its aspects shouid interest many o! the representatives for the us as Canadians, because t opens Up flrst time. the whole question a! the cause and ________ the cure of the depression. Many of j Dr. DorothY M. James, daugliter us bave been entliused wlth the idea ro! Mrs. N. S. B. James, bas passed beblnd Mr. Roosevelt's endeavour ta the exanilnatlon of the Dominion effect a cure and be tbought it wauld 1Medical Coundil and ls entitled ta be too bad not ta give hLs methad a practice medicine in any part o! Canada. <Continued on Pmg 5) f "I 1 urned to Health Rotary has done for our lad bas been one of the finest thrngs of our lives. You can bet 1 arn going to do ail I can for the Rotary Fair on July 26th. and maybe buy a couple of tickets on the Rotary Car, flot with the hope of winning the prize, but with the knowledge that I arn contributing to help some other boy like our own, who has f elt the help af Rotary." On rny way back to Bawrnanville I reviewed the report given by Charlie Mason at the Rotary Club sorne time in April when he out- lined the work accomplished by the committee on CriPPled Childiren's work. I recalled that over $600 had been ,,pent by the Club in 1932 on this work alone. The blind. the crippled, the sick, and youngsters in neeci of throat operations. ail had corne within the scope of this work. and I recalled that $54 was spent on praviding milk for 34 under- nourished chiîdren in our public schools and that 25 children had had had their tonsils removed last year. 18 more chilcLren are going ta have this operation done this year and perhaps one of the out- standing features of this wurk is that Bowmanville doctors have co- aperated witb the club by making no charge for their personal ser- vices. When I turned ail these things over in my mind I thougbt surely the Rotary Pair is worthy of the wholehearted support of citizens of this community. I thouglit too, of the words of the Saviaur, "Inas- mucli as ye have done it unto one af the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto Me." Fletcher-'a Rosery and Cha. Bagnell's Garden Visited by Hundreds During last weekend and tbrough- out this week, two of Bowinanville's outstanding gardens have been visit- ed by hundreds af flower loyers flot only f rom Bowmanville but f ram many points in Ontario. The gar- dens are those of A. H. Fletcher, "The Rosery" on Queen Street, and Charlie Bagnell's garden on King Street. At the Rosery hundreds of people have inspected and admired the magnificent showing of thousands of blooms. among the finest in the en- tire province. Mr. Fletcher is con- sidereci one of the foremost rose growers in Canada ani people corne mnany miles to see bis garden which is now at its best. Charlie Bagnell's beautiful garden is another spot that attracts wide attention. It is entirely different f rom the Rosry and thereby pro- vides a contrast that makes a trip ta the two gardens daubly interest- ing. This unique garden was the centre of attraction during the Bay So Quinte Conference when it was visited by many ministers and lay- men. Bath Mr. Fletcher and Mr. Bagneli ar~e to be congratulated an the won- derful show places they pravide for the town. The very fact that their gardens are well knawn ail over the province is proof that theY are out- standing i their particular appeal. Bowmanville had another pilgrim- age on Friday and Saturday when the Oshawa Horticultural Society ac- cepteci the invitation of the Kings- way Nurseries in Bowmanville ta visit the nursery and enjay the thrill of seeing three thousand rases Basebail Fixture is Main Attraction On Dominion Day Oshawa and B'owmanville to Meet Here on Saturday Morning - Business Men Erect Bleachers on High School Campus Thie main holiday attraction in Bovmanville is ta be another Bow- manville-Oshawa Lakeshare League fixture, whicli starts at 10.30 on Sat- urday morning and which should attract a real crowd. BowmanviJ.le defeated Oshawa an May 24th i the Motar City and repeated this feat last Saturday in a fast game. Talking about bsaeball remlnds us that the High Scbool campus makes a real bail park. Recent iniprove- ments include the installation of players' dugouts wbicli were bad.ly needed. The next important fIxture is un- der way now with the erection of bleachers to bold tbree hundred fans. It us bard enough work at- tending a baIl game in the heat we have bad this suxnmer and doubly liard ta stand tliroughout the game. The bleachers are gomng ta fUI an- other want and the Business Men's Association is ta be commended on the strides it is making in providing Bowmanville with a modemn sports field and a tbriilig sport. If we miglit suggest one more lit- tle job that might be dune, we would say "what about a scorer's box"? It is dimfcult for a soorer i the dugouts ta see the plays well enougli ta fairly discern and award errors or asslsts. The scorer's or press box should be located unmediately be- hind thie screen a.nd catcber's box and sbould be ralsed well up to give a cominandlng view of the entire playing field. This would not be an expensive praject and it would cer- tamnly be appreciated by the sport scribes who we believe do as mucli through the papers ta keep Up in- terest and boost sport as any other agency. We did hear the rumor tht this accomodation was golng to be done and if it is undertaken we might furtber suggest that a caver- ed box wou3àbandY meuns of keeping the scorers from burning up under the blisterlng rays of the sun. The local team is makig fine progress now and looks like winning a playoff berth. Plenty of support will do the trick. su let's see the largest crowd of the season out on Dominion Day to cheer "Lul" Min- geaud's outfit along towards group honors. A successful strawberry tea and sale of home made cooking was staged on Saturday afternoon on the lawn of St. John's Churcli by the Ladies' Guild. Quite a large nurn- ber enjoyed the strawberry short- cake and the sale of the couking was quite gratifying. as well as many otber ffowers i bloom. Bowmanville Horticultural Society miglit follow the example of the Oshawa society in arranging pil- grimages for its members ta the out- standing gardens in Bowmanville and there are many. Clý9 oi t c ýr b