PAGE POUR THE C NADIA STA ESMAN1.11 1 . ................T7' OOt Domninion Day Specials On Sale Thursday and Friday, June 29tIh and 3Otk Fig Fingers 2 lbs 29c FALCON COFFEE ... per lb. 39e Pearl Soap BRITISH EMPIRE TEA per btie1c 10o Bars CHIPSO .... per package l GILLETT'S LYE 2 for 25e FALCON PICKLES, 9 oz. ..... .. per jar 10c GRAPENUT FLAKES per pkg. 10c BRILLO-Cleans and Pol- BAKING POWDER, Red & White... per tin 25e ishes - 14c per pkg. TOILET PAPER, Red & White . .3 rmils for 23c Sugar I10 lb0%172c Gold M4edal FALCON PEAUT BUTTEPints per jar 19e Sa di esJAVEL WATER 2 for 15e Sa ctm sPINK( SALMON, 's. per tin 10e 1 TOMATOES, Gold Medal, 2%~'s .. .. . per tin 10e 2 for 25e EDUCATOR CHEESE THINS per pkg. 14e BIG FIVE CLEANSER per tin 5c WELCH GRAPE JUICE CHOCOLATE PEANIJTS .. 'i -1b. 13e 25c per bottle PURE LARD, 1 lb. Prints per lb. 10e TtON -4 JMr. Levi Annis, Toronto, spent the Iweekend at home. ISorry to report Mrs. Willis Stew- art in a very critical condition. IFP. . N E: LNEZ Lw E Mrs. A. W. Anrils is spendinga I I few days with friends in Toronto. *PHONE 559 BOWMANVILLE FREE DELIVERY MisCIMcezi.Troti I Glad ta report Mrs. James Dudley improving nicely after a serious op- ____________________________________________________eration in Bowxnanville Hospital. Mrs. C. Shaw and Georgie, Orono; Several fromn here attended the Misses Vera, Ina and Reta Carr, funeral of the late Mrs. Jos. Byers Bowmnanville; Mr. G. Alldread and on Sunday afternoon to Bethesda H O L I A Y SMr. A. Virtue, Tyrone. and Mr. E. Cemetery. H O L I A Y SDowns, Kitchener. visited at Mr. H. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Duidley and Wonnacott's. family spent Sunday with lier par- There was a good attendance at ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Turner, a a ut o! Lioors the Division meeting last Thursday Green River. evening in the Sons' Hall when the Mrs. Wni. Smith. Toronto. is Election of officers took place: w.P. spending a week wilh her parents. To properly enjoy them y0u should select your requirements -Mrs. John Baker; W.A.-Evelyn Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Farrell. and from the following: Tink, R.S.-Ileen Balson; A.R.S.- other friends. Howard Milîson: Chap.-Margaret Women's Missionary Society will Mosquito Repellent , Relieves Sunburn Scot": Treas.-Mr. B. G. Stevens: meet at the home of Mrs. Sid Hoar OI IRNELbt. 1 5C~ BURN EMOLIENT, tube 1 c F.S.-Bill Nicol: Con-George Mill- on Thursday. July 6th, at 2.30 p. in. OIL CTRONLLA, o, 5son: A.C.-Ruth McKessock: LSAIl ladies invited to attend. Stops the bites35 Tas uthfreRib Deel OSAan Wlr Mrs. W. MacDonald and babe.i SKETOAX tbeDevelops the tan, P.W.P.-Mr. A. L. Pascoe: Organist Cobourg, are spending a few days Bathing Cap Special NA' UBR -Gladys Yellowxlees. After the bus with lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wîi-r LOrON erg bot 3tI0C imess a short progranm xa cnjoyed. lis Stewart, and lier sister, Mrs. R. PAnohrBigl Value, i LTOlrebtls- Next meeting on Julv 6th. B. Scott. BATHING CAP for 15C Proteet your eyes fromn glare, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grooms and Mr. and Mrs. Samiuel Devitt. San-j SUN ~' family, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. du-sky, Midi., Mis. Reynolds. Ponti-1 Sweets the toae, GLASSE S 35c ,, 5c Werry. Mr. and Mrs. M. Moff att, Mr. ac. Mich.. Mr. Walter Dvt n Swene heso&ah and Mrs. T. B. Penfound, Oshawa. Mrs. M. Devitt, Peck. Midi., visited WAMPOLE'S & i Assorted Flavors spent Sunday at Mr. S. E. Werry's ' Mr. and Mrs. Otto Virtue recently.E GRAPE SALTS 50 $ FRUIT DROPS, % -1b. 15 Master John Grooms, Toronto. is Mrs. Devltt remained for a visit with KODAK FILMS - EIGHT EXPOSURES - NEW STOCK holidaying with his cousin. Master her daughter. Mrs. Virtue.a Wesley Werry. C D U KEIRSLA&KE'S é_______ The Dependable Nyal Store ENNISKILLEN c PHN 9WE DELIVER ! Messrs. Ploya and Ernie Plunket PHONEnk rYad aiI ist spent Sunday in Haydon.S ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ Mr. Fank Spr an fa ily vist- Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Ferguson 7~ ed lier mother, Mrs. Win. Oke. pn audyenignBom _n Mr. and Mrs. D. Burgmaster have splent. tra vnigi om ___________Sationnd____he____ gone on a business trip to Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gibson made a Cý MAL RO ERfretn Sainan tth îe Miss Marion Grifin is spending a businstrpoLidaonSu-A M PEG O Eof decease was engaged in the saine few days with friends in Cartwright. daAestpt ida nStr W - business at St. William. It would no Mrs. Graham and family. Oshawa, Mcy.Frn Watr MssBdi Miss Doris Grooms, Toronto. spent doubt be intecestîng to our older visited hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. ank MrsaC.eHrFaMisvisied unawîhMseBetan Micitizens to know that lits grandmo- Boyd. FalsadMs .H.Pli ii rSunowdenise. Bt n Ml ther was formerly Miss Dolly Prout Mr. andt Mrs. Fred R.ahm, Coîum a Mr. Edgar Gîbsons on Sunday. Mser o Snowden set u who spent lier girlhood days in Sal- bus, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Shackn Mr. «andt Mrs. Everard Sanderson MseBo nwe pnSu-em. elton.- and family visited at Mr. Richard day with hs cousin, Master Bruce Sevecal from this cornmunity at- M.adMs .Batn i.E Sandersons on Thursday evenirig. Hogarth, Hampton. r n r.C roMs . Mrs. A. E. McGill spent a few Mr. nd is. haretonMcBîdetended annivecsary services at Hay- Rundle, Oshawa, visited Mir. and dy nBwavlels ekvst, etoroare s-don and Hampton on Sunday. seîr- Mrs. S. Page. cain lier aler, Ms Smkiith e- hn o ersitr, PMrs. Claree is-n vice here being wthdrawn. The Miss ;Eva Souch is spending a few ighrduheMs mt M an d it Mrs. redrTeistTrnto speakers at both places wece former days with heî' brother, Mr. c.w guson. Mr apntSnday wîPedT istothrontr, favorites on the Tycone circuit hav- Souci. Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McKee and spet Snda wih hs mthe. Ms. ng supplied here in their graduat- Mr. and Mrs. J. Tyers, Mca. Grif - baby' and Harvey' Mahaffey spent L. Trwist. and. their little dauglitex n days. and olci friends were glad fith. Tocanto. 'were Sunc.ýay visitars Friday evening withi Mr. Clark-e Rievi. 'EHoe.xeoe.îl to a'.ail themacîlves of the opportun- at Mr. Theo Slemonis. sWillîains. occupy'. t HeuptonySucnday. Pas- ty of hearing them agaîn. ad iPtiandnd How - Oti- choJr iourneyed to North octp h upte udy a-report their atcptosrealizedto .aid s E ehikad o-Nestieton on Sîînday evenîng andi trWlriiwl eat Welcomne for *h tîî s altCîdîol Toronto. visited the formner's took charge of the music for thcir to n *r ol r nî vill ta - f ll as splendid addre .sse ý; werc Ibrother. M r. S. Pethîck. c n i e z r e v c s Mc.\.H oweTrnt.vst deiiveied b3 the- Revs. Miltoni Sandi- Mi-. and Mrs. C. A. Sta'nion J annvîa~seic. .cW.lH. c ousns M. ndMoont. J. H. I ison andi F. W. Newell. Service hece lRay. Oshawa. visiteci 'he foi'iners Leagtîe 'sas hcld Thursday even- Mds cnusnaMr and attendedH next Sîînday at the usual houc. sîstel'. Mrs. Lorne Lamb. ing. Mis. Ccl Fergusoni took charge ____ c Snayad tene f rgainabecofMsDr- the decoratiGn services. __ ___ Mis. WVm. Hecrirg ceturneti home tyliam in asnce 0fiss D ora-h ton Willîamson and consiatetie0fsti Mr atiMc. îl-MLean. Miss.SL, 11Snd atr iiin reni ntopic by Rev. Ne well and an instru- i Flora MeLean. Toronto. visite,-,the mental___________________ Nwcat l anoBomanihe formeras brother. Mr. R. D. Trîmble, r i.s. Cecil Crossnian entertainetimna . r. adro.Lh on Sunciay and attendeti dccration Mr. Chester Maritn. Col(ti'.vater. the Prîmiary cas s t ler home on~ services. visîteti Miss Marion. Silver at Mc. Friday when a jolly time was spent i NESTLETON Little Miss Kathleen Tink. and Chas. Smith's Misses Elva and Doris Griffin and - Mr. ertam eBrie, etebor. Mr an Mr AnoldVerierandMr. Jac k Herod, Toronto. spent the Mr. ebrtdtram MBirîde. Pn ete sr- r.Anlt enra weekenti witi their mother .Mrs. Mrs. Lambkin is the guest of Mr. ceebattithirbctdas n ue-famiy, Mai-kham. visited her sîster, W.Gin anti Mrs. Wm. Samells. ady ue2ta i oe0 r Mrs. Chas.ce Vîvian. aver Mi&s Vera Shackelton and Miss Mr. andi Mrs. Roy Taylor were the andMrs CareceTin. wena vry Mis. N. C. Yellowlees spent a few Clara Page visîteti at Mr. C. Ker.s,- guests of Mca. Joe Taylor on Sun- enjoyable time xas enjoyed by aIl. tiays last week witi heî' sister. Miss lake's. Hampton, on Sunday and at-_ day. This community extends heartiest: jessie Cation, Toronto. tcndeci tic aniliversary. Mr. andi Mrs. Leslie Wright are congratulations ta Mr. and Mca. M.i Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Baker, Mr. Mr. and Mra. H. Johinson, Toron- visiting his mother. Mrs. Peter Munday. Sr., who on Suntiay very Wil anti Miss Veca Baker. vîsîted aita. were Stunday vîsîtors liece, bring- Wright. quîetly celebrateti their 6lat wedding Mrs. Anos MýcMullin'.s. Kential. îrg Mra. J. Pyc home after spentiing Mc. and Mca. Joe Veale have tak- anni%,ccsaly. On Monday evening iNi. anti Mis. Charleton McBride 1'two week.s with friencis in Toronto. cen Mrs. John Veales house for the their chilticen acotnd here accomp- andi Bui ton, Peterboco, are visiting League meeting on June 2lst wa summer months. anied by the grantichulticen. spent a 1hec rPa!tents,, Mr. and Mca. Geocge in charge of 3rci Vice President. Mc Mc. and Mca. Poland and Mc. anti fewdhors with the Alnthog c heitc Edgar Wright. Meeting openeti with ~Mc. Sain McLaughlin visieti at Mr. ant Ma. unayaieno inth IMr. Stanley and Misscs Mîlticed hyinni anti payer, by Re.j. M J. Watson's recently. beat of heaith. they are up and ar- an(.: Gertrudie Webbec. Mr. Gùýe r: hWuîye. Bibleý le-arcn wa.s read bý' Mis, Snowie Marlow andi Misa aunti each day. We al hope they MNcKe-uie. Cotihtiu. vited at Mr.c Ruby Adiams; deVotional was taken Widdiîs. Millbcook, visited lici par- will be ,-pai-ed foc sevecal yeacs yet..IlH. E. 'r:nk's. 1 iy ehik iuesc enta. Mr. anti Mrs. R. W. Marlow, QuJtt"ý a nuînbec frorn hece atteîîid- mieeting wecerceati anti atopteti: ce- ovetr the weekend. SALEM 1 je~~d anniver. ary services at Hampton citation. Velma Gilbert; duet, Misses 1.ýMc. Cec<liWilson, Mc. John Hooey SALEManti Haydon on Suntiay anti visiteci Annie Oke andi Elsie Moore; the andMc uney and Roy Hooey. and 4 ____- frientis thece. topic was well piven by Mc. Ruissell 1Mc. Joe ,GHaocy spent a couple ofj Salem frientis are very sorry toi Mr. anti Mca. Lcw Luke, Misa Gilbert: readîng, Autirey Doclanti. d~a in Gueil ast week. know that Mca. W. Stewart, Tyrne, Richardison, Miss Dorathy Haîner Mfcting closeti viîh a hyinn and the Mc". and Mca. John Hooecy. Mr. ia stili very ill. anti frienti, Oshiawa, vîsiteti at Mc. benediction. Roy andi Burney Hooey, Mc. and Mc. anti Mcs. Lloyd Richards and Thos. Baker's. - -.Mca. Herman Samells anti Mc. Joe babe spent Sunday witli hec parents, Mr. anti Mrs. Richard Cutting and e - Hooey were guests of Mc. andi Mca. Mc. and Mrs. Geo. Lane. Providence. fainily, Uxbrige, Mca. A. Williams COURTICE jCecil Wilson on Sunday. Mr. and Mca. W. Moflat and sons, andi Miss Maian, and Mca. Cook, A nmbec fcom here took in North Orono. wcre Sunday callers on lier Port Pery visiteet at Mr. Cias.,~'~ Nestîcton Unitedi Churcli anniver- parents in route ta attend anniver- Howaam'ýs. Miss Mabelle Waltec was in Co- sary services. Cadinus choir had sary services at Haydon. Miss Muriel Baker lias been en- bourg Sunday wîtli same Oshawa charge of tie music for the even- Sorry ta report that Mr. Chas. gageti as teaclier foc Solina achool frientis. t ing service and It certainly was Gray had a mlshap wlth ils motor- foc the coming year, andi Miss Ada Mca. Archie Muir lias gone to splendid.Ms Cobbledick cendcred cycle, lnjuring ils knee.. Hope it Allin of Providence has been engag- Thedfocd to visit lier mother wlio is a solo iecusual capable way, and wlll flot prove very serlous. ed as teaclier foc Baker's sehool. quite ill. also two splendid anthems wece giv- Mr. and Mrs. F. L. &luaic andti Mc. and Mrs. M. J. Hobbs have Misses Beatrice and Sadie Allin , en. The childcen had charge of the Mur. Lawrenee Scjualr attendedth le maved to their new home at Haydon Toronto, visited ticir motier, Mrs. morning service. Miss Icene Wat- tuneral of the late Mr. W. Grant, where Mc. Hobbs lias been engaged A. Allin. cecently. son gave a splendid solo whlch was Bws couin c onM. qal. M rarni c eave rtoccyalome Mc. andc. W Tornta wrook nd vissit ba yung.l edee yasoos o Bwanvousin ofMndqayr. M.G atreaci f oc ytec, d ac Wr . r a erooweknd isos Hal, beutiul cnee b olits Mr. ]Kyle Squalr, in company wth Habbs f rom our community and our Mc. anti Mca. S. S. Brooks. Mr. Linton, Orono, attended Lhe best wishes go witi them ta, their Mca. A. P. Runtile and Miss Anane A retailer is a man who eau tel funeral of the late Mr. J. D. Zavitz new home. Hoît spent Sunday In Toconto guests the samne stocy twice. at St. William on Monday lat. Mc. M. and Mc. G. Cac, M. and of M. anti Mc. Chas. Webster. Thc goig becomes more nterest- Zavits spent saine ime at the Orono Mrs. E. Everton, Cilford; Mc. and1 Mrs. R. C. Short, Messrs. Hugi ing towarcls Lhe top. andi Jesse Short and Miss Floren Tory Hill, wcre visitars at Mr. A. Short's and Mc. L. J. Slîoct's. Mc. and Mca. Marahall Soules ai fanuly, Toronto, attend tei Brook Langmaid i pinic St the Creani Barley, Bowmanviîîe, on Satuctiaý Mca. Fred Flintoif, Mca. Stepli Flîntoff, Misses Mary, Jean ar Darothy, Mrs. Gregory anti Mca. E Goodiman, Oshawa, wceececent vi itors of Mca. Howard Flintoff. Suntiay the Rev. Jas. Elford, Sct gag, preacieti very acceptabiy morn ing andi cvcning. In the afterno4 the achool helti an open session wit Mc. A. J. Gay in charge. The sui erintendent calleti on Mc. Gay wl came focward and introducedti t Speaker and singer. Rev. A. D. Rot of St. Andrew's Churcli, Oshaw gave an excellent addcess ta ti schooi, particuiariy ta the chidcei and Mc. Dewland of Wliitby sar twa beauti.ful solos. Tic addreý andtheti solos were muci appreciat ed anti enjoyeti by ail present. Saturday was tic annual picnicc aur Sunday School heiti on Lth grounds of Mc. Arche Muir. Pec pie began ta assemble about 2 p. nr and shortly a large crowd liat gatin cced. Sevecal bail games wecc play cd and ail kinda of îraces f rom t youngest Lo tic aidtit.anti prize wcre presentedt<)1 the winnecs. Abat 6 P. m. a sumptuous supper wa spcead on the beautiful iawn in froc af Mr. Muir's house. Al of th large gatiering sat down togetlic and had a jaily social time. An other bail game was played af te stipper anti every one went iomi feeling it was a hiappy afternoon Thc S. School staff and ail thi acliooi appreciateti very mucli thi kindness of Mc. anti Mca. Muir ix opening their home and groundist. the Sunday Scliooi. . 1 Holiday Attire For Men and Ladies Men's Flannel Suits Tivo, thcee snd four pîcce summer suits, in grey snd fawn; single and double bressted sack conts with pstch poekets. Trousecs in thc new room', nodels wîth ide bottom tnim, 'Ire,,.y, cool; priceti from .8,5 Plus Fours and Flannels Plus fours in tweeds and linens; tweeds in fancy patternîs snd linens in wshite. Smart and cool for golf adwalking $3o75 Golf Sox to match. Flannel Trousers Flannel trousers in ccc', sudJ wehite - 'rieCool, st',lisl trousers, from, sumerÜrs$ 3.50 Keep the boy's cool snd natty in Shorts. Dccssy and easily 1mashed, anti cconomn- ical, ail sizes: Khaki with elastie milt baud59 Whýite Lineiî 75c Navy Blue Fox98 Serge Shorts 98 Wh'ite the Summer Mode LADIES' WIIITE CREPE FROCKS Ensembles and Summer Coats Ladies' erepe frocks in cel- anese, sand and syrinma white and black, and white summer coats. SUMMER HATS In wihite, eggshell and navy; mnade froin white crepe, linen a.nd Suede - in erush and brim styles - Cool and dressy. Also ligrht Welght summer straws in a variety of colors at our reduced july prices of $11095 m $2095 Couch, Johnston U& Crydlermaan Phone 104 King Street, Bowmanville We Deliver I. ice Ln [s- ten pd. isl Mt n tp- ho he b- he m, nt s5 't- ýe i. ie e at os E E , , bible study was taken by Ms. San- fin. Enikilen, at Mr. A. Becc's. J. derson. M r. anti M c. J. Bradley, M . J. OS R N R T DC Catinus, W. A. met at the home f Semon, Sr., Misa Grace Wrry, En- O B R E B Ô H R id Mc. H. A. Galbraith on Jtne 20th, niskillen. Mir. anti Ms. Bruce Mont- Save yu maney On rcpaîing s- with a gooti attendance. Pogram goinery anti babe. Solina. Miss Grae BICYCLES AND f was in charge of Mc. A. E. McGill Wela, Bowmiaville. at Mr. E. Brat- LAWN MOWERS anti consisteti of ceadinga by Mca. iey*. nMcK e. M c. Philp anti Misa Ma- Mr. anti M c. Roy Langmaid anti W e Sel: i. joric Galbraith. M c. Newell anti fanily, Solinia. M r. anti M c. W in. G .'CA LAS QIRE d. M c. Clarence Marow sang a uet. Moffat anti famnily. O ono, at M . CGA OLN s- At the close, a contet aas sponsor- T eron Mountoy's. LUB ICALEN 01. d w h ie ilunch w as being p eparet. M r. andti M s. G eo. R a im an ti . a iB . QA I L B U R N E 1- Eveîyone went on their homewacti fanily. Mr. anti Mc. Hacy Raho,G.adB IBLR R 1- way hiappy after having enjoyeti a Burketon. at Mc. C. Ave's. Wock Caileti For andt Deiveceti ýtreat cf atrawbecries anti cceani. ________ Phone 297; Resitience 649 a sadwihes cae ati and. , BLACKSTOCK Service Station - King St. West 10 To Lae foc last week *- BOWMANVILLE 23-6 Mc. anti Mca. Sager visiteti a Mir. Mc. anti Mca. ,YoseV.1Ar'cher apent Chas. Gibson's. Suiay witli Mîs. Wmn. Bacton. cdMisa Elva Capstîck recentiy visit- c.Jh crlu pn at M. Osar cQuaics. Suntiay with frientis at Stratforti decitiet hoidtihti usuai celebration 9Miss Gladys Cobbietick visiteti aI Mr. anti Mis. N. H. Mariow sp.ent, on July lst. The stutiy book cliap- ;SMr. H. A. Gaîbraiti's over the week- Fcîiday anti Satuctiay at tic 0. A. . ,ter "A New Thougit in Missionsry endi. Guelphi. Work" was given by Mca. G. Camp- Mc. L'orne Hylanti anti Mc. Ernie Miss Marjocie Maclow, Toronto. bell; Mca. F. Baiiey reati an inter- *Burton spent Monday cvening at spcnt, the weekenti with lier moiher, esting letter f rom. Miss Laura Ham- e Lous. rs. . Malow.biey. missionary in Tzeiiutsing, Mr. anti rs Russell Mountjoy Miss Eva Parc anai Miss Florence Cia edn,"htOdPrn Mr. anti Mca. Etigar' Gibson anti MeLaughlin. Tor'onto, are visiting at Knif e." was given by Mca. Harry Mc- family, Mr. anti Mca. Everacti San- ticir homes icie. Laughuin; Miss Florence Fair gave a derson anti family spent Suntiay aiý Beat, wislies 10 Mc. Fr'ank Bailcy piano solo; Mca. R. Mahooti, a reati- eMc. Cecii Fccguson's. lanti bride i nec Jennie Leighton , îng on Home Making. Miss Vec's S League pcogcam Tiursday even - who wece marcîcti recentîy. Foctier was in charge of the pro- Sing waa in charge of Mca. Evecard Dr. anti Mca. F. WV. Maclow anti gramn. SSanderson anti consisteti of topîc by J Miss Ruth Mariow, Toronto. spent <8> - tMca. H. A. Galbraith, ceadinca by Satucday with Mca. J. G. Maclow. Mc. loydThomson ntiMarjorie 1 Tic pupils of oui' Continuation UR E NJ rGalbraith, a solo by Beti McQuade1Scicoo lieldti r annual picnic at anti an instrumental by Miss Gladys! Cceam of Bacley Camp on Fî'iday, Thece passedti ta ler eternai ceaI Cr beik June 231'd. a; the home of lier uncle, Lot 34, _____________________ iMr. anti Mca. L. E. Mouintjoy anti Con. 8, Darlington, on June lOth, i HA DONMr. anti Mca. Thomas Smith wei'e1 Misa Vera Luchla DeMille, in hec >» ____________________ recent visitos cf Mi'. anti Mca. Roy 32nti year. Deceaseti hati been iii C - ]Leask. Grecnbank. jtic greater part of four ycars. She 1 We wcelcome Mc. anti Mca Mervin Mca. A. Monette. Toronto. Mca.* R undecwent an opecation for appen- Hobbs wha have moveti into ccc vil- Mahooti. Mca. R. Archer anti3Mi1: dicitis in 1929 from wiici she nev- lage from Solina. Mc. Hobbs is en- Eric Ctîtting apent Sunday with Mc. er cecovereti. Vers was aiwsys kinti gageti as teaciex' at our achool for anti Mca. Chas. Smithi.I anti fciendly witi a smiie for evccy the coming ycar. Special services were lielti aI Si. one sic knew. Sic couiti amile Annivccaary services on Sundav Joins Anglican Chîirci on Sunday. when suffcring great pain, whicî aie were largely attentiedtia both sec'- June 25ti. The choir was assistet, idt vecy often. Hec aunt, Mca. A. vices. The shedi was nîcely tiecorat-1 by Mis. Hayes. Port Pcrry. 1 Hubbacd, neyer ticeti in ministecing I d wiih fiowcca. ferna ant imapIe Mic. anti Mca. Janmes Stî'ong anti to lier daiiy needa. Tic funeral, leaves. In tic afternoon Rcv. F. Wv. ýthiîr son-in-iaw anti daughter, Mc. conducteti by hiec minister, Rev. J. Neweli delivereti a fine atidress bas-lanti Mca. W. Chapman. Por't Pecry, ýM. Whytc. was iscgeiy attentied and-' cd on Phil. 3:10. on Paulas vision ' 1have gone on a molor trip to Mani- proceetietif rom hec carthly home to Mucli credit is due Miss Mar'ion Or- Jtoba. Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert, chard. as tramner foc the S. S. choc- Mr. anti Mca. Warren Courtis anti thece to, rest tili the day breaks anti uses, assisteti by Misa Rema Brati- famîly. Elwood. Haroldi anti Marga c- theashaiows fiee away. The floral iey, pianiat. anti Mc. Arthur Beeci, et. South Benti. Indiana. spent tic tî'ibutea were many anti beautiful. violiniat. A speciai feature waa a wveekenti with Mr. anti Mca. Robert The near relatives lef t to mourn lier chorus by the achool chîlticen. "Tic Parc. lbas wece: Mca. R. Clark, Oshawa; Lord is My Shepherd." wliich was Mr'. anti Mca. Gordion Stcong wecc Mca. A. Hubbard, Enfleiti; Mca. O. agaîn repeateti at niglit by speciai given a siower of useful anti beau- Hubbacti, Mt. Carmel; Mca. T. requcat. A goociiy dongregation ag- tiful gîfts on Wetinesday evcning, Brown, Bowmanviiic; Mca. G. L. ain attendeti cvening service, Rev. June 21st, St the home of the bride's Cossentine. Los Angeles, Calif.; anti Neweil giving a vecy fine atiticcs parents. Mi'. anti Mca. R. Bruce. Mc. Mr. Jas. H. DeMilie, Burkcton, be- f rom Hcbrcws 11:27. 'He enduceti as L. Wannan adteti as ciairnian. aides a great many aLlier f rientis. seeing htro wlo is invisible." Mc. Lunch 's'as serveti andtihti evening She is net deati. tic chilti of our Narînan Frieiui. Bowmianviile, ac- spentit n dancing, affection, companicti by Mc. Francis Sutton. Regular meeting cf the W. A. cf But gone int that achool, tenieceti a very fine tenor solo whici St. John's Chucc was helti at tice'viece sic no longer neetis our poor everyone enjoyeti. home of Mr. anti Mca. S. McLaugli- protection, S u n d ay V isitors l:ni on T hu rstlay ev n n . I 'a A d C h i t H m c f i tl cu . Mr. Lloyd Tiompson anti frient. eeig tws AdCrs inefdt u Cadmus, St Mi. W. Thompson's. Mc. anti Mca. Harolti Gay andi son. Oshawa. at Mc. Charles Gar- tardas. n e'N w M n g m n Mr. anti Mca. Lorenzo Mountjoy.L d rN w M n g m t Nestîcton. at hiec fatheca. Mc. Tics. Slemonis. Mca. T. Ïrabb. Ivy anti Lawirence u e t s e v c t to Tycone. Mc. P. Goulti anti Mr. H. u e t s e v c t to Raby. Bowmanville. at Mc. T. Cowi- ing's.. Corner King and Lambert Sircets RvF.W. Ncweli, Blackatock. Mc.BI"I.I1L Stanley Wooiings. Misses Helen antidWMNIL Mfary Westbury anti frienti, Toronto. 'NOIV UNDER 'MANAGEMENT 0F at Mr. H. Ashton's. and famiiy, Mc. Norman Rundie, 3owmanville. Miss Giadys Martin, Orono. at Mc. A. McNeii's.H o ad A i ar Mca. H. Scott, Tcewin anti Helen Scott, Ocono, Miss Eva Coilacoti, ['yronc, Miss Margaret Virtue. En- Quick and Efficient Service in Greasing and Oiling îîskiilen, at Mc. Wm. Tcewin's. Cars Washed - Minor Repairs - eranns Mr. anti Mra. Austin Larmer antiershet chiltircn. Buckcton, Mc. anti Mca. DRIVE IN TODAY - WE'LL GIVE YOUR CAR A TONIC t.lYmcr Becci anti famiiy. Misses Alice Ashton, Verna anti Vers Grif- jf 7.-- THE CANADIAN STATESMAN- ]BGWMANVnJýX TRUP.SDAY. JUNE 29th. 1933 TYRONE