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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jun 1933, p. 7

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TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, B0WMA1~VILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 29 ~h, 1933 PAGE SEVETi e Besides Serving Appetizing Meals Yoo Can Buy Ice Cold Drinks Goode's Ice Cream Ice Cream Bricks 25c Chocolate Bars S Chewing Gum Tobacco and Cigarettes ROYAL CAFE 2 doors east Royal Theatre FRED BATEMAN, Proprietor. Think bef are yau ink. A word ta, the wise is useleas. Too much of a good thing does no good at ail. A thick head is usually cavered witb a thin skn. Tbe OIIj > Pink and White GoId Fulc Vue and Rinîles C. H. TUCK, OPt. Eyesignt Specallst Disney Block: Phone 1516 Opp. PO. Oshawa r -CLIP TIS COUPON - *FREE 50oliue' ta victims aof INDIGESTION. IAinazing new discovery ends ga&ans heartburn. acidty. nausea, sick stomach. uncrfortable fulneas or shortnm cio IEach of the ingredients contated in I STOM-ALKA are cfrecegnzed thera- *peutic value. nmny f themed litthe medica profession for centuries. and the puri ty anrd tr..gih of this prepars- I TMALKA is a super-prescription Ibased on experience of Canadian pl-4- sicians. Ends inigestion or dyspepia I Ipains so severe'that other remedies fai. IPain stops INSTANTLY Then it builds srong somnachs. new digestive I Ipowers. Eat foods that now hurt you. ILike getting a brand rieur stom'ach We arranged with mianufacturera te j show us to offer big $1.25 family site i STOM-ALKA TODAY fcr only 7Sc Iwith this coupon. Withuut coupon I$1.25. Use coupon TODAY and save S Soc. Bîd good-bye forever NOW t. Igas pains. heartburn. stomach troubles. .ndgestîon. dyspepsia.I I OnZy 1 to a customer L - BRING THIS COUPON - Ij Jury (& Loveli The Rexail Store When We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly Decoration Day <Cntinued from page 1) where a vas, crowd awaited its ap- pearance. Under a canopy of mighty pine trees a special platform bhad been erected and here were seated the Town Cauncil, members of the Min- isterial Association, A. R. Virgin, Supt. of the Boys' Training School, Fred W. Bowen, M.P., W. J. Bragg. M.L.A.. Warden W. F. Rickard, and severai others. The impre-ssive service of com- memoration was conducted by Rev. W. J. Todd, President of the Minis- teriai Association. Under the baton af Francis Sut- ton, Mus.Bac., and bis male chorus. the service opened with the singing of the grand aId hymn. "O God Our Heip in Ages Past." Rev. W. J. Todd delivered the prayer of invocation and led in the recitai of the Lords Frayer. after which Rev. E. F. Armstrong led the responsive reading of the Psaim 90. The Maie Chorus rendered a splen- did chorus and Rev. A. S. Kerr and' Adjutant Myrtle Tucker read sel- ected portions of the scriptures. With the Canadian Legion Band accornpanying the hymn 'Sun of My SouF' as sung, and Mayor Gea. W. James, speaker of the day. was introduced. The mayor's remarks were very briçf occupying only th.ree minutes a! the service. "The program," be said. "bas been very wiseiy arranged sa that every- body present may take part in it by1 singing grand old familiar bymns and reading respansively portions o! the scripture. I take it that I have been given a place on the program on account of my officiai position as the civic representative o! the citi- zens. I therefore bave pleasure, fist, in extending a cordial welcome ta many former residents of Baw- manville wham I see in the audi- ence wha have came back ta the aid home town to join with us in cele- brating this memarabie occasion. 1 also feel it is the wish o! the citi- zens that I convey ta the Ministeriali Association and ta the Cemetery' Committee o! the Town Council1 your grateful tbanks and apprecia- tian for planning and carrying out this annuai event. We are aiso in- debted ta ail those who participated in the parade or otherwise heiped ta make the ceremnonies such an un- qualifled success. We feel that the great invisible audience wham we banor today is very near ta us. I wish it were pas- sible ta rail back that veil a! victary at this moment so that each o! us migbt grasp the outstretcbed hands and hear the beioved voices and see the dear faces o! thase wba bave passed on. It was my privilege this morning ta visit the cemetery as it ivas being transformed by relatives and f riends into a veritable garden o! remem- brance and love as God's cboicest gifts o! flowers were iavishly strewn on ibis sacred ground. In clasing may I urge upan eacb o! you that in these testing days and trying times you develop more of that characteristic spirit a! service and sacrifice sbown by the pianeers o! this cammunity and when we are called ta bigber service rnay it be trutbfuiiy said that we bave le! t this earth better than we found it." Folow;ing the address, Rev. W. J. Todd paid tribute to Mr. R. J. Low- ens, Legion Band Leader, wha 15 critically iii in Bowmanvilie Hospi- tal The evening hymn "Abide with Me" was sung and the prayers were recited by Rev. c. R. spencer. Bug- er Bruce Berry sounded the Last Post and the beautiful service came ta a fitting close when Rev. Geo. Mason pronounced the benediction. Pollowing the service the variaus arganizations praceeded ta decorate the graves. The cemetery was a mass of fiowers and bas neyer look- ed better. Credit is due Mr. Joe Highfield. caretaker, wha bad care- f uily prepared the Cemetery for the ceremonies and aiso ta the Bawman- ville Horticuturai Society wich or- ganization bas planted the gardens on ether side a! the highway at the Cemetery and whlch gave added col- or and beauty to the scene. «The Week in Local Sports»I Jackman's Orioles Are Winners in Town League iBowmanliIe Wins Came with South Ward In Shutout Game second victary a! the seasan in then & Aédpp i.. second Town League fixture on Mon-VV *ith *VU r Cit day nigbt when they scored the odd run to bring victory against theBo anHlsM trCt South Ward, by 6 ta 5. o anH lsM trCy Before we even go int details we ., . had Sa many check us Up about not SJquad to Two its in mentioning Pete Grant's borne run: Thrilling Saturday Game in the Orioles first game that we, credit him with it now. and if WyIFrtescndtm bssao any chance wve sbould forget ta men-'Fothsendim i ean tion the home run o! Monday's BowmanviIle's Lakeshore entry met game we give Dub Piper credit right ' and administered a stinging defeat now for a borne run in the 7thi -:to the Oshawa Cubs when they recg- ings that neyer shauld have been a, istered a bandy 5-0 victory on the home i-un at ail. although il was'High School Campus on Saturday. good for two bases. Weisb out in Wbile Bowmanviile earned every centre field was sleeping at thbc run on their score sheet the Oshawa wheel and made a bad fielding ef- outfit played nice bail and certainly fort. got no breaks o! any kind. It was a seesaw came f rom start The locais were tbe better team ta finish. Sauth Ward went ta, bat throughout. "Red" Bowman was first and despite twa bhits failed ta back ta bis 1932 stride and he pitcb- score. Orioles came right back with ed the entire game sbutting out the twvo. Foster and N. Jackman coming mator ciiy boys witb but twvo bits. home. Nat ta be outdone, South The gaine was decided in the 'Ward returned strong in the second first tbree innings when Bowman- and scared tbrec with Nayiar, Gea. ville scared their entire f ive runs. Piper, and Cantreli, a new man, The last six innings was a close bringing home the bacon. Orioles struggle with very few bits being came back again witb two ta take a rcgistered. Wbile Gower, tbc Osh- one-run lead, the Jackmafls, F. and awa hurler, did not seem ta be in N.. daing the hanors. South Ward form he heid the lacals ta ane bit evened Up n the third when Large in the last six frames. He was weak came home, and Jackmans taok a howcver in the first few nnings ane-run iead in the 4th, with South when Bowmnanville took advantage Ward again evening the score in o! bis weakness ta i-un up a lead their final time at bat wben Piper that iasied throughaut the game. scarcd bis speciacular home run. Bowmanvilie opened with a run in Oriales went ta bat for the last time the firsi, Lloyd Hall getting a walk, at even score. N. Jackman bit a reacheci home on an errar by Gower, graunder ta, third, and I. Piper- a pass bail and a bit by Bert Col- Witheridge combination gat him out wel. Second and third bases were at flrst. Moore hit a single; P. ioaded when Moore gat oui as third Grant fanned. Hits by Murphy and man up an a bit ta le! t, picked up Welsh braught Moore in ta, win the by Young and whizzed across ta Kel- game. Perhaps one other feature lai- at firsi in tinie ta shut Moore was noted in the game when Oea. jout. Piper and Witheridge figured in a Young made the only hit in the double play in the 5tb. Oshawa f irst nnings wben two men Oea. Piper is credited with ten were oui and being over anxious ta, strike-outs and Fred Jackman with make the bases was tagged between six. Piper waiked two and bit a fist and second attemptmng ta steai. batter once, and Jackman walked Bowmanville came back wvitb an- tbree. The score: other i-un n the second when James South Ward 031 00 1 - 5 wha got on first on an en-or, came Oriales 220 100 1 - 6 in on Hali's bit. Oshawa got one South Ward - G. Piper, p; Bates, man onl in the second on anc o! c; L. Little and Witberidge, lb; M. Bowmfan's occasional bhit batter- Little. 2b; 1. Piper, 3b; Cantreli, ss; balls. Naylor. If; Large, cf-, C. Mutan. if. Bowmanviiie came back in the Ories - F. Jackman, p; Poster, third ta take the long lead when c; N. Jackman, lb; S. Grant, 2b; Cameron anid Osborne each made H. Jackman, 3b; Moore, If; Welsb, singles, Coiwell waiked ta fUli the cf; Murphy, if.' bases. A bit by Bill Caiden braugbt Umpires - Dutch Osborne at Cameron and Osborne home and a plate, W. J. Bagneil and L. Hall on bit by Bob Bates brougbt Corden in. bases.Colweil gat out running ta second, base.__________________ Moore bit a grounder ta first and James fanned. The rest o! the game Triple and Double was scoreiess but thriiiing despite the absence o!fi-uns. Plays Feature High Oshawa madé a determined stand Schol..oodyar i the eigbtb when Haley bit a -Schol-Godyer Tit thee agger, the hardesi bit o! the game, and got out when be tried to Feaiured by triple and double reacb home, Bates getting tbc put- plays, Jim Bowman's Higb Schoal oui and Hall tbe assist. Tamblyn Students slugged thei- way ta vic- made first on a fielder's cbaice and tory in thei- opening game against Tamblyn tried for home unsuccess- Goodyear in the Town League on fuliy, Bowman and Bates f iguring n Friday nigbt.. Taking a f our-run the putaut. Kitchen tbrew Oshawa's lead in the first innings tbe stud- iast chance away wben Coiwell put entsnevr wnt ehin, nr wrebim out at second on an attempted entsoyer abletobtebindsnorere steai. Goodearabl tatie he car at Bowman's pitching record showed any periad o! the game. The final five strike outs, wbiie Gawer regis- score was 8 ta 3. tered four. The High School outfit featured a Osbawa-Gower P; Kitchen C; new find in bbc way o! Bob Kent, Keliar lb; Sheilenkof! 2b; Young son o! Posimaster C. B. Kent, a 3b; Lycett ss; Haley If; Tamblyn cf; mound artist o! no mean ability n Hercia r!. Hughes batter for Keliar bis day, wbo pibcbcd the fi-st tbrec and Hubbell batted for Gower in the nnings and miade a gaod sbowing. 9tb. Tiring in the fourtb, Boyd Siemon Bowianville-Bowman P; Bates boak the mound but i was not until C; Corden lb; Colweil 2b; Hall 3b; the last innings that he got warmed Osbornie ss; Moore If; Cameran cf; up enough ta make the Goodyear- James if. ites fade away. Bowmanville Box Score The close proximiby o! the Rub- AB R H PO A E SB ber Factory ta the bail diamand Hall, 3b 3 1 2 0 5 O 0 may have bad some effect on the Cameron, cf. 4 1 1 0 O 0 1 Goodyear boys, but they ceriainly Osborne, ss. 4 1 1 0 4 0 0 did nai show any brilliant farm. Caiwell, 2b 3 0 1 4 5 1 1 The sbadow o! work, as repi-esented Corden, lb 4 1 2 17 1 0 1 in the smoke pouring out o! the f ac- Moore, If 4 0 O 1 0 0 0 tory cblmney, must bave overcioud- Bates, c 3 0 2 5 2 0 1 ed iheir piaying power. James, i-f 3 1 O O O O O Goodyear batted fIrsi and Bob Bowmnf, p 3 0 0 O 3 O 0 Kent sent ibem away wlth two - . strike-auts, ane bit and a fiy, but Totals 31 5 9 27 20 1 4 no i-uns. High Scboal came back n Umpires--McDougal.a!f Oshawa, the firsi wih four i-uns, twa a! the and Han-y 'Dutcb' Osborne, Bow- run-getters iecclving w41ks, wlth manville. Hall and Ted Bagneli gettlng singles. This fi-st irnlngs lead was neyer in very much danger oniy in the The reason ibere seems to be s0 fourtb when Goodyear staged a ral- few good people in the worid 15 be- ly, ralsed their score ta three. High cause the newspapei-s have so litile School carne back and assured to say about them, wbile the awfui tbemselves o! vlctory n the fourth bad f olks ai-e so damn weil advertis- with three mare i-uns. ed. There wei-e tbree ouistandlng features in the game, the fi-si be- lng the triple play In Goodyear's third lnnings wben witb anc man n and ibree on bases, Don WilliamsY o ca snapedac-Ss.te santstpla w DARLINGTON TOWNSHI[P GIRLS' SOFTBALL SCHEDULE At a meeting of representatives af girls' saftball teams in Dariingtan Township recentiy a scbedule was drawn Up for the present season. Fii'e teams. Newcastle, Enniskillen, Zion, Courtice and Maple Grove, have been entered and the cam- plete schedule bas been drawn up as follows: July 1-Newcastle at Enniskiilen 7-Zion at Caurtice Mapie Grave at Newcastle 11-Newcastle at Courtice 14-Enniskiilen at Maple Grave Zion at Newcastle 18--Courtice at Maple Grave Enniskillen at Zian 21-Zion at Enniskillen Courtice at Newcastle 25-Enniskillen at Courtice Newcastle at Zion 31-Enniskillen at Newcastle Mapie Grave at Caurtice Aug. 2-Newcastie at Mapie Grave 4-Courtice at Zian 7-Courtice at Enniskillen Zion at Mapie Grove 10-Enniskillen at Maple Grave 14-Mapie Grove at Zion. Ail games ta start at 6.30 stand- ard time; Visiting team, to suppiy the umpire at the plate. Lakeshore League Second Schedule The secand schedule af the Lake-- share Basebail League was drawn Up at Newcastle iast week, and as a re- suit Bawmanviiie fans will be treat- ed to a marning game an the holi- day, Dominion Day, Juiy îst, at 10.30 o'clock. While definite ar- rangements are nat made f or the playaffs as yet it is understaad that the league executive favors hame and hame games between the 2nd and 3rd teams and a third game if necessary. The winner wili play the team at the head of the league in home and home games, aiso, with a third game if necessary. The game here Saturday morning shauid be a real one. Bawmanville bas defeated Oshawa bath at horne and away, but last Saturday wblle we are canvinced that Bowmanville earned every run they gat we are certain that there were no breaks that came the Oshawa way. Here is the compiete second scbeduie: Second Sehedule June 28-Bowmanville at Cobourg July 1-Newcastle at Cobourg Cobourg at Port Hope Oshawa at Newcastle Oshawa at Bowmanville, 10.30 a. m. July 5-Part Hope at Newcastle Oshawa at Cobourg Juiy 8--Cobourg at Oshawa Bowmanville at Part Hope, 3.30 P. M. July 12-Newcastle at Cobourg Port Hope at Oshawa Juiy 15-Cobourg at Bowmanville, 3.30 p. m. Oshawa at Port Hope July 19-Bowmanviile at Newcastle, 6.30 p. m. July 22-Port Hope at Bawmanville, 3.30 p. m. Cobourg at Newcastle Juiy 26-Newcastle at Part Hope Bawmanviiie at Oshawa, 6.30 p. m. Juiy 29-Newcastie at Bawmanviiie, 6.30 p. m. Part Hope at Cobourg Aug. 2-Newcastle at Oshawa. HOMING PIGEON CLUB Bowmanviile Homing Pigeon Club fiew its seventb aid bird race, June l7tb from Belle River, Ont., 230 miles air line. with these resuits: Hrs. Min. Sec. Yards Per Min. F . Bottrel 'T7 '7 29 951.69 F. Bottreli 7 'T 54 950.77 M. Little '7 7 43 950.57 M. Little 7 9 34 946.47 L. Richards 7 18 2 929.39 I. H-obbs 7 14 59 821.17 Bowmanvllle Homlng Pigeon Club flew its eighth aid bird club race on June 24th f rom Belle River, 230 miles air uine, wlth these resuits: Hrs. Min. Sec. Yards Per Min. F. Bottreli 6 25 43 1051.17 F. Bottreil 6 26 1 1050.34 M. Little 6 28 26 1043.15 M. Little 6 32 10 1033.22 L. Richards 7 1 37 962.30 I. Hobbs 7 33 17 893.67 The best way ta fix a fiat tire is ta leave ber home. D re ss Cool 1 JuIy lut These special prices will outfit you for the holiday at a great saving. Bathing Suits, speed style, $1.00 and $1.50 White and Cream Caps, 25c Khaki Pants, $1.00, $1.25 and $l.5Oý Dress Straw Hats, $1.00 to $1.95 Flannel Pants, $2.95 - $3.95 Broadcloth Shirts, collai' attached...........75c Broadcloth Shorts, per pair...... 39c; 2 for 75c Gym Shirts.. 39c, 2 for 75c Work Straw Hats, 15c and 25c 25 only Men's Suits, 2 pair pants, regular $22.50, FOR $15.00 Your last chance to get these suits. Se.Ge Chartran One door west Bell Telephone Office - Phone 26 (MAIL THIS COUPON) THE CLEVULAND AND BUFFALO TRANSIT COMPANY Fonofe i.SSue.t uffklo. N. Y. Gentlemen :-Send me foldt!Me m s.siedujes and ful informadon about our ALL S,,Wozlda l ait Cruisea on the trou dhlp 5IUMDBE Nain e Addrs Ev«7thi iduded-uanapormdon. agate. - o tooma1 meaaeï ane nt. idegpa, nua.of eh. hapas aaow wleas anmd m misong àkli-li= oE I Law 16P avoid dangers can SEE -REMEMBER 46 killed, 124 injured walking on rural highways inOntario in 1932 MOTOR VEHICLES BRANCH ONTARIO DEPARTMENT 0F HIGHWAYS Io Leopold Macaulay, Miniata The Pureut andi Bout Food Tou Can Buy GLEN RAE MILK And milk ls one of the most economical foody, too! In a quart of Glen Rae Mlk-f resh from dlean, healthy cowa on modern farms-%-you have f ood el- ements and vitamins that coat you much more ln other foods. Why flot use more Glen Rae milk ? Doctors recommend a, quart a day for every member of the fami.y for better nourishment. Order more milktoday. Glen RaeDairy, R. R. STEVENS & SON a PAGE SEVMN TUE CANADIAN STATTaMM, BOWMANVMU&IC, THMýSDAY, JUNE 29th, 1933

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