EIGIEITTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TURSDAY ______I HMPTON j CHURCHES The Newcastle Indeopendent Miss Grace Cawker spent the St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church __________ week end at her home in Port Perry. -Rev. W. J. Todd. Minister. Sun- Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Clark and day services: Morning Worship il THU.RSDAY, JuNTE 22nd, 1933 o! the audience. Other contrîbuting Jack were recent guests of Mr. A. a. m.; Sabbath School 12.15 noon; artists were the Barkwell !amily- Peters. Evening Worship 7 p. m. f ather. two sons and five daughters Miss Muriel Moore. Enniskillen. St. John's Aniglican Church-Rev, Mr. Merl-NCl was in Toronto -vocalists and instrumentalists, was Sunday visitor with Miss GraceC.RSpne.M ARuaDa, on business 1.it Friday.fro Romunad evDrcn Hastings.co. 3rd Sunday after Trinity: Mrs. PrYo'Neil, Belleville, bas McTavish, Port Hope, minister of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Carol. Can- Holy Communion 8 a. m.; Morning ibeen i stinlg her parents-rn-la w, Mc. the United Church, humorist, singer ton. were Sunday guestis o! Mr. and Prayer il a. m.; Sunday School at anc Mr. . ei. o! Scotch songs and former comed- Mrs. W. G. Doicige.125P.m;Eeigrar7p.. Miss GladYs Shaw, Toconto, has ian. The whole pcogcamn was o! a Mc. and Mrs. Delbert Plintoff,125p.m;EnigPae7p.. been enjoying holidays with ber very high corder and Rev. W. E. Maple Grove, visited relatives on SSt. Paul's United Cburch-Rev. A. parents. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Shaw. Honey, B.A..B.D., chairman, fltly ex- Sunday. K. err,- M. A., Minister; Mrs. C. H. Dr. and Mrs. W. Henry and Mr. pcessed the appreciation o! the aud- Miss Bertba Sargent, Bow;ýmafl-: Dudley, Organist; Mr. H. J. Knight. andi Mrs. C. C. Grubbe, Westofl. vis- ience. Mrs. McTavish played the ville, wa.s guest o! Mrs. Jas. Curtis Cboir Leader, il a. m.-How Christ iteci Mr. and Mrs. P. LeGcesleY last acconipafiments for her husband's on Sunday. is Knowvn; 10.10 a. m.-Sunday week-end. ricb Scotch songs. Mr. and Mcs. Ed Doicige. Salemn. Scbool; 7 p. m.-The Orange Lodges Mr, and Mcs. E. m. H. wOrda- Mcs. W. P. Rogers spent lasi Fni- wece guests of Mr. andi Mi service. onacd iil wloatned10 h tendeci the strawberry festival at day and Saturday with friends in Cowliilg on Sunday. Srie oda ecm oal Welconle last Wednesday eveningin l Toronto. Mc. and Mrs. Chas. Coles, Toron- Trînity Unitedi Cburcc-Rev. E. F. company wth Mc. and Mca. Percy Mr. and Mca. Wîn. Hawkins, Port to. visiteci tbe Misses Horn on Sun- Armstrong, Minister; Mr. F. Sutton. Race. Hope, wece recent visitors with Mr. day. and called on other friends. Mus. Bac.. Organist. Sunday. July United Chucch Sunday School will andi Mrs. Norman Allin. Mc. andi Mrs. John Williams. Osb- 2nd: il a. m.-Communion andi Re- hold its anntial picfliC 10 which the Anme frltvsatne awa, spent the week with Mc. and ception Service: subject. "Tbe In- wbole congregation is invited. at the th Arnumbero relatis aeiMca. A. Peteca. Miss Marion Wardec. comparable Christ'" The cburcc park. New.catleo-theLake, on h atn-oWO ediga e Bowrnanville. was a Sunday visitor school will meet duing tbe rnorning Wed.nesday aftecnoofl, July 19. pocteci on another page. at their borne also. service. 7 p. rn-A Patriotic Sec- Contractoca enployed by Mr. W. Mca. Brooks and babe, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Horn and vice; stîbject. "Christ and Canada." J. Eilbeck, Toronto. are making are holidaying with hec sister, Mrs. datîrbter. Acy. visited Tocronto rela- You are cocdîally invited to these speedy progress with the ecection o! Oco. FarcComb. Newcaste -on -the- tives on Sunday. Mca. Horn and ACY services. bis new summer cottage on the old Lakte. îremained foc a visit with hec sis- Hacmn lproperty at Newcastle-ofl- The bowling green is again the ter. Mca. G. Wilkinson. the-Lake. scelle o! much enjoyable play both Mr, and Mca. Frank Crydermian. COMING EVENTS Newcastle lads who bave signed~ by ladies and gentlemen these long. Bowvnaflville. visited village cela- up wth Durhami Regirnient to attend warn suifîfer evenings. tives and attended Anniversacy Ser- Bowmanville Wotnen's Institute training camp foc two weeka thîs Mca. Eacl Walton is in Oshawa vices on Sunday. Wl îe tMa r.Hls rw summer are Hubert Anderson, Wm.- hospital sufferitlg f rom an ilînes M.a sMateog dec n Brunt. Norton Cowan, Jackt Hace wic!7 the doctoca find iti difficuit 10 daughter Rosena. Couctice. visited . onFciday, June 30tb. at 3 p. mi. and Jackt Toms. diagnose. Hec condition has been at the home of H. W ilox on Prgcoup.Sunjch:areningr. HCorne Mca. John Douglas entecta.ited at giving ber relatives and f riendsi nucb Sunday. ru.SbetGadng Cm aftecnoofl tea on Fiday, June 23rd, anxiety. Mc. and Mca. Percy Clarkte, pcepared 10, respond 10 the roll caîl. ti honor of two former Newcastle Mc. andi Mca. Lawrence Kerr and Gceenwood. Mca. Fanny Clarke. Mc. Bowmanville and Darlingtoîi Sun- friends, Mca. Johnsto.fl and Mca. son Wesley, Toronto, visiteci Mc. and and Mrs. Piper. and Mrs. J. JolI, day Scbool convention will be heldl Powers. Toronto, who were spending Mca. H. C. Allin and Ruth last week-I Toronto. Mc. George Joll. Newcastle. on Wednesday, July 5th, at Zion the week ai Elmahurst. end and together they visited Mc. visited Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cryder- Church. Sessions at 2 and 7 p. mi. DoadGibson, Manager o! the n r.RyWbe.wavle man on Sunday. (standard time). Rev. Dr. Webb, Gibson Pouliry Farm, accompaflied and attenciec decoration services. Mr. John Vru a ae pTrno n e.E .Amtog by Chas. Goold o! the Bray Cbicki St George's Chuxcb-Pev. F. H. residence at the home o! bis uncle Bovrmanville. will be the principal H-atchery, Peterboro, motoced 10 Mason, MA.. Rector. Sunday, July and aunt, Mc. and Mrs. Will Ran- speakers. Let every scbool be ce- Gueph astwee an atened he nd rd unay fte Trnit: 945ton who was in the village on presenteci. conv lIwekto o and ahitenPdue h nd c Sna a e Tiiy:94 ursclay. The Lindsay Boys' Band will play coenaton o! Aby Chic Podcea. m.-Sunday School; il a. m.- Mrs. Bessie Braunci, Oshawa, a concert in the Cream o! Barley Amnong those f rom hece attending Morning Prayer and H-oly Commun- spent Sunday ai the home o! ber Park onr Sunday. July 2nd, ai 3 the Wacden's pienic at presqu'île ion; 7 p. m.-Evensorig and Sermon. sister. Mrs. Ida Trull. o'clock DýS.T. This band o! tbicty- last Wednesday in addition to War- Resients o!a ecatieng ther. Miss Mary Jebson, Boçtmranville, five young musicians bas attained a den Rickacd and f!amily, were Major L eaehldni etiga c spent Sunday with ber mother, high place in public favor and is H. . Ddly ad onMc Lyn as. Browfl'sLake View Inn, on Sat- Mrs. Jas. Jebson. Mc. and Mrs. Ar- much in dernanci, having many ex- Dudiey, Mc. Gordon Laking and Mc. udymrig uy1 I1 'lc thur Langmaid and daugbier. Eve- clusive engagements booked already. Oe. rothc.an eouh en-foc the purpose O! considering the hyn, also vsiteci hec home on Sun- Hear them. 2- bers o the rls'a! bail Club 10 organiZatio f !a Ratepayers' Assoc-da.4 beso h il'Sfbl lb tation. Ms. EdhBac.Bwavle,- osAtn make a team. Misses Helen Lycett Newcatle offers congratulations was a Suday vBaiktiorwh b e and Ruby Shaw wece passengers to Councillor A. O. Parker and ena. Mc. nd Mca. ill Gay. erar'- Newcastle MasosAtn withMis Dureah Ddie inbe' bride, formerly Miss Aciele Selcion. Misses Ruby Dewell. Solina. VecaUntdCu hSevc broihecas car, while others not ac- daughter of Mc. andi Mca. Walter hcltn lr ae .Dho. Cniud!a ae1 carnpanying the Warden were taken Seldon, on their macciage last week- Sakeo.CaaPg.M atn care o! by Mc. Gordon Laking. edi oot n xecsba and Mc. Orville Ashtotn. Enniskillen. oniudfo ae1 We see by the newspapers that wndinsT oht and a erty wseî- andi Misa lone Grice wece anniver- A candidate must have been voteci Fre Lonl ithma. roesioiai oresto bMc a. d aparker. - sacy visîtors with Misses Noa and upon and accepteci before be can be- hockey player o! the Boston Bruina, Wt lsln1oceig lwcVera Ker*slake. con a member. Mr. Rogers point- has leased Koanneeta Lodge, a higb beda so neatly kept. its broaci. niceîy MDss. NalnnAlin.andonGln,. e ousin t hceasweelemens o! class touisi and vacationist's resoct trirnned lawns, ils sbcubbecy and 1Mis. sRsAnynie .Alin ad Mnlot eanes n bs swelaso on Lakte Mousani, Maine, for the vines and ove-acching trees, the Aifra. iss A nie lE Mrnand s Tc ingohelainsi sumamer and is conductingir i on a Rectocy gardens affocded an attract- MA. El!ormanBowmnvillder. . ng- MToung o the ucelthenshiP o! grand scale, assisieci by bis wife andivan ieascnfoteîaevMc.NraiAn.AtterEn- aony1teChchtbpec- a fcendand is if e Hich iav's atndd gardene pa tohu lrsday land,. Mr. andi Mca. Hecb. Jonston, er maintained Ihat a true Mason amother. Ma.d Hi itcmfe. Othana, ateeg o!Ibs eek. yonThr Toronto. Miss Eva Souch andi Mca. must be a true andi lyal cburchman. again spending ber summer at New- Mc. and Mca. Chas. Leachmnan. J. yEnailn eeccn asnyi nettetecuc caste-o-th-La.e wth er dugb Mc andMca Bi Botwel, of Mc. andi Mca. C. W. Soucb. foc, nearly ah ils symbols and rnany caer. Ma. h-a. or sster uh o! adMs.Bl otwlMca. 1Sunday Schooi Aflfivecsary sec- other things andi evecy Mason ought ReronHarey.Mca LachmanSc. Mc.'vices on Sunday were well attendeti. 10 be identifled i wtb the cburch and the hockey star and sumnmer hotel Campbell andi chfldren. aîî o! Toc- Rev. Milton SandersoIl. Fairbank helping the church both ou'tside and proprietor. on.o. vied:-r cousin. Mrs. W. Church. Toronto, was the speaker. in. There ougbtto10be a dloser co- The Newcastle girls' sofibaîl teani H. Cooke 'as-: Mr. Botb- Ris addresa to the children in the operation between Nasonry and the journeyed to Port Hope ast Friday w.elli4 ; mn-P:: . Toron.to mrnîng îvas vecy intecestiflg andiCuc:fci helm budee evening and in a welatneix rrc ~:eN~:n~G.--e mpiessive, with înaîîy a thought t0 corne wben the Cnurch should f ail, hibition garne wece victors over the Unie"he C'- -o th Eastem grsb mri fsx rBA.Pas:':: --r. d:prodgal" was bis text. wbîch he 1o! the earth. A Mason is character- runs. The acheduhe has been drawn 10 a. rn_ &h? - z.ilustrated i wth some vecy interest-- zen bv Temperance, Prudence. Jus- Up for the first Daclinglori and New- M Wora:-p . mP-in-'- - î~ pictuces. Mr. Wallace Hor~n ice andi Fortitude. ail gooti virtues; castle Girls' So!tbahh League secies service- wher.::e--Assisted in the mu-Sic .with a vocalt oi "ey are flot sufficient. He andi Newcastle is shateci to play itS. Loyal orange b-ce ýoO . oBeholti a Sower went fort ' O -r -lbuild tis life andi character flrst game againat Enniskiel atI wii parade fron-.. 0 nc 0th Prftr'------- -.- e phumblîne o! cîght- Haydon on SaturtiaY, JulY lis. New hall andt attend d"- -e nla h 'ers. The nimber.* r-_nshu b n h bail costumes bave been ocdeced and bociv. Teëmple. 2 ung n e-- ----ý-. Y l'e. the circumfec- it is expected they wihh arrive in c rdMa oma~r-,--.<~- h rteboio tiue for the girls 10 try on and get over. Hampshire. Enz.. D-. r. z gm.andi niece, Miss Rosalyrcn-d * ...-. -. . .. ..vr arthemrs. firal Misa Francine Campbell enter-: monton, Alla.. Misa Arnnie A":n_. . - Mine Eyes. andi sec- tained a number of hec girl friencis O! Bowmanville. Mr. anti Mra. S. C -%_- r. -- Newcastle- on -the -Lake on Saturday lin. Mc. Clace anti Misses Ada and --,Er n.- ..J T-' pa. tr r t .e morr.îng sec- c g~ave a most interesting resurn( afternoon. June 24th. on the occas- Annie Allin. Providence. Mc. Sair. ::.'r . . ~ v l ion o! hec thirteenth bîrthday. and Afred Aluin, Bowrnanvil. spent bo:h se'*-c E~s, .oerxCas...ho- aofieh sessions and wock o! the ce- Among tbose present ,vere Patricia Sunday with Mc. anti Mis. Norman of apPre-ciatiûio! Mrf Sandier.sDn s ,,i BayofQuinîte Conference helc Bahh. Mary Chaplain. Connue Fain- Allin, Newcastle., services for the day. he a',cni Bwavhe comb. Dorothea anti Ruth Ovecenti. I A visit 10 Newcastle -on-the-Lake, being the rîght ia in the îîght_____________ Î.Palcîcia ndMrgartearceus ntr a place o! beautîful and extensive place at srîch an occasion. Miss_________ Francine's littlebrteAsiJ. gardens. wihl well repay anyone who Elinor Sykes and Helen Knox, boIt - k-* Ailbati a delightfuh tîme playing onl admires beauty in natuîre. Many o! a eading duel Part in the singineI A C INSL the groundis andi beach at Tinturti those who suinmec hece own tbeir at the evenifir service, in one nuin- adparlaking o! lunch i the cool properties. with and o! froni one t er hle the singiflg b te ho Saiurday, July 8th - Mca. Har of o!he evening. Francine was the ten acces in extent and they laIte a uncier lIhe leadership o! the Super- Brook, Liberty Street North, Bow. recipient o! many congratulations paswch rd ndvlpn intendent, Mr. Theodore Salter. manville. wihl seli 1 Jersey cow, i: and bîthday tokena o! lier friend' thern and havitir lhem nicely cared with Misa Norah Horn ai the piano, cal! cegistececi, 7 yeacs; Jersey heif. etc.Sealso hati provitied a for. Among those we might speciahîy was . Cc. oth tndr f r due 10 freshen in September number o! attractive favours foc the mention are Dr. Geo. H. Carvetb'a, previous yeaca. Jersey heifer. l112' yeais olti; Jerse, games anti alI tbe guesta presenit Dr. W. H. Walton-Ball's. Mc. Bert Sunday School will be withdcawn heifer. 6 mos. old; beavy single wagý wece happy to win theni as pcizes. Jackaons and Mc. Cecil Hocrocks'! next Sunday !olhowiflg the usual on; îighî ingle wagon; 2 scufflers *Ail were prize vinnecs. Thece are, 100. may more lovely andi pioceedings on the laI o! July Sat- bayrack; chaf cuiter; quantity ced Mrs. Percy Rare, elocutioclist, pro- neatly kept gardens o! lesser ex- ucday. Cbuccfl service in the eVen- ai' posta: set harrows; set heav: vitiet a thirti o! tbe program iaI lent. n wihl be helti as usual. snl ans;stlgtsnl a Wehcome Claucch lasI Wednesd.ay Mc. and Mca. A. L. Pascoe. Mcs. R. ness; buggy; cuiter; wheelbarcow evn nua t ec ca ! stiona ofhe n-ier. McKessodIt. Misses Mararel anti 3 ladder.s; 50 yearling Leghorn lhens tilsjitrauspicyesto!lthe l. u. L. Newcastle High School Ruth, Mc. anti Mca. H. E. TucIt. Mc. separator; churn; Perfection coal ai thejoit aspies f te Y P.L.anti Mca. J. Baker anti Kathleen. 5to'JC; Cosey Home cooking atove and the W. A. Mca. Rare contrîbut- Lower School Reports Mr. anti Mca. A. McKessock. Solina, large dining table; hall rack: wa: edt tree. leaditir numnbers anti four Miss Elva Pascoe, Zion, Mc. Everett nul sideboard; beda; kitchen chairs enc--- in- es- ns 1 thé, applausel Followingf is the standing o! the ElitI Ohawa. were Sunday cupboard: O'Connor eectric wash G.M. Bosnell in I); Chai-les Brereton l62.51FiflO- geî !teW .MtneStraDmno ch 1); Marguerite Harris 60 lPhy- ____________ -- a rat 3 p.mno TO 0NOOPTOMETRIST so. cti In Port Hope Every Credit - Bert Quantrill 59.7 (Phy-Rpar W dedysiogi: ;Docothy Quantrili 59 (French Rp aiWre CMI IIneda anti Latin II).R.P W O MIG Omfce over Flood's Store a*-Bessie Law is ranketi 3rd with BOOT. SHOE AND HARNESS ly---JeEBri Port Hopp 78.5 per cent as she 100k onhy 8 o! REPAIRING July l0-11--eoE. e o Phone Number 248 the 10 ubecta o! Form II anti also ood workmanship and material. Jl 01-2Gog a. m p.m. IFcech nti ati. ieasoniible prices. JuIy 13-14-15-Laurel & Offoe Houri: 9 1 e9P.m F Fa ecnadLai.Slver Street, Bowmanville ______ Edward M. H. Ward, Principal. 46-44 iJUNE 29th, 1933 Noie1 fBrhMrigs ets for Memorîiam verses. î BIRTHSI COOM BES - n.lîniiia 2t. t:::. t 1 ,, x IîIin il, iHo s piît l, t o M . PARKER-SELDON - -.Atî W stitiitI- t',. tlai i bapli. Toron,îtoî. *1,' . lO . r.W. IL. Ilitîclîs, i.ci vii Al r. ad Jr..Wî,r Sl, .%v'îoitx of Mîî . Pti,ci'ii t ouis, --N .il aIl . .011 t Mrs. . ark,, ofiet Toro.nI toi. I DEATHSI BYERS-litl:,x ,.t i' nihi ,9 lait1e 2,î1.11d., tI, v v t i ~. ixîf of .1 î,..1di ,l ,r .t, l Lr.îr WASH INGTON.\t Ilis, cîliî Sîni x-, .1 n i h.t 922y, S o .Iit 0h the nry if i xliii ttoit. G R A N T - A t l i sI î si ,i ' I l i i o nii i St~ ~ ~ ~~~i r t.IoimnixtcniFritav,. J'une 21, ltlîî ite Jlin .11,1 îirstn Gr:îiît Of Southt O,,hnx t. iii his - lti Ii it,,r- I IN MEMORIAM I EDGER-IitlION-11 n emory Of ila Irdg.îr. %%-,Io lieI june 27thl, 1!128. Atearly laxun xuhen al sasstill. (iod gýave hýis gre-at commandi. liti ilent peace, lie passeil away nto ail iciwter lan dl. --vr ren'emier(cl by Xîî and FatnsilY. McaL.Geore Cochrane anti famihy, Enflelti. wisb 10 thank ahl frienda, neighbors anti relaives5 for their ex- pressions o! sympathy as conveyed in the beauliful floral tribulea in their bereavemefli in the death o! a lovifir husballd anti !ather. 26-1* ro Let COTTAGE TO RENT-At oviivll Fasthi t sidotl ' 1,1 Zs. . Etitg- l:mn. oux:iiIle Pion,' 19. 26 - f FOR RENT - Ftirîislt',i cottage ,it Wl.tt'l'oint, .it.ke Scuigait, Il%-moitît or s' .sont .\ ly t n A. %\. P tek:,rd. l:ovîîaîîi".PItonI' tS.I. 26 If t;SMALL HOUSE TO RENT - onsist - îtý gý- tf 2 i'. (Irootîts. inm g mou iand kit - clii ot lg t St.* North.l or part ie- lutsa Iltiv o eter Martin, Iligît St' I -oxnaîvl' 5-2- e Notice to Creditors lIN THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE O0F JOHN POOLEV LATE 0F THE .¶ TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON IN THE COUNTY 0F DURHAM, LABOURER, OECEASED Notice is Hereby Given-tlîat aIl per- If sons Iîaviog .,oy cims or d.emanda thé-., lyJoli',Poolx xvlîo dled tut t itoîvnxhil, of I i.rliigton on or tcli i> . fi tt i tI ulttV rI f 2M a.y, 1 932 , a r e r.~~ ~~ piin 0c.iiiyost î,reiiaido t r 1,> i1)weuitlr sîgnedl tîglît for W. - H .i, t.I(al)illtstit-zttl- f tii, stajti il]ý. s. i.d e sdtlitir naines and Ir. t.s. S.id 11full I ar tilars i n uvit- le11 Iz of lîtiti ,t.ainis titi stnt,-iit s 5 of e1i ýîr atont, , lit.11-tîl il.titeof tIhe uritie, if :tny, iIi Il. nb i. And Take Notice->ýIt aft. r tI1. fit- iîiiîralor il pi " I thi listrilbute î1cset-. ot th', s.x iiîlasiamolli pe lîrcus iiitieliltt. tvinit re ,.unil oly ho tii, iitti)tf x 1,ihli ia 1Iýn hlitix IIttl :111îc.1itillit titi sait tIfiit trtator wIll not 1- i. t it. for tiie ..nî,.i tîass,-tc otrttnxy parttlrf to an: ] iix nl f Ixio.u v1itlti ]t, ,.b ll itot thei ry 1 lixo ii. xii nti,ý,. - 1-;lTEI I:xttlto taitl' utne i3ti, r;Agent for W. H. Yeo, acinistrator of ey Estate of John Pooley. deceased '14-3w W; SHAW'S Summer ScI'ools ý 1open the w~ay for Hîgh Sebooll h landi CoiUege Graduates to begin ll preparartion for Secretarial ap-ý n*d poîntmnents in Business. Our y; Special Course may be completeci s; by attendance or by Extensi r- plans. Particulars on cequest. m. W. R. Shaw, Registrar, Dept. H-3, irBay-Charles, Toronto0. Î-2 Theatre* 'MAN VILLE ýTTER ENTERTAINMENT S ALWAYS COOL MON. - TUES. - WED. JULY 3- 4 -5 - Song oF the Eagle ee With Richard ArIen, Mary Brian, Charles Bickford, Jean Hersholt, Louise Dresser and et And'y Clyde. Comedy - News Matlnee Monday at 2.30 p. m. wn ln "ELMER THE GREAT"P Irliss lna "TUE WORKJNG MAN" kHardy i "DEVIL'S BROTHER" CiLost or Found GLASSES FOUND - Pairi (If cllut1 s- clcs, , I 1 'fi in iniiî 1t. Olîlili .t tîtsiinaii t liice.2-t Si tilti 11itiii '11on SmIiii:iy, .îil lclilîtis lîttie ii.rcîit itl ill' teaen embi oit 'lc v, . l'pl, I~ I it e rcrIM t tii or Wanted FARM WANTED-To hiy or reot, 0 tcsOrt Ir\ . Aplly ta o 222. 140%W- WANTiýilED-.'Y xili oieo tlisiii i:Lîîîx ate lini,. sut al,1.,fOi liii liîî.,el'iiig. ~ . iat,~E HORSE WANTED-St!utt.ýiîiC for mnar- k et g.înin g, tan.-t x i Il wrcsil gle or (oitli, lîrie 1,111t 1, neàstonablel. Ait- ily iîy letter o0111Y, st iitOj'gaieand price. Il .' iiin i , lîxu îti l l . 26;-1 For Sale FiOR ilLI 90011 t. ol Phone 90. House phonle 283. oitr 2 xi nvs.IL. Woticott. X-Ray Equipmeflt in Office. FOR SALE-A, quantitv of standing Ilors,.y, T.,-tilrance St., Bofflnanvi tIc AU CTIONEER FOR SALE-Cafflittowv*r plants; Cll'- Elmer Wilbur aýzge: S.vov, lUid Hock. foldell Acre, Aclne 1,I aish llhead, to1enlag.li Market, Acine l:russel Sproutti. S. 3. Jackmiaf & S ons.Ha po l1,ownianville. t'honie 80. 26-tfHarpto Farin Sales a Specialty, also ELECTRIC RANGE FOR SALE-Mof- Furniture fat electri c range, four plate, high ovePhnen,924 warming loset, good condition, hlarga"in Termis modera. Phe 2r4 for suinimer co ttage or tourist camp _______________________ cash $35. Mrs. Fred (jouelh, Ontario St.. hou mralnville. 26- FOR SALE-TW%%o Jersey bulls one .3, FUNERAL DIRECTOR ,,arS. lic ther1½ years; 2Jersey cows: 2 ereyhifers; 200 hen s; 22 ducks ls Jeel range in good condi- FUEA IECTR tion. A'pîly ',. Il. Gitm. Bowman - ville. Phione 474r2. 2- Service, any hour, any d"Y F. F. MORRIS CO. Upholstering Modem Motor Eqlument UPHOLSTERING - On ail kinde of Ambulance and Invalld Car furnlture. Ail work guaranteed. Sam- Caîl Phone 10 or 34, pies. Estîmate. Ire. . J,.A* ry. Sou- Assistant, 573 gag Street, Bowmanville. Phone 538.BOMNIL Win 100 Loaves of Bowuaflville Bread Everyone should enter this contest this week and win the first prize of 60 Loaves or the second prize of 40 Loaves - 100 Loaves ini ail. WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO: Constfllct the large number of words beginning with B in three sentences i which connecting words such as is, it, are also are permnitted but do not count as words. THE TOPICS: The three sentences mnust relaté to the followng topics: Bowrnanviile Bakers support sehools, pay taxes, and support churches. Money spent for Bowm.anville bak- ed bread does not leave town but pays rent, employs labor, and helps the town in general. If ail breaà sold in town were baked locally it would improve business. No better bread is baked anywhere. Grocers should' rush Bowranville Bread. Brown bread is best for growing youth. Any other facts showing the benefits of using bi ead baked i town may be added to the * topies. THE RULES: e 1. Matter must relate to facts stated above. 2. Matter must be confined to 3 sentences. 3. Every word not commefleifg with a B wilI be dediicted d from total. r4. Prizes will be arrivedl at by counting one point for every e word begînning with a B, subject ta rule 5. 5. Any word used more than once will only be counted as one word. WINNER 0F LAST WEEK'S CONTEST mrs. George Perfect, King Street West. Mrs. Perfect's answer was: Build better business by buying busy Bowmanville Bakers' better baked brow-n bread, and buiid brain. brawn and backbone, and bigger, brighter, better bodies la Bowmanville boys. OSHAWA --BOWMANVILLE LINDSAY -BOBCAYGEON Week-end Bus Service_ Starts Saturday July lst Note - Standard Timne - AIl busses will run to Greenhurst at an extra charge of 15 cents. Clip This Schedule for Future Ref erence c s o c- 'o 101 c~I 0 A. M. 7.40 7.50 7.55 8.10 8.20 8.30 8.45 9.15 9.25 9.35 9.45 9.55 10.05 10.15 10.30 11.00 v0 P. M. 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.50 2.00 2.05 2.15 2.45 2.55 3.05 3.15 3.25 3.35 3.45 4.00 4.25 = 0 P. M. 6.30 6.35 6.40 7.05 7.10 7.20 7.30 7.55 8.05 8.15 8.25 8.35 8.45 8.50 9.00 9.25 Babcaygeon Redi Sehool Scott's Line Dunsford Pleasani Pt. Opa School Lindsay Janetville Yelvecion Nesthelon Bhackstock Bucketon Enniakillen Hampton Bowrnanville Oshawa gpial Busses for ail occasions. Reasonabler "E 10 = 0 ol 01 11.45 5.20 12.00 11.35 5.10 11.50 11.25 5.00 11.40 11.10 4.45 11.25 11.00 4.35 11.15 10.50 4.25 11.05 10.45 4.20 11.00 10.10 3.40 10.30 10.00 3.30 10.20 9.50 3.20 10.10 9.40 3.10 10.00 9.30 3.00 9.50 9.20 2.50 9.40 9.10 2.40 9.30 9.00 2.30 9.20 8.30 2.00 8.55 A. M. P. M, PM. rates and careful drivers Oshawa Waiting Room, 6 Prince Street - Phone 2283 Good connections at Oshawa for Toronto. Connections are flot guaranteed andi are subject. 10 change at the discretion o! the compafly in the interests o! the public. We en- deavour ta strictly maintain sehedules on this card. Te A. GARTON, Proprietor Hea" Office: Bowrnanville Phones 412W; 346 Bulsiness DirectoryI LEGAL MG.V. GOULDB.A.,LD BarristericiONtary Money ta joan on Farm and Town property. Royal Bank Building, Bowmaflville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Barrister, solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money ta Loan. Phone 91 Bowmaflville, Ontario. L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail its branches. office imnmediately east of Royal Theatre. Phones: office 688; Home 553. DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sissofi » IGraduate of Royal Dental College, rr nn fie:. Jury Jubilee Bldg.