TEE CANADIAN STATIEMAN, ROWMANVILLU, THt1RSDAY, ivyry êth, 1.33 PAGE ~NZ OPPORTUNITY DA s July 7th to JulI-7th No No Ce 0 . D.' P iE$G Exchanges E No Ref unis A Sweeping Destruction that Conpletely Anihi-lates al Former AtteflPts lu Value Giving la this District YOU WHO ARE FAMILIAR WITH EVERY SALE A14D STOCK DISPOSAL 0F THE COMMUNITY WILL STAND AMAZED AT THE OVERWHELMING QUANTITY 0F ACTUAL NECESSITIES YOU CAN CARRY AWAY ON A MEAGRE EXPENDITURE. EVERY MAN - EVERY WOMAN - EVERY MEMBER 0F THE HOUSEHOLD QUALIF IED TO BUY - STUDY THE MAGNITUDE 0F THESE SAVINGS AND BRING EVERY DOLLAR INTO PLAY. AT NO TIME CAN YOU HOPE TO REPLENISH YOUR PER- SONAL AND HOME REQUIREMENTS FOR LESS MONEY - DON'T DELAY. FOLLOW THESE BORDERED SPECIALS BIG DRAPERY VALUES SIub Repps Shot Armures -S'hadow Stripe Crash- Satin Darnask- Values up te 32.50 per yard. Corne early for best choice, yard .. 77e SHADOW CLOTHS No. 1 Quality, regular 39c for, yard... No. 2 Quality, 50 luches regular 59e for, yard .ý.ý.... 27c 44c BIG HOSIERY SPECIALS 2.5 dozen Ladfies' Rouse Rose, .5 regular 25c for ......... 5 15 dozen Ladies' Lisle Rose, a good 29e value for, pair...... 21c 511k andi Rayon Rose,24 regular 39c for, pair .... . 4 31.00 Orient FuUl-Fashioned Rose, 1P, while they'last, per pair .......77 Remsember The Opeuang Date and Get Here Ramn or Shine BOILPROOF PRINTS FLOOR COVERINGS BATHING SUITS RAG RUGS H A T S PeerPa ndTwnleTon uliie;Chlldren's ARl Wool Suits, 25 only, Rit-ansi-Miss Rtag Rtuggi Pee a niTikeTw ulte; 2Yards Wlde, new Spring sies24to32.......e...r71ly given away - Every Sprlng Rat values to 39c yard. We replace every pters 37c ie24t>2 regular 29o for .........th22 e re, yards that fades. 36 luches wide. f~. Me's andi Womeu's Swim 33 nsy i 79er , relelig Corne early for these. .......L... - 3 Yards Wlde, Suits, a real snap .. .. 5condy, leriengular70..... e anPer yad . . . . .. . . . 9 Broadcloth Slips, ail colora 3 FR EN CH V O ILES X X S E I L -4 Y rs W d i oe r BETTER SW IM SU ITS A X M IN STER R U G S an sizes ........ . . . . . . .3 3 r Extra fine quality and tubfast. 3eua 4.00 yard; whlle it Pure Botany Wool qualitie7sl,2 4 eua 3QxSlaSl oe eua 9 A real buy; 40 inches wide. $2.98unin ar for ................ e $ e7 1Plain centres, tape borders,$239 value for ..........3 0 MEN'S WORK BOOTS SUPER VALUES IN 9 O'CLOCK SPECIAL 9 O'CLOCK FARMERS' SPECIALS Reguiar $2.50 Values m9 CURTAIN NETS GRASS MATfPNIGSEIAl13 On Sale . l.8Gopdi h-epie otyls 300 at Less Than Mil Cost PN GSECA 8 oz. Heavy Overalis, $3 Grouped $lu9thVaeuprices SmostlyValues200 Pair Misses' Silk and Lisle Rose, sîzes regular $1.79 for ........ Onae.ar $2 .98Vue $2.19 tlian cost: 1 fonreal a lues6 te 8% ;values to 59e pair. - Regular $3.50 Values, $N~f or 1- Vaues7C 9e25c eaeh for ......re..uerari .......98...for. On Sale - $2.5 No. 2 - Values to 49ce~ 47 Only, regular rglr$.8fr........ These are worth 25 % more to-day for .. .. ..27c 49c each for * ....33c BIG SHIRT SPECIAL Meu's Overail Pants, than our regular price. No. 3- Values te 69c .. 18 Oniy, regular 25 dozeii Mens Work Shirts, 98c3139fo for ..... ............. 37c79e each for ... ... 7 values 79e te $1.29 ........ ..6 7 eua $1 9'o . .. .. ... RUNNING SHOES for 37e 2 3Ju 59 $2.95 each for . 139. $5 e' EtaHav vrl Priced to clear - In makes and sizes for CHECKED TEA TOWELLING These are only a few cf the many bar- FINE SHIRTS Fauts, regular $1.75 for ....$3 the vhle . O0t. 1 200 Yards oniy, regular 15e, 9 gains. Buy these for your porvh, sun Every Fine Shirt In the store, Boys' Overalis, just like das', 57 family Per y ...r..m..ve...d... e. . regular 98e te $1.49 ......... 7 1 1 regular 79e for .. ... . ... Buy Now! Prïces are Climbïing and Clemubing Fast___ Boys' Golf Hose, Penmau's KNITTED TAMS FLOOR RUGS EIG VALUE HERE KHAKI PANTS lst quality, per pair ...ý.ý For Misses and Growlng Girls, F.. [aiyBrdrdRusa aie?.:' 511 Panties and lmesBo'anYut'prpi.... >..7e Washable Suede Gloves, In white, Ara np ah. ......... 17 Bg Savings:vaust59pir Meu's Medium Welght, ail sizes...3 1.07 eggsheil or rose beige, pair ,. 4 UMBRELLAS 6 f t. x 9 f t., ouly . 3 ..3.79 Yeur Choice, pair.......33 Meu's Extra Reavy QuaJlty, regular 54-inch Table OilcIoth \Squares, % 3 dozen at leus than Ral Price; ame 7 ft. 6 in. x 9 fit., only $5.75 $1,59 for..... .................. $1.27 regular 31.00, .......d.f...u.es 9 ft. 9 ft., only $7.49 tips a de n erleNGTO N Jute Dish Clotlis, extra heavy, each ................9 C 9 ft. x 12 f t., only $8.44 NGTO N MEN'S BALBRIGGAN regular 15c, each .. .....5C0 Women's Nalusook Gowus,UNE EA Kidls Scee AketSILK GLOVES TABLE OILCLOTHS extra fine make, Speclal ......77 UDRWA regular 29e te 39e, per pair. . 5 20 dozen, ail colora andi sizes, 114 yards wide, Per yard. .. 29e Women's Crlukle Crepe Nlghties, Shirts andi Drawers..... 44c values te $1.98, per pair ...... 3 9 1 %~ yards wlde, Per yard . . 39e extra special ý......... 7 Combinationa ...... 690 GREB WORK BOOTS Noted as the finesMwork boot made ln Canada. We were fortunate in gettlng 5 cases before the big advauee lu leather, To-day's value on thiu boot i. $3.75 pair A guarantee wth every pair. OUR PRICE. .......$2 9 MEN'S WORK PANTS Two Special Values at less thau today's cost: NO. 1 Table, values te $1.59, ~'f ail sizes, par pair. ....$ 6 1 NO. 2 Table, values te $1.98, Af ail sizes, par pair ...... I0 1 Postpone Everythlng DON'T DELAY Get Your Share at 0 0 0 NELON!S phone 5 95 DOwnianville NN~Mi MESH FABRICS Extra fine Engish quality, ideal1 2 for summer dresses, reg. 3;,c for2 CHECK GING.HAM - also made lu Eng- land, and fast colors, 15e regular 19c yard for SPARVA FABRICS Sun-fast, tub-fast, for dresses 33e or slips, yard .. .. . FRILLED CURTAINS Fine quality Figuresi Marqu1sette, regular $1.29 pair; yours for ....7 15 Pair Extra fine grade, reg~ ular value $1.98 pair, for - O $ 4 CRETONNES Huudreds of yards - also fine Printed Sateens, values to 39e yard,. per yard .1....... XXX SOX SPECIALS Meu's Soz ln slk, silk and wool , etc. Values to 59c for .... 15 dozen Faucy Sox, 5 regular 25c for ..............15 BETTER SOX Our best grade Silk and Wool, andi fine Botany Wool grades; aul colo8a 37 C and suzes; regular 59c for.. BIG CHINA SPECIAL Grimwald's Engilsh Green-trini China to be leanesi up, Exery Piece at Haif Prîce $1.50 Me's Caps, for.. ...ý..617e Boys' Shirt Waists ... .. 33e See Our SPECIAL BARGAIN TABLE 0at . 270, 370 and 570 ODD MERCHANDISE that off ers big savings. Be early for beat picking. CHILDREN'S PLAO SUITS Ail the odds garments, values te $1.00, aiso some speelal values reservesi for this sale, Your Choice .... 7 PANTIE DRESSES Valus te $1,25; sizes 2 te 10 years, for.....................57 Omo, PAGE NI» TEB CANADIAN ErrATESUAN, BOW?£ANVM=, TRUMDAY, JULY'Oth, 1933