~fl With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmnanville News VOLUME 79 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 6th, 1933 NUMBE R 27 W~orried Students Get RelieF as Lower School Examination Resuits are Given Many Cet Honors and Pro- motion in June Examina- tions at High School - Some Prize Winners An- nounced The following are the Lower S,,hool promotion resulis for 1932- 33. ist Class Honours, 751I and over; 2nd Class Honours. 66 to 75; 3rd Class Honours, 60 to 66; Pass, 50 to 601; . Where a subject la bracketed it means failure and this subjeci rmust be repeated in tbe lower formn. Na,..es in aiphabetical order. Formin 1to Forrn H lst Ciass Honours-J. Aying, M. Birks, M. Coucb. T. Preeman. B. Knox. G. Reynolds. 2nd Class Honours-J. Admson. A. Culley, J. Hall, R. Honey, A. Lux- ton, M. Moses, B. Murray, G. Raby, G. Truil, K. Waddington. 3rd Class Honours-G. Jarvie, B. Jobaston, G. King, J. Luxton, W. McPeeters. A. Murray, E. Nickerson, D. Pritty, J. Stevens, P. Werry, A. Wight. Pass-H. Brooking, R. Candier (Art, Br. Hist.), G. Caverly, G. Cbilds. R. Courtice, E. Evans (Lat.), D. Fagan (Lat.). J. Hayman (Lat.), A. Lambros (Lat. Fr.), A. Lyle (Art), F. Neal, V. Osborne (Hist.), J. Par- ker (Lat. Fr.), C. Robinson (Art), J. Stainton, J. Thompson (Lat. Fr.), P. Tighe (Lat. Br. Hist. Art). J. Waiters. L. Welsb, J. Woodward, D. Wright (Lat. Br. Hist.). Generai Proflciency Prize-Betty Knox. Writing Prize--Girls. June Wal- ter; Boys, Arthur Culley. Form I111to Form 1HI 151 Class Honours-A. Clark, D. Dudley, T. Dust.an. A. EllUott, J. Hall, L. Heari, M. Jones. E. Oke. T. Schlievert, H. Smale, F. Wood. 2nd Class Honours - I. Bell. B. Clark, L. Clark. M. Goodman. M. Jewell. D. Little, M. Mutton, J. Neal, H. Pritchard, L. Rehder. D. Rich- ards (Arith). G. Rundile, B. Slemon,I M. Stocker. 3rd Class Honours- F. Courtice, H. Gunn. C. Hall, E. Hunt, M. Mit- chel, N. Mutton, S. Mutton, H. Rickard, B. Simpson. Pass-T. Baker, F. Colville, I. Henderson (Pbysiog.), G. Hogarth, B. Mcflveen (Aritb. Gram.), D. Nicb- ols, R. Oke (Aritb. Gram.), E. Pick- ard (Pbysiog. Fr.), D. Rackhaxn (Aritb.), J. Spry, H. Taylor (Lat. Fr.). J. Virtue. B. Wilcox (Fr.), C. Witberidge (Aritb. Gram.). Reconunended-R. Ames, S. Bart- lett. Generai Proflciency Prize-Doris Dudley. Jr. to Sr. Commercial ltiCiass Honours - D. Aider. L. Pickard. V. Warden, J. Yellowlees. 2nd Class Honàours - R. Hoimes. A. Lee, C. Raby. 3rd Class Honours-A. Bonathan. T. Callan. H. Hall. The following are awarded Comi- mercial Diplonas - G. Adams, J. Alexander, A. Clville, I. Foley. M. Glanville, R. Haymnan, V. Lonsberry. V. MePeeters, R. Purdy. E. Sykes. T. Werry, J. Wray. The foilowing receive Certificates in Fiiing given by Office Specialty Co.. Toronto-J. Alexander, Rose, Bate, I. Poiey. V. McPeeters. E. Sykes, M. Veale, J. Wray. Credit in Business Law, Business Plormns and Business Correspondence -R. Bate, M. Powler, L. Pickard. A. Wood. Prize if T>ping-Marion Gianville General Proficiency Prize-Violet Mcpeeters. a LATE SPORT SHOTS Bowmanville High School lost to Oshawa Juveniles here on Wednes- day nigbt 10-4. Newcastle pulled their first win o! the season, de!eating Port Hope ai Newcastle on Wedaesday. Bownianville and Brooklin met in a scheduled lacrosse gamne at Morden's Camp Wednesday nigbt. 'Me game ended in a tie. Bowmanviile and Courlice in a tighi soccer tussle aI Courtice on Wednesday night completed the gaine witbout score. NeariY everY game Bowmanvile bas played in tbis year bas resuited in a tie. Rev. Frank M. Wootton. who has just completed a very successful five year pastorate ai Picton, bas re- ceived and accepted a caîl ta Trinity Ulnited Church, Peterboro. Mr. Wootton is father of Rev. A. M. Wootton. Tyrone. Quarterly Tea Served At Regular Meeting of Trinity Church W. M. S. The regular meeting o! the Even- ing Auxiliary o! St. Paul's Cburch was held ai the home o! Mrs. Allan Williams, Queen Street, on Monday evening, June 26th. The devotionai exercises were in charge o! the pres- ident, Miss M. Hutchison, and the opening hymn 'Wbai a Friend we have in Jesus' 'w-as sung. Mrs. G. A. Gillespie read the scripture lesson and Miss Allen led in prayer. A most interesting leafiet on "Frayer" was read by Miss Hutchison. The roll cali proved mosi inieresting as each member answered with her fav- orite missionary and her location. Miss Hutchison read a beauiifuily descriptive letter f rom Miss Pee, a Canadian Missionary in Fou Chow, China. The meeting closed wiîb Miss Fee's favorite hymn, "Unto tbe his do I lit up mine eyes," follow- ed by the Lord's Prayer in Uf iSon. The inspection a! a very useful bale was then enjoyed. This baie wil shortiy be shipped to Wakaw Hos- pital, Sask. Deiicious refreshinents were served by Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Bingham and the usual social hour enjoyed. Former Bowmanville Girl Composes Mexican Songs The Statesman a f ew weeks ago advocated everyone having a hobby. Confirming tbis we pubiish a para- graph f rom EL Universai, a paper pubiished in Mexico City, Mexico, whicb refera la a former Bowman- ville girl, Mrs. H. M. Paterson. dau- ghler o! the laie J. B. Fairbairn. who for many years was Bowman- ville's bonored Postmaster. The item reads: "The Mexican songs, produced by the Canadian composer o! music. Mrs. H. M. Pat- erson, and broadcast ibrough the collaboration of the notable Mexi- can tenor, Luis Garcia Cornejo, have created mucb inierest amongat 10v- ers o! music." It may be said in Ibis confection ibat ber sister, Miss Fairbairn who resides in the old home on Elgin Street, also bas a hobby which is carving an d painting. She bas many beautiful pieces o! furnilure and pictures which are a delight colo ai. ZION CEMETERY GATES DEDICATED ON SUNDAY Mion Cemetery, Now One of Most Beautiful in Ontario Above is pictured the bandsome new1 mony was attended by hundreds of, tery. few months ago presenting gates at Mion Cemetery. in Darng people f rom Oshawa, Bowmanvileanuprepossessing appearance, has ton ownhip whcb ere ormiyandtheZio disric. Rv. . R ben transformed into an attractive ton ownsip, hichwereandthe on dstrit. Rv. burR. ing ground through the efforts opened by Dr. T. E. Kaiser of Osb- Bick of Whitevale, former pastor, of the Cemetery Board and other in- àwa Sunday afternoon. The cere- delivered the address. The cerne- terested parties. Courtice-Everson Family 1J Held Happy Gathering At Hampton, June 28th The annual Coutilce-Evemsof farn- iy picnic, representing iwo widely- k.nown families in Ontario and Dur- ham CoinUes. was beld on Wednes- day, June 28t.b. at Hampton Park.1 The picnic, wbich bas been held an- nually for the pasi 30 years, was aitended by over 60 membera o! the families in lie vicinity. Following a program of impromptu sports the members o! the joint clan enjoyed a. basket lunch. In the annual meeting o! the as- sociation. Lawrence C. Mason o! Bowmanville was elected president, ta succeed Harold E. Gay o! Osh- awa, retiring presideni. Mra. Eber Snawden o! Oshawa was elecied vice president; and Miss Evelyn Gay o! Oshawa secreiary-ireasurer. Short addressea were made by members o! the family f rom a distance. inciud- mng Luther Courtice o! Calgary, Alia., and Herbent Piper o! Mon- treal. Work oF Year Reviewed as Rotary Retiring Prexy Delivers Valedictory RELINQUISHES OFFICE Dr. James C. Devtt Who relinquisied office as Presideni a! tic Bowmanville Rotary Club conciudiag a successful ycar on Fiday, wien he delivered his val- edlctory addreas, revlewlng tie aciievements o! tie club in lie pasi 12 montis. Mr. L. T. Courtice, wbo bas been spending the pasi few weeks wiib relativez and f rlcnds in ibis vicinity, returned on Saturday lasi, by way a! Muskaka, 10 lis home in Calgary. Jack Minore, son o! Mn. and Mms. M. H. Minore passcd bis f irai year course in Honor Science ai Ithe School a! Practicai Science aitich University o! Toronto. K.E. Courtice Heads Prohibitionists The annual meeting of Durham Vice President-M. H. Staples. Or- Couniy Prohibition Union was held ono; Secretary-R. K. Squair, Bow- in te Uite Chrch Necasleon anville R. R. 4: Treosurer-Thos. iene Utday Cuch, e pastle onMoffat, Newcastle. WednsdaY Jun 2it. Te prsi- Vice Presidents for the different dent, Mr. W. C. Pergusof. opened municipalities: Bowmanville-Aiex tbe meeting and caled on Rev. Mr. McGregor, Mrs. Warnica; Port Hope Rogers to conduci the devotional -Mr. Galbraitb, Mrs. Strong; New- period. Mr. Alan Knight sang a solo castle-J. W. Glenny, Mrs. J. R. which was enjoyed by ail present. Fisher Mllbrook-Rev. W. W. Rev. John Coburni was the chie! Jones; Darlngton-Geo. P. Annis, speaker and gave a very interesiing Mrs. Henry Werry: Clarke-R. B. and inspiring address. Sberwix, Mis. R. Ra.iney; Hope- Mr. Perguson rellred f rom the Bert Dundas, Mrs. A. Lewis; Cari- position o! president on accouai o! wrgt-Earl Dorreil, Mrs. Cecil Hill; leaving tbe county. and tbe f olow- Maavers-W. A. Jakemnan, Mis. lng officers were eiected: Presiden- Jackson; Cavan-Pred Pallas, Miss ]K. E. Couilce, Bowmanville R. R. 2; Tlnaey. Dr. J. C. Devitt Closes Suc-, cessful Year as President - Club Accom p s he s Much for Crippled Child- ren Retlring Presideni J. C. Deviti was honored on Priday wben the Rotary Club over wbicb he bas 80 ,bly pre- slded for lie pasi iwelve montha presenied to hlm a Pasi Preaident'a Rotary pin in recognition of bis ser- vices ta the club. The presentation was made by Pasi Presideni Oea. E. Chase who paid tibute 10 the work o! Dr. Devittin thiis important of- fice. Dr. Dcviii brie! ly replied, ex- pressing apprecialion o! lie kixd words and o! the thought o! lie club in making ibis moat appropri- aie gif t. The Valedictory Vice-Presideni Geo. W. James had charge o! the meeting and latroduc- ed Presideni Dcviii who was the speaker for tic day. Dr. Dcviii ihen delivered bis valedictory address in whlch lie expressed the great pleas- une il bad given lin in the ycar's work jusi closcd. The work bad been made casier, be said, by tic support o! faithful officera and he bespoke for lie incoming president the same loyal support thai he had received. In reviewing the year'a work tic speaker tated that Il had been a bard year to finance, but nevenibe- less a good year. la bis travels to many clubs, th district meetings, and Wo secretanles' and presidents' gatherlngs, he bad f ound no club o! our ise that was accompllshing as muci in crlppled children's work and boys' work. Bowmanville bas every reason and ahould be proud o! the aclivities. . Speaking o! cippied children's and boys' work he stated a total o! $690.10 had been apeni during the year on crippled children and $129.- 20 on boys' work. One bundtred dol- lars had also been donaied to the general relief !und o! tie town. This was a Christ ian work and had been well donc. Througb the yean splendid pro- grams bad fcatuned the meetings. Many outstanding speakers had ad- dreased the club and club discus- sions, classification ialks and inter- ciy meetings bad ail been the means o! bnlnging inspiration 10 tic mcm- bershlp. Intercity meetings wce ield wih Port Hope, Oshawa, Whi- by and Cobourg, and a fine ladies' aight was anolier feature withi Owen Herlty o! Belleville as speaker. (Contlnued on page 4) Ch oir Director For 54 Years is Record OF Henry J. Knig' . 1 Veteran Choirmaster Hon- ored at St. Paul's, Sunday, When Congregation Pre- sent Occasional Chair, on Retirement Completing 18 yeara as choir dir- ector o! St. Paul's United Churcb, Mr. Henry J. Kaighi was bonared an Sunday rnorning when a presen- tation was made immediately fol- lowing the service. Mn. C. A. Cawker, chairman of the Board o! Trustees, Presided and Mr. Neil Yellowlees, refreseniing the Session, rea t.he fo:l'-%ing, address:I "On thé otccaion of yoflr retlire- ment as choirmaster o! this chunch. we, lie session and board o! man- agers, reprcsenling the congregation o! St. Paui's United Cburch. wish to express 10, you aur sincere appnec- lation o! the long and faithful ser- vice whicb you have rendered in liai office. Your confection wiih churcb chairs extenda aver a peniod o! 54 years, the lasi 18 o! which you have served as leader o! St. Paul'a choir. You may well cherish a legitimate pide and satisfaction in ibis long Period o! service. The office o! choir leader is one o! recognized difficulty. You have fllled that of- f ice wtb ouisianding ability and faitbfulness. A wide knowledge o! church music, also qualities o! lead- e rship, acquired by long experience, i bias enabled you ta carry on the work in a very able manner. la ad- dition W ibhis your very fine vaice bas given greai delight an d happi-, ness as il bas brougbt ta us the message o! the Gospel in song. We trust thai as you relinquisb tic an- duous duiles as leader, your voice will stilil be frequently heard in our midst, bringing tie samne old mes- sage as the Gospel in music is sounded out. May your voice con- tinue 10 abide in sirengih. We pray God's biessing may resi upon you and Mrs. Knight during all the con- ing days. We ask you 10 accepi ibis gif t as a ligit token o! the congre- gaiion's appreciation o! your long and faiibfui service, and trust tiaI tie use o! il wiil afford you comf ont and pleasure." At lie conclusion o! the address Mn. Cawker presented Mn. Knight. on bebaif o! the churci. wilh a handsome occasional chair. Mn. Knigbt brlefly replied expressing appreciation of lie kindiy thouglits o! lie cburcb people and tic pleas- une he had bad f rom bis associations with the choir. Rev. A. S. Kerr, mixister, aLça paid tribute 10 Mn.. Knight and bis loyalty and devotion' ta bis task. Mn. Knighi recenily nesigned as choir leader o! Si. Paut'a and for more than bai! a century he bas been connecied wiih choir work in the lown. He will be succeeded by Mms. C. H. Dudley wbo will combine the offices o! Organial and Choir Direcior. Nelson'a Store Stages Big Opportunity Sale1 Comrnccng Friday, July 7th, Nelson's Store ai Bowrnanvllle opens anc o! tic biggest rnerciandisingý evenis siaged by ibis merciani since corning 10, Bowmanvilie. Witi pricea in praclically every uine ris- ing aiarply ibis wiil probably be tic .lasl lime liai citizens wiltlhave tic opportunity o! buying goods ai bedrock depression prices. Wc slrongly urge every readen Wo cane- f ully read Mn. Nelson's advts., on page 8 and 9, in ibis issue, for Il willl mean saviaga o! maay dollars. Mr. Nelson hirnaclf challenges custo- mers 10, point te any store in On- lario setiing merchandise cheaper liai liai whlcb la advertised in ibis sale. Brooks-Langmaid Families Held Annual Picnic at Morden's Tourist Park The annuai picnic o! the Brooks and Langmaid families was beld ai Morden's Camp. Bowmanviilc, on Saiurday, June 24tb. The weather was very favourable and a very pleasani afiernoon was spent by some sixty relatives. Mrs. Fred Langmaid read the, minutes of the 1932 picnic. The officera elected for 1933 are as follows: President, M. S. Soules; Sec.-Treas., Mms. A. D. Langmaid-, Press Reporter. Mms. S. E. Werry; Sports CoMmiitee. Lawrence Ash- ton. Clare Allin: Provisional Com- miitee, Mms. J. G. Langmaid, Mn. and Mms. S. S. Brooks. The sports commiitee had arrang- ed a good program o! games and races wbicb proved very inieresiing for atd and youag. Prises werc pro- vided for the winnera o! different Clases. A bounteous supper was spread under beautiful shade irees and a Promotion and Examination Resuits in Town Public Schools are Announceci Evening Auxiliary of St. e Large Percentage Cet Hon- Paul's Church Met at ora in Examinations - Mrs. A. Williams' Home Proficiency Prize Winners Regular meeting of the W. M. S. o! Triniiy United Cburch was heid Tuesday afiernoon. Juiy 4ib, wiih a good attendance. The president, Mms. G. L. Wagar, presided. The meeting opened witb quiet music played by Mrs. H. W. Foster and the singing o! a hymn f oliowed by pray- er by Mms. G. L. Wagar. Mms. F. Cryderman read the minutes o! lasi *meeting; Mms. A. E. McCready gave the financiai and Mms. B. M. War- nica gave the financiai report by gr<pups and combined report for qýýter wbich was quite gratifying. Mms. E. F. Armstrong, wbose group had charge o! the program, took the chair. Miss Randail led in prayer; Mms. Hicks read the acripture les- son; Mrs. Farrow read the devotion- al leaflet, "The Woman of Decis- ion"; Mms. Chambers nendered the beautiful solo "The Siranger o! Gai- fiee" wilh Mrs. H. W. Poster ac- companying bier; the 4th Chapter o! the Siudy Book was taken: Mra. E. F. Armstrong outlined the work o! the Congregational Missions; Mms. W. B. Poliard, Methodisi Missions, and Mrs. T. A. Garton, Presbyterian Missions. Quarterly tea was served by three groupa. The Augusi meet- ing is to be in charge o! Mms. W. O. Souch's group. Bowmianville Booster Wins Final Puzzle B Contest A contestant signmng bis name 'Bowmanville Booster,' and wishing Wo wiihboid is% idenîiiy under ibis pen naine was the winaer o! the final Puzzle B Contesi conducted in The Siatesinan lasI week. He was awarded tbe fi prize o! 60 boaves of bread whicb lie kindly instrucied the judge, Mr. C. H. Màson, te turn the prize over ta tbe Scout and Trail Ranger Camp whicb opens at Camp Akela, Tyrone, nexi week. The second prise was won by m. Chester W. New o! Port Bowman- Ville, Wo was awarded he prie o! 40 laves, and wbo in turan ted thlsm to the MemonlslInattute Fresb Air Camp oti the lakeshore wesi o! Bowmanville. Tra nsformed Zion Cemetery Dedicated At Impressive Ceremonies on Sunday Dr. T. E. Kaiser of Oshawa Officiates at Opening of Gates, and Rev. J. R. Bick, Former Pastor, la Special Speaker An example o! bow a rural cern- etery can be transformed f rom bemng an eyesore to a place o! real beauty bas been provided at Zion Cemetery, some six miles f rom Bowmanvill, and north of Courtice. and surround- mng the Zion United Church. Two or three years ago this cemetery was overgrown with weeds and grass, and had a most disreputable appear- ance. Today it is one o! the most beautiful spots to be f ound any- wbere in the district, if flot in the province of Ontario. Tis transformation bas been wrought by the loving care and zealous effort of the Zion CemeterY Board, wbich is composed of A. T. Stainton, chairman; T. C. Glaspeil, secretary-treasurer; J. W. Baison and F. B. Glaspeil. This board bas taken a genuine interest in the beautification of the cemetery, and has expended money and labor in orcler to make it a worthy last rest- ;ng place o! those who are buried in it. OpenIng Ceremony To mark the new lease of beauty which bas been given to the cerne- tery. a formaI dedication and open- ing ceremony for its handsome new gaies was arranged. This was held at Zion Church and Cemetery on Sunday afternoon. July 2nd. when Dr. T. E. Kaiser offIciaily opened the new gates o! the ceinetery. Rev. John R. Bick. o! Whitevale, a for- mer minister of Zion United Church, who, like Dr. Kaiser, has been very active in cemetery improvement. de- livered an address in the churcb at 2.45 p. m., following the opening o! the gaies. No one was allowed in- side the cemetery on ibis afternoon until the officiai openlng ceremony was completed, but immediately thereaf 1er there was a decoration o! the individual graves. At the ser- vice in the cburcb. speclal music was furnished by the King Street United Church Quartette o! Oshawa. Qiher sneakers inciuded Reeve Geo. F. Annis o! Darington; W. J. Bragg, M.L.A., Bowmanvlle; Fred W. Bowen, M.P., Newcastle, and T. C. Glaspell, secretary o! the Cemnetery Board. In bis address Dr. Kaiser con- gratuiated the Darlington Township Council for its leadership in Cern- etery improvement. In Ontario he (Contlnued on page 10) 50 YEARS 0F SERVICE Henry J. Knlght Wiose resignallon as choir leader o! Si. Paui's Churci closes 18 yeara' association wilb tiat chunci, also brougit ta a close over bai! a century o! service as a choir lead- er. H-e was prcsenled wlth a iandsome chair. Miss Agnes Vanstone, B. A., ac- companied by Miss Jean Pinchon and Miss Marion Bell, Toronto, le! t lasi week by tie Ascania for a holi- day trip to, tic Brillish ales and France. Are Announceci For severai yeara the Public Scbool Board bas given prises to pupils taking bigliesi standing inx cd room. Winners in the Sr. 41h Class- es will be publisbed later. Where tbere la only one class in a room. firsi and second naines are given. The winnera are: Miss Jenning's Room. Jr. IV-(1) Olive Ward; (2) Ruth Cryderman. Miss Cllacolt's Room, Jr. IV- (1) Russel Short; Sr. III-(i> By- ron Crawford. Miss Morris' Room, Sn. III-<1) Kay O'Neill; (2) Irene Murray.- Miss Wicket's Room, Sr. Ifl-(l) Evelyn Harnden; Jr. M-i. ) Mar- ion Dudley. Miss Bragg's Room, Sr. IU-Cl) Harold Casbourn; Jr. lIU-Hazel Aider. Miss Buaaer's Room, Jr. lU-Cl) Marion Malaood; Sr. 1l-Helen Lam- bros. Miss Jewell's Room, Sr. fl-Cl) Nora Pagan; (2) Catherine Spencer. Miss Moore's Room, Jr. fII-Thel- ma Martin; Sr. I-Bllly Edger. Miss Sargent's Room, Jr. I--James Stuti; Sr. Primer-Eunice Jackmaa. Miss Hartl's Room, Jr. 1 - Judy Wbaien; Sr. Pr.-Betty Whaten. Soutb Ward-Miss Pickard's Raom -Sr. 11. (1) Winifred Smith; Sr. I, (1) Hazel Wood. South Ward-Miss Barton's Roomn --Jr. I. Albert Mason; Sr. Primer, Helen L>nge. The foilowing is a lisi o! promo- tions f rom the various classes in the Public Scbools. The names are in aiphabeticai ordeil. A veny large percentage o! pupils take bonours, which is 75 % o! the total marks. Jr. ]IV to Sr. ]IV Promoted on Year's Wok-Marie Allison, Kathleen Blunt, Raîpli Cole, Jack Coiviile, Helen Cotton, Jim Crombie, Ruthi Cryderman, Marion Davies, Terry Dustan, Elsie Flint, Hazel linI, Dorotby Haradea, Mar- jorie Henderson, Theodore Lambros, Arthur Lewis, Lucy Lyte, Marlon Martin, George Morris, Bruce Mut- ton, Dorothy Nickerson, Kenneth Nurcombe, Lionel Parker, Leslie Pbillips, Veda Purdy, Edith Rîch- aida, Ronald Richards, Helen Rua- die, Edna Sheehan, Kathleen Sisson, Leonard Someracales, Charlie Somn- eracales, Paul Symons. Leroy Shorti, Russell Shorti, Bill Tait, Helen Vir- tue, Olive Ward, Helen Williams Patricia Wilson, Velma Woodward. Passed on Examnaions-Rlchard Baihgate, Bull Brown, Lawrence Connais, Leon Cannons. Rhea Drew, Bill Fewster, John Grahamn, Louise Hobbs, Jack Honeyman, Edward H-ooper. Phllip Latimer, Arthur Liv- ing, Louis Lyle, Donald Mason, Ed- ward Milison, George White, Rachel Wright. Recommended-June Drew, Pordie Jackman. Sr. 1H te Jr. ]IV Promnoted on Yean's Work--Clar- ice Alder, Doroihy Bickell. Owen Brummell, Madetine Calver. Florence Calver. Charles Cartwright, MarY Chitds, Harold Casbourn, AudreY Comsiock, Byron Crawford, Harold Crook. Leslie Darci, Lois Emmeit. Biai Etliloit, Chartes Hoar, EVelYn Haraden, Beatrioe Kembrlng. Lenke Koren, Georgina Lambros, Jean Lo- gan. Shirley Marsden, John Matth- ews, Marion McDonald, Milf ord Mc- Donald, ManJonle Morris, Do0ris Moses, Donald Mcflveen. Irene Mur- ray, Kay O'Neill, Elva Potier, Norma Searle, Dorothy Smale, Kity Sien- ey, Kenaeth Sumensford, ROY SWln- delis. Tommy Relider. Elleen Thomp- son, Alan Tamblyn. DorothY Van- coe, Ruth Virtue, Ernest Ward, Diana Wheeier, Lewis Wiseman. Eva Weisb. Promoted on Year's Work-Ell- een Ruiler (absent throug h iness). Passed on ExaminaionS - Bob Bird. Gerald Bird, Lillian Bunley, Dlck Campbell, Harvey Gibson, Ma- bel Harrs, Marion Knox, Ronald Hooper, John Living. Florence Mat- thews, Carol Martyn, Talbert Mc- Laugilia, George McPeeterS, Doug- las Nichois, Ivy Passant. Altan Prout, Helen StaceY, orme Sutan, Celia Tait,-Hilda Tigie, Doris Virtue. AI- (Continued on page 4) Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Rice and fam.- iiy. Miss Mabel Silla, Toronto. en- joyed the holiday with Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Rice, Straiford. Offer Valuable Prizes for Parade Under tbe direction o! Milt Club has set aside valuable prizes Minore and bis Commlttee, the for tbis big event, which ia achedul- plans for the Calithumpian Parade ed to start ai '7 o'ciock on tbe even- ing of tbe Pair. The Parade pre- at the Rotary Pair on July 26th are parations point to it as being one getting weil under way. Prizes will of the most spectacular ever heid in be offered as follows: Besi Pancy Bowmanville. Present arrangements Ploat, open; Besi Comic Ploat, provide for six band taklng part, open; Besi Decorated car, open; the Canadian Leglon Band o! Bow- Best Farmer's Ploat, open Wo Dar- manville. Durhamn Regiment Band ilngton, Clarke and Cartwright of Orono, Pfue and Druin Band of Townships; best turnout o! Boys' Bowmanvllle, two bands f rom Osh- Pets; Besi Decorated Girls' Doil awa, and the Bugle Band o! the carniage; Besi Delivery Truck or Ontario Training Schooi for Boys. Wagon; Best Clown, male or fe- Tis monster attraction should maie; Best Interpretation o! Jiggs attract tbousands o! peole f rom and Maggie; Oldest auto in tbe the surrounding countryside and ht parade running under is own la expected that hunclreds wifl corne pwer. !rom Oshawa to joix in the frolic8 As we siated before, the Rotary o! the evenlng. r .' l. Y,, r -W..5~ C - %e,9 1 an