PAGE THR IIm L'AmAnuMs?. TAT1.MAN, BoWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, JULY 6th, 1933 (Iï\APage oF Women WEDDINGS Densnore-Wright Witb only bbc immediabe relatives in attendance a pretty June wed- ding was solemnized, June 28tb, at tbc home 0f Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Wight, St. Catharines, wbcn their younger daugister, Anneta Isabel, was married bo Mr. Thomas Clifford Densmore. eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Densmore of Merritten. Rev. Gordon Domm officiated. The attractive bride, wearing ber mo- 'ther's weddinig gown cf ivery bro- cadcd satin witb train and long veil 0f ivory tulle, caugbt at bise back witb a narrow bandeau cf orange blossoms, and a coral neeklace, wicb was also worn by ber mother at ber wedding, and mabcbed in col- or ber beauiful bouquet of Talis- man roses, entered bbc drawing- room on bbc arm of ber father. te the strains cf Lobengrin's Bridaiý Chorus played by Mr. Lewis Dens- more. youngest brother cf bbc groom. Tise bride was abended by ber only sister, Miss Thirza Wright of Toronto who was frccked in aqua green moire taffeta and bulle. She carried paie pink larkspur and gyp- sopheila. The best man was Mr. Maurice Densmocre, younger brother of tbc groom. Mrs. Wrigbt, mother of tise bride, wore beige crepe and, lace with pansy girdie, a beige and . pansy hat and shoulder bouquet of purpie delphinium. Mrs. Densmore. mother of bbc groom, wore a black and silver ensemble, shouider bou- quet of coreepsis and gypsopiselia. Mrs. Norman Thomas, sister of bbc groom, worc a grcy ensemble witb pink bat and bouquet of pink roses and delphinium. Later bbc bride donned ber travelling costume of shadow mist grey crepe with bat and accessories te match. Mr. and Mrs. Densmore lef t by moter, amid show- ers of good wisbcs for bbc north, af - ter whicb tbey wll make bieir home in Grand Valley, Ont. Barrick-Fox The grounds at Cove Cottage. Bowmanvilc-ofl-the-Lake, summer home cf tise bride's mother, on Frl- day, June 30tb, were tise scene of a wedding cf interest te many per- sons in Toronto and Port Coîborne. Catherine Marsden Fox, second dau- giter cf Mrs. Fox and tise labe Mr. John Fox, was married bu Carmer Grey Barrick, son of Mrs. Barricli and tise late Mr. Edniund Barrick. The Rcv. Stuart Ivison of Ottawa, assisted by Docter P. K. Dayfoot of Port Coîborne, perforined the cere- H i t o Credit was bridesmaid aHdomrbodies liam J. Ayers of Toronto attended H m b d e thse groom. The wedding music was provided by thse Cecilian 'lrio con- Written for The Statesman sistirig of Miss Lillian Sparling, vi- By Jessie Allen Brownl olinist, Miss Giadys Thornborough, pianist, and Miss Joanne Fox, ceil- Mr fa n a oGv ist. During the signing of tbc reg- Mr rkn n a oGv ister Miss Fox played Wather's The women of more than twenty Song f rom Wagner's 'Meistersing- Anglican churehes banded together9 ers." to give a garden-party in aid of The bride wore white chiffon with The Restoration Fund. Naturally turban of milene and carrled red with so many women working it was roses and white daisies. Thse brides- a large affair with a great many maid wore yellow chiffon wibb different ways of more or icss pain- matcbing bat and blue accessories lessly extracbing money. One church and carried blue cornfiowers and said that tbey could not give any- yellow daisies. bhing tbat cost money, but thcy of- Over one hundred guesbs were fered to take on thse dish-washing. present at the cercmony and at tbe With the bundreds that were served reception wbicb foilowed. Mrs. Fox with meais, afternoon tea, ice cream received, wearing black lace with or whatever that was a reai contri- corsage of pansies. Mrs. Barrick re- bution. ceived with bier. wearing midfight blue and wite figurcd crepe and A Suner Vacation at Home carried liles of bbe valley. Mr. and Mrs. Barrick sailed from There are a good many families Montreal on tise Antonia te spend wbo are accustomed to a summer the summer in Europe and on their holiday that will not be able to bave return will resîde in Cornwall. one this year; then there are other __________________ families wbo live about the samne, Wome's nstiute summer and winter. To both kinds Orono W mnsIIttt would recommend sbudying the To Pay Visit to Local possibilities of holidaying at home. Branh onJuIy28thOne of the chief virtues of a holiday Branh onJuly28this a change. So change your bouse and your habits as mucis as possible. Tise Women's Institute met at Roll up your rugs, put away al tise home of Mrs. Wm. Hall, Brown bric-a-brac, so that there is a mini- St., on Friday, June 3Obb, wibh a mum te, dust, use paper napkins, good attendance and with bbe Presi- and imagine you are in a sumxner dent, Mrs. F. C. Coimer, presiding cottage. You will probably have for bbe business session. The meet- more conveniences to work with ing opened with thse singing of than if you were. O Canada and the minutes were read by Mrs. J. Tbickson, secretary, Sunf, air and water are thrce of and approved. Correspondence pre- bbc besbtbings in a sumxner bol- senbed included an acceptance of day. Thse sun shines at home, there our invitation te bthc Orono Branch is penty of f rce air, and you prob- to e or g~st onJui 28h, henably can fInd watcr fairly close at Miss Edith Weekcs will be hostesa band. At a cottage, children spcnd at Kalmar Villa, bbc home of Mr. most of tbe time in bathing suits, and Mrs. Oco. Wcekes, Duke St. se why flot let thcm do it at home. The roll eall was wcil responded They will get the beneflt of tbc sun to witb ideas on bbc care ef furni- baths and mother will flot have as turc and one new member was ad- much wasbing te, do. If you have ded to bbc mcmbersbip îist. neyer trled it you will be surprised The program was in charge of to flnd how mueh fun cbildren can Mrs. Wm. Hali's group, and tbc foi- have wibh a tub of water in bbc lowing numbers were presenbcd. back yard, if thcy are in bathlng Vocal solos "Wben Granny Sings'" suits. Older cblîdren wbo shouid "Tise hwnTe, ad"nt~ ave an opporbunity te, swim but are Garden 0f my Hearb" by Miss Mar- sill too Young te trust alone, may garet MacBeth, Toronto. Miss Mac- have that opportunity with a littie Bebh possesses a bcautifui contralto co-operation f rom the mothers. Let voice and shc also f aultlcssly played each mother 0f bbc 'gang' bake their ber own accompaniment and ber urn. numbers werc mueh appreciated. Mucis as we love our children, rMiss Ina Roberts accompanicd by there issn't a motiser wbo does not Mrs. Edwin Wood, contributed two f eel that it is a real treat te have violin selections and Mrs. Fred a meal away f rom bbechibldren. It Baker prescnted a splendid paper on is very possible to do this at home. "Gardening." Mrs. Hall conducted Children invariably Uike sandwiches, bwe pleasing contests wben a social so why not let tbem bave sandwich haif hour was enjoyed. Mrs. C. Mc- suppers? Assemble bbc maklngs and Feeters moved a vote o! thanks to let tbem make their own if thcy are kMrs. Hall and te those assisting on old cnough and lb 15 surprlsing boa the prograxn and bbc meeting closed Young theY cn do this, if their Mo- with slnging "The Maple Leaf." ther will oniy let tbem. Then wher "'ýKeep cool with crisp, Iight foods" EVERY ONE bas had the. experience of. eating a iieavy meal on a hot day and of feeling loggy and uncoinfortable after- wards. In truth, food plays a big part in how we feel. Crisp, light food& naturafly help you feel cooler and fresher. T7hat's why Kellogg's Corn Flakes are so popular when the. thermometer begins to .11mb. Millions of people know Kellog's meau coolness. There's good reason too. Kellogg's are crisp, refreishing flakes of corn. Rich ini energy - so easy to digest they don't "Iheat you up."1 Economical, convenient-flo cooking or trouble to prepare. Countles mothera serve Kellogg's Corn Flakes for the children's evening meal-particularly lu sum.mer. Iesthsei kind of liglit meal ihat encourages resiful sleep. And no matter how hot or humid the. weather, you'll always ind Kellogg's crisp and oven-fresh ... protected by the sealed inuide WAXT1TE bag. Every package that leaves the factory is guaranteed. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. r to their favorite spots and eat. It wil be a treat for the parents to eat alone and it wiil be a treat for the cblidren to eat in peace. They must get f eci Up with continuai disciplin- ing. Some women f eel that sand- wiches are such a trouble bo make. If you get ail your materiais ready, you can sit down to it and it reaily is flot so much work. If lb is more work to get ready than a regular supper, you have pracbicaiiy no dish- es. So what you lose on bhe swing you gain on the roundabout. One woman I know who frequently used this idea, used to make her sand- wiches directiy after ber cinner dishes were done, and then ai ter supper packed the few dishes in her pan and covered them over, doing them at breakfast time. By this plan she had very littie bouse work to do after the eariy afternoon. If friend husband does not care for sandwiches (many men are as fond of them as children). have some other easiiy prepared supper for the grown-ups. It is easy to have a variety of sandwich materlals on hand. I ai- ways like to boil several eggs, more than are required for immediate use, and chop and season them for sand- wich use, putting any that is lef t away in a covered bottie in the re- jfrigerator. An egg sandwich wilU Iappeai to a child for breakfast when it would turn Up its littie nose at a boiied egg. Peanut butter, sliced tomatoes, Bermuda onion sandwich prepared, honey, jam, dates, sard- ines, cheese, cottage cheese mixed with a sweet or savoury, any of these and many others are easy to get ready. Have a choice of two or tbree fililngs and let each child choose their own. If you put your mind to it you can manage a f air holiday at home. Pickled Watermelon Rlnd Peel waterinelon rind and eut into pieces the desired size for pickling. Soak over night in a brinle in the proportion of one tabiespoon sait to one quart of water. Drain in the mornmng and boil in fresh water un- til clear and tender. Drain and cook in tbe foilowing syrup for ten min- utes. 1 pint vinegar, 2 pounds sugar, 1 ounce stick cinnamon, 1/ ounce whoie cloves. r ie spices in a bag then bring syrup to a boil and add rind. Ohocolate Syrup 7 % cup cocoa, Y2 cup sugar, 1/4 tca.spoon vanilia, 1 cup water, pinch of sait. L Mix ingredients, sirring to, a >smooth paste over gen tIc beat. Boil 3 minutes and bobtle and chili. To serve, add about 2 bablespoons of tis syrup to a glass of coid miik. Children are spcciaily fond of this beverage. ui b t A NEALTH SERVICE OF THE CANADIAN MEDgCAI. TE ASSOCIATION AND PU INSURANCE COMPANICS IN CANADA r SUMINRR Ve: Among the many anxlctles of thc An young mother for the weifare of her infant, none is more acute than is pl ber concerfi over the intestinal up- sets of the late summer and earlY autumn. This is as lb should be, for "n no disorder of cariy life is s0 tragle as is summer diarrhoca. HI The ctiange f rom the state of well-being and happiness whlch '1 characterizes the normai healtby cblld te the condition assoclated Tc with summer diarrhoea is compara- tively abrupt and usually well-maark- ed witbln forty-eight hours. Af ter Ri tins time, unless proper treatmcnt is given. the child grows progress- M iveiy worse and, in many instances, the disease terminates fataily. In Bi ail cases, the mother shouid seek medical advice at once, in order te W save ber baby. Summer diarrhoea is responsibie for one in five of ail the deaths S wbich occur during the first year of life, and for one in seven of those M occurring during the second year. The figures vary in different local- ities, and constitute a reliable index to the effectiveness of publie beaith work in each locality. Whcre milk is not pastcurized and water supplies are inadequateiy safeguarded, there is grave cause for concern. There is another danger, as f ar as this disease is concerncd. and that is in the contamination of the cbild's food, eibher through care- less handling on the part of the mo- ther or through lack of protection agaînst files. M THE NEW Wool Dot Voile A dainty white voile with cm- broidered dots inaail wool. Voile is white wlth green, red, blue and black spots. Will make an unusually smart sum- mer frock,5c Per Yard.......59 . u 'J l'kils Su mmery Piece GoodsI I SWISS EMBROIDERED VOILE The smartest Voile of the season. A dres f rom this material may be used for even formai parties. They core ne lal colora, In- ciudlng the ultra smart black and white, and white and black. A regular $1.00 89C voile, sellUng at per yard ...... Trini Tour Dress Something New ! Organdie Pleating for collars, cuifs and trimming. Very dainty and gives taste to any dress, in 1/- 2, 3 and 4½/2 nch widths. Prie- ed, per yard 20c - 59c - 75C 'HE WASH, - OUT ON THE IMM~ Persian lm-tbe one toilet re- banlaes eil unplesanb roughnes o -quinite for tise dainty woman. D)e- chafing caused by wind and other mrom my wlndow is a visioni paner- ligbbful te, use. Leaves no stickiness. weather conditions. Makes banda amnic, Swiftly absorbed by the tissues. soft and white. Croates an elualve, relvet greensward, and a cllnging, Dellcately fragrant. Imparts a vel- essenblafly feminine charm. Peralan cllmbing vine. vetY loveiiess te bbc cosnpieioi. Balm in indispensable te women et nd athwart lb, with a challenge Tones Up tise skin. Soothes and rellnement. mosb dynamic, - îats a daily Uttie wash, - out on tise Une. tis te gonfalon o! voyageuse justO ly T reD ys M r launching, u.T re asm r îer f rail sballop under auspices be- nlgn; Tls heraidic decoratios most en- traiicing <ore ro bbc lover o! a wash, - out on the ine.Samnple Necidaces Puben's masterpiedes bave my ador- àtion, Until Saturday, July 1Otli, omly, andel's "Largo" brings me feelings we offer you this opportunty te most dvinebuy an imported necklace at les. But for neit.ier bave I time for ad- h af rc.CYtlPus ulationand Novelties, Visen I slgbt a saucy wasb, - out 3 C t 3 0 Suffragebtes presage decadence o! Sec oui' dlsplay. tise nation, ,outhng phraWesrJnEinWsEnoL L fin, rcognize BOOKS & STATIONERY Wh'y in thunder can't tbey PANTeïWLPA. salvablti, ANr& LPPE In tise daily ltie wasb, - out on bbc line._______________________________ ..Fresh. . Pure.. MILIC Firsb on bise list o! essential isealtis - building f oods for growing youngsters sbouid be MILK! LoUtisem have plenty o! lb wlbtisteir cor- eais at brakfast bîme. And drink as mucis as tbey want at meal time and between meais I make ure though, that It la Bowmanvflel Datry NM kf rom a herd f ully acoredlted, We:li deilver that Und to jour Aoc? dafly. Daownuaa ville Datry MIL- CREAmu- BUTT!E£ - Phom 4U8 or '703 GIRLS' OUTING SUITS Pleated shorts in plain colora, trimmed wlth white. waista ln con- traatlng stripe effecta. A go"d vaue. Suit $,3 of two pifee 1.3 PIQUE CORD VOILE Another smart fabrie, witb fancy decorative inserts. This material la bard wearing and i. particularly good for chlld- ren'a and girls'5c dresse. Yard .... 9 RICE FLAKE VOILE Here ia a dainty material worth much more than we are ask- ing. lan plain colora and floral designs. Very special 39 per yard .. ..... 9 SPECIAL Nmne floral designs and colors to choose fromn. A special Une that ha. been sell- ing until now for much more money. We reduoe it sharply for this week-end only as our feature attraction. 36 inches wide early or you will be dlsap- 1 c pomnted. Per Yard....... BATHING SUITS AUl wooi suite in pleaslag colors of green, navy, red and black. Some have fancy atripes and others have neat applique cm- blens. Sizes to fit young people frein 4 te 14 jeara of age. Regular $1.29. On SIale t" 98 weckend, each 98 Walker Stores, Limited Phone 164 BOWMA14VILLE King Street Voiles amd Organdies LIGHT If you want to be right in style wear organdie this sum- AIRY mer. Here is a fine range of plain and pastel shades, g~ y. reasonably priced. Another line in figured, plaid and Organdie floral designs. urgaoie PLAIN, Yard59 FIGURED, Yard49 GIVE YOUR HOME A "NEW DEAL" Modernizew Remo<Iel Do It While Costs are Stiil Lowim Now la the Umne of times te redeoorite, repar or reanodel jour home. Pricea have nver been lower -asd are deatlaed te rime, hortly. If you waat, te make your home, store or bans over - her e'.ur grand opporttunlty. Estimates oheerfufly iven, on anl materias. For further iformation f omr ser- vice, eau or phone là. Sheppard & Gii Lumber Co., Limited FUE£fL AN1BULMIG SUPPLIES 1 1 L 1 b