PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 6th, 1933 I CADMUS Miss Leah McQuade visited Miss Birdie Gibson on Sunday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ferguson on the arrival of a baby girl. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Fallis and Jack visited with relatives in the vlcinity over the weekend. League closed last Thursday even- ing for the suinmer months with the exception of one meeting a month. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Edgerton and fanÙly, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Green and Jack spent Sunday at Mrs. Southern's. SOLINA Mr. Samuel Bush is quite iM. Miss Margaret McKessock is holi- daying in Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. Will Carrick, Tor- onto. visited at Mr. W. J. Reynolds'. Mr. Franklin Awde. Toronto, is holidaying at his cousins, miss Elva Pascoe. Mr. and Mrs. Walter H-owsamn and family, Epsom., visited at Mr. Chas. H-owsam's. Bkrsetafwdy Mrs. Thos. Bkrsetafwdy last week with her daughter, Mrs. L. C. Snowden. Maple Grove. Mrs. John Baker, Miss Vera Baker, Mrs. H. E. Tink and Mrs. R. J. Mc- Kes-sock visited Miss Edna Reynolds. Hampton, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Stacey and family, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hogarth, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Ho- garth and daughter, Harmony. caîl- ed on Miss Mary Hogarth and Mrs. R. Pascoe. Congratulations to our football team on winning second place in the tournament at Brooklir' on July lat, and in winning f rom Zion i-0 on Monclay night. Mr. Frank Short, Brampton, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Johnson and Mr. Frank Johnson, Morefield, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell, Toronto, called on Mrs. R. J. McKessock and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rundie on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright, Miss Marguerite and Masters Herbert and Arthur Wright, of St. Cathar- ines. spent the holiday with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Werry and called on old friends here. July meeting of the Women's In- stitute will be held on Thursday at- ternoon, the i3th, in the S. S. room. Program will be in charge of group 3. Roll cail: 'Name some household article made in Ontario." Al ladies welcome. Our annual community picnic un- der the direction of the Division. In- stitute and Sunday School will be held Tuesday afternoon, July llth, in the school grounds. A good pro- gram of sports is being arranged s0 everyone please attend. I ENNISKILLEN Miss M. E. Virtue. Toronto. spent the weekenti among frientis. Miss Bertie Page, Boston. Miss A- ma Page, Toronto, visiteti at Mm. S. Page's. Mr. A. Orchard, Detroit, is visit- ing bis brothers, Messrs. Frank anti John Orchard. Mm. anti Mrs. C. W. Souch, Hamp- ton, spent Suntiay with the former's sister. Mrs. J. Pye. Mr. anti Mrs. W. E. Sanderson anti family, spent Sunday with hem 'nothem, Mrs. Wm. Oke. Hampton Young People will pre- sent "A Little Clotihopper" in En- niskillen on Tuesday, July lith. Mm. and Mra. Frank McGill, Tom- onto, spent the weekenti with hem Parents, M. anti Mrs. Levi Brunt. Misses Naomi anti Ruby Virtue, Toronto, spent the holiday with their parents, Mm. anti Mrs. Chas. Virtue. Mm. anti Mrs. Russell Aidreati, De- -trait, Mm. anti Mrs. N. Altireati, To- ronto, were Sunday visitors of Mrs. W. R. Lamb. Dr. anti Mrs. Ferguson. Allan anti Donald, spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mm. anti Mrs. New- ton. Tavistock. Mr anti Mrs. Irwin Wotten anti son Roy, Mrs. R. Wotten anti Miss Kate Wtten, Oshawa. visiteti at Mrs. Wm. Griffins. M. anti Mrs. Leslie Rabbins anti son, Mm. W. Hamilton anti son Frank, Rochester, spent a tewv days with their parents, Mr. anti Mrs. F. Rabbins. Mm. anti Mrs. Fred Preston anti daughtem, Bowmanville. Mr. anti Mrs. Elwooti Rahm anti family. anti Douglas Preston. Oshawa. visited at Mrs. G. Preston's. Mm. anti Mrs. Lawrence Kerr anti son. Toronto, Mm. anti Mms. C. P. Is- rael, Rochester, M. anti Mrs. Roy Webbem. Mm. anti Mra. J. T. Hooper, Bowmanvîlle, Mm. A. Herring. Osh- awa, calleti on Mrs. W. Herrîng e- cently. Mms. W. Woadley anti Miss May Woatiley, Saskatoon. who have been visiting hem mother, Mrs. Sanders. anti sister. Mrs. Theo Slemon, left for their home on Monday, Mrs. Slemon anti John aecompanying them as tam as Toronto. The service Sunday evening was very well attendeti in spite of ser- vices being broken Up for several weeks. Our Pastor. Rev. J. M. Whyte. preached a fine sermon on Eternal Lite. Miss Alice Ashton anti Orville Ashton sang a due, very nicely. Our Suntiay Schaol anti League annual picnic was helti an Friday, June 30th. at the Cream of Barley Camp. A gotily number gathereti anti an afternaan of sports anti amusements were indulgeti in. A sumptuous supper of gooti things was provideti anti all report a gooti timne. Miss Helen Knox, Hampton, Mrq. George James. William anti Ruth Master Bert Johnston, Bowmanville, visiteti at Mm. J. A. Werry's on Mon- day on the occasion of Mm. Wery's 6th bithday which was fittingly observeti when his daughter, Mrs. Harvey McGiîl, serveti a birthday supper ta these guests in hem fath- e's honor. The sympathy of the community Is extendedt V Mrs. Wm. Strong anti family in the sutiden passing of Mm. Strong who dieti on Saturtiay at midnight in Bowmanville Hospital. Mr. Strong was climbing a latider Into the barn when he slippeti anti felI, breaking his leg. He was ak- en o the hospital on Satumtiay where an X-ray was taken and the bone set, but the shock was too much for him. The funeral was held on Tuesday tram his laVe residence Vo Hampton Cemetery. MAPLE GROVE 1 Quarterly service next Sunday. Miss Webster. Toronto, is visiting her cousin. Miss Elsie Samîs. Thiirteen C.G.I.T. girls lef t for a week's camp at Kedron on Thurs- day. Mrs. Fred Twist, Toronto, is visit- ing her mother-in-law, Mms. L. Twist and littie daughter Eileen. Mrs. J. B. Worden, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Worden, spent Sunday with the formeras son, Mm. Will Worden, Tyrone. Misses Susie Laird, Nellie Snow- den. Vera Trimbie, Lillian Dearborn, Ruby Bragg. are holidaying at their respective homes. Mm. and Mrs. Ray Snowden. two daughters. Toronto, spent the holi- day with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens, and Mm. and Mrs. W. J. Snowden. Mrs. Norman Moyse, Miss Kath- leen Caverly, Toronto, Mr. Bert Harburn, Miss Bertha Harburn, spent the holiday with the former's brother. Mr. Leslie Collacutt. The monthly meeting of the W.M.S. met at the hall on Tuesday afternoon, July 4th. when the foai- lowing interesting programn was given. Solo, Mrs. Ivison Munday; Study leaflet leader. Mrs. Sam Snowden, followed by Mrs. Ross Stevens, Mrs. R. R. Stevens, Mrs. J. H. Munday. Mms. W. J. Snowden. August meeting will be an open meeting with picnic on the school grounds. SALEM Congratulations o Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Coombes on the arrival of a fine baby boy. Rev. A. S. Kerr conducted the af- ternoon service here Sunday and as usual delivered a fine discourse. Miss Ida Stephens. town, spent a tew days with hem sister, Mrs. F. L. Squair, who is slowly improving in health. Miss Glady s Cann, Toronto, spent the weekend at home, before start- ing for Kingston where she is tak- ing a five-week summer course. Sorry to learn that Mr. G. Cornish lost a number of valuable sheep and lambs when they were attacked by dogs one night last week, making a terrible slaughter of the poor ani- mals. Mm. and Mrs. C. Carruthers, Mrs. Rutherford. Mr. and Mrs. R. Knox, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Doidge. tram this vicinity, attended the funeral of the late Mrs. W. Stewart. Tyrone. Sympathy is extended f rom Salem friends o the bereaved husband and family. I HAYDON On Thumstiay, the pupils of Hay- don Public School presenteti their teacher, Mr. E. E. Staples, with a fountain pen as a token 0f their respect for haim for the past seven yeams. The following atidresa was reati by Miss Lauma Philp: Dear Teacher:-We he pupils 0f S. S. Na. 21 ealize with dieep regret, that aur connectian with you as aur teacher is about ta be severeti, atter being seven years under youm tui- ian, tiuing which imne you have. with patience anti kindness endea- voured o atvance us in knowledge that will fit us for the varlaus rela- tions in lite o whlch it may please Providence ta appoint us. We trust that you will receive this fountain pen in the spirit of kintinesa in which it is presenteti. noV on ac- caunt 0f its value, but as a smal token of our love anti esteemn for yau as aur teacher. anti we hope that whatever youm future position in lite may be. it will be cmawneti with blessings anti success anti that you will be able ta 1ook back on your pupils of S. S. No. 21 with feelings of pleasure anti kintiness. Wishing you an affectionate tarewell. Sig- ne.d on behaîf of the school. Grace Trewin. Laura Philp. A large crowti was present at Hay- don on Saturday ta celebrate the lat of July anniversary. At four o'clock a League sottball gamne was playeti between Enniskillen anti Newcastle girls, score ending in tavour of the lat'er. At six p. m. a men's softball gamne, Tyrone versus St. Paul's. Bow- manville, commenceti, ending in ta- vor of St. Pau"s. A new sottball was presentedti o each 0f the win- ning teams. A bounteous supper was seveti in the sheti on beautitully decorateti tables. About 8.30. Rev. A. M. Woottan brought the large audience tVo ortier anti spoke a few Iwords on celebrating the 66th Birth- day of the Dominion of Canada. AlI rose anti sang The Maple Leaf For- ever." led by Mm. Edmonstone. direc- tom of the Geoirgion Singers. wha then presenteti a varieti anti inter- esting program, all numbers win- ning much applause. but worthy of special mention weme the numbers playeti anti sang by Miss Phyllis Henne, radio artist, also the duet numbers by Miss Phyflîs Henne anti Mi. Edmonistone. Anniversary Visitors Mm. Jim Grant. Toronto, is visit- inz at M,*. A. McNeilX'. Mm. Gardon Greer anti Miss Ev- elyn Greer. Brooklin. Mm. Rolandi Thampsen. Catimus, vîsiteti at Mm. Wesley Thompson's. Mm. Egbert Wright. Calgary, Ata., Mrs. W. Ridige, Miss Margaret Ridige and Mr. Wm. Dobson, Toronto, Mm anti Mrs. L. Disney anti Miss Amy Disney, visiteti at the farmers fath- er's, Mm. J. Wright. Mm. anti Mrs. John Graham. Osh- awa. Mrs. M. Archer, Mm. Perey Chase, Lindsay, Mr. John Currie and son anti taughter, Oakwood. Miss Ruby Clatworthy, R.N., Hampton, visiteti at Mm. D. Gaham's. Mm. anti Mrs. G. Creeper, Mm. R. Brown anti daughter Mabel, Mm. andi Mrs. G. H. Carlock, Mms. T. Creeper. Mm. Bert Creeper anti Miss Alice Creeper, Tomanto, Mm. anti Mrs. Mur- phy. Rochester, Mm. anti Mrs. T. Brown. Mrs. G. Douglas, Newcastle, visiteti at Mm. A. McNeil's. Virtue is largely a matter of temptation. ENFIELD Rev. J. M. Whyte preached another splendid sermon last Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Prescott were in Toronto on Sunday to, see Ruth who is improving slowly. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Clyde and Miss Et t e Clyde, Uxbridge, visited at Mr. Ait Prescott's. Misses Helen and Elizabeth Pas- coe and Miss Ella Tamblyn have motored to North Bay and other points. Misses Muriel Gilroy and Edith, Cochrane and Murray McCullochl have written on their entrance at jSauina. Mrs. W. Hudson and Ronald have returned to Underhill, Man., atter visiting at Mr. J, McCulloch's for several weeks. 7 Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Hobbs, Hay- don, Mr. and Mrs. W. Scully and Bill, Mount Dennis, Mr. and Mrs. Ballot, Toronto, visited at Mr. W. J. Ormiston's. I HAMPTON Miss Gertrude Pettit is visiting in Toronto. fMm. and Mrs. Walter Wiheelem, To- ronto, spent the weekend at Mrs. Jas. Jebson's. Mrs. Lena Hoidge. Bowmanville, visiteti Mm. and Mrs. B. Ferguson over the weekend. Mrs. W. G. Rabbins andi Mrs. N. Pingle, Bowmanville, were guests of Mms. S. T. Mountjoy recently. Misses Doris andi Margaret Doidge, Oshawa, visiteti at Mm. G. Adcock's over the holiday and Sunday. Mm. Albert Gay, Toronto, visited his parents on Dominion Day. Mrs. Fowler, Toronto, is also visiting theme. Misses Sadie andi Lauma Virtue, Toronto. visited with Misses Mar- j aie and Edith Pascae anti other f rientis. Mrs. W. Creeper, Miss Alice Ceep- er and Mm. Bert Creeper, Owen Sounti, visited with village f rientis on Dominion Day. Mms. Ashley accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins, Oshawa, an a visit ta Hampton on Sunday, where they called on friends. Mm. and Mrs. Alt. Johnson. Mm. Fred Sone, Mrs. Coward. Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Holwell. Miss Lena Niddery, Mm. Levi Nid- tiery, anti Mrs. N. Falkner anti son Billy, Toronto, visiteti Mrs. S. G. Niddemy on Sunday. Mm. C. E. Horn spent the holiday anti weekenti in Toronto. Mrs. Horn andi Acy eturneti home with him atter a few days' visit in the city. Mr. anti Mms. George Ryans. Mm. and Mrs. Frank Hannam, accomp- anieti by ather relatives and f riends, were Dominion Day visitors in he village. Dont forget the Women's Institute on Thursday attemnoon when the Institute celebrates its 30th anni- versary. Mm. Putman swill addtres the meeting. Mm. and Mrs. H. A. Bird and tiau- gliter Margaret, and Miss Ruth Brimacombe, Mount Hamilton, weme holiday visitors with Mm. anti Mrs. S. T. Mountjoy. Mm. Wallace R. Horn, accompan- ied by Mr. Wallace McCubbin. North Bay, who spent a few days at their home, are taking a vacation trip in Northern Ontario. Mm. anti Mms. Herbert Smale, De- trait, Mrs. Holdaway, Wesleyville, Mm. Wilfmed Smale, Coîbomne, and Mm. Wesley Smale. Bethany. visiteti their mother, Mrs. Ida Smale, on Suday. For your patato bugs Horn's Store allers Paris Green, Arsenate of Lead. andi Climax. We also announce Brantford cordage binder twine is now in stock and we have a gooti 10w price for cash. 27-1 Mm. and Mms. C. Tink and tamily, Maple Grave, Mm. anti Mrs. A. W. G. Northcutt and family. Bowmanville, Misses Elva and Ada Pascoe. Zion, were ecent visitors with the Misses Marjorie and Edith Pascoe. esnl Mm. F. J. Groat was pleany surprised with a presentation of a pen anti pencil bearing his name en- graved in gold letters, at a gather- ing of scholars and parents held in the school oom on Fritiay af er- noon. Mm. Edgar Staples was in- troducedti o the scholars, having been engaged o succeeti Mm. Groat wvho has taithfully taught at Hamp- tan school for about fitty years and is giving up the profession of teach- ing at the close of this term. Re- freshments were served at the close anti a pleasant ime spent together. Dominion Day was celebrateti in the usual manner, the Sunday school anniversary supper and con- cert being well attended. This is an occasion when many city and own people enjoy an outing o the coun- try, where at Hampton it is o some a home-coming where a vcry sociable time is had enewing olt i friendships and scenes of chiltihood1 days anti of the place of their birth. Despite the threats of inclement weather tiuring the foenoon, which was a continuation of the welcome showems of Fritiay, the skies cleareti anti favorable weather prevaileti, bringing the usual number who par- took of the pleasures of the day. The tables an the church lawn, which boasteti of the products of some of the best c(oaks in the land, tempteti the appetites of those who carect. Vo enjoy an evening meal, where they were catemedt o in a sat- istying maniner. Women's Institute booth provideti the confectionery needs of the chiltiren anti others. who enjoyeti the sports in the park during the afternoon. The large shedi helti a goodly number in the evening inciudlng many who hati listeneti on a previous occasion Vo the play "The Little Clotihopper," presenteti by Hampton tiramatists for the fifth ime, the tlrst anti fiftVh belng on a Hampton platform. The appreciation of this popular play was evidenceti by the splendid at- tention given throughout the even- ing, which was appmeclated very much by the players themnselves. The male quartette tram Bethesda OPENED ZION GATES KERSILAKE'S Il b r' .-E .Kaiser Former M. P* for South Ontario, and noted for his interest in the im- provement of rural and rundown cemeteries who officially opened the new gaVes of Zion Cemetery on Sunday. paring the play, were presented bouquets of roses, o which both re- plied expressing their thanks. God Save the King was sung in con- clusion. Bowmanville Public School Promotions (Contlnued trom page 1) vie Welsh, Robert Woodward, Coul- son Woolner, Keith Yeo. Recommended - Isobel Bickell, Phyllis Blair, Irene Casbourn, Isobel Hewston, Joyce Large, Mary Lem- on. Billy Minns, Cuthbert McDonald, Roy Wilkins, Harold Woodward. Jr. 111 to Sr. IH Promoted on Year's Work-Hazel Aider, Donald Alin, Dorothy But- tonshaw, Joan Buttonshaw, Verai Clapp, James Clark, Harry Connors,1 Geraldine Coulter, Donalda Creasser,1 Ethel Donoghue, Marion Dudley, Patricia Dustan, Patricia Eminett, Frank Foley, Rachel Hilderly, Doug- las Jackman. Ruth James, Oscar Jessen. Jack King, James Knox, Robert Lambourne, Viola Larkin. Jack Lenhardt, Marion Mahood, Thomas Martin, Edith Mason, Grigg« Morden, Peggy Moses, Jean Pattin- son, Bobbie Purdy, Ruth Purdy. Barbara Rehder, Sidney Rundie, Mary Spencer, Archie Smale. Keith Slemon, Margaret Storey. Isabel Thompson. Helen Tighe, George Underhill, Donald Venton, Robert West. Richard Westaway. Henry Wightman, Louise Wilson, Winni- f red Wood, Jean Woodward. Passed on Examnations-Murton Allison, Clifford Blunt, Betty Bet- Ves, Allan Brooking, Kenneth Cole, Glenn Cole, Do*6thy Conners. Dur- wood Demerling, Tom Depew. Moira Dinniwell, Marion Gibson, Kenneth Hamm. James Kennedy, Mark Lam- boumne, Kathleen Luxton, Doris Lyle, Gilbert Mcllveen, Delbert Mc- Quarrie, Wallace Martin, Douglas Norton, Margaret Osborne, Helen Robertson, Jean Rice, Frances Rowe, Harold Schlievert. Kelvin Symons, Laura Wilson, Marjorie Wiseman. Recorpmended - George Belman, Frances Crook. Marion Hooper. Lewis Kilgannon. Velma McKnight, Billie Robertson, Irene Shotter, Wil- liam Tomlinson. Sr. Il to Jr. Hl Promoted on Year's Work--Sidney Aider. Miles Allison, Violet Barrett, Elba Caverly. Herbert Cole, Ada Dadson, Florence Densem. Nora Fa- gan, Mavis Garton, Elmer Gibson, Myrtle Hall. Jack Hately, Jean Hen- derson, Irla Jackman, Jean Johnson, Alan Mahood, Ernest Morris, Horace Moses, Lorna Murray, Kenneth Nick- erson. Doris Piper. Coulsin Ruiter, Dorothy Sellers, Catherine Spencer, Winifred Smith, Eileen Stevens, Helen Sumerstord, Helen Tait. Rex Ward. Honours on Examinations-Ken- -ieth Nichols, Joyce Richards. Char- lie Lemon. Donald Spencer, Ross Wright. Pass on Examinations - Florence Buttonshaw, Lenna Brooks, Dorothy Downey. George Downey, Murray Grant. Ellie Harris, Ruth Harris, Freda Jennings, Hazel Little, Lois Large, Wesley Martin, Violet McAl- lister. Effle McFeeters, Helen Nelles, Marion Stephens, Margaret West.- away, Gordon Woolner. Recommended due to illness-Vera Ruiter. Jr. il to Sr. il Promoted on Year's Work-Lorne Gibson, Audrey Foley, Thelma Mar- tin. Jean Trimble. Lorne Yeo. H-onours on Examnations-Cath- erîn C.vill11Vrno- ConorsPat Base Line Three Home ani[ School Club met Thurstiay evening, June 22nd. A short recreation per- ioti was enjoyeti by ail. Mrs. B. Met- calf, Presitient, calleti the meeting Vo ortier. IV was tiecitiedtio have a Home anti School club next year~ anti the following officers weme electeti: Honoary Pesitent-Mrs. B. Metcalf: Presitient-Mr H. Ploley: Vice President.-Mrs. G. Bennett Se'y.-Treasurer-Miss Annie Kush; Pianist-Mias R. M. Bragg; Ast., Pianist-Mrs Roy Metcalf.' The fimst meeting of the Homie anti Schaal Club will be helti on the 24th of Octaber. Mms. G. Bennett antid Mms. L. Power will have charge. I Burns, Vera Coutu, Mary Jean Em- mett, Helen Hooper, Margaret Mc- Donald. Pass on Examinations - Mildred Coul er, Eileen Gibson. Audrey Mars- den. Ruth Stevens. Frank SYmofla, Willa Ward. Jr. I to Sr. I Honours on Examinations-Teddy Clark, Dorothy Crook, Billy Duncan, Kenneth Lemon, Frances Morris, Margaret Nichols. Margaret Rowe, James Stutt, Russel Vestna. Judy Whalen, Jack Welsh, Donald Wright. Passed on Examinations-Kenfleth Fletcher, George Faulkner, Russel Jacobs. Donald Loscombe. John Lyle. Phyllis Martin, Junior Neal. Recommended-Ronald Cole. Sr. Pr. to Jr. I Promoted on Year's Work-Louise Cole, Sally Cole, Eunice Jackman, Eleanor Johnston, Ronald Johnson, Wilfred Knox, Donald Morris. Nellie Parker, Jimimy Southey. John Vir- gin. Honours on Examinations - Roy Abernethy, Jean Allison, Shirley Chalhis, Earl Jackman, Eric McIl- veen, Margaret Minns, Helen Mar- in, Howard Nelles. Aura Prout, Betty Sisson, Betty Trimble, Murray Wood. Passed on Examinations - Roy Connors. Douglas Lemon, Jim Mar- in, Gerald Purdy, Bud Nichols, Eva Sheehan, Lyness Spry. Tommy Ward. Sheila Wilson. Recommended - Stewart Kerr, Gordon Wilcox. Jr. Primer t. Sr, Primer Honours on Examinations - Alan Clayton. Albert Graham, Billy Kil- patrick, Grace Potter, Bobbie R.og- ers, Betty Spencer, Doris Thompson, Junior Welsh. Passeti-Florence Chartran, Geor- ge Forsey, Lloyd Forsey. Doris Gou- lah, Fred Loscombe, Louis McFeet- ers, May Potter, Margaret Stacey. SOUTH WARD Sr. I to Jr. H1 Promoteti on Year's Work-Leon- ard Aider, Ronald Barton, Joyce Buttonshaw, Doris Clapp, Joyce Cowan, Marguerite Hall, Douglas Larkin. Mildmed Luxton. Allan Mas- on, James Nokes. Russell Mofiatt. Ruth Seymour, Hazel Wood, Doug- las Wiseman. Pass on Examinatons-Viola Bar- rell, Helen Bird. Donald Brooks, George Dadson, George Gibson. Jack Large, Ross McQuarmie, Bruce Oke. Margaret Somescales, Billy Steph- ens. Jr. I to Sr. 1 Honours on Examninations-Albemt Mason, Irene Mitchell, Arline North- cutt, Billy Spencer. Pass on Examinations-Leo Bird, Howard Davies. Reid Virtue. Absent through illness, promoted on year's work-Tommy Cowan. Sr. Pr. to Jr. I Promoted on Year's Work-Fmank Bevan, Tommy Bird, Lois Branch, Jean Cochrane, Evelyn Gibson. Dom- othy Hall, Louise Hircock, Helen Large, G*ordion Mantie, Muriel Mc- Donald, Willie Mitchell, George Ro- berts, Wallace Ruiter, George Sell- ecrs. Bessie Stephens. Pass on Examinations-Lois Bur- gess. Eileen Cooper, Billy Edmin- stone, Frances Gillies, Merle Virtue, Evelyn Woodward. Evelyn Young. Jr. Pr. to Sr. Pr. Leonard Lambert, Emma Luxton, Freddie Luxton, Louise Sellers. BASE LUNE I FOR OUTINGS Bathing Caps, 50e value for 29e Others: 15c, 49c, 89c, 98e Vacuum Botties, 39c Thermos Bottles, Pint size 89e Quart, $1.69 - $1.39 Sironglas Thermos, Pint size $1.25 Quart size $2.50 Pienie Jugs, 1 gal1 S L.6 9 AGFA FILMS Complete Fresh Stock Pictures that satisty or a new film f ree. i. W. WORRPAL Optometrist T4e Rotary Club (cofltinued firom page 1) The Fatheir andi Son Night was an- other of Vhe Most interesting meet- ings when Rev. Dr. Harold Young, Toronto, was the speaker. Atitresses covering a wide range of subjects were given by such speakers as Prof. Gordon S. Jury, Dr. Geo. Kilpatrick. Dr. Harold Young. Dr. Bell , the DepuVy Minister of Health; Dm. McCtillough, Chief Inspector of HealVh for the Pro- vince; anti Dr. Stanley Montgomery of Whitby who spoke on mental hy- giefle. In closing President Devitt ex- pressed appreciation to Tom Hol- gate who hati made a splendid song leader during the year, and Vo the club for its kindness shown hima dur- ing his illness . Three cheers were given for the retiring chiet as he concludeti his atidress. While Dr. Devitt's address was ser- ious enough the Club was in a light hearted mood, due ta the closing of what looked Vo be a serions droughV by the heavy rainstorm. With the ain beating dowvn in torrents ouV- sitie, the club joyfully sang "Singing in the Ramn." In view of the holi- day on the next day such patriotic numbers as O Canada and the Maple Leaf were sung. Song Leader Tom Holgate in eminding the club hat the next day was Dominion Day ask- ed if any member knewv the year of Confederation and a gutteral voice tram the enti of the hall hit wide of the mark when he suggesteti 1492. Six members of the Club. Frank Wilhiams. A. R. Virgin, W., Strike, J. W. Jewell. F. C. Vanstone and C. H. Mason. have celebrated birthclays during June and for this NOW 201 MEMBERS 1L5CE EA Buying Advertising Merchandising Collectively Ollering Greater Values SAVINGS Listenine, 25e, 49c, 98e Wbiz Inseet Killer, 33c, 57e Pompeian Beauty Powder ýý154c English Health Salts, 1 lb. 39e O'Keefe's Dry Ginger Ale 1. 24e Scott's Emulsion, 39e, 79e Royal Toilet Tissue, 3 for 25e Noxema 27c, 54e Frostilla .21c Velvitta Bal. 25e Evelyn Howard Face Powder ., 47c We Do Acetylene Welding Batte,-Y Repairs and Charging BodY and Fender Work DO any rePair job on any car and guaratee it. W. Seln Batteries Tires and Tubes Spark Plugs Bulbs WE WASH CAR.S Service with speed is Our motto. Storage at cheap rates. Independent Druggists' Alliance SALE PRICES FOR THURS. FRI. AND SAT. GUM 3 for 10c ENOS Large 79c O' Keef e's Stone Ginger Now 5c l. D A. Miik 0f Magnesia 16 oz. 35c Tooth B RUSH ES 25c value 18c 50C Zamn-Buk t r- at our store Lavender Shaving U Friday 2 to 4 p. m. Cream .11.25c MODESS Monday 10 a. m. Colgate's Tooth 13 to pkg. te 1 P. M . 1 Paste . .. - .2 lc 2 5 c AILEX MceGIREGORK, Drugs PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY PHIONE 92 WE DELIVER Check Up Your Car Our Repair and Service Shop should bc your Automobile Hospital. IVHY ? BECAUSE anything we do on your car, no mat- ter how large or small, we guarantee. BECAUSE aur prices are as reasonable as any prices, anîywhere. BECAUSE you need the service and adviee of our efficient and experienced mechanles. BECAUSE we need your business and goodwill. Corne ln anid consult us. you wiil bie delighted with our courtesy and square deal policy. Wantlng a new or used car? Mr. Clemens willI personallY get you what you want at a price you wtil know is 0. K. CALL CLEMENS' GARAGE CLEMENS' GARAGE4ARS PHONE: GARAGE 188 - RESIDENCE 705 - BOWMANILL.E A & P STORE 4N, THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVHZM, THURSDAY, JULY 6th, 1933 Sale Now On Entire Stock Furniture, Bedding, Etc. comprising the stock in trade and store, office fixtures a.nd equipment of J. L. Westaway and Sons old established, reputahie furmiture store, of PORT HOPE, ONTARIO Purchased from the trustee under the BULK SALES ACT Building bas been sold and must be vacated. Corne Early Store open daily and evenmng To Seli Out Everything crime (?) they donated to club funds a cent for each year of their lite. Bob Stevens, Sergt.-at-Arms, gladly collected the cash as his final official duties for the year. PAGE FOUR