PAGE TWO Re e 0ànabiarn t Estabiished 1854 A Weekiy Newspaper devoted to the interests of the town of Bowmanviile and surrounding country, issued at King Street, Bowm anvilie, every Thursday, by M. A. James & Sons, owners and publishers. The Canadian Statesman is a member of the Canadian Weekiy Newspapers Association, aiso the Classa«'A' Weeklles of Canada. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada, $200 a year; Ini the United States, $2.50 a year, payable in advance. Single copies, 5 cents. THURSDAY, JULY 27th, 1933 Minding One's Own Business Adults and Young folk can always gel new inspira- tion from the writings 0f the modern philosopher, Harry Emerson Fosdick. So we quote the following from his pen: Decisive dealing with one's own if e is always a major problem in youth. Over twenty years ago a Hungarian boy, wbose ancestors had toiled in povemty for centuries on a faim in the Carpathian Mount- ains. landed at the port of New York. He arrived poor in family and friends. and having heard Ihal ail wealth came from Pittsburgh. he went there. Too Young to work he went into a httel kitchen and washed dishes. Trying teo size up the reasons for America's superior opporlunities. he put his finger on education. Then he woked by day and studied by night. When he graduated from high school he womked bis way tbrough one o! the first-rabe univer- sities and graduated with honors; he worked his way through Harvard law School. New he is associated with a leading law firm in New York Ciby and a year ago he was admitted te the bar. Many flrst rate qualities of charicter beiped to make possible such an achievement but at the heart of ail of them was this primary virtue, that Young man decisively and efficiently took charge of himseli. How different is the life of many of our youth Instead of putting responsibility on them, we sur- round them f rom the time they are born with every comfomt that money can buy. To a mature mind knowing the humble breeding places o! great ability. such wel-to-do homes run by indulgent parents propbeczy no superioriby in the childmen who are reared there. But how shall the children know that? To live in a fine bouse, surrounded by a commodjous envir9anmenl, to be pampered and protected, te have money tb spend, leisure te enjoy, te move in the best circ'les - how subtly these so called advantages wtave their spell around the growing children. Lif e looks easy. They learn to trust their fortunate cir- cum.stances. fnot tbemselves. In Scott's phrase, tbcy count a fine set of china to heighten tbe fiavor of indifferent tea. The esuit is often worse than wild- ness; the esuit is indecisiveness. iresponsibilitsy, a meandeming, irresolute, procrastinating life that nev- er arrives. And in youth indecisive procrastination is f atal. The marvel of living when we are Young is that life is a fairy land o! possibilities. When a youth says that he bas flot yet decided whether he will be a civil engineer, or a landscapc arbist, or a lawyer, or a professional aviator. or a clergyman, we have to take hlm seriously. He may be any one of these. The doors are open. He is Young. But wc Who have reached maturity have ahl these years been growing familiar with the sound of closing doors. The range of our possible choices is narmowing down. There are some things on eatb we can neyer do now. It is too, late. Happy the youth who takes charge of his life in lime, makes worthwbile decisions about the loyalties, purposes, and ambitions that shahl con- trol him, and finds his work in the world and mas- ters it! Behind most 0f the sbilly-shallying of young peo- ple is the idea that they can bluff life througb with- out tackling the problem of themselves. It is a vain hope; life has been at the game for a long time and knows aIl the moves. To many a youth wealth ap- t pears omnipotent, sa that to possess it seems a suf- 1 ficient substitute for seriously wrestling with oneself. 1 The fact is, however, thal great possessions only throw a man back upon bimsclf. For there is an c important difference between possession and owner- c sbip; possession is having tbings: ownership is bbc enjoyment and appreciative use of tbings. Said the t poet te Dives, *'The land is yours, but tbc landscape is mine." Possession concerns whab a man has in bis hands-, ownership, what a man is in himself. Open Season for Practical Jokers 1t Instead o! bavîng an open season for ducks. pheas- ants or wvhat bave you, why not change it to practîcal jokers? We believe theie would be mucb mare sat- isfaction in bbc procesaï and thbcocunbry could be assured o! impravement. The most recent joke Ihat bas been recorded taok place in Tyronle wberc twa fine hamas, l "ail-pipcd." galloped inta bbc village wibb lin cana ratbling on the gr'ounds at their heels, crashed into a car. in- juring one horse sa that it bad to bc abat, and put- ting bbc other in a condition that will probably leave il a nervous and undependable animal for bbc rest o! ita ife. And bbc anly excuse was that. bbc per- petrabors didn'btbink wbhat migbt bappen and anly did ib for fun. Tbougbtless acta have resulted even more sciously than this one. It was nal so long ago that a man In a local factory was resling on a large bell wbcn anothen sbaîtcd the machine ta, give the sîceper a jolI and instead drcw bim into tbc machine ncanly cnusbing hlm ta deatb. Practical jokes arc evenyday occurrences, but o! len resuît in aciaus badily injury. Sucb a seemingly little lbing sucb as pulling a chair froni under a per- son. bas injured many persans. Another wise tr'ick Is coming up behind a pewrsan and slapping bhcmr on the back wibh great force. More than anc pair o! false eetb bave been thrown 10 bbc pavement on knocked dowvn bbc victim's Ibroat. One tbougbbless act on tbc part o! a fcw matai'- ists is ta, appraach a persan and try'ta sec bow close tbey can came ta the pedestirian wthaut hittîng bii. Or rushing ta a stop street and slamming on bbc brakes. If bbey didn't wark there might be 'cur- tains" for someone. At camps and beaches there is a good deal o! tbougbtlcss joking that Ès dangeraus. Pushing peo- ple off bbc dock ia a plan that will, If continued, more thanIi ikely bing bbc life guard int action. People wbo about for bclp wbîîe in swimmîng jual to sec somne person get excited about Ibeir safety, endangen the lives o! evcryonc in bbc water because bbc next lime a cny goea up lb will not likely be beedcd. Throwing people intoIbe water, ducking swlmmcrs, thmowing atones aI swimimers 10 sec Ibeni dodge, and many other tricks, bave great danger' signala written all over tbemn if tbc person who Is about ta perperate tbem will but take a moment to thlnk. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANIqvnj, THURSDAY, JULY 27th. 1933 The Annual Picnic - Long May lit Li Newspapers are crammed full o! reports o! f e-unions. church and Sunday school picnics other happy gabberings. Theme is nothing quibe so enjoyable as the ai picnic in the aumimer time. Especially the f, picnic where evemy member o! the clan.eagerly a the day. -When that day arrives, the folks quit and leave caly for the scene of .lbe celebro Usually the fist few boums are spent in meelini friends and getting acquainted wilb the young that will carry on the picnics in the future. year's picnic always comes in for a great dez discussion as to .just who won the bail game, tbei ried men or the single, and whelhem Mms. So an was present. When pretty well aIl the connei has assembled the races begin. These are o! n vaieties and most o! themn are handed downJ generabion to generation, allhough a new one br into the scene evemy now and then. Threading needle, pobato race, finding the right shoes in a and tbat old favorite, eating a soda biscuit, witli firsI one whose wbistlc is wel enough to chimp Save the King, the winnem, are a few o! the1 Evemy person, except the haIt, the blind, the ageÉ tbe afflicled, enter these conlests and the f un la generated is wonderful 10 behold. Then, for some, the most enjoyable part o! picnic arrives, the dmnnem, Tables are piled so1 witb food that they strain and groan under the 1 den. But not for long. With appetiles whettec tbc races, the hungmy hordes dig into the maze sandwiches, cake, lemonade, somelimes chicken ice cream. but always delicious pics, and soon b are being loosened and certain overzealous o groaning in apparent agony. But they gnin and b it and soon the food has nearly ail disappearedî everyone bas le! t for the baIl field. At the bah !field, the married men and tbc sir men make up the two teams, while their support: wives and sweebbearls galber on the sidelinesa cheer lustily. And as bbc sun is sinking 10w, the crowd brei up. thomougbly tired out, but happy and content with a lopic o! conversation that will lasI fort wbole year. May Ibese functions neyer die, buti cease in popularity so thal every person may included in at least one picnic a year and tbusj real enioyment out 0f living that cannot be oblair by any othem method. - Legal or Illegal ? Let's Decide bced in- be gel .ied Lotteries, raffling and ail games cf chance, are, according 10 official law, strictly illegal. There are no clauses legalizing tbem, whetber tbc proceeds are 10 be utilized for relief, crippled children, 10 eect a new town pump, or 10 psy off tbc morîgage on tbc old bomeslead. The law says no. But following the wam a new regime came into being wbere the gov- ermients considered thal where tbc money raised was for a good purpose tbey would close one eye and lobk at the sky witb the other. And so bbe practice bas coninued unlil both eyes have closed and raf- fles and lotteries have become almost a habit. Recently citizens were ruffled wben tbc auto wbicb the Rotary Club was raffling to obtain money for one o! bbc fineat causes in the world. the crippled children, %vas seized with lhree local boys who were seliingý tickets in Guelph. A fine was imposed by the Guîelph police magistrale and bbc publicity given bbc seizure almost stopped the sale o! tickets in oulside points. The wbole malter seems uncalled for. If the prai lice is illegal why not lct the governmcnt condem: it and issue warnings that will immediabely stop an organization f romn entering on sucb a proposition Or if il is to be condoned and overlookcd as domn a good work, wby not make il legal for an organiza lion te run any type a! gambling juat so, long as lbi proce-eda are ta be entirely devoted 10 cbarity or re. lie! o! some nabure? Ib la an opportune lime for bbc govennmenb 10 de. cide whetber la make provisions that will enab. clubs and socielies 10 continue wilb assurance Ibal bbey are legal, or else 10 place an absolube, ban or bbc practice and enfonce IL. We Should Be Thankful Witb bbe sun. bealing down upon the eartb so hot that tbc grass, usually green, la tunning almnost brown, crops drying out and cvemytbing sweltering in the heal. we sbould tbank God that wc are living in a locality wberc in a few minutes we can be per- fecbly cool, even chilly. Jualtvaw miles away Lake Ontario bas been pro- viding soolbing satisfaction bo many beat-burdened people tbc Iast !ew days. Sunday was the biggest lay o! bbc season witb bbc beaches crowded wibb nen. womcn and cbiîdren In seancb o! relief. And good old Lake Ontario was aI ber best, cool, a libtle wavy, dlean and wonder!ul. The scene made us f ccl migbly sorry for people who cither liye tea fan inland 10 reacb a baven such as this, on those wbo are afilicted, agcd, or confincd for some reason 10 Ibeir bouses. We wbo were able to be Ihere should be most lbankful. Artificial Respiration The number o! drownings aI batblng beaches in Ill parla o! Onbario in recent years bas stimulaled a new intciesb in methods o! resuscilalion. In not a fw cases, persans bave been pulled f rom bbce water fter beîng submerged for several minutes.'and witb Le application o! arlificial respiration life bas been sstored. The prone melbod is generally conceded ýbe tbc mosb effective and consisîs o! bhmee distinct novemcnls wbich may be dcscnibed as follows: First, wibh bbc victim lying face downward and ,e hcad burned ta one side, atraddle bbc hipa and lace bbc palma o! your hands on the amaîl o! bis )ack wibb bbe fingers over the ribs. Bend your body ighbly forward so tbc weigbl o! your aboulders can >brougbb mbt play. Yaur arms should be kept *iraighb and stiff. Second swing your body forward slowly so Ibat as wcîght is gradually brought te bear on bbc vic- im. This compresses tbe thorax and expels air rom bbe lunga. Third. swing backward and remove ail pressure om bbe patient. The thorax and diaphragma wilI xpand from tbcii' own elaabicity and air will be 'awn mb bbch lungs. After an intex-val, relurn t10 he fiast movement. Repeat Ibis processata a speed ýf16 to 18 per minute. Keep up for lbree or foui' boums, or until a docten rrives. Succeas in arbificial respiration dependa as iucb on perseverance as upon knowledge o! bbc chnique. r f v n fi a t( ni bu aI tl 'E fi th al ar st in y .ive ! family sand mnual .amily iwaits work ution. g9 old ones Last ai o! mar- id So ýction nany f rom reaks ythe pile, i tbe God best. d, or that the higb bur- d by e0f pie, Dcîts Dnes bean and igle r ting and jb Y 12Ž s c t( ai ai ni lx h mv A HMEALTH SERVC F~JI g TECANADIAN IC. 1- ASSOCIATION ANDO FI INSIdRANCE COMPANIES ie IN CA NA DA 4 THE MEDICINE 'HST In the batbroom o! mrost homes, le Ihere is set in or banging on bbc, wali a eceptacle, witb two or lhree; Lt shelves, te wbich bbc name "mcdi- n cine cabinet" la given. The name implies that the contents consist o! drugs and otber matemiais te be us-J cd in connection witb the trealment o! sickness or injuries. iUnlesa yourm iedicine cabinet is very different f rom most others, it contains a collection o! boilet anti- cles. a f ew botles o! medicine, us- 9 ually some iodine and an assortmcnt g o! anything f nom rusty azor bladcs to bairpins and a botle o! poison. Every home should have a mcdi- cine cabinet and Ibis cabinet sbould be locked. Medicines. even tbougb i hey arc not poisonous. should nol; t be kept in any place to wbich cbild- 1 en have access. The bottlc or bbc, box o! tablets may be tempting tei bbch young chlld, wbo quite naturally acquimes bis knowledgc o! the wold by feeling and lasling. > There is no good eason for keep- ing medicines and tbc like in the batbmoom. Keep tbem lockcd in a box wbich can be kept in a cup- board and brought out wben needed. The bathroom cupboamd is tbe nat- unal epositomy for toilet articles, and it sbould be reser'ved exclusive- ly for Ihat pumpose. Ib is a mistake to bave a lot o! drugs amound bbc bouse. After any ilînesa for wblch drugs bave been prescibcd, any le! -overs sbould be destroyed at lte end o! the illncas. Many drugs loac their potency a! ber a lime. Drugs are prescribed as realmenl for a certain condition in a particular lndividual, and lbey sbould neyer be used by anyone cIse upon bbc supposition that bbey are the treatment requlred. To have bottles o! medicine am- ound suggcsls Ibat lbey are 10 be uscd, and their presence is apt t1, lead 10 ill-advtsed atlemPts ab self- medication. Il suggests 10 cbildnen Ibal medicines are a normal if noti a desinable necesslty o! life. Ib im- plies bbc use o! medicine ather tItan bbc cultivation o! better babils o! living. The medicine cabinet is a relic o! bbc days o! "spring lonics," wben every bousehold had ils favourite remedy for constipation and stem- ach aches. The few drugs which may be kepl in the borne sbould be Iocked away In a box whicb can be bougbt out wben needed. and il ils surpmislng how seldom il will be needed by those who give reasonable attention bo their habits o! daily living. Questions concemning Heallb, ad- dressed b Ithe Canadian Medical Association, 184 College Street, Tom- onte, will be answered personally by lelter. IN THE DIM and DISTANT PAST TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO 1 FIFTY YEARS AGO From The Statesman, July 29, 19081 From The Statesman. JuIy 27, 1883 Dr. . M Briacobe psse aw Married-At the B. C. ParsoM.liw. Drn Sunda., JUy 26th i is 72 y i Bomarlvile, by Rev. J. Harris, Mr. on Snday Juy 26h, n hi 72d T. G. Col will to Miss Ells Vanstone. year. ail of Darlington. Mr. T. Hl. Follick. M.A., for many Died-In Bowmanvillc. Jiîly 25th. years Science Master in St. Marys. 6yas has b ee pone.oasmlrP~ Mr. Kennedy went to St. Afldrew5s itionhere.Church on Sabbath at the appoint- Mr. John Elliott, Principal of ed time and found a goodly inumber Bowmanville High School, Is holi- of the congregation. assembled. but daying in Bruce county. tedo a okd r pne Dr. and Mrs. F. C. Trebilcock and the dor as oclved. Mr.t eser o daughter Marjorie have just return-th efuse o ie pth ey0 ed from England. The car load of horses shipped byv Sergt. F. H. Morris won £106 for Mr. S. Cotton to the Montreal Ex- the Canadian Bis]ey teami and £9 change was really the bestsxte for hinxself. Private Geo. J. Rowe horses we have seen for sonie lime. made a capital record winning £14 Mr. Sam Hughes and familY re-' for the team and £8 for himself. turned f rom a trip to Quiebec and 15 Mr. W. T. Greenaway, Port Hope, staying at Sherjif Burk's. has completed 25 years as foreman Miss Maggie McLaughlin has gone of the Port Hope Guide, and was to Murray Bay, Que.. in company presented with a beautiful silver with Hon. E. Blake's familY. jmounted cane suitably engraved. Mr. Thos. Tod has returned fromî Miss E. A. Allin. M.A., Sunderland. Hudson Bay Fort and will remain a former highly respected teacher of at home for a time. Bawmanville High School. has been Winnipeg Siftings gives an a c- appointed teacher of Modems at count of the wedding of Arthur Gif Lindsay. and Miss Maggie Smith, f ormierly- of Mr. and Mrs. William Cann haýve Oshawa. The bride and groom pass- one on a trip to the Pacific ed through town enroute te Mon- Died-In Haydon. on July 27thte. Mary Ann, relict of the late Thos. Rev. Mr. McEwan addresscd thel Mountjoy. Sunday school workers in the Pres- Died-I1n Bowmanville, July 21st, byterian Chiurch on July 17 and 18. Stella M Souch. beloved wife of Wil- a poem on "Ten Years Ago- wri- liam Morrison, aged 41 years. ten by Thos. Yellowlees. review V Marne-In Brooklyn, N. Y., July ents in their marnied life. 6th, by Rev. J. H. Mellish, Dr. Hen- A. o. U. W. Jottings records Bow- ry Ferguson Shepherd, of South manville lodge mheeting second andi Shields, Eng., and Miss Velma Flor- fourth Friday in the Observer Block. ence, eldest daughter of Mr. Philip Chas. Keith. M.W.. and A. Barber, Tyler. Recorder. Civic Holiday excursion is adver- Whenever you want an easy shave. tised to Peterboro and Burleigh. As good as barber ever gave, Hampton: W. M. S. Auxiliary will Aut xnoming. ee, orbs aoon. give a lawn social August Ilth, Rev. He woi cut and omor hair with. David Rogers, Seaforth, is expected. graclleutad, m ou arwt J. L. Johns la improving and To suit the contour o! your face: hopes soon to bie around again , His shears are sharp and razors keen rhos. Robbins, a resident of our vil- His shop is neat and always dlean: lage for many years. passed away And everything we think you'll find July 23md. aged 78 years Thos. Te suit the taste and please the Welch is turning out No. 1 cheese. mind. Tyrone: A. E. Manning, wif e and-l sons Ralph and Carl, Hamilton, are guests of John Congdon Thos. It is easy to tell the toiler Goodman. miller, is moving f rom How best he can carry his pack; Brooklin te Tyrone Miss M. Brit- But no one can rate a burden's ton. Port Perry. is visiting hiem sister. weight MIrs. Blake Pollard. Until he has it on his back.j Haydon: Thos. McGill. wife and _ _____________ aughter Reva, are taking a trip te the Northwest The neighborhood mourns the death of Mrs. Thos. Mountjoy. Mrs. M. A. Heron, son nd daughtem, of Glendive, Mont., re visiting f riends here. Enniskillen: Miss Edith Virtue will report the Summer School at League _Daisy Mission Band Pic- icked in James Stainton's woods Ross Jewell has returned f rom a rip to Quebec. Mrs. Saul Cornish as returned,*o er daughter's home, [rs. R. Worth, Town. PO CARS AND TRUCKS ['RAIGHT EIGHT OLDSMOBILE SIX AND STRAIGHT EIGHT McLAUGHLIN-BUICK STRAIGHT EIGHTS W ~7HEN you set out to pick your next car, be sure you choose a leader. And you can scarcely go wrang on Ihat if you "sec Roy Nichols finat". Because seventy per cçnt. of ail new cars sold in Bowmanville this ycan have been del ivercd f nom these showrooms. No doubt about it-in Bowmanville as weIl as in thc whoie Dominion -it's wise to choose a Gencrai Motors Car! Why nol corne in today and drive the sales leader of youn choîce? Naturally Roy Nichois can-give you a better pnice on your present car because he's seliing more used cars, as weli as new cana, than anybody cise in town! See the Sales Leaders at ROY NICIIOLS' BOWMANVILLE and COURTICE M . LLL N, owmanviIIe fi W.E. DAVEY, Orono NELSON'S July Hoslery Sale Featuring Hose for the entire family at Big Savings Friday and Saturday only SEE WINDOWS Men's Sunîner TOGGERY at haif price Men's White Duck Pants, regular $2.50, On Sale............ $ * 1 Men's White and Grey Flannels regular $4.50, On Sale ....... : op Men's Silk Shirts and Shorts, regular 59c, On Sale.................39 Men's Sweat Shirts, S regular $1.29, On Sale................ s Men's Running Shoes & Boots-Greatly Reduced Men's Sport Shirts- Regular eRegular $1.29 for '7 98C for 59 Nelson's-Stores PHONE 595 WALK A BLOCK - SAVE A LOT