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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jul 1933, p. 4

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WAGE FOUB THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANvTLLR. T4TTR.~flAV .TTTT V 9'7f h i Q~2 i CADMUS Misses Leah and Beth McQuade visited Mis,,, Birdie Gibson on Sun- day. Messrs. Roy and Earl Thompson visited Mn. Lloyd Tbompson on Sun- day. Miss Lucille Hyland is visiting ber gnandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hyland. Messrs. Fred Dayes and Alfred Thornett spent Sunday evenmng at Mn. John Elfond's. Mr. Jack Gibson and nephew, Mn. Mell Johnston, spent the weekend at Mn. Edgar Gibson's. Congratulations to Beth McQuade and Merlin Philp on passing their entrance examinations. Mr. Milton Payne and his mother, Mrs. Payne of Montreal, have been visiting Mrs. Cecil Ferguson. A number f rom this vicinity have been to the north country and re- port huckleberries to be a good crop. Messrs. Glenn Gibson and Lloyd Thompson attended the garden par- ty at Fleetwood Saturday evening and provided sevenal musical select- ions for the entertainment. HAMPTON Mrs. Geo. Burt is visiting ber daughten at Markbam. Ml-s. Wes. Watchorn recently vis- ited Blackstock relatives. Miss Jessie Knox has accepted the school at Egypt near Blackstock. Mrs. Connie of Cameron visited her sister, Mrs. Grace Clatworthy. Master Raymond Pettit spent a few days with friends in Toronto. Mrs. Jas. Jebson visited her son Harold at Tbonnhill for a few days. Mr. W. J. Inch and son, Weston, recently visited bis mothen, Mrs. T. Rowe. Mrs. Ida Smahe is spending a week with ber mother, Ml-s. Hartford, To- ronto. Mr. W. G. Doidge is repairing bis threshing outfit getting ready for tbe coming season's work. Mr.s. J. A. Cole and son Donald, Bowmanville, visited ber parents, Mr. and Mns. C. W. Soucb. Miss Mary Niddery lef t on Satur- day for Gravenhurst where she has accepted a position at the hospital. Mrs. W. Ruse who was a patient in Toronto, bas been removed to Bow- manville Hospital and is progressing nicehy. Miss Grace Cawken, Port Penry, visited tbe Misses Pascoe and at- tended the Young People's Picnic at Oshawa. Mn. F. J. Groat is being congra- tulated on the success of bis en- trance pupils, thirteen of the sixteen passed. Mrs. Allan Parker retunned to ber home in Montreal on Saturday after spending a week with ber mother, Mrs. Mary Goodman. Mr. W. W. Horn visited bis bro- ther, Mr. J. B. Horn, Dutton. wbile visiting western Ontario cities and towns on a vacation motor trip. Mr. and Mrs. Lomne McGibbon and fanily, Mr. and Mrs. Spratt and son, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. R. Sutton, Orono. were recent visitors of Mr. W. Watchorin. The adult picnic held at the 'Summer Schools:ý open the way for Higb Sebooli and College Graduates to begin' prepanation for Secretarial ap-i pointments in Business. Our Special Course may be completed! battendance or by Extension, plans. Particulars on request. W. R. Shaw, Registrar, DePt. H-3, Bay-Charles, Toi into. Pink< and White Gold Fui-Vue and Raimless C. H. TUCK, Opi. l, e>cs.;;rt SpecLilisi Opp. P.O. Oshawa over the Wash Tub When you can have us do your laundry satisfactonily and economicaily. Join our growing ist of customers. Goods cailed for and deiiv- ered. Prompt service. Miarjoram' s Laundry Phone 478 King St. E. Cream of Banhey Camp, Bowman- ville, was welh attended and mucb enjoyed. Races, basebahi and other sports furnished amusement for ahi. Mn. Levi Reattoire was awarded the pnize for being the ohdest man present, Mrs. Frank Stonhouse for 1the ohdest woman, and baby Craig for the youngest cbihd present. The Young People's picnic was hehd at Oshawa on Satunday. 3 Rev. W. Rackbam preacbed a 1good sermon on Sunday f nom the worcls: 'Wbere no oxen are, the crib is dlean; but much increase is by the stnength of the ox," Pnov. 14:4. In exphamning these words the ministen spoke of the satisfaction one sbouhd enjoy in baving work to do in these crucial times. i NESTLETON Mns. J. Veale, Toronto, was necen guest of Mrs. P. Wright. Don't fonget Nestleton Anniversar: on August 6th and 7tb. Mn. and Mns. R. W. Pbîlp spen Sunday at Williams' Point. Mn. Roy Wright was guest of hi; mother. Mrs. Peter Wright. Mrs. Lambkin visited Mn. and Mrs Thos. Williams on Monday. Mn. James Gordon is quite ill. Wi wish bim a speedy necoveny. Mn. Mar-vin Nesbitt was guest o;. Miss Ehyda Taylor necenthy. Mn. and Mns. Sidney Tnewin call ed on Mn. Fred Taylor on Sunday. Scugog quartet wene guest of Mn and Mrs. Thos. Williams on Sunday Service was held in the Presbyter. ian Cburcb on Sunday aften beini redecorated. Miss Mabel Jackson, Windsor. i. bolidaying with bier parents, Mn and Mns. R. Jackson. Miss Louise Davidson and Mastei Leonard have been visiting fniend., in Toronto and Niagara. Mn. and Mns. Wm. Samelîs anÉ Mns,. Lambkin visited Mn. and Mrs Herman Samehîs on Sunday. We congratulate Mr. Johnnie Tay- hon, Mr. Neil Malcolm and Mn. OlliE Wetherilt on passing their EntrancE examinations. Mn. Rahph Emmerson, Miss Mar- ion Taylor, Mn. Arnold Johnston. and Miss Leona Williams, motoned to Bowmanvilhe necenthy. Mn. and Mns. James Stewart and family. Mn. Wm. Hutchison and Miss Pearl Hutchison, of Peterboro. visit- ed Mn. and Mns. John Hooey recent- hy. Mrs. Robent Bell and Miss Pearl, Mrs. John Haoey. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Wight and Miss Donothy, Mrs. Joe Taylor, Miss Marion and Jobnnie. were guests of Mn. and Mrs. Hermnan Samelîs necenthy. iMAPLE GROVE Miss Enid Twist is visiting bier brother, Mn. Fred Twist, Toronto. Miss Doris Grooms, Toronto, is visiting Misses Betty and Mihdred Snowden. Mrs. Geo. Stevens, Detroit, Rev. and Mrs. H. W. Foley, Springbrook, bave been visiting Mn. and Mrs. J. D. Stevens. Misses Iva Foley and Nellie Snow- den and Mn. Alfred Laird, Jr., are attending Summen schooh at Oak ýLake this week. Mn. G. A. Williams and bis moth- en, Mns. Williams, LaFayette, Indi- anna. visitcd Mrs L. C. Snowden on Weneday week. Little Miss Eiheen Twist. who bas been visiting bier grandmother, Mrs. L. Twist, for the past 5 months, ne- tunned home witb bier mothen this week. Mns. L. C. Snowden, Misses Betty and Mildred, Mn. Bob Snowden. and Miss Doris Grooms, Toronto, visited Mn. and Mns. Harold Thompson and famihy, Scarboro, on Sunday. W. M. S. will meet in the hall on Wednesday, August 2nd, at 2 p. m. <standard time>. The Mission Band, C.G.I.T. and Young Ladies' Bible Class wihl meet on the school grounds at 2.30 p. m. wbere tbey will be ioined by the W. M. S. members. All ladies and gentlemen in the neighborhood invited. Game of softball will be phayed and other sports for the smallen ones w-ill be nrovided. Ladies please bring your baskets. As many as possible frn the Base Line wili be wehcomed. TYRONE Mn. Brenton McCullough bas ac- cepted a position in Toronto. Mr. W1-1. MacDonald, Cobourg, visited at Mn. Wîiis Stewant's. Congratulations ta Muriel Mot- on, Mildred Bradley and Susie Thompson on passing the Entrance examinations. Mn. and Mrs. Aihan Annis, Cath- armne and Arthur, Oshawa, visited at Mn. A. W. Annis', recenthy. Cathan- mne remnained for a holiday. Mr. F. L. Byam. accompanied by Mns. C. Byam., Bowmanvilhe, attend- ed the funeral o! tbe iate Mrs. (Rev.) Stihlweih at Mîlbrook on Sun- day. Mrs. James Kennedy and Anene, Miss Emmerson and Mrs. Eastman, Bowinanvihhe, Mn. George Bedford, Purphe Hill, spent Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Byron Moore. fMn. James Dudley, Mn. and Mrs. Floyci Dudley and famihy spent Sun- day at Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Bnadd's, Oshava. and visited Mns. J. Dudley who is convalescing at the home of ber daughter. Women's Missianary Society are ceiebrating the 25tb birthday anni- ver.sary on Wednesday. August 2nd. at 3 p. m. <ST.> in the cburcb. Al neighboring auxiianies are invited and expected. Good programn is be- ing arranged. Tea served. Ahl lad- i&a a! tbe community are condiahhy invited ta attend and behp make the birtbday party a success. Wamen's Instittute and Ladies' Aidi beld their meeting at the hame o! Mns. N. J. Woodley. Af ten the busi- ness the presidextt cailed on Mrs. L.i Bnadley's graup wba presented the1 foiiowing prognam: Vocal sala, Mrs. . Tbeo Down; a splendid tahk on "Thei Laws of Ontario in regard ta Wo-1 men and Cbildren" was given by Mns. J. C. Cairns, Bowmanviiie; neading, Miss Adehaide Annis: neci-1 tation. Miss Helen Trimm; a dem-( onstration, "Cbanging a sick bed1 with a patient in it" was given by Miss Elizabeth Bigelow. A social half bour was enjoyed at tbe close.1 b S ir h w Mns. J. A. Stainton and Clifford. Toronto, visited ber mather, Mrs. J. Pye. Dr. and Mrs. Harding, Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Dr. and Mrs. Fenguson. Congratulations ta Miss Inene Sharpe on passing ber entrance ex- aminations. Congratulations to Mrs. George Preston and Mn. A. Tboman on their necent marriage. Ghad ta repart Mn. Fred Mountjoy is daing nicely a! ter bis necent op- enatian in Bowmanvilhe Hospital. Mrs. G. Calian. Mn. H. Pye, Baw- manville, Mrs. J. Curtis and Mrs. H. Cole. Hampton, visited at Mrs. J. Pye's. Masters Allan and Donald Fergu- son are bolidaying with their grand- parents, Mr. and Mns. J. Ferguson, Uxbridge. Mn. and Mrs. Hoskin Smith and Ray spent the weekend witb the farmer's brother, Mn. Jack Smith, Bcbcaygeon. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Page, Mn. Max Page and Miss Doris Wetters. Toronto, Mrs. Cecil Branton. Oshs- awa, visited their parents, Mn. and Mrs. S. Page. Mrs. E. C. Ashton, wbo bas been visiting in Toronto, accompanied by ber daugbten, Mrs. S. May, attended the A. R. Clarke Co. boat trip and picnic to Queenston Heigbts and Niagara Falls on Saturday. On Saturday evening, July 29tb, under auspices o! the Ladies' Assoc- iation, a play "The Red-Headed Stepcbild" wilh be presented by Sol- ina young people. Speciai music be- tween acts. Admission 25e and 10c. Mrs. Isabeil Maud Preston was quiethy marrled at the home a! Mrs. Milton Tripp. 42 Nanton Ave., Ton- onto, ta Mr. Albert Charles Thaman, Kitchener, Ont. by Rev. J. M. Wbyte on Saturday, July 22nd. Our girls' softbali teama had a tit- for-tat game wlth Zion girls last ENFIELD Mn. Elmer Prescott bas been visit- ing at Castleton. Mr. Frank Smith bas been visit- ing at Bobcaygeon. Misses Elford, Blackstock, visited at Mr. Walter Ferguson's. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ormiston ne- cently visited in Toronto. Mr. Hoskin Palmer, Toronto, is visiting at Mn. E. Ormiston's. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Scott, Kedron, visited at Mn. Wallace Scott's. Masters John and James Bray, Toronto, visited at Mr. S. Bray's. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Pascoe, Brook- lin, visited at Mr. L. C. Pascoe's. Miss Grace Stark bas bad ber tonsils removed at Bowmanville Hos- pital. Congratulations to Misses tEdith Cochrane, Muriel Gilroy, and Mur- ray McCulloch on passing tbe En- trance exams. The spring grain seems to be rip- ening too soon in this Iocality to be of good quality. The faîl wbeat wil be the best crop this season. i COURTICE Mr. Alf. Welsb, Kitchener, is vis- iting bis mother. Mn. Erie Ford visited in Ogdens- burg, N. Y., and otber places over the weekend. Mrs. Florence Mason, Bowman- ville, visited ber brother, Mr. W. R. Courtice, on Sunday. Mrs. Eleanor Bale and Miss Eve- lyn Everson, Oshawa, were recent visitors of Mrs. W. R. Courtice. Master Billy Saules, Toronto, ne- turneci home after a lengthy visit witb his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Brooks. The services on Sunday evenings have been beld at the lake on Mr. Walter Rundle's farm, for two Sun- days and will be beld there next Sunday evening. We congratulate Miss Velma Pearce, Miss Doris Wade and Mas- ter Allan Vinson of No. 4 school on passing the Entrance exams. Vel- ma and Doris won bonours. Also Gondon Balson, Margaret Gay, Eh- aine Pickering and Michael Vetzal of No. 8 school. HAYDON The annual. Sunday Scbool Pic- nic will be held on August 7tb, at Pine Grove Park. Everyone wel- come. Mn. and Mns. W. Stowe and son Billy, Mrs. A. Grant and Mn. Bill Grant, Toronto, visited at Mn. A. McNeil's. Mrs. J. Ruthedge, Miss Effie Rut- ledge. Mrs. W. Giffler, Salem, Miss Phyllis Challis, Bowmanville, visited at Mn. Theron Mountjoy's. Mn. and Mrs. H. Ashton, Messrs. Fned, Lewis and Bert Ashton, Mrs. E. Bradley, Misses Rema and Freda Bradley, Miss Grace Wehch, visited at Mn. S. Woolings'. Fairpont Beach. Mn. and Mrs. Norman Welcb and Gordon, Mn. Lewis Jobnston. Ton- onto, Mn. and Mrs. J. Avery, Mn. Cyril Avery, Miss Gladys Wotten, Bunketon, Mn. and Mns. F. West- lake, Frank and May, Mn. Kennetb Vice, Sohina, visited at Mn. C. Av- ery's. A goodly number attended the League picnic at Cream of Barley Camp hast Saturday. About 40 sat down to a bounteous supper of van- ied goodies. The supper completed, everyone enjoyed the various races, winners being as follows: Young lad- ies' bammer race-Grace Tnewin, Annie Trewin; Young men's biscuitt ontest-Tom. Phillips, Earl Thomp-i son; Married ladies' flat iran thnow- ing-Mrs. E. Bradley, Mrs. H. Cross- mian: Married men bowling-C. Av-f ery, E. Bradley; 3-hegged race-Viola1 Bradley and Fred Ashton, Grace t Tnewin and Eanh Thompson; Back o back race-Rema Bradlhey and 'red Ashton, Ada Beech and Lewis Ashtcn. ENNISKILLEN S Mn. H. Pye is nenewing bis bouseb :y a coat of paint. 1 Mn. Fred Billet, Hampton, spent unday with Mn. John Slemon. Mrs. Hockridge, Toronto, is visit- sg ber sister, Mrs. Jas. Bradley. Mn. Jas. Stainton. Sr., visitbed at is daughter's, Mrs. H. Stevens Mr. Orville Ashton spent h eeekend with friends in Toronto. Let us help you to enjoy your pienic by iessenlng your labor. We have - Paper Cups, 10c doz. 75e per 100 Paper Plates 6c to 10c doz. Decorated Waxed Plates, l5c and 20e doz. Paper Spoons and Forks, 10e and 15c doz. Paper Tablecioth 2 yds. 5c Paper Baklng Cups, 15e pkg. of 80 Paper Serviettes 60 for 15c Picnic Baskets 29c te 60c Wax Paper -15c for 40 f t. rol J.W. JEWELL BOOKS & STATIONERY PAINTS & WALLPAPER BIG 20 BOWMANVILLE week. On Tuesday they played ag- ainst Zion, winning by several runs. Friday evening Zion defeated oun home team by a score of 9-3. The teamn did some good playing in the tournament at Claremont field day On Wednesday. They won in the flrst game against Greenbank but were defeated by Pickering, the score being 13-10. SALEM Miss Thelma Werry is spending a week's vacation with ber cousin, Miss Mutton, Brighton. The Misses Mary and Ethel Wil- kins, Courtice, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. A. Wilkins. Mrs. Garnet Richards and Mis Joan, Toronto, are bolidîaing with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Richards. ' Mr. and Mrs. L. Savery and f am- ilY, Newtonville, are visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mns. A. Welsh. Miss M. Barrett, Newcastle, and Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson, Toronto, are holidaYlng with Mr. and Mrs. F. Honey. Mr. Stewart Craib and little daughter, of Keene, were Sunday visitors in the neighborhood, visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. L. Richards, Mr. and Mrs. A. Richards and remaining over nigbt with Mr. and Mrs. F. Honey. Mr. Holden of Oshawa very ably occupied the pulpit here last Sun- day, in the absence of our pastor who is away on vacation. Mr. Hol- den's fine discounse centred anound the theme of the common and little things of 111e. The usual church service will be withdrawn here next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Honey and Miss Marion attended the Hutchison and Barnet picnic at Cream of Barley Camp on Saturday hast wben some 35 members were present f rom Ton- onto, Locust Hill, Audley. Pickering, and Newca.stle, and enjoyed a jolly ne-union with an abundance of dainty refreshments. the particular feature being the birthday cehebra- tion of a recent bride and groom, for wh.ich a special birthday cake was provided and a welcome extend- ed to the newly added memben to the clan. miss Mildred Barrett, Pickering, accompanied her cousin, Miss Ma.rion Honey, home f rom the picnic for weekend visit. j SOLINA BLACKSTOCK Mr. George Forder spent the week-end with friends in Hamilton. Mr. Oliver Smith is attending the World's Grain Exhibition in Regina. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown, Vasey, visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ferguson recently. Dr. F. W. Marlow and Mr. Arthur Green, Toronto, spent the week-end with relatives. Ml-s. N. Henry, Janetville, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bailey, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Johnston and family spent Sunday with Mr. and1 Mrs. N. Mountjoy. Mr. and Mrs. Corner and family have returned home af ter spending a holiday in Pembroke. Royal Black Knights of Ireland purpose celebrating "Derry Day" in Blackstoek on Aug. l2th. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ferguson and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Ferguson, Cadmnus. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McBrien and family, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hamilton. Congratulations to Miss Verna McNa]ly on passing ber Elementary Piano examination with honors.. Miss Alice Heaslip. Toronto, is visiting ber aunts, Mrs. Wallace Marlow and Mrs. Harry VanCamp. Mr. and Mrs. Hutchison, Mr. and Mrs. F. Waterman, Monaghan. were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. F. Willan. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Griflin and little daughter Jean spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Melville Griffin, Cadnius. Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Dawson, Windsor, have been visiting Mrs.1 Dawson's parents, Mr. and Irs. Fred Bailey. Miss Pearl Wright and Miss Kath- leen Wright are visiting their uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Norman Holmes, Oshawa. Mrs. Brandon, Mr. and Mrs. James Henry and Miss Gertie Hen- ry spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Lawson, Yelverton. Mrs. Campbell and son Ronald are visiting friends at Cayuga while Mr. Campbell is taking a course at the University of Toronto. Congratulations to Masters Ron- ald Trewin and Ronald Campbell and Miss Grace Hooper on pa.ssing their Entrance Examinations. Blackstock girls' team played at Honeydale on Friday evening, score 43-3 in favor of Blacksto<'k. and on Saturday evening at Port Perry, score 19-11 in favor of Port Perry. Mrs. E. Hockridge. Dundalk. Mrs. Chas. Hockridge, Vancouver, B.C., and Mrs. Hood. Virdin, Man., visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. John Larmer and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hill on Satur- day. July lSth. Mrs. Lorne McCauley and her son, Mr. Harold McCauley and daughter. Miss Doris McCauley and, Miss Vaspar. all of Penetanguish- ene and Miss Ed.ith Brown. Vasey, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hill. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. McNally and littIe daughter, Verna, spent Sun- day, July 16, with friends at Alcona Beach. Lake Simcoe. They took the boat trip f rom Gravenhurst to Port Carling and then went to North Bay, calling on Mr. and Mrs Gerald EHl there. They returned home on Wednesday, July l9tb. The regular semi-monthly meet- ing of the Blackstock Mission Band w~as held in the S. S. Room on Sat- .irday, July 22nd. with the Mission Band Superintendent in charge. Bible reading was in unison. follow- ed by thbe Lord's Prayer. Misses Gwenyth Marlow and Verna McNal- Iy played a piano duet, and Miss Kathleen Taylor played a piano solo. A missionary story was told by Mrs. Stinson. Meeting closed witb Mizpab benediction. Spratt's Puppy Ovals 5 bs -59C Parafin Wax................... 13c M~. Red Rose andi Lipton's Tea......... 45c lb. Tiger Br'andl Red Cohoe Salmon, 1 lb. tins .................... 21c M. l. tins............ ... 2 for 25c Nem, C1oveîr Honey ......... 5 lb. pails 45c Sugar, 100 Mb. bag ................ $7.25 Harry Alliain, Grocer Phones 186 and 121 - Fast Motor Delivery ONE WEEK ONLY - JULY 3lst, 1933 Suits and Coats CLEANED AND PRESSED Including Minor Repairing 75e each Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning W. J. Bagneli, Agent.-- Phone 152 Ail Our Better Rdc Hundreds to DRESSES eud Choose From Print Aprons Just arrived, a shipment of Print Aprons, generous size, i ail colons, pockets on all styles. For less than you could buy the ma- Full Fashioned Hose 69c Ail colons and ail sizes ini this fine qualjty siik hose. Made by Mercury miUls. A rena.rkable value, 69 - 1 9 Sale Swimmning for the Kiddj*s "Torfeaco" Lif e Preserver Jackets for children. Not a plaything, but a reai safe- ty preserver. Kapok fiUled more buoyant than cork; eah35 Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Mleuis Suits $29-50, 2 pairs pants $22.50 $25-00, 2 pain pants, $1 9.50 $23-50, 2 pains pant, $1 8.50 $19-50, 1 Pair pant, $1 4.95 Cream Flannels Grey Flannels $3.50-$3.75-$5.50 ICouch, Johnmston U Cry<termain 1Phone 104 King Street, Bowmanville We Deliver Spratt's Dog Biscuits 5Çlbs -59C Sweaters for Ladies WooI and sîlk and wool; in plain and pastel shades; in puliover and windhreaker styles; reguhar values to S2.25;' LOn Sale, each 98c Custom Buit CADILLAC SHOES Canada's highest grade shoes for men. Made to your own individuai measurements. A score of dress, ifor- mai and sports sty- les. Made to fit you. Prlced f rom. $4.95 up rServices We Renier Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Films developed 10e a roll Baby Scales for rent Trusses fitted Elastic Stockings, Kneecaps, and Ankiets made to measure Crutchies for rent Presci'iptiofls filled accurately Goods delivered promptly. KERSLAKE'S -Phone 49 The Dependable Nyal Store Grocery Values- 4 at Harry Allin's Store O'Keefe's Dr'y Ginger Aie, foi-mer 10e value, 110w...................... 5c value Wonderful Launidry Soap....... 8 bars 25c Libbv's Pork aridi Beans..2 large tins 25c Sugai' Crisp Corii Flakes.......... 3 for 25c Kkovah Jellv Maker, for jamns and jellies, 15c pkg. Rubber Jar 'Rings .......... 4 doz. for 25c PAGE POUR lk THE CANADLAN STATES)LAN, BONMANVILLE, THURSDAY. JULY 27th. 1933 Mrs. Chas. Wenry. Oshawa, was a recent guest at Mn. S. E. Werny's. Mn. and Mrs. Jim Reynolds, Tan- onto, visited at Mn. W. J. Reynolds'. Mrs. Gea. Howsam. Pont Penny, is visiting ber son, Mn. Chas. Howsam. Mn. and Mrs. Bray, Pickering, were Sunday guests at Mn. A. L. Pascoe's. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bush. Colum- bus, visited bis parents, Mn. andj Mrs. S. Bush. Miss Jean Scott, Southampton, is visiting her grandparents, Mn. and Mrs. R. C. Scott. Mns. Alan McKes.sock is visiting ber parents. Mn. and Mrs. F. A. Smith, Thamesford. Our young people presented their play "The Red-Headed Stepchild" at Leskand on Monday evening. Congratulations ta Masters Ralph Taylor and Harold Patter on pass- ing their Entrance examinatians. Mn. and Mrs. A. J. Reynalds, Ton- onto, spent the weekend with Miss Mary Hogarth and Mrs. R. Pascoe. Miss Margaret McKessock visited at Mn. W. L. Pierson's. Oshawa, and at Mn. Percy Pascoe's, Whitby, ne- cently. Rememben the League meeting in the schooh yard this Friday even- ing, when Zion young people will be present. Everyane wehcome. Mr. and Mns. Chas. White and famihy, Oshawa, Mn. and Mns. Char- leton McBrnde and Burton, Peter- boro, visited at Mn. Geo. Wbite's. HOMING PIGEON CLUB Bowmanvilhe Homing Pigeon Club lew their last aid bird race of the ;eason on Saturday, July 22nd, from Danvihhe, Ill., 528 miles air ine. The ireathen was very warm and no birds reached home in the day. Fol- awing are the resuhts: Hrs. Min. Sec. Yards per Min. L. Richards 20 1 8746 F. Bottreil 21 35 30 717.54 F. Bottrehh 22 31 4 688.03 F. Bottrehi 22 31 4 688.03 F. Bottreil 22 31 4 688.03 I. Hobbs 25 9 30 615.63 M. Little no clack report. The Mountjay picnic will be held t the Cream of Barley Camp, Bow- nanville, on Saturday. Juhy 29th. at 2p. m. standard time. Tue

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