PAGE TEREN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 3rd, 1933 BECIN the day with a cisp, light break- fast and sec how much coolen, fitter you féee. Let Kellogg's Corn Flakes came fist on the menu. Kcllogg's are icih i energy-and so easy to digest they don't "heat yau up." How much better than heavy, hot food@. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontai. Page oF Interest to Women GRATIS Money isn't needed to enjoy a flow- ering tree; The beauty of a landscape for every man is f ree. And who beholds a garden though merely passing by, Has a right to share its spiendor, which its owner can't deny. A man may tramp the woodlands as if they were his own. 'PAbout the joys of nature no grue- some walls are thrown; And if he's fond of dreaming where & fretful cares are loat, A river bank awaits him at very little cost. Some money's necessary - of that there is no doubt- A man must pay for foodstufs 10 keep bis body stout, But last joys are gratis; who turns bis eyes te eee The giory 0f the sunrise will flot be charged a fee. Good books there are for reading, good friends there are for play, Earth offers countiess pleasures for which we need not puy. Wth very little money, despite the pain and strife, 1 A man can grow in wisdom and lead a happy if e. -Edgar A. Ouest. ,HoId Monthly Meeting of Hampton W. M. S. The monthiy meeting of the W. M. S. was held at the home 0f Mrs. Hilton Peters on Tuesday. July l8th, when the members entertained about thirty members of the Mission Cir- dle. The president, Miss L. Rey- nolds, presided. Ater the opening hymn, Rev. W. Rackham led in prayer. Miss Reynolds conducted the business. after which Mrs. Burns took charge of the program. Mrs. A. Peters gave a short talk on Ruth and ber mother-in-law ieav- ing the country o! Moab; music, 'Why stand ye here idle," was given bMessrs. Wilbur, Peters and Bar- ron; Mrs. W. W. Horn gave a read- ing, "Fifty Years in Japan"; piano duet by Mrs. C. R. Kersiake and Miss M. Niddery; Mr. Rackham gave an interesting talk on "Kagawa, the Christian of Japan"; solos were given by Miss Elinor Sykes and Miss Helen Knox:, Mr. Rackham closed the meeting wth a short prayer and benediction. Lunch was served and ail enjoyed a social chat while the younger people play- ed bail and other games. A vote o! thanka was given Mrs. Peters and all went home feeling they had had a profitable aftemnoon. As long as she can fascinate the men. no woman really worries about hem age. Saskatchewan Couple Celebrate Sixtieth Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Orren PickeU., Edam, Sask., Celebrateci Sixtieth Anniversamy of Their Mamiage The diamond wedding celebration of Mr. andi Mrs. Orren Piekeli took place at their home, Poplar Dell, July 7th. The grounds were beauti- f ully decorateci and festooned with Chinese lanternas and the wedding celebration took place at 5.30. Just before the guests sat down to din- ner, Mr. Pickell. accompanied by his eldest son, Frank, and Mrs. Pickell, carrymng a bouquet of roses, escorted by her sister, Miss Melissg Stevens, Bowmanville, Ontario, the brides- maid of 50 years ago, marched ta the strains of music ta the point of ceremony. Dr. Harrison received them and felicitated them on their long married life. Again they re- newed their VOWS of loyalty and trust before the assembled guests, the ceremony ending with the apos- tolic benediction. About 40 guests sat clown te cmn- ner, the tables being beautifully dec- orated with fiowers. In the centre was a large four-tiered cake decor- ated with silver beads and leaves. The place cards with original poetry written for the occasion by Mrs. K. E. Courtice. Ebenezer, a niece of the groom, and read by Mr. Silas Pickeli, a nephew, provided a great deal of fun and laughter. Mr. Colin Smith proposed the heaith of the bride and groom. Dr. Harrison responded in a speech, bth serious and witty. On behaîf of the assembled guests he conveyeci their congratulations and pleasure at be- ing present at an event at once in- teresting, rare and unique. He also read telegrams of congratulations f rom friends in Ontario, Manitoba, Aberta and Saskatchewan. Joility, fun. musical selections and songs were the order of the day. One piece caîls for special mention -the oId couple in voices sweet. but flot so strong as o! yore, rendered "Silver Threads Among the Qold." About eight o'clock In the evening large numbers began to gather f rom far and near, to pay their respects to the honored f riends and hgd an enjoyabie time till af 1er midnight. Gifts of beautiful fiowers and cheq- ues were given. Mr. Pickell was born in Durham County. Ont., on November 24, 1850, and Mrs. Pickell in Durham County, August 13, 1854. They were mar- ried at her father's home. Mr. Elijah Stevens, samne county, in 1873. They !armed in Ontario two years and came to Manitoba and farmed as pioneers for severai years. They have lived in Poplar Dell for the past 15 years. 0f the marriage, there have been four sons and one daughter: Frank, of Saskatoon; Mrs. Frank Worden, Ebenezer; Norman, of Carman, Manitoba; Irvine andý Orville, twin sons, of Poplar Dieul. Repeat orders are more important than one large single order. ORONO INSTIT4JTE IS ENTERTAINED BY BOWMANVILLE Kalmar Villa Was Scene of Happy Gathering en Frida.y Afternoon I _____________________1 A happy gatbering 0f about 80 Summer Cottage Suggestions Instilute membera were pleasantly A Young girl bas written te ask if eltertained at "Kalmar Villa Rest il is necessary te take a gif t te a Home" on Friday afternoon, when sununer cottage and if £0 to suggest Orono Branch paid tfleir annual The answer to that is visit to Bowinanville Branch. Ibat a gift is neyer 'necessary,' but The meeting opened wtb Mrs. F. it is a pleasant courtesy. Magazines C. Colmer. president, in the chair. and books are always welcome; a bit Aller the opening exercises, the of bright linen for the summer table; minutes read by Mrs. J. Tbickson, or a large mouthed vase for wld secretary, the roll called by Mrs. W. fiowers. Food is always weicome as Hall, and business dispensed with, teere are such vast quantities of iltee chair was taken by Mrs. Edwin consumed andl it is usually more Dean, President of Orono Branch, difficult to prepare than at home. wbo macle a very capable If you have been there befome you officer. The program openecl with a miay know what is ciffcult te get. delighlful solo by Mms. A. A. Drum- Sometimes it is almost impossible te mond, who was recalled. and she gel f resh vçggtables and fruit, and gave anoîher equally fine number. in that case lhey Ïouù 'u Z;cýr1VDT- A reading was given by Mis. H. L. riate. A watermelon is usuaily hall- Rowe, af 1er wbich Miss Margaret ed with high giee pamticuiarly if Dixon gave an excellent paper on there are any younger members o! "la a College Educalion Worth the family - and. teere usually are Whole?" which contained much val- at a summer cottage. Candy. some- uable information. A piano cluet tbing flot too rich for summier ap- was well rendered by Mrs. R. H. petites, such as a bottle of hard Brown and Mrs. M. H. Staples. Mrs. candy, is another suggestion. If C. B. Sissons, wif e of Prof. Sissons, your hostess has any pet candy by Teacher of Ancient Hislory in Vic- ail means choose that. A large box toria College, wbo with her husband of marshmallows provides materiai recenlly returnecl !rom a trip te for a roast over the camp-fine. A Europe, gave a very interestmng ac- box of cookies or a cake of the 'keep- count of one trip they took while in ing' variety wiil be popular. One Greece. She described the dinb- year I had an oven that simply ing of a high mounitain in the early would nol roast, so, one o! my f riends spring by a trail not usually uncler- broughl me a cookecl roast foriSun taken by travellers. In company day dinner. ancl te make the gif t with a guide and a mule te carry even more thougbtfui, she told me their packs, they taversed thnougb that she was bringing il, so I bad sow over rocks, thnough a ravine not macle other preparations. My where it was necessany 10 wade the ideas seemn to run to food chiefly, creek, stepping over night under but appetites are s0 keen when sheltering pines where insteacl of camping that food looms high in our resting until 5 a. m. they were awak- thoughts. ened at 3 P. m. by a thuncler storm A Thoughtful Gesture and had te seek shelter. When they Speaking o! suminer cottages, ne- reached the tep a! 1er many hours of mincis me that I heard a woman travel they f ound te ittle chapeli say that she aiways teok her owýn entirely covered wite snow so that sheets when she went for a week- lhey were unable te, gain admittance. end to the lake. It was so much They spent about one and one-half easier for her to do up sheets aI houns there and having decided te home than il Was for ber f riends te descend on the other side o! the do theem at a cottage. I neyer had mountain, the guide and mule re- anyone bring their own sheets but turned by tee way they came, while it is a thoughtful idea. Most every- Prof. and Mns. Sisson received a one brought their own tewels for number o! thrills as they descencled swimming and even that lessened by sliding and walking. They con- the burden a iittle. versecl with the peasant f armers and, Cross Children stayed ail night in a town cailed Whe chldrn ae coss- î~0f'tOld St. Manys. Here they met peo- men b*ailes but cissd-en past eple who had formerly iived in New bay stages-ut h firt eng at tdoYork, Toronto, and in other places bmet tstagew-otiived on thisgaidedo is look for a physical cause. Don't mt hwh niclis. Sion s derip think Ihat their crossness is juat teAlni.Ms isn'dsrp pure cussedness and be cross with lion o! tee primitive ways o! bouse- lhema youraelf, until you are perfect- keeping, etc., were very amusing and ly sure that there is no physical enlighteming te those o! us who reason for ItL You may be te, blaine know lilîle o! Greece and ber peo- yousel. Ae yu sre hatthey are ple. Mrs. Drismonie f avorecl wth getling their f ull quota o! sleep? So nte oo ndMsae rw o! ten in the holidays we hear. "do 1 and Staples with a piano duet, bolh have te, go to bed yel? In i holi- o! which were much enjoyed. days and I will sieep later to-moi- A vote o! thanks, moved by Miss row." Weakiy, we let tbem stay up Haycraf t and seconded by Mrs. E. R. juat a little longer and then wonder Bounsall, was accorclei the Orono why they are cross. This sleeping membens for the splendid pnogram in, in the morning sounds good, but provided, and to our hostesses, Mns. it seldom works out. Small children Geo. Weekes and Misa Edith Weekes, do not as a ruie sleep later than for giving tee Branch the privilege their accustomed lime in the morn- o! holding the meeting aI Ihein ing. no malter when lhey go te bced. home. Lunch was afterwands ser- When lhey arrive aI the adolescent veci on the laçwn with Mrs. Ros stage they will sleep as late as they Granl's group in charge. A pleas- have an opportunity but younger ant social boum was enjoyed and the than that. they do not seem 10o be thanka o! the visitors niceiy ex- able te make up loat sleep. , pressed te Bowmanville Branch by Most are able te play Mrs. L. Buckley. Tis interchange bard ai day but there is an occas- o! visita by the Branches is proving ional child Who cannot stand il and very belpful and pleasant. that cross child may be one o! them.____ A resl during the day should be in- sisted upon. Reading may be ai- Neighborhood Workers lowed but th-e child must be kept quiet. A tlred child-rather I Ask Rural 'Help In should say a tired person-is a cross Providing Holidays one. Constipation la a'f requent Cause O! irritabiiity both in chlldveii and "H1appy days are here again!" growii-ups. Rzegular habita o! ail wene tee joyous abouta o! the chlid- kinda are neglected in holiday limne ren brlnging home their scbool baga and cbildren should be carefully for tee summer. watched 10 sec Ihat they have not "Happy , clays! What are lhey? become constipated. Sometimes as Andl whene?" are the unhappy cries little as lwelve boums deiay will make o! bundrcds-o! our downtown Tor- them vemy irritable. onte chiidren. These cannot me- Sandwich Spea member happinesa. Dark upon theer lives bas fallen the sbadow o! teis 1, cup butter, 3 eggs well beaten, sîrife. Tbey bear on their minds 1-3 cup sugar, 1 tea.spoon sai, 1 and bodies tbe marks o! four years teaspoon mustard, 2-3 cup vinegar, dcprsion. Last wfinter was the 1 3-oz. package cream cheese, 1/2 cup saddest. Homes have become soncid pimentoes choppeci. 1 green peppen and bare. Parents live in constant cbopped. 1Y2 cup gherkiiis cbopped. fear and anxiety. AUl laugbter bas Cook the first 6 ingredienta as for gone f rom their hearts. Life la sen- salad dressing and then blend in teious for Ibose cbildren of tbe un- remaining ingredients. Bottle and emplo yed. keep in a cool place. Summer daya offen te tbem, dinlY Choclate Cake pavements, slifling heal, smoke-lad- 1cup butter, i 'ii cups granulaled en air and streets cangerous wltb sugar, 2 well beaten eggs, 2 cups heavy lraffic which roba them o! JOY flour, 2 squares chocolate melted, 1 and a healtby wholesome appetite. teaspoon soda, 1/2 teaspoofi sai. 2-3 Whal are the thlngs wblcb makre cup soun creamn, MI the cup with glad the beanl o! tbe cbild in tee sweel milk, 1 teaspoon vanilla. surnmen lime? Cream butter and sugar and add The chance to romp and play in well beaten eggs. Si! t flour, sait the sunabine, to swing under lte ap- and soda and add allerna.lcly with ple Irce, 10 play in a pool o! water, the cup o! creamn and milk. Add 10 watch the bird and animal life, chocolate wicb bas been melted to wait for a anail 10 crawl out of over warrm Water. and vanilla. Pour the bouse on bis back. inb layer lins and bakte in a mod- The country bas suffered equally eate oven. Put tegethen wite date In Ihese dlffilcult days but some fillng and ice wte lhings the people have in abundance, Chocolate Icing the beauly o! God's world and the healing o! the sun's best rays, a 1 ecup bronMsugar, 2 squares cho- chance 1 -okfup fi,-befstarsAn CORNM FLAKES /2 v - To Go0 at RutIîless Reductions I $1.w95 to $4m95 Former Prices ta $12.50 At last - a chance to start out on youm vacation with an adequate numbem of smart f ashions... sheers for dancing... cottons for sports... tub 'silks and prints for travelli ng. Many of them have been eut i price exactly balf. a f ew even more than that! Every onle must go, hence the eductions. Walk'er Stores, Phone 164 I' Your Favorite Shopping Centre L im ited _______________________M The women's swim o! ten miles ut Fine o! unknown onigin destnoyed child, also the time most conven- lent for her to entertain them. May we hope to hear from the readers soon, as the summer days are gliding away. ASSOCIATION AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA ONE TO ANOTHER it la f requently remanked thut a visitor to a city sees more O! the interesling tbings than cloes the citizen who, keeps putting off going te view points o! interest whlch bis home tewn bas te show him. In the same way, we o! len leann f nom a dis- tance about whal is golng on in our midat. Rccntly, an English publication contained a verY interesting account o! tee travelling chest diagnostic clinle o! the Province o! Ontario. The purPose O! Ibis clinlc is t10 as- alat Ihose arcas which are ncmoved !nom the langer centres o! popula- tion or !nom sanatoria in teelir fight against tubencuiosis. Thene is one item which stands ouI in Ibis uccount, namcely, that se many o! those who wene found to bc suffering f nom tubenculosis gave a definite bisterY o! havlng lived in contact with unother case. This is nothing new. It confiins what bas prevlously been obsenved and stated, teat eveny case o! tuber- culosia cornes f nom a previous case, and that tee dilsease la most oom- monly spreudi the home f nom an adult case o! tubenculosis t te cbldren who are in the home. Out o! seventy-two cases dlagnosed amn- ong children under sixteen yeans o! age, fifty-tbree gave a histerY O! contact. It wouid appear teat if we are te prevent the spread o! tuberculosls, no child should be allowed ta live I contact with an active case o! tuber- culosîs. This desirable result may be secured elther through removing the case f nom the home, On by hav- lng the chlldren nemoved ta anothen place. The better plan la 10 send tee patient te a sanatorium, for not only does thal prevent the chance o! spread. but il also offers the patient tee best opportuity for necovery. The importance o! tib point is stressed because thene la 100o! oten some carelessiess or delay in secur- lng the prompt separation o! chlld- nen f nm tubercuiosla adults. Par- ents do nol like to part wlth their cbldren. yet, it la hi teintenests o! tee chlldnen that Ibis action be taken, because il bas so f rcquently been shown that il la pnactlcally im- possible for the young chlld to live in the home wlth a tuberculoUs Pa- tient who has the genms O! tee dis- euse in bis sputuml, wlthout incurr- ing grave danger o! contracting te diseuse. Questions concernllfg Hcalth, ad- dressed te the Canadian Medical Association, 184 College Street, Ton- onto, wll be answered persnaliy by [cIter._______ it is usually su! e 10 suY thst when a child is pale, slckiy, peevish and neslless, tee cause la wonms. These parasites range tee stomach and in- testines, causing senlous disorders of the digestion and pneventing the in- fant f nom derlving sustenance f nom 1f ood. MIiers Worm Powders, bY destnoylng tee wonms, corrects teese faults o! the digestion and serves to nestone tee organs to healthy action. the Canadian National Exhibition theebouse ut Phillp's Furm,, on tee Ibis year will be held on Friday, highway, four miles cast o! Port August 251h, and the open event on Hope on Satunday a! ternoon. The. the foilowing Wednesday, August pnopemty la owned by Onchards o! 30th. The maIe swinuners go fi! teen Ontario Company, Llmlted, S. B. miles. Hatheway, Managing Directen, Beter Cooked Foods MýTWTH THE NEW FýUEII The Instant-Gas in the @afà, MODEL No. 974 It'a ready ... instantly for any UUd ý. j cooking job. And it's a rosi money saver ... average fuel cost per meal for a family of five is only 20. Be sure ta ueo those now modern stoves that put an end to cooking drudgery. They make cooking an easier, pleasanter task. ASK YOUR LOCAL DEALER or wrife to THE COLEMAN LAMP & STOVE CO., U. TORONTO, 8, ONTARIO Wm.1slC) 1 SOLO IN BOWMANVIL.LE EXCL.USIVELY BV M4as on Y Dale Hints For H omebodies Written for The Statesman By Jessie Allen Brown COL. A. E. GOODERHAN.i LL.D.. CHAi aNAN. BoARD or GovttN ous ERNESTNecNILLAN,. DAMus. Doc..F.R.C.M..F.R.C.O..PINCIPAL HEALEY WILLAN. Mus. Dc.. F.R.C.O.. Vlci-PoiNcipAI. Re-opens September 1lst, 1933 DEPARTMENTS OF INSTRUCTION COMPOSITION VIOLIN THEORT if PIANFOUTI VIOLA ELOCUTION - Si N 1INO VIOLONCELLO CONDUCTINB ORGAN DOUBLE BASS BALLET DANCING ORCHESTRAL INSTRUMENTS DALCIOZE EURYTHMICS MIDWINTERAnoeM IDSUM MER EXAMINATIONS Residence for Young Women Students YER BOOK AND SYLLABUS ON REQUEST- ADDRESS: 135 COLLEGE ST., TORONTO, 2. Refresh yourself fY~dDf$ ,~or lfoo4e4d Hardware & Sporting Goods Phone 145 'a q -r4, ýl, ess states the age and sex of the s r s s s t s e e y e a d d n d S ýe a d le 1 eÎ -todiVi -. -imitèb-thi -tÏàldtgý- BOWMANVILLE