tweekend with their daughters, Mrs. <e <9 Miss Betty Stevens, spent th-e week- î- joyîng a few weeks' holiday, taking jSALEM J. Hendricks and Miss Annie Gard- HAYDON 1 end with the former's daugbter, 1 COURTICE in the Century of Progress ExPOsi- ieTeantn.a udySho Mrs. Ray Snowden. Toronto. tion at Chicago. Illinlois. Threcl udyScolpeneMs enl FakiOrneilMr. Lloyd Blewett and Miss Aud- Mr. nd rs. am uttey sent hic washel at ampon Prk n M. Bet Frgusn, nnisilln, rc Vjsjteditd Misss ldHilda . MssoHzeyWalMissshaHazel re Batitler.NewToantaarevis thea weekend with relatives at Niag- Friday. was a decided success. The Sundayed at Mr. E. Bradley's. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Wilkins and home over the weekend. rey Bouttlir Ne-.Tor.or t hara- afternoon was spent in races and Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Hobbs are Mr. Theodore Wilkins. Oshawa, Mr.Rae rook and MisHalitnua h i uncles. Mr. R H.r Mis M.Muton aseaî. A »Qtb0p~rq of the visiting her mother in Lindsay. seMtewe-ndwt h o-Trnto, arookidaingdatiToryHal . CUiSMsW.H4 daying with her cousin, Miss Velma bountiful pc¶4i~i~hc was Miss Irene Cowling, Salem, 's mer's sisters, Mrs. E. W. Foley and Mrs. A. F. Runcile and Miss Anne Mrs. Elva Thomnpsofl and son 1 J Werry. served by the ladies. holidaying at Mr. T. Cowling's. Mrs. J. H. Munday. Hoît spent a few days in Cleveland, Clark,' rotefomNe or Ct Miss Jean Prout, Newcastle, has Mr. and Mrs. H. Gay and Bobbie, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin DeNure and Ohio. al been holidaying with her aunt, Mrs. 9- ~ - Oshawa, visited at Mr. C. Qerrard's. two children, Mrs. John Abernethy, MrtndMsoJo Hthshw, e o Mrsairn iego , n r A.isiek i th M.nnsM . 1Cain, - 1 snt a f e w d at M E Brad Lindsay, are visiting with the at- wr and M s n .Jal s aan e t t eon rs A ieRat C oy a îl Mr. and Mrs. A. Welch and familY M D*sLN oot. s. J.GaeenwBw dy t ME.aieter's sons. Ferguson and Wilson Ab- Osborne Hunter.d Mrs. J. J. Gilfillan. Son viitdwihMr ndMr.G.Cin iss DriGrosTrntis ley's. ernethy, and other friends. Obre r n r.J .Gliln o Oron, o SudaY Mr. Wn. More Enisklle, M. an Mr. J Ore Sarlng, Courtice girls played softball with and daughter, Mr. James and Miss Orono, ont Moore, Enniskilleng VanadGMrs.laJ. OrnedeSpherNng. Mrs. Tru. Power and Miss Vers iiiga r.S .Wrys Mrs. E. Ford, Toronto, visited at Mr. Peterboro. bad their infant son,MaeGrv Mndy igtwn-Voa iflaatnedteNd Power, Town, wefe guests of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. George White visi- Wm. Trewin's. James Orne Frederick Sparling. ning the game 6-3. Mason wedding at St. John's Church, A. Wilkins on Thursday. ted Toronto f riends on Sunday. Mr. Egbert Wright who lias been baptised on Sunday by pastor Mrs. Ed. Moore, Winnipeg, is vis- Bowmanville. Mr. Ewart Pollard and bride. Tor- Mr. N. C. Yellowlees spent the visiting his father and other rela- Wolfraim. The child is a grandson iting Mrs. Horace Hancock and Mr. Ai. Hall. who is running a R oyal C a onto, spent the weekend with bis week-.end with friends in Hamilton, tives, bas returned to his borne In of Mrs. McCutcheon, Toronto, whoother relatives here. farm at Valentia, near Lake Scugog. parents. Mr. andi Mrs. Chas. Pollard. Miss Joyce Somerville. Cherry- Calgary, Alta. isspndn the summuer with Mr. C. G. I. T. are enjoying camp at underwent an operation for the re- - p ca 5 The Salem Young Peoples League wood, is visiting at Mrs. R. J. Mc- Our deepest sympathy is extended a nd Mrs. Samuel Snowden. The the lake tbis hot weather. The es'- moval of a large abscess on the lef t p e'a 35 preacti fr teir new aa nit- escs oMs.Jh rh n family in christening gon worn by the baby ening service was held there on Sun- side of the neck. paegting frwtel nwdray weith e- . Mcau, . the passing of the late Mr. Orchard wa tre gnertinsol an ws ay led "His Best Investrent,' which Mr. and Mrs. MKge Winnipeg, Tuesday morning. a he eeain l n a. Mrs. John Noden and daughter,S tu d y uv e they hope to present in tbe near were recent guests at Mr. Charles Girls' Intermed.iate S. S. Class in-mabeutily ork o n dit. d eMricBlkeresidence a cat gi int sMrss. A.olan, ae n roter D hr..S future. Shortridge's. vite everyone to corne to the church euiu oko tfiebikrsdn actofpn M.A.LgndrthD.R.S Cold Chicken Mrs. A. Wilkins and Mr. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Eli Luimb, Miami, F'riday evening, Aug. 4tb, at 8.15 to * - --- making the appearance much im- Lang, at Chicago. Ili.. and attend- Home Fried Potatoes Wilkins and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Florida, are visiting their daughter. enjoy pictures which corne to us HAMU~PTON proved. ing the World's Fair. Rardshethom ed tr.endPrs.t Mann- Ms i eas rjr adf Cu hMrock 0fthe Satesmano Stf. .Il Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Pearce and Mrs. mcClenchie. Irvington. N. J.. Pie or Ice Cream and Cak RichhsotteM.d e rout picnic Ms iIesrr a ndk, t hMrtohofthe ourtes 0f MtafB. H.lamily motored te Haliburton one and son Malcolm and his wife and ing. Oshawa, last week and report a Bethesda. visited Miss Katbleen Congratulations t0 Misses Laura Miss Ethel Stephens visited friend.s day last week and called at Tory little daughter. Miss Doris. visited at Tea - Coffee - Milk very enjoyable outing. Baker last week. Philp, Ursul McNeil, Helen Hall, in Crystal Beach recently. Hill. Mr. Len Gamsby's. Mrs. McClen- Horne Made Fruit Pies o _______________ Misses Vers and Phoebe Short- Grace Trewin, Audrey Thompson Miss Thelma Wîllis, Toronto, vis- Cakes made to issFlosi TYR NEridge spent a few days with Mr. and and Mr. Fred Trewin, and also to ited Mrs. Elmina Johns recentîy. G hi ams formerakeissaFdoss order __________________J. Short. Oshawa. their teacher, Mr. E. E. Staples on Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn and son Mr. C~.OC adbyA . aveho Mrs. L. C. Snowden. Maple Grove. aIl the entrance clase successfully Wallace -were visitors in Peterborc, Victoria. B. C.. arrived at Newcastle Mrs. W. Miller entertained the spent the week-end with ber par- passing, tbe former three getting on Sunday. Miss Rets Swain and Miss Janet Monday. and puipose spending some ~I girls 0f ber S. S. class last week. ents. Mr. afld Mrs. Thos. Baker. bonours. A number from bere attended Swain have been visiting their un- time in Orono and Leskard ,,here Mr. Levi Annis nd fri_____Tor__________theDvisionmeetingRotary Pair in Bowrnanville on dle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Clar- they spent rnany years before'leaving RO AC F onto, spent the weekend at home. flext Thursday evening, Aug. lth. ensa h. ence Marlow. for the West. 2 doors east Royal Theatre Chrc vn e itdrvýn godprgrm s eig reard.CADMUSj The annual family picnic of the RDBTMNPrr, ChfSnd urcb y e hr l b awtdrawn M.anod prr ambeg Trepronto, _______________ CrYderman-Ruse clan was beld in Mrs. Fred Bailey and Mrs. A. L. Miss Margaret Wannan, Toronto,, FE AEA, rptr a.i.Miss Margaret Somerville, Cherry- Miss Helen Flowler is visiting the Park on Saturday. __________________r._nd____________ncmpay wthLer Messrs. Harry and Frank Hath- wood, are guests St Mr. Jack Rey- friends in Oshawa. Master Ralph Taylor is holiday- Mrs. S. Dawson, Windsor, visited in sîster. at their home. Sixtb Lme. erly, Dixie, spent the weekend at nolds'. Mrs. John McKee is visitiing witb wis grandparents, Mvr. and rli recently.MisNn ileTrto ptth home. The heartfelt sympathy o! their f riencis in Midland. Mrs. Robt. Taylor, Oshawa. The sympathy of the community weekend, guest of the Misses Wan- Will Brown, Rev. J. H. and Mr.Os Miss L. Penfound has returned tornany friencis here is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Poster Ferguson Mrs. Hilda Gunn and son Ray- is extended f0 Mr. Newton Ayers "an. terhout attended Bay of Quit Toronto after spending a month atlthe family o! the late Dr. W. A. spent Sunday evening at Mr. W. D. mnond, Rochester, visited her par- whose father. Mr. Robert Ayers, Mis. William Robinson. Antioch, Conference summer school held . ber borne here. White. New York. Ferguson's. ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Clarke. died Tuesday rnorning, Aug. 1st. who bas been undergoing treatment Oak Lake Park.- Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hunter, Toron- Rev. A. R. Sanderson, Wbitby. Mr. Everard Sanderson, Helen and Mrs. W. Creeper, Toronto,. a Mrs. Isaac Wbitfleld, Cadmus. for gangrene at Peterboro, has re- The Women's Institute heldthi to, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will occupy the pulpit on Sunday Jean, spent Sunday St Mr. Richard guest o! Mrs. Jas. Curtis. Miss Alice and daughter, Mrs. John Gibsoji turned home. Her general hiealth is annual picnic Tuesday, Julylth Russell Wright.1 morning in the absence of our pas Sanderson's. Creeper also visited friends on Mon- and family. Toronto, visited the for- much improved although baving on the lawn o! the president, Ms Mrs H. Perfect, Cobourg, is tor wbo is on his bolidays. Mrs. Larm Hyland, Lucille, Eileen dy. mers son-in-law and daugbter. Mr. suffered the loss of the left leg by Ed. Dean. A prograrn of sportsin spendng a eek wth he siser, M. andMrs. . B. atio and nd MMrs., H.itStMrvens and Master . Stands Mdrs.teNordmans Green.Gramputation.n. week wit ber siter, Mr and Mr.oJ.lB.CationeansandtMriel, vsiteorM.ntoem homp-iclding sotballaaddraceswere en MsendinGib sDouglas Stevensandreturnedel f0 Torontoy.On Tuesday evening, July 25th. Edith Dent, Annie Bairstow. Mil- tered into with considerable sirt, Mr. T.nHdGibs. N . olyr-LdaherVrmtand Miss Etel sons.unday. Ke ndMr with Mrs. White, Mrs. Stevens' mo- Blackstock and Scugog softball dred Davey, Marion Bannon, Jean considering the thermorneter rest cently visited Mr. andi Mrs. Wm. guests at Mr. N. C. Yellowlees. Soutbern spent Sunday at Mr. Nor- M Jack vson W Tronaccrmaie. teams 'boys) played at Blackstock. Wannan, Edîth Trull, Margaret Mill-' ered around the ninety mark. If a Woodley, London. August meeting o! the Women's man Edgerton's. Mr.JcsnWa copie Score 8-7 in favor of Blackstock. son, Betty Rowe, Marion Tamblyn, an enjoyable afternoon for the ld Miss Elva Virtue, Bowmanville. Institute wiîî be helti on Thursday Miss Chrystal Faîlis spent Sunday MHr.nusitn Barrndoner WetrtOn- nFriday evening, July 28th. the Ray Carleton. Milton Green and1 ies. spent the weekend at her mothers, affernoon. August 10th, at the home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. t aion ande w her evstedn smOwon-s lye tScgg Mrs. Laura Virtue. o! Mrs. Chas. Smith. Program wiîî Meredith Pallis.taiponswe hyvstdtesietotarLple tScg. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Skinner spent be in charge of group 4. Roî11 caîl, Mr. and Mrs. George Powler atteMrsad reltvs. SmeSconjy, Tereg6 n a or 0f laeetcko a !ew days with their daughter, Mrs. -Best ways in using lef t overs in tended decoration services at Bally- incmawt Mr. and Mrs. C.JM.utheoy,. T f he r nit eeting 0f Lorne McCoy, Brooklin. f ood or clothing." Ail ladies are wel- duf Sunday last.M which shouid have been held on July Miss Mabel Langstafi, nurse in come. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gibson and Mountjoy, Islington. wvho spent the 12th, was helti on Wednesday, Julyl training, Orillia, is bolidayîng with About sevcnty-five people gather- family visiteti Mr. and Mrs. Win. weekend af their home, visited 2tS h oeo r.J .Mr Mr. and Mrs B. H. Mortock and whretheiEvesaoLeague enertaineti Mssrs. Lloy Thompson ad.GG.-MW OO Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Miller. et i a the school yard Friday evening Robinson Friday eveming. Blacst ok relis adon un oyd, wwt odatnac.Ms Mr. andMrs. B H. Motlock nd whe the Edad Legue entrtaine Meanr.iLlranti-tiaughteGor-,adGrete-daotttrNewellyopresidentprei presideti.dd. Miss Joan, Town, were Sunday visitors the Zion Young People. A game of don Harvey spent Sunday afternoon Toronto, visiteti ber father anti sis- Ferga Jobnston gave a reatiing. anti with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Gibbs. basebaîl was played befween Zion at Mr. Oscar McQuade's. ter, Mr. J. Colwill and Beatrice. Mrs. P. Stinson took part of the HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID Rev. R. A. and Mrs. Finîsyson of and Solina girls with the visitors Mr. Edigar Gibson and family, Mr.MisBarcaco aneite f0caernthSudBok Ms.G California, anti Miss Edith Hillier, u inning. A campfire was then lit Milliard Fallis, Keith. Howard adMs earc opati Tf on Thrsd aperinethPre sPtdVicek.PrstGn Bowmanville, visited St Mr. Wm. anti an excellent program was given Lucille, motoreti to Toronto on Mon- Trovnatenhrsakamprac Edreo!te omin, i Boarice wasidtheBuy Bowmanville Textiles Socks Virtue's. by the Zion young people. Commun- day. usspae.M.Fob pk f Mn. anti Mrs. Howardi Findley, ity singing was enjoyed anti lunch Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wilson and a gooti congregation on Suntiay gustspenakewr Mrorbte spoke f Dean and Bruce, Unionville, spent was served by the Solina girls. Mr. Lloyd Thompson matie a busi- nîght. Rev. A. R. Sanderson, Whit- mionr wk!m the Atii n hc a ntic u - ow m anville Textiles Co. Sunday with ber parents.. and ________________ ness trip to Lindsay Saturday even- by, will take charge of bis work next be f the Wa.iM.c in hica hah em-e TVANTNSBIG MsT.Rcad.Sunday. Mr. Rackham anti family br f h W M . asa hre Hr ATVASTNS RIG Mrs. T. Rchads. e.Mr ndE NIKLLing. big ntbeirvacation atther ct-address was greatly enjoyeti andi we Mr. urtt Wotle. L EN IS IL ENMrs. Lowner, Misses Ethel andtiabeng on elna La e r co- aiways 1ook !orward te baving Mrs. Mrs. Clarence Woodley, Edith anti tMiltireti. ofNew York, and Mr. W. tage at MuselnianshLke. Mr. Te Joyce, recently visiteti the formers Miss Lorna Saundiers is visiting B. Ferguson spent Sunday visiting Jobns accompanied them. Fobe----r- te oiey siste, Mrs Agne Conor, Tronto herauntMrs. heo.Slemo. frinds i Carweigheedsewe alongontthe bighwayav -have- < sistr, Ms. gnesConnr, onono. br ant. rs.Theo sîenonfrieds i Catwribt.suffered f rom the scythe, but thereOR N Mr. andi Mrs. B. P. Gardiner, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore visited Mr. and Mns. Bruce Montgomeryi R N TomBar ani Dugasspet te r. . Grdo, estefo, o ~ anti Jean, Mrs W. MontgomeryMr. are those whicb are very unsightly day. Lawrence Aluin, Miss Mîltired oeaogorsteS res tl atn Mrs. Fred Gorriie anti Fred, Mn. Miss Violet Dever, Mrs. E. Santier- f0 receive like. treatment, which PFrom The News, July 27th) Dait RxToonoaMWe .e H. A. Galbraith's. usuaily tidily kept pretty little vil- ing Mrs. S. Hallitiay. Mk n i k e lage. Apparently the weed inspector Mn. anti Mrs. J. B. Moat, Oakville, Sulnday fM.LuhrP1ces STARK VILLE j An interesting program of a short Miss E. Laura Bowen, Deseronto. Mr. Charlie Cathmroir, Taunton, C . play entitleti Crearn Pufs' by Jack is visiting ber aunt. Mrs. W. J. Stutt. "Kerslake's Sweet Pickle Mixture"y 131,vespent Suntiay witb Mn. Gordon Miss Ruth Savery is visiting ber Niddery. Walter HolweUl anti Willie' Miss Aileen Breslin, Toronto. is Stevens. sister in Osbawa. Gilbert, ieading, songs, anti an ex- visiting ber brother, Mn. M. Breslin. '7'2 gallon 25c 1 gallon 50c Congratulations f0 Mn. anti Mrs. Miss Metia Halloweli ta visiting hibition of knof tying, was given by Mrs. Richard Morton visiteti her' 'Tou RuselGrifinon te arivi o a riens a Peerbro.the Boy Scouts, which Ernest Clarke brother. Mn. James Hallett. at Tor Or if yupee h RuselGnffn n he rrva 0 afnend a Pteboo.o! Toronto, who bas been a resident onto. 01 0 ree h Nine Day piekle we have fresh, baby boy. Mn. J. Turner anti family visiteti IPure. full fiavoreri soices and crystaj clear alum. Mis GetieOk ha reurncif0 is iser.Mns W.J.Halowel. o! Hampton for some weeks, has Hearty congratulations f0 Mrs. I ~ ~~ theMis GRal Bak Twna tre two hA very lghtsho. er.assoell.verbeen conducting, was given on James Brown on attaining ber 94th Our spices cost Uno orthnodarspcbu th4U I 5l eeksoyac an.,Twn htrtw er o caiy M odr ay monning Tbursday night. Harolti Quarnie birtbtiay, July 24fh. gie ou n oe tc an otriar. pc u L au n d ry weeks' vacation. here MissnGeryndmenisholding acteti as chairman. Rev. W. Rack- Rev. William Sterling, Coîborne, ieYothtr adbtrflv. Mn. Theo. Siemon was a lucky Misbe imr shldyn am being also present f0 speak a former populan pastor o! Park Street Flics will botherwhnpcln. Jsno wehe DONE THEman wben he lantietia ten pond at Glencoe, Wafforti anti Detroit. fe wods n te iterst ! bys.Chuch.Oroo. alltihnafienis Mrs. Prank Rabm. Mns. Henry quite serious f0 both man anti beast. urn~'. ~ ebbr ntiMaion Bnkeonvii- is Magurit MKayo!New- gave a veny beipful talk on the work garet, neturneti from a visit witb ber 1 for the pice of the FlY Fume alone. tHR F ed eatMn.Wmrifns. rk ton vil visi tet Miss Btice McKay that be bas been interesteti in, show- brother, Mn. J. C. Thornpson, at To- WAY aMn W. h r yt f Treadwell, M is L. M iss h ail MKaying tebene t o tisw, mog ono.GezRng, uats51' Mr rthr Wyteof reawel, Mss . MPhal, ttaa, s vs-boys. The singing o! the National Miss Rhoda McLeod, who makes....4dz25 W YYukon Mines, arniveti here on Sun- iting ber cousin, Miss Mary Mellor. Ate ruh h nctimn e oewt e osn r.Crs e o i iebtls 9 I ~day to spenti bis bolidays. Mrs. John McKay bas returneti to a lose. Wlliamorymour, ufferec a ligh 9Lbs. for 75c Mn. anti Mrs. Mervin Rabm anti home f nom visiting friends in Ton- t stls.rilik e ymu,.fee ih family, Oshawa, visiteti the former's onto. Slms R utoowenus a t 7c Per M. additional sisten, Mrs. J. Shackeleten. Master Wilfred Walker. Toronto,Sae Break<s Courtice's Michacî's Hospital TorontPhone 49i Ailfla wok fnisedMrs. C. Boyd anti Miss Margaret ta holidaying at bis uncle's, Mn. S. G. U boe Stig fW st dyn Hospit, To ronto, s. neu- Ai fa wrkfnihe. Virtue spent a !ew days witb Mn. Hallowell. aodn Gootis calleti for anti deliv- anti Mrs. E. A. Mitchell, Ballyduf f. Mrs. Dixon anti son Homer, Ton- L dn.Teni.dbl yl tr ereti Work donc by Bow- Mn. anti Mrs. A. Brunt and fam- onto, bave been visiting ber f ienti, 5Durham League Games Mnw. anti Mrs. Frank Peate are en- manville people, Satisfac- ily spent Suntiay with the latters Mrs. Bert ha Reid,. Jingarned parents, Mn. anti Mrs. Marks, Shir- Mrs. Collins, Ottawa. who bas Anti iust as every goodt hing must tio gurateeiley. been visiting bier daughten, Mrs. endi, so the unbroken string of vic- Mrs. E. C. Ashton anti Miss June Mellor, bas rcturned borne. tories compileti by Courtice was have been holidaying with the for- Mrs. W. Savery bas retunneti home broken when Salern tefeateti them mer's daughter, Mrs. S. Rodman, f nom Oshawa anti took in the f amily at, Courtice on Tuestiay, 7-6. As thej M arjorami 5 Scugog Islandi. picnic at Cream o! Barley Park. score indicates if was a close game. aundry ~~Corbetf. Bowmanville, have fone on Wallace. our minister, bas returnecl decitie icer t a dl.i n Phon 478 KingSt. . atofishing ackexpe.dition forel unda wtisysat home hsomewhatc of improvecut Acae"shinRichardsn frpitchetis hmeforewSalemrovThenhethriftce"Richrdsewifed foiSalm teakeifadvantageewilofakthesetaglofwhepr10cesic andn Kn StE. Mn. Russel Gilbert anti the mcmn- harvesteti. oats reatiy. straw very as be struck ouf Il men. He hati 31stc epa ry-a hoealwi bngP rp rsos. SJ bers of bis Sunday School Class short. Potatoes are nof veiry prom- victimis in the first, 3 in theseod sPent the week-end with fiends at ising. 1 in the !ourfh, 1 in the sevenfh.:SEI LV L E O H RD Y RD Y A U D Y Cherrywooti anti Scarboro. Mrs. Bertha Reiti anti Hazel anti anti 3 in the eighth. Grant,tybis ___________________________________________ ______________________ Mn. anti Mrs. Fred Robbins anti Miss Norma Hallowell visiteti the catcher, heiti hirn in nobl e stle. family, Mrs. W. Hamilton anti fam- formers daughter, Mrs. Wilfreti Sam Gay anti Couch Courfice---- ily.n-Roch-ste,..viieihrWoOrono. .Aformi ithe bat tery for Coulrtice. Gold Medal IQuke manvlle andbll tam acomp nlet nag. Co rtic - W Bno n. I; S. Gay - 1_ ___ __il___- _ __llmitiu___ ___ ___ ___ __ vuyUzcm-% rm. dîscounageti yef. Mn. Hobbs o! Bow- o Toronfo, on their recent mar- Cobs ! WeLsh, If. j _______________ ICING SUGAR "'e' per pkg. Bownaanvil the team as umpire. Mn anti Mrs. Charles White and p; Courtice, c; H. Gay, ss; G. Brown, lb 111e _____ _______ ~~~~two tiaughtens, Oshawa, visiteti with cf; J. Gay, 2b; Vinson, 3b; Muir, r!; ~ . HN REDLVR ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Chartran, lb. FeIjE L S POE 9 REDLVR Da, r 1 oils the wheels of business. 1 Mr. anti Mns. R. R. Stevens anti Gay. THE CANADIAN STAIMMAN, BOI«AIANVMLE, TRURSDAY, AUGUST 3rd, 1933 PAGE FIDUR