PAGE FIVE THE CANADIAN E8TATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, THUJRSDAY, AUGUST 3rd, 1933 LOCAL & PERSONAL Mis. G. L. Hall and Clifford are hoidaying at Huntsville. -'Mis. Johnson Thicksan 15 visiting ber father in Peterboro. Mis. Robt. Worthington, Lindsay, is visiting Mrs. Oea. Webster. Mi. and Mrs. James McBrien vis- ited Mr. Mclntyre on Saturday. Miss Jean Prout, Shaws, is visit- ing ber aunt, Mrs. Alex Wilkins. Mr. Hermnan Lapp, Mantreal, was recent guest o! Mr. Stuart R. James. Mis. N. Cale, Pearson, Iowa, spent Sunday witb Mi. and Mis. Smyth O'Brien. Miss June Lougbman, Toronto, is visiting witb Mi. and Mis. Jobnson Thickson. The Public Library 15 closed for va- cation. Will re-open on Thursday, August l7tb. Mr. and Mis. Roger Fishleigh, Toronto, are visiting Mi. and Mis. R. H. Westaway. M.and Mis. Fred Cryderman and daughter Ruth have been holidaying near Bobcaygean. Mis. H. H. Earl, Toronto, is bh- daying. witb ber aunts, Mis. Jessie Burk and Mis. C. B. Kent. Miss Minore, Lindsay, is spending a week witb ber brother, Mr. M. H. Minore, C.P.R. station agent. Mi. and Mis. Chas. Cattran, Charles and John, have îeturned f rom balidays in Akron, Ohio. Miss Muriel McDonald, Toronto, bas rturned home aftei a pleasant visit with Miss Helen McGregor, B.A. Mi. Carence L. Osbarne a! The Statesman staff, and Mi. Blass Campbell le! t by motor Saturday ta attend the Worid's Pair at Chicago, Ili.1 Miss Ethel Lyle, Orillia, is visit- ing Miss Myrtie Lyle. Mrs. Chas. Manning bas been vis- iting hei sister, Mis. Scripture, Cl- borne. Mis. Laura Crawford, Toronto, has been visiting Mrs. E. Beliman. -Bal- sam Grave," and ather !îiends in town. Mi. and Mrs. Lewis Cainish andi childien, Stratfoîd, visited the for- mer's aunt, Mis. McIntyre, last week. Mis. E. S. Meath, Toronto. and Mis. N. B. Mari, Newark, N. J., are visiting Capt. and Mis. C. W. E. Meath. Miss Eleanor Henderson, nurse in training at St. Joseph's Hospital, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mis. Jas. Coyle. Mis. M. H. Minore and Mr. Jack Minore are visting the formei's daughteî, Mis. A. E. R. Westman, at Bala, Ont. Mi. and Mis. Will Gambie o!fPen- elan Falls, spent a few days with the f oimei's sister, Mis. Jas. E. lett. and Mi. Flett. Mis. (Rev.) Roy Mellviiie and Wallace, Saskatoon, are visiting ber parents, Rev. and Mis. C. R. Spencer at the Rectoiy. Misses H. and M. Brimacombe are spending theeweekend witb their sis- ters, Mis. T. B. Penfound and Mis. Rd. Snowden, Oshawa. Mis. Muriel Symans and sons Paul and Kelvin are holidaying with the lattei's grandpaîents, Mi. and Mis. W. H. Syinans. Welcomo. Rev. and Mis. R. Finlayson, Las Angeles, Cal., who have been visit ing with Mis. S. C. Hillier and Miss Edith Hillier, bave ieturned home. Mis. W. Ross Strîke and Alan are holidaying witb ber father atMi r isbuig and camping on the beauIti- f ui banks of the St. Lawrence River. Announcement! We wish ta -announce that we are servicing, by our leased wire system, H. C. HIGGINDOTIRAM wth offices at 51 Simcoe Street, South, Oshawa Our service covers f ull Standard Stock and Mining Exchange trading and quotations. Toronto Stock Exchange and the leaders an Wall Street. We also give an up-to-the-minute Grain service and handie trading in Unlisted Stocks. J. H. CRANG & CO. Members Standard Stock and Minng Exchange Vancouver Stock Exchange - - Calgary Stock Exchange Winnipeg Grain Exchange STOCKS - - BONDS- - GRAIN 304 Bay Street - Waverley 1621- Toronto Every Dress Must Go LAST.THREE DAYS 0F OUR First Anniversary Sale Every dress in the store must go te, make room for our new f al dresses arriving this week*. This week we fealture further Drastic Reductions White Pique Skirts, Fri. and Sat...... $1.00 each Dresses, reg. $5.95-0n' Sale ............ $1.95 Dresses, reg. to $ 7.95-On Sale.......... $2.95 Dresses, reg. to $ 8.95-On Sale.......... $3.95 Dresses, reg. to $1.95-On Sale.......... $4.95 Dresses, reg. to $12.50-On Sale.......... $6.95 Dresses, reg. to $18.O-On Sale.......... $8.95 D es See our flrst showlng of Fr ses new Fali Dresses on Sat- "' D r sses urday. The Evlyn Ladies' Specialty Skop Phone 594 - Miss T. Murphy- Mrs. F. Oke TENNIS - .k THIS WEEK POSITIVELY AT HALF PRICE $16.00 Racquets - On Sale...... $8.00 $12.00 Racquets - On Sale...... $6.00 $10.00 Racquets - On Sale......$500 $ 8.00 Racquets - On Sale...... $4.00 $1.25 Racquet Press - On Saë',... 90c Children's Racquets at........... 39c 1933 Tennis Balsa...... 50C - 40 Ot n, Golf Balls ..................... DUSTAN'S cash HARDWARE BAND CONCERT FRIDAY The Canadian Legion is presenting another of its popular promenade concerts in Memorial Park on Friday nigbt. This or- ganization, of wbich tbe town is justly proud, bas prepared a spendid pro- gram, and a large crawd should be an hand to bear tbem an Friday. Mrs. H. A. Farrow is visiting Miss Gould, Pictan. Miss Jean Rundie is visiting Miss Mary Brown, New Park. Miss Audrey Craig. Agincourt, 15 visiting Miss Edith Morris. Mr. and Mrs. J. O'Neill and Kay are holidaying in Haliburton. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Crawford and family are boiidaying at Cobourg. Miss Grace Rundie visited ber uncie. Dr. H. C. Rundie, Brighton. Mrs. H. P. MiUs, Toronto, bas been visiting her sister, Mrs. Elgin Wight Miss Ruth Penhale, London, is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Brown. Mrs. A. E. Mcçready is bolidaying with Dr. and Mrs. M. B. Annis, Lindsay, Mr. Oea. Weekes, Ottawa, is visit- ing bis uncle, Mr. Oeo. Weekes. Registrar. IMrs. L. L. Guy, Columbus, is vis- iting Mrs. N. S. B. James and-other relatives bere. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. L. Anderson, ISt. Marys, are visiting ber brather. Mr. M. J. Wight. Rev. C. R. Spencer attended the f uneral of the late Rev. Dr. Oswald Rigby, M. A., Port Hope. Miss Nora Werry of Kedron visit- ed ber uncle, Mr. M. A. James, and other relatives bere on Saturday. Mr. ani Mrs. Chas. Weekes, Tor- onto, spent the weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. Weekes, "Kalmiar Villa." Mr. and Mrs. Roy Oke, Doris and Frank, of St. Thomas, recently vis- ited the former's sister, Mrs. Sid. Morris. Mr. and Mis. Chas. H. Haddy and Jack and Miss Agnes K. Haddy, To- ronta. are holidaying witb Mi. and Mis. F. A. Haddy. Mis. J. H. Johuston, Boit and El- oanoî and Mis. Perry. visited the !ormei's father, Mi. G. A. Lunney. in Collingwood, last week. Miss Ella Jollow and ber nephew, Mi. Gardon Joilow, have returnod f rom a pleasant holiday at Honey Harbor on the Georgian Bay. Miss B. Bennis, Toronto, Dr. and Mis. W. J. Hall and Barry, Mimico, Mi. Jim Devitt, Toronto, were week- end guests o! Dr. and Mis. J. C. Devitt. Miss Alice Nicholson, Tweed. who bas been visiting here for tbe past two weeks, ba& returned home ac- companiod by ber cousin, Miss Ger- trude Wagar. Miss Nellie Burk has returned ta Belleville Hospital, a! ter spending holidays with ber mather, Mis. Jossie Burk, here, and ber aunt, Lady Hughes, at Lindsay. Dr. C. W. Siemon, Mis. Siemnon, Mis. H. W. Poster and Miss Marg- aret Trebilcack le! t on Tuesday for a holiday trip ta Halifax, N. S., and other eastein points. Mi. and Mis. Gilbert Gibsan, A- ian and Douglas. Oshawa, Mr. and Mis. F. Thompson and f amily, Bur- keton. were Sunday guests o! Mi. and Mis. R. G. Thompson. Mi. A. R. Virgin, Superintendent o! the Ontario Training Scbool for Boys, wha with Mis. Virgin and f am- ily bave been enjoying a vacation in Northern Ontario, have retuined ta tawn. Mi. I. G. Hefkey, Manager o! the Rayal Bank, an.d Mis. Ho! key spent the weekend with ber parents, Mi. and Mis. Thos. Foteergili, near Bur- lington. Mis. Hefkey remained for a visit. Chie! and Mis. Sydney Venton and !amiiy are enjoying their an- nual vacation near Magistrate R. M. Catton's cottage at Buint River. They will spend a week there and another week at Meaford. $25.00 REWARD The Ratary Club o! Bowmanville will pay $25.00 reward for informa- tion leading ta the aiiest and con- viction o! the boys wbo wantonly damaged Rotary property ta the ex- tent a! over $50.00 in Rotary Park on July 27th. Information sbouid be !orwardod ta the Rotary Club who wili tako the necessary action. WVHERE PARING COULD BE DONE <Sheiboine Record> Canada bas 10,000.000 population s nd sixteen ministers lu charge o! departments, bureaus and commis- sions. 'Mo United States with 125,000,000 people bas a cabinet o! ton mein- bers. Great Britain with 40,000,000 peo- pie and 450,000.000 subjects bas twenty ministeis lu the British Cab- inet. But that is not ail o! the Canad- ian ministers. Each province bas its local legisiature. Alberta, wth a population of 729,- 497, bas fivo cabinet ministers. British Columbia, with 689,844 and elght cabinet ministers. Prince Edward Island wite 88,040 people bas a cabinet o! four mein- bers. Quebec, wtb 2,869,793 residents, bas seven cabinet ministers. Saskatchewan, wth 921,281 peo- ple, bas elgbt ministers. Nova Scotia, wtb 512,027 popula- tion bas five ministers wth part- folios. New Brunswick. wth 408.255 pop- ulation, bas seven cabinet ministera. Countlng the sixteen federal and tpe slxty-flve provincial members o! tie éblnet we bave elgbty-one ai- toehragainst Brltain's twenty. Cutte coat. and aak wbetber or net we are too mucfl governed. Rotary Fair Receipts (Continued !rom page 1) three cbeers for the Fair Manager. which were heartily given by the club. Duiing the meeting various mem- bers bîougbt in votes o! apprecia- tion ta M. H. Minore who had charge o! the parade; Jack Cale Jr., wbo perfectly accounted for ail tickets;, Tommy Ross and Tim Garton who made several o! the wheels and worked innumerable hours for the Fair; ta, the four bands (twa Bow- manville and one Oshawa and one Orano). wba took paît in the par- ade and gave their services gratuit- ousiy; and ta tbe general public for their support. Dave Morison was presented with a bouquet of flowers on the occasion o! bis 43rd biîtbday. Letters were îead from Mi. A. A. Calwili o! New- castle ani Mis. Wm. A. White o! New York City for sympathy extend- od by tee Club in their recent ber- eavements; fiom Narman Lansing o! Cartwright thanking the club for the aid it bad extended ta bis crip- pied son; and !rom the directar o! Camp Akela for the Club's help in providing transportation to and !rom the camp, for the boys and for their parents on Visitais' Night. Af ter a few songs under the lead- ership of Tom Holgate the meeting, closed wfth the singing a! -I'm a Little Prairie Flowor." Výisiting Rotarians piesont were Ernest Faibes o! Weston and John Kyle of Toronto. High School Students Bunch Hits in Third To Defeat The Cubs Bunching foui o! their five bits in the third innings, Jim Bowýman's High Schaol students handed Hate- ly's Cubs a 5 ta, 1 defeat in the Town League on Tiiesday night. The students' other bit was in the 5tb when Gord. Adams surprised himself and tbe crowd by bitting a bard one ta le!t field ta score the only home run o! the game. The Cubs scored their only run in the flrst innings, when Cale came home a!ter scoiing a single. Hersh Hooper's bit sent bim round f rom second ta, home. Cubs secured ane more bit than the High Schoai and five times in tee game they were le! t witb men on third base. Apaît f rom the High Schoai's spuit in the tbird the gaine was very even. In the Sth, Hubert Hooper and Lloyd Hall flgured in a nice double play wýhen Hooper caugbt Bill Coîden's !ly. whisking it back ta Hall at third ta get Jack Cale out. In the sixth Hall flguied in anothei play not quite Sa fortunate wben Welsh, the Cubs' catcher. buîled the baU ta second ta get Hall, the bail hitting Hall on the bead and stunning him for a few minutes. There was saine discussion in the final frame wben . R.ed Bowman pitched for the High Seboal, getting two strike-outs and flguring wite an assist in the other putaut. Appar- ently some agreement had been made whereby Bawman as coach o! the High Scbool was permnittod ta play for the students wlien needed but in any position othet' than pit- cher." Whiie we wore not present at the meeting at which this agree- ment was purpartod ta bave beon made, we believe that it would have been better for ail concerned bad Bowman stayed out o! the box in teat innings. Higb Schooi - Kent, B. Siemon and Bowman., P. Hunt and Hall, c; B. Siemon and Kent, lb; H. Sieni- on, 2b; Hall, 3b; E. Bagneli, ss; Aluin, If; Adams, cf; H. Hooper, if. Cubs - D. Osborne, p; Welsb, c; Cordon, lb; Cale, 2b; Mutton, 3b; Cameron, ss; McKnight, If; Hateiy, cf; Hooper, if. Umipires - Tweedle and Bates. "There are two good ruies whicb. ought ta be wîitten on eveiy beait; nover believe anything bad about anybody uniess you positlvely know it is true; neyer tell even that un- less you feel. that it 15 absoiutely necessary and that God 15 iistenlng while you tel."-Henry Van Dyke. NEGL]ECTINGý 'FOUR EAVETROUGH MAY RUIN 'FOUR FOUNDATION Give Us a Cail. R@ Be E.Logan lumbing - Heatlng - lnsmlthlng Phone 264W Bowmanville, Ontario Siendor Tablets Contain No Thyroid Yet they are the moat effective of their klnd. These tabîcta are a new Engllah formula which give You a lovely. slim svelte ap- pearance lu a sure, sale. sane way. The exact formula la on the box. Three weeks' treatment $1,50. Jury & Loveil Telephone 78 fir literature. Wheu We Test Eyes Tt 1a Doue Proper[Y. (Contlnued f rom page 1) survey made by the Commission is that fact tbat over 40 customers were found ta be using water witb. out paying for it. That is ta say in some cases, two or more familles weîe getting water f rom tbe same supply and only k~e was being bill- ed. In otber cases people wbo owned stores or offices and apartments above bad been cbarged with one instead of two water services. As regards tbe situation of suppiy the Commission is making a detailed study of the question. The daily peak load is 330,000 imperial gal- lons, which is dangerously near capacity. The twa equalizer tanks at Salem are a means o! providing ex- tra water when the demand is at its greatest but very soon this can- not continue, if the demand is con- tinually greater than the supply. Tbe only other available supply in the town is tbat reserved for fire purposes at the Pump House where 300,000 gallons are stared. Equalizer tanks also bave storage of 300,000t gallons wbich according ta peakj load would be used ini one day ift anythmng unusual were ta, happen to temporarily bold up the supply.I These figures are given that citi- zens may better realize tbe actual conditions pertaining to the water- works system and the source of supply. A warning was lssued re- cently recjuesting cltilzens t o on- serve on tbe use o! tawn water in which a majorlty of users very graciousy complied with the request but enough citizens absoluteiy lg- nored this appeal by continulng to water their lawns and gardens that tbe supply and demand continues ta create a bazardous situation. WEDDINGSJ Cator-Eames Tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. Mor- ley, Pickering, was the scene of a pretty wedding on July 3lst, wbeni Miss Dora E. Eames, Toronto, was uruted in marriage with Mr. John D. Cator, Toronto,. Rev. J. H. Stain- ton, Exeter, a former pastor, offici- ated. The bridesmaid was Miss Edna Swallow of Bowmanville, a friend of the bride. Tbe groom was supported by bis fîiend, Mr. Clarence Hockln, Courtice. The wmnsome bride looked cbarming in a gown of powder blue georgette with white accessories. She carried a bouquet of pink roses and carnations witb maiden bair fern. Af ter the ceremony a dainty luncbeon was served and tbe bappy couple lef t by motor aid sbowers of confetti for Toronto, wbere they wiii reside. Osborne--Campbefl The marriage was solemnized in the United Cburcb. Guthie, Ont., on Saturday, July 29tb, o! Florence Annie. daugbter o! Mr. and Mrs. William Campbell, o! Guthirle. to Rev. Stanley L. Osborne, son o! Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Osbofne, Toronto. Rev. E. Crassley Hunter offlciated assisted by Rev. D. Roy Gray. The cburch was decorated wlth fers and summer flowers, and Mr. Fred Campbell, cousin o! the bride,, played. Miss Mary Glchrtst sang. The bride, given in marriage by ber father, wore a gown o! Wbite crepe faille f asbioned on long uines and veil o! embroldered sllk net held In place by a wreath o! orange blos- soms. She carrled sweetbeart roses. Sbe was attended by Miss Marion Campbell o! Toronto, who wore del- pbinium blue chiffon, fashloned on long lies wth crepe sleeves, and bat o! blue lace mohair trlmmed with velvet o! the same She carrled Ophella roses. The grooms- man was Mr. J. Meville Boyd o! Trout Mills, and the ushers were Mr. W. G. Campbell, brother o! tbe bride, and Rev. C. H. Ferguson o! Northport. Af ter the ceremony a reception was held at the home o! the bride's parents, where the par- ents o! the bride and groom recelv- ed wlth the weddlng party. The bride and groom le! t for a two weeks' trip In Muskoka, the bride golng away in a green and white sports dress, wlth wbite fiannel coat, white bat, and matchlng accessorles. on their retuin they wiii reside in Coe Hill. Among the relatives from this dis- trict were Mr. J. Frank Osborne and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Crago, Bow- manville, Mrs. J. W. Hamilton, Miil- brook. The groom is a grandson of Mrs. S. Stanley o! tbis town. Some people are born great1 others make theniseives great, and the reat a! lem grate upon others. Don't say that the early bird gets th orm. Nowadays the early bird gets his own breakfast. SIXTH REGATTA AT CAESAREA ON CiVC HOLIDAY Ambitious Program Is Prepared for Interesting Annual Event Ambitiaus arrangements are being made for the Sixth Annual Regatta o! the Cottagers Association at Cae- sarea, on Lake Scugog, whicb is ta be beld on Monday, August 7th, which is Civîc Holiday. For the last five years this bas been a most en- joyable event, attended by as many as four tbousand people, and this year's regatta promises ta be the finest on record. In addition ta foui beautiful cups wbich are offeîed for the motor boat races, between $250 and $300 will be spent on prizes for the many events on the pragram. Arrangements have been made for a fuil day o! sparts activity on the water, starting with children's events at 9.30 a. m., and continuing îight tbrough until six o'clock in the afternoon. Since a large number o! people f rom Bowmanville and the surround- ing country bave summer homes at Caesaiea, and are interested in the regatta, it 15 expected thaf this dis- trict will be well iepiesented in the variaus ovents on the progiam, as weil as In the crowd o! spectators. Water Consumers WilI 6e Metereci Drug Values for Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. AUg 3 -4 a5 F RE E Gillette Knif e with 10 Biue Blades Both for $1.00 TOILETRIES Cutex Preparations ... 60e I.D.A. Almond Lotion .. . . . . . Pomeplan Powder .-. Nomzma Creani 27e - . Pepsodeut Tooth Faste, Kleenor Mouth Wash, 23e - Odo-ro-no ..... 35c - Forhau's Tooth Faste. 25e- Lavender Shave Cream, Listerlue. 25e -49C - Gillette Blades 35e - 98C 69C (greeh package) Vinolia Castile Soap, ln bars... 3 for 22c WRIGLEY'S Chewing Gum 4 for 1 Sc REMEDIES Phrnlipa, MMI of Magfnesia, 39e 85o I.D.A. Mdinerai 01. 59e Eues Fruit Sait ...54c, 89e M. lM.&D.Pure EPOMseSat .....19e Za.nbuk .....- 29e Englilh Health Salta, 1ilb . . . ..3.. . 9e Yeast-Vite - 29e - 89e 50e I.D.A. Milk of IMaguesla ......35e SUNDRIES 35e Tooth Brushes ... 18 15e Waah Cloths . -9c Powder Puifs ...ý .10c Bathlng Caps 50e for. .29e IBobby Combs .... -9c LN'A e TooDCI Pa ste... 2e lacIc ma stum---. .-. ... . vu- REE PHOTO HOLDER - Holds 48 picturea, wltis IF F E 3 Agfa FiMs - any aise. Juat the rlght number for your holiday. PAHLEX MGREGOR, Drugs Children Can Eat Ail They Want of Our IC E, ri-CaE A mi And with no M IJecta. because It la Sllverwood'a ce. Crean. $W.Mroductet fcaret ni maklng merid e~~ ~i4~Ik ee combined with pure whole.oaue lavor- lnàs eak>ogecream tha.t's wonderful . . tgot ailthe nutritive elementa of mJlk, and you know how good mUA la fe orcldIen. ThAt'a why you eau give the ehileren ouir Ice Creman ...ailthey eau caL A Wagon on Every Street Every Day Corbett's Dalkery PHONE 3 DOWMANVUE BOWMANVILLE '>' PHONE 74 stock Up J 0. Your Pautry Hore Today Everything of the best quality obtain-L ' able - your favorite brands at low prices. Below are saniple values of what you get day in and day out at Harry Allin's. We do flot give you items at cost and* make you pay dearer for others to maire Up. Granuiated Sugar........ 100 lb. bag $7.25 Canada Dry Belfast Style Ginger Aie, 30Ooz. size ...................2for 25c Whiz Insect Kiler .... Small 33c; Large 57c Fry's Cocoa,½lb tins .............. 21c Junket Powder, ail flavors...... 2 pkgs. 25c Libby's Pork & Beans, large tins. .3 for 25c O'Keefe's Stone Ginger Beer, formeriy 10c, now ............ 5c boule Borden's Malted Miik, lb. tin.......... 39c Fuiier's Peanut Butter, ........... 15c jar Chicken Haddies .............. 2 tins 25c Tiger Brand Red Cohoe Salmon ...21c tin Lipton's and Red Rose Tea......... 45c lb. New Clover Honey, 5-lb. pail .......... 45c Fui-O-Pep Growing Mash, makes your chicks grow faster...... 100 lb. bag $2.M5 Fresh Fish For Friday Harry Alliai, Grocer Phones 186 and 121 - Fast Motor Delivery Editor James and his staff have Alex McGregor has acquired a new Ione considerable changing around apprentice in the person of Newton [!be Statesman office in the past few Hackney who for some tune bas weeks. Type cases have been moved been serving beans, groceries, etcet- nd a littie paint bas found its way era ta customers of the Atlantic,& to the walls of the editor's office. Paciflc Tea Co. Newton was initiat- A general bouse cleanlng bas proved ed into bis duties on Monday and Lhat aid adage that I'dirt wlll find a bas rendered valuable assistance ai- way," and every nook and cranny ready ini the. flnalities of tbe dean has been scoured. May it ever re- up, paint up campaign that Alex nain thus. bas been having in bis drug store. -à 1