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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Aug 1933, p. 7

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I ~T w/i* i . I shawa Cus Tacel EXH IBITION TO RON YT0 AUG.'15 -b SEPT.9 1935 (EXCLUSIVE 0F SUNDAYS) B ri l ian t, gl am oro us, faîcinating, inpringthis renowned'"Show Win- Sof the Nations'" reflects the changes of modern civilization from year ta year. F'or fourteen days and nights in great permanent edifices of tone and steel, new and improved manufactured and natural products of the Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa, Bermuda and the Indies will be on display. Modern agriculture in ahl its branches in the worlds largesr show building-an agriculrural education in itseif. New paintings from near and fat in riva art galleries. Famous band of His Majesty's Scots Guards and thirty orber bands. Wolds championship Marathon swims, Womens 10 milcs, Friday, .Aug. 25, open, 15 miles, Wednesday, Aug. 30. Sculling races for the worlds professional cham- pionship. "'Montezuma" glittering costuined production depicting thc conquesr of Mexico by Spanish adveni totems under Cortes presented by 1500 performers on a 1000-foot stage. Thrilling performances in the new Mfilion Dollar Horse Palace. Pedi- greed pets at the international dog and cat shows. Models of 1934 at the Motor Show. Happy, carcfree throngs ons a mile long midway. There's only one world's largest sauaI Exhibition, plan to sec it this 7Wa. Exceptional excursion rates arranged. Consult local agents. Railways, Steamn- ships, Motor Coaches. WI1GLIS, H. W. WATERS. seint Genral Manag;r .- T.RfIfT 1 CONSECUTIV >lmN OFF COLOUR ? HOW IS YOUR IVER? Wake up your Liver BNe -Without Calomel Yow lvr'-aîot& niliorgan, but ite- teily ea. ut y iesiesd einnai or aaot of kiter by r"fun~t pour out ite deiyto Pouna f11ud ie xto your bowela You ont cen ely' core ,,,h^acndition or cheing gro ruhg.Wh.. theyvs. rnoved ou r bowels theýy je .through-aod you need a Iliver stimulant. Cartersa Lttle Liver Pil will soon bring back the sunahins jeta our Ie. Tbeyre purely vege- table Sale. Sure. Ascfrte y Dams.Refus gubstitutes. 25c t a&l druggista 4a Stop that Head Aching Why sufer headache, or any other pain, when ZUTOO TABLETS, taken when o yu feel it coming on, WiII give relief in 20 minutes. Harmles and re- liable. Used by thous- ands END PAIN-Soothe SORE HANDS N ewa ste Hods FontStreet Bunch NewcstleHold ý""Hits ta Win Fast Bowmanvil le to 3-3 Tie Saturday League Tailenders Surprise Lacals and Lead Most of Game-Bowmanville Ties Score in 7th Innings Displaying an interestmng type o! basebaîl, Newcastle belti Bowman- ville te, a 3-3 tie in a closely fouglit game on Saturday evening at tbe Higli School Campus. Bill Brunt, pitching for the eastern village, wbile not running up an impressive score o! strike-outs, kept tbe locals on their tocs tbroughout the gaine. Hie struck out five, but bis burling produceti very few outfleld bits, anti gooti support in the fieldi helti Bow- manville in check until the sixtb innings when tbey made their flrst score. Newcastle openeti in the 2nd f rame witb their three runs. Tbree Bowmanville errors contributeti Iarg- ely te these runs, when E. Walton got to flrst wben Corden f umbled the bail, anti went te, second on an error by Don Williams. Cowan got on bases on a flelder's choice, anti Thackeray's single brouglit both Cowan anti Walton home. A tbree- bagger by Stan. Grahiam brouglit Thackeray in for tic final counter. In the next four innings Newcastle titi not get a man on bases, in fact they titi not get anotier througiout the entire gaine. Tbe two bits to tbeir credit were bunched in their scoring innings. Despite Bowmanville's more un- pressive record o! 7 bits, the New- castle flelders helti them. in check until the sixth innlngs. witb tbree bits that had not been converteti in- to runs. In the sixth Qoozey Os- borne openeti the scoring witb a two- bagger te le! t field, anti Cameron's single brougit Osborne home. Halls bit brouglit Cameron in for the second run. In the next f rame Cameron's bit eveneti the score wben James wbo was on second matie home. Desperate attempts to equal- ize were matie by botb teains but unsuccessfully. Bowman took Os- bornes place in the 8ti anti starteti off by putting two men on bases, bit by pitchetihalls. In the 9ti lie scoreti thrcc straiglit strike-outs. Jobnny James' tbree-bagger in the ninti off Sbinny Moise f aileti to bring in any runs. Bill Brunts fine hurling was brouglit te an endi when lie receiveti a nasty bit on tbe shoul- der by one o! Osborne's fastest of- ferings. Altbougli le endeavoureti to make a comeback, amidtheti ap- plause o! tbe crowd, bis shoulder was teo swollen anti le hati to re- tire. The score: Newcastle 030 000 000 - 3 Bowmanville 000 002 100 - 3 Box Score Newcastle AB R H P0 A E SB S. Graham, c. 4 0 1 6 1 0 0 G. Graham, 3b 4 0 0 2 2 1 0 H-enning, 2b. 3 0 0 2 0 1 0 Moise, ss. &p. 4 O O 3 6 O O E. Walton, lb. 3 1 0 12 1 1 0 ..owan. cf. 31 00 0 00 Thackeray, If. 4 1 1 o (O 1 O Couch, rf. 400 1 00 0 Brunt, p. 3 0003 0 0 Dickinson, ss. O O 0 1 1 O O Totals 32 3 227 144 0 Bowmanville Osborne, p. 4 1 1 1 o o o Bcowman, p. 10 0 00 00 Camcron, cf. 4 1 2 1 0 0 1 Hall, 3b. 40 12 40 0 Coîwell. ss. 4 0 121 1 1 MooreIf. 40 010o1 0 Corden,lib. 40 0 901 0 Piper c. 40 19 2 00 Williams, 2b. 4 0 1 2 2 1 1 Bagnelî,r!. 2 0 00 0 0 0 J. James, rf. 2 1 1 O0O o Totals 37 3 7 27 9 4 3j Brunt 5 strike-outs; Moise none; Oshorne 7 strike-outs; Bowman 3. UmnPires - D. Osborne, Bowman- ville, anti Brown, Newcastle. SIDEUIGHTS ON SPORT Up in Toronto tbey bave wbat they caîl a "Knot Hole Club" anti in IBowmanville we have what miglit be temda "Fenceviewers' Club.", It has othng hatverto do with thie honorable calllng to whici Har- ay Allin lias been closcly relateti for aquarter century, but is a club o! sportsmen (?) wlio gather ecd ev- ening on the east fence of the bal fieldi and there witness the gaines, wlthout having to cip down in their pockets te help the cause along. We cannot belp but note that when there is crabbing, a fair proportion comes from this section, We would suggest if these fellows are really interested inl the league, that they sit down on tic groundis where the bat is passeti, or perhapa if the spot tbey now use is so congenlal that they do not care to nove, we sug-t gest that Bill Bagnell make a spec- lai trip to the east fence for a col- lection. We understanti that wc have matie quite a few bat frientsisnl the Goodi- year plant due to our cîasslfying a gaine lu whîci Goodyear took part as "rotten." Af ter attendlng prac- tlcally every baîl gamin utewn lea- gues in the past four or five years, we bave an Idea o! wbat constitutes a gooti or a rotten gaine. Howcver, we are sure that most o! the fcllows lu thc Goodyear who rcally are sportsmen, woulti ratier bave us say it was a rotten gaminIf it was, than have us surround a game o! that nature wltb a lot e! soft phrases anti platitudes. Badi friends or no bati f rientis we'll continue to caîl a spade a spade, anti refuse te cal that whlch Is black, white. Heal your horse wbile It works. Apply Douglas' Egyptlan, Liniment te sore necks anti gails. A sure, speecly treatinent. Came Against Cuba Bunciing three of their four bits in the fourtb innings, Front Street romped to victory on Frlday niglit in a fast and interesting gaine with Hately's Cubs. The game was about tbe qulckest gaine in some weeks andi was over just as tbe sun set- tleti down beblnd tbe western hor- izon. Batting first, the Cubs openeti tbe gaine wltb a bit by Corden, one of tbe tliree bits tbe Cubs manageti te score during the game. There was no score, neitber was tbere a man reach third base until the 5ti innlngs wben the Cubs macle their big effort and score the only two runs of their gaine. Both runs were scoreti witbout bits, McKnigbt get- ting to flrst on an error, andi Corden on a flelder's choice throw. Tbe third innings was enlivened by a snappy double play wben Cor- den was on flrst, and Hooper bit an inflelti grountier te the pitcher wbicb was recovered and whisked to Pork Osborne at second to get Corden anti back te, Jamieson at flrst to, get Hooper. Front Street gaineti their first run ln tbe second f rame, wben after making flrst witb a walk. Jobnny James stole tbree bases to bome, without a bit or another man get- ting on bases. In tbe fourtb, f our more runs came ln on tbree bits and a couple of errors. A furtber at- tempt te score in the fi! th, wben Hooper was on third and A. Os- borne on second, was frustrateti wben Dave Osborne struck two out, andi Jamieson bit a ffy te short stop. Goozey Osborne had five strike- puts, and Dave Osborne eigbt strike- outs to bis credit. The score by innings was: Cubs 000 020 0 - 2 Front Street 010 400 x - 5 Cibs - D. Osborne, p; Welsi, c; Corden, lb; Cole, 2b; Mutton, 3b; Hately, ss; McKniglit, If; Cameron, cf; Hooper, rf. Front Street - A. Osborne, p; Hooper, c; Jamieson, lb; C. Os- borne, 2b; James 3b; Cantreil, ss; Culley, If; Brougli, cf; Martyn, rf. Umpires - Tweedle at plate; Large on bases. Orioles Administer Whitewashing ta Front Street Team Holding Front Street te three liits i i thc seven innings gaine, Pretidy Jackman anti bis Orioles won a fair- ly easy victory on Monday niglit, by ifinishing at tbe long enti o! the wbitewasb score o! 5-O. As far as hits were concernet the Orioles far- tcd littIe better than thc Front Street, .but numerous errors aidedtheti Jack- n-man crew to bring in thc runs. Tuere wcre no runs until the third lnnings wben P. Jackman's tbree-baggcr was converteti into a run when brother Harry's single sent Preddy home. The next three Inn- ings were scoreless, but the seventh anti final innings saw the Orioles take on a spur!tet win casily. Cecil Dudiley, batting first, got on bases when James fumbleti at sec- ond. F. Jackman reacliet i rst wien bit by a pitcheti hall. anti Collacott reachet i frst when Hall picked up bis grounder anti put Dudley out at thirti. Harolti Foster came across witb a single, anti an outfielcl bit by Harry Jackman brouglit Fred and Colla- cott ixto home plàte. Harry Jack- man got out at third, anti N. Jack- man got on bases on the saine play. A bit bY Moore brouglit Foster anti N. Jackanan home, anti a bit by Grant brought Moore in for the last couniter. Osborne anti Fretidy Jackman were caci crediteti with 8 strîke- outs. Tue teains: Orioles - F. Jackman, p; H. Pos- ter, c; N. Jackman, lb; E. Jack- man, 2b; Dudley, 3b; P. Grant, as; Moore, If; Collacott, cf; Murphy, r!. Front Street - A. Osborne, p; Hooper, c; Jameison, lb; James, 2b; Martyn, Sb; Cantrell, ss; Jack Cul- ley, If; Brougli. cf; Jian Culley, r!. Umpires - Tweedlc anti Dave Os- borne. Caurtice Team Retains Unbeaten Record By Defeating Providence In a fast, close anti welI playeti gaine, Courtice maintaineti their un- heaten record wbcn they defeateti Providence at Courtice on Fritiay niglit. Tue defeat was tic second lu succession anti second o! thse sea- son for Providence ant iIt was the ninth wln for Courtice. Jack Gay pitcheti anti Coucli Courtice caught for tic winners, whlle Wight pîtcheti anti J. Rlck- art andt' Kllpatrlck divideti the catching duties for Providence. Wight only alloweti Courtice five hits, but tirce errors, five walks proveti fatal. Five o! the Courtice runs were scoreti wlin Wlght's pit- cbet bails lancleti n the dlrt arounti the plate anti bounceti away frein the catchèr. Providence hati nixe WILSON RELYKL Orne pad kfilla files ail day and ever day for 2 or 3 weeks. 3 padae = pachet. No spraylng, no sadekiness, no bad odor. Ask your Drugglsg, Grocery- or General Store. 10 CENTS PER PACKET WHY PAY MORE? THE WILSON FLY PAO CO.. Nuwie0oe. O2m Fourtli Deleat From Bowmacnville OutFit 1Bowman Holds Motar City Outfit ta Six Scattered Hits--Was WeII Support- ed on the Field (Oshawa Timnes) "Red" Bowman and bis Bowman- 1ville team mates made it four straiglit victories and -a cean sweep 1for tie entire season's scbedule over tbe Oshawa Cubs when tiey defeat- Leci the locals at the Statiium bere 1last niglit, 9-2. r The Cubs were neyer in tbe pic- )ture, with Bowman restricting tbem to six scattereti safe single and only two runs. The Oshawa bitters seemedti t swing at the old "round- bouse" wlienever they needeti bits most. Bowinan's best effort was in the slxth wben lie struck three out in succession, witb two runners strandeti on third anti second. He was given gooti support in addition te bis own gooti efforts and af ter the Lsecond f rame, wben the visiters grabbed off four runs, aIl unearned, 1tbey were neyer ln danger. Ruinners Stranded Both teains bad a great many possible runs le! t on the Paths due to smart fielding anti burling by the opposing mountismen. Osbawa bad fourteen runners "die" wbule the visitors bati an even dozen. "Le! ty" Gower diti a good job for Oshawa despite the fact that lie was nicked for fou *rteen safeties. He bati six strike-outs andti tree walks, Bow- man baving one more o! eacli. Bowm.anville had two big innings, the second andtihte eigith. In the second frame, two men were walketi anti two men were safe on errors. All four scorei, the last two runs be- ing knocked in by Colwell's single anti Moore's double. In the eightb, a double, a single anti another single followed by four errors, two o! thein in an attempt te prevent a steal, accounteti for tbiree more counters. Oshawa bad several great chances but when bits meant runs tbey f ail- eti te click. Hercia, as a pincli bit- ter, came tbrough with a bit, but Haley was not so fortunate, having tbe third one calleti. Errors playeti a big part in the defeat, four of the six miscues re- sulting in runs wbule ail tbree men wio were given first base on balls managedti t score, whicb meant that the visitors had only two earned runs. Neither o! the Oshawa count- ers were earned, one reacbing flrst on an error and the other on a walk. Broati drew three f ree trips to first. Box Score Osbawa Cubs AB R H PO A Naylor, ss. 3 0 1 2 0 Lycett,lIf. 5 1 0 2 0 Sbelenkoff, 2b. 5 0 1 2 4 Morison, 3b. 4 0 0 0 2 Young, rf. 5 0 2 1 O Broai, c. 2 O 0 6 0 Kellar, lb. 3 0 O 12 0 Tamblyn, cf. 3 1 0 2 0 Gower, p. 3 0 1 0 5 Kitcben, ss. in 8th 1 0 0 O 0 xHercia 1 O 1 0 0 xxHaley 1 0 0 O 0 36 2 6 27 il X-Batted for Kellar in 9tb. xx-Batted for Tamblyn in 9tb. Bowmanville AB R H F0 A Osborne, ss. 5 1 2 3 5 Cameron, cf. 6 1 2 1 0 Colwell, 2b. 5 1 3 1 Moore, lf. 5 0 2 1 0 James, r!. 4 2 1 0 0 eeveMr e Pouea Piper, c. 3 1 0 -9 0 Rc OMr frPouea Bownan. p. 4 1 1 1 2 Result of Conference - - - - Tue effeet on Canadian agricultur- 42 9 14 27' 9 al trade o! preferences granteti by R.H.E. Great Britain, at theIcImperial Con- Bnwmanville 041 010 030-9 14 2 ference, was not readily appreciated Oshawa Cubs 100 001 000-2 6 6 when sterling was depreciateti, says S. H. Symons, Departinental Statis- Bowm nvîle Grlstician. Bowmnvile GrlsSince January of tbis year, how- Defeat Enniskillen ever, anti more particularly lu the last month, the price o! sterling iu Softball Came Friday terins o! Canatilan dollars bas sbown _____an almost sensational appreclation. Bowmanville girls won their Prom January 9 o! this year te July fourth successive gaine Friday even- 10. sterling rose f romn $3.76 to $4,98. ing on tic school groundis at Ennis- This means that producers in On- killen. Witb a chening crowd o! tario- reccive approxixnately one- fans that would warm the bearts o! third more for ticir produce, witb- any hall teain, Bownanville took a Ont causixg tic British consumer two run leati in the flrst innings. any increase lu price. Enulukillen pronptîy respondeti in Canadian producers shoulti ap- thse second lnnings by tielng thc preciate the ativantage tbey possess score 3-3. Bowmanville f airly in the British market, matie even bounteti aheati witb a four run lead more profitable by this latest risc lu lu the thirt iInnings, but were met sterling; anti every effort must hbe witb a very determineti looking tean matie te estahlisb a reputation of ln tic fourti whicb tied the zcore grades anti reguîarity o! supply for 8-8. Bâulskillen's last minute burst Canadian farin products. These are o! superb playing was successfuîly the two essential recluirements de- frustrateti, iowever, hy the Bow- mandeti by British Iuporters. manville girls who gaineti a threc run leat ini the last o! the !oumth Crops Rît By Dought innings, whicb they maintaineti un- Lack o! sufficient ram tiurixg tbe til the ent o! the flf th lnnlngs, whcn montîs of June anti July bas ser- the gaine was callet on account o! iousçly injureci crop prospects over tiarkness. the greater part o! Ontario, accord- lng te reports receiveti fram agri- bits anti three waîks. cultural repre.scntativcs. Neverthe- An unfortunate accident occurreti lezs we bear fron Bruce County that lu the third. Wight bit te Ciartran a wonticrfuî crop o! whcat bas been who touched i frst, andti hen tbrew cut and that bay was one o! the home to try anti get Rickard wbo largest crops ln Ycars ant inl almnost was running home f rom third, not perfect condition, but sprlng sown knowlng that ie hati been calleti for grains as lu otier counties bave legvlnig bis base. Rlckart inl trylng suffereti materially f rom lack o! te score bit Courtice wbo was block- moisture. Peel County also hati a lng the plate anti alinost knockcti humper crop of bigli quallty iay, hlm out. but camly potatees anti rasphernies Providence threw away a run ln wcre light crops duc to lack o! rain the last inlngs when the coach was while alfal! a secti crop was practi- anious to get the runner home that cally. a failure due te non-setting. he pushet i hm off thse base andthte lu Northli Slcoe llvcsteck o! all man was calleti eut ta cti. the gaine. kixds On many farins is showlng tic Sctrc by lnnings: effect of a short pasture supply. lu R H E Brant County raspberrles were a Providence 101 100 1 - -4 9 3 short crop, cherries falrly gooti anti Courtice 203 102 x - 8 5 3 currants anti gooseberries fair. 'oot Providence - H. Wight, p; J. cropa there as lu other districts are Rlckard and Klîpatrlck, c; W. Glb- not maklng very great growth. Es- son, lb; C. Clemence, 2b, G. Rlck- sex bas about 50,000 acres o! wbeat anti, 3b; H. Ashton, ss; Dowson anti andtie Uicyeld iwlU be frein 15 to 30 Bowcn, If; Patton, cf; B. Mutton, r!. bushels per acre wlth odt itieldis go- Courtice - J. Glay, p; C. Court- ing as bigh as 40. Pastures arc dry- Ice, c; J. Chartran. lb, S. Gay, 2b; lng up there anti pretty well gone G. Vinseni 3b; H. Gay, sa; W. cxcept alfalfa, 15,000 acres o! thse Brown, If; 10. Brown, cf; A. Muir, latter savlng the day for many a rf. lmyxn-aeneh ery. Esxaise grows 500 ac- U m p r e K n n e h e r r ..9 * ,e K g ~y m e lo n s a n d ti b i c r o p la NORTHERN ONTARIO BLUEBERRIES Enjoy this healthful fruit today- and often. Preserve smre for wlntem use. Improve your diet and at thse sarne time benefit vour fellow citizens Ln Northern Ontario, hundreds of whom depend to a larga.extent on returne from thse blueberry crop. ONTARIO GROWN TOMATOES The finest tamatoea lu thse Empire are grown hem. la Ontario. Their high vîtamin content gives them wondemful food value. Buy and enjoy Ontario grown tomatoes-vou will also help the Ontario farmer te buy frm ooeyu or vour employer. The Ontario Dejst. of Agrfcui*s' el Pusah ade'ertiements Immt te eUuse toa seuf the Ontario produueer of tersa, oteluard and dairy gsodsoets to seil hua goods in liés home matrket-Onstario. Ontario Department of Agriculture Col. The Hon. T. L Kennedy. Minuie, James B. Paîrbairo. Deputy Minlsjer. comixtg aîong fine. The corn crop is very uneven, while potate yields are tiisappointingly sinail. Lambton and otier counties in Western andI Southeru Ontario also report that crops will fail beîow thc average o! the past few years. Gardeners' Insect Frlends Ali garden insccts are not Injur- ious. In f act many o! thein are beneficial, continuaily coing gooti by destroying those species wbich are liarinful. Foremost among tic in- sects tbat help thc gardener are the different kintis o! ladybird bectles. Both in their larval anti adult stages, tbey feeti almost exclusively upon plant lice anti scale lnsects. An- other kixti o! beetle, the ficry ground beetle, 15 a particulariy use! l nil- sect. This beetlc ant iIts voraclous grub, which 15 calleti the cut worm lion, destroy enormous numbers of cutworms. The bettle 15 brownish- black, wlth tbe wixg-cases spotted wlth coppery red-henoe its name. Tue large harpalus beetle, whlch ls vcry common, destroys cutworms. Tue different kinds o! lacewlng, and other two anti four winged parasltic files are also f riends o! the gartiener. Be! ore seventy we bide our age; af ter seventy we brag about ItL Dresa Up For- Cavic Holiday 12 Big Specials BROADCLOTH SHIRTS White Broadcloth Shirts... have been selling ail summer fer $1.00 each,. News for the Busy Farmer Barn Fires The Ontario FIre marshals' re- cords show that more barns are de- stroyed by f1re originating f rom spontaneous combustion in bay than from any other cause except liglit- ning in unrodded barns. Good Type Feeder Cattle Scarce Says G. H. Duncan "My observations of the past week," said Garnet H. Duncan, live stock investigator, Ontario Market- ing Board, 'lead me to believe that there is a very definite market awaiting the fariner wbo is willing to produce well-bred feeder cattie." Bearing out bis contention, Mr. Duncan said that, wbule travelling througb Western Ontario lately, lie noticed a distressing lack of good type feeder cattie. This is the case to such an extent that the proper type of feeder cattie is bringing a price equivalent to, andi in some in- stances even higlier, than tbat of- f ered for the finisheti export animal. He added that also there appears to be a scarcity of hand weight butcher cattie, for the local trade. Use of Sulphur Sulpbur would seem to bave but little connection witb horticulture, andi yet tbere are many uses f or it in the garden, declares J. F. Clark, Horticultural Lecturer, Agricultural Societies Brandi. It is particularly valuable in preventing mildew and black spot on roses. It is most effic- ient wben combined witb arsenate of leati, nine parts of sulphur to one of the poison, maklng wbat is coin- monly calledth te Massey dust. Tbis preparation, or suiphur alone, 15 also belpful in protecting phlox and del- phiniumns froin attacks of mildew. If sweet peas sbow signs o! mlldew, tbey, too, shoulti be dusted witb sul- phur. Mixeti witb arsenate o! leati, it is use! ul for dusting on cucumbers and melons to keep away stripeti beetles andi flea beetles. It is in- portant, however, tbat tbe dust sbould be tbe very finely ground kinti obtaineti at the seed store and not the coarse sulpbur solti in drug stores. White and colored Sweaters, reg. $1.50, Clea.ring, each... 0 This magnificent exposition -sur passing ail previaus worlcl's fairs in originality of conception, and in tise many unique and marvelous fea- turcs of interest, is an event no eue can afford to miss. Go to Chicago dais year by ail means, but best of ail visirt the great fair on the great ship SEBANDBEE, whlch wiil be youm lloating hotel durng two fuli days in Chicago. ÔDAY ALL EXPENSE ,LAKE CRUIfE StartingfromBufl'aloorCleveland these special ali-expense cruises on the SEEANDBEE, the largest and finest passenger ship on the great lakes, give you happy, came- free, restful days, with music, dancing, entertainiment, games and sports. The scenic beauties of the Detroit River, the St. Clair Fiats, and a four hour stop at Historic ISfackinac Island will help make the trip memorable. E12 (MAIL THIS COUPON) Y THE CLEVELAND AND BUFFALO TRANSIT COMPANY Font of Edae Street Buffalo. N. Y. N Gentlemen :-Seuad me <aider alving rateet achedules and ful information about Yor LL-XPISNSB Worids Fair Cr. on thne£ts h SRND &ff'lng iodcuded-umanporttlnsi s ' I us uslisentertsamsatsie ieps. useao0f$ 00 misIn athe 1slg-for Bufflo as 10w as 65 sleeveless 11.00 Two delightful foods that Ontario producers have in abundance for you ... now! SWEATERS $1.00 AU . 25 i SEPT. C) 1933 ME CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 3rd, 1933 PAGE SEVEN Men's $3.50 and $4.00 Grey Flannel Pants, $2.9,5 Men's $3.50 to $5.00 Stripe and Fancy Flannel Pants..................... $2.95 Men's $5.00 Flannel Pants............. $3.95 Men's $1.25 Khaki Pants.............. $1.00 Men's Silk 2-piece Underwear and Com- binations..................... $1.00 suitj 1<Aen's $2.95 Feit Hats, ail colors ......... $1.95 Men's $1.25 C)otton Bathing Suits .......... 75c Boys' '75e Cotton Bathing Suits ..... . ...5c Men's Straw Hats, a few left, exactly Half Price Men's $27.50 Suits, 2 pair trousers ...... $1 9.50 S. G. Chartranm One Door West Bell Telephone Offioeoe 26 ffl ký% j mi . OMAJUO

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