PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOW~x~iqvn~r.w. THrîpqnAv ATTCTT~'T' inti, io~ Established 1854 A Weekly Newspaper devoted to the Interests of the town of Bowmanville and surrunding country, issueti at King Street, Bowmanville. every Thursday, b>' M. A. James & Sons, owners andi publishers. The Canadian Statesman is a rnember of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association, also the Class ',A" Weeklles of Canada. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada, $200 a year; In the United States, $2.50 a year, payable in advance. Single copies, 5 cents. THURSDAY. AUGUST 1th. 19?3 More Efficient Administration Needed Some months ago The Statesman published a ser- ies of articles supporting the Town Manager form'of Municipal government, believing that Bow-manville would benefit to a large degree by this modern and efrcient system off civiC administration. We are still satisfied that Bowmanville stands to gain much by this change. The system has stood the test long enough to prove its worth, and in cities where poli- tics have not been allowed to interfere with the town or city manager's work. the system has proven highly successful. We are not suggesting for one minute that the Town Councîl should be discarded or abolished. We are just suggesting that the same type of manage- ment lie installed in this town as is used in ahl suc- cessful businesses. A large corporation has ils town counicil in its board of directors, which are elected by the stockholders, the same as the town council is elected by the ratepayers. The difference however is that the big successful corporation has a general manager who is the central figure in the active work off the organization. He is the man who puts int effect. with business alacrity and economy, the or- ders of the Board of Directors. The town council Puts its orders mbt effect through a dozen different channels. There is no direct correlation and the re- SuIt is that the affairs of the town are not managed in a thrifty or sensible manner. We are confident that the town manager system of government would Save the town off Bowmanville thousands of dollars each year, and we would urge that citizens in general make a careful study of the town manager system, and see for themselves whether it does not appeal ta themn as the only thorough businesslike way off conducting the affairs of a corporation handling many thousands of dollars annually which the over- burdened citizen has to contribute in taxes. Serious Situation in Waterworks System Careful co-operation on the part off the itizens wilh the Public Utilities Commission is needed if a serious situation n the waterworks system is tb be avoided. A veny mucb larger consumption off water is soon going 10 ffnd the daily consumplion equal 10 tbe present imited supply. The old belief that Iliere is more water going 10 waste at the Skinner Sping than is being used is a fallacy, and on a recent visit to the source off the lown's water supply we noticed that very little water was wasled, tbe overffow being pradtically nil. The installation off more and more water meters throughout the town may have the ef- fect off conserving the supply inasmuch as many itizens will be more carefful off tbe amount used than they are wben tbey are permitted 10 use as much as they like on the flat rate. This bas tended to make wateî' users wasteful, but by the use off meters the water will probably be used for necessities only. The Commission will off course face many diffilcult- les before the system is placed on a paying basis, ensuring a steady and sufficient water supply for the tawn. A great nîany apartments in the town gel their wvater f rom the one ead f rom the streel, pro- viding the necessity off separating the various con- sumers on separate ines, before meters can leie n- stalled. Sbould the worst come 10 the worst and a î'eal shortage be noted, the same will have 10 be done here as bas been done in many other centres, the instal- lation off a separate water system for sewer and fire purposes. There is no doubt tbat the Skinner Springs wvill keep Bowmanviiie in drinking wateî' for many years, but it mnay be necessary 10 draw water from the iake 10 take care off tire protection and sewers, at some future date. Home Owners on Relief Premier Henry lias pî'onised addîtionai assistance for home owners on relief, 10 place tbemn on the sanie basis as renting tenants. Hencefforîtlitey will receive 150 per cent off their taxes, plus liglit and water. inslead off 100 per cent off taxps witb no liglit and water, as aI present. The extension will mean an additionai gnoss expenditure off $1,000,000, 10 be sbared equaliy by federal and pr'ovincial governmenls and the municipalities. Whie one may deplore the lnroads made on public treasuries for relief purposes, il is essential that unemployed men and women lie given the necessany assistance 10 nelain their homes or pay aI least a portion off thein rent. This new measure affords conclusive evidt-nce Ihat Ontario faces another lieavy program off relief work Ibis coming faîl and wnter. It means also thal Bowmanville must lie prepared for its relief program Ibis winter. The improvement in business is not so rapid that the relief pnoblemn will lie solved overniglil. Citizens mustlie pî'epared to co-operate wtb tbe town for aI least anotbeî' winter. Co-operalion in the past bas prevented any increase in taxation Ilirougli relief, and those fortun- aIe citizens wbo have ived througb the depression witbout suffering ta any great extent sbouid lie pre- prepared to do Iheir share off relief work as a thanks- giving for Providences goodness 10 theni. Wby Bother About the Other Fellow ? Why bother about the ollier feiiow? If lie is hav- ing a lougl i tme off il in business and bis personal affaiî's are out off joint, isn't that bis concerri, nol mine? If lie is fiat on bis back in the hosptal,. wlhy sbould I visît him? Iff local polilics reek with coi'- ruption, well. isn'îtlihat jusl politics anyway? If theres crookedness and doubie-dealing in my uine off business. why should I trouble myseif so long as il doesn't burt me? Maybe Ibis îsn't the answeî', but lb comes ta mind. Borne Hindu, whose name bas long' been forgotten, first stated il. Qenerations bave repeated il so often that il lias laken ils place among the proverlis off the East. Il la: '"Heip thy brotber's boat acnoss and loi thine own bas reacbed tbe shore ."-Rotarian Mag- azine. The Upward Trend of Business Expressing the belief that the depression isc and that the time for aggressive action bas arni A. McKim Limited, Canada's oldesl advertising ency off Montreal, bas issued a booklet entitled " Upxvard Trend off Business" in Whicb the emerge: f rom the confusion off the past two years is sumn ized and analyzed. This agency's economic ana] Howe Martyn. B.A., wbo incidentally is a grandson Mrs. J. G. Rickard off Bowmanville, bas made a t] ough investigation and as a result he finds me things that point 10 an early recovery. Mr. Martyn expressed the belief that the Uni States is the most powerful factor in the econor life off the world taday, and that already under1 influence off the American program off recovery, bu ness is better in Canada. Rise off prices andj creased volume off trade brings tbis forcibly 10ot mind. Mr. Martyn also believes that aggressive selling' day means a rapidly improving situation in the ne future. Business enters upon a new cycle. Theu ward movement will lie rapid. The velocity offc culation off money will increase, creating power buy. The growing demand will go Where il is It Manufacturers, traders and retailers who anticipa these deveiopments will profit, he adds, if they p: their course and create a demand for their goods1 advertising. The business recovery in Germany is cited as pro off this. A vigoifous advertising campaign W85 c ducted by leading German manuffacturers and retai esWhfcresaw mounting prices. The slogan "Bi noýwand avoid higher prices" started the circulatic off money and as the circulation off money becaxr apparentybusiness increased accordingly. Il willt noted thal in Canada fan sigbted manufacturers an progressive retailers are increasing their aclvertisin lineage, and our papers every day contain the stoniE off the business recovery thal results. Remov~ing Poles from Main Street Il is generally conceded that tbe practice off post ing all kinds and types off posters, bills and advertis ing malter on the Hydro poles along King Street,t becoming a nuisance, besides glving the town shaggy appearance 10, those travelling througb Strictly speaking il is against the law 10, do so, aparl f rom the fact that il is a hazard t0 those whose worP il is ta climb these poles. Gloved hands trying tc gel a grip off smooth cardboard slip and sooner ci later someone is going ta gel injured direclly througb these posters. The nails with w'hich tbey are tacked 10 the posts are also a bazard as the spiked shoes of the hydro employees are likely 10 slip on the nail heads and send the worker hurtling 10 the gro'.nd where serious injury miglitlbe sustained. This prac- lice should be stopped. both f rom the standpoint of ils ugliness and f rom the danger. The Bell Tele- phone Co. forbids posting bills on ils pales, and the Public Utilities Commission could issue like orders and have the practice stopped fortbwith. Belter still perhaps would be the removal o! all unsightly telephone and hydro poles f rom the mair street. In Georgetown we notice thal in keeping witb the plan to improve the beauty off the town anc keep the streets dlean off unsightly wires and cables the Town Council granted the Bell Telephone Co. permission to lay underground cables on two off its principal streets. We undJerstand tbat the Telephone company are also consîdering a similar move in Bowmanville, and tbey sbould receive solid support in this towni. The Uchiis Commission migbl do the same thing, and leav*e King Street cleai' off wires altogether. It would certainly impî'ove the look off the street, and would in itselff put a stop t0 the bill posting nuisance. Fali Fairs Fading Fast Practîcaily every day we read off some agicultural society in Ontario deciding not 10 run ils fali fair this year. In Durham Counly Bowmanviiie Fair bas ceased ta exist and Port Hope did not bave a fair lasI year and probably wibl not have a fair Ibis year. In the list off Ontario rural fairs published recently only about haif the usual nuxnber off fairs were iisted. Those wbo were against the decision off tbe old West Durham Society to merge with the Clarke Soc- iety, giving up Bowmanvilie Fair and concentrating on a bigger central fair aI Orono. wiil now see the wisdom off Ibis move. For severai years BoWmanvilie Fair got deeper and deeper mbt delit and about two mor'e yeaî's off operation woubd bave placed their liabiities in excess off their assels. Even Witb the two societies merged il is bard enougb 10 make a f air a success, and tbe Durham Central Society is t0 be commnended on having come througb the 1932 Fair sbowing profits off $300. The Society stil bas a delit off $2500 on the build- ing aI Orono. The interest on this proves quite a burden withoul even considering the payment off pr'incipal. To wipe out tbis debt the Society is hold- ing a big street dance in Orono on August 16th, and il is boped that a large sum will be raiaed on that evening towarcLs wiping out this milistone. If Port Hope wouid do the same as BoWnmanville, and join in making a big counly fair aI Orono, the added sup- port would probably solve the problem off making the fair successful, both monally and financially. Biack- stock bas sucli a good fair aI present that the Cart- wright Society wili probably want ta continue on ils own, but it 100 could do worse tban co-operate in tbe big county fair, which affler ail is the fair that the Deparîment off Agriculture recommends. Editorial Notes Fergus lias been celebrating ils centenary Ibis week. Hundied.s off for'mer' citizens bave returned 10, their home town. and we beard off one Owen Sounid man. ovex' 70 years off are, a *'ergus obd' boy, wbo hitcb-hiked the entiî'e distance s0 as nol 10 miss renewing those acquaintanceships gained n bis youth. Not only is Fergus to lie congnatuiated on reaching the century mairk. but il is 10 lie coînmended for the Splendid centenary issue off tbe Fergus News-Record that Edîtor Hugb C. Templin published laat week. The News-Record ha.sý played an important part n the developnent off Feérgus int one off Onlanio's foremost rural toA ns. Whibe that newspaper does nol credît itself witli the success off the big week off celebration. knowing the modesty off its editor, we are sure that because Fergus bas the NeWs-Record, and because ils edilor is Hugb C. Templin, the cen- tenary was a greater success than il could bave been witbout them. 0' PEN UP the road map. Pick out some Sfascinating spot . . . somewlsere . - . a long way off. Then point the noie of your Chevrolet towards ir-and take off! That's the life of a Chevrolet owner! Going places in style-and saving money. What does it matter if you must budget on trips? Haîf the tbrill of owning a Chevrolet is the way you can pais by the gai pumps - the oil stations - and the garages. Weather hot? That doesn't matter either - for Chevrolet bas Fisher No-Draft Venti- lation. Just turn on the breeze, whenever you like, and keep delightfully cool and refreshied. Roads bad? Who caret if they At Your Doorstep HE ALTH For The Day And health for many -happy Years te, corne, for miIk 15 the best food for cblidren- and grown-aps, toc. Used as a beverage or in creamed dishea, soups and desserts- milk Provides the ssecessary nutritive elements for heal- th. It's the best food and it's most economical. Use more miik for mi&i at its very best caU 446 or 703. BowmanvIle Dairy THE INSPECTION CURSE HOW DAYS GOT THEIR NAMES (Colllngwood Bulletin) Most off Them From Anieni Idolatri over If you wish ta leamn something off ived, the trials off everyday life start somne The days off the week derive their ag- business, small as you wish. Scarcely namnes f romn ancient idolalry. 111 'The wil t be under way before the olden times each god was worship- lgion of goverrnent inspectars will ped on a certain day. ence swarm about. one will see if the The sun became a deity because off nar- Windows are dIean. another if there the impression ils glorious ligit and ayt are any cracks in the floor, another warmth made upon man. Thus the lystf if the hinges on the door are hung day set aside to worship the sui î~ofstraight and still another, and an- came to be known as 'ýSunday." l hor- other, and another until every de- iany tail will lie reported on ta the The second day off the week. Mon- governmental departiments, either day. also goes back to ancient heath- at Ottawa or Toronto. And saime of en beliefs. for it was the day desig- ited the inspections are just as siîîy as nated for the worship off the moon. )Mic those used here as illustrations. In "Monday" comes from the old An- the an ordinary little business, a week go-Saxon Word 'monadaeg." in turri wîthout onet two or three inspectors a translation of the Latin lutise U ci ropping ia counted as lost. And dies." The root off the word "luna" in- What a cost! But one day last week means *"to shine", hence its appi ýne's We heard off a local business man cation t0 the moon. Who was called on to pay about $13 Tuesday was dedicated ta the ta.beffore he got rid of one of these worship off war gods. Tiw in ancient gentry. another contributed a ten times was the god off war. The iear spot and others smaller amounts. In Anglo-Saxon naine for Tuesday wvasi Up- lanother case, an inspector called. "Tiwes daeg." The 'g' in "Daeg"Il i cir- conderned something that had oad the word sounds lilce 'days~ ta and bis SUPeriors for several years. namne is more clear. led. ordereci a number off changes, triv- )ae1ial il is true, and went away, but ta Wednesday was sacred ta 0din or anIreturn in ten days at the double ex- Woden the supreme deity off the iln Pense o railway farean hotel ac- Scandinavians. He is idientiffled with by counts. and to cite a more spe- the Roman god Mercury and the cifîc case, but recently the Public Green god Hermes. 0din was the '0f Utilities paid upwards off $400 for god of Wisdom, poetry and war, as ofinspection of meters. So--the story well as the god off the dead and a n- might lie continued, but what is the man with bat and staff and with but .11- use? For the politician who will sit one eye. luy dlown and study the cost off inspec- Thor, the Scandinavian god off ion lion in ibis province alone there is thunder. the son off0din, gave a golden opportunity. The aggre- Thursday ils namne. Thor was de- ne gate would lie enormous and the in- scribed as a vigorous youth. wvith î'ed be formation secured astonishing. The hair and a beard, who rode through ,nd country is simply sa inspected that the heavens in a goat-drawn chaîr- ng il is surprising that any one yen- iot, armed with a hammier (the ngtures into or stays in business. The thunder-bolti that î'eturned af 1er ies experience is that there are tw0 being thrown. great handîticaps ta industrial ac- tivity, namnely, taxes and inspectors, > rîday also derives ils namne f rom and if there is any choice, the Odini's family. Frigu, the goddess off greater evil is the inspectors. Who marriage, was Odin's wiffe. Our wiUl be the fortunate leader ta take word comes f rom "f 'rige-daeg." UP the batlle for business? 'meaning "love day." The goddess ;t-___Frgu.maccording 1a legend. presided ýs- WHERE IS THE PROFIT over man s domestic life and held dominion in heaven and over the is ~IN ADVERTISING ? abode off the dead.1 a (By Bruce B. Brewefl To Satur, the father of Jupiter,. Wl h. You will frequently see in big City was dedicated the last day off the S'I' rt pper a hlf-age dvetiseentweek, Saturday. Saturri was identi- Rh pkfapers a baîf-pae ie.aerwsment fled with the Greek god Cronus. and ter ka atufrng onloe.iem wmn'ike him. %vas fabled to have been Cu1 That advertisement may have cost kng during an ancient golden age. lie ) $500. and you wonder how il WilCOU h ayfo isef.In the Lîve Stock Pavillon at the Mi ýd Somne women went and bought Canadian National Exhibition. there ani )f that bat. There was profit in that. is accomodation for' 2000 head of ilîr Others who werxt in didn't ike cattle. 1500 sbeep and 1200 swine. Int, i1 that particular hat. but bought an- d other. There was profit in that. - Somne bought no hat at ail, but )f passed other counters where they -saw other things whicli they bought. There was a profit in that. ýe 0f those who came there ivere 's saine who had not been regular pat- r'ons but who will came back somne day ta buy something else. And 1there wil lie a profit ini that over a n long period off tume. g lBu t the largest profit off ail is cIf î'om thgse who do not came in as a î'esull off the bat advertisement at s ail. They are t2l$ miany who. wben *tbey saw the à4',ertisement. were s lreminded that tàne store selîs the type off goods they like. and so they i decidet1 sho in that store the next e I iine they go ta town. This latter group will outnumber ahi the other groups combined. per- hasas much as 50 ta 1 or 100 10 1. Mrcbants who expect every ad5 in their local weekly ta literally "pull ils head off " should keep in mind that big city advertisers expect no sucb resulla. They depend on the aiways a larger group off buyers wbo will aI least remember their store off ten enough tbcorne in. Il is fine, but f oolisb. ta expect quick miracles f rom advertising. But go mbilt , believing in ils long pull results, and you' will see results in a steadily growing liaI off customers. f'NueColRTLAIN»L Pinkc and White GoId FuIneVue and E NJ SI/ C.H. TUCK, Opi. Diîsney lock: Phone il>IGE V olloivin, a short illiess durng The Last Asthma, Attack may hicl she was taken w~ith a lilit really be the last one if prompt roke. dealli occurred July 30th, of measu res are taken. Dr. J. D. Kel- hoda A. McLeod, youingest daigh- 'logg .s Athma Remedy will safe- * off the late Roderick and Hannîal guard you. Il wiUl penetrate to the urtis McLeod. Deceased had made smiallest bronchial Passage and bring ýr home at Orono. Ont.. with herý abouit a healthy condition. It al- Msin, Mrýs. Wm. SeYmouir. Of a ways relieves and its continued use îîlY Off sev*en si.ters, t Wo srv.of ten has a permanent effect. Why rs. John Hall. who was in attend- flot gel this long-f amous remedy to- ice at, her bedside dui-mg her last ida.y and commence its use? Inhaled ness. and Miss Minnie McLcod. as smoke or vapor il is equally ef- ermlent at 0Orono0Cemeter. fecte . THE LIFE 0F A LOLET OWNER arc - w,hn >'ou'rc setled back in this long, full-,wcight, smoolhcngined Six that rides tihe bunps and takes the hiuis so beautifully. A long way to go? Juit srep on the Starter- aon-and wach the miles tick by. Chevro.- ]et gives you Powr galore(-pickup apleny -and that secure feeling, however fait or far >'ou driv'e, that Chevrolet depcndabiîity rides with you as you go. Cariadians know a good thing w'hen they sec it. So, just as You would cxpect, mnost of this ycar's buycrs are leading the lives of Chevrolet owncr, - motoring siartly and croopicaaI1 in Canada's Great Sales Leader! Lowu dli-crd Pricî's and easy GMAC trm. CHEVROLET SIX WHAT 30000 MOTORISTS TOLD US h e. A sî yn îî 1 r' s Guide" te ls nedi car. Send coup,,,for fiee coy:u Customer Rokearch Dgpt. Gone-ral Motors Produc Of Canada, LlMitd, Oshaw., Ontarjo N. ............................... ..... C2 Addres ............................... . .C-dL..iCt ROY NICHOILS Sales and Service BOWMANVILLE and COURTICE H. D. CLEMENS, Bowmanville W. E. DAVEY, Orono ALWAYS CONSTRUCTIVE Ever since the fiîst>eors of confedleration, The Royal Bank has been a constructive factor in the development of Canadian in- dustryoand trade. Today, in its established strength and experience, the Bank is a stobilizing force in Canada's national life. T H E RO0Y AL BANK 0 F C AN AD A THE CANADLAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY. AUGUST 10th. 1933 Pl,
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