PAGE EMORT A Big Night for Everyone Omono StreeitFai Wed., Auge 16 a Mouster Parade- Led by Durham Regimefltal Baud under direction of M. J. Tamblyn GQQD *PRIZES Best Decorated Car Best Decorated Float Best Business Advertisement Beat Comic Vehicle Best Farmer's Team and- Wagon Best Farmer's Turnout, single Best Farmer's Tumnout, double Best Saddle Horse and Rider Man's Comic Costume (or pair) Lady's Comic Costume (or pair) Gent's Fancy Costume (or pair) Lady's Fancy Costume (or pair) Prizes for Entries under 1 5 years Boys' Comic Costume - Boys' Fancy Costume Girls' Comic Costume - Girls' Fancy Costume Ail motor vehicles leave Newcastle at 5.30 p. m. AIl others leave south end of Orono at 6 p. m. Everyone is invited to enter this parade and make it the best yet. Drawing for Grand Prizes at Il p. m. Ail Events on Standard Time Dr. Eardley Allin, who las been Rev. Geo. Mason preached in in London. England. taking a Pos0Boolin United Clurdli on Sunday Graduate Course, retunned last week monning supplying for Rev. P. L. anda!tr ashot vsitwit reatiesJuil who with lis family are spend- hene lef t for lis home in Edmonon ing the month ai August in Hali- Alta. burton. Everything Must Go! ENTIRE STOCK 0F HIGH GRADE FURNITURE of the Estate of J. L. WESTAWAY FURNITURE DEALER - PORT HOPE Purchased from the TRUSTEE under the "BULK SALES" ACT together with other merchandise, office equipment, store fixtures, etc., which has been moved to Osha.wa for convenience of sale, is ofiered at a low rate on the dollar, giving purchasers money- saving opportunities hitherto unobtainable. Everything must go! Prices tell the story 1 You can now secure the furniture you want at a figure you neyer thought possible Don't delay - time mneans money! FRIDAY IS "BEDDING DAY"Y In an effort ta reduce tlhc large stock of bedding on hand quickiy, we are making it worth your while 4.0 shop on Friday for any bedding you may nequire. Walnut Steel B ED S 2 in. continuons post, al steel beds, with round fi- crs, ail sizes in stock; Regular 38.50 grade Friday 4409 WeIl Filled FeIt MATTRESSES Ail cottfon filled mattiesses, with fancy art ticking, large reg. $5.50., Friday $ ,9 3-PIECE BED OUTFIT Walnut steel bed, 2-inch tubular post and tubular f 11- ers; sagless cable sprlng, and comiort- able, ail feit mattress; regular $23.50,;99 Inner Spring Sagless Cable MA TT R ES SE S S PR 1NG S Flexible oil-tempered spnîn- Ms well padded and cover- Angle iron construction, ed wth impoi'ted Belgian wth old-tempered sprlngs, damask. ail size,- Reguar r e g. 35.7i5, $22.50, Fiday- Frlday$ 2e f11 CHESTERFIELD SUITES $ 79.00 Chesterfield Suites, 3 Pieces, go at s 35.00 .$ 99.00 Chesterficld Suites, 3 pieces, go at S 65.00 $109.00 Chesterfield Suites, 3 pieces, go at S 79.00 $119.00 Chesterfield Suites, 3 pieces, go at s 89.00 $189.00 Chesterfield Suites, 3 pl"eo> "-g at $119.00 Also Dining Room and Bedroom Suites at proportionately reduced iro--. "Hospitality Day" - Money Given Wfth Every Purchase. 3o.]Rond Ste W., Oshawa J % .s Open Saturday until 10 P. M. Insuiasa CHAS. HARLEY, KING STREET - Liquldator. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVTLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST lth, 1933 Tn ORTope Every Presbyt-iversan Chericeson Sndae--y ----Iaa In Prt opeEvey wenbeia wnderlscceonS. Rv. w Mn. and Mrs. Geo. K. Brown and Children 6 years and under 12, Wednesday ,w, r a ow'.xrvl es. gav tW. Gerge Jr., are their vaca- ony. No baggage checked. J. Tod, BwmameetingavgtImmigration requireni fie usc Ne ti- ton, commenscd .s nemeuetianTigeslnm Office over Flood's Store splendid sermons, and Trinity Unit- tion at TavlstounkryI PhortNumer 48gave some veryfiemsc etetocmecdhsnwdteasBWAVLEON.-Tw O Piehon un .m. t o 2 .8 ton people wlsh to thank the chair Rector o! St. Jude's AnglicanBWMNLENT-TO Offce omm 9 . r. t 9 . m and Rev. Mn. Todd for helplng to Clurch on Roncesvalles Avenlue, *make their anniversary such a suc- Toronto, on Sunday. M. The Newcastle Independent ilsiie d THURSDAY, AUGUST lth. 1933 Ainong the many spectators f the ________________________ __________________________bail gaines at last Monday's tourna- miss Jessie Brock, Toronto, visited. ment was Rev. Thos. Wallace, pastor ________________________ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parnall. of Newtonville United Church, whoJ Mr. Thos. McNeil, Orono, vsited is stili on sick leave and had just M his sister, Mrs. John Stapleton. cornecdown f rom Muskoka, where he Notices of Births, Marriages, Death, Ls rFiu Miss Ina Dinney, Toronto, spent lias been trying to recuperate. for a and Menlriam, 50c; 10e per lie extra Loto Fin the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. E. E. week or two at home. for memoriam versez. KEY FOUND - At Rotary carnival. Overend. St. George's Church-Rev. F. H. Owvner mnay have samne at Statesmnan Mr. Clifford PhilliPs, Toronto, Mason, M.A., Rector. Sunday, Aug. office. spent the weekend with Mr. and 13, 9th Sunday ai ter Trinity: 8 a.m. DEATHS LOST-3etivefl Ty-rone and Bownlan- Mrs. Edmund Thackray. -Holy Communion; 9.45 a.m.-Sun- vildrle. 1 hfne f2Fi. gaso2ie -hoMe Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bet, Zion, day School; il a.m.-Morning Wor- EVERS - At Blackstock, on ~ Fne daepoe2.3- Hope. visited Mr. and Mrs. C. R. ship; 7 p.m.-Evensong and Sermon. july ,ilst, l93, Robert Jeyers, in bis 75th LOsTr-Afl aluminumn cover of an el- Carveth on Sunday week. Both church services in charge of yerLE-D ectric %vashing machine. on Tue.«tay, Rev. Prof. Jo. Erie, MA., '-inity 31 îZL'Olive- in Toronto. dAugust Ird, somevhere between Hamp- Mr. and. ohnLMrs.M ., Erntc rWalton-Ball, zeNvodton and Courtice. Reward for return to Toronto, spent the weekend with Dr. College, Toronto. îîusband of Letitia Annis, aged in years. Edgar Horn, Hampton. 3- and Mrs. W. H . Walton-Ball. United Church-Rev. W. P. Rog -___ Miss Theane McArthur, Campbell- ers, B.A., Pastor. Sunday, August Wanted ford, returned home after visiting l3th: 9.45 a. m.-Sunday School: HELP WANTEO - Girl for general Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Thackray. 11.30 a. m.-Morning Worship; 8 p. CHURCHES bousewvork; references required. Apl Ralph Gibson and Bud Hay are m.-Evening Service. Both church ________________Binro n 10 Mis Gaho rath,3Q5. en3St. home from. their canoe trp to Pres- services in charge f the Young Pe. omnvle hne3- 2 quile and Lake of the Mountains. ple's League. Last Sunday Rev. W. ISt. Andrew's Pnesbyteri9Jl Churcli WANTED-Refined, intelligent womn-- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gray and fam- E. Prescott, B.A., D.D., Toronto, ne- -Rev. W. J. Todd, Minister. Morn- Ln to.demonstrate an unusual corset ily are now settled in the former presenting the Ontario Prohibition ing WorshlP il a. m.; Sab triin ive ean, tlinifed w ork Secal Wellingtonl Foster house, King St. W. Union, ocupied the pulpit at both Seli 1 12.15 noon; Eening Wor- irhaîngofivaen b uisfy your owstab Apply NCCDrawer 1B, owmatlville.- Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Teeple and services and made a scathing ar- ship 7 p. ni. Freacher: Rev. John 30-3rfial bsneso yu w daughten. Buckingham, Quebec, are raignment of the liquor traffic as a Lindsay of Whîtby. 32-2 ________________ visiting her parents. Mr. and MrS. merciless enemy and destroyer of ail Union services of the. United For Sale j. c. Hancock. home, social, moral and business Church will be held at St. 1Paul's at PIG O AE1 okhne is Mr. and Mrs. Fred Treleaven an iid1e. il a. m., Rev. Hugh T. Kerr, D.D., -IGS FOR sLE16Ykie. iEs. Cý sons, Tom, Eal, William and Ted, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Waldon and Pittsbugh, Pa., will preach; Tin- 38r4_2. 32 B Toronto, spent the holiday at New- son John 0.. Atlanta, Ga., are re- ity Church at 7 P. m., Rev. A. S. FOR SALE - Ford coach,, excellent t. c astie-on- the -Lake. newing old friendships here after an Kerr, M.A., will preach. Sunday rnnincr condlition. good tires,$U.00. Miss Pearl Abar, Toronto, and absence of seven years. Mr. Waldon ScOosSt Paul's at 10.10 a. mn.; Phone 742. 3 -2w Mrs. Robert Walton, Tillsonburg. is staying with Mrs. A. N. McEvoy, Trinity at il a. m. PIGS FOR SALE - Yorkshire sos. spent Civic Holiday with their mo- daughter of the late Dr. Alfred Farn- Ennikl ther, Mrs. Edmnund Thackray. cobwtwhmM.Wdnsev St. John's Anglican Church-ReV. bacon type. T. R. i3owmfln, En32i- Mr. and Mrs. Bart Jackson have ced his penihiP r. alnd lereC. R. spencer. Rural Dean, Rector. k- il 11 i been receiving a visit from her mo- the drug business. Mrs. Waldon and 9th Sunday a! ter Trinity: Holy FOR SALE - 12 Yorkshire pigs, six- teMrs. Scott, and Mrs. McQueen o r tyn otywt iscommunion 8 a. m.; Morning Pray- weeks oId: one fresît cov. Phone 133r2 of Toronto, formerly of Winnieg May ulgninBwavleMr er il a. m.; Sunday School 12 noon atr6 .m Mr. and Mrs. Douglas and daugh- and Mns. Waldon and John took in Evening Prayer 7 p. m. Preachera FOR SALE - Child's crib, u tn ter Toont, wre eeknd uess f te Bsebîl lubs dncein hefor August: Rev. Capt. S. c. Jarrett, anîl wringer. kitchen tablelied. daven- Mn. and Mrs. Oea. Wright, New- community hall on Monday evening o!oHoayeT eetinurcl, Oshw. itntario St. 3- castle -on -the -Lake. Miss Douglas and thouglit the girls they saw at Cotg1eeig RADIO FOR SALE-Rogers Battery- remained for a visit. the dance were an especially lovely Cottage meetings - prayer, pralse î s tube. in good condition,'%vll sdI - Mr. W. E. Turpin, who to the re- adcamn o.adBbesuy Ail are invited. elîwap. Apply John ireland, phione 112, gret of their friends is returning tol Mrs. Richard colwill, Walkerville. Corne. Bring your Bible. Leader: R R. ,. Bowma.-nville. 3- England with his wife and two sons, who is visiting relatives here, re- V. Pennanen, Toronto Baptist Sein- FOR SALE'Reliance dmpoi leaf sew-- held a successful sale of household ports that her daughter Mary (Mrs. inary. ing machine: large "Premier" vacuum effects on Tu.esday ai ternoon. oarKesrhartundfom vey udy.7P. m., at Mrs leaner wvitbi attachments, gondi condi- Howad Keser hasretunedfrom Ever suday,7 *tion, cheaip. Oshorne Bros., 1BownI- Recent visitons with Mr. and Mrs. England where she has been spend- Gilders' (Churchi; regular service. ville..3- Wm. Neil, Who are building the newI ing a wonderful two months with Every Monday, 8 p. m., at Mr. SRN HCES-Odr ae house on Mill and John Sts.. 50uth her cousin, Miss Annie Goaman, H-ooey's; for parents and children. e desPING CHiCKN rers adrsta ikn o! the C.N.S. subway, were Miss daughter of the late Mayor Qoaman, Every Tuesday, 8 P. m ., at for dn, resedfroill ers drstin cick-er Margaret Stacey, Mn. and Mrs. who was a delegate to the Wold's nws<li);suisi omance. tomato and other vegetables in sesson. Bab, r. ut.sDrws Egi) suie n . hs.Pone 451. 929-4- Babbs, Mns. Nutt. ~Baptist Convention in Toronto five Every Friday, 8 p. m., atMnThs________________ Mr. and Mns. M. J. Hutchinson years ago and with his daughter Richards' (Queen); The Word. Upholtering attended a Rotary Convention in spent most of the summer hene vis- _________________ Fredonia. N. Y., this week, leaving iting is cousins, Mn. A. A. Colwill UPHOLSTERING - on ail kinds oi j John, Bill and Ruth in charge o! and othen relatives. Mrs. Keyser's COMING EVENTS 1 furniture. Ail worlc guaranteed. Sam- Tuc-a-oe ottgeNewaste-O- hme s i Saniawhee hr hs--. pies. Estîmates free. J. A. rY, SBu- the-akHe, cntenaenecasl-n oei nSri r e -gag Street, Bowmanvlîle. Ph ne5386. the-akein is now convalescing frnm an Parocial ommiteeof St. operation for appendicitis. Barn Dance Friday nigît,1 August________________ The Prcilcmite 1llth, at 8.30 p. m. Lovekin's Barn. PALMI'STRY George's Chunch are having their animal Bazaan in the Paris h Hall on 1 Holiday Vistors: Miss Aresta Rus. Chneighton and his Haybalens,I Tuesday afternoon, August 15t11. Martin and Miss Phyllis Williams, Toronto. Admission 25c and 35c. Nevadîa, Oshawa,1 palmist, wil arnbyn eatii*2,.rs Wriglit's at Blackstock al There will be a sale of MiScellaneous Toronto, at Mn. and Mrs. Pany Dance Friday night at Kurv Inn- ip' satnrday,. Augnst 12th. He'uuIitge 1fancy work. and aprons. home made Matin's; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mc- August 18th Dance cancelled owing ý>ùc anI 61.on. 2-1 7cooking, etc., as well as an attnact- Leod and daughters Audrey and Don- to other attractions. Dances will îive tea room. Everybody welcomne. othy, Toronto, wih f[iend: Miss continue each F'iday night from OFFICE CLOSED Recent iiosWl andMM.sand nd M Clr . oCCs wel;TronoMiss r.August 25th. 32-1 HR.Pearce were: Mrn r. and Mrs. Jh awl;Ms Nellie TiiyEeigAxlayo h r .H ik'ofc ilb ls Mark Turner and son Douglas, and Garrod, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. T.inity Evi enin Axiaryhef he r.W.H Bnk oice ill b clos IMn. Bob Martin. Oshawa; Mrs. Les- John Garrod; Miss Salorne Howard, W .S ilme ntesho ed f nom August l6thtoAgs2th lie Harris, Toronito; Mn. John Anm- Toronto, with Rev. and Mrs. J. Scott noom on Tuesday, August l5th, at 8 while on holidays. strong and cousins. Mns. Contanche Howard; Mn. and Mns. Rex Wynn p. m. Program in change of Mrs. and son John. Mn. Robt. Ratcliffe 'and"childen Brantford, with Mn. W. J. Found and her gnouP.OFIEC SD and son Bob and daughtel- Mabel, and Mrs. D. . Galbraith; miss Min- Bowmnanville women's InstituteOFCE LSD Toronto. nie Pearce, Toronto. with Mn. and will hold the annual picnic on Fri- Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle's office will Mr. d. uilanan IMrs. H. R. Peance; Mn. and Mns. day, August 25th, at the home of be closed f nom August 14th to Aug- fMir. Toand o, sted thir antsnd Robt. W. Waltofl, Tillsonbung, with Mrs. F. C. Colmer. president. Pro- ust 2lst. while on holidays. 32-1* the Misses Toron, aste theilae ast I Mn. and Mrs. Ansofl Walton; Miss,' gram in charge of Mrs. W. J. Cul -_______________ the Mekda n eft the the dag Ruby Anldrews, Pickering, with Mn. ley's group. Bning your basket and ters for afdlle ek's isit. Mn.agh and Mns. A. WValton and Mn. and dishes and help everyone . have a "1HOSPITALITY DAY" MaunicoreaQuln is alsoidayin. Mrs. Fred Graham; Mn. and Mns. good tue. DOLLARS OBTAINABLE AT wait h isans h m also vais- Ina F. Pearce, Bowmanville, and Mn. WESTAWAY LIQUIDATION ithd hin nl n aunts. Mn. Pat alo is and Mns. Gordon Peance, Tonônto, cess. On Monday evening Courtice!SL aned tMiss ne Knelck n M . at Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Peance's; Mn. people put on a musical open etta Prhsr fHm unsig and Miss.Anmi Kenefck aM. Lonnie Gibson. Toronto, with Count- which was very much enjoyed.urhssofHm Fnnsig an Ms.Wm Kneic.illon and Mrs. J. H. Gibson. Institute meeting was held at the at 10 Bond st. West, Oshawa, are Messrs. A. A. Colw.ill and son havec home of Mrs. Malcolm Emmerson given this adcitional incentive with been tnucking barnel stock from with a good numben o! the membena each purchase. Realizing that the Coldwaten and in the future will SOUTH NESTLETON out. A splendid program was given "Hospitality Day" campaign is now have thein apple bannels made on ____________- as f ollows: Mns. Leonard Joblin, a in progness in that conununity in thein oiwn premises. Part of their neading; Miss Eunice Malcolmi, a another earnest effort ta bring on new fruit house will be utilized as a Mn. James Williamson continues solo; Miss Marion Taylor, instru- the long-awaited ena o! prosperity coopenage, with Mn. Herb. Brown in quite ill. mental music; readings, Mrs. R. by increasing the circulation o! cur- change. They lad a load eacl way, Mn. James Gordon i l-n0t much Jackson and Miss Marion Taylor. rency, Chas. Harley, liquidator of taking Duchess apples out to Oillia improved. t iie r n Cake and ice cream wene served by the J. L. Westaway & Son store of and adjoining toyvns and bringing Mn. Harold Nesbt isie n n Mrs. Malcolm Emmenson's gnoup, fine funnishings f rom Pont Hope, coopenage stock home. Mrs. Harold Porteaus. Mns. J. Vincent, Mrs. J. Williamson, las expnessed unqualified approval Mns. Percy Brown, accompantied Miss Norma Hooey visited at Mn. Mns. R. Jackson. Mns. Herman Sain- o! the slang. '-Every wide-awake by lier sister-in-laW, Mms. Chapman, Frank Malcalxfl's on Sunday. elîs, assisted by Mrs. Ethel Taylor menchant in Oshawa," said Mn. Kimball's Cove. Lake Shore, went to Mn. and Mrs. Payne, Toronto, are and m. Leonard JobUin. Hanley, -will endorse a scleme that Rochester on Tuesday to accompany guests of miss Jennie Gordon. d- has as its object the loosening of home Miss Audrey who had been Mn. Cecil Siemon, Haydon, visited the purse-strings o! an ove-timed spending a month with former his sisten, Mrs. Lorenzo Mountjoy.t public whose trepidation regarding f iends there. Mms. Brown and Mrs. Mn. Ralph Emmnenson was gueýst DominionPay their future financial status is sole- Chapmnan went down to Cobourg on of Miss Marion Taylor on Suînday. iiii*'LY ly responsîble for the prolongation Monday to take the steamner acnoss Mn. and Mms. Kenneth Sameils ___ the lake but it was so oven crowded spent Sunday at Mn. Merwin Mount- (Contlflued f eam page 1) they postponed their trip for an- ioy's. .TdBwavle ed in the new plan and the muni- othen day. Rev. W. J. r.odBow Joanvle cipality has need of several wonks Mrs. John Adaskin and son, Ton- was guest of MnadMr.Jh that could be done unden this plan. onto, are spending the week with Dickie. Penhaps the work creating the the misses Breen, Newcastle-ofl-the- Mn. and Mns. A. Farrow were the gneatest amount of labor would be ] oa bnnlgweekend. way at the western limits o! the kmn motoned them down, bigig Mn. and Mrs. Bert McMullen and town wîene the present death tnap BOWMA his father with themn to spend the family wene guests f Mn. and Mm. bridge crosses the C.P.R. tracks. weekend with his wlfe and son. Mn.- Robent Dickie. Ti ol rvd otnoswr Harry Adaskin of the Hart House Mn. and Mrs. Russel Nesbitt. To r- forhis ld o vie'sconnuo o spaedntte adsera Cntn ase onto, have taken Mn. Pickand's cot - thnoughout the winten and spring TUS R.-ST 0f dngtheHon Vie t CandonMas.tage for a month. otsAGUT1-11-2 Maestseoyh. n inetan .Mranle, we.eEguests 0fMrs. own Another work, involving less ex- Massy. anvllewer gusts f Ms. ohnpense would be the construction ai Miountjoy and Miss Rase. a bridge oven the harbor at Bow- misses McMullen. Yelvertofl, are manville Beach, providing a moreGERE BR N -guests a i hir randpiarents. Mn. neadylieces to theGEORGside beach LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., 1L.B Barrister, Solicitor, Notary loney ta boan on Farmn and Town Phone 351 3ya1 Bank Building, Bowmaflville W. B. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitol! for Bank of MontT8ftI goney ta Loan. Phione 91 Bowmanville, Ontario. L. C. KASON, B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in alits branches. office immedlately east ot Royal Thieatre. Phones: Office 688; Home 553. DENTAL D. J. C. DEIT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sim.on Graduate o! Royal Dental Co4legO, 'oronto. Office: Jury Jubilce eIdg. iowmanviile. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunda. Phone 90. Hause Phone 283. X-Ray Equlpaient in Office. AUCTIONEER Elmer Wilbur Auctiofleer Hampton Farm Sales a Speclalty, also, Furnitire Terms modenate. Plane 129r24. FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any lour, sny day F. F. MORRIS CO. Modern Motor Equlpinent Ambulance and Invalld Car Caîl Plone 10 or 34. Assistant, 573 BOWMANVILLE Repàirs R. PAWSON 800T. SHOE AND HARNESB REPAIRING Good worlcmaship and materlal. Reasanable prîces. iliver Street, Bowmanville SHAW'S Business Sckools are doing intensive individual wonk during holiday weeks in qualifying Young College and Higli Sdhool graduates for bus-> iness positions. Model Office ensures actual expenience to graduates. Employment Bur- eau helps to bring them i nto touch with positions. Botl ser- vices frnee. Betten tumes are ne- tunning. Prepane now to take your place in the business field. Send for free catalogue ta W. R. Shaw, Bay and Charles, Dept. H. 3, Toronto. 31-5 o! the depression. The country on- tains more hoarded money at the present than at any tume in its lis- tory, and it requires only a veny small fraction o! this to be placed 1in circulation f0 set the wheels o! 1commerce nolling once more . We 1are happy ta associate ourselves wlth this campaign and believe its sponsors to be public-minded men wlo are wonking in the interests o! every persan in the comimunity." Irheatre IAN VILLE MON. - TUES. - WED. AUGUST 14 - 15 - 16 "COLLEGE HUMOR" 'with Bing Crosby. Richard Arien, Mary Carlisile, Jack Oakle, WN AND DEPOT TICKET AGENTS. (T-154)