Royal Cale SANDWVICHES 0F ALL KINDS Fresh Cut for Every Order. CUT 0F HOME MADE PIE WITH ICE CREAM 15C ROYAL CAFE. 2 doors eat Royal Theatre FRED BATEMA, Proprietor. LEAVE Rend Down PL M. 7.00 7.10 7.20 7.30 7.40 7.50 8.00 8.10 8.20 10.00 ARRIVE Read Up Kawartha Maples Janetville Yelverton Nestleton Blackstock Burketon Enniskillen Hampton Bowmanville Toronto Exhibition RETURN FARE 1.35 $2.65 1.25 $2.50 1.15 $2.40 1.05 $2.25 12.55 $2.15 12.45 $2.10 12.35 $2.00 12.25 $1.90 12.15 $1.65 Lv. 10.45 p.m. - Above Fares Include Admission to Exhibition Bus takes passengers right on to Exhibition Grounds and stays there ail day for the convenience of passengers. For information phone - Lindsay 453r33 or Bowmanflile 412J PATRONS USING OUR BUSSES MAY LEAVE THEIR CARS IN PARKING SPACE AT KAWAETHA MAPLES OR AT OUR GARAGE IN BOWMANVILLE FREE 0F CHARGE. Friday & Saturday* - ONLY-m 1 e,9 Here is your opportunity to get that new Faîl and Winter Suit of Clothes at the wholesale price of clothes to-day. 50 Men's Suits Two pairs paits In ail the new stripe effects, in blue, browns and oxford greys, also 19 oz. guaranteed plain blues and grey worsteds; reg- ular price $27.50. Sale Price $ II 5 2 PAIRS PANTS--" Se G. Char OeDoor W\est of Bell Telephone Office rtra n Phone 26 PAGE FPMV THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 3lst, 1933 LOCAL & PERS ONAL_ Mrs. Roland Bates is visiting her1 sister, Mrs. Jackson, in Toronto. Mrs. Thompson, Toronto, is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. W. B. Tapson. Mrs. Stainton, Orono, spent the weekend with Miss Mary Mulligan. Miss Helen Pritchard is spending1 a week with her aunt, Mrs. G. Har-1 borne, Toronto. Miss Allie L. Bragg spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. R. Far- row, Port Hope. Mrs. Janet Cox and daughter Janet, Islington, have been visiting Mrs. J. H. Hewston. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Norton, Belle- ville, are visiting their daughter,1 Mrs. Harry Casbourn. Mr. Harvey J. Reynolds, Ardmore. Pa., is visiting bis parents, Mr. and1 Mrs. Edwin Reynolds.1 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Taylor, Pef- ferlaw, were Sunday guests of Mr.i and Mrs. B. E. Ingham. Mr. and Mrs. D. Ferguson, Akron,1 Ohio, are holidaying with their dau- ghter, Mrs. Chas. Cattran. Misses Marlon and Dorothy Bell- man have returned from a motor trip around the Gaspe, through the Maritimes and the New England States. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cairns of the Training School staff are entertain- mng a number of friends at "Kair- f ree," their summer home on Lake Scu gag. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Tamblyn and sons, Alan and Junior, are vlsiting with relatives in Midand. Mrs. A. D. McDonald and son Murray, Kingston, are visiting her aunt. Mrs. John Hamblyn. Mr. Harold Quinn, Coîborne, spent the weekend at the home of his uncle, Mr. H. Lathnope. Miss Susie Bailey has returned f rom an extended visit wtll ber niece, Mrs. S. Hick. Tweed. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Minore and son Jack have been bolldaying at Crow's Landing, Stoney Lake. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Graham o! Peterbora were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Flett, George St. Miss Edythe Clemens, Ontario Ladies' College. Whitby, is visiting ber brother, Mr. Harold Clemens. Mr. Lawrence Ashton, wbo bas been taking a five weeks' course at Kingston University, bas returned home. Mr. Archie McDonald bas been holidaying witb friends at Mitchell, Port Coîborne and other western points. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Caverly and daughter Rena were recent guests o! Mr. and Mrs. F. Burlingham, Wel- lington. Mrs. Andrew Devitt, son Carl and daugbter Helen, have returned fromn visiting relatives in Coîborne and Brighton. Traffic Officer Don Brown and Mrs. Brown o! Arnprior have been visiting bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brown. Rev. and Mrs. John MacLaurin and family of India have been visit- ing his sister, Mrs. J. H. H. Jury, "Woadlawn." Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brown and daughter, Butler, Fa., are bolidaylng with bis mother, Mrs. Thos. Brown, Centre Street. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Frencb and daugbter Paye, and Mr. Dodson, Toronto, visited witb relatives here on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Cowling, Lorraine and Beverly, Toronto, spent a week with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Pritchard; Rev. A. J. G. Carscadden and daughter, Miss Edith Carscadden, Toronto, bave been visitmng bis sis- ter, Mrs. F. H. Morris. Members o! Trmlity Choir are ask- ed to meet for practice at 8.30 p. m. on Frlday, and to be in their places at the Sunday services. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Leavens and daughten Doreen, Cleveland, 0hio. have been visiting the former's sis- ter, Mrs. W. A. Bunner. Mr. and Mrs. Walton Fascoe at- tended the wedding of Mr. Glenn W. Dunn and Miss Wlnifred Owen at Port Perry on Thursday. Ex-Mayor M. J. Ellitt was one of the speakers at the Decoratian Day services at Fallis Cemetery near Millbrook on August l3tb. Mr. and Mrs. Paton Edwards, Ak- ron, 0hio. bave been halidaying with ber sister and brothen-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cattran. Mrs. John Mutton and ber grand- daugbter, Miss Helen Battle, Osh- awa, have been spending a weelk with Mn. and Mrs. Donald McDon- ald. Col. and Mrs. Lorne T. McLaugh- lin, wbo have spent several weeks or a wedding trip in Western Canada and ta Alaska, have returned to town. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Williams and daughters, Berta, Betty and Shirley, Bloomfield, visited tbeir aunt, Mrs. W. C. Washington, or Sunday. Mr. William Taylor officlated as usher at the wedding of Florence Margaret Wales and Percy Robert Taylor in Simcoe St. United Church, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brimacombe and Mr. Garfield Brimacombe, Tor- onto, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Penfound, Oshawa, visited the Misses Brima- combe on Sunday. Through an error, Aleck Birks was credited with 2nd class honors ir Geometry in the Upper School re- suits last week. This sbould have read ist class honors. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Nelles are at- tending the Commemoration o! the Century o! Dr. Buck at Palermo, August 29. 30 and 31, Mrs. Nelles' uncle. and place o! birth. Miss Molly Hassard. Dryden. Misç H. Shaw, Peterboro, Mrs. Sîlas Hal- lowell and Miss Norma Hallowell Starkville, visited the latter's aunt Mrs. Jennie Graham, last week. Mr. F. W. Sweet, Cranesville, Fa. Mrs. Harry Snyder, Mrs. Pearl Ras. mussen and Miss Eileen Rasmussen Cleveland, 0hio, are holidaying witl Mr. T. C. Jewell and Miss FrankiE Jewell. Mrs. E. A. Taylor (nec Elizabetti Draper) and twa daugbters. Misý Eveyn aylr nt issHardy on -ollege, a lecýt7ure -in--Convocatio Hall on hymns and bymn singini and social entertainment at Par Road Cburcb, Royal York, andi the home of Mn. R. Y. Eaton, as we as papers and discussions on vanloi phases o! interest. j OBITUARY Mrs. J. H. Brimaeesnbe, Bowmanvilie It is witb prof ound sorrow we re-1 port the passing o! one of Bowman- ville's oldest and most respected cit- izens. in the person o! Mrs. Betsy Ann Greenaway Brunacombe, sec- ond daugbter of the late Pbilip and Mary Ann Greenaway, and widow a! the late John Henry Brimacombe,1 who passed away at ber residence,r "Roseholnie," on Saturday, AugustE l9th, 1933, and was laid to rest inE Bowmanville Cemnetery on the fol1-t lowing Tuesday afternoon.2 In ber last illness, wbich extended over a period of two years, she hadf the affectionate attention and skilli o! ber devoted daugbter, Mrs. Wal-1 ter H. Lyon of Teronto, and this,1 buinanly speaking, addecl days and months to ber ile. The othen mem- ber of the famlly Is Mr. Harry Brimacombe, wbo ably assisted bis sister with this labour o! love, and naw, witb ber, mourns the loss of a truly exemplary mother. The numerous letters received by ber son and daugbter bear striking testimnony ta the one who was born and spent alb ber ile o! founscore years in the town o! Bowmanville, and who ever exerted an influencej for good upon those with whom shei came into contact. Many will con- tinue te appreciate ber Christian advice and caunsel, quietly given, and the poor and needy will not soon fonget ber ministry o! love and sacrifice te them. At the funeral service on Tuesday, ber pastor, Rev. W. J. Todd, minis- ter o! St. Andrew's Presbyterlan Cburcb, paid strlklng tribute ta the life o! the deceased, and o! the pat- ience with whicb sbe had borne ber prolonged illness, mentioning, as lie did, that neyer in ail that tine bad an.yone heard a single word o! cern- plaint f all f rom ber lips. Her faitb in God enabbed ber te bear all trials witb calmn resignation, and te loak forward with joyful anticipation te the time when she would see Him face te face, and join witb those she had 'Iloved and lest awbile." Rev. A. S. Kerr o! St. Paul's Churcb, wbo was present as a neigb- bour, took part in the service, and commended the family and relatives to God in prayer. In adAition to a arge number o! neigbbours andi cburcb members, the following relatives and f riends attended the funenal: Mr. W. T. Greenaway (brother), Miss Greta Gneenaway and Mns. Robent Mel- ville (nieces), Mr. Robert Melville, Port Hope; Mrs. Oscar LaBelle o! Edmonton (niece);, Miss Mary Ann Bnimacombe o! Oshawa, (sister-in- law); Mn. and Mrs. Thomas McGill, Miss Reva McGill, Mrs. E. C. Ash- ton, Mn. Orville Ashton, o! Ennis- killen, (cousins); Mrs. S. J. Van- stone, Mrs. D. MePherson (cousins). .Mrs. Walter Crowhurst, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hutchinson, Mrs. J. A. C. Cameron, Mr. WUllie Dickson, Mr.1 1and Mrs. James Rawlings, o! Tor- onto; Mrs. A. Goheen. Mns. E. Cot- ter, Mr. J. Cotter, and Mns. J. He!- ferman. o! Oshawa. The paîl bearers Were Mr. Harry tBrunacombe (son). Mn. Walter H. -Lyon., J.P. (son-in-law), Dr. J. Clark Bell, Mr. A. Mitchell. Mr. Alfred -Reid, and Mr. A. L. Nicholîs. During the days o! ber illness the numerous flowers received f nom friends bigbtenecl ber sick-noom, and at the time o! ber passing ta the Great Beyond the floral tributes were many and beautiful. The fam- ily greatly appreciates these tekens o! love and remerubrance. MRS. BESSIE BRIMACOMBE AN APPRECIATION (By a daughter o! the Parsonage) "Blessed are the dead wbo die in tbe Lord." Earth is poorer, Heaven icher, in the passing o! a sainted life whose chanacter was many sid- ed and beautifully complete in its variety o! unfolding. Neyer in the passing years, witb friendsbips formed with many people in dif- ferent phases and in varlous walks and stations of life and society, have we ever met a l! e more f ulby con- secnated to noble sacificial sweet- ness and cheerful patient abandon- ment o! sel! for the good o! athers- like the fragrance o! an unseen flower quietly manifesting a beauti- f ul cabm Christian life bid with Christ in God. Sucb was the life o! Mrs. Bessie Brimacombe. widow o! the late Mn. J. H. Briniacombe and deanly loved mothen of Mrs. W. H. Lyon o! Ton- onto and Mn. Harry Bimacombe o! Bowmanvllle. Hen ife bas passed, its rich in- fluence like the fragrance of flow- ers still remains. Hen truc, trled fiendship lingers like a precieus memory, and sa we leave ber ta en- ter a glory not o! earth but heaven. What a home coming for ber! What a welcome ta, the beautiful city e! God !1 DURHAM sCIlOOL FAIRS Dates et Fall Sehool Fairs Announced for Durha.m County Qrono-FridaY, Sept. 8th. Blackstock-Mflnday, Sept. lltb. Enniskillen-TIuesday, Sept. l2th. Hanipton-ThursdaY. Sept. l4th. Maple Grove-Fniday, Sept. lStb. Newcastle-Saturday, Sept. l6tb. Ballyduff-Monday, Sept. l8th. Janetville-Tuesday, Sept. l9th. Ida-Wednesday, Sept. 2th. Mllbrook-Thursday, Sept. 2lst. South Monaghan-Frl. sept. 22nd. Garden Hill-Satunday, Sept. 23rd Welcome-Monday, Sept. 25th. As a vermifuge an effective pre- paration is Mother Graves' Worm Exterminaton, and il can be given te the most delicate chlld without fear o! injury to the constitution. WHEN WINTER COMES t J. H. Vance, Peterboro, the Cham- Bberlin Weather-Stripplng man, is 1again pnepared to serve the people a! Bowmanville and vicinity. If your cwindows or doors necd fixing te keep tout the cold, sec Mn. Vance wbo is Jan expert on weathen-stnlpping re- s quirexnents. Ljeave or phone your orden ta 53, Statesman office. ANGLICAN YOUNG PEOPLE HELD AN ENJOYABLE PICNIC Bowmanville Beach Scene of Happy Gathering on Saturday Af ter- noon When Program of Sports Was a Feature The A. Y. P. A. of St. John's Ang- lical Church held an enjoyable pic- nic at the East Side Beach on Saturday a! ternoon when over fifty attendeci. The early part of the a!- ternoon was given over ta swimiming and other amusements and before supper a program o! sports with the following results were put on. The winnere were: Girls' Water Race, Rose Bather, Nora Hayward; Boys' Water Race, Sid Casbourn, Arthur Culley; Mixed Water Race, Mrs. Crouse, Rose Bates, Art Culley and Bob Hayes; Girls' Sack Race, Dora- thy HumDage, Rose Bates; Boys' Sack Race, Geo. Brown, Forrest Dillina; Mixed Sack Race, Bob Hayes and Mrs. F. Dlling; Girls' 3 legged Race, Mrs. Dlllng and Mary Wallaace, Rose Bates and El- sie Flint; Boys' 3-legged Race, Bob Hayes and F. Dilllng, Geo. Brown and Art Culley; Boys' 50 yard dash, Eric Colwell, Art Culley; Girls' 50 yard dash, Mrs. Crouse, Dorotby Huinpage. Prises were awarded in each event. Eric Colwell. acted as officiai star- ter and Roland Bates and Selby Spencer as judges. A splendid sup- Spencer as Judges. A splendid sup- per was served at long tables" by a committee composed o! Rose Bates. Mrs. C. R. Spencer and Mrs. P. Dilling. A dlstinguished guest at supper was the Venerable Arch- deacon A. L. Fleming who had re- cently returned f rom bis annual trip te, the Aretic. Arcbdeacon Fleming bas been a resident of Bowmanville's summer colony for the past 22 years, and recalis the time when grain and coal boats mrade regular caîls at Bowmanville's then busy harbor.- HOM[ING PIGEON CLUB Bowmanville Homing Pigeon Club entered 280 birds in the third i- ternational pigeon race f rom Tor- onto Exhibition an Saturday. Aug. 26th, wth the following nesults: Hrs. Mins. Sec. Yards Per Min. Wm. Woolner 54 0 1405.46 F. Bottrebl 55 45 1372.73 L. Richards 56 41 1350.13 M. Little 57 2 1336.64 R. Dllling 57 21 1328.68 H. Burgess 1 0 4 1256.19 I. Hobbs 1 3 30 1220.23 Geo. Batbgate & Son 3 6 10 - That 014dBogey m- of lower prices, cheaper goods, etc., bas no place in the business of your independent merchant. QUALITY at a Fair Price combined with Un- equalled Ser*vice is bis motto. Tiger Brand Salmon, squat tins .. .. 2 for 25c Crosse & Blackwell's Tomato Catsup, with silver token, 14 oz. bottie............ 15c Crisco, 1. lb. can, with upside down cake tin free ..................... 25c Whole Wheat Muffets, package........ loc Orono Pure Pork Sausage........ 2 lb. 25c Perfection Corn ............ 3 tins for 25c Puffed Wheat, with Micky Mouse Free ...............2 pkgs. 25c Aylmer Tomato Juie .......5c tin Carnation Milk, tali tin............lOc Campfire Marshmallows, lb package .. . 25c Don't let your dog dig his own grave with his teeth . . . Sloppy foods hasten physical de- cay. Feed Spratt's Puppy Ovals, 5 lbs. 59c CANNING SUPPLIES Peaches - Pears - Tomatoes - Cauliflower Blueberries - Cucumbers - Peppers - Cel- ery - Gems - Gem Rubber Rings - Zinc Rings Fresh Fish For Friday Harry Alu, rocer Phones 186 and 121 - Fast Motor Delivery ONE WEEK ONLY - SEPTEMBER 5th, 1933 Diaulkets WASHED, DRIED AND CARDED 400 EACH 2 FOR 60o Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning W. J. Bagnell, Agent. - - Phone 152 Mr. and Mrs. W. T. NicholîsMiss Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. H. Amelia, Alfred and Carol, Port Hope, J. Babcock's. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ashton, Mr. You can tell how close your clos- Gordon, Lawrence and Roy, Sbaws, est friend is if you ask hlm for a Mr. Douglas Cale, Bethesda, were bsan. Valuesà lu Tolletries and Drug Needs Thurs.-Fri.-Sate Aug.31 SePte1-2 TOILETRIES Corega. for f alse teeth..27e - 43e Lavender Sbaving Cream ...25c N'Amel Tooth Poine .....29e Palmolive Sap ....... Sc Pompeian Face Powder ...59e Infant's Deiight Soap ......S 25e Tooth Brushes ......18C REMEDIES Andrew's UAver Salta ...29c - 49c A. B. S. &C.Tablec*8.... 25c Lysol. 3 oz. and 7 oz... 24c - 47c Seidlitz Powdcrs... 2 boxes 25e Yeast Viti Tableta ... 29e - 89e 100 Cascara Tablets .....49c 100 Bcd. Wlne and Iron ...89e Dathing Caps Dathing Shoos Haif Price GILLETTE BLUE BLADES NOW GILLETTE GREEN BLADES 5c VALET AUTO-STRAP BLADES PHONE Alex MoGregor, Drugs WE DELl VER E. Royal Theatre BOWMANVILLE THURS. - FR1. - SAT. MON. - TUES. - WED. AUG. 31 -SEPT. 1- 2 SEPTEMBER 4 -5- 6 ROBERT MONTGOMERY "A L A D Y' S and P RO0F ES SION"p SALLY EILERS~t in wt "MA DE O N Youg adSrMrta BROADWAY"9 One of the season's !unniest With Madge Evans Matinee Labor Day 3.00 p. m. Matinee Saturday 2.30 P. nm. It's Always Cool at The Royal Travel Toronto Exhibition Specials BY Gartonm's Coach Linos Comfortable up-to-dlate Busses going daily from August 26th to September 9th Daylight Saving Time Ride on the Bus a.nd avoid worrying about driving in heavy traffic or crowding for street cars.