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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Sep 1933, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT I The Newcastle1 miss Marjorie Bradt. Bownlafl- 1wî ville, was a weekend guest of miss of Dorothy Rickard. o For Sale-TomTatoes bY the bushel. H. R. Pearce. R. R. 3. Newcastle. CI Phone 1114 Clarke. y Mrs. M. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brown spent Sattirday last. Floral Day, at the C. N. E. Miss Reita Cooke visited relatives j in Toronto last week and attendedF the C. N. E. on Childrefl's Day. Mir. and Mrs. E. M. H. Ward re- a tuxned on Monday f romn a visit with her father. Mr. MeNaughto!iL, Tor- onto. A Mrs. Bannerifan and son and lady er f riend. Toronto, visited her brother, dE Mr. J. W. and Mr. Howard Glenney, is last weekefld. pi Mr. and Mrs. P. O'Neil and Jimn- mie Keech spent the weekerid and ai holiday with a nephew and niece at ti Thomasburg. g The W. M. S. of United Church l-ý will hold its monthly meeting on ti Thursday, Sept. 7th, at 3.30 p. m. in ýN the S. S. rooms. a) Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bennett and cr children. Detroit, paid their annual ai visit to Mr. and Mrs. Lomne Cobble- ci dick last weekefld. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. A. Rodger re- el turneti last ,Neekend f rom a fort- tl nights vîsit with her brother. Mr. st Lowfl-ey. and f amily, Stamford. dý Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bemnan re- fa turned on Monday f romn a four days' h holiday with Rev. andi Mrs. A. M.M Irwin at their sunufer cottage at i Mr. anted Mrs. J. E. W. Philp at-SI tended a birthday celebration of 01 their nonageflariafl aunt. Mrs. Bal- ci lagh, at Cobourg on Wednesday, r August 3t. s Dr. Stanley Uglow anld son George, tj Chicago, are visitiflg Mr. andi Mrs. bt C. R. Carveth and renewiflg as they do annually their Newcastle f riend-t. shipS andi acquaintaflceships. a Mrs. Marslall and daughter May, fa Toronto, were visitors last week with ti her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. M and Mrs. Wm. Neil. Mr. MarshallT came down for them on Labor Day. J Mr. H. C. Bonathan spent four s tisys last week at the Bonathan cot- 01 tage, Wasaga Beach, andi Mrs. Bon- SE athan and one daugbter were witht relatives in Trenton for a few days. h Unitd Curc-Rev. W. P. Rog- ers. B.A., Pastor. Sunday, Sept.1: 10 a. m.-Sunday School; il a. m.- k Morning Worsbip; 7 P. m.-Eveni .ng ai Service; all services on standard s time. 1V Mr. and Mrs. Merkley Clark, son Io Lewis. and daughters Katie and Eileen, Mrs. Clarks brother, Mr. Jas. 0 Broati. Rossmore. the latter accomp- t anied by Mr. Albert Pearce . attend- ed the C. N. E. last week. Mr. Allan Howard of the Confed- R eration Life Assurance Company. a Mexico City, Mex.. has joineti Mrs. 01 Howard on a short visît with his g parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. Scott B Howard. Mr. Howard has corne rc north partly on business for his 0 company and his present tnip is ei limniteti to ten days.W St. Georges Church-Rev. F. H. la Mason, M.A., Rector. Sunday, Sept.n ltb. l3th Sunday after Trinity: 8 il a. m.-Holy Communion; 9.45 a..r -Suntiay School; il a. m -Morn- 1 ing Prayer; 7 p. m.-Evening Prayer e and Sermon; all services on stand- Io ard time. Rev. and Mrs. Mason re-,a turned from their holidays lasta weekend andi Mr. Mason took the u services on the Labor Day Sunday.p Residents of Newcastle and vicin-C ity gathered around the DurhamF Regunental Banti on the communityF hall grounds on Saturday evening. j Aug. 26th, and listeneti with pleas-S ure and appreciation to the splendidt program 0of popular music renctered 1 by the band fromi 9 to 10 o'clock un-E der the leadership cf Mr. Miltont Tamblyn. But the audience mîssed1 the drums. Andi incidentally theE crowd shoppeti in turns between sel-i ections thus mnaking a busy and doubtless profitable evening for mer-i chants and confectioflers. It was with much sadness that Newcastle f rientis leamneti ast week of the death of Etta Toms, secondi daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Toms, Newcastle, and beloveti wife of Mr. Andrew Moffatt. She I has ived nearly alI. ber married life in Oshawa, but about six monthsc ago, when deceased wa.s suffering f rom an incurable malady. the f ar- ily came back te ber old home in Newcastle. owned and occupieti by her brother, Mr. Arthur Toms. where she dieti on Monday, Aug. 28. The f uneral was helt f rom the home on Wednesday afternof, Aug. 30th.. andi as Newcastle clergymen were away on vacation, Rev. A. S. Ker ofS Bowmanville conducted the service.e Besides ber husband, deceaseti, wbo To al, he vlueo! ights pe.t TORONTO OPTOMETRIST In Port Hope Every Wedneaday -Office over Flood's Store port 1Ho». Phone Number 248 Om ffio HorD9 il. EL te9 P. m. -- - - . Qmrr.-MA?. UTomANVTT.T,THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER '7, 1933 ndepnden NEWON VLLE Friends Stage Surprise home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. NwyesRcnî Lane was the scene of a very haPPY - e'.ent on the afternoon of Thurs- The honking of car horns and. js aloasite fMr Herb. o a ay. August 31st. when a reception .-ounding of tin pans and whistles, î1~ sîte Mr Tom pi, inrstVannounced the arrivai at the Dow- ana ,his n nt Aex Society in honotîr of its oldest inen- soli~ home, Providence, of about Congratulations te Mr. anti Mrs i ber. Miss E. A. Thompson. the oc- thirty-flve young frientis cf Mr. Al- lare Heninings on the arrivai of a casion beîng hier ninetieth birthday. inî Dowson andi his bride. Ater~ -oung son on Fritiay, Sept. lst. At the hotîr cf 2.30 p. m. the W.M.S. the usual formaities, Mr. Farew~el Severi of the yoting men of this1 presentet ilis guest of honour with a Blackburn, in bis hlappy capable .__ icinity are planning to attend the large birthday cake anti the foliow- .nanner, acted as mnaster of cere-. MARRIAGESI .inior farmers' banquet at Orono on ing adtiress: mnonies, and at the proper time lit-._______ _______- -'riay eenig ofthiswee in on- earMissThomson le oree Olver nd PttyDinl- R a~lappeared on the scene with a ASHTON-BRADLEY - At the i . >rnifia veicf tkerhise Sin ohaiss btopson- tic Noreen Oliver antirents.ats Dinni- o! aurce akr. livr mit Nohig bt oi'good will as daintîly trimmed ciothes basket over- IXk.Y îîîAuîi 1*,;, 1, S..î.l . .A. MI Ln omnHg.members of the Womnen s Missionary :iowing witb beautiful presents. \Vioiîl 'r . lnF~ls. \slitoi, Ail the caillentry and masonry Society Makes uis bolti in creating an 0hogh completely taken by sur- si rN I L,'r.s ilnr \itolpl. - ,ork having been compieteti on Miss occasion for your imany immediate ie hegom1ay hstie i7 'l.naîii Vn. Ulflwr ai nnie Shaw's remodelleti and mod- frientis anti neigbbours te cordîaUy re sufciently from tbe zdIIl.,lylîz.Urdiy ýrnized home, Mr. Dennis ciibsoia. ereet you witb their loving thought 'bock to rise te the occasion and on ______ ecorator, bas been putting the fin-. An this 90th anniversary of your leaf0 i rd nihmef x )ast week. Only a f ew among tbe many who 'of love anti respect. The weather d e The sweet influences o! a gentie began if e together can record sucb man graciously favoreti the gatber- T TTlc1aligOi Y .nd cheerful life that bore with pa-amtuepgrae, elbyoi ing witb ideal weatber and moon- liv, Sel 1,t.îîî.r 6ti, 1:1::, l1lias\m ience a large share o! this worltis lifes allotteti spant anti for one con- iight. The earlier part o! tbe ev- stritt, lu..iovll l îsl1îîiu of Elizbet ain, illness anti suffering sili long munity to share its entire life, watcb ening was spent in games on th intlitti . gud 56 years. .autthe memory o! frientis, rela- its developinent anti feel the impact lawn, then foiloweti a dainty lunch, Iiînerai froni ibis late rosidlence la tie n cuitne o odi rhaunt 'l'nty yrnon 11leriiay lit 2 1). m. (tdir Nellington Van Dusen who passeti welf are. is a priviiegeti opportunity olti anti somte e! the new songs. STATIii Nîulll, e)nu Sîîîîd S iwayin te Gnera Hopita, To- fr whch l cîlot uf2iienly 1'd,133 i tuonle .1. Stuar, i into, on Friday, Sept. lst, following pr-aise the Giver, Preserver anti Sus- 85 years. iîîîerredl at Oroiio.( .wayine inoh GnrahHsitl.Tr-fo iestlanoeyficenl n operatien the day before. An tane aolsl existence. SOMERVILLE - Attiu' bituary will appear next week. xvbat you have meant in reai I CHURCHESHosial, Toronomsiilav iigi 26of1I i Mr. C. A. Milîs, who bas been op- \vorth te hsnigbuhedal 9ndI lrs. \iiiresvA. solîiîrs le. 'rating the Queen's Hotel. Newcas- Qed can measure anti Eternity re- ~ Pu~ ntt brhe STEWART-. 01n Selt Ili, EACH le, helti a successful auction sale o! veal. Yet, knolwing our jutigment te Strr, A ., MUniste hrMR. . H.CtniStinlo, ag,lo87 yofrtheMotie (Minîmý urplus furniture, etc., last Thurs- be set with human limitations. we S Du r MAof M n;Ms.C H* s M uic c 'ni l,873 v ian 5* il e tay anihsnow movetiwthbsventure te atitiotîr unaniaotls antiDudley, Organist anti Leader. il o . M inE5oNv- t , oniiîinils., 5cetai Faiyinto the former Wm. Rickard humble testimeny to a inwarti a. m.-"Tbe Truth about Qed"; 2.30 onsuldvs.1t.uîiîer bd, 1 9223, 1ev aomiKnlydMl Ss siiua yambaiyng h xP n.-Sunday Scbool; 7 p. m.-"The NliI l l P.oî,IîI., formrnirly o f B1mw-feollewing th Mir. anti Mrs. Spry are now installeti spirit. illuminating the mmnd, warm- Menngo Dsipehi. nili vil le. lthrofMsJ..Laie in the hotel, f ormerly "The Oriental" ing the heart, anti sanctifying the St. Andrew's Presbyterian Churcb BURK-OuiW'unsia.Sel. 6, E whicb bas been purchaseti by Mr. personality. thus sentiing eut coler- Services: il a. m. anti 7 p. m. The ilt 7:16 C.3n t . , lilWi,v j'/.O Vani\' tressedti te Sprys brotber-in-iSw, Mr. Kestevan fui ratys cf igbt, thougbts o! love. mînister, Rev. W. J. Totit, will con- cai, lies i wl i'fJolîîî iîtîrk, iii îf Toronto, frem Mrs. Simon Bask- anti acts of helpfulfless te others on duct botb services. Rev. J. S. Har- livr Xliii yiiir. M\ollier of Mrs. T. W.ý rville. Tbe new owner bas been lîfe's way. rington, L.T. District Secretary o! KaseTrnto.il1iya iitio naking very extensive repairs. eut- Dr. Parker o! City Temple de! in- British anti Foreign Bible Society, 'hrluisiî Augiiit .lI.t, 1933,1, IloentLo ide anti in, te, the building and for eipacng s"actfeiC -.will atitress the morning congrega- lîiiJucksoîi. heo'.eii iusbanid ofLo thswr a mlydqiea nuni- e rain ai Dr. Bre onLok Alice Joli n lits72îîîl XCiir. Iiterned alt bis workrbasion,"yeandquit Pbillips B tion. Nestletoui Cvmetcny. .lo liai,olue er e! men. both local anti outside. saiti it was '"Trutb straînedt trougb Trinity Uniteti Cburcb-Rev. E. F. IVNbUENAoTnnon FiIll ane oi! Mr. anti Mrs. J. E. W. Pbiip anti personaiity," anti we call te mind Armstreong, B. A., Paster; Mr. F. s .1tember lst, 193:1, os Vanî Duseii. le-iea tt he Misses Drummonti, together witb that our Lord anti Master tolti a Sutton, Mu.Bc.,rans nt îiveci vift' of Mm .Weliington V'an aea tt, a number of former Newtenville matcbless story o! a Samaritan wbe Choir Director. Suntiay. Septembe I )iiseii. Ne wcastile,.a gedi -1) years. Inî- '-NEVL famies now resident bere. attendeti minîstereti graciously to an unfort- ltb: il a. m.-"Our UndefeatetitniiilinlIi nlCmtn.iîg worklng nr he ninetieth birtbday celebration o! unate feilow on Jericbo's way, anti Remainder"; 2.30 p. m.nd arontn f ive c Miss Thempson o! Newtonvilie on He endeti the message witb. Go Scbool, everybotiy inviteti; 7 p. m.- IN MEMORIAM~1iîuuig Thurdayeveing Auust31st. Mr. :,hou anti do likewise." Attesteti by "Christ anti the Go-Getters." You4 oGdyaP . W. Bratiley's birthtiay feil on the sucb standards, the voice o! your are cortiially inviteti to these ser- CNLR n-o gmeoy Officeand_____ amne date anti as he was a resitient life bas been heard in ne uncertaifi vices. Cauîîw.î i -uIniîî s i ;îase or oSeft of Newtonville anti principal of the sounti in thîs community. Probably St. John's Anglican Cburch-Rev. 10 t h, 1929. chool before coming to Newcastle, be greatest contribution that any- C. R. Spencer, Rector. l2tb Sunday -W'îfeOnu! Family. it came about quite naturally that one can offer te the redemptiofi O! a! ter Trinity: Holy Communion 8 a. PIPER-u Invng nieliorv of Nelson WANTED $: fe anti Newtonville's lady nonagen- this worlti is the of!ering of a gooti m.; Morning Prayer il a. m.; Sun- 1'ilium s vio lic5lass'a y> Sept. 9, 193:2,' niortglli, i rian shoulti excbange greetings. life anti this you bave net failedt t day Scbool 2.30 p. mi.; Evening ilouliiu-îdlr faiher, gouce foreven. security: refe, liss Tbompson bas been wideiy be and tic. Payr7 . race atevnngNv e miss youtr smil ig face, B, Bow~mitnvill :nown as an exceetiingty well reati Se actuateti witb feelings o! grate- service, Rev. J. S. Harrington, L.Th .Noi, ouilezntIi caii take oriic" PSTe and cultureti lady anti a strong adi-f ul pi-aise. "e ust came to tell of teBiibat oeg Bible :W-;-'-W'if e md aIY. mni married, voaeo! temiperance, Christia.n mis- tbee that we love tbee." anti to offer Society. A.Y.P.A. wiil open faîl seat- eisW14 ions, anti ah forms of social ser- -bis miniature token o! our sincere son Monday nigbt at 8 . m.t'." DrNvieur B, ice work designeti to uplift ber fel- esteem anti gooti sill with a prayer Music WA N T ED- 0W bengs.that it may please aur Heavenly *_________________.ouiestabiislied COMNGEVE TS tîlir of 110110 îandiTiieory, vili ne- irtulitN,. Wtý% Newcastle Public anti Higb Scbools Father te give you continueti peace COMIG es. SilanlIl.('leuiiens, A. T.C .1., surund i ng ci )pened on Tuesday mornîng witb. a ind bappiness until the sunirise of -saine, lir ecic.s S1î,.îîiii. Pciîiis Itmcîli(Co.,Pei otal attendance of about 150. For- the Eternal Day shall dawn in glor- niir for aill grîi s. 0f exiln atons mer teachers. Principal Ward ant i ous splendour anti radiant beauty Euchre. Sep*,. l4tb. under 1'ion. Il !osvi ianiîis il, FARMs e \lis Nea wtzraniPrncpallati'big lohei pn'yoisa pce Duhtrs0fEsganei he Mu. tea i'oe îuîi'v uT('M e'etl oi Rodger anti Misses Hattie Mason stand in spotiess purity before His S. O. E. Hall, at 8 p.,nm. Admission j ".,F1i. 1. .cc'îr. of \,oietlOt'1COlli and NraOcad eealbc hoefree n v 25c. Qooci prizes anti refreshments. (ilîîuure aîi i tle .rt <of Sîigin!7, Piano, !Fr,-uucIi,19 Kil nort ,ma Orchd. claee ailbcn hrndo' vratiee.The Home anti Scbool Club will rsl o 1lssLssons ip 'ie Organ un iuy t met her cases nt IWritten on bebaîf o! the Newton- meet att Centrai public achool, nIu'i.onn9. *:llloi in passreil for i tbem firat day Missionary Society. WVedniesday, Sep-,. l3tb, at 8 p.*m. Sî.It.i. Phouli --..3- Brigbt bouquets offlow sia every A the close o! the address littie .FRSL oom. placeti there by Mrs. M. Brown Miss Leona Lane pî'esented Miss TEORESTRCTIO îf Qienwood Cottage, greeteti Leac~h- Tbmpson wtb a large basket o! - RSRITO GEORGE LAMBERT iin. Il. Wiec esadppl.Tewoeshoibatflrs. Leading Canadian BarîtoneFOSAE wrs a s c e adnti p p l. Teat a bole sco l-,In Aprîl a restriction w as placed i il li , in onullî li' 0 e day cdi hfR ldS AE vase as dean anti neatepoas a newmdol-lbe otitifullt'oses. lar; the property committee bas hati Prom then until fv 'lc ntaeprsfo eln India, Z ofonuuîîî seke Sept. l7tli, iton u. A hardeotifi pt i thepub-I 'ge number o! frientis from far anti Java. in order to raise prices to ý;o iîli liuîit4,-'i umber of îîipis tn new hadodfoors pti t ipb-1-1f.r sîuîgung. Ailir,-s: C(ouiscmvltory of FO SA- ic school halls, atl the recrea.titn anti near came to extendti t Miss growera. who. for almost four years. - !î.Tuutr 1phonce 1'oxsniiiviiie FOR ALEG 'ooa n he asmeîtredcoatti Thompson their goot i sises. bati been suffering devastating bass- lu 36-tfge Pl uonek G halls kalsomineti, ceihing reticrt Follo"ing the reception a dainty es. Higber prices bave resulteti. net SRWF ed in teachers' room. well clei luncheon was tentiereti the guests only at the gardens, but al..o bere FRANCIS SIJTTON, Mus. Bac. FCC îîeSRbAu.Fo out, new top put oîa, a brigbt new wbo numbereti well over one hun- on our ovn markets. anti many Pupils prepared for ali examinations. pe E(. Ou aiuminum mug bung on tse pump. diei An interesting feature ,ý package teas already cot or st îuîg r,!onc.' li scte lin!delle ciuss ie-s - ____ and a number o! miner repairs at- the igning o! a register by eacb o! than tbey titi six months ago. Some lonicý-n ik 'enss,<i le iuti FR tendedt t. New îaupils entering the those wbo attentiet. o! the finer quality brands are as I1la.5T' l iîloi5 n SninFORe, iiu public schoel are Nol'ma Alîdreati, '- yet unchangeti, however. anti are, l'îauo. aînti mi Orgon. Silver mcdo!1adý ovii Glenn Alun. Jacqueline Smith, Ted consequentiy. even better value than n sîclutsik'lui for the iighest marks~ uud eli SEIF-DIAiGNOSIS i li aiii in'îc 1ti" Toronto Conse-rv'a-' odto.E Roar anti Yvonne Van Dusen. aise ' "att 105tApili. tounv ,xa ininzitilles in 142.5. Sîîecial stiids' Farncomb LeGresley who bas prev- livcltýicig.ihditnuse O SALEoo ieusly been attendîng the Lake The ease with whicb inedicinea aI-sunroruuor'lieg.Ne 'owalu goMcn Shorescoo. ew pupiis entering can be obtaineti has placeti witbin GEMS FROM LIFE'S SCRAP BOOK uuuaince. î.iinsuiiOh i.'andc the High School are: Stanley Brown, the neach o! everyone a suggesteti 11, louis r-,iil ii for thîe A.T.C'. M.tilllo - Lloyd Hancock, Archie Martin. Reita remetiy for al o! the ordînary ilis Reformation m:u. l.i'.4'.0i and Micau. Bic. degrel'. Powell. Thomats Brereton. Newcas-1 that faîl to the lot o! man. It might 'etcse for teitiuf _'i l-sn Picî tle; Altien O. Pollaî'd. Douglas Wa-lb .- "th et htca e Ref orni like cbarity. must be- cuin. iuî îiuî.,-urtie-r grades iii Piano), lace. Cbristmas Lockhamt, John J. ci aimeti for the majo:ity o! these gin att bome.".-Carlyle. I1încx iv' Uuîund c1slu. -sio n v'llc Scott, Donald Burley. from New ton- remedies is tha.t, in thenîselves, they 'utc requires reformatien of g.f-îîî'i ville anti Port Granby; antiRyWdai on am. This, bowever, is the sinner"-Mary Baker Edidy. Elgin Street - Phone 42.4 Wright f rom Thombhill. wbo is stay- onhy partiahly true for a real danger "The best reformera the world .3-t ing witb his grantiparents, Mr. anti lies in misinterpi'eting certain signa bas ever seen are these who haveI Mrs. Hoî'atio Wetherali. anti symptoms wbicb may be anti rommenceti on themselves."-H. W. To Let ____________ eften are cemmon to several disor- Shaw. T ETlmoadIîcs' CROOKED CREEK, CLARKE teso h oy "Each year one vicieus habit root- coal provicied. Mâ. Boyiauî. ilione 447. This is especially true in the case eti out, in time migbt make the ,- 36-1 R Departmeiîtal Examination resuits o! chiltiren. The chilti is entirely att werst man good."-Betij. Franklin. O EN-anicneneiiylct o! Cookti reekScbol:the mercy e! bis well-mann a- "bteer you dislike in another cil, gou! soli!anu! ampule buldings. -G. D. SEP Entrance - Dorotby Ogden thon- ents, wbo take it upon tbemrselves person take care te correct in your- ('onccînt. Oshatwa. 34-5 ours), epecîefr~i vr imn.L-pa. HOUSE TO RENT-Oul Second Street, Lower Scbool <Fi! tb Clasat) - IL is common, in many bouseboltis. "He wbo refornis himself bas dene vacant Se'pt. iîili Apply IV. F. Qulck, Gortion Clystiale (Bot., A.rt, aeog., that wben a chilti compiains of ab- more toward reforming the publiceliowmcns'ii!c. Phonle 226. 35-1 Br.HisI; lads Otie (ot.. Art, dominal distress or pain, an immeti- than a crowti o!f noisy, impotent HUET ET6roii ineo Georg., Br. Hist); Viola Hoin-itersismiefrtectr l patriots."-Lavater. Ontacrio Street, ail conveniences. Apply worth (Bot., Art, Geog., Br. Histi. bottle; without furtber questioning, te A. E. Nayler. Picone 82. 33-tf TH The Lewer Scbooh subjects trieti a dose is atiministereti !orthwith. "TSHOEET6nom n' ah were Btn. r.British History. The very bigb percentage o! cases Do>ctor-"-Your busbanti's net so 1!inSESOfl >cEbe t. Mrms and'bth anti Geograpby. o! acute appendicitis, witb rupture well te-day. Mrs. Maboney. Is he )m, î'onccîssion S. Bownuans'llle. Box COrne The tewer Schoel pupils were also o! the appendix. that are admitteti sticking te the simple diet 1 Pre- '2;,. t'îuonî 2:16. 36-1! successful in the following teacber's to hospital with a histery o! baving acribeti?" COTTAGE TO RIENT - At Williamts' Th( examinationts-Algebra. French. Lat- receiveti a dose o! castor oul for ab- Mrs. Maboey-"He la not, sorr. P'oint. Lake Sccigog. for Scîtembur; $500 in.Lieraur, ompsiiOl. he tominal pain bear witness te the He says be'll net be a!ter starvis' lpur wî'ek. A. W. Plekamil, Bowmiin- bave completeti the work covereti by disastrous role wbîch the use, biniself to death just for the sake svi'. Phocne 185. thefiat or Hih cbol.througb ignorance, o! a laxative o! living a few yeai-s longer."HUSE TO RENT-.On t'îrcî tet One bundreti per cent were suc- platys in this state o! affaira. An ac--4 ' . 6 room bouse, all consveni'n ce ; lues- ces! ul. ute appendix requires prompt medi- CARD 0F THANKS sessioui Oct. i. A!îp!Y E.,h W'ooil, 11w- Eleanor N. Anderson, Principal. cal care. I - auuusillu- l'ione 28r6, 36 -1 Misa Andierson bats 'esumed ber The laxative forces the content,,I Mrs. D. Johnsten. Biackstock, _________________ duties at Crooketi Creek School af- o! the uippe., bowvel down upon the wisb o5 t tank ber many f rientis U ter vacation in Windsor' anti London. inflameti appendix. Thus. the firat anti neighbors for their sympathy Ca principle e! treatment, wbich s reat. anti assistance tiuring sickness auladan i-aci1 s violateti. andt the not urlooketi for sutiten bereavemefit by the tieath BAKERS SCHOOL xesuht is rupture o! the appendix o! Mr. Johnstofl. Fr«i'day, Septe: a. 1 Reult S. . N. 1, Dalinton wth the atideti danger o! peritonitia. t Resils S S N. 1, arlngon The foliowing case histery obtain- Corn Cutting t Foiewng il sowhee -e tifrm te urirai rerds o! a ,ATES FOR ssified ertisements il A Word '#AS H 1 INSERTION nun Charge 25c) Enet paiti by Saturtiay he f irat insertion; aise shen replies are adi- The Statesmari Office. st or Found [wrist watcb, black rnb- ctween East Beach, Bow- King Street. Finder please esman. Reward. 36-1* ST-An envelope contain- man's pay on August 3sit, o'clock, betw~een Goodyear nd post office. Name-1H. 157. Finder please returfl Pay Office or to Statesman eive reward. 36-1 Wanted $300 - Give farrni chatte! inity Bovmanville; best renceg.M..WDrawer le. 36-11 WANTED - Experienced non-snoker, good rmillier, for year, references. "IL 3, owmanville. 36-1 -an with small car to cal! d trade Bowmanville and ýun try; gondva y and iop- rite Sales Manager, Fuller tCn)oro. 35-2O* ID ACREAGE WANTED - )flw farms ii t lis iistrict might seli yours. If In- rninicale ,direct wi rb C. 1H. ig St. '%., Oshava. 35)- 1 For Sale »-LadIders for apple pick- ox, Hlamp)ton. 36-3- 7-11 acres of buckwheat in ýpplY John Llptay, Hamp- 36-1' r-4-ft. dry lîardwood. Ap- Smith, Drawer 6, Bohcay- ,32r12. 36-8' DR SALIE-Barley Straw, $1 *ppl Geo. T. McKnight, dlo Iborne. R. R. 2, 13ovman- 17 6r2 .36-2- R SALE 5 0 acres, brick zbarn, a cres orchard, rvli. st ore and school. Good :- laggith, H-ampton. 33-tf mecps, luarness, cili.Thos. rSt., 1nowumanville. .34-tf lâssined-A AUCTIO-EE Eliner Wilbur Auctiofleer Hamptoni Farm Sales a Specialty, also Purniture Terms moderate. Phone 129r24. FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day' F. F. MORRIS CO. Modern Motor Equipment Ambulance and Invalid Car Call Phone 10 or 34, Assistant, 573 BOWMANVILLE Repairs R. PAWSON BOOT AND SHOE REPAIRING Good workmanshlp and material. Reasonable prices. Sîlver Street. Bowmanville 45-40 Upholstering UPHOLSTERING - on ail kinds 0f furniture. Ail work guaranteed. Sain- pies. Estimates free. J. A. Fry B=u- gog Street, Bowmanvlie. Phone b36. A SHORT ROUTE through selectîve courses under In. dividual Instruction to a salaried position in the business world. Autumn'n Term Is now open and stu- dents are admitted on any school day 1n the. yea.r. Services of Employment Bureau are free to both Graduates and Employers. Write for partIculars. W. R. Shaw, Secretary, Bay-Charles Building, Toronto 36-4 oyal Theatre' BOWMANVILLE URS. - FR. - SAT. MON. - TUIES. - WED. PTEMBER 7 - 8 - 9 SEPTEMBER Il - 12 - 13 NEIL HAMILTON JEAN HARLOW SHEILA TERRY and GUY KIBBEE CLARK GABLE in in ESILK EXPRESS" "HOLD YOUR MAN". edy - Added Features News - Comedy e Temperature Is Just Right at The Royal ,'he Monmey. You Pay for Printing to The Statesman Cornes Back to Yeu ey you pay te printers Lher places bitis a fare- to your bank account. atesman printing were w standard, if our ters were net expert, rienceti c r aft s m en, emigbt be some justi- on in the sending of .printing to another ong people wbo know anti appreciate gooti prlntiiig, Statesman printing is rat- eti very higb - both for tecbnicai abiiity anti an understantiing o! the needs o! buyers o! printing. As to the price - The Statesman can meet those o! any high grade establish- ment in any place. The Statesman Printing Shop Telephone 53 Business Directoryi LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to loan on Farm and Town Phone 351 Royal Bank Building, Bowmanvifle W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan. Phone 91 Bowmaflville, Ontario. L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail its branches. office immediately east of Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688; Home 553. DENTAL Dr J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sinson Graduate of Royal Dental CoHege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubllee Bldg. Bowmaflville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. dally except Snday. Phone 90. House Phone 283. X-Ray Equipment in Office. i mmmmý

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